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- /* @(#)fkeys.c (c) copyright 10/18/86 (Dan Heller) */
- #include "mush.h"
- #define draw(x1,y1,x2,y2,OP) pw_vector(msg_win, x1,y1,x2,y2,OP,1)
- #define box(x1,y1,x2,y2,OP) \
- draw(x1,y1, x1,y2,OP), draw(x1,y2, x2,y2,OP), \
- draw(x2,y2, x2,y1,OP), draw(x2,y1, x1,y1,OP)
- struct cmd fkey_cmds[] = {
- { "top", fkey_cmd }, { "close", fkey_cmd }, { "bottom", fkey_cmd },
- { "move", fkey_cmd }, { "stretch", fkey_cmd }, { "repaint", fkey_cmd },
- { "settings", fkey_settings }, { NULL, quit }
- };
- #define L(n) KEY_LEFTFIRST+(n)-1
- #define R(n) KEY_RIGHTFIRST+(n)-1
- #define F(n) KEY_TOPFIRST+(n)-1
- char *leftkey_default_settings[] = {
- "Left Function Key Settings",
- "Unused", /* L1 */ "next", /* L2 */
- "undelete", /* L3 */ "delete", /* L4 */
- "replyall", /* L5 */ "replysender", /* L6 */
- "mail", /* L7 */ "Unset", /* L8 */
- "lpr", /* L9 */ "settings L", /* L10 */
- 0
- };
- char *topkey_default_settings[] = {
- "Top Function Key Settings",
- "top", /* T1 */ "close", /* T2 */
- "move", /* T3 */ "stretch", /* T4 */
- "bottom", /* T5 */ "repaint", /* T6 */
- "Unset", /* T7 */ "Unset", /* T8 */
- "settings F", /* T9 */
- 0
- };
- char *rightkey_default_settings[] = {
- "Right Function Key Settings",
- "Unset", /* R1 */ "Unset", /* R2 */
- "Unset", /* R3 */ "Unset", /* R4 */
- "Unset", /* R5 */ "Unset", /* R6 */
- "Unset", /* R7 */ "Unset", /* R8 */
- "Unset", /* R9 */ "Unset", /* R10 */
- "Unset", /* R11 */ "Unset", /* R12 */
- "Unset", /* R13 */ "Unset", /* R14 */
- "settings R", /* R15 */
- 0
- };
- /*
- * Execute commands defined by a function key.
- * Left keys:
- * L1 = (null) can't be set
- * L2 ... L10
- * Top function keys
- * F1 ... F9, BREAK/backspace (key not definable)
- * Right function keys
- * R1 ... R15
- * Usually, the last Function key displays the others' settings.
- */
- fkey(key)
- register char *key;
- {
- register char **argv, *p;
- char buf[256];
- int n;
- /* user defined here... ... default settings here */
- if (!strncmp((p = key_set_to(key)), "Un", 2)) {
- print("Funciton key: %s %s", key, p);
- return 0;
- }
- /* make_command will screw up "p", so copy it first */
- (void) strcpy(buf, p);
- Debug("(%s) \"%s\": ", key, p), turnon(glob_flags, CONT_PRNT);
- if (argv = make_command(buf, TRPL_NULL, &n))
- (void) do_command(n, argv, msg_list);
- return -1;
- }
- fkey_settings(i, argv)
- register char i;
- register char **argv;
- {
- register char key, *p, **fkey_str;
- char buf[256];
- char *help_args[17];
- if (!*++argv) {
- print("Must specify one of L, F or R to identify a function key set");
- return -1;
- }
- key = **argv;
- switch(Upper(key)) {
- when 'L': fkey_str = leftkey_default_settings;
- when 'F': fkey_str = topkey_default_settings;
- when 'R': fkey_str = rightkey_default_settings;
- otherwise: print("Invalid key set: %c (choose L, F or R)", key);
- return -1;
- }
- help_args[0] = fkey_str[0];
- for (i = 1; fkey_str[i]; i++) {
- p = key_set_to(sprintf(buf, "%c%d", key, i));
- help_args[i] = savestr(sprintf(buf, "%c%-2.d %s", key, i, p));
- }
- help_args[i] = 0; /* null terminate list */
- (void) help(print_sw->ts_windowfd, help_args, NULL);
- free_vec(help_args+1);
- return 0;
- }
- char *
- key_set_to(p)
- register char *p;
- {
- register char *p2, **fkey_str;
- switch(*p) {
- when 'L': fkey_str = leftkey_default_settings;
- when 'F': fkey_str = topkey_default_settings;
- when 'R': fkey_str = rightkey_default_settings;
- }
- p2 = do_set(fkeys, p);
- return (p2)? p2: fkey_str[atoi(p+1)];
- }
- fkey_cmd(x, p)
- register char **p;
- {
- if (!strcmp(*p, "close"))
- toolquit(NO_ITEM, 0, NO_EVENT);
- else if (!strcmp(*p, "top"))
- wmgr_top(tool->tl_windowfd, rootfd);
- else if (!strcmp(*p, "move"))
- wmgr_move(tool->tl_windowfd, rootfd);
- else if (!strcmp(*p, "stretch"))
- wmgr_stretch(tool->tl_windowfd, rootfd);
- else if (!strcmp(*p, "bottom"))
- wmgr_bottom(tool->tl_windowfd, rootfd);
- else if (!strcmp(*p, "repaint"))
- wmgr_refreshwindow(tool->tl_windowfd, rootfd);
- return -1;
- }
- /* execute a command given a function key, if the key is user defined,
- * call fkey() at top of file. Parameter is the key number in "ascii"
- */
- func_key(key)
- register int key;
- {
- register char *p;
- char buf[4];
- int nkey;
- if (key >= KEY_LEFTFIRST && key <= KEY_LEFTLAST)
- buf[0] = 'L', nkey = key - KEY_LEFTFIRST;
- else if (key >= KEY_TOPFIRST && key <= KEY_TOPLAST)
- buf[0] = 'F', nkey = key - KEY_TOPFIRST;
- else if (key >= KEY_RIGHTFIRST && key <= KEY_RIGHTLAST)
- buf[0] = 'R', nkey = key - KEY_RIGHTFIRST;
- (void) sprintf(buf+1, "%d", nkey+1);
- return fkey(buf);
- }
- void
- set_fkeys()
- {
- ready(display_keys() + 10);
- print_valid_functions(txt.y+20);
- getting_opts = 2;
- win_setcursor(msg_sw->ts_windowfd, &checkmark);
- }
- char *MSG = "Click the appropriate mouse button over a function key";
- ready(Y)
- {
- static int y;
- int x = (msg_rect.r_width - strlen(MSG)*l_width(LARGE))/2;
- if (Y)
- y = Y;
- Clrtoeol(msg_win, (txt.x = 0), (txt.y = y), LARGE);
- highlight(msg_win, x, y, LARGE, MSG);
- }
- /* number of pixels in x and y directions describing the size of a graphical
- * function key. they represent the little keys and big keys respectively.
- */
- /* static struct pr_pos fkey_sizes[2] = { { 23, 23 }, { 50, 23 } }; */
- static struct pr_pos fkey_sizes[2] = { { 24, 23 }, { 52, 23 } };
- #define BORDER 4 /* border (distance) between keys */
- #define KEYTOP 15 /* distance from top to start drawing */
- #define LEFT_START 15 /* pixels from left to start drawing boxes */
- #define TOP_START (LEFT_START+2*fkey_sizes[0].x + fkey_sizes[1].x+BORDER)
- #define RIGHT_START (TOP_START + 5*(fkey_sizes[0].x+BORDER) + \
- 5*(fkey_sizes[1].x+BORDER))
- /*
- * if !p, we're setting key at location x,y.
- * else Set that key to this string (p).
- */
- void
- set_key(p, x,y)
- register char *p;
- register int x,y;
- {
- char buf[256], **argv;
- static char *key;
- int argc;
- static int key_x, key_y;
- if (!p) {
- if (key = find_key(x,y)) {
- print("Type new setting for key: %s", key);
- (void) sprintf(buf, "Function key \"%s\": ", key);
- highlight(msg_win, 20, txt.y, LARGE, buf);
- txt.x = 20 + strlen(buf)*l_width(LARGE);
- Clrtoeol(msg_win, txt.x, txt.y, LARGE);
- type_cursor(PIX_SRC);
- } else
- ready(0);
- key_x = x, key_y = y;
- } else {
- u_long save_bang = ison(glob_flags, IGN_BANG);
- if (!*p)
- (void) sprintf(buf, "unfkey %s", key);
- else
- (void) sprintf(buf, "fkey %s \"%s\"", key, p);
- turnon(glob_flags, IGN_BANG);
- if (argv = make_command(buf, TRPL_NULL, &argc)) {
- (void) do_command(argc, argv, msg_list);
- print("Function key %s: %s", key, key_set_to(key));
- }
- if (!save_bang)
- turnoff(glob_flags, IGN_BANG);
- ready(0);
- }
- }
- /* passed the x and y coords of a mouse click, return the function key
- * that exists in that position. NULL if no key there. string will be
- * something like "L6" or "F9" or "R12"
- */
- char *
- find_key(x,y)
- int x, y;
- {
- static char buf[6];
- int row, col;
- static int old_left, old_top, old_right, old_bot;
- if (!(row = find_y(&y)))
- return NULL;
- if (x < LEFT_START || x > RIGHT_START + 3*(fkey_sizes[0].x+BORDER))
- return NULL; /* out of range */
- if (x > LEFT_START && x < TOP_START-fkey_sizes[0].x - BORDER) {
- if ((col = (x > LEFT_START + fkey_sizes[0].x + BORDER)+1) == 1)
- x = LEFT_START+1;
- else x = LEFT_START + fkey_sizes[0].x + BORDER + 1;
- if (col == 1 && row == 1)
- return NULL;
- /* unhighlight the old function key image */
- if (old_left)
- box(old_left, old_top, old_right, old_bot, PIX_CLR);
- old_left = x, old_top = y;
- old_right = x+fkey_sizes[(col != 1)].x-2, old_bot = y+fkey_sizes[0].y-2;
- /* highlight most recently selected function key image */
- box(x,y, old_right, old_bot, PIX_SRC);
- return sprintf(buf, "L%d", col + 2*(row-1));
- }
- if (x > TOP_START && x < RIGHT_START - fkey_sizes[0].x - BORDER) {
- int which;
- if (row > 1)
- return NULL;
- which = (x - TOP_START) / (fkey_sizes[0].x + BORDER) + 1;
- if (which == 15)
- return NULL; /* Can't set break key (backspace on a sun3) */
- if (which == 14)
- x = TOP_START + ((which = 9)-2) * (fkey_sizes[1].x+BORDER) -
- fkey_sizes[0].x - BORDER + 1;
- else if (which <= 2)
- x = TOP_START + (which-1) * (fkey_sizes[0].x+BORDER) + 1;
- else {
- which = (which+3)/2;
- x = TOP_START + (which-2) * (fkey_sizes[1].x+BORDER) + 1;
- }
- /* unhighlight the old function key image */
- if (old_left)
- box(old_left, old_top, old_right, old_bot, PIX_CLR);
- old_left = x, old_top = y;
- old_right = x+fkey_sizes[(which > 2 && which < 8)].x-2;
- old_bot = y+fkey_sizes[0].y-2;
- /* highlight most recently selected function key image */
- box(x,y, old_right, old_bot, PIX_SRC);
- return sprintf(buf, "F%d", which);
- }
- if (x > RIGHT_START) {
- if (x < RIGHT_START + fkey_sizes[0].x)
- x = RIGHT_START+1, col = 1;
- else if (x < RIGHT_START + fkey_sizes[0].x + BORDER)
- return NULL; /* cursor was clicked between keys */
- else if (x < RIGHT_START + 2*fkey_sizes[0].x + BORDER)
- x = RIGHT_START+fkey_sizes[0].x+BORDER+1, col = 2;
- else if (x < RIGHT_START + 2 * (fkey_sizes[0].x+BORDER))
- return NULL; /* click between keys again */
- else x = RIGHT_START + 2*(fkey_sizes[0].x+BORDER)+1, col = 3;
- /* unhighlight the old function key image */
- if (old_left)
- box(old_left, old_top, old_right, old_bot, PIX_CLR);
- old_left = x, old_top = y;
- old_right = x+fkey_sizes[0].x-2, old_bot = y+fkey_sizes[0].y-2;
- /* highlight most recently selected function key image */
- box(x,y, old_right, old_bot, PIX_SRC);
- return sprintf(buf, "R%d", col + 3*(row-1));
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /* find_y will find which row in a function key pad a y coordinate
- * represents. return 1,2,3,4, or 5 0 if inbetween rows
- */
- find_y(y)
- register int *y;
- {
- int Y, y_incr = fkey_sizes[0].y, ret_value = 0;
- for (Y = KEYTOP; Y <= KEYTOP + 6*y_incr + 4 * BORDER; Y += y_incr + BORDER)
- if (*y < Y) {
- *y = (Y - y_incr - BORDER) + 1;
- return ret_value;
- } else ret_value++;
- return 0;
- }
- char *l_msg = "Specifies which function key for setting value";
- char *m_msg = "Display current value for function key";
- char *r_msg = "Help setting and viewing function key values";
- display_keys()
- {
- register int i, x,y;
- register char *p;
- do_clear();
- /* print left keys */
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- box(x, y, x + fkey_sizes[i%2].x, y + fkey_sizes[i%2].y, PIX_SRC);
- box(x+2, y+2, x+fkey_sizes[i%2].x-2, y+fkey_sizes[i%2].y-2, PIX_SRC);
- if (i && (p = find_key(x+4,y+4)))
- pw_text(msg_win, x+3, y+3+l_height(SMALL), PIX_SRC,fonts[SMALL], p);
- else pw_replrop(msg_win, x+3, y+3, fkey_sizes[0].x-5, fkey_sizes[0].y-5,
- PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, &shade_50, 0,0);
- if (i % 2)
- y += fkey_sizes[0].y + BORDER, x = LEFT_START;
- else
- x += fkey_sizes[0].x + BORDER;
- }
- x = TOP_START, y = KEYTOP;
- /* print top keys */
- for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
- register int n = (i >= 3 && i <= 7);
- box(x, y, x + fkey_sizes[n].x, y + fkey_sizes[n].y, PIX_SRC);
- box(x+2, y+2, x + fkey_sizes[n].x-2, y + fkey_sizes[n].y-2, PIX_SRC);
- if (i != 10 && (p = find_key(x+4,y+4)))
- pw_text(msg_win, x+3, y+3+l_height(SMALL), PIX_SRC,fonts[SMALL], p);
- /* shade the break key (backspace on sun3's) -- can't set */
- else if (i == 10)
- pw_replrop(msg_win, x+3, y+3, fkey_sizes[n].x-5, fkey_sizes[n].y-5,
- PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, &shade_50, 0,0);
- x += fkey_sizes[n].x + BORDER;
- }
- /* print right keys */
- for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- box(x, y, x + fkey_sizes[0].x, y + fkey_sizes[0].y, PIX_SRC);
- box(x+2, y+2, x + fkey_sizes[0].x-2, y + fkey_sizes[0].y-2, PIX_SRC);
- if (p = find_key(x+4,y+4))
- pw_text(msg_win, x+3, y+3+l_height(SMALL),PIX_SRC, fonts[SMALL], p);
- if (!((i+1) % 3))
- y += fkey_sizes[0].y + BORDER, x -= 2*(fkey_sizes[0].x + BORDER);
- else
- x += fkey_sizes[0].x + BORDER;
- }
- x = TOP_START;
- y = KEYTOP + BORDER + fkey_sizes[0].y + l_height(DEFAULT);
- pw_rop(msg_win, x, y-11, 16,16, PIX_SRC, &mouse_left, 0,0);
- pw_text(msg_win, x+30, y, PIX_SRC, fonts[DEFAULT], l_msg);
- y += BORDER + fkey_sizes[0].y;
- pw_rop(msg_win, x,y-11, 16,16, PIX_SRC, &mouse_middle, 0,0);
- pw_text(msg_win, x+30, y, PIX_SRC, fonts[DEFAULT], m_msg);
- y += BORDER + fkey_sizes[0].y;
- pw_rop(msg_win, x,y-11, 16,16, PIX_SRC, &mouse_right, 0,0);
- pw_text(msg_win, x+30, y, PIX_SRC, fonts[DEFAULT], r_msg);
- x = (msg_rect.r_width - 26*l_width(DEFAULT))/2;
- y += BORDER + fkey_sizes[0].y;
- highlight(msg_win, x, y, DEFAULT, "You may not set shaded keys");
- y += BORDER + fkey_sizes[0].y + 15;
- for (i = 0; i < BORDER; i++)
- draw(0, y+i, msg_rect.r_width, y+i, PIX_SRC);
- y += 10;
- for (i = 0; i < BORDER; i++)
- draw(0, y+l_height(LARGE)+i, msg_rect.r_width, y+l_height(LARGE)+i,
- return y;
- }
- print_valid_functions(y)
- register int y;
- {
- register int x, n, cmd_len = 12 * l_width(DEFAULT);
- register char *p;
- y += 20, x = (msg_rect.r_width - 25*l_width(LARGE))/2;
- highlight (msg_win, x, y, LARGE, "Available Command Names");
- y += 20, x = 30;
- for (n = 0; p = cmds[n].command; n++) {
- if (x + cmd_len > msg_rect.r_width - 5)
- y += l_height(DEFAULT), x = 30;
- pw_text(msg_win, x, y, PIX_SRC, fonts[DEFAULT], p);
- x += cmd_len;
- }
- for (n = 0; p = fkey_cmds[n].command; n++) {
- if (x + cmd_len > msg_rect.r_width - 5)
- y += l_height(DEFAULT), x = 30;
- pw_text(msg_win, x, y, PIX_SRC, fonts[DEFAULT], p);
- x += cmd_len;
- }
- }