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- Template all Selection
- :begin
- package:
- constant:
- variable:
- function:
- stmt:
- :end
- Template package Sequence
- :begin
- ;;; <buffer-name> -- <text:documentation>
- ;;; <user-full-name>, <today>
- <#variables>
- <functions>
- :end
- Template variables Repetition
- :begin
- <variable>
- :end
- Template variable Sequence
- :begin
- (defvar <textenter:variable-name> <text:value>
- "<textlong:documentation>"
- ) ; <textenter:variable-name>
- :end
- Template functions Repetition
- :begin
- <function>
- :end
- Template function Sequence
- :begin
- (defun <textenter:function-name> (<text:arguments>)
- "<textlong:documentation>"
- (interactive "<arg-type><textenter:function-name>: <text:arguments>? ")
- ; Local Variables
- (let (<text:local-variables>)
- ; Body
- <stmt:body>
- ) ; let
- ) ; defun <textenter:function-name>
- :end
- Template arg-type Selection
- :begin
- a ; Function name
- b ; Buffer name (must exist)
- B ; Buffer name (possibly nonexistent)
- c ; Single character
- C ; Command name
- d ; Point as a number (no prompt)
- D ; Directory name
- f ; File name (must exist)
- F ; File name (possibly nonexistent)
- k ; Keystroke sequence (string)
- m ; Mark as a number (no prompt)
- n ; Number (reads a string and converts)
- p ; Prefix arg converted to number
- P ; Prefix arg in raw form
- r ; Region (no prompt)
- s ; String
- S ; Symbol
- v ; Variable name (must be user-variable-p)
- x ; Lisp expression unevaluated
- X ; Lisp expression evaluated
- :end
- Template stmt Selection
- :begin
- progn:
- cond:
- debug:
- ife:
- if:
- while:
- whilelist:
- simple:
- :end
- Template progn Sequence
- :begin
- (progn
- ) ; progn
- :end
- Template simple Sequence
- :begin
- (<text:fn> <arglist>)
- :end
- Template arglist Repetition
- :begin
- <arg>
- :end
- Template arg Selection
- :begin
- expression:
- stmt:
- :end
- Template expression Sequence
- :begin
- <text:expression>
- :end
- Template if Sequence
- :begin
- (if <text:condition>
- ) ; if <text:condition>
- :end
- Template ife Sequence
- :begin
- (if <text:condition>
- ; else
- ) ; if <text:condition>
- :end
- Template cond Sequence
- :begin
- (cond
- <clauselist>
- ) ; cond
- :end
- Template clauselist Repetition
- :begin
- <clause>
- :end
- Template clause Sequence
- :begin
- (<text:condition>
- ) ; <text:condition>
- :end
- Template while Sequence
- :begin
- (while <text:condition>
- ) ; while <text:condition>
- :end
- Template whilelist Sequence
- :begin
- (while <text:list>
- (setq <text:item> (car <text:list>))
- (setq <text:list> (cdr <text:list>))
- ) ; while <text:list>
- :end
- Template unrolledwhile Sequence
- :begin
- (if <text:condition>
- <stmt:body>
- ) ; if <text:condition>
- (while <text:condition>
- <stmt:body>
- ) ; while <text:condition>
- :end
- Template debug Sequence
- :begin
- (debug nil "<POINT>")
- :end
- Local Variables:
- tpl-begin-template-definition:"^Template"
- tpl-begin-template-body:"^:begin"
- tpl-end-template-body:"^:end"
- end: