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- /* @(#)signals.c (c) copyright 10/18/86 (Dan Heller) */
- #include "mush.h"
- #ifndef SYSV
- extern char *sys_siglist[];
- #else
- /* sys-v doesn't have normal sys_siglist */
- static char *sys_siglist[] = {
- /* no error */ "no error",
- /* SIGHUP */ "hangup",
- /* SIGINT */ "interrupt (rubout)",
- /* SIGQUIT */ "quit (ASCII FS)",
- /* SIGILL */ "illegal instruction (not reset when caught)",
- /* SIGTRAP */ "trace trap (not reset when caught)",
- /* SIGIOT */ "IOT instruction",
- /* SIGEMT */ "EMT instruction",
- /* SIGFPE */ "floating point exception",
- /* SIGKILL */ "kill (cannot be caught or ignored)",
- /* SIGBUS */ "bus error",
- /* SIGSEGV */ "segmentation violation",
- /* SIGSYS */ "bad argument to system call",
- /* SIGPIPE */ "write on a pipe with no one to read it",
- /* SIGALRM */ "alarm clock",
- /* SIGTERM */ "software termination signal from kill",
- /* SIGUSR1 */ "user defined signal 1",
- /* SIGUSR2 */ "user defined signal 2",
- /* SIGCLD */ "death of a child",
- /* SIGPWR */ "power-fail restart"
- };
- #endif /* SYSV */
- #ifdef SUNTOOL
- msgwin_handlesigwinch()
- {
- register struct rect rect;
- if (exec_pid)
- return;
- rect = msg_rect;
- pw_damaged(msg_win);
- /* this prevents old screen from being lost when editor finishes */
- if (isoff(glob_flags, IS_GETTING))
- gfxsw_interpretesigwinch(msg_sw->ts_data);
- gfxsw_handlesigwinch(msg_sw->ts_data);
- pw_repairretained(msg_win);
- pw_donedamaged(msg_win);
- win_getrect(msg_sw->ts_windowfd, &msg_rect);
- crt = msg_rect.r_height / l_height(curfont);
- if (rect.r_height != msg_rect.r_height || rect.r_width != rect.r_width)
- if (getting_opts == 1)
- display_opts(0);
- else if (getting_opts == 2)
- set_fkeys();
- else if (msg_pix)
- scroll_win(0);
- }
- hdrwin_handlesigwinch()
- {
- register struct rect rect;
- rect = hdr_rect;
- pw_damaged(hdr_win);
- gfxsw_interpretesigwinch(hdr_sw->ts_data);
- gfxsw_handlesigwinch(hdr_sw->ts_data);
- pw_repairretained(hdr_win);
- pw_donedamaged(hdr_win);
- win_getrect(hdr_sw->ts_windowfd, &hdr_rect);
- if (rect.r_width != hdr_rect.r_width || rect.r_height != hdr_rect.r_height){
- pw_writebackground(hdr_win, 0,0,
- hdr_rect.r_width, hdr_rect.r_height, PIX_CLR);
- screen = hdr_rect.r_height/l_height(DEFAULT);
- (void) do_hdrs(0, DUBL_NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- print_sigwinch()
- {
- pw_damaged(print_win);
- gfxsw_handlesigwinch(print_sw->ts_data);
- pw_writebackground(print_win, 0,0,
- win_getwidth(print_sw->ts_windowfd),
- win_getheight(print_sw->ts_windowfd), PIX_CLR);
- pw_donedamaged(print_win);
- print(NULL); /* reprint whatever was there before damage */
- }
- sigwinchcatcher()
- {
- tool_sigwinch(tool);
- }
- #endif /* SUNTOOL */
- interrupt(sig)
- {
- Debug("interrupt() caught: %d\n", sig);
- turnon(glob_flags, WAS_INTR);
- }
- /*
- * catch signals to reset state of the machine. Always print signal caught.
- * If signals are ignored, return. If we're running the shell, longjmp back.
- */
- catch(sig)
- {
- Debug("Caught signal: %d\n", sig);
- (void) signal(sig, catch);
- if (ison(glob_flags, IGN_SIGS) && sig != SIGTERM && sig != SIGHUP)
- return;
- print("%s: %s\n", prog_name, sys_siglist[sig]);
- turnoff(glob_flags, IS_PIPE);
- if (istool || sig == SIGTERM || sig == SIGHUP) {
- if (istool) /* istool is 2 if tool is complete */
- istool = 1;
- (void) setjmp(jmpbuf);
- if (ison(glob_flags, IS_GETTING))
- rm_edfile(-1);
- cleanup(sig);
- }
- if (ison(glob_flags, DO_SHELL)) {
- turnoff(glob_flags, IS_GETTING);
- longjmp(jmpbuf, 1);
- } else
- puts("exiting"), cleanup(sig);
- }
- #ifdef SIGCONT
- stop_start(sig)
- {
- extern FILE *ed_fp;
- Debug("Caught signal: %d", sig);
- if (sig == SIGCONT) {
- (void) signal(SIGTSTP, stop_start);
- (void) signal(SIGCONT, stop_start);
- echo_off();
- if (istool || ison(glob_flags, IGN_SIGS) && !iscurses)
- return;
- /* we're not in an editor but we're editing a letter */
- if (ison(glob_flags, IS_GETTING)) {
- if (ed_fp)
- print("(Continue editing letter)\n");
- }
- #ifdef CURSES
- else if (iscurses)
- if (ison(glob_flags, IGN_SIGS)) {
- clr_bot_line();
- if (msg_list)
- puts(compose_hdr(current_msg));
- mail_status(1), addstr("...continue... ");
- refresh();
- } else {
- int curlin = max(1, current_msg - n_array[0] + 1);
- redraw();
- print("Continue");
- move(curlin, 0);
- refresh();
- /* make sure we lose reverse video on continuation */
- if (ison(glob_flags, REV_VIDEO) && msg_cnt) {
- char buf[256];
- (void) strncpy(buf, compose_hdr(current_msg), COLS-1);
- buf[COLS-1] = 0; /* strncpy does not null terminate */
- mvaddstr(curlin, 0, buf);
- }
- }
- #endif /* CURSES */
- else
- mail_status(1), fflush(stdout);
- } else {
- #ifdef CURSES
- if (iscurses) {
- /* when user stops mush, the current header is not in reverse
- * video -- note that a refresh() has not been called in curses.c!
- * so, make sure that when a continue is called, the reverse video
- * for the current message returns.
- */
- turnon(glob_flags, WAS_INTR);
- if (isoff(glob_flags, IGN_SIGS) && ison(glob_flags, REV_VIDEO) &&
- msg_cnt) {
- int curlin = max(1, current_msg - n_array[0] + 1);
- char buf[256];
- (void) strncpy(buf, stdscr->_y[curlin], COLS-1);
- buf[COLS-1] = 0; /* strncpy does not null terminate */
- STANDOUT(curlin, 0, buf);
- }
- print("Stopping...");
- }
- #endif /* CURSES */
- echo_on();
- (void) signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL);
- (void) signal(SIGCONT, stop_start);
- (void) kill(getpid(), sig);
- }
- }
- #endif /* SIGCONT */
- cleanup(sig)
- {
- char buf[128], c = ison(glob_flags, IGN_SIGS)? 'n' : 'y';
- #ifdef CURSES
- if (iscurses)
- iscurses = FALSE, endwin();
- #endif /* CURSES */
- echo_on();
- if (ison(glob_flags, IS_GETTING))
- turnoff(glob_flags, IS_GETTING), dead_letter();
- if ((sig == SIGSEGV || sig == SIGBUS) && isoff(glob_flags, IGN_SIGS)
- && *tempfile) {
- fprintf(stderr, "remove %s [y]? ", tempfile), fflush(stderr);
- if (fgets(buf, 128, stdin))
- c = lower(*buf);
- }
- if (c != 'n' && *tempfile && unlink(tempfile) && !sig && errno != ENOENT)
- error(tempfile);
- #ifdef SUNTOOL
- if (istool && tool)
- tool_destroy(tool);
- #endif /* SUNTOOL */
- if (sig == SIGSEGV || sig == SIGBUS) {
- if (isoff(glob_flags, IGN_SIGS)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "coredump [n]? "), fflush(stderr);
- if (fgets(buf, 128, stdin))
- c = lower(*buf);
- }
- if (c == 'y')
- puts("dumping core for debugging"), abort();
- }
- exit(sig);
- }
- /*
- * if new mail comes in, print who it's from. sprintf it all into one
- * buffer and print that instead of separate print statements to allow
- * the tool mode to make one print statment. The reason for this is that
- * when the tool is refreshed (caused by a resize, reopen, move, top, etc)
- * the last thing printed is displayed -- display the entire line.
- */
- check_new_mail()
- {
- int ret_value;
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- register char *p = buf;
- static long last_spool_size = -1;
- #ifdef SUNTOOL
- static int is_iconic, was_iconic;
- if (istool) {
- timerclear(&(mail_timer.it_interval));
- timerclear(&(mail_timer.it_value));
- mail_timer.it_value.tv_sec = time_out;
- setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &mail_timer, NULL);
- }
- #endif /* SUNTOOL */
- /* if fullscreen access in progress (help), don't do anything */
- if (ret_value = mail_size()) {
- #ifdef CURSES
- int new_hdrs = last_msg_cnt;
- #endif /* CURSES */
- #ifdef SUNTOOL
- /* if our status has changed from icon to toolform, then
- * there will already be a message stating number of new
- * messages. reset `n' to msg_cnt so we don't restate
- * the same # of new messages upon receipt of yet another new message.
- */
- if (istool && !(is_iconic = (tool->tl_flags&TOOL_ICONIC)) && was_iconic)
- last_msg_cnt = msg_cnt;
- #endif /* SUNTOOL */
- turnon(glob_flags, NEW_MAIL);
- getmail(); /* msg_cnt gets incremented here */
- if (istool) {
- mail_status(0);
- (void) do_hdrs(0, DUBL_NULL, NULL);
- }
- p += Strcpy(p, "New mail ");
- if (msg_cnt - last_msg_cnt <= 1)
- p += strlen(sprintf(p, "(#%d) ", msg_cnt));
- else
- p += strlen(sprintf(p, "(#%d thru #%d)\n", last_msg_cnt+1,msg_cnt));
- #ifdef SUNTOOL
- /*
- * If mush is in tool mode and in icon form, don't update
- * last_msg_cnt so that when the tool is opened, print() will
- * print the correct number of "new" messages.
- */
- if (!istool || !(was_iconic = tool->tl_flags & TOOL_ICONIC))
- #endif /* SUNTOOL */
- if (iscurses && isoff(glob_flags, CNTD_CMD))
- last_msg_cnt = msg_cnt;
- else while (last_msg_cnt < msg_cnt) {
- char *p2 = compose_hdr(last_msg_cnt++) + 9;
- if (strlen(p2) + (p - buf) >= BUFSIZ-5) {
- (void) strcat(p, "...\n");
- /* force a break by setting last_msg_cnt correctly */
- last_msg_cnt = msg_cnt;
- } else
- p += strlen(sprintf(p, " %s\n", p2));
- }
- #ifdef CURSES
- if (iscurses && isoff(glob_flags, CNTD_CMD)) {
- if (new_hdrs - n_array[screen-1] < screen)
- (void) do_hdrs(0, DUBL_NULL, NULL);
- print("%s ...", buf);
- } else
- #endif /* CURSES */
- print("%s", buf); /* buf might have %'s in them!!! */
- } else
- #ifdef SUNTOOL
- if (!istool || !is_iconic)
- #endif /* SUNTOOL */
- turnoff(glob_flags, NEW_MAIL);
- if (last_spool_size > -1 && /* handle first case */
- strcmp(mailfile, spoolfile) && last_spool_size < spool_size)
- print("You have new mail in your system mailbox.\n"), ret_value = 1;
- last_spool_size = spool_size;
- return ret_value;
- }
- /*ARGSUSED*/ /* we ignore the sigstack, cpu-usage, etc... */
- bus_n_seg(sig)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", prog_name,
- (sig == SIGSEGV)? "Segmentation violation": "Bus error");
- cleanup(sig);
- }