home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Last update: 01/13/88 11:16 AM (Edition: 9) */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include "form.h"
- #define YES (1)
- #define NO (0)
- #define EOS '\0'
- #define when break; case
- #define otherwise break;default
- static char *Erase = "\010 \010"; /* erase string */
- struct tcap {
- char *tc_id; /* key for capability */
- char *tc_str; /* ptr to Tc_str area */
- unsigned char tc_delay; /* # of msec to delay */
- unsigned char tc_len; /* length of tc_str */
- };
- static char Termcap [1024];
- static char Tstr [1024]; /* buffer for real escape sequence */
- static char *Tsp = Tstr; /* pointer to be used by tgetstr */
- static int Tcap_count = 0; /* # of entries extracted */
- /*-------- You may want to modify the following (also term.h) ----------*/
- #include "term.h"
- static struct tcap Tcap [] = {
- { "bc", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* cursor backspace */
- { "cm", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* cursor motion */
- { "cl", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* clear entire screen */
- { "cd", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* clear to end of display */
- { "ce", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* clear to end of line */
- { "ho", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* home cursor */
- { "ks", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* start keypad xmit mode */
- { "ke", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* end keypad xmit mode */
- { "ku", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* (input) cursor upper */
- { "kd", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* (input) cursor down */
- { "kl", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* (input) cursor left */
- { "kr", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* (input) cursor right */
- { "md", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* mode dim (or highlite) */
- { "me", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* mode end (return to normal) */
- { "rc", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* restore cursor */
- { "sc", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* save cursor */
- { "so", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* start reverse video mode */
- { "se", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* end */
- { "us", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* start underline mode */
- { "ue", 0, NULL, 0 }, /* end */
- { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
- };
- char *getenv ();
- char *tgetstr ();
- char *tgoto ();
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------05/10/86-+
- | |
- | tcap_init : initialize termcap data structure |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- tcap_init ()
- {
- struct tcap *p;
- char *tp;
- unsigned int delay;
- int status;
- char *termtype = getenv ("TERM");
- if ((status = tgetent (Termcap, termtype)) != 1) {
- if (status == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "No entry for %s in termcap\r\n",
- termtype);
- }
- else fprintf (stderr, "Can not open termcap file\r\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- for (p= &Tcap[0]; p->tc_id != EOS; p++) {
- tp = tgetstr (p-> tc_id, &Tsp);
- if (tp == NULL) { /* no such capability */
- if (p == &Tcap[BC]) tp = "\010";
- else tp = "";
- }
- delay = 0;
- while (isdigit (*tp)) {
- delay = delay*10 + (*tp++) - '0';
- }
- p->tc_str = tp;
- p->tc_delay = delay;
- p->tc_len = strlen (tp);
- Tcap_count++;
- }
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | screen : common screen operation routine |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- screen (code)
- int code; /* operation code */
- {
- int n = BAD; /* init to not valid entry */
- struct tcap *te;
- if (Tcap_count == 0) tcap_init ();
- switch (code) {
- when SCR_DEL: put_string (Erase, 0);
- when SCR_BACKSPACE: n = BC;
- when SCR_ERASE: n = CL;
- when SCR_HOME: n = HO;
- when SCR_EEOL: n = CE;
- when SCR_SAVE: n = SC;
- when SCR_KEYXMIT: n = KS;
- when SCR_NOKEYXMIT: n = KE;
- when SCR_RESTORE: n = RC;
- when SCR_REVERSE: n = SO;
- when SCR_NORMAL: n = SE;
- otherwise: ; /* ignore it */
- }
- if (n != BAD) {
- te = &Tcap[n];
- delay (te-> tc_delay);
- put_string (te-> tc_str, (unsigned)te-> tc_len);
- }
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | poscur : position cursor on line, column on screen |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- poscur (line, column, s)
- unsigned char line;
- unsigned char column;
- char *s; /* option string to output at line, column */
- {
- char *p;
- if (Tcap_count == 0) tcap_init ();
- p = tgoto (Tcap[CM].tc_str, column-1, line-1);
- delay (Tcap[CM].tc_delay);
- put_string (p, 0);
- if (s != NULL) put_string (s, 0);
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------05/10/86-+
- | |
- | delay : delay output for n msec (actually write NULL) |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static
- delay (n)
- unsigned char n; /* # of msec to delay */
- {
- static char c = EOS;
- register int i;
- if (n == 0) return;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- write (fileno (stdout), &c, 1);
- }
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------05/11/86-+
- | |
- | Routines to get mode-specific strings |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- get_undline (sbuf, ebuf)
- char *sbuf; /* enter mode buffer */
- char *ebuf; /* exit mode buffer */
- {
- if (Tcap_count == 0) tcap_init ();
- strcpy (sbuf, Tcap[US].tc_str);
- strcpy (ebuf, Tcap[UE].tc_str);
- }
- get_hilite (sbuf, ebuf)
- char *sbuf; /* enter mode buffer */
- char *ebuf; /* exit mode buffer */
- {
- if (Tcap_count == 0) tcap_init ();
- strcpy (sbuf, Tcap[MD].tc_str);
- strcpy (ebuf, Tcap[ME].tc_str);
- }
- get_rvideo (sbuf, ebuf)
- char *sbuf; /* enter mode buffer */
- char *ebuf; /* exit mode buffer */
- {
- if (Tcap_count == 0) tcap_init ();
- strcpy (sbuf, Tcap[SO].tc_str);
- strcpy (ebuf, Tcap[SE].tc_str);
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------07/05/87-+
- | |
- | getkey : get user entered key (handle cursor key) |
- | |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- getkey ()
- {
- char buf[20]; /* temporary hold the input stream */
- char c;
- register int i = 0;
- register int ci = 0; /* current matched index */
- int idx;
- char match; /* flag, YES/NO */
- char kmatch [4]; /* record how may char matched in
- each key (KU, KD, KL, KR) */
- extern char get_char();
- for (i=0; i<4; i++) kmatch[i] = 0;
- loop:
- c = get_char () & 0x7f; /* make it ASCII */
- for (match=NO, i=0; i<4; i++) {
- if (kmatch[i] < ci) continue;
- switch (i) {
- when 0: idx = KU;
- when 1: idx = KD;
- when 2: idx = KL;
- when 3: idx = KR;
- }
- if (c == Tcap[idx].tc_str[ci]) {
- kmatch[i]++;
- if (Tcap[idx].tc_len == ci+1) {
- ci = 0;
- return (0x80 | idx);
- }
- match = YES;
- }
- }
- buf[ci++] = c; /* save input char in temp buffer */
- if (match == YES) goto loop;
- pushback (&buf[1], ci-1);
- return (buf[0]);
- }