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- ;;; inequal.el -- A number of inequality functions.
- ;;; See also equal.el
- ;;; Lorri Menard, Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
- ;;; Don Zaremba, Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
- ;;; Copyright 1987 Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
- ;;;
- (provide 'tst-inequal)
- ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- (defun string-equal-less-white (str1 str2)
- " Returns t if the two strings are equal after ignoring whitespace."
- (let ()
- (string-equal-less-regexp "\\s " str1 str2)
- ) ; let
- ) ; line-of-buffer
- ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- (defun string-equal-less-regexp (regexp str1 str2)
- " Returns t if the two strings are equal after ignoring all substrings
- that match regexp ."
- (let (start1 end1 start2 end2 token1 token2 success more1 more2)
- (setq success t more1 t more2 t)
- (setq start1 (first-not-regexp regexp str1 0)); move to 1st non-white
- (setq start2 (first-not-regexp regexp str2 0)); move to 1st non-white
- (while (and more1 more2)
- (progn
- (setq end1 (string-match regexp str1 start1))
- (setq end2 (string-match regexp str2 start2))
- (if end1
- (progn ; end1 not nil
- (setq token1 (substring str1 start1 end1))
- (setq start1 (first-not-regexp regexp str1 end1))
- (if (not start1) ; check for trailing delimiter only
- (setq more1 nil))
- ); progn
- ;else
- (progn
- (setq token1 (substring str1 start1 nil));
- (setq more1 nil)
- ); progn
- ); if
- (if end2
- (progn ; end2 not nil
- (setq token2 (substring str2 start2 end2))
- (setq start2 (first-not-regexp regexp str2 end2))
- (if (not start2) ; check for trailing delimiter only
- (setq more2 nil))
- ); progn
- ;else
- (progn
- (setq token2 (substring str2 start2 nil));
- (setq more2 nil)
- ); progn
- ); if
- ; (send-string-to-terminal "[")
- ; (send-string-to-terminal token1)
- ; (send-string-to-terminal "][")
- ; (send-string-to-terminal token2)
- ; (send-string-to-terminal "]")
- (setq success (string-equal token1 token2))
- (if (not success)
- (setq more1 nil)) ; if failed then stop the loop
- ); progn
- ) ; while
- (and (not more1) (not more2) success)
- ) ; let
- ) ; string-equal-less-white
- ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- (defun first-not-regexp (regexp str sindex)
- " Returns the index of the first char in string that does not match
- regular expression. Returns nil if nothing doesn't match."
- (let (fm more string-is-nil)
- (setq more t slen)
- (setq slen (length str))
- (if (equal 0 slen) ; test for a zero length string
- nil
- ; else
- (progn
- (setq string-is-nil nil)
- (setq fm (string-match regexp str sindex)) ; start of match
- (if (or (not fm) (< sindex fm)) (setq more nil)) ; found non-regexp
- ; (debug nil "Before while" fm sindex)
- (while more
- (progn
- (setq sindex (match-end 0))
- (if (>= sindex slen)
- (progn
- (setq string-is-nil t)
- (setq more nil)
- )
- ;else
- (progn
- (setq fm (string-match regexp str sindex))
- (if (or (not fm) (< sindex fm)) (setq more nil))
- ; (debug nil "In while " fm sindex)
- ); progn
- ); if
- ); progn
- ); while
- (if string-is-nil nil sindex)
- ); progn
- ); if
- ) ; let
- ) ; first-not-regexp
- ; example hook usage
- ;
- ; (setq tst-equ-line-hook 'first-5)
- ; (setq tst-equ-mark-hook 'great-mark)
- ;
- ; example line hook - only compares first 5 chars on a line
- ;(defun first-5 ()
- ; (string-equal (substring tst-equ-line1 0 5) (substring tst-equ-line2 0 5))
- ;)
- ;example mark hook - only concerned with relative order of marks
- ;(defun great-mark ()
- ; (> tst-equ-mark1 tst-equ-mark2)
- ; )