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- /***************************************************************************
- * This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne. JOVE *
- * is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty. You may give *
- * away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is *
- * included in all the files. *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #include "jove.h"
- #ifdef MAC
- # undef private
- # define private
- #endif
- #ifdef LINT_ARGS
- private int get_indent(Line *);
- private Line * tailrule(Line *);
- #else
- private int get_indent();
- private Line * tailrule();
- #endif
- #ifdef MAC
- # undef private
- # define private static
- #endif
- /* Thanks to Brian Harvey for this paragraph boundery finding algorithm.
- It's really quite hairy figuring it out. This deals with paragraphs that
- are seperated by blank lines, lines beginning with a Period (assumed to
- be an nroff command), lines beginning with BackSlash (assumed to be Tex
- commands). Also handles paragraphs that are separated by lines of
- different indent; and it deals with outdented paragraphs, too. It's
- really quite nice. Here's Brian's algorithm.
- Definitions:
- THIS means the line containing the cursor.
- PREV means the line above THIS.
- NEXT means the line below THIS.
- BLANK means empty, empty except for spaces and tabs, starts with a period
- or a backslash, or nonexistent (because the edge of the buffer is
- reached). ((BH 12/24/85 A line starting with backslash is blank only if
- the following line also starts with backslash. This is so that \noindent
- is part of a paragraph, but long strings of TeX commands don't get
- rearranged. It still isn't perfect but it's better.))
- BSBLANK means BLANK or starts with a backslash. (BH 12/24/85)
- HEAD means the first (nonblank) line of the paragraph containing THIS.
- BODY means all other (nonblank) lines of the paragraph.
- TAIL means the last (nb) line of the paragraph. (TAIL is part of BODY.)
- HEAD INDENT means the indentation of HEAD. M-J should preserve this.
- BODY INDENT means the indentation of BODY. Ditto.
- Subprocedures:
- If BODYLINE is BLANK, the paragraph has only one line, and there is no
- BODY and therefore no TAIL. Return. Otherwise, starting from BODYLINE,
- move down until you find a line that either is BSBLANK or has a different
- indentation from BODYLINE. The line above that different line is TAIL.
- Return.
- Rules:
- 1. If THIS is BLANK, which command are you doing? If M-J or M-[, then go
- up to the first non-BLANK line and start over. (If there is no non-BLANK
- line before THIS, ring the bell.) If M-], then the first non-BLANK line
- below THIS is HEAD, and the second consecutive non-BSBLANK line (if any) is
- the beginning of BODY. (If there is no non-BLANK line after THIS, ring
- the bell.) Do TAILRULE(beginning-of-BODY). Go to rule A.
- 2. If PREV is BLANK or THIS is BSBLANK, then THIS is HEAD, and NEXT (if
- not BSBLANK) is in BODY. Do TAILRULE(NEXT). Go to rule A.
- 3. If NEXT is BSBLANK, then THIS is TAIL, therefore part of BODY. Go to
- rule 5 to find HEAD.
- 4. If either NEXT or PREV has the same indentation as THIS, then THIS is
- part of BODY. Do TAILRULE(THIS). Go to rule 5 to find HEAD. Otherwise,
- go to rule 6.
- 5. Go up until you find a line that is either BSBLANK or has a different
- indentation from THIS. If that line is BLANK, the line below it is HEAD.
- If that line is non-BLANK, then call that new line THIS for what follows.
- If (the new) PREV has the same indent as THIS, then (the new) NEXT is
- HEAD. If PREV has a different indent from THIS, then THIS is HEAD. Go to
- rule A.
- 6. If you got here, then both NEXT and PREV are nonblank and are
- differently indented from THIS. This is a tricky case and there is no
- guarantee that you're going to win. The most straightforward thing to do
- is assume that we are not using hanging indentation. In that case:
- whichever of PREV and THIS is indented further is HEAD. Do
- TAILRULE(HEAD+1). Go to rule A.
- 6+. A more complicated variant would be this: if THIS is indented further
- than PREV, we are using regular indentation and rule 6 applies. If PREV
- is indented further than THIS, look at both NEXT and the line after NEXT.
- If those two lines are indented equally, and more than THIS, then we are
- using hanging indent, THIS is HEAD, and NEXT is the first line of BODY.
- Do TAILRULE(NEXT). Otherwise, rule 6 applies.
- A. You now know where HEAD and TAIL are. The indentation of HEAD is HEAD
- INDENT; the indentation of TAIL is BODY INDENT.
- B. If you are trying to M-J, you are now ready to do it.
- C. If you are trying to M-], leave point after the newline that ends
- TAIL. In other words, leave the cursor at the beginning of the line
- after TAIL. It is not possible for this to leave point where it started
- unless it was already at the end of the buffer.
- D. If you are trying to M-[, if the line before HEAD is not BLANK, then
- leave point just before HEAD. That is, leave the cursor at the beginning
- of HEAD. If the line before HEAD is BLANK, then leave the cursor at the
- beginning of that line. If the cursor didn't move, go up to the first
- earlier non-BLANK line and start over.
- End of Algorithm. I implemented rule 6+ because it seemed nicer. */
- int RMargin = 78,
- LMargin = 0;
- Line *para_head,
- *para_tail;
- int head_indent,
- body_indent;
- static int use_lmargin;
- /* some defines for paragraph boundery checking */
- #define I_EMPTY -1 /* line "looks" empty (spaces and tabs) */
- #define I_PERIOD -2 /* line begins with "." or "\" */
- #define I_BUFEDGE -3 /* line is nonexistent (edge of buffer) */
- static int bslash; /* Nonzero if get_indent finds line starting
- with backslash */
- int
- i_bsblank(lp)
- Line *lp;
- {
- if (i_blank(lp))
- return 1;
- return bslash;
- }
- int
- i_blank(lp)
- Line *lp;
- {
- return (get_indent(lp) < 0);
- }
- private int
- get_indent(lp)
- register Line *lp;
- {
- Bufpos save;
- register int indent;
- bslash = 0;
- if (lp == 0)
- return I_BUFEDGE;
- DOTsave(&save);
- SetLine(lp);
- if (blnkp(linebuf))
- indent = I_EMPTY;
- else if (linebuf[0] == '.')
- indent = I_PERIOD;
- else if (linebuf[0] == '\\') {
- /* BH 12/24/85. Backslash is BLANK only if next line
- also starts with Backslash. */
- bslash += 1;
- SetLine(lp->l_next);
- if (linebuf[0] == '\\')
- indent = I_PERIOD;
- else
- indent = 0;
- } else {
- ToIndent();
- indent = calc_pos(linebuf, curchar);
- }
- SetDot(&save);
- return indent;
- }
- private Line *
- tailrule(lp)
- register Line *lp;
- {
- int i;
- i = get_indent(lp);
- if (i < 0)
- return lp; /* one line paragraph */
- do {
- if ((get_indent(lp->l_next) != i) || bslash)
- /* BH line with backslash is head of next para */
- break;
- } while ((lp = lp->l_next) != 0);
- if (lp == 0)
- complain((char *) 0);
- return lp;
- }
- /* Finds the beginning, end and indent of the current paragraph, and sets
- the above global variables. HOW says how to behave when we're between
- paragraphs. That is, it's either FORWARD or BACKWARD depending on which
- way we're favoring. */
- void
- find_para(how)
- {
- Line *this,
- *prev,
- *next,
- *head = 0,
- *body = 0,
- *tail = 0;
- int this_indent;
- Bufpos orig; /* remember where we were when we started */
- DOTsave(&orig);
- strt:
- this = curline;
- prev = curline->l_prev;
- next = curline->l_next;
- this_indent = get_indent(this);
- if (i_blank(this)) { /* rule 1 */
- if (how == BACKWARD) {
- while (i_blank(curline))
- if (firstp(curline))
- complain((char *) 0);
- else
- line_move(BACKWARD, 1, NO);
- goto strt;
- } else {
- while (i_blank(curline))
- if (lastp(curline))
- complain((char *) 0);
- else
- line_move(FORWARD, 1, NO);
- head = curline;
- next = curline->l_next;
- if (!i_bsblank(next))
- body = next;
- else
- body = head;
- }
- } else if (i_bsblank(this) || i_blank(prev)) { /* rule 2 */
- head = this;
- if (!i_bsblank(next))
- body = next;
- } else if (i_bsblank(next)) { /* rule 3 */
- tail = this;
- body = this;
- } else if ((get_indent(next) == this_indent) || /* rule 4 */
- (get_indent(prev) == this_indent))
- body = this;
- else { /* rule 6+ */
- if (get_indent(prev) > this_indent) {
- /* hanging indent maybe? */
- if ((next != 0) &&
- (get_indent(next) == get_indent(next->l_next))) {
- head = this;
- body = next;
- }
- }
- /* Now we handle hanging indent else and the other
- case of this_indent > get_indent(prev). That is,
- if we didn't resolve HEAD in the above if, then
- we are not a hanging indent. */
- if (head == 0) { /* still don't know */
- if (this_indent > get_indent(prev))
- head = this;
- else
- head = prev;
- body = head->l_next;
- }
- }
- /* rule 5 -- find the missing parts */
- if (head == 0) { /* haven't found head of paragraph so do so now */
- Line *lp;
- int i;
- lp = this;
- do {
- i = get_indent(lp->l_prev);
- if (i < 0) /* is blank */
- head = lp;
- else if (i != this_indent || bslash) {
- Line *this = lp->l_prev;
- if (get_indent(this->l_prev) == i)
- head = this->l_next;
- else
- head = this;
- }
- } while (head == 0 && (lp = lp->l_prev) != 0);
- if (lp == 0)
- complain((char *) 0);
- }
- if (body == 0) /* this must be a one line paragraph */
- body = head;
- if (tail == 0)
- tail = tailrule(body);
- if (tail == 0 || head == 0 || body == 0)
- complain("BUG! tail(%d),head(%d),body(%d)!", tail, head, body);
- para_head = head;
- para_tail = tail;
- head_indent = get_indent(head);
- body_indent = get_indent(body);
- SetDot(&orig);
- }
- void
- Justify()
- {
- use_lmargin = is_an_arg();
- find_para(BACKWARD);
- DoJustify(para_head, 0, para_tail, length(para_tail), NO,
- use_lmargin ? LMargin : body_indent);
- }
- Line *
- max_line(l1, l2)
- Line *l1,
- *l2;
- {
- if (inorder(l1, 0, l2, 0))
- return l2;
- return l1;
- }
- Line *
- min_line(l1, l2)
- Line *l1,
- *l2;
- {
- if (inorder(l1, 0, l2, 0))
- return l1;
- return l2;
- }
- void
- RegJustify()
- {
- Mark *mp = CurMark(),
- *tailmark;
- Line *l1 = curline,
- *l2 = mp->m_line;
- int c1 = curchar,
- c2 = mp->m_char;
- Line *rl1,
- *rl2;
- use_lmargin = is_an_arg();
- (void) fixorder(&l1, &c1, &l2, &c2);
- do {
- DotTo(l1, c1);
- find_para(FORWARD);
- rl1 = max_line(l1, para_head);
- rl2 = min_line(l2, para_tail);
- tailmark = MakeMark(para_tail, 0, M_FLOATER);
- DoJustify(rl1, (rl1 == l1) ? c1 : 0, rl2,
- (rl2 == l2) ? c2 : length(rl2),
- NO, use_lmargin ? LMargin : body_indent);
- l1 = tailmark->m_line->l_next;
- DelMark(tailmark);
- c1 = 0;
- } while (l1 != 0 && l2 != rl2);
- }
- void
- do_rfill(ulm)
- {
- Mark *mp = CurMark();
- Line *l1 = curline,
- *l2 = mp->m_line;
- int c1 = curchar,
- c2 = mp->m_char;
- use_lmargin = ulm;
- (void) fixorder(&l1, &c1, &l2, &c2);
- DoJustify(l1, c1, l2, c2, NO, use_lmargin ? LMargin : 0);
- }
- void
- do_space()
- {
- int c1 = curchar,
- c2 = c1,
- diff,
- nspace;
- char ch;
- while (c1 > 0 && ((ch = linebuf[c1 - 1]) == ' ' || ch == '\t'))
- c1 -= 1;
- while ((ch = linebuf[c2]) == ' ' || ch == '\t')
- c2 += 1;
- diff = (c2 - c1);
- curchar = c2;
- if (diff == 0)
- return;
- if (c1 > 0) {
- int topunct = c1 - 1;
- nspace = 1;
- if (diff >= 2) {
- while (index("\")]", linebuf[topunct])) {
- if (topunct == 0)
- break;
- topunct -= 1;
- }
- if (index("?!.:", linebuf[topunct]))
- nspace = 2;
- }
- } else
- nspace = 0;
- if (diff > nspace)
- del_char(BACKWARD, (diff - nspace));
- else if (diff < nspace)
- insert_c(' ', (nspace - diff));
- }
- #ifdef MSDOS
- /*#pragma loop_opt(off) */
- #endif
- void
- DoJustify(l1, c1, l2, c2, scrunch, indent)
- Line *l1,
- *l2;
- {
- int okay_char = -1;
- char *cp;
- Mark *savedot = MakeMark(curline, curchar, M_FLOATER),
- *endmark;
- (void) fixorder(&l1, &c1, &l2, &c2); /* l1/c1 will be before l2/c2 */
- DotTo(l1, c1);
- if (get_indent(l1) >= c1) {
- if (use_lmargin) {
- n_indent(indent + (head_indent - body_indent));
- use_lmargin = 0; /* turn this off now */
- }
- ToIndent();
- }
- endmark = MakeMark(l2, c2, M_FLOATER);
- for (;;) {
- while (calc_pos(linebuf, curchar) < RMargin) {
- if (curline == endmark->m_line && curchar >= endmark->m_char)
- goto outahere;
- okay_char = curchar;
- if (eolp()) {
- del_char(FORWARD, 1); /* Delete line separator. */
- ins_str(" ", NO);
- } else {
- cp = StrIndex(1, linebuf, curchar + 1, ' ');
- if (cp == 0)
- Eol();
- else
- curchar = (cp - linebuf);
- }
- do_space();
- }
- if (okay_char > 0)
- curchar = okay_char;
- if (curline == endmark->m_line && curchar >= endmark->m_char)
- goto outahere;
- /* Can't fit in small margin, so we do the best we can. */
- if (eolp()) {
- line_move(FORWARD, 1, NO);
- n_indent(indent);
- } else {
- DelWtSpace();
- LineInsert(1);
- if (scrunch && TwoBlank()) {
- Eol();
- del_char(FORWARD, 1);
- }
- n_indent(indent);
- }
- }
- outahere:
- ToMark(savedot); /* Back to where we were */
- DelMark(endmark); /* Free up marks */
- DelMark(savedot);
- this_cmd = last_cmd = 0; /* So everything is under control */
- f_mess("");
- }
- #ifdef MSDOS
- /*#pragma loop_opt() */
- #endif
- extern Line *para_head,
- *para_tail;
- void
- DoPara(dir)
- {
- register int num = arg_value(),
- first_time = TRUE;
- while (--num >= 0) {
- tryagain: find_para(dir); /* find paragraph bounderies */
- if ((dir == BACKWARD) &&
- ((!first_time) || ((para_head == curline) && bolp()))) {
- if (bobp())
- complain((char *) 0);
- b_char(1);
- first_time = !first_time;
- goto tryagain;
- }
- SetLine((dir == BACKWARD) ? para_head : para_tail);
- if (dir == BACKWARD && !firstp(curline) &&
- i_blank(curline->l_prev))
- line_move(BACKWARD, 1, NO);
- else if (dir == FORWARD) {
- if (lastp(curline)) {
- Eol();
- break;
- }
- /* otherwise */
- line_move(FORWARD, 1, NO);
- }
- }
- }
- void
- BackPara()
- {
- }
- void
- ForPara()
- {
- DoPara(FORWARD);
- }