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- Path: bbn.com!rsalz
- From: rsalz@uunet.uu.net (Rich Salz)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix,comp.sources.d
- Subject: v15INF2: List of sources in the archives
- Message-ID: <1050@fig.bbn.com>
- Date: 12 Sep 88 19:57:52 GMT
- Expires: 1 Dec 88 05:00:00 GMT
- Lines: 662
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Xref: bbn.com comp.sources.unix:634 comp.sources.d:1947
- Submitted-by: rsalz@uunet.uu.net (Rich Salz)
- Posting-number: Volume 16, Info 2
- Archive-name: index16.2
- This is the second of two introductory messages about comp.sources.unix. The
- first described how to submit sources to comp.sources.unix, where the archive
- sites are, and how to contact them. This one lists all the sources
- that have been published in this newsgroup.
- I am always looking for suggestions on how to improve the usefulness of the
- newsgroup.
- -Rich Salz
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 15 (Ends August, 1988)
- index15.1 Introduction to comp.sources.unix
- index15.2 List of sources in the archives
- abcd Automatic Backup Copy Daemon
- arc5.21 (5 parts) ARC (PC compression program), v5.21
- ck Check mailboxes for new mail
- cshar (3 parts, 3 patches) Tools to create and unpack shell archives
- cu-shell A "shell" for CU, Kermit, etc.
- cu-shell.note Ignore the copyright on the cu-shell posting
- ddd Fast, multi-process dd(1) clone
- delta-times Delta time routines for alarm(2) manipulation
- dis6502 6502 disassembler
- dis88 (2 parts) Symbolic disassembler for PC/IX
- dvipage (4 parts) Sun previewer for TeX DVI files
- emitc Routine to process ctime(3) output
- gbench (2 parts) Graphics benchmark toolkit for X
- hash8 Hash long identifiers into unique short ones
- ien116 Updated IEN-116 namesever
- inc-elim Filter to eliminate file inclusion commands
- index15.3 Update on "killer" and error in "stevie" subject line
- ioccc/part07 (7 parts) International Obfuscated C Code Contest
- lp-onionskin Wrapper for System V lp, bug work-around
- lwf ASCII to PostScript filter
- mcat.new A cat(1) for mmap'able devices
- monthtool (2 parts) Monthly apointment calendar, for Suns
- moontool The moon on a Sun
- mp Mail pretty printer v1.4 (aka mail->postscript)
- mush6.2.pch Upgrade kit for Mush release 6.2
- mush6.3kit (4 parts) Mush (mail user's shell) upgrade kit, version 6.3
- net-notify Network message system, sort of like wall
- newgetty Alternate getty front-end, with speed detection
- nroffgraphics (2 parts) Tools for nroff graphics on dot-matrix printers
- pages Page accounting aide for SysVrel3.1
- perl2 (15 parts) Perl, version 2
- ps.sun.pch Module to make postscript interpreter work under Suntools
- rmtlib Remote magtape library for BSD
- rot Rotate text
- ru A users(1)-style rwho
- siod Scheme in one defun
- stevie (2 parts, 1 patch)i Stevie, an "aspiring" VI clone for Unix...
- surun Run commands as another (or super) user
- touchup (6 parts, 2 patches) A bitmap editor for Suns
- tpscript (5 parts) Ditroff to PostScript translator
- twm (4 parts) A window manager for X
- ultrix-modem UUCP/CU access on one modem
- unfsd (2 parts) User-level NFS server
- uumailclean Clean-up backlogged UUCP mail
- vn.april.pch (2 parts) VN, April, 1988, upgrade kit
- vtree Visual display of directory tree
- whichtape Tools to help find files on backup tapes
- window-srch Windowing search (not unlike context grep)
- xmodem3.6 (5 parts) Xmodem release 3.6
- yp-quote Building custom Yellow Page Maps
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 14 (Ends May 20, 1988)
- index14.1 Introduction to comp.sources.unix
- index14.2 List of sources in the archives
- ioccc (5 parts) International Obfuscated C Code Contest
- vplot Device-independant graphics system, with drivers
- mush6.0 (14 parts) Mail User's Shell
- nntp1.5 (9 parts) Network News Transfer Protocol, version 1.5
- vn.nntp.pch VN NNTP conversion kit
- mush6.0/patch1 Mush updates for SystemV, etc., Patch1
- jove4.9 (21 parts) Jove, an emacs variant, version 4.9
- flex (5 parts) Flex, a lex replacement
- flex/patch1 Flex, a lex replacement, Patch1
- 3bconnect 3B2 Ethernet Connection and File Transfer Utility
- rast Sun rasterfile I/O library
- splay-tree Splay tree library
- bsd-dyna-link Dynamic linking package for BSD
- cdecl2 (2 parts) New version of Cdecl, parse C declarations
- shellforms (2 parts) Forms interface for shell scripts
- sharedmem (4 parts) Shared memory emulation for 4.2BSD
- calc A trig/multi-base calculator
- pcomm (6 parts) Dial out and terminal emulator
- pcomm/patch1 Dial out and terminal emulator, Patch1
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 13 (Ends early March, 1988)
- 4.3autobaud Baud rate detection for 4.3BSD
- atl List jobs in at queue for 4.3BSD
- attpc.renice Change process priority on ATT PC
- autoadd Program to add users to system
- backups Tools to help automate backups
- bool-eval Boolean expression array evaluator
- bpatch.2 Binary file editor
- bpatch2 Binary patch program, ported to 80286 etc.
- budpak Utilities to monitor usage on system
- casette-lbl Cassette label formatting program
- cfc New version of .cf compiler
- check Check for mistakes in C programs
- derez (2 parts) Derez, remove stale files from system
- e Friendly front-end to vi
- ease.pch Patches to EASE sendmail.cf language
- file (2 parts) Replacement for the file(1) command
- funcproglang (2 parts) Functional programming language
- iface (2 parts) Generic user interface kit
- korner Convert (some) csh scripts to ksh scripts
- labels Program to make mailing labels
- lit Lit, a "better" echo
- little-st2 (5 parts) New release of little smalltalk
- m4 (2 parts) Public domaind M4 macro processor
- mcc Merge C code with compiler error messages
- measures Brute force measurement selection
- modemcap Hardware-independant modem routines
- nroff-driver Nroff driver table utility
- pas2c.pch Patches for Pascal-to-C translator
- perl (10 parts+sample) Perl, a "replacement" for awk and sed
- perl (2 parts) Perl patches 1 through 10
- printacct Print BSD accounting file
- process-uucp Tools for pathalias with MMDF
- pwget Programs to retrieve /etc/passwd info
- ratfor Public domain RATFOR in C
- rf Rolodex-like filing system
- rolodex (4 parts) Screen-oriented rolodex program
- rpc3.9 (15 parts) Sun RPC, release 3.9
- rstat Remote statistics server
- sbbs (2 parts) A BBS written in /bin/sh
- sc5.1 (3 parts) SC spreadsheet program, version 5.1
- sets Perform "set" operations on command line arguments
- slice Split file based on patterns or line numbers
- starchart (2 parts) Starchart package patches
- ups BSD File delivery programs
- vn.jan.88 (5 parts) VN newsreader, 1/88 version
- vt220fontedit Font edit program for VT220 terminals
- with Resource allocation program
- xmodem (3 parts) Full featured xmodem program, v3.4
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 12 (Ends February, 1988)
- afio (2 parts) Manipulate CPIO-format archive and files
- cake (9 parts) Cake, a make replacement
- cnews (14 parts) C News alpha release
- crc.pch CRC Graphics Package Patch#1
- fuser Who's using that file? (For Unix-PC)
- hershtools (5 parts) Hershey font manipulation tools and data
- index12.1 Introduction to comp.sources.unix
- index12.2 List of sources in the archives
- ln03-plot New version of LN03 plot(3) package
- ops5 (5 parts) OPS5 in Common Lisp
- musbus5.2 (3 parts) Monash benchmark update
- pathalias9 (2 parts) Pathalias, version 9
- pdtar (3 parts) Public domain TAR
- postscript (18 parts) A PostScript interpreter
- qterm.alt Query terminal for its type
- starcharts (7 parts) StarChart program and Yale star data
- strings.coff Find printable strings in COFF files
- vmail (3 parts) vmail - screen-based mail handler
- zmodem (3 parts) Zmodem file transfer programs
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 11 (Ends Winter, 1987)
- 3bnet (2 parts) 3Bnet utilities and printer spooler
- avl-subs AVL Tree subroutines
- bsd.2.10.note BSD2.10 available from Usenix
- bsmtp Batch SMTP program
- bundle Buffered copy to/from physical devices
- comobj.pch Patch for Common objects sources
- cpmod Copy modes/ownerships/times
- getty-enable Getty on/off programs for 4.[23] BSD
- graphedit (2 parts) Graphcs editor for Suns
- hum.pch Hum concordance package update kit
- id (3 parts) C cross-reference database system
- inline (4 parts) Inline code expander for C
- inline/patch1 Inline code expander for C, Patch1
- jove.pch (4 parts) Jove upgrade kit
- jove.pch/patch1 Missing file from Jove update, Patch1
- lemming (2 parts) Update kit for lemming editor
- less3 (3 parts) The 'less' pager
- little-st (3 parts) Little Smalltalk interpreter
- musbus (4 parts) MUSBUS 5.0 -- Monash University Benchmark
- monthtool Sunview visual calendar
- mtools (2 parts) MS-DOS disk tools for Unix
- mush5.7 (12 parts) Mail user's shell
- netdata Transfer data (and mail) between SYSV and CMS
- number Arabic numerals to multi-lingual natural language
- psfig (5 parts) Including PostScript figures in ditroff
- qsubst A query-replace program
- reader.poll Poll on copyrights
- saver Small SUN screen-saver
- sc4.1 (3 parts) Spread sheet program, sc 4.1
- se.pch.2 Second update for 'SE' editor
- smail3 (3 parts) Smail, UUCP domain mailer
- syslog Development version of syslog(3), for ATT, too
- syslog.sysv SystemV version of syslog
- tcsh.4.3 (2 parts) Tcsh for 4.3 CSH
- tcsh (6 parts) New version of T-shell
- tek2ps Tektronix4014 to PostScript filter
- templates (6 parts) Template-mode for GNU Emacs
- test.el (3 parts) Test system for GNU Emacs
- vitals Word counts, checksums, etc.
- watcher (2 parts) Watcher system monitor program
- zoo (7 parts) File archiver programe
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 10 (Ends October, 1987)
- agef Show disk usage by file age
- cbar Another changebar program
- cbw (5 parts) Crypt Breaker's Workbench
- cfc "Compile" sendmail.cf files into EASE language
- comobj.lisp (13 parts) Common Objects, Common Loops, Common Lisp
- complex-lib Complex arithmetic library
- copytape Copytape, a magtape xerox (tm) machine
- copytape2 NEW version of magtape copy program
- crc_plot (6 parts) CRC Plotting Package
- derez Find and remove stale files from a disk
- des DES encryption routines and a login front-end
- dev.fd A /dev/fd device driver for 4.3 and NFS systems
- ease (4 parts) Ease translator repost
- fastgrep (3 parts) Reposting of world's fastest grep
- hum (3 parts) Bull Tuthill's "hum" text concordance package
- ida (7 parts) the IDA sendmail kit
- ien116-server IEN116 Nameserver
- ifp (7 parts) Interpreted Functional Programming lanuage
- lc An "ls" program
- lemming (4 parts) A graphics editor
- logo (6 parts) Logo interpreter for Unix
- magtapetools (2 parts) Magtape handling package
- mx-macros REPOST of Troff macros for "ACM Transactions"
- notes-mod.pch Patches for NOTESFILES for moderated groups
- nrchbar A "changebar" interface for *roff
- ptoc (12 parts) Pascal to C translator
- qterm Query terminal for its type
- regexp.pch Bug-fix for regexp() library
- screen (2 parts) BSD multi-screen manager
- sps (3 parts) SPS for BSD, Ultrix1.2, Sun3.x, NFS
- sxt-sh-jobs (2 parts) Diffs for SystemV /bin/sh job control with sxt's
- top_s375 (2 parts) Top users display, 2.1 with Symmetric changes
- tr2latex Translate troff to LaTex
- x10r4.sunpch (3 parts) X10R4 patches for Sun3/110C
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 9 (Ends August, 1987)
- assem2 (2 parts) Generic assembler for micro's
- bitstring "Bitstring" package
- elm2 (19 parts) ELM Mail System
- fastgrep (2 parts) Fastest grep around
- gwyn-dir-lib New directory-access library
- index9.1 Introduction to mod.sources
- index9.2 Index of mod.sources archives
- index9.4 Change in archive sites, recent errors
- localtime Public Domain (Table Driven) ``localtime'' patch
- month (2 parts) REPOST of Visual calendar program
- mx-macros Troff macros for "ACM Transactions"
- old.bad.code Previous "obfuscated C" winners
- printf Printf(1), for shell scripts
- teco (4 parts) A TECO text editor
- uemacs3.8b (14 parts) MicroEMACS, version 3.8b
- uumail.pch UUmail 4.X patch
- xscreen (2 parts) Screensaver for X window system
- xterm (7 parts) Terminal emulator for X window system
- zmac (2 parts) Z80 macro cross-assembler
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 8 (Ends February, 1987)
- ansitape (2 parts) ANSI tape program
- cut+paste Public-domain implementations of cut(1) and paste(1)
- dca2troff Convert IBM DCA documents to troff input
- display Execute command repeatedly, display output
- ease (4 parts) Ease, a language for writing sendmail.cf files
- fixcpio Repair damaged "cpio -c" archives
- foogol A (vax) compiler for a tiny ALGOL-like language
- getpw Public-domain getpw*(3) routines
- graph+ (3 parts) A Graph Plotting Program
- her2vfont Hershey fonts to 'vfont' rasterizer
- hier Directory hiearchy scanner
- index.1 Accessing the archives
- index.2 Index of volumes one to seven
- jove (13 parts) The JOVE text editor
- kurses A program to call curses(3) functions
- mcp (8 parts) Account creation/manipulation program
- micrognu (11 parts) A Micro-Emacs variant that resembles GNU Emacs
- multi_feed.c++ Simultaneous multi-site news feeder in C++
- multivol.pch Multivol, Patch #1 (see Volume 7)
- pd-localtime (3 parts) Public Domain (Table Driven) ``localtime''
- phoon Phase of the moon, date routines
- prep (2 parts) A pre-processor for FORTRAN source
- psfig-tex (3 parts) Including PostScript/Mac figures in TeX documents
- qterm Query terminal for its type
- se (7 parts + 1 Patch) Georgia Tech 'se' screen editor
- shrink_names Shrink VeryLong+File.names to shorter names
- smail2 (5 parts) Smail (UUCP domain mailer), release 2.3
- soelim A .so/.nx/.PS filter for *roff files
- sp (2 parts) Soundex spelling-checker
- tabs A tab/space conversion program
- textool2 (2 parts) A collection of tools for TeX users
- trmatch Syntax-checker for *roff
- uk-1.4.pch Patch for UK-1.4 mail configuration
- unaxcess2 (4 parts) UNaXcess Conferencing, version 1.00.02
- uucp.x25pad UUCP X.25 'f' protocol and PAD dialer
- uumail4 (4 parts) Uumail release 4.2
- uutty Bidirectional getty/login for SystemV
- vn (3 parts) The VN news reader
- vtrm (2 parts) A Unix/PC virtual terminal package
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 7 (Ends early Winter, 1986)
- 2.11news (20 parts) 2.11 News Release
- 4.3cpp.patch #elif patch to 4.3BSD cpp
- aaakeys Ann Arbor XL key uploader
- append Allow additions to 'protected' directories
- basic (6 parts) A BASIC Interpreter
- bpatch Binary (file) patcher/viewer
- cmstape Read and write IBM VM/SP CMS dump tapes
- csh.patch Two CSH patches
- des Purported DES program in C
- determcap Decomposing termcaps
- dirstack.csh CSH tools for directory stacks
- elm_update (3 parts) ELM Update Kit
- forktest Find security holes in shell-escapes
- getmetrics PostScript program to generate .afm files
- getoptprog Getopt program for scripts
- hostup An alternative to the BSD ruptime command
- idle.users A simple BSD idle-users daemon
- image (5 parts) Image manipulation routines in C++
- index.1 Index and Archives
- index.2 Complete Listing of Mod.Sources Archive
- index.3 Archive access and listing
- index.4 Index for Volume 7 and other info
- less3 (3 parts) New release of LESS
- make Public-domain MAKE
- micro.asm (2 parts) Generic assembler for micros
- msdos_mk.patch Patch to msdos_mk for Microsoft C
- multivol (2 parts) Multivol V1.00 - multivolume backup utility
- nag (2 parts) Nag reminder service
- new_archives Additional UUCP Access to Mod.Sources
- patch2 (3 parts) Release 2.0 of patch
- paths.mk Makefile to build UUCP paths
- pdtar Public-domain TAR program
- read-vms-backs Read VMS backup tapes
- regex Ed(1)/regex(3)-compatible reg. exp. package
- remtape Remote magtape library for 4.3BSD
- rvi (4 parts) Vi front-end for remote editing
- safe Limit a program's execution time
- smail (2 parts) Domain mailer and rmail replacement
- sop A .so filter for n/t/*roff files
- sunmailwatch A mail watcher for SUNwindows
- tar_aids Tools to read damaged tar tapes (tar_aids)
- texdvi2tty TeX DVI driver for TTY's, etc.
- textools (2 parts) A collection of tools for TeX users
- tinytcp A tiny set of TCP routines (tinytcp)
- top2 (2 parts) Top users display for 4.2BSD, Version 2.0
- tput Public-domain tput(1) program
- tput2 Public-domain TPUT (corrected implementation)
- untamo2 Log out idle users
- untamo3 Log out idle users (untamo revised)
- uucp+nuz.tulz Erik Fair's UUCP & Usenet toolbox
- uuencode Uuencode and uudecode
- vms_tools (2 parts) Unix-like tools for VMS systems
- vttest (2 parts) Test VT100 Features
- xlisp.patch Patch to Xlisp1.6 for Pyramid machines
- xmodem (2 parts) Full-featured XMODEM
- yacc.notes: Tools to restart YACC parses
- yacchacks Tools to restart YACC parses
- yearlength Compute length of any year
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 6 (Ends mid-July, 1986)
- intro Introduction to mod.sources
- untamo Untamo, another idle daemon
- calls.new New calls; shows function call flow
- vol Create volume headers for tar
- makekits2 Makekits revisited
- maildigest Mail digest utilities
- gr_scripts Shell Scripts for game regulator
- pacman.p Apollo Pacman-like game
- datediffs patches for date to use elsie!ado's localtime
- getpaths Tools for analyzing netnews paths
- sysVtalkA A talk for system V.2
- sysVtalkB A talk for System V
- texdvi2lj (3 Parts) TeX DVI driver for LaserJet+
- halign Halign - line up columns
- context Context - generalized context printer
- pacman.p.h Missing files from Apollo pacman
- less.patch Patches for more/less interoperability
- qterm Query Terminal for terminal type
- printfck2 New printfck and manpage
- context.1 Manual page for context program
- compress.xenix Xenix patches to compress4.0
- fmtr.patch Patches to fmtr
- unrm.rm Rm and unrm programs
- elm (14 Parts) Elm mail system
- cvs (2 Parts) CVS, an RCS fonrt-end
- ditrev Page reverser for ditroff
- stringlib X3J11/SVID/4BSD/etc string library
- cpp.patch Patches to 4.2BSD cpp for #elif, // comments
- help (2 Parts) Help programs
- glob 'Globbing' library routine
- cdecl English<->C translator for C declarations
- sh.ulimit Add ksh-style 'ulimit' to 4.2BSD /bin/sh
- bsearchstr Binary search for strings in a file
- yyref Cross-reference for Yacc
- newbatchA Usenet news batcher control program
- newbatchB Usenet news batcher control program
- malloc A "smarter" malloc
- S3uuque Uuque for System III/V in C
- lbl Lbl preprocessor for [nt*]roff
- malloc.mk Missing makefile for "malloc" posting
- elm/Patches1 Elm fixes for BSD, et. al.
- Misc.Patches1 Changes to calls, compress, ditrev, getpaths, nbatcher
- vt100tool (10 Parts) VT100TOOL for Sun's
- settz.patch Updates to "settz" data files
- uEmacs3.7 (12 Parts) MicroEmacs, Version 3.7
- bsd.ps.patch Speed, etc., patches for BSD ps
- watch A multiple "tail -f" program
- reminders A Personal Reminder system
- sysVdial (3 Parts) System V generic dial routines
- rpc2 (11 Parts) Sun RPC Source
- malloc.patch Bug fix for "smarter malloc"
- newscnt Count unread news articles
- less2 (2 Parts) New version of less
- msdos_mk A Make for MS-DOS and VAX/VMS
- att_which A "which" for non-BSD systems
- lj_filter Filter for HP Laserjet
- xlisp1.6 (6 Parts) Xlisp version 1.6
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 5 (Ends late May, 1986)
- uEmacs30fix MicroEMACS version 30 updates.
- uumap Automated UUCP maps
- dither Color Dither (ver 1.1)
- retouch Retouch(1): force changed date
- backup Front end for BSD dump
- junkmail Delete outdated mail automatically
- smallc (3 parts) Small C compiler version C3.0R1.1
- moon_sun Sun and Moon rise/set program
- par More patches to par/unpar
- smtp_send SMTP SEND command for Sendmail
- bmgsubs Boyer-Moore-Gosper fast search subroutines
- untic Decompile terminfo description file.
- bmfix Fix to B/M/G for odd address optimization
- rcsit Prepare files for RCS (new version)
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 4 (Ends early May, 1986)
- bm1.2 Bm version 1.2 (blindingly fast "fgrep")
- simplex Simplex Curve Fitting Algorithm in C
- chuni Change a user's default universe (Pyramid Specific)
- Msg (8 parts) Screen-oriented "User Agent" mail program
- sim2 Update to "sim" (volume 3) similarity tester
- shortc C program to map flexnames into short identifiers
- settz Time conversion / time zone system
- TVX (10 parts) Portable editor, with "emacs" and "vi" modes
- hershey.f77 (2 parts) Hershey Fonts in Fortran 77
- rolodex (3 parts) Rolodex database program
- 68kdissasem (2 parts) 68000 disassembler
- bm1.2speedup Speedup for bm on some machines
- regexp3 2nd bug fix for regexp (volume 3)
- tm_to_time Convert broken-down time into time_t.
- 68kdiss.fix Patches to make MC68000 disassembler work on SUN UNIX
- amiga Amgia file browser
- rcsit New version of rcsit(1) - prepare files for RCS
- hershey (5 parts) Hershey fonts
- egrep More Pep for Boyer-Moore Grep
- tc Compile/decompile nroff driver tables (USG only)
- regexpfix Regexp(3) improvement
- shortc Shortc: sed output, and standard input
- match1.2 Fast grep for Vaxen
- rlogin 4.2bsd rlogin enhancements
- list List-of-numbers generator
- client Generic client and server commands for 4.2BSD
- client_man Client/server context diffs to 4.2BSD man.c
- UK-1.4 (5 parts) Sendmail UK-1.4
- ISO_Pascal Yacc and Lex for ISO Level 0 Pascal
- TVX 1st batch of TVX Bug fixes
- rpt A program called 'rpt'
- subnetARP 4.3BSD IP subnet ARP hack
- UNaXcess (3 parts) UNaXcess (unix bulletin board)
- uEmacs (6 parts) MicroEmacs, v. 30
- travel Travel-itinerary macros for nroff
- aaa The amazing awk assembler
- sources Two tools for organizing sources from USENET
- load Routines to check the load average
- uEmacs_tc Termcap support for MicroEmacs v. 30 sources
- archx Archx: suggested replacement for shar
- ar Portable ar: suggested replacement for shar
- se (8 parts) Georgia Tech 'se' screen editor
- telnetd Telnetd in the kernel
- uumail3 (2 parts) Uumail 3.0
- lplot (2 parts) Lplot and quickplot
- mail Patches to BSD4.2 mail (SysV mailx?)
- sticky PostScript sticky label program
- uEmacs3.6 (8 parts) MicroEMACS 3.6
- texindex Make an index from a LaTeX .idx file
- chown Improved and expanded chown/chgrp
- calendar (2 parts) Calendar generation program
- strings (3 parts) String routines
- gr A Game Regulator
- printfck Have lint check (most) printf calls
- unparfix Unpar compatability with Sys V (patch)
- texindex2 AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!! Bugs in texindex!!!
- UnaXcessfix UNaXcess update #1
- xmodem 4.2BSD XMODEM programs
- icon Tools for editing Sun icons
- fmtr Simple text formatter
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 3 (Ends Feburary, 1986)
- G-format (4 parts) VAX BSD4.2 compiler modifications to use G-format fp.
- GaTech (3 parts) Sendmail patches/configuration files from Georgia Tech
- GaTech.upd Updates to GaTech sendmail package
- Hey Hey(1) [from Unix/World, Oct. 85]
- LA50 Convert Nroff underlines to LA50 and VTxxx sequences
- LaserJet (2 parts) Ditroff HP LaserJet driver
- MSdir MSDOS directory access routine
- RFS (7 parts) Public domain, kernel-resident distributed file system
- SPS (3 parts) Show process status - BSD only - replacement for "ps"
- TCtoTI Termcap to terminfo conversion program
- TRC (8 parts) Expert system building tool
- agelog Trim log files while retaining recent entries
- att_getopt AT&T's public domain distribution of getopt(3)
- badm BSD4.2 MASSBUS disk formatter utility
- bm Ken Yap's changes to bm (in volume 2)
- calendar A calendar generator program - replaces UNIX "cal"
- calls C program function call cross referencer
- calls_4.2 Patches to calls for BSD4.2
- chsh Chsh,chfn for SV (password file programs)
- chsh2 Chsh,chfn - Original contained security bugs.
- clr.queue Script to clean-up the sendmail queue
- command Replacement for system(3).
- ctags Ctags source code from Ken Arnold
- date Formatted date program
- decus_grep Public domain version of grep.
- dial State transition controlled communications program
- dial.sample Example dial script.
- dialout BSD4.3 Kernel changes for dial in/out on modem lines
- dtree Directory heirarchy display program for 4.2
- ff (2 parts) Simple text formatter for flexible uniform formatting
- give Give away ownership of files (System III/V specific)
- hdiff Source file compare program
- head Public implementations of head(1) and ctags(1)
- help VMS-style help facility
- hyphen Program to enhance troff's hyphenation capability
- idledaemon Yet another idle login checker (BSD 4.2 only)
- ieee (6 parts) IEEE Floating Point Calculator (in Pascal)
- infer Inference engine + demo
- laserjet BSD 4.2+ lpd printcap/spooler for LaserJet printer
- lcat Troff->laserjet filter package (uses vfont files)
- lcat2 Troff->HP Laserjet filter - newfonts.c
- less Similar to more(1) but better
- lib_term Datum entry using termcap
- libc_term Datum entry using curses
- llib-dbm Lint library for the DBM routines (BSD systems)
- man Compiled version of the 'man' program for System V
- match Faster than bm (VAX only!)
- mdump2 Revised mdump, the multiple dump per tape utility
- modgen Extract usenet moderator list from postings
- modnotes Notes (1.7 or later) updates for moderated groups
- modula_pp Pretty printer for Modula-2 written in Modula-2
- newspace Determine newsgroup disk usage
- nwho Enchanced "who" program (uses termcap)
- okstate Kermit archive on OKSTATE; uucp access information
- pathalias2 (2 parts) Pathalias, the mod.map database path optimizer
- pretty Pretty printer in lisp + columnator in CLU
- prune Prune tops of line-oriented log files
- rcsit A program to prepare files for RCS.
- regexp Regular expression routines (like System V regexp(3))
- regexp2 Bug in regexp, and fix
- rename A companion to restor (automated inode mapping)
- rmsecure Source for a safe "rm" (csh, BSD only)
- rsend BSD network communications program (like write & talk)
- scpp (2 parts) A selective C preprocessor - clean up your C files.
- sim Software similarity tester for C programs
- sndml.mods Mods to sendmail to provide translation tables
- suntools Improved version of Sun's window manager (suntools)
- swho Screen based who (uses curses - continuous update)
- tc Control your terminal via termcap in shell scripts
- telno Permute telephone numbers into letter equivalents
- texchk (2 parts) Syntax checker for the LaTeX TeX macro package.
- times.awk Uucp info from LOGFILE (awk script)
- ttype Typing tutor - BSD specific
- ttyuse Creates a Summary of daily Terminal usage
- turbo_patch Fix to turbo_tools, SHELL.PAS transmitted with error
- turbo_tools (2 parts) Turbo Pascal version of "Software Tools in Pascal"
- uuhosts4 Grab mod.map data for later use version1.69
- uumail2 Pathalias-based uucp mailer, release 2
- uumail2.fix Small fix to uumail release 2
- vtem A VT100 emulator based on termcap
- wm.new Window manager built on top of curses
- xargs Execute a command with many arguments
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 2 (End roughly August, 1985)
- Smail1 Update to smail (in volume 1)
- access Kernal Hacks for access control lists
- basic (4 parts) A BASIC interpreter in C (needs work)
- bgrep Boyer-Moore based fgrep like program
- bm Much faster Boyer-Moore
- bm2 Various bm updates
- choose A program to select lines at random
- compress (2 parts) Compression 4.0 program better than pack or compact
- cshar3 Update to C shar (volume 1)
- cpg+mdep3 Cpg revisited (C formatter - original in volume1)
- makekits Software "kit" generation script
- mdump Multiple dump per tape utility (see update in volume 3)
- remote Remote mag tape routines
- remote2 Small patch to remote tape library
- rtar Diffs to tar to use a remote system's tape drive
- runtime Runtime memory allocation for multi-dimensional arrays
- tools (6 parts) Software Tools in Pascal
- uroff Nroff underlining
- window (4 parts) BSD 4.2 window manager + Patches to Curses
- wire (2 parts) Wirewrap program.
- --------------------
- Subject: Volume 1 (Ends June 1985)
- ANSI.C Yacc and Lex for 11/12/84 draft of ANSI C
- Smail A smart net mailer - a front end using pathalias data
- UK-1.1 (3 parts) UK-1.1 Sendmail Configuration Package
- Xlisp1.4 (4 parts) Lisp written in C with object oriented extensions
- bed Editor for binary files. Front end for ascii editors
- bourne (9 parts) Bourne shell enhancements (history,tilde,job control)
- cforth (3 parts) Forth Interpreter written in C
- checkin Editor interface for RCS logs
- cpg+mdep Cpg - C formatter, mdep - make dependency generator
- cpp (3 parts) C preprocessor suitable for use with Decus C
- cshar Shell archive builder (shar) written in C
- cxref C cross referencer
- diffc Contextual diff (diff -c) for Bell systems
- dynamic Dynamic loading code for 4.2bsd
- getopt Public domain getopt(3)
- lbgm Newsgroup archiving (Little Bird Gave Me)
- newshar The Connoisseur's Shar, version 2
- newsweed A program to delete unwanted news articles
- patch A program to apply diff format output to update files (1.3)
- pcurses (11 parts) Public domain Terminfo/Curses (needs a little work)
- rfc_882 RFC 882 - Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities
- rn (9 parts) Rn news reading program, version 4.3
- rpc (10 parts) Sun "Remote Procedure Call" source code
- sendmail.cf GaTech Sendmail configuration
- uucpanz.V7 A uucp status program (V7, BSD version)
- uucpanz.S5 Uucpanz for System V
- uuque A uuwizard's utility for uucp queue snooping
- vnews (7 parts) New reading program for 2.10.2 news
- vstr Dynamic string package
- xfernews Uucp traffic batching system
- xref A general purpose cross reference utility
- vnews.1 Manual page for 2.10.2 vnews(1)
- readnews.1 Manual page for 2.10.2 readnews(1)
- expire.8 Manual page for 2.10.2 expire(8)
- --
- Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz@uunet.uu.net.
- --
- Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz@uunet.uu.net.