home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /***************************************************************************
- * This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne. JOVE *
- * is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty. You may give *
- * away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is *
- * included in all the files. *
- ***************************************************************************/
- /* search package */
- #include "jove.h"
- #include "ctype.h"
- #ifdef MAC
- # undef private
- # define private
- #endif
- #ifdef LINT_ARGS
- private char * insert(char *, char *, int);
- private void
- REreset(void),
- search(int, int, int);
- private int
- backref(int, char *),
- do_comp(int),
- member(char *, int, int),
- REgetc(void),
- REmatch(char *, char *);
- #else
- private char * insert();
- private void
- REreset(),
- search();
- private int
- backref(),
- do_comp(),
- member(),
- REgetc(),
- REmatch();
- #endif /* LINT_ARGS */
- #ifdef MAC
- # undef private
- # define private static
- #endif
- #define NALTS 16 /* number of alternate search strings */
- char searchstr[128],
- compbuf[256], /* global default compbuf */
- rep_search[128], /* replace search string */
- rep_str[128], /* contains replacement string */
- *cur_compb, /* usually points at compbuf */
- REbuf[LBSIZE], /* points at line we're scanning */
- *alternates[NALTS];
- int REdirection;
- int CaseIgnore = 0,
- WrapScan = 0,
- UseRE = 0;
- #define cind_cmp(a, b) (CaseEquiv[a] == CaseEquiv[b])
- private int REpeekc;
- private char *REptr;
- private int
- REgetc()
- {
- int c;
- if ((c = REpeekc) != -1)
- REpeekc = -1;
- else if (*REptr)
- c = *REptr++;
- else
- c = 0;
- return c;
- }
- #define STAR 01 /* Match any number of last RE. */
- #define AT_BOL 2 /* ^ */
- #define AT_EOL 4 /* $ */
- #define AT_BOW 6 /* \< */
- #define AT_EOW 8 /* \> */
- #define OPENP 10 /* \( */
- #define CLOSEP 12 /* \) */
- #define CURLYB 14 /* \{ */
- #define NOSTR 14 /* Codes <= NOSTR can't be *'d. */
- #define ANYC NOSTR+2 /* . */
- #define NORMC ANYC+2 /* normal character */
- #define CINDC NORMC+2 /* case independent character */
- #define ONE_OF CINDC+2 /* [xxx] */
- #define NONE_OF ONE_OF+2 /* [^xxx] */
- #define BACKREF NONE_OF+2 /* \# */
- #define EOP BACKREF+2 /* end of pattern */
- #define NPAR 10 /* [0-9] - 0th is the entire matched string, i.e. & */
- private int nparens;
- private char *comp_p,
- *start_p,
- **alt_p,
- **alt_endp;
- void
- REcompile(pattern, re, into_buf, alt_bufp)
- char *pattern,
- *into_buf,
- **alt_bufp;
- {
- REptr = pattern;
- REpeekc = -1;
- comp_p = cur_compb = start_p = into_buf;
- alt_p = alt_bufp;
- alt_endp = alt_p + NALTS;
- *alt_p++ = comp_p;
- nparens = 0;
- (void) do_comp(re ? OKAY_RE : NORM);
- *alt_p = 0;
- }
- /* compile the pattern into an internal code */
- private int
- do_comp(kind)
- {
- char *last_p,
- *chr_cnt = 0;
- int parens[NPAR],
- *parenp,
- c,
- ret_code;
- parenp = parens;
- last_p = 0;
- ret_code = 1;
- if (kind == OKAY_RE) {
- *comp_p++ = OPENP;
- *comp_p++ = nparens;
- *parenp++ = nparens++;
- start_p = comp_p;
- }
- while (c = REgetc()) {
- if (comp_p > &cur_compb[(sizeof compbuf) - 6])
- toolong: complain("Search string too long/complex.");
- if (c != '*')
- last_p = comp_p;
- if (kind == NORM && index(".[*", c) != 0)
- goto defchar;
- switch (c) {
- case '\\':
- switch (c = REgetc()) {
- case 0:
- complain("Premature end of pattern.");
- case '{':
- {
- char *wcntp; /* word count */
- *comp_p++ = CURLYB;
- wcntp = comp_p;
- *comp_p++ = 0;
- for (;;) {
- int comp_val;
- char *comp_len;
- comp_len = comp_p++;
- comp_val = do_comp(IN_CB);
- *comp_len = comp_p - comp_len;
- (*wcntp) += 1;
- if (comp_val == 0)
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- case '}':
- if (kind != IN_CB)
- complain("Unexpected \}.");
- ret_code = 0;
- goto outahere;
- case '(':
- if (nparens >= NPAR)
- complain("Too many ('s; max is %d.", NPAR);
- *comp_p++ = OPENP;
- *comp_p++ = nparens;
- *parenp++ = nparens++;
- break;
- case ')':
- if (parenp == parens)
- complain("Too many )'s.");
- *comp_p++ = CLOSEP;
- *comp_p++ = *--parenp;
- break;
- case '|':
- if (alt_p >= alt_endp)
- complain("Too many alternates; max %d.", NALTS);
- *comp_p++ = CLOSEP;
- *comp_p++ = *--parenp;
- *comp_p++ = EOP;
- *alt_p++ = comp_p;
- nparens = 0;
- *comp_p++ = OPENP;
- *comp_p++ = nparens;
- *parenp++ = nparens++;
- start_p = comp_p;
- break;
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- *comp_p++ = BACKREF;
- *comp_p++ = c - '0';
- break;
- case '<':
- *comp_p++ = AT_BOW;
- break;
- case '>':
- *comp_p++ = AT_EOW;
- break;
- default:
- goto defchar;
- }
- break;
- case ',':
- if (kind != IN_CB)
- goto defchar;
- goto outahere;
- case '.':
- *comp_p++ = ANYC;
- break;
- case '^':
- if (comp_p == start_p) {
- *comp_p++ = AT_BOL;
- break;
- }
- goto defchar;
- case '$':
- if ((REpeekc = REgetc()) != 0 && REpeekc != '\\')
- goto defchar;
- *comp_p++ = AT_EOL;
- break;
- case '[':
- {
- int chrcnt;
- *comp_p++ = ONE_OF;
- if (comp_p + 16 >= &cur_compb[(sizeof compbuf)])
- goto toolong;
- bzero(comp_p, 16);
- if ((REpeekc = REgetc()) == '^') {
- *last_p = NONE_OF;
- /* Get it for real this time. */
- (void) REgetc();
- }
- chrcnt = 1;
- while ((c = REgetc()) != ']' && c != 0) {
- if (c == '\\')
- c = REgetc();
- else if ((REpeekc = REgetc()) == '-') {
- int c2;
- (void) REgetc(); /* reread '-' */
- c2 = REgetc();
- while (c < c2) {
- comp_p[c/8] |= (1 << (c%8));
- c += 1;
- }
- }
- comp_p[c/8] |= (1 << (c%8));
- chrcnt += 1;
- }
- if (c == 0)
- complain("Missing ].");
- if (chrcnt == 1)
- complain("Empty [].");
- comp_p += 16;
- break;
- }
- case '*':
- if (last_p == 0 || *last_p <= NOSTR)
- goto defchar;
- /* The * operator applies only to the previous
- character. If we were building a chr_cnt at
- the time we got the *, we have to remove the
- last character from the chr_cnt (by decrementing
- *chr_cnt) and replacing it with a new STAR entry.
- If we are decrementing the count to 0, we just
- delete the chr_cnt entry altogether, replacing
- it with the STAR entry. */
- if (chr_cnt) {
- char lastc = chr_cnt[*chr_cnt];
- /* The * operator applies only to the previous
- character. If we were building a chr_cnt at
- the time we got the *, we have to remove the
- last character from the chr_cnt (by decrementing
- *chr_cnt) and replacing it with a new STAR entry.
- If we are decrementing the count to 0, we just
- delete the chr_cnt entry altogether, replacing
- it with the STAR entry. */
- if (*chr_cnt == 1) {
- comp_p = chr_cnt;
- comp_p[-1] |= STAR;
- *comp_p++ = lastc;
- } else {
- comp_p = chr_cnt + *chr_cnt;
- (*chr_cnt) -= 1;
- *comp_p++ = chr_cnt[-1] | STAR;
- *comp_p++ = lastc;
- }
- } else
- *last_p |= STAR;
- break;
- default:
- defchar: if (chr_cnt)
- (*chr_cnt) += 1;
- else {
- *comp_p++ = (CaseIgnore) ? CINDC : NORMC;
- chr_cnt = comp_p++;
- *chr_cnt = 1; /* last_p[1] = 1; */
- }
- *comp_p++ = c;
- continue;
- }
- chr_cnt = FALSE;
- }
- outahere:
- /* End of pattern, let's do some error checking. */
- if (kind == OKAY_RE) {
- *comp_p++ = CLOSEP;
- *comp_p++ = *--parenp;
- }
- if (parenp != parens)
- complain("Unmatched ()'s.");
- if (kind == IN_CB && c == 0) /* End of pattern with \}. */
- complain("Missing \}.");
- *comp_p++ = EOP;
- return ret_code;
- }
- private char *pstrtlst[NPAR], /* index into REbuf */
- *pendlst[NPAR],
- *REbolp,
- *locs,
- *loc1,
- *loc2;
- int REbom,
- REeom, /* beginning and end of match */
- REalt_num; /* if alternatives, which one matched? */
- private int
- backref(n, linep)
- register char *linep;
- {
- register char *backsp,
- *backep;
- backsp = pstrtlst[n];
- backep = pendlst[n];
- while (*backsp++ == *linep++)
- if (backsp >= backep)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- private int
- member(comp_p, c, af)
- register char *comp_p;
- register int c,
- af;
- {
- if (c == 0)
- return 0; /* try to match EOL always fails */
- if (comp_p[c/8] & (1 << (c%8)))
- return af;
- return !af;
- }
- private int
- REmatch(linep, comp_p)
- register char *linep,
- *comp_p;
- {
- char *first_p = linep;
- register int n;
- for (;;) switch (*comp_p++) {
- case NORMC:
- n = *comp_p++;
- while (--n >= 0)
- if (*linep++ != *comp_p++)
- return 0;
- continue;
- case CINDC: /* case independent comparison */
- n = *comp_p++;
- while (--n >= 0)
- if (!cind_cmp(*linep++, *comp_p++))
- return 0;
- continue;
- case EOP:
- loc2 = linep;
- REeom = (loc2 - REbolp);
- return 1; /* Success! */
- case AT_BOL:
- if (linep == REbolp)
- continue;
- return 0;
- case AT_EOL:
- if (*linep == 0)
- continue;
- return 0;
- case ANYC:
- if (*linep++ != 0)
- continue;
- return 0;
- case AT_BOW:
- if (ismword(*linep) && (linep == REbolp || !ismword(linep[-1])))
- continue;
- return 0;
- case AT_EOW:
- if ((*linep == 0 || !ismword(*linep)) &&
- (linep != REbolp && ismword(linep[-1])))
- continue;
- return 0;
- case ONE_OF:
- case NONE_OF:
- if (member(comp_p, *linep++, comp_p[-1] == ONE_OF)) {
- comp_p += 16;
- continue;
- }
- return 0;
- case OPENP:
- pstrtlst[*comp_p++] = linep;
- continue;
- case CLOSEP:
- pendlst[*comp_p++] = linep;
- continue;
- case BACKREF:
- if (pstrtlst[n = *comp_p++] == 0) {
- s_mess("\\%d was not specified.", n + 1);
- return 0;
- }
- if (backref(n, linep)) {
- linep += pendlst[n] - pstrtlst[n];
- continue;
- }
- return 0;
- case CURLYB:
- {
- int wcnt,
- any;
- wcnt = *comp_p++;
- any = 0;
- while (--wcnt >= 0) {
- if (any == 0)
- any = REmatch(linep, comp_p + 1);
- comp_p += *comp_p;
- }
- if (any == 0)
- return 0;
- linep = loc2;
- continue;
- }
- case ANYC | STAR:
- first_p = linep;
- while (*linep++)
- ;
- goto star;
- case NORMC | STAR:
- first_p = linep;
- while (*comp_p == *linep++)
- ;
- comp_p += 1;
- goto star;
- case CINDC | STAR:
- first_p = linep;
- while (cind_cmp(*comp_p, *linep++))
- ;
- comp_p += 1;
- goto star;
- case ONE_OF | STAR:
- case NONE_OF | STAR:
- first_p = linep;
- while (member(comp_p, *linep++, comp_p[-1] == (ONE_OF | STAR)))
- ;
- comp_p += 16;
- goto star;
- case BACKREF | STAR:
- first_p = linep;
- n = *comp_p++;
- while (backref(n, linep))
- linep += pendlst[n] - pstrtlst[n];
- while (linep >= first_p) {
- if (REmatch(linep, comp_p))
- return 1;
- linep -= pendlst[n] - pstrtlst[n];
- }
- continue;
- star: do {
- linep -= 1;
- if (linep < locs)
- break;
- if (REmatch(linep, comp_p))
- return 1;
- } while (linep > first_p);
- return 0;
- default:
- complain("RE error match (%d).", comp_p[-1]);
- }
- }
- private void
- REreset()
- {
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; i < NPAR; i++)
- pstrtlst[i] = pendlst[i] = 0;
- }
- /* Index LINE at OFFSET, the compiled EXPR, with alternates ALTS. If
- lbuf_okay is nonzero it's okay to use linebuf if LINE is the current
- line. This should save lots of time in things like paren matching in
- LISP mode. Saves all that copying from linebuf to REbuf. substitute()
- is the guy who calls re_lindex with lbuf_okay as 0, since the substitution
- gets placed in linebuf ... doesn't work too well when the source and
- destination strings are the same. I hate all these arguments!
- This code is cumbersome, repetetive for reasons of efficiency. Fast
- search is a must as far as I am concerned. */
- int
- re_lindex(line, offset, expr, alts, lbuf_okay)
- Line *line;
- char *expr,
- **alts;
- {
- int isquick;
- register int firstc,
- c;
- register char *resp;
- REreset();
- if (lbuf_okay) {
- REbolp = lbptr(line);
- if (offset == -1)
- offset = strlen(REbolp); /* arg! */
- } else {
- REbolp = ltobuf(line, REbuf);
- if (offset == -1) { /* Reverse search, find end of line. */
- extern int Jr_Len;
- offset = Jr_Len; /* Just Read Len. */
- }
- }
- resp = REbolp;
- isquick = ((expr[0] == NORMC || expr[0] == CINDC) &&
- (alternates[1] == 0));
- if (isquick) {
- firstc = expr[2];
- if (expr[0] == CINDC)
- firstc = CaseEquiv[firstc];
- }
- locs = REbolp + offset;
- if (REdirection == FORWARD) {
- do {
- char **altp = alts;
- if (isquick) {
- if (expr[0] == NORMC)
- while ((c = *locs++) != 0 && c != firstc)
- ;
- else
- while (((c = *locs++) != 0) &&
- (CaseEquiv[c] != firstc))
- ;
- if (*--locs == 0)
- break;
- }
- REalt_num = 1;
- while (*altp) {
- if (REmatch(locs, *altp++)) {
- loc1 = locs;
- REbom = loc1 - REbolp;
- return 1;
- }
- REalt_num += 1;
- }
- } while (*locs++);
- } else {
- do {
- char **altp = alts;
- if (isquick) {
- if (expr[0] == NORMC) {
- while (locs >= REbolp && *locs-- != firstc)
- ;
- if (*++locs != firstc)
- break;
- } else {
- while (locs >= REbolp && CaseEquiv[*locs--] != firstc)
- ;
- if (CaseEquiv[*++locs] != firstc)
- break;
- }
- }
- REalt_num = 1;
- while (*altp) {
- if (REmatch(locs, *altp++)) {
- loc1 = locs;
- REbom = loc1 - REbolp;
- return 1;
- }
- REalt_num += 1;
- }
- } while (--locs >= resp);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int okay_wrap = 0; /* Do a wrap search ... not when we're
- parsing errors ... */
- Bufpos *
- dosearch(pattern, dir, re)
- char *pattern;
- {
- Bufpos *pos;
- if (bobp() && eobp()) /* Can't match! There's no buffer. */
- return 0;
- REcompile(pattern, re, compbuf, alternates);
- pos = docompiled(dir, compbuf, alternates);
- return pos;
- }
- Bufpos *
- docompiled(dir, expr, alts)
- char *expr,
- **alts;
- {
- static Bufpos ret;
- register Line *lp;
- register int offset;
- int we_wrapped = NO;
- lsave();
- /* Search now lsave()'s so it doesn't make any assumptions on
- whether the the contents of curline/curchar are in linebuf.
- Nowhere does search write all over linebuf. However, we have to
- be careful about what calls we make here, because many of them
- assume (and rightly so) that curline is in linebuf. */
- REdirection = dir;
- lp = curline;
- offset = curchar;
- if (dir == BACKWARD) {
- if (bobp()) {
- if (okay_wrap && WrapScan)
- goto doit;
- return 0;
- }
- /* here we simulate BackChar() */
- if (bolp()) {
- lp = lp->l_prev;
- offset = strlen(lbptr(lp));
- } else
- offset -= 1;
- } else if ((dir == FORWARD) &&
- (lbptr(lp)[offset] == '\0') &&
- !lastp(lp)) {
- lp = lp->l_next;
- offset = 0;
- }
- do {
- if (re_lindex(lp, offset, expr, alts, YES))
- break;
- doit: lp = (dir == FORWARD) ? lp->l_next : lp->l_prev;
- if (lp == 0) {
- if (okay_wrap && WrapScan) {
- lp = (dir == FORWARD) ?
- curbuf->b_first : curbuf->b_last;
- we_wrapped = YES;
- } else
- break;
- }
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- offset = 0;
- else
- offset = -1; /* signals re_lindex ... */
- } while (lp != curline);
- if (lp == curline && we_wrapped)
- lp = 0;
- if (lp == 0)
- return 0;
- ret.p_line = lp;
- ret.p_char = (dir == FORWARD) ? REeom : REbom;
- return &ret;
- }
- private char *
- insert(off, endp, which)
- char *off,
- *endp;
- {
- register char *pp;
- register int n;
- n = pendlst[which] - pstrtlst[which];
- pp = pstrtlst[which];
- while (--n >= 0) {
- *off++ = *pp++;
- if (off >= endp)
- len_error(ERROR);
- }
- return off;
- }
- /* Perform the substitution. If DELP is nonzero the matched string is
- deleted, i.e., the substitution string is not inserted. */
- void
- re_dosub(tobuf, delp)
- char *tobuf;
- {
- register char *tp,
- *rp,
- *repp;
- int c;
- char *endp;
- tp = tobuf;
- endp = tp + LBSIZE;
- rp = REbuf;
- repp = rep_str;
- while (rp < loc1)
- *tp++ = *rp++;
- if (!delp) while (c = *repp++) {
- if (c == '\\') {
- c = *repp++;
- if (c == '\0') {
- *tp++ = '\\';
- goto endchk;
- } else if (c >= '1' && c <= nparens + '1') {
- tp = insert(tp, endp, c - '0');
- continue;
- }
- } else if (c == '&') {
- tp = insert(tp, endp, 0);
- continue;
- }
- *tp++ = c;
- endchk: if (tp >= endp)
- len_error(ERROR);
- }
- rp = loc2;
- loc2 = REbuf + max(1, tp - tobuf);
- REeom = loc2 - REbuf;
- /* At least one character past the match, to prevent an infinite
- number of replacements in the same position, e.g.,
- replace "^" with "". */
- while (*tp++ = *rp++)
- if (tp >= endp)
- len_error(ERROR);
- }
- void
- putmatch(which, buf, size)
- char *buf;
- {
- *(insert(buf, buf + size, which)) = 0;
- }
- void
- setsearch(str)
- char *str;
- {
- strcpy(searchstr, str);
- }
- char *
- getsearch()
- {
- return searchstr;
- }
- void
- RErecur()
- {
- char sbuf[sizeof searchstr],
- cbuf[sizeof compbuf],
- repbuf[sizeof rep_str],
- *altbuf[NALTS];
- int npars;
- Mark *m = MakeMark(curline, REbom, M_FLOATER);
- message("Type C-X C-C to continue with query replace.");
- npars = nparens;
- byte_copy(compbuf, cbuf, sizeof compbuf);
- byte_copy(searchstr, sbuf, sizeof searchstr);
- byte_copy(rep_str, repbuf, sizeof rep_str);
- byte_copy((char *) alternates, (char *) altbuf, sizeof alternates);
- Recur();
- nparens = npars;
- byte_copy(cbuf, compbuf, sizeof compbuf);
- byte_copy(sbuf, searchstr, sizeof searchstr);
- byte_copy(repbuf, rep_str, sizeof rep_str);
- byte_copy((char *) altbuf, (char *) alternates, sizeof alternates);
- if (!is_an_arg())
- ToMark(m);
- DelMark(m);
- }
- void
- ForSearch()
- {
- search(FORWARD, UseRE, YES);
- }
- void
- RevSearch()
- {
- search(BACKWARD, UseRE, YES);
- }
- void
- FSrchND()
- {
- search(FORWARD, UseRE, NO);
- }
- void
- RSrchND()
- {
- search(BACKWARD, UseRE, NO);
- }
- private void
- search(dir, re, setdefault)
- {
- Bufpos *newdot;
- char *s;
- s = ask(searchstr, ProcFmt);
- if (setdefault)
- setsearch(s);
- okay_wrap = YES;
- newdot = dosearch(s, dir, re);
- okay_wrap = NO;
- if (newdot == 0) {
- if (WrapScan)
- complain("No \"%s\" in buffer.", s);
- else
- complain("No \"%s\" found to %s.", s,
- (dir == FORWARD) ? "bottom" : "top");
- }
- PushPntp(newdot->p_line);
- SetDot(newdot);
- }
- /* Do we match PATTERN at OFFSET in BUF? */
- int
- LookingAt(pattern, buf, offset)
- char *pattern,
- *buf;
- {
- register char **alt = alternates;
- REcompile(pattern, 1, compbuf, alternates);
- REreset();
- locs = buf + offset;
- REbolp = buf;
- while (*alt)
- if (REmatch(locs, *alt++))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- look_at(expr)
- char *expr;
- {
- REcompile(expr, 0, compbuf, alternates);
- REreset();
- locs = linebuf + curchar;
- REbolp = linebuf;
- if (REmatch(locs, alternates[0]))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }