home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Last update: 01/27/88 00:04 AM (Edition: 45) */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include "term.h"
- #include "form.h"
- #include "field.h"
- #include "basic.h"
- int Help_display = NO; /* if YES, display help */
- extern struct field Field[];
- extern char Enter_mode[];
- extern char Exit_mode[];
- extern int Form_msg;
- extern char Exitc;
- extern char *malloc();
- extern char *calloc();
- /*
- Selection buffer looks like:
- <delchr> string1 <delchr> string2 <delchr> ... stringn <delchr>
- The first character in the buffer will be used as the delimiter to
- separate selection strings. The last delimiter character is optional,
- i.e., EOS will also terminate the last selection string.
- */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------08/01/87-+
- | |
- | build_selection : take selection definition and create a list |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- build_selection (fldp, buf, len)
- struct field *fldp; /* ptr to field structure */
- char *buf; /* selection strings */
- unsigned len; /* length of string */
- {
- register char *p = (char *)malloc(len+1);
- register char **tp;
- register int i;
- char delimiter = buf[0]; /* selection delimiter */
- char c;
- unsigned cnt = 0; /* # of selections */
- char *tmp[50]; /* temp array */
- ENTER(build_selection);
- if (len == 0) len = strlen (buf);
- while (len-- != 0) {
- if ((c = *buf++) == delimiter) {
- *p++ = EOS;
- if (cnt >= 50) {
- /* silent ignored extra for now */
- }
- else tmp[cnt++] = p;
- }
- else *p++ = c;
- }
- fldp->f_sel = tp = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * (cnt + 1));
- for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) *tp++ = tmp[i];
- *tp = NULL;
- fldp->f_attr |= FA_SELECTION;
- RETURN (0);
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------08/01/87-+
- | |
- | sel_num : return the number of selections in a given field |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- sel_num (fldp)
- struct field *fldp;
- {
- register int i = 0;
- register char **pp = fldp-> f_sel;
- ENTER(sel_num);
- while (*pp++ != NULL) i++;
- RETURN (i);
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------08/01/87-+
- | |
- | sel_field : allow user to select a selection from the list |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- sel_field (idx)
- unsigned idx; /* index to Field array */
- {
- struct field *fldp = &Field[idx];
- int n = fldp-> f_sno; /* selection number */
- int selno; /* # of possible selections */
- int i = -1;
- char c;
- ENTER(sel_field);
- selno = sel_num (fldp);
- poscur (fldp-> f_line, fldp-> f_col, Enter_mode);
- upd_field (idx, UF_STRING, fldp-> f_sel[n]);
- while (1) {
- int might_tab;
- if (Help_display) display_help (fldp, n);
- c = getkey ();
- might_tab = 0;
- if (Form_msg) {
- form_msg ((char *)NULL, fldp->f_line, fldp->f_col);
- put_string (Enter_mode, 0);
- }
- if ((c & 0x80) == 0x80) {
- switch (c & 0x7f) {
- case KL: goto prev_sel;
- case KR: goto next_sel;
- }
- }
- switch (c) {
- case ' ':
- case CTRL('F'):
- next_sel: if (++n >= selno) n = 0; break;
- case CTRL('H'):
- prev_sel: if (--n < 0) n = selno-1; break;
- case '?':
- if (!Help_display) {
- display_help (fldp, n);
- break;
- }
- default:if (c < LOW_GCHAR || c > HIGH_GCHAR) {
- Exitc = c;
- goto eoe;
- }
- i = cmp1st (c, fldp->f_sel, i+1);
- if (i < 0) continue;
- might_tab = 1;
- n = i;
- }
- upd_field (idx, UF_STRING, fldp-> f_sel[n]);
- if (might_tab && (fldp->f_attr & FA_AUTOTAB) != 0) {
- Exitc = TAB;
- break;
- }
- }
- eoe: put_string (Exit_mode, 0);
- fldp-> f_sno = n; /* save selection number */
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------08/03/87-+
- | |
- | cmp1st : compare 1st character in a keyword list |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- cmp1st (c, list, start)
- char c; /* char to compare */
- char **list; /* keyword list */
- int start; /* start entry index */
- {
- register int i, j;
- register int n;
- ENTER(cmp1st);
- if (list == NULL || list[0] == NULL) RETURN (-1);
- for (n=0; list[n] != NULL; n++);
- for (i=start, j=0; j<n; i++, j++) {
- if (i >= n) i = 0;
- if ((c | 0x20) == (list[i][0] | 0x20)) RETURN (i);
- }
- RETURN (-1); /* no match */
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------08/04/87-+
- | |
- | build_help_msg : build help message list |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- build_help_msg (fldp, buf)
- struct field *fldp; /* field where the msg belongs */
- char *buf; /* message stores here */
- {
- unsigned len = strlen (buf);
- unsigned n;
- register int i;
- register char *p;
- ENTER(build_help_msg);
- n = sel_num (fldp);
- if (fldp-> f_help == NULL) { /* first time call */
- fldp-> f_help = (char **) calloc(n+1, sizeof(char *));
- }
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (fldp-> f_help[i] == NULL) break;
- }
- if (i < n) {
- fldp-> f_help[i] = p = (char *) malloc (len + 1);
- strcpy (p, buf);
- }
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------08/04/87-+
- | |
- | display_help : display help message on message line |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- display_help (fldp, i)
- struct field *fldp; /* field pointer */
- int i; /* index to help message */
- {
- char *p;
- int numchar; /* # of pending input chars */
- ENTER(display_help);
- if (fldp-> f_help == NULL) EXIT;
- p = fldp-> f_help[i];
- if (p != NULL) {
- ioctl (0, FIONREAD, &numchar);
- if (numchar == 0) form_msg (p, fldp->f_line, fldp->f_col);
- }
- }