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- /* flex - tool to generate fast lexical analyzers
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1987, the University of California
- *
- * The United States Government has rights in this work pursuant to
- * contract no. DE-AC03-76SF00098 between the United States Department of
- * Energy and the University of California.
- *
- * This program may be redistributed. Enhancements and derivative works
- * may be created provided the new works, if made available to the general
- * public, are made available for use by anyone.
- *
- *
- * ver date who remarks
- * --- ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------------
- * 04b 30sep87 kg, vp .implemented (part of) Van Jacobson's fast scanner design
- * 04a 27jun86 vp .translated from Ratfor into C
- * 01a 22aug83 vp .written. Original version by Jef Poskanzer.
- */
- #include "flexdef.h"
- /* these globals are all defined and commented in flexdef.h */
- int printstats, syntaxerror, eofseen, ddebug, trace, spprdflt;
- int interactive, caseins, useecs, fulltbl, usemecs, reject;
- int fullspd, gen_line_dirs;
- int datapos, dataline, linenum;
- FILE *skelfile = NULL;
- char *infilename = NULL;
- int onestate[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onesym[ONE_STACK_SIZE];
- int onenext[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onedef[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onesp;
- int current_mns;
- int accnum, *firstst, *lastst, *finalst, *transchar;
- int *trans1, *trans2, *accptnum, lastnfa;
- int numtemps, numprots, protprev[MSP], protnext[MSP], prottbl[MSP];
- int protcomst[MSP], firstprot, lastprot, protsave[PROT_SAVE_SIZE];
- int numecs, nextecm[CSIZE + 1], ecgroup[CSIZE + 1], nummecs, tecfwd[CSIZE + 1];
- int tecbck[CSIZE + 1];
- int lastsc, current_max_scs, *scset, *scbol, *scxclu, *actvsc;
- int current_max_dfa_size, current_max_xpairs;
- int current_max_template_xpairs, current_max_dfas;
- int lastdfa, *nxt, *chk, *tnxt;
- int *base, *def, tblend, firstfree, numtemps, **dss, *dfasiz;
- union dfaacc_union *dfaacc;
- int *accsiz, *dhash, *todo, todo_head, todo_next, numas;
- int numsnpairs, jambase, jamstate;
- int lastccl, current_maxccls, *cclmap, *ccllen, *cclng, cclreuse;
- int current_max_ccl_tbl_size;
- char *ccltbl;
- char *starttime, *endtime, nmstr[MAXLINE];
- int sectnum, nummt, hshcol, dfaeql, numeps, eps2, num_reallocs;
- int tmpuses, totnst, peakpairs, numuniq, numdup, hshsave;
- FILE *temp_action_file;
- int end_of_buffer_state;
- char *action_file_name = "/tmp/flexXXXXXX";
- /* flex - main program
- *
- * synopsis (from the shell)
- * flex [-v] [file ...]
- */
- main( argc, argv )
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- flexinit( argc, argv );
- readin();
- if ( ! syntaxerror )
- {
- /* convert the ndfa to a dfa */
- ntod();
- /* generate the C state transition tables from the DFA */
- make_tables();
- }
- /* note, flexend does not return. It exits with its argument as status. */
- flexend( 0 );
- }
- /* flexend - terminate flex
- *
- * synopsis
- * int status;
- * flexend( status );
- *
- * status is exit status.
- *
- * note
- * This routine does not return.
- */
- flexend( status )
- int status;
- {
- int tblsiz;
- char *gettime();
- if ( skelfile != NULL )
- (void) fclose( skelfile );
- if ( temp_action_file )
- {
- (void) fclose( temp_action_file );
- (void) unlink( action_file_name );
- }
- if ( printstats )
- {
- endtime = gettime();
- fprintf( stderr, "flex usage statistics:\n" );
- fprintf( stderr, " started at %s, finished at %s\n",
- starttime, endtime );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d NFA states\n", lastnfa, current_mns );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d DFA states (%d words)\n", lastdfa,
- current_max_dfas, totnst );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d rules\n", accnum );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d start conditions\n", lastsc,
- current_max_scs );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d epsilon states, %d double epsilon states\n",
- numeps, eps2 );
- if ( lastccl == 0 )
- fprintf( stderr, " no character classes\n" );
- else
- fprintf( stderr,
- " %d/%d character classes needed %d/%d words of storage, %d reused\n",
- lastccl, current_maxccls,
- cclmap[lastccl] + ccllen[lastccl] - 1,
- current_max_ccl_tbl_size, cclreuse );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d state/nextstate pairs created\n", numsnpairs );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d unique/duplicate transitions\n",
- numuniq, numdup );
- if ( fulltbl )
- {
- tblsiz = lastdfa * numecs;
- fprintf( stderr, " %d table entries\n", tblsiz );
- }
- else
- {
- tblsiz = 2 * (lastdfa + numtemps) + 2 * tblend;
- fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d base/def entries created\n",
- lastdfa + numtemps, current_max_dfas );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d (peak %d) nxt/chk entries created\n",
- tblend, current_max_xpairs, peakpairs );
- fprintf( stderr,
- " %d/%d (peak %d) template nxt/chk entries created\n",
- numtemps * nummecs, current_max_template_xpairs,
- numtemps * numecs );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d empty table entries\n", nummt );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d protos created\n", numprots );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d templates created, %d uses\n",
- numtemps, tmpuses );
- }
- if ( useecs )
- {
- tblsiz = tblsiz + CSIZE;
- fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d equivalence classes created\n",
- numecs, CSIZE );
- }
- if ( usemecs )
- {
- tblsiz = tblsiz + numecs;
- fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d meta-equivalence classes created\n",
- nummecs, CSIZE );
- }
- fprintf( stderr, " %d (%d saved) hash collisions, %d DFAs equal\n",
- hshcol, hshsave, dfaeql );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d sets of reallocations needed\n", num_reallocs );
- fprintf( stderr, " %d total table entries needed\n", tblsiz );
- }
- exit( status );
- }
- /* flexinit - initialize flex
- *
- * synopsis
- * int argc;
- * char **argv;
- * flexinit( argc, argv );
- */
- flexinit( argc, argv )
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int i, sawcmpflag, use_stdout;
- char *arg, *skelname = NULL, *gettime(), clower(), *mktemp();
- printstats = syntaxerror = trace = spprdflt = interactive = caseins = false;
- ddebug = fulltbl = reject = fullspd = false;
- gen_line_dirs = usemecs = useecs = true;
- sawcmpflag = false;
- use_stdout = false;
- /* read flags */
- for ( --argc, ++argv; argc ; --argc, ++argv )
- {
- if ( argv[0][0] != '-' || argv[0][1] == '\0' )
- break;
- arg = argv[0];
- for ( i = 1; arg[i] != '\0'; ++i )
- switch ( arg[i] )
- {
- case 'c':
- if ( i != 1 )
- flexerror( "-c flag must be given separately" );
- if ( ! sawcmpflag )
- {
- useecs = false;
- usemecs = false;
- fulltbl = false;
- sawcmpflag = true;
- }
- for ( ++i; arg[i] != '\0'; ++i )
- switch ( clower( arg[i] ) )
- {
- case 'e':
- useecs = true;
- break;
- case 'F':
- fullspd = true;
- break;
- case 'f':
- fulltbl = true;
- break;
- case 'm':
- usemecs = true;
- break;
- default:
- lerrif( "unknown -c option %c",
- (int) arg[i] );
- break;
- }
- goto get_next_arg;
- case 'd':
- ddebug = true;
- break;
- case 'f':
- useecs = usemecs = false;
- fulltbl = true;
- break;
- case 'I':
- interactive = true;
- break;
- case 'i':
- caseins = true;
- break;
- case 'L':
- gen_line_dirs = false;
- break;
- case 'r':
- reject = true;
- break;
- case 'F':
- useecs = usemecs = false;
- fullspd = true;
- break;
- case 'S':
- if ( i != 1 )
- flexerror( "-S flag must be given separately" );
- skelname = arg + i + 1;
- goto get_next_arg;
- case 's':
- spprdflt = true;
- break;
- case 't':
- use_stdout = true;
- break;
- case 'T':
- trace = true;
- break;
- case 'v':
- printstats = true;
- break;
- default:
- lerrif( "unknown flag %c", (int) arg[i] );
- break;
- }
- get_next_arg: /* used by -c and -S flags in lieu of a "continue 2" control */
- ;
- }
- if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && usemecs )
- flexerror( "full table and -cm don't make sense together" );
- if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && interactive )
- flexerror( "full table and -I are (currently) incompatible" );
- if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && reject )
- flexerror( "reject (-r) cannot be used with -f or -F" );
- if ( fulltbl && fullspd )
- flexerror( "full table and -F are mutually exclusive" );
- if ( ! skelname )
- {
- static char skeleton_name_storage[400];
- skelname = skeleton_name_storage;
- if ( fullspd || fulltbl )
- (void) strcpy( skelname, FAST_SKELETON_FILE );
- else
- (void) strcpy( skelname, DEFAULT_SKELETON_FILE );
- }
- if ( ! use_stdout )
- {
- FILE *prev_stdout = freopen( "lex.yy.c", "w", stdout );
- if ( prev_stdout == NULL )
- flexerror( "could not create lex.yy.c" );
- }
- if ( argc )
- {
- if ( argc > 1 )
- flexerror( "extraneous argument(s) given" );
- yyin = fopen( infilename = argv[0], "r" );
- if ( yyin == NULL )
- lerrsf( "can't open %s", argv[0] );
- }
- else
- yyin = stdin;
- lastccl = 0;
- lastsc = 0;
- /* initialize the statistics */
- starttime = gettime();
- if ( (skelfile = fopen( skelname, "r" )) == NULL )
- lerrsf( "can't open skeleton file %s", skelname );
- (void) mktemp( action_file_name );
- if ( (temp_action_file = fopen( action_file_name, "w" )) == NULL )
- lerrsf( "can't open temporary action file %s", action_file_name );
- lastdfa = lastnfa = accnum = numas = numsnpairs = tmpuses = 0;
- numecs = numeps = eps2 = num_reallocs = hshcol = dfaeql = totnst = 0;
- numuniq = numdup = hshsave = eofseen = datapos = dataline = 0;
- onesp = numprots = 0;
- linenum = sectnum = 1;
- firstprot = NIL;
- /* used in mkprot() so that the first proto goes in slot 1
- * of the proto queue
- */
- lastprot = 1;
- if ( useecs )
- {
- /* set up doubly-linked equivalence classes */
- ecgroup[1] = NIL;
- for ( i = 2; i <= CSIZE; ++i )
- {
- ecgroup[i] = i - 1;
- nextecm[i - 1] = i;
- }
- nextecm[CSIZE] = NIL;
- }
- else
- { /* put everything in its own equivalence class */
- for ( i = 1; i <= CSIZE; ++i )
- {
- ecgroup[i] = i;
- nextecm[i] = BAD_SUBSCRIPT; /* to catch errors */
- }
- }
- set_up_initial_allocations();
- }
- /* readin - read in the rules section of the input file(s)
- *
- * synopsis
- * readin();
- */
- readin()
- {
- fputs( "#define YY_DEFAULT_ACTION ", stdout );
- if ( spprdflt )
- fputs( "YY_FATAL_ERROR( \"flex scanner jammed\" )", stdout );
- else
- fputs( "ECHO", stdout );
- fputs( ";\n", stdout );
- if ( ddebug )
- puts( "#define FLEX_DEBUG" );
- if ( useecs )
- puts( "#define FLEX_USE_ECS" );
- if ( usemecs )
- puts( "#define FLEX_USE_MECS" );
- if ( interactive )
- puts( "#define FLEX_INTERACTIVE_SCANNER" );
- if ( reject )
- puts( "#define FLEX_REJECT_ENABLED" );
- if ( fulltbl )
- puts( "#define FLEX_FULL_TABLE" );
- skelout();
- line_directive_out( stdout );
- if ( yyparse() )
- lerrif( "fatal parse error at line %d", linenum );
- if ( useecs )
- {
- numecs = cre8ecs( nextecm, ecgroup, CSIZE );
- ccl2ecl();
- }
- else
- numecs = CSIZE;
- }
- /* set_up_initial_allocations - allocate memory for internal tables */
- set_up_initial_allocations()
- {
- current_mns = INITIAL_MNS;
- firstst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
- lastst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
- finalst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
- transchar = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
- trans1 = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
- trans2 = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
- accptnum = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
- current_max_scs = INITIAL_MAX_SCS;
- scset = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
- scbol = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
- scxclu = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
- actvsc = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
- current_maxccls = INITIAL_MAXCCLS;
- cclmap = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls );
- ccllen = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls );
- cclng = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls );
- current_max_ccl_tbl_size = INITIAL_MAX_CCL_TBL_SIZE;
- ccltbl = allocate_character_array( current_max_ccl_tbl_size );
- current_max_dfa_size = INITIAL_MAX_DFA_SIZE;
- current_max_xpairs = INITIAL_MAX_XPAIRS;
- nxt = allocate_integer_array( current_max_xpairs );
- chk = allocate_integer_array( current_max_xpairs );
- current_max_template_xpairs = INITIAL_MAX_TEMPLATE_XPAIRS;
- tnxt = allocate_integer_array( current_max_template_xpairs );
- current_max_dfas = INITIAL_MAX_DFAS;
- base = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
- def = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
- dfasiz = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
- accsiz = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
- dhash = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
- todo = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
- dss = allocate_integer_pointer_array( current_max_dfas );
- dfaacc = allocate_dfaacc_union( current_max_dfas );
- }