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- /*
- * spdaveb.c -- daveb's new splay tree functions.
- *
- * The functions in this file provide an interface that is nearly
- * the same as the hash library I swiped from mkmf, allowing
- * replacement of one by the other. Hey, it worked for me!
- *
- * splookup() -- given a key, find a node in a tree.
- * spinstall() -- install an item in the tree, overwriting existing value.
- * spfhead() -- fast (non-splay) find the first node in a tree.
- * spftail() -- fast (non-splay) find the last node in a tree.
- * spscan() -- forward scan tree from the head.
- * sprscan() -- reverse scan tree from the tail.
- * spfnext() -- non-splaying next.
- * spfprev() -- non-splaying prev.
- * spstats() -- make char string of stats for a tree.
- *
- * Written by David Brower, daveb@rtech.uucp 1/88.
- */
- # include "sptree.h"
- extern char *emalloc();
- /*----------------
- *
- * splookup() -- given key, find a node in a tree.
- *
- * Splays the found node to the root.
- */
- splookup( key, q )
- register char * key;
- register SPTREE * q;
- {
- register SPBLK * n;
- register int Sct;
- register int c;
- /* find node in the tree */
- n = q->root;
- c = ++(q->lkpcmps);
- q->lookups++;
- while( n && (Sct = STRCMP( key, n->key ) ) )
- {
- c++;
- n = ( Sct < 0 ) ? n->leftlink : n->rightlink;
- }
- q->lkpcmps = c;
- /* reorganize tree around this node */
- if( n != NULL )
- splay( n, q );
- return( n );
- }
- /*----------------
- *
- * spinstall() -- install an entry in a tree, overwriting any existing node.
- *
- * If the node already exists, replace its contents.
- * If it does not exist, then allocate a new node and fill it in.
- */
- spinstall( key, data, datb, q )
- register char * key;
- register char * data;
- register char * datb;
- register SPTREE *q;
- {
- register SPBLK *n;
- if( NULL == ( n = splookup( key, q ) ) )
- {
- n = (SPBLK *) emalloc( sizeof( *n ) );
- n->key = key;
- n->leftlink = NULL;
- n->rightlink = NULL;
- n->uplink = NULL;
- spenq( n, q );
- }
- n->data = data;
- n->datb = datb;
- return( n );
- }
- /*----------------
- *
- * spfhead() -- return the "lowest" element in the tree.
- *
- * returns a reference to the head event in the event-set q.
- * avoids splaying but just searches for and returns a pointer to
- * the bottom of the left branch.
- */
- spfhead( q )
- register SPTREE * q;
- {
- register SPBLK * x;
- if( NULL != ( x = q->root ) )
- while( x->leftlink != NULL )
- x = x->leftlink;
- return( x );
- } /* spfhead */
- /*----------------
- *
- * spftail() -- find the last node in a tree.
- *
- * Fast version does not splay result or intermediate steps.
- */
- spftail( q )
- SPTREE * q;
- {
- register SPBLK * x;
- if( NULL != ( x = q->root ) )
- while( x->rightlink != NULL )
- x = x->rightlink;
- return( x );
- } /* spftail */
- /*----------------
- *
- * spscan() -- apply a function to nodes in ascending order.
- *
- * if n is given, start at that node, otherwise start from
- * the head.
- */
- void
- spscan( f, n, q )
- register int (*f)();
- register SPBLK * n;
- register SPTREE * q;
- {
- register SPBLK * x;
- for( x = n != NULL ? n : spfhead( q ); x != NULL ; x = spfnext( x ) )
- (*f)( x );
- }
- /*----------------
- *
- * sprscan() -- apply a function to nodes in descending order.
- *
- * if n is given, start at that node, otherwise start from
- * the tail.
- */
- void
- sprscan( f, n, q )
- register int (*f)();
- register SPBLK * n;
- register SPTREE * q;
- {
- register SPBLK *x;
- for( x = n != NULL ? n : spftail( q ); x != NULL ; x = spfprev( x ) )
- (*f)( x );
- }
- /*----------------
- *
- * spfnext() -- fast return next higer item in the tree, or NULL.
- *
- * return the successor of n in q, represented as a splay tree.
- * This is a fast (on average) version that does not splay.
- */
- spfnext( n )
- register SPBLK * n;
- {
- register SPBLK * next;
- register SPBLK * x;
- /* a long version, avoids splaying for fast average,
- * poor amortized bound
- */
- if( n == NULL )
- return( n );
- x = n->rightlink;
- if( x != NULL )
- {
- while( x->leftlink != NULL )
- x = x->leftlink;
- next = x;
- }
- else /* x == NULL */
- {
- x = n->uplink;
- next = NULL;
- while( x != NULL )
- {
- if( x->leftlink == n )
- {
- next = x;
- x = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- n = x;
- x = n->uplink;
- }
- }
- }
- return( next );
- } /* spfnext */
- /*----------------
- *
- * spfprev() -- return fast previous node in a tree, or NULL.
- *
- * return the predecessor of n in q, represented as a splay tree.
- * This is a fast (on average) version that does not splay.
- */
- spfprev( n )
- register SPBLK * n;
- {
- register SPBLK * prev;
- register SPBLK * x;
- /* a long version,
- * avoids splaying for fast average, poor amortized bound
- */
- if( n == NULL )
- return( n );
- x = n->leftlink;
- if( x != NULL )
- {
- while( x->rightlink != NULL )
- x = x->rightlink;
- prev = x;
- }
- else
- {
- x = n->uplink;
- prev = NULL;
- while( x != NULL )
- {
- if( x->rightlink == n )
- {
- prev = x;
- x = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- n = x;
- x = n->uplink;
- }
- }
- }
- return( prev );
- } /* spfprev */
- char *
- spstats( q )
- SPTREE *q;
- {
- static char buf[ 128 ];
- float llen;
- float elen;
- float sloops;
- if( q == NULL )
- return("");
- llen = q->lookups ? (float)q->lkpcmps / q->lookups : 0;
- elen = q->enqs ? (float)q->enqcmps/q->enqs : 0;
- sloops = q->splays ? (float)q->splayloops/q->splays : 0;
- sprintf(buf, "f(%d %4.2f) i(%d %4.2f) s(%d %4.2f)",
- q->lookups, llen, q->enqs, elen, q->splays, sloops );
- return buf;
- }