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Text File | 1988-03-28 | 59.7 KB | 2,296 lines |
- Subject: v14i011: Device-independant graphics system, with drivers, Part06/24
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: Joe Dellinger <joe@hanauma.STANFORD.EDU>
- Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 11
- Archive-name: vplot/part06
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 6 (of 24)."
- # Wrapped by rsalz@fig.bbn.com on Fri Mar 25 11:46:51 1988
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'Envision_device/envilib/envipoly.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Envision_device/envilib/envipoly.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Envision_device/envilib/envipoly.c'\" \(1428 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Envision_device/envilib/envipoly.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/envilib/envipoly.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "envi.h"
- X
- extern FILE *pltout;
- X
- static int firstpoint;
- static int x_first, y_first;
- X
- envistartpoly (npts)
- X int npts;
- X{
- X envisetmode (REG);
- X fprintf (pltout, "%cOM%d,", ESC, npts + 1);
- X firstpoint = 1;
- X}
- X
- X
- envimidpoly (x, y)
- X int x, y;
- X{
- X fprintf (pltout, "%d,%d,", x * 4, y * 4);
- X if (firstpoint == 1)
- X {
- X firstpoint = 0;
- X x_first = x;
- X y_first = y;
- X }
- X /*
- X * Multiply by 4 to undo the window weirdness. That is, when in tek mode
- X * the window acts differently from when not in tek mode.
- X */
- X}
- X
- enviendpoly (last)
- X int last; /* 1 means this is the last polygon */
- X{
- X fprintf (pltout, "%d,%d,", x_first * 4, y_first * 4);
- X/*
- X * repeat the first point as the last to get around an envision bug!
- X */
- X}
- if test 1428 -ne `wc -c <'Envision_device/envilib/envipoly.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Envision_device/envilib/envipoly.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Envision_device/envilib/envipoly.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagdoc.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagdoc.h'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagdoc.h'\" \(1547 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagdoc.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- char *documentation[] = {
- X" ",
- X"NAME",
- X#ifdef SEP
- X" Imagpen - SEPlib vplot filter for Imagen 8/300 laser printer",
- X#else
- X" imagpen - vplot filter for Imagen 8/300 laser printer",
- X#endif
- X" ",
- X" output is in IMPRESS language, if not redirected, it is sent to ipr",
- X" ",
- X#ifdef SEP
- X" I[mag]pen [options] in=vplot-inputfile OR headerfile on standard in",
- X#else
- X" i[mag]pen [options] [inputfiles]",
- X#endif
- X" ",
- X#ifdef SEP
- X" Options unique to Imagpen:",
- X#else
- X" Options unique to imagpen:",
- X#endif
- X" paper=letter If paper=legal, 8.5x14 inch paper in use",
- X" label=string Label pages with string. If string=no, no label",
- X" default label is user name and date",
- X" strip=no If strip=y, then makes an IMPRESS output file",
- X" without document control language",
- X" tex=no If tex=y, then strip=y and rotate plot to correct",
- X" orientation for use with TEX",
- X" brute=yes If the imagen chops your plot up, make this yes",
- X" and pray to the gods of imagen (a little slower)",
- X" hold=reason Tells the imagen to not print the job until you",
- X" release it from the imagen console with \"rj\"",
- X" ncopies=n Requests multiple copies (works only if strip=no)",
- X#include "../include/gendoc.h"
- X" scratch file /scr/tmp/Impress_XXXXXX, which it deletes",
- X" man pen"
- X};
- int doclength = { sizeof documentation/sizeof documentation[0] };
- if test 1547 -ne `wc -c <'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagdoc.h'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagdoc.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagdoc.h'
- fi
- if test -f 'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagvector.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagvector.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagvector.c'\" \(1510 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagvector.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/imaglib/imagvector.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#define MAX_PEN 12
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "../include/extern.h"
- X#include "imagen.h"
- int current_fat = 1;
- X
- X
- imagvector (x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon)
- X int x1, y1, x2, y2;
- X int nfat, dashon;
- X{
- static int xlst, ylst;
- X
- X if (nfat < 0)
- X return;
- X
- X if (dashon)
- X {
- X dashvec (x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon);
- X return;
- X }
- X
- X if (nfat + 1 > MAX_PEN) /* Fatter than imagen can handle itself */
- X {
- X fatvec (x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon);
- X return;
- X }
- X
- X if (clip (&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2))
- X return;
- X
- X if (current_fat != (nfat + 1))
- X {
- X endpath (DRAW_PATH, imag_curcolor);
- X current_fat = (nfat + 1);
- X fprintf (pltout, "%c%c", SET_PEN, lob (current_fat));
- X }
- X
- X if ((x1 != xlst) || (y1 != ylst) || lost == 1)
- X {
- X /* Make sure it is a move, not a draw */
- X imagplot (x1, y1, 0);
- X }
- X imagplot (x2, y2, 1);
- X xlst = x2;
- X ylst = y2;
- X}
- if test 1510 -ne `wc -c <'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagvector.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagvector.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Imagen_device/imaglib/imagvector.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Masscomp_device/gpslib/gpsattr.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Masscomp_device/gpslib/gpsattr.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Masscomp_device/gpslib/gpsattr.c'\" \(1394 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Masscomp_device/gpslib/gpsattr.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/gpslib/gpsattr.c
- X *
- X * Stewart A. Levin (SEP), July 3 1987
- X * Cribbed rasattr.c for gps filter
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * control graphics attributes
- X */
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "../include/attrcom.h"
- X#include "gpspen.h"
- extern int color_mult;
- static int regismap[8] = {0, 24, 26, 22, 25, 21, 23, 20};
- X
- gpsattr (command, value, v1, v2, v3)
- X register int command, value;
- X int v1, v2, v3;
- X{
- int bundle;
- X switch (command)
- X {
- X case SET_COLOR:
- X if (value < 8)
- X bundle = regismap[value];
- X else
- X bundle = color_mult * value;
- X line_style (bundle);
- X /* text_style(bundle); /* unused; we don't do native text */
- X break;
- X /* Creare's crpf uses a fancy external table ... we'll do this later */
- X break;
- X case SET_WINDOW:
- X /* use dumb clipping, I don't think gps windows and viewports */
- X /* are of use for vplot's windowing */
- X default:
- X break;
- X }
- X
- return 0;
- X}
- if test 1394 -ne `wc -c <'Masscomp_device/gpslib/gpsattr.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Masscomp_device/gpslib/gpsattr.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Masscomp_device/gpslib/gpsattr.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Printronix_device/lprlib/lprclose.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Printronix_device/lprlib/lprclose.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Printronix_device/lprlib/lprclose.c'\" \(1381 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Printronix_device/lprlib/lprclose.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/lprlib/lprclose.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X/* Routine to finish up */
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "../include/closestat.h"
- X#include "../include/enum.h"
- X#include "../include/extern.h"
- X#include "lprpen.h"
- X
- lprclose (status)
- X int status;
- X{
- char system_call[120];
- X
- X switch (status)
- X {
- X if (file_created)
- X {
- X fclose (pltout);
- X sprintf (system_call, "lpr -l %s\n", spoolfile);
- X system (system_call);
- X }
- X break;
- X fflush (pltout);
- X break;
- X break;
- X case CLOSE_DONE:
- X /*
- X * If we created a temporary file, remove it
- X */
- X if (file_created)
- X unlink (spoolfile);
- X break;
- X break;
- X default: /* not meant for us, ignore */
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- if test 1381 -ne `wc -c <'Printronix_device/lprlib/lprclose.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Printronix_device/lprlib/lprclose.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Printronix_device/lprlib/lprclose.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'RasterTek_device/rteklib/rtekutil.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'RasterTek_device/rteklib/rtekutil.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'RasterTek_device/rteklib/rtekutil.c'\" \(1457 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'RasterTek_device/rteklib/rtekutil.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/rteklib/rtekutil.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X/* utilities for sending Raster Tech commands */
- X#include "rtekpen.h"
- X
- X/* be sure that a command string has an even byte count; add a NOP */
- byte (arg)
- X char arg;
- X{
- X fputc (arg & 0xFF, rtekfd);
- X}
- X
- word (arg)
- X short arg;
- X{
- X fputc ((arg & 0xFF00) >> 8, rtekfd);
- X fputc (arg & 0xFF, rtekfd);
- X}
- X
- rtek_flsbuf (len)
- X int len;
- X{
- int newlen;
- extern char *malloc ();
- X
- X if (rtekfd->_cnt & 1) /* odd byte count left in stdio buffer */
- X byte (NOP); /* pad to even length */
- X fflush (rtekfd);
- X
- X /* now check if there's enough buffer space after flushing */
- X if (len > rtekfd->_bufsiz)
- X { /* expand buffer */
- X free (rtekfd->_base);
- X newlen = len + (len & 1);
- X rtekfd->_base = malloc (newlen);
- X rtekfd->_ptr = rtekfd->_base;
- X rtekfd->_bufsiz = newlen;
- X rtekfd->_cnt = newlen;
- X }
- X}
- if test 1457 -ne `wc -c <'RasterTek_device/rteklib/rtekutil.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'RasterTek_device/rteklib/rtekutil.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'RasterTek_device/rteklib/rtekutil.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekcolor.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekcolor.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekcolor.c'\" \(1366 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekcolor.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/cteklib/ctekcolor.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "ctek.h"
- X
- X/*
- X * Uses the REGIS (ugh) color mapping for the solid colors,
- X * which will probably cause no end of confusion if you start
- X * changing the primary colors for nicer plots.
- X */
- X
- int draw_border = 0; /* If nonzero, draw a border on a
- X * polygon */
- X
- ctekcolor (color)
- X{
- extern FILE *pltout;
- int c;
- X/*
- X * Sometimes it is hard for vplot to realize that it doesn't need to
- X * change the color. It has to be safe. Here we KNOW, so we can check.
- X */
- static int real_color = -1;
- X
- X/*
- X * Colors will always be less than num_col
- X */
- X
- X c = ctekcolmap (color);
- X
- X if (c != real_color)
- X {
- X real_color = c;
- X cteksetmode (TEK);
- X fprintf (pltout, "%cML", ESC);
- X tekipack (c);
- X }
- X return;
- X}
- if test 1366 -ne `wc -c <'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekcolor.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekcolor.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekcolor.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekgetpoint.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekgetpoint.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekgetpoint.c'\" \(1341 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekgetpoint.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/cteklib/ctekgetpoint.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "ctek.h"
- X
- extern FILE *pltout;
- extern int allowecho;
- X
- ctekgetpoint (termout, x, y)
- X FILE *termout;
- X int *x, *y;
- X{
- char string[80];
- X
- X fflush (pltout);
- X cteksetmode (VECTOR);
- X system ("stty echo");
- X fprintf (pltout, "%c%c", ESC, SB); /* Ask for position of cursor */
- X fflush (pltout);
- X fflush (termout);
- X fread (string, 1, 6, termout); /* Get answer */
- X fflush (termout);
- X if (string[0] == ESC)
- X return (1);
- X
- X *x = (((string[1] & 037) << 5) | (string[2] & 037));
- X *y = (((string[3] & 037) << 5) | (string[4] & 037));
- X *x = *x * 4;
- X *y = *y * 4;
- X
- X if (!allowecho)
- X system ("stty -echo");
- X
- X lost = 1;
- X return (0);
- X}
- if test 1341 -ne `wc -c <'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekgetpoint.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekgetpoint.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekgetpoint.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekpoly.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekpoly.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekpoly.c'\" \(1494 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekpoly.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/cteklib/ctekpoly.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * Polygon routines.
- X * Shading option is handled at higher level, since these routines produce
- X * filled polygons.
- X * Uses draw_border set by termcolor().
- X */
- X/*
- X * JAD ----
- X * Since VPLOT will always draw the border, always have it set to NO!
- X */
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "ctek.h"
- X#include "../include/enum.h"
- extern FILE *pltout;
- X
- extern int draw_border;
- int poly_started;
- X
- ctekstartpoly (npts)
- X int npts;
- X{
- X poly_started = NO;
- X}
- X
- ctekmidpoly (x, y)
- X int x, y;
- X{
- X
- X if (!poly_started)
- X {
- X cteksetmode (TEK);
- X fprintf (pltout, "%cLP", ESC);
- X ctekxypack (x, y);
- X tekipack (draw_border);
- X cteksetmode (VECTOR);
- X poly_started = YES;
- X }
- X else
- X ctekxypack (x, y);
- X}
- X
- ctekendpoly (last)
- X int last;
- X{
- X if (!last)
- X poly_started = NO;
- X else
- X {
- X cteksetmode (TEK);
- X fprintf (pltout, "%cLE", ESC);
- X }
- X}
- if test 1494 -ne `wc -c <'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekpoly.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekpoly.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Tek_device/cteklib/ctekpoly.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Tek_device/teklib/tekmessage.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Tek_device/teklib/tekmessage.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Tek_device/teklib/tekmessage.c'\" \(1441 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Tek_device/teklib/tekmessage.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/teklib/tekmessage.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * Device dependent subroutine to handle message operations
- X */
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "tek.h"
- X#include "../include/mesgcom.h"
- X#include "../include/enum.h"
- extern FILE *pltout;
- X
- int messagecount = 0;
- X
- tekmessage (command, string)
- X int command;
- X char string[];
- X{
- register int i;
- X
- X switch (command)
- X {
- X case MESG_HOME:
- X case MESG_READY:
- X setmode (VECTOR);
- X tekxypack (0, 773);
- X setmode (ALPHA);
- X for (i = messagecount; i > 0; i--)
- X fprintf (pltout, "\n");
- X lost = YES;
- X fflush (pltout);
- X break;
- X case MESG_TEXT:
- X fprintf (pltout, "%s", string);
- X messagecount++;
- X lost = YES;
- X break;
- X case MESG_ON:
- X case MESG_OFF:
- X case MESG_ERASE:
- X case MESG_DONE:
- X default:
- X fflush (pltout);
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- if test 1441 -ne `wc -c <'Tek_device/teklib/tekmessage.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Tek_device/teklib/tekmessage.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Tek_device/teklib/tekmessage.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Virtual_device/raslib/known_bugs' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Virtual_device/raslib/known_bugs'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Virtual_device/raslib/known_bugs'\" \(1354 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Virtual_device/raslib/known_bugs' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- This pen filter is for a generic color raster device.
- Raster on it is horribly inefficient, as all I did was
- grab a routine to rasterize a line and then pile up all
- the generic routines possible on top of that.
- Hence Raster gets turned into vectors by genraster,
- and then the vectors get rasterized again by rasvector.
- Ug! Absurd!
- Obviously "rasraster" should be written, but what I've
- got here works and I'm too lazy to make it more efficient.
- X
- The non-SEPlib version, "raspen", is not used at SEP. The non-SEP
- version does work, however. If you don't have "Movie" and SEPlib
- available, you will probably want to remove the obnoxious message
- in rasclose.c telling you to only use the SEPlib version of the
- program.
- X
- The SEP version of the program bypasses the normal SEPlib handling
- of output. This is necessary because Raspen needs to putch n3 onto
- the output header and can't know what it is going to be until after
- it has processed all of the incoming vplot. The bad effect of this is
- that if you use pipes you are likely to be left with undeleted
- temporary files. It does use the standard SEPlib conventions for
- finding the datapath and file name prefix when making a data file, though.
- The incoming history is lost, however. This is often not a bad thing
- as usually all of the getpar parameters to be found in it are junk at best.
- X
- X- Joe Dellinger
- if test 1354 -ne `wc -c <'Virtual_device/raslib/known_bugs'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Virtual_device/raslib/known_bugs'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Virtual_device/raslib/known_bugs'
- fi
- if test -f 'Virtual_device/raslib/raserase.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Virtual_device/raslib/raserase.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Virtual_device/raslib/raserase.c'\" \(1456 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Virtual_device/raslib/raserase.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/raslib/raserase.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * Erase the graphics area
- X */
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "../include/erasecom.h"
- X#include "../include/enum.h"
- X#include "../include/err.h"
- X#include "../include/extern.h"
- X#include "raspen.h"
- extern FILE *pltout;
- extern int zap ();
- X
- raserase (command)
- X int command;
- X{
- X
- X switch (command)
- X {
- X default:
- X break;
- X case ERASE_END:
- X/*
- X * Output raster file, and then CLEAR it out (erase)
- X */
- X if (write (fileno (pltout), image, dev_xmax * dev_ymax) != dev_xmax * dev_ymax)
- X {
- X ERR (FATAL, name, "Can't write raster image\n");
- X }
- X zap ();
- X break;
- X/*
- X * Output raster file, but don't CLEAR it!
- X */
- X if (write (fileno (pltout), image, dev_xmax * dev_ymax) != dev_xmax * dev_ymax)
- X {
- X ERR (FATAL, name, "Can't write raster image\n");
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- if test 1456 -ne `wc -c <'Virtual_device/raslib/raserase.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Virtual_device/raslib/raserase.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Virtual_device/raslib/raserase.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Virtual_device/vplib/vppoly.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Virtual_device/vplib/vppoly.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Virtual_device/vplib/vppoly.c'\" \(1525 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Virtual_device/vplib/vppoly.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/vplib/vppoly.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), Dec 19 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#include "../include/extern.h"
- X#include "../include/pat.h"
- X#include "../include/enum.h"
- X#include "vp.h"
- X
- static float *xp;
- static float *yp;
- static int vnpts;
- X
- vpstartpoly (npts)
- X int npts;
- X{
- X vpsetflag = NO;
- X lost = YES;
- X vnpts = 0;
- X
- X xp = (float *) malloc ((unsigned) (npts * sizeof (float)));
- X yp = (float *) malloc ((unsigned) (npts * sizeof (float)));
- X}
- X
- vpmidpoly (x, y)
- X int x, y;
- X{
- X xp[vnpts] = (float) (x) / RPERIN;
- X yp[vnpts] = (float) (y) / RPERIN;
- X vnpts++;
- X}
- X
- vpendpoly (last)
- X int last;
- X{
- X if (ipat == 0)
- X {
- X vp_area (xp, yp, vnpts, -1, pat[ipat].xdim_orig, pat[ipat].ydim_orig);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X
- X if (ipat - 1 != vpcolor)
- X vp_color (ipat - 1);
- X
- X vp_fill (xp, yp, vnpts);
- X
- X if (ipat - 1 != vpcolor)
- X vp_color (vpcolor);
- X
- X }
- X
- X free ((char *) xp);
- X free ((char *) yp);
- X}
- if test 1525 -ne `wc -c <'Virtual_device/vplib/vppoly.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Virtual_device/vplib/vppoly.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Virtual_device/vplib/vppoly.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_greycol' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_greycol'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_greycol'\" \(1488 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_greycol' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#plas: Vplot units used in this file
- e
- S s
- w -32760 -32760 32760 32760
- c 7
- f 0
- s 0
- F 0 0 0
- J 0 0
- w -32760 -32760 8190 32760
- z
- Test mapping of colors to grey levels for raster
- z
- X
- C 0 0 0 0
- C 1 0 0 255
- C 2 255 0 0
- C 3 255 0 255
- C 4 0 255 0
- C 5 0 255 255
- C 6 255 255 0
- C 7 255 255 255
- C 8 0 0 0
- C 9 37 37 37
- C 10 73 73 73
- C 11 110 110 110
- C 12 146 146 146
- C 13 183 183 183
- C 14 219 219 219
- C 15 255 255 255
- R 0 0
- X0 0
- X5999 5999
- X2 8
- X 1 ------ lines 0 to 0
- X1 2 -- start byte 0 in y_line 0
- X0
- X8
- X 1 ------ lines 1 to 1
- X1 2 -- start byte 0 in y_line 1
- X1
- X9
- X 1 ------ lines 2 to 2
- X1 2 -- start byte 0 in y_line 2
- X2
- X10
- X 1 ------ lines 3 to 3
- X1 2 -- start byte 0 in y_line 3
- X3
- X11
- X 1 ------ lines 4 to 4
- X1 2 -- start byte 0 in y_line 4
- X4
- X12
- X 1 ------ lines 5 to 5
- X1 2 -- start byte 0 in y_line 5
- X5
- X13
- X 1 ------ lines 6 to 6
- X1 2 -- start byte 0 in y_line 6
- X6
- X14
- X 1 ------ lines 7 to 7
- X1 2 -- start byte 0 in y_line 7
- X7
- X15
- f 6
- m 0 0
- d 0 6000
- d 6000 6000
- d 6000 0
- d 0 0
- z
- X
- z
- Different colors map onto different levels of Grey.
- z
- The bars should be horizontal, subdivided into left and right halves,
- z
- color on the left, grey on the right.
- z
- On a black-and-white device, both halves of each bar
- z
- should be the same shade of grey.
- z
- The colors should be ordered from top to bottom
- z
- Black, Blue, Red, Magenta, Green, Cyan, Yellow, White.
- z
- Blue is the darkest primary, Red is intermediate, and Green is brightest.
- z
- This is how Black and White TV's do it.
- z
- X
- if test 1488 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_greycol'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_greycol'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_greycol'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_size' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_size'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_size'\" \(1419 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_size' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- e
- S a
- z
- Test of absolute scaling.
- z
- X
- z
- The grid lines should be exactly one inch apart.
- z
- The two very fat white lines should each be one inch wide,
- z
- exactly filling the space between the adjacent grid lines.
- z
- The thinner vertical white line should be 1/10th of an inch wide.
- z
- The letter `A' in "A!g" should be exactly one inch tall in all orientations.
- z
- The red dashed lines should be on for half an inch, and then off for the same.
- z
- Each vertical red dash should start at the end of a horizontal red dash.
- z
- The yellow single `A' should be one inch high.
- z
- It should exactly span the gap between adjacent grid lines.
- z
- X
- c 7
- f 200
- m 1500 600
- d 1500 3000
- f 0
- c 0
- m 1200 1200
- d 1800 1800
- c 7
- f 20
- m 2700 0
- d 2700 6000
- f 10
- J 2 3
- m 3900 3900
- T 33 0
- A!g
- m 3300 2700
- T 33 -90
- A!g
- m 4200 600
- T 33 30
- A!g
- c 6
- M 1 65 33
- X4800 300
- M 1 2 33
- X300 300
- M 1 3 33
- X900 300
- M 1 5 33
- X1500 300
- M 1 4 33
- X2100 300
- c 7
- f 200
- m 600 1500
- d 4200 1500
- f 0
- c 5
- m 0 0
- d 0 6000
- m 600 0
- d 600 6000
- m 1200 0
- d 1200 6000
- m 1800 0
- d 1800 6000
- m 2400 0
- d 2400 6000
- m 3000 0
- d 3000 6000
- m 3600 0
- d 3600 6000
- m 4200 0
- d 4200 6000
- m 4800 0
- d 4800 6000
- m 5400 0
- d 5400 6000
- m 6000 0
- d 6000 6000
- s 1
- X300 300
- c 2
- m 0 0
- d 6000 0
- m 0 600
- d 6000 600
- m 0 1200
- d 6000 1200
- m 0 1800
- d 6000 1800
- m 0 2400
- d 6000 2400
- m 0 3000
- d 6000 3000
- m 0 3600
- d 6000 3600
- m 0 4200
- d 6000 4200
- m 0 4800
- d 6000 4800
- m 0 5400
- d 6000 5400
- m 0 6000
- d 6000 6000
- m 300 0
- d 300 6000
- if test 1419 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_size'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_size'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_size'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_text' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_text'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_text'\" \(1331 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_text' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- e
- S s
- z
- Test of text
- z
- X
- F -1 2 0
- c 1
- m 1700 3400
- d 1700 4000
- m 600 600
- d 600 3000
- c 7
- J 0 0
- m 600 600
- G 1000 0 1000 1000
- Tilted 45 degrees,
- G 1000 0 0 2000
- X Tall,
- G 1000 0 0 -1000
- X upside down,
- G 100 0 0 100
- X Ridiculously and Absurdly Small,
- G 2000 0 0 1000
- X and Wide.
- m 600 1200
- T 10 0
- X\s80 This li
- T 10 0
- X\s80 ne should b
- T 10 0
- X\s80 e continuous.
- c 4
- m 600 1800
- T 15 0
- X[\\]^_`\s40 Ligatures: ffifllfli!
- z
- Each text command should leave the current position such that the next
- z
- text command will correctly continue where the last left off.
- z
- There should be a line saying "This line should be continuous."
- z
- X
- m 600 2300
- T 8 8
- Angle u
- c 5
- T 8 0
- p, then fl
- c 6
- T 8 -6
- at then down a bit-
- T 7 -45
- X- wh
- T 6 -50
- oops,
- T 5 -60
- off
- T 4 -70
- the
- T 3 -80
- edg
- T 2 -90
- e!
- c 7
- m 600 3000
- J 0 3
- T 25 0
- X{|}~
- f 15
- m 4000 3000
- d 4000 3000
- f 0
- J 0 0
- T 4 0
- X\F1 =Normal=
- J 3 4
- f 15
- m 4000 3000
- d 4000 3000
- f 0
- z
- X
- z
- The words "Right Cap" should have an error glyph in the space between them.
- T 8 0
- RightCap
- z
- Attempting to use that glyph should have just generated an error message.
- J 2 3
- f 15
- m 3000 3600
- d 3000 3600
- f 0
- T 5 90
- X=Center=
- f 1
- J 4 6
- m 1700 3400
- T 10 0
- X6.\m0 4\s60 83\s40 3\s100 94\M0
- m 1700 3800
- T 3 0
- XX
- m 1700 4000
- T 8 0
- x\^x\_x.\m0 iii\M0
- m 1700 3654
- T 4 4
- X\^D\_o\_t\_s\^\^ are \s200 all \s150 aligned,\m0 No matter what!\M0
- echo shar: 1 control character may be missing from \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_text'\"
- if test 1331 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_text'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_text'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/TEST_text'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/makefile' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/makefile'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/makefile'\" \(1332 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/makefile' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- TUBE = ../rpen size=r
- LVPLOT = ../../lvplot/libvplot.a
- FC = f77
- X
- none:
- X @echo "one of:"
- X @echo "vppen vppen2 rastest ellipse libvplot_example polytest"
- X @echo "[cf]texttest markertest ufilltest Font"
- X
- vppen:
- X plas < TEST_erase > out.vp
- X ../vppen out.vp gridnum=4 frame=y | $(TUBE)
- X rm out.vp
- X
- vppen2:
- X cat TEST_aspect_ratio DEMO_Graph TEST_colors DEMO_Tectonics DEMO_Texas TEST_align TEST_clipping DEMO_Graph TEST_aspect_ratio | plas > out.vp
- X ../vppen out.vp gridnum=3 | $(TUBE)
- X rm out.vp
- X
- Font:
- X cc -o Font Font.c
- X
- rastest:
- X cc -g rastest.c $(LVPLOT) -lm -o rastest
- X rastest | $(TUBE)
- X rm rastest
- X
- ctexttest:
- X cc -g texttest.c $(LVPLOT) -lm -o texttest
- X texttest | $(TUBE)
- X rm texttest
- X
- ftexttest:
- X $(FC) -g texttest.f $(LVPLOT) -lm -o texttest
- X texttest
- X $(TUBE) < out.vp
- X rm texttest out.vp
- X
- polytest:
- X cc -g polytest.c $(LVPLOT) -lm -o polytest
- X polytest | $(TUBE)
- X rm polytest
- X
- markertest:
- X $(FC) -g markertest.f $(LVPLOT) -lm -o markertest
- X markertest
- X $(TUBE) < out.vp
- X rm markertest out.vp
- X
- ufilltest:
- X cc -g ufilltest.c $(LVPLOT) -lm -o ufilltest
- X ufilltest | $(TUBE)
- X rm ufilltest
- X
- ellipse:
- X $(FC) -g ellips.f $(LVPLOT) -o ell
- X ell
- X $(TUBE) < f.vp frame=y
- X rm ell f.vp
- X
- libvplot_example:
- X cc -g libvplot_example.c $(LVPLOT) -lm -o libvplot_example
- X libvplot_example < libvplot_example.dat | $(TUBE)
- X rm libvplot_example
- if test 1332 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/makefile'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/makefile'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/makefile'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/loclib/alloc.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/loclib/alloc.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/loclib/alloc.c'\" \(1344 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/filters/loclib/alloc.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * allocation with error detection
- X *
- X * modified 1/26/83 S. Levin : added unsigned coersion to agree with malloc(3)
- X * changed to NULL instead of 0
- X * modified 3/19/83 S. Levin : keep internal 1024 byte block for small request
- X * include source for malloc inline to block missing
- X * cfree() linkage references.
- X * modified 2/7/84 S. Levin : deleted calloc() call to reduce paging -- no
- X * longer is memory necessarily zeroed out of alloc.
- X *
- X * In order to allocate an array of floating point numbers, use
- X * the following command in the calling routine:
- X *
- X * float *x;
- X * x = (float *) alloc(nx*sizeof(float));
- X *
- X * nx is the number of elements needed in the array.
- X */
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#define SMALLBLOCK -1
- char *alloc (size)
- int size;
- X{
- X static char *myblock = NULL; static int bytesleft = 0;
- X char *ptr; extern char *malloc();
- X
- X if(size > SMALLBLOCK)
- X {
- X if ((ptr = malloc ((unsigned)size)) == NULL)
- X err ("can't allocate %d bytes\n",size);
- X return (ptr);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if(bytesleft < size)
- X {
- X if ((myblock = malloc ((unsigned)SMALLBLOCK)) == NULL)
- X err ("can't allocate %d bytes\n",size);
- X bytesleft = SMALLBLOCK - size;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X bytesleft -= size;
- X }
- X ptr = myblock;
- X myblock += size;
- X return(ptr);
- X }
- X}
- if test 1344 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/filters/loclib/alloc.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/loclib/alloc.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/loclib/alloc.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/intersect.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/intersect.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/intersect.c'\" \(1386 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/intersect.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/utilities/intersect.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include "../include/vertex.h"
- X
- X
- intersect (x, crosses, head, scany)
- X register int x;
- X register int *crosses;
- X struct vertex *head;
- X int scany;
- X{
- register struct vertex *v;
- int ncross, y;
- X
- X ncross = 0;
- X v = head;
- X if (scany)
- X {
- X do
- X {
- X if (v->y > x && v->last->y > x)
- X continue;
- X if (v->y < x && v->last->y < x)
- X continue;
- X
- X y = solve (x, v->y, v->x, v->last->y, v->last->x);
- X crosses[ncross++] = y;
- X } while ((v = v->next) != head);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X do
- X {
- X if (v->x > x && v->last->x > x)
- X continue;
- X if (v->x < x && v->last->x < x)
- X continue;
- X
- X y = solve (x, v->x, v->y, v->last->x, v->last->y);
- X crosses[ncross++] = y;
- X } while ((v = v->next) != head);
- X }
- X return (ncross);
- X}
- if test 1386 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/intersect.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/intersect.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/intersect.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/vecoutline.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/vecoutline.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/vecoutline.c'\" \(1439 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/vecoutline.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/utilities/vecoutline.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "../include/params.h"
- X#include "../include/pat.h"
- X#include "../include/vertex.h"
- X#include "../include/extern.h"
- X
- vecoutline (head)
- X struct vertex *head;
- X{
- X /*
- X * Draw the outline of the polygon pointed to by 'head'. If any side of
- X * the polygon is identical to any other (that is they have identical
- X * endpoints), then neither line is drawn. This allows among things a
- X * doughnut to be defined by a single polygon without the line that
- X * connects the inner and outer being plotted.
- X */
- register int xlast, ylast;
- register struct vertex *v;
- X
- X xlast = head->last->x;
- X ylast = head->last->y;
- X v = head;
- X do
- X {
- X if (!dupside (v))
- X dev.vector (v->x, v->y, xlast, ylast, afat, 0);
- X xlast = v->x;
- X ylast = v->y;
- X } while ((v = v->next) != head);
- X}
- if test 1439 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/vecoutline.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/vecoutline.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/utilities/vecoutline.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_bgroup.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_bgroup.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_bgroup.c'\" \(1412 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_bgroup.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./lvplot/vp_bgroup.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), Feb 27 1988
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#include "vp_pc.h"
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X
- X#define BGROUP vpwbgroup_
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#define BGROUP vp_bgroup
- X
- X#endif
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- BGROUP (string, nchars)
- X#else
- BGROUP (string)
- X#endif
- X char *string;
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X int *nchars;
- X#endif
- X{
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- int i, length;
- X#endif
- X
- X putc (VP_BEGIN_GROUP, vp_pc._pltout);
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X/*
- X * Try to still work even if they didn't specify nchars.
- X */
- X length = 80;
- X if (nchars != NULL)
- X {
- X if (*nchars >= 0)
- X length = *nchars;
- X }
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
- X {
- X if (*(string + i) == '\0')
- X break;
- X putc (*(string + i), vp_pc._pltout);
- X }
- X putc ('\0', vp_pc._pltout);
- X#else FORTRAN
- X do
- X {
- X putc (*string, vp_pc._pltout);
- X }
- X while (*string++);
- X#endif FORTRAN
- X}
- if test 1412 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_bgroup.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_bgroup.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_bgroup.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_coltab.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_coltab.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_coltab.c'\" \(1375 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_coltab.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./lvplot/vp_coltab.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#undef RED
- X#undef BLUE
- X#undef GREEN
- X#include "params.h"
- X#include "round.h"
- X
- X#include "vp_pc.h"
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X
- X#define COLTAB vpcoltab_
- X#define COLOR *color
- X#define RED *red
- X#define GREEN *green
- X#define BLUE *blue
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#define COLTAB vp_coltab
- X#define COLOR color
- X#define RED red
- X#define GREEN green
- X#define BLUE blue
- X
- X#endif
- X
- COLTAB (color, red, green, blue)
- X int COLOR;
- X float RED, GREEN, BLUE;
- X{
- int c, r, g, b;
- X c = COLOR;
- X r = ROUND (RED * MAX_GUN);
- X
- X putc (VP_SET_COLOR_TABLE, vp_pc._pltout);
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X puth (r, vp_pc._pltout);
- X puth (g, vp_pc._pltout);
- X puth (b, vp_pc._pltout);
- X}
- if test 1375 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_coltab.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_coltab.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_coltab.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_dash.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_dash.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_dash.c'\" \(1355 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_dash.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./lvplot/vp_dash.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#include "vp_pc.h"
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X
- X#define DASH vpdash_
- X#define DASH1 *dash1
- X#define GAP1 *gap1
- X#define DASH2 *dash2
- X#define GAP2 *gap2
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#define DASH vp_dash
- X#define DASH1 dash1
- X#define GAP1 gap1
- X#define DASH2 dash2
- X#define GAP2 gap2
- X
- X#endif
- X
- DASH (dash1, gap1, dash2, gap2)
- X float DASH1, GAP1, DASH2, GAP2;
- X{
- X if (DASH1 < 0. || GAP1 < 0. || DASH2 < 0. || GAP2 < 0.)
- X {
- X vp_pc._dashon = 0;
- X return;
- X }
- X vp_pc._ddef[0] = DASH1;
- X vp_pc._ddef[1] = vp_pc._ddef[0] + GAP1;
- X vp_pc._ddef[2] = vp_pc._ddef[1] + DASH2;
- X vp_pc._ddef[3] = vp_pc._ddef[2] + GAP2;
- X if (vp_pc._ddef[3] <= 0.)
- X {
- X vp_pc._dashon = 0;
- X return;
- X }
- X vp_pc._dashon = 1;
- X vp_pc._dpos = 0.0;
- X return;
- X}
- if test 1355 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_dash.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_dash.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_dash.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_hatchload.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_hatchload.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_hatchload.c'\" \(1440 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_hatchload.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./lvplot/vp_hatchload.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#include "vp_pc.h"
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X
- X#define HATCHLOAD vphatchload_
- X#define ANGLE *angle
- X#define NUMHATCH *numhatch
- X#define IHATCH *ihatch
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#define HATCHLOAD vp_hatchload
- X#define ANGLE angle
- X#define NUMHATCH numhatch
- X#define IHATCH ihatch
- X
- X#endif
- X
- HATCHLOAD (angle, numhatch, ihatch, hatcharray)
- X int *hatcharray;
- X{
- int c;
- int ii;
- X
- X putc (VP_PATLOAD, vp_pc._pltout);
- X c = ANGLE;
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X c = -1;
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X c = IHATCH;
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X
- X for (ii = 0; ii < 2 * 4 * NUMHATCH; ii++)
- X {
- X c = hatcharray[ii];
- X if (ii % 4 > 1)
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X }
- X}
- if test 1440 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_hatchload.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_hatchload.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_hatchload.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_message.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_message.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_message.c'\" \(1402 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_message.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./lvplot/vp_message.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), Jan 8 1988
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#include "vp_pc.h"
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X
- X#define TEXT vpwmessage_
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#define TEXT vp_message
- X
- X#endif
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- TEXT (string, nchars)
- X#else
- TEXT (string)
- X#endif
- X char *string;
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X int *nchars;
- X#endif
- X{
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- int i, length;
- X#endif
- X
- X putc (VP_MESSAGE, vp_pc._pltout);
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X/*
- X * Try to still work even if they didn't specify nchars.
- X */
- X length = 80;
- X if (nchars != NULL)
- X {
- X if (*nchars >= 0)
- X length = *nchars;
- X }
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
- X {
- X if (*(string + i) == '\0')
- X break;
- X putc (*(string + i), vp_pc._pltout);
- X }
- X putc ('\0', vp_pc._pltout);
- X#else FORTRAN
- X do
- X {
- X putc (*string, vp_pc._pltout);
- X }
- X while (*string++);
- X#endif FORTRAN
- X}
- if test 1402 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_message.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_message.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_message.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_patload.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_patload.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_patload.c'\" \(1338 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_patload.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./lvplot/vp_patload.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#include "vp_pc.h"
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X
- X#define PATLOAD vppatload_
- X#define PPI *ppi
- X#define NX *nx
- X#define NY *ny
- X#define IPAT *ipat
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#define PATLOAD vp_patload
- X#define PPI ppi
- X#define NX nx
- X#define NY ny
- X#define IPAT ipat
- X
- X#endif
- X
- PATLOAD (ppi, nx, ny, ipat, colarray)
- X int PPI, NX, NY, IPAT;
- X int *colarray;
- X{
- int c;
- int ii;
- X
- X putc (VP_PATLOAD, vp_pc._pltout);
- X c = PPI;
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X c = NX;
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X c = NY;
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X c = IPAT;
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X
- X for (ii = 0; ii < NX * NY; ii++)
- X {
- X c = colarray[ii];
- X puth (c, vp_pc._pltout);
- X }
- X}
- if test 1338 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_patload.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_patload.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_patload.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_setdash.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_setdash.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_setdash.c'\" \(1394 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_setdash.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./lvplot/vp_setdash.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X * Joe Dellinger Jan 14 1988
- X * Do rounding.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#include "round.h"
- X#include "vp_pc.h"
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X
- X#define SETDASH vpsetdash_
- X#define LP *lp
- X#define DASHP dashp2
- X#define GAPP gapp2
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#define SETDASH vp_setdash
- X#define LP lp
- X#define DASHP dashp
- X#define GAPP gapp
- X
- X#endif
- X
- SETDASH (dashp, gapp, lp)
- X float *dashp, *gapp;
- X int LP;
- X{
- int i;
- int ix, iy;
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- register float *dashp2, *gapp2;
- X dashp2 = dashp;
- X gapp2 = gapp;
- X#endif FORTRAN
- X
- X putc (VP_SETDASH, vp_pc._pltout);
- X puth (LP, vp_pc._pltout);
- X for (i = 0; i < LP; i++)
- X {
- X ix = ROUND ((*DASHP) * RPERIN);
- X iy = ROUND ((*GAPP) * RPERIN);
- X DASHP++;
- X GAPP++;
- X puth (ix, vp_pc._pltout);
- X puth (iy, vp_pc._pltout);
- X }
- X}
- if test 1394 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_setdash.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_setdash.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_setdash.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_tfont.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_tfont.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_tfont.c'\" \(1335 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_tfont.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./lvplot/vp_tfont.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger, Dec 7 1987
- X * If they call vp_tfont, just write out the vplot command.
- X * Don't bother trying to second guess them! It's only
- X * asking for trouble.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#include "vp_pc.h"
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X
- X#define FONT *font
- X#define PREC *prec
- X#define OVLY *ovly
- X#define TFONT vptfont_
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#define FONT font
- X#define PREC prec
- X#define OVLY ovly
- X#define TFONT vp_tfont
- X
- X#endif
- X
- TFONT (font, prec, ovly)
- X{
- X vp_pc._font = FONT;
- X vp_pc._prec = PREC;
- X vp_pc._ovly = OVLY;
- X
- X putc (VP_TXFONTPREC, vp_pc._pltout);
- X puth (vp_pc._font, vp_pc._pltout);
- X puth (vp_pc._prec, vp_pc._pltout);
- X puth (vp_pc._ovly, vp_pc._pltout);
- X
- X return;
- X}
- if test 1335 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_tfont.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_tfont.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_tfont.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_uclip.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_uclip.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_uclip.c'\" \(1483 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_uclip.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./lvplot/vp_uclip.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#include "vp_pc.h"
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X
- X#define UCLIP vpuclip_
- X#define CLIP vpclip_
- X#define XMIN *xmin
- X#define YMIN *ymin
- X#define XMAX *xmax
- X#define YMAX *ymax
- X#define XPMIN &xpmin
- X#define YPMIN &ypmin
- X#define XPMAX &xpmax
- X#define YPMAX &ypmax
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#define UCLIP vp_uclip
- X#define CLIP vp_clip
- X#define XMIN xmin
- X#define YMIN ymin
- X#define XMAX xmax
- X#define YMAX ymax
- X#define XPMIN xpmin
- X#define YPMIN ypmin
- X#define XPMAX xpmax
- X#define YPMAX ypmax
- X
- X#endif
- X
- UCLIP (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- X{
- float xpmin, ypmin, xpmax, ypmax;
- X xpmin = vp_pc._x0 + (XMIN - vp_pc._xu0) * vp_pc._xscl;
- X ypmin = vp_pc._y0 + (YMIN - vp_pc._yu0) * vp_pc._yscl;
- X xpmax = vp_pc._x0 + (XMAX - vp_pc._xu0) * vp_pc._xscl;
- X ypmax = vp_pc._y0 + (YMAX - vp_pc._yu0) * vp_pc._yscl;
- X}
- if test 1483 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_uclip.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_uclip.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_uclip.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_utext.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_utext.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_utext.c'\" \(1554 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_utext.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./lvplot/vp_utext.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X */
- X/*
- X * Joe Dellinger, Oct 17, 1987
- X * Made Fortran and C calling arguments match.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X#include "vp_pc.h"
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X
- X#define UTEXT vpwutext_
- X#define TEXT vpwtext_
- X#define X *x
- X#define Y *y
- X#define SIZE *size
- X#define ORIENT *orient
- X#define XP &xp
- X#define YP &yp
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#define UTEXT vp_utext
- X#define TEXT vp_text
- X#define X x
- X#define Y y
- X#define SIZE size
- X#define ORIENT orient
- X#define XP xp
- X#define YP yp
- X
- X#endif
- X
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- UTEXT (x, y, size, orient, string, nchars)
- X#else
- UTEXT (x, y, size, orient, string)
- X#endif
- X float X, Y;
- X char *string;
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X int *nchars;
- X#endif
- X{
- float xp, yp;
- X xp = vp_pc._x0 + (X - vp_pc._xu0) * vp_pc._xscl;
- X yp = vp_pc._y0 + (Y - vp_pc._yu0) * vp_pc._yscl;
- X#ifdef FORTRAN
- X TEXT (XP, YP, size, orient, string, nchars);
- X#else
- X TEXT (XP, YP, size, orient, string);
- X#endif
- X}
- if test 1554 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_utext.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_utext.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/lvplot/vp_utext.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 6 \(of 24\).
- cp /dev/null ark6isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 24 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0