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- less - opposite of more
- lllleeeessssssss [[[[----[[[[++++]]]]aaaaAAAABBBBccccCCCCddddeeeeEEEEiiiimmmmMMMMnnnnqqqqQQQQuuuuUUUUsssswwww]]]] [[[[----bbbb_N]]]] [[[[----hhhh_N]]]] [[[[----xxxx_N]]]] [[[[----[[[[zzzz]]]]_N]]]]
- [[[[----PPPP[[[[mmmmMMMM====]]]]_s_t_r_i_n_g]]]] [[[[----[[[[llllLLLL]]]]_l_o_g_f_i_l_e]]]] [[[[++++_c_m_d]]]]
- [[[[----tttt_t_a_g]]]] [[[[_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e]]]]............
- _L_e_s_s is a program similar to _m_o_r_e (1), but which allows
- backwards movement in the file as well as forward movement.
- Also, _l_e_s_s does not have to read the entire input file
- before starting, so with large input files it starts up
- faster than text editors like _v_i (1). _L_e_s_s uses termcap (or
- terminfo on some systems), so it can run on a variety of
- terminals. There is even limited support for hardcopy
- terminals. (On a hardcopy terminal, lines which should be
- printed at the top of the screen are prefixed with an up-
- arrow.)
- Commands are based on both _m_o_r_e and _v_i. Commands may be
- preceeded by a decimal number, called N in the descriptions
- below. The number is used by some commands, as indicated.
- In the following descriptions, ^X means control-X. ESC
- stands for the ESCAPE key; for example ESC-v means the two
- character sequence "ESCAPE", then "v".
- H Help: display a summary of these commands. If you
- forget all the other commands, remember this one.
- SPACE or f or ^F or ^V
- Scroll forward N lines, default one window (see option
- -z below). If N is more than the screen size, only the
- final screenful is displayed. Warning: some systems
- use ^V as a special literalization character.
- b or ^B or ESC-v
- Scroll backward N lines, default one window (see option
- -z below). If N is more than the screen size, only the
- final screenful is displayed.
- RETURN or ^N or e or ^E or j or ^J
- Scroll forward N lines, default 1. The entire N lines
- are displayed, even if N is more than the screen size.
- y or ^Y or ^P or k or ^K
- Scroll backward N lines, default 1. The entire N lines
- are displayed, even if N is more than the screen size.
- Warning: some systems use ^Y as a special job control
- Page 1 (printed 7/19/88)
- character.
- d or ^D
- Scroll forward N lines, default one half of the screen
- size. If N is specified, it becomes the new default
- for subsequent d and u commands.
- u or ^U
- Scroll backward N lines, default one half of the screen
- size. If N is specified, it becomes the new default
- for subsequent d and u commands.
- r or ^R or ^L
- Repaint the screen.
- R Repaint the screen, discarding any buffered input.
- Useful if the file is changing while it is being
- viewed.
- g or < or ESC-<
- Go to line N in the file, default 1 (beginning of
- file). (Warning: this may be slow if N is large.)
- G or > or ESC->
- Go to line N in the file, default the end of the file.
- (Warning: this may be slow if N is large, or if N is
- not specified and standard input, rather than a file,
- is being read.)
- p or %
- Go to a position N percent into the file. N should be
- between 0 and 100. (This works if standard input is
- being read, but only if _l_e_s_s has already read to the
- end of the file. It is always fast, but not always
- useful.)
- m Followed by any lowercase letter, marks the current
- position with that letter.
- ' (Single quote.) Followed by any lowercase letter,
- returns to the position which was previously marked
- with that letter. Followed by another single quote,
- returns to the postion at which the last "large"
- movement command was executed. All marks are lost when
- a new file is examined.
- ^X^X Same as single quote.
- /pattern
- Search forward in the file for the N-th line containing
- the pattern. N defaults to 1. The pattern is a
- regular expression, as recognized by _e_d. The search
- Page 2 (printed 7/19/88)
- starts at the second line displayed (but see the -a
- option, which changes this).
- ?pattern
- Search backward in the file for the N-th line
- containing the pattern. The search starts at the line
- immediately before the top line displayed.
- /!pattern
- Like /, but the search is for the N-th line which does
- NOT contain the pattern.
- ?!pattern
- Like ?, but the search is for the N-th line which does
- NOT contain the pattern.
- n Repeat previous search, for N-th line containing the
- last pattern (or NOT containing the last pattern, if
- the previous search was /! or ?!).
- E [filename]
- Examine a new file. If the filename is missing, the
- "current" file (see the N and P commands below) from
- the list of files in the command line is re-examined.
- If the filename is a pound sign (#), the previously
- examined file is re-examined.
- ^X^V or :e
- Same as E. Warning: some systems use ^V as a special
- literalization character.
- N or :n
- Examine the next file (from the list of files given in
- the command line). If a number N is specified (not to
- be confused with the command N), the N-th next file is
- examined.
- P or :p
- Examine the previous file. If a number N is specified,
- the N-th previous file is examined.
- = or ^G
- Prints some information about the file being viewed,
- including its name and the line number and byte offset
- of the bottom line being displayed. If possible, it
- also prints the length of the file and the percent of
- the file above the last displayed line.
- - Followed by one of the command line option letters (see
- below), this will change the setting of that option and
- print a message describing the new setting. If the
- option letter has a numeric value (such as -b or -h),
- Page 3 (printed 7/19/88)
- or a string value (such as -P or -t), a new value may
- be entered after the option letter.
- _ (Underscore.) Followed by one of the command line
- option letters (see below), this will print a message
- describing the current setting of that option. The
- setting of the option is not changed.
- +cmd Causes the specified cmd to be executed each time a new
- file is examined. For example, +G causes _l_e_s_s to
- initially display each file starting at the end rather
- than the beginning.
- V Prints the version number of _l_e_s_s being run.
- q or :q or ZZ
- Exits _l_e_s_s.
- The following two commands may or may not be valid,
- depending on your particular installation.
- v Invokes an editor to edit the current file being
- viewed. The editor is taken from the environment
- variable EDITOR, or defaults to "vi".
- ! shell-command
- Invokes a shell to run the shell-command given. A
- percent sign in the command is replaced by the name of
- the current file. "!!" repeats the last shell command.
- "!" with no shell command simply invokes a shell. In
- all cases, the shell is taken from the environment
- variable SHELL, or defaults to "sh".
- Command line options are described below. Most options may
- be changed while _l_e_s_s is running, via the "-" command.
- Options are also taken from the environment variable "LESS".
- For example, to avoid typing "less -options ..." each time
- _l_e_s_s is invoked, you might tell _c_s_h:
- setenv LESS "-options"
- or if you use _s_h:
- LESS="-options"; export LESS
- The environment variable is parsed before the command line,
- so command line options override the LESS environment
- variable. If an option appears in the LESS variable, it can
- be reset to its default on the command line by beginning the
- command line option with "-+".
- Page 4 (printed 7/19/88)
- A dollar sign ($) may be used to signal the end of an option
- string. This is important only for options like -P which
- take a following string.
- -a Normally, forward searches start just after the top
- displayed line (that is, at the second displayed line).
- Thus, forward searches include the currently displayed
- screen. The -a option causes forward searches to start
- just after the bottom line displayed, thus skipping the
- currently displayed screen.
- -A The -A option causes searches to start at the second
- SCREEN line displayed, as opposed to the default which
- is to start at the second REAL line displayed. For
- example, suppose a long real line occupies the first
- three screen lines. The default search will start at
- the second real line (the fourth screen line), while
- the -A option will cause the search to start at the
- second screen line (in the midst of the first real
- line). (This option is rarely useful.)
- -b The -b_n option tells _l_e_s_s to use a non-standard number
- of buffers. Buffers are 1K, and normally 10 buffers
- are used (except if data in coming from standard input;
- see the -B option). The number _n specifies a different
- number of buffers to use.
- -B Normally, when data is coming from standard input,
- buffers are allocated automatically as needed, to avoid
- loss of data. The -B option disables this feature, so
- that only the default number of buffers are used. If
- more data is read than will fit in the buffers, the
- oldest data is discarded.
- -c Normally, _l_e_s_s will repaint the screen by scrolling
- from the bottom of the screen. If the -c option is
- set, when _l_e_s_s needs to change the entire display, it
- will paint from the top line down.
- -C The -C option is like -c, but the screen is cleared
- before it is repainted.
- -d Normally, _l_e_s_s will complain if the terminal is dumb;
- that is, lacks some important capability, such as the
- ability to clear the screen or scroll backwards. The
- -d option suppresses this complaint (but does not
- otherwise change the behavior of the program on a dumb
- terminal).
- -e Normally the only way to exit less is via the "q"
- command. The -e option tells less to automatically
- exit the second time it reaches end-of-file.
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- -E The -E flag causes less to exit the first time it
- reaches end-of-file.
- -h Normally, _l_e_s_s will scroll backwards when backwards
- movement is necessary. The -h option specifies a
- maximum number of lines to scroll backwards. If it is
- necessary to move backwards more than this many lines,
- the screen is repainted in a forward direction. (If
- the terminal does not have the ability to scroll
- backwards, -h0 is implied.)
- -i The -i option causes searches to ignore case; that is,
- uppercase and lowercase are considered identical.
- Also, text which is overstruck or underlined can be
- searched for.
- -l The -l option, followed immediately by a filename, will
- cause _l_e_s_s to copy its input to the named file as it is
- being viewed. This applies only when the input file is
- a pipe, not an ordinary file. If the file already
- exists, less will ask for confirmation before
- overwriting it.
- -L The -L option is like -l, but it will overwrite an
- existing file without asking for confirmation.
- If no log file has been specified, the -l and -L
- options can be used from within less to specify a log
- file. Without a file name, they will simply report the
- name of the log file.
- -m Normally, _l_e_s_s prompts with a colon. The -m option
- causes _l_e_s_s to prompt verbosely (like _m_o_r_e), with the
- percent into the file.
- -M The -M option causes _l_e_s_s to prompt even more verbosely
- than _m_o_r_e.
- -n The -n flag suppresses line numbers. The default (to
- use line numbers) may cause _l_e_s_s to run more slowly in
- some cases, especially with a very large input file.
- Suppressing line numbers with the -n flag will avoid
- this problem. Using line numbers means: the line
- number will be displayed in the verbose prompt and in
- the = command, and the v command will pass the current
- line number to the editor.
- -P The -P option provides a way to tailor the three prompt
- styles to your own preference. You would normally put
- this option in your LESS environment variable, rather
- than type it in with each less command. Such an option
- must either be the last option in the LESS variable, or
- Page 6 (printed 7/19/88)
- be terminated by a dollar sign. -P followed by a
- string changes the default (short) prompt to that
- string. -Pm changes the medium (-m) prompt to the
- string, and -PM changes the long (-M) prompt. Also,
- -P= changes the message printed by the = command to the
- given string. All prompt strings consist of a sequence
- of letters and special escape sequences. See the
- section on PROMPTS for more details.
- -q Normally, if an attempt is made to scroll past the end
- of the file or before the beginning of the file, the
- terminal bell is rung to indicate this fact. The -q
- option tells _l_e_s_s not to ring the bell at such times.
- If the terminal has a "visual bell", it is used
- instead.
- -Q Even if -q is given, _l_e_s_s will ring the bell on certain
- other errors, such as typing an invalid character. The
- -Q option tells _l_e_s_s to be quiet all the time; that is,
- never ring the terminal bell. If the terminal has a
- "visual bell", it is used instead.
- -s The -s option causes consecutive blank lines to be
- squeezed into a single blank line. This is useful when
- viewing _n_r_o_f_f output.
- -t The -t option, followed immediately by a TAG, will edit
- the file containing that tag. For this to work, there
- must be a file called "tags" in the current directory,
- which was previously built by the _c_t_a_g_s (1) command.
- This option may also be specified from within less
- (using the - command) as a way of examining a new file.
- -u If the -u option is given, backspaces are treated as
- printable characters; that is, they are sent to the
- terminal when they appear in the input.
- -U If the -U option is given, backspaces are printed as
- the two character sequence "^H".
- If neither -u nor -U is given, backspaces which appear
- adjacent to an underscore character are treated
- specially: the underlined text is displayed using the
- terminal's hardware underlining capability. Also,
- backspaces which appear between two identical
- characters are treated specially: the overstruck text
- is printed using the terminal's hardware boldface
- capability. Other backspaces are deleted, along with
- the preceeding character.
- -w Normally, _l_e_s_s uses a tilde character to represent
- lines past the end of the file. The -w option causes
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- blank lines to be used instead.
- -x The -x_n option sets tab stops every _n positions. The
- default for _n is 8.
- -[z] When given a backwards or forwards window command, _l_e_s_s
- will by default scroll backwards or forwards one
- screenful of lines. The -z_n option changes the default
- scrolling window size to _n lines. Note that the "z" is
- optional for compatibility with _m_o_r_e.
- + If a command line option begins with ++++, the remainder
- of that option is taken to be an initial command to
- _l_e_s_s. For example, +G tells _l_e_s_s to start at the end of
- the file rather than the beginning, and +/xyz tells it
- to start at the first occurence of "xyz" in the file.
- As a special case, +<number> acts like +<number>g; that
- is, it starts the display at the specified line number
- (however, see the caveat under the "g" command above).
- If the option starts with ++++++++, the initial command
- applies to every file being viewed, not just the first
- one. The + command described previously may also be
- used to set (or change) an initial command for every
- file.
- You may define your own less commands by using the program
- _l_e_s_s_k_e_y (1) to create a file called ".less" in your home
- directory. This file specifies a set of command keys and an
- action associated with each key. See the _l_e_s_s_k_e_y manual
- page for more details.
- The -P option allows you to tailor the prompt to your
- preference. The string given to the -P option replaces the
- specified prompt string. Certain characters in the string
- are interpreted specially. The prompt mechanism is rather
- complicated to provide flexibility, but the ordinary user
- need not understand the details of constructing personalized
- prompt strings.
- A percent sign followed by a single character is expanded
- according to what the following character is:
- %bX Replaced by the byte offset into the current input
- file. The b is followed by a single character (shown
- as X above) which specifies the line whose byte offset
- is to be used. If the character is a "t", the byte
- offset of the top line in the display is used, an "m"
- means use the middle line, a "b" means use the bottom
- Page 8 (printed 7/19/88)
- line, and a "B" means use the line just after the
- bottom line.
- %f Replaced by the name of the current input file.
- %i Replaced by the index of the current file in the list
- of input files.
- %lX Replaced by the line number of a line in the input
- file. The line to be used is determined by the X, as
- with the %b option.
- %m Replaced by the total number of input files.
- %pX Replaced by the percent into the current input file.
- The line used is determined by the X as with the %b
- option.
- %s Replaced by the size of the current input file.
- %t Causes any trailing spaces to be removed. Usually used
- at the end of the string, but may appear anywhere.
- %x Replaced by the name of the next input file in the
- list.
- If any item is unknown (for example, the file size if input
- is a pipe), a question mark is printed instead.
- The format of the prompt string can be changed depending on
- certain conditions. A question mark followed by a single
- character acts like an "IF": depending on the following
- character, a condition is evaluated. If the condition is
- true, any characters following the question mark and
- condition character, up to a period, are included in the
- prompt. If the condition is false, such characters are not
- included. A colon appearing between the question mark and
- the period can be used to establish an "ELSE": any
- characters between the colon and the period are included in
- the string if and only if the IF condition is false.
- Condition characters (which follow a question mark) may be:
- ?a True if any characters have been included in the prompt
- so far.
- ?bX True if the byte offset of the specified line is known.
- ?e True if at end-of-file.
- ?f True if there is an input filename (that is, if input
- is not a pipe).
- Page 9 (printed 7/19/88)
- ?lX True if the line number of the specified line is known.
- ?m True if there is more than one input file.
- ?n True if this is the first prompt in a new input file.
- ?pX True if the percent into the current input file of the
- specified line is known.
- ?s True if the size of current input file is known.
- ?x True if there is a next input file (that is, if the
- current input file is not the last one).
- Any characters other than the special ones (question mark,
- colon, period, percent, and backslash) become literally part
- of the prompt. Any of the special characters may be
- included in the prompt literally by preceeding it with a
- backslash.
- Some examples:
- ?f%f:Standard input.
- This prompt prints the filename, if known; otherwise the
- string "Standard input".
- ?f%f .?ltLine %lt:?pt%pt:?btByte %bt:-...
- This prompt would print the filename, if known. The
- filename is followed by the line number, if known, otherwise
- the percent if known, otherwise the byte offset if known.
- Otherwise, a dash is printed. Notice how each question mark
- has a matching period, and how the % after the %pt is
- included literally by escaping it with a backslash.
- ?n?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x..%t
- This prints the filename if this is the first prompt in a
- file, followed by the "file N of N" message if there is more
- than one input file. Then, if we are at end-of-file, the
- string "(END)" is printed followed by the name of the next
- file, if there is one. Finally, any trailing spaces are
- truncated. This is the default prompt. For reference, here
- are the defaults for the other two prompts (-m and -M
- respectively). Each is broken into two lines here for
- readability only.
- ?n?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:
- ?pB%pB\%:byte %bB?s/%s...%t
- ?f%f .?n?m(file %i of %m) ..?ltline %lt :byte %bB?s/%s ..
- Page 10 (printed 7/19/88)
- ?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:?pB%pB\%..%t
- And here is the default message produced by the = command:
- ?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) .?ltline %lt .
- byte %bB?s/%s. ?e(END) :?pB%pB\%..%t
- lesskey(1)
- The = command and prompts (unless changed by -P) report the
- line number of the line at the top of the screen, but the
- byte and percent of the line at the bottom of the screen.
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