home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Last update: 01/26/88 11:26 PM (Edition: 25) */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "term.h"
- #include "form.h"
- #include "field.h"
- #include "basic.h"
- extern int Fno;
- extern struct field Field[];
- extern char Screen[SCRLINE][SCRCOL+1];
- extern char Enter_mode[];
- extern char Exit_mode[];
- extern int Form_msg;
- extern char Exitc;
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------05/09/86-+
- | |
- | get_field : get a copy of field data to buffer |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- get_field (fno, buf)
- int fno; /* field number */
- char *buf; /* buffer to be filled */
- {
- struct field *f;
- char *p;
- int size;
- ENTER(get_field);
- if (fno < 0 || fno >= Fno) EXIT;
- f = &Field[fno];
- p = &Screen [f-> f_line -1][f-> f_off];
- size = fldlen (p, f-> f_len);
- strncpy (buf, p, size);
- buf[size] = EOS; /* mark the end */
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | fldlen : return the number of data in a field (skip trailing blanks) |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- fldlen (buf, size)
- char *buf; /* pointer to field buffer */
- unsigned size; /* size of the field */
- {
- int blank;
- ENTER(fldlen);
- for (blank=0; buf[size-1-blank] == ' '; blank++) {
- if (blank >= size) break;
- }
- RETURN (size - blank); /* return length of field */
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | upd_field : move data into a field and display it |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- upd_field (idx, type, data)
- unsigned idx; /* field number (0 to Fno-1) */
- int type; /* type of output */
- int data; /* data, type may vary */
- {
- struct field *fp;
- char *fmt;
- char *scp; /* pointer to screen buffer */
- char buf[81];
- int data2; /* cents */
- ENTER(upd_field);
- if (idx >= Fno) {
- fprintf (stderr,
- "Field number: %d out of range, max %d\r\n",
- idx, Fno);
- }
- fp = &Field[idx];
- switch (type) {
- case UF_MONEY: fmt = "%5d.%02d";
- data2 = data % 100;
- data = data / 100; break;
- case UF_NUMBER: fmt = "%d"; break;
- case UF_STRING:
- default: fmt = "%s"; break;
- }
- sprintf (buf, fmt, data, data2);
- scp = &Screen[fp-> f_line - 1][fp-> f_off];
- bcopy (scp, buf, (unsigned)fp-> f_len);
- poscur (fp-> f_line, fp-> f_col, (char *)NULL);
- put_string (scp, fp-> f_len);
- poscur (fp-> f_line, fp-> f_col, (char *)NULL);
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------07/14/87-+
- | |
- | closest : find the closest field above/below current line |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- closest (fno, direction)
- unsigned fno; /* current field number */
- int direction; /* compare direction: 1=below, -1=above */
- {
- struct field *fp = &Field[fno];
- int col; /* target column */
- int line; /* current line */
- int diff; /* current difference */
- int mindiff = 100; /* minimal difference */
- int mini = 0; /* minimal field index */
- register int i;
- ENTER(closest);
- col = fp->f_col;
- line = fp->f_line;
- for (i=fno+direction; i != fno; i += direction) {
- if (i < 0) i = Fno-1;
- else if (i >= Fno) i = 0;
- fp = &Field[i];
- if (fp->f_line != line) break;
- }
- mini = i;
- for (line = fp->f_line; ; i += direction) {
- if (i < 0) i = Fno-1;
- else if (i >= Fno) i = 0;
- fp = &Field[i];
- if (fp->f_line != line) break;
- if ((diff = abs ((int)fp->f_col - (int)col)) == 0) RETURN (i);
- if (diff < mindiff) {
- mindiff = diff;
- mini = i;
- }
- }
- RETURN (mini);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | edit_field : edit a given field in a form |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- edit_field (idx, efopt)
- unsigned idx; /* index to Field array */
- int efopt; /* option */
- {
- struct field *fp;
- char c;
- char *p;
- char *s; /* beginning of field buffer */
- unsigned n;
- register int i;
- ENTER (edit_field);
- fp = &Field[idx];
- poscur (fp-> f_line, fp-> f_col, Enter_mode);
- p = s = &Screen [fp-> f_line - 1][fp-> f_off];
- switch (efopt) {
- case EF_FILL:
- case EF_EOF: n = fldlen (s, fp-> f_len);
- if (n != 0) {
- if (efopt == EF_FILL)
- put_string (p, n);
- p += n;
- }
- break;
- default: ; /* start at beginning of field */
- }
- while (1) {
- c = getkey ();
- if (Form_msg) {
- form_msg ((char *)NULL, fp-> f_line, fp-> f_col + (p-s));
- put_string (Enter_mode, 0);
- }
- if ((c & 0x80) == 0x80) {
- switch (c & 0x7f) {
- case KL: goto cur_left;
- case KR: goto cur_right;
- }
- }
- switch (c) {
- case '\177': /* delete char */
- if (p > s) { *(--p) = ' '; screen (SCR_DEL); }
- continue;
- case CTRL('W'): /* delete prev word */
- while (p > s) {
- if (*(p-1) != ' ') break;
- p--; screen (SCR_DEL);
- }
- while (p > s) {
- if (*(p-1) == ' ') break;
- *(--p) = ' ';
- screen (SCR_DEL);
- }
- continue;
- case CTRL('K'):
- n = fldlen (s, fp-> f_len);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) put_char (*(p+i) = ' ');
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) screen (SCR_BACKSPACE);
- continue;
- case CTRL('H'):
- case CTRL('B'):
- cur_left: if (p > s) { p--; screen (SCR_BACKSPACE); }
- continue;
- case CTRL('F'):
- cur_right: if (p < s + fp-> f_len) {
- put_char (*p++);
- }
- continue;
- case CTRL('G'):
- case CTRL('U'):
- while (p > s) {
- *(--p) = ' '; screen (SCR_DEL);
- }
- continue;
- case CTRL('E'): /* goto end of field */
- n = fldlen (s, fp-> f_len);
- p = s + n;
- poscur (fp-> f_line, fp-> f_col + n, (char *)NULL);
- continue;
- case CTRL('A'): /* emacs style */
- p = s;
- poscur (fp-> f_line, fp-> f_col, (char *)NULL);
- continue;
- case CTRL('O'):
- prev_msg ();
- continue;
- default:
- if ((fp-> f_attr & FA_NUMERIC) != 0 &&
- isprint (c) && !isdigit (c)) {
- put_char (CTRL('G'));
- form_msg ("Numeric field, 0-9 only",
- fp-> f_line,
- fp-> f_col + (p-s));
- continue;
- }
- if (c < LOW_GCHAR || c > HIGH_GCHAR) {
- Exitc = c; /* save exit char */
- goto eoe;
- }
- }
- if (p - s >= fp-> f_len) { put_char (CTRL('G')); continue; }
- *p++ = c;
- put_char (c);
- if ((fp-> f_attr & FA_AUTOTAB) != 0 && p - s == fp-> f_len) {
- Exitc = TAB; /* tab to next field */
- break;
- }
- }
- /* *p = EOS will put a marker at the end of buffer */
- eoe: put_string (Exit_mode, 0);
- RETURN (p-s);
- }