home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * User-level command processor.
- */
- #include "less.h"
- #include "position.h"
- #include "cmd.h"
- #define NO_MCA 0
- #define MCA_DONE 1
- #define MCA_MORE 2
- extern int erase_char, kill_char;
- extern int ispipe;
- extern int sigs;
- extern int quit_at_eof;
- extern int hit_eof;
- extern int sc_width;
- extern int sc_height;
- extern int sc_window;
- extern int curr_ac;
- extern int ac;
- extern int quitting;
- extern int scroll;
- extern char *first_cmd;
- extern char *every_first_cmd;
- extern char version[];
- extern char *current_file;
- #if EDITOR
- extern char *editor;
- #endif
- extern int screen_trashed; /* The screen has been overwritten */
- static char cmdbuf[120]; /* Buffer for holding a multi-char command */
- static char *shellcmd = NULL; /* For holding last shell command for "!!" */
- #endif
- static char *cp; /* Pointer into cmdbuf */
- static int cmd_col; /* Current column of the multi-char command */
- static int mca; /* The multicharacter command (action) */
- static int last_mca; /* The previous mca */
- static int number; /* The number typed by the user */
- static int wsearch; /* Search for matches (1) or non-matches (0) */
- /*
- * Reset command buffer (to empty).
- */
- cmd_reset()
- {
- cp = cmdbuf;
- }
- /*
- * Backspace in command buffer.
- */
- static int
- cmd_erase()
- {
- if (cp == cmdbuf)
- /*
- * Backspace past beginning of the string:
- * this usually means abort the command.
- */
- return (1);
- if (control_char(*--cp))
- {
- /*
- * Erase an extra character, for the carat.
- */
- backspace();
- cmd_col--;
- }
- backspace();
- cmd_col--;
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Set up the display to start a new multi-character command.
- */
- start_mca(action, prompt)
- int action;
- char *prompt;
- {
- lower_left();
- clear_eol();
- putstr(prompt);
- cmd_col = strlen(prompt);
- mca = action;
- }
- /*
- * Process a single character of a multi-character command, such as
- * a number, or the pattern of a search command.
- */
- static int
- cmd_char(c)
- int c;
- {
- if (c == erase_char)
- {
- if (cmd_erase())
- return (1);
- } else if (c == kill_char)
- {
- /* {{ Could do this faster, but who cares? }} */
- while (cmd_erase() == 0)
- ;
- } else if (cp >= &cmdbuf[sizeof(cmdbuf)-1])
- {
- /*
- * No room in the command buffer.
- */
- bell();
- } else if (cmd_col >= sc_width-3)
- {
- /*
- * No room on the screen.
- * {{ Could get fancy here; maybe shift the displayed
- * line and make room for more chars, like ksh. }}
- */
- bell();
- } else
- {
- /*
- * Append the character to the string.
- */
- *cp++ = c;
- if (control_char(c))
- {
- putchr('^');
- cmd_col++;
- c = carat_char(c);
- }
- putchr(c);
- cmd_col++;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Return the number currently in the command buffer.
- */
- static int
- cmd_int()
- {
- *cp = '\0';
- cp = cmdbuf;
- return (atoi(cmdbuf));
- }
- /*
- * Move the cursor to lower left before executing a command.
- * This looks nicer if the command takes a long time before
- * updating the screen.
- */
- static void
- cmd_exec()
- {
- lower_left();
- flush();
- }
- /*
- * Display the appropriate prompt.
- */
- static void
- prompt()
- {
- register char *p;
- if (first_cmd != NULL && *first_cmd != '\0')
- {
- /*
- * No prompt necessary if commands are from first_cmd
- * rather than from the user.
- */
- return;
- }
- /*
- * If nothing is displayed yet, display starting from line 1.
- */
- if (position(TOP) == NULL_POSITION)
- jump_back(1);
- else if (screen_trashed)
- repaint();
- /*
- * If the -E flag is set and we've hit EOF on the last file, quit.
- */
- if (quit_at_eof == 2 && hit_eof && curr_ac + 1 >= ac)
- quit();
- /*
- * Select the proper prompt and display it.
- */
- lower_left();
- clear_eol();
- p = pr_string();
- if (p == NULL)
- putchr(':');
- else
- {
- so_enter();
- putstr(p);
- so_exit();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Get command character.
- * The character normally comes from the keyboard,
- * but may come from the "first_cmd" string.
- */
- static int
- getcc()
- {
- if (first_cmd == NULL)
- return (getchr());
- if (*first_cmd == '\0')
- {
- /*
- * Reached end of first_cmd input.
- */
- first_cmd = NULL;
- if (cp > cmdbuf && position(TOP) == NULL_POSITION)
- {
- /*
- * Command is incomplete, so try to complete it.
- * There are only two cases:
- * 1. We have "/string" but no newline. Add the \n.
- * 2. We have a number but no command. Treat as #g.
- * (This is all pretty hokey.)
- */
- if (mca != A_DIGIT)
- /* Not a number; must be search string */
- return ('\n');
- else
- /* A number; append a 'g' */
- return ('g');
- }
- return (getchr());
- }
- return (*first_cmd++);
- }
- /*
- * Execute a multicharacter command.
- */
- static void
- exec_mca()
- {
- register char *p;
- register int n;
- *cp = '\0';
- cmd_exec();
- switch (mca)
- {
- case A_F_SEARCH:
- search(1, cmdbuf, number, wsearch);
- break;
- case A_B_SEARCH:
- search(0, cmdbuf, number, wsearch);
- break;
- case A_FIRSTCMD:
- /*
- * Skip leading spaces or + signs in the string.
- */
- for (p = cmdbuf; *p == '+' || *p == ' '; p++)
- ;
- if (every_first_cmd != NULL)
- free(every_first_cmd);
- if (*p == '\0')
- every_first_cmd = NULL;
- else
- every_first_cmd = save(p);
- break;
- toggle_option(cmdbuf, 1);
- break;
- case A_EXAMINE:
- /*
- * Ignore leading spaces in the filename.
- */
- for (p = cmdbuf; *p == ' '; p++)
- ;
- edit(glob(p));
- break;
- case A_SHELL:
- /*
- * !! just uses whatever is in shellcmd.
- * Otherwise, copy cmdbuf to shellcmd,
- * replacing any '%' with the current
- * file name.
- */
- if (*cmdbuf != '!')
- {
- register char *fr, *to;
- /*
- * Make one pass to see how big a buffer we
- * need to allocate for the expanded shell cmd.
- */
- for (fr = cmdbuf; *fr != '\0'; fr++)
- if (*fr == '%')
- n += strlen(current_file);
- else
- n++;
- if (shellcmd != NULL)
- free(shellcmd);
- shellcmd = calloc(n+1, sizeof(char));
- if (shellcmd == NULL)
- {
- error("cannot allocate memory");
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Now copy the shell cmd, expanding any "%"
- * into the current filename.
- */
- to = shellcmd;
- for (fr = cmdbuf; *fr != '\0'; fr++)
- {
- if (*fr != '%')
- *to++ = *fr;
- else
- {
- strcpy(to, current_file);
- to += strlen(to);
- }
- }
- *to = '\0';
- }
- if (shellcmd == NULL)
- lsystem("");
- else
- lsystem(shellcmd);
- error("!done");
- break;
- #endif
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add a character to a multi-character command.
- */
- static int
- mca_char(c)
- int c;
- {
- switch (mca)
- {
- case 0:
- /*
- * Not in a multicharacter command.
- */
- return (NO_MCA);
- case A_PREFIX:
- /*
- * In the prefix of a command.
- */
- return (NO_MCA);
- case A_DIGIT:
- /*
- * Entering digits of a number.
- * Terminated by a non-digit.
- */
- if ((c < '0' || c > '9') &&
- c != erase_char && c != kill_char)
- {
- /*
- * Not part of the number.
- * Treat as a normal command character.
- */
- number = cmd_int();
- mca = 0;
- return (NO_MCA);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * Special case for the TOGGLE_OPTION command.
- * if the option letter which was entered is a
- * single-char option, execute the command immediately,
- * so he doesn't have to hit RETURN.
- */
- if (cp == cmdbuf && c != erase_char && c != kill_char &&
- single_char_option(c))
- {
- cmdbuf[0] = c;
- cmdbuf[1] = '\0';
- toggle_option(cmdbuf, 1);
- return (MCA_DONE);
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Any other multicharacter command
- * is terminated by a newline.
- */
- if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
- {
- /*
- * Execute the command.
- */
- exec_mca();
- return (MCA_DONE);
- }
- /*
- * Append the char to the command buffer.
- */
- if (cmd_char(c))
- /*
- * Abort the multi-char command.
- */
- return (MCA_DONE);
- /*
- * Need another character.
- */
- return (MCA_MORE);
- }
- /*
- * Main command processor.
- * Accept and execute commands until a quit command, then return.
- */
- public void
- commands()
- {
- register int c;
- register int action;
- last_mca = 0;
- scroll = (sc_height + 1) / 2;
- for (;;)
- {
- mca = 0;
- number = 0;
- /*
- * See if any signals need processing.
- */
- if (sigs)
- {
- psignals();
- if (quitting)
- quit();
- }
- /*
- * Display prompt and accept a character.
- */
- cmd_reset();
- prompt();
- noprefix();
- c = getcc();
- again:
- if (sigs)
- continue;
- /*
- * If we are in a multicharacter command, call mca_char.
- * Otherwise we call cmd_decode to determine the
- * action to be performed.
- */
- if (mca)
- switch (mca_char(c))
- {
- case MCA_MORE:
- /*
- * Need another character.
- */
- c = getcc();
- goto again;
- case MCA_DONE:
- /*
- * Command has been handled by mca_char.
- * Start clean with a prompt.
- */
- continue;
- case NO_MCA:
- /*
- * Not a multi-char command
- * (at least, not anymore).
- */
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Decode the command character and decide what to do.
- */
- switch (action = cmd_decode(c))
- {
- case A_DIGIT:
- /*
- * First digit of a number.
- */
- start_mca(A_DIGIT, ":");
- goto again;
- case A_F_SCREEN:
- /*
- * Forward one screen.
- */
- if (number <= 0)
- number = sc_window;
- if (number <= 0)
- number = sc_height - 1;
- cmd_exec();
- forward(number, 1);
- break;
- case A_B_SCREEN:
- /*
- * Backward one screen.
- */
- if (number <= 0)
- number = sc_window;
- if (number <= 0)
- number = sc_height - 1;
- cmd_exec();
- backward(number, 1);
- break;
- case A_F_LINE:
- /*
- * Forward N (default 1) line.
- */
- if (number <= 0)
- number = 1;
- cmd_exec();
- forward(number, 0);
- break;
- case A_B_LINE:
- /*
- * Backward N (default 1) line.
- */
- if (number <= 0)
- number = 1;
- cmd_exec();
- backward(number, 0);
- break;
- case A_F_SCROLL:
- /*
- * Forward N lines
- * (default same as last 'd' or 'u' command).
- */
- if (number > 0)
- scroll = number;
- cmd_exec();
- forward(scroll, 0);
- break;
- case A_B_SCROLL:
- /*
- * Forward N lines
- * (default same as last 'd' or 'u' command).
- */
- if (number > 0)
- scroll = number;
- cmd_exec();
- backward(scroll, 0);
- break;
- case A_FREPAINT:
- /*
- * Flush buffers, then repaint screen.
- * Don't flush the buffers on a pipe!
- */
- if (!ispipe)
- {
- ch_init(0, 0);
- clr_linenum();
- }
- /* FALLTHRU */
- case A_REPAINT:
- /*
- * Repaint screen.
- */
- cmd_exec();
- repaint();
- break;
- case A_GOLINE:
- /*
- * Go to line N, default beginning of file.
- */
- if (number <= 0)
- number = 1;
- cmd_exec();
- jump_back(number);
- break;
- case A_PERCENT:
- /*
- * Go to a specified percentage into the file.
- */
- if (number < 0)
- number = 0;
- if (number > 100)
- number = 100;
- cmd_exec();
- jump_percent(number);
- break;
- case A_GOEND:
- /*
- * Go to line N, default end of file.
- */
- cmd_exec();
- if (number <= 0)
- jump_forw();
- else
- jump_back(number);
- break;
- case A_STAT:
- /*
- * Print file name, etc.
- */
- cmd_exec();
- error(eq_message());
- break;
- case A_VERSION:
- /*
- * Print version number, without the "@(#)".
- */
- cmd_exec();
- error(version+4);
- break;
- case A_QUIT:
- /*
- * Exit.
- */
- quit();
- case A_F_SEARCH:
- case A_B_SEARCH:
- /*
- * Search for a pattern.
- * Accept chars of the pattern until \n.
- */
- if (number <= 0)
- number = 1;
- start_mca(action, (action==A_F_SEARCH) ? "/" : "?");
- last_mca = mca;
- wsearch = 1;
- c = getcc();
- if (c == '!')
- {
- /*
- * Invert the sense of the search.
- * Set wsearch to 0 and get a new
- * character for the start of the pattern.
- */
- start_mca(action,
- (action==A_F_SEARCH) ? "!/" : "!?");
- wsearch = 0;
- c = getcc();
- }
- goto again;
- /*
- * Repeat previous search.
- */
- if (number <= 0)
- number = 1;
- if (wsearch)
- start_mca(last_mca,
- (last_mca==A_F_SEARCH) ? "/" : "?");
- else
- start_mca(last_mca,
- (last_mca==A_F_SEARCH) ? "!/" : "!?");
- cmd_exec();
- search(mca==A_F_SEARCH, (char *)NULL, number, wsearch);
- break;
- case A_HELP:
- /*
- * Help.
- */
- lower_left();
- clear_eol();
- putstr("help");
- cmd_exec();
- help();
- break;
- case A_EXAMINE:
- /*
- * Edit a new file. Get the filename.
- */
- cmd_reset();
- start_mca(A_EXAMINE, "Examine: ");
- c = getcc();
- goto again;
- case A_VISUAL:
- /*
- * Invoke an editor on the input file.
- */
- #if EDITOR
- if (ispipe)
- {
- error("Cannot edit standard input");
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Try to pass the line number to the editor.
- */
- cmd_exec();
- c = currline(MIDDLE);
- if (c == 0)
- sprintf(cmdbuf, "%s %s",
- editor, current_file);
- else
- sprintf(cmdbuf, "%s +%d %s",
- editor, c, current_file);
- lsystem(cmdbuf);
- ch_init(0, 0);
- clr_linenum();
- break;
- #else
- error("Command not available");
- break;
- #endif
- case A_NEXT_FILE:
- /*
- * Examine next file.
- */
- if (number <= 0)
- number = 1;
- next_file(number);
- break;
- case A_PREV_FILE:
- /*
- * Examine previous file.
- */
- if (number <= 0)
- number = 1;
- prev_file(number);
- break;
- /*
- * Toggle a flag setting.
- */
- cmd_reset();
- start_mca(A_TOGGLE_OPTION, "-");
- c = getcc();
- goto again;
- /*
- * Report a flag setting.
- */
- cmd_reset();
- start_mca(A_DISP_OPTION, "_");
- c = getcc();
- if (c == erase_char || c == kill_char)
- break;
- cmdbuf[0] = c;
- cmdbuf[1] = '\0';
- toggle_option(cmdbuf, 0);
- break;
- case A_FIRSTCMD:
- /*
- * Set an initial command for new files.
- */
- cmd_reset();
- start_mca(A_FIRSTCMD, "+");
- c = getcc();
- goto again;
- case A_SHELL:
- /*
- * Shell escape.
- */
- cmd_reset();
- start_mca(A_SHELL, "!");
- c = getcc();
- goto again;
- #else
- error("Command not available");
- break;
- #endif
- case A_SETMARK:
- /*
- * Set a mark.
- */
- lower_left();
- clear_eol();
- start_mca(A_SETMARK, "mark: ");
- c = getcc();
- if (c == erase_char || c == kill_char)
- break;
- setmark(c);
- break;
- case A_GOMARK:
- /*
- * Go to a mark.
- */
- lower_left();
- clear_eol();
- start_mca(A_GOMARK, "goto mark: ");
- c = getcc();
- if (c == erase_char || c == kill_char)
- break;
- gomark(c);
- break;
- case A_PREFIX:
- /*
- * The command is incomplete (more chars are needed).
- * Display the current char so the user knows
- * what's going on and get another character.
- */
- if (mca != A_PREFIX)
- start_mca(A_PREFIX, "& ");
- if (control_char(c))
- {
- putchr('^');
- c = carat_char(c);
- }
- putchr(c);
- c = getcc();
- goto again;
- default:
- bell();
- break;
- }
- }
- }