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- /*
- * Routines to manipulate the "line buffer".
- * The line buffer holds a line of output as it is being built
- * in preparation for output to the screen.
- * We keep track of the PRINTABLE length of the line as it is being built.
- */
- #include "less.h"
- static char linebuf[1024]; /* Buffer which holds the current output line */
- static char *curr; /* Pointer into linebuf */
- static int column; /* Printable length, accounting for
- backspaces, etc. */
- /*
- * A ridiculously complex state machine takes care of backspaces
- * when in BS_SPECIAL mode. The complexity arises from the attempt
- * to deal with all cases, especially involving long lines with underlining,
- * boldfacing or whatever. There are still some cases which will break it.
- *
- * There are four states:
- * LN_NORMAL is the normal state (not in underline mode).
- * LN_UNDERLINE means we are in underline mode. We expect to get
- * either a sequence like "_\bX" or "X\b_" to continue
- * underline mode, or anything else to end underline mode.
- * LN_BOLDFACE means we are in boldface mode. We expect to get sequences
- * like "X\bX\b...X\bX" to continue boldface mode, or anything
- * else to end boldface mode.
- * LN_UL_X means we are one character after LN_UNDERLINE
- * (we have gotten the '_' in "_\bX" or the 'X' in "X\b_").
- * LN_UL_XB means we are one character after LN_UL_X
- * (we have gotten the backspace in "_\bX" or "X\b_";
- * we expect one more ordinary character,
- * which will put us back in state LN_UNDERLINE).
- * LN_BO_X means we are one character after LN_BOLDFACE
- * (we have gotten the 'X' in "X\bX").
- * LN_BO_XB means we are one character after LN_BO_X
- * (we have gotten the backspace in "X\bX";
- * we expect one more 'X' which will put us back
- * in LN_BOLDFACE).
- */
- static int ln_state; /* Currently in normal/underline/bold/etc mode? */
- #define LN_NORMAL 0 /* Not in underline, boldface or whatever mode */
- #define LN_UNDERLINE 1 /* In underline, need next char */
- #define LN_UL_X 2 /* In underline, got char, need \b */
- #define LN_UL_XB 3 /* In underline, got char & \b, need one more */
- #define LN_BOLDFACE 4 /* In boldface, need next char */
- #define LN_BO_X 5 /* In boldface, got char, need \b */
- #define LN_BO_XB 6 /* In boldface, got char & \b, need same char */
- public char *line; /* Pointer to the current line.
- Usually points to linebuf. */
- extern int bs_mode;
- extern int tabstop;
- extern int bo_width, be_width;
- extern int ul_width, ue_width;
- extern int sc_width, sc_height;
- /*
- * Rewind the line buffer.
- */
- public void
- prewind()
- {
- line = curr = linebuf;
- ln_state = LN_NORMAL;
- column = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Append a character to the line buffer.
- * Expand tabs into spaces, handle underlining, boldfacing, etc.
- * Returns 0 if ok, 1 if couldn't fit in buffer.
- */
- #define NEW_COLUMN(newcol) if ((newcol) + ((ln_state)?ue_width:0) > sc_width) \
- return (1); else column = (newcol)
- public int
- pappend(c)
- int c;
- {
- if (c == '\0')
- {
- /*
- * Terminate any special modes, if necessary.
- * Append a '\0' to the end of the line.
- */
- switch (ln_state)
- {
- case LN_UL_X:
- curr[0] = curr[-1];
- curr[-1] = UE_CHAR;
- curr++;
- break;
- case LN_BO_X:
- curr[0] = curr[-1];
- curr[-1] = BE_CHAR;
- curr++;
- break;
- case LN_UL_XB:
- *curr++ = UE_CHAR;
- break;
- case LN_BO_XB:
- *curr++ = BE_CHAR;
- break;
- }
- ln_state = LN_NORMAL;
- *curr = '\0';
- return (0);
- }
- if (curr > linebuf + sizeof(linebuf) - 12)
- /*
- * Almost out of room in the line buffer.
- * Don't take any chances.
- * {{ Linebuf is supposed to be big enough that this
- * will never happen, but may need to be made
- * bigger for wide screens or lots of backspaces. }}
- */
- return (1);
- if (bs_mode == BS_SPECIAL)
- {
- /*
- * Advance the state machine.
- */
- switch (ln_state)
- {
- case LN_NORMAL:
- if (curr <= linebuf + 1 || curr[-1] != '\b')
- break;
- if (c == curr[-2])
- goto enter_boldface;
- if (c == '_' || curr[-2] == '_')
- goto enter_underline;
- curr -= 2;
- break;
- enter_boldface:
- /*
- * We have "X\bX" (including the current char).
- * Switch into boldface mode.
- */
- if (column + bo_width + be_width + 1 >= sc_width)
- /*
- * Not enough room left on the screen to
- * enter and exit boldface mode.
- */
- return (1);
- if (bo_width > 0 &&
- curr > linebuf + 2 && curr[-3] == ' ')
- {
- /*
- * Special case for magic cookie terminals:
- * if the previous char was a space, replace
- * it with the "enter boldface" sequence.
- */
- curr[-3] = BO_CHAR;
- column += bo_width-1;
- } else
- {
- curr[-1] = curr[-2];
- curr[-2] = BO_CHAR;
- column += bo_width;
- curr++;
- }
- goto ln_bo_xb_case;
- enter_underline:
- /*
- * We have either "_\bX" or "X\b_" (including
- * the current char). Switch into underline mode.
- */
- if (column + ul_width + ue_width + 1 >= sc_width)
- /*
- * Not enough room left on the screen to
- * enter and exit underline mode.
- */
- return (1);
- if (ul_width > 0 &&
- curr > linebuf + 2 && curr[-3] == ' ')
- {
- /*
- * Special case for magic cookie terminals:
- * if the previous char was a space, replace
- * it with the "enter underline" sequence.
- */
- curr[-3] = UL_CHAR;
- column += ul_width-1;
- } else
- {
- curr[-1] = curr[-2];
- curr[-2] = UL_CHAR;
- column += ul_width;
- curr++;
- }
- goto ln_ul_xb_case;
- case LN_UL_XB:
- /*
- * Termination of a sequence "_\bX" or "X\b_".
- */
- if (c != '_' && curr[-2] != '_' && c == curr[-2])
- {
- /*
- * We seem to have run on from underlining
- * into boldfacing - this is a nasty fix, but
- * until this whole routine is rewritten as a
- * real DFA, ... well ...
- */
- curr[0] = curr[-2];
- curr[-2] = UE_CHAR;
- curr[-1] = BO_CHAR;
- curr += 2; /* char & non-existent backspace */
- ln_state = LN_BO_XB;
- goto ln_bo_xb_case;
- }
- ln_ul_xb_case:
- if (c == '_')
- c = curr[-2];
- curr -= 2;
- ln_state = LN_UNDERLINE;
- break;
- case LN_BO_XB:
- /*
- * Termination of a sequnce "X\bX".
- */
- if (c != curr[-2] && (c == '_' || curr[-2] == '_'))
- {
- /*
- * We seem to have run on from
- * boldfacing into underlining.
- */
- curr[0] = curr[-2];
- curr[-2] = BE_CHAR;
- curr[-1] = UL_CHAR;
- curr += 2; /* char & non-existent backspace */
- ln_state = LN_UL_XB;
- goto ln_ul_xb_case;
- }
- ln_bo_xb_case:
- curr -= 2;
- ln_state = LN_BOLDFACE;
- break;
- if (column + ue_width + bo_width + 1 + be_width >= sc_width)
- /*
- * We have just barely enough room to
- * exit underline mode and handle a possible
- * underline/boldface run on mixup.
- */
- return (1);
- ln_state = LN_UL_X;
- break;
- if (c == '\b')
- {
- ln_state = LN_BO_XB;
- break;
- }
- if (column + be_width + ul_width + 1 + ue_width >= sc_width)
- /*
- * We have just barely enough room to
- * exit underline mode and handle a possible
- * underline/boldface run on mixup.
- */
- return (1);
- ln_state = LN_BO_X;
- break;
- case LN_UL_X:
- if (c == '\b')
- ln_state = LN_UL_XB;
- else
- {
- /*
- * Exit underline mode.
- * We have to shuffle the chars a bit
- * to make this work.
- */
- curr[0] = curr[-1];
- curr[-1] = UE_CHAR;
- column += ue_width;
- if (ue_width > 0 && curr[0] == ' ')
- /*
- * Another special case for magic
- * cookie terminals: if the next
- * char is a space, replace it
- * with the "exit underline" sequence.
- */
- column--;
- else
- curr++;
- ln_state = LN_NORMAL;
- }
- break;
- case LN_BO_X:
- if (c == '\b')
- ln_state = LN_BO_XB;
- else
- {
- /*
- * Exit boldface mode.
- * We have to shuffle the chars a bit
- * to make this work.
- */
- curr[0] = curr[-1];
- curr[-1] = BE_CHAR;
- column += be_width;
- if (be_width > 0 && curr[0] == ' ')
- /*
- * Another special case for magic
- * cookie terminals: if the next
- * char is a space, replace it
- * with the "exit boldface" sequence.
- */
- column--;
- else
- curr++;
- ln_state = LN_NORMAL;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (c == '\t')
- {
- /*
- * Expand a tab into spaces.
- */
- do
- {
- NEW_COLUMN(column+1);
- } while ((column % tabstop) != 0);
- *curr++ = '\t';
- return (0);
- }
- if (c == '\b')
- {
- if (bs_mode == BS_CONTROL)
- {
- /*
- * Treat backspace as a control char: output "^H".
- */
- NEW_COLUMN(column+2);
- *curr++ = ('H' | 0200);
- } else
- {
- /*
- * Output a real backspace.
- */
- column--;
- *curr++ = '\b';
- }
- return (0);
- }
- if (control_char(c))
- {
- /*
- * Put a "^X" into the buffer.
- * The 0200 bit is used to tell put_line() to prefix
- * the char with a ^. We don't actually put the ^
- * in the buffer because we sometimes need to move
- * chars around, and such movement might separate
- * the ^ from its following character.
- * {{ This should be redone so that we can use an
- * 8 bit (e.g. international) character set. }}
- */
- NEW_COLUMN(column+2);
- *curr++ = (carat_char(c) | 0200);
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Ordinary character. Just put it in the buffer.
- */
- NEW_COLUMN(column+1);
- *curr++ = c;
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Analogous to forw_line(), but deals with "raw lines":
- * lines which are not split for screen width.
- * {{ This is supposed to be more efficient than forw_line(). }}
- */
- public POSITION
- forw_raw_line(curr_pos)
- POSITION curr_pos;
- {
- register char *p;
- register int c;
- POSITION new_pos;
- if (curr_pos == NULL_POSITION || ch_seek(curr_pos) ||
- (c = ch_forw_get()) == EOI)
- return (NULL_POSITION);
- p = linebuf;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (c == '\n' || c == EOI)
- {
- new_pos = ch_tell();
- break;
- }
- if (p >= &linebuf[sizeof(linebuf)-1])
- {
- /*
- * Overflowed the input buffer.
- * Pretend the line ended here.
- * {{ The line buffer is supposed to be big
- * enough that this never happens. }}
- */
- new_pos = ch_tell() - 1;
- break;
- }
- *p++ = c;
- c = ch_forw_get();
- }
- *p = '\0';
- line = linebuf;
- return (new_pos);
- }
- /*
- * Analogous to back_line(), but deals with "raw lines".
- * {{ This is supposed to be more efficient than back_line(). }}
- */
- public POSITION
- back_raw_line(curr_pos)
- POSITION curr_pos;
- {
- register char *p;
- register int c;
- POSITION new_pos;
- if (curr_pos == NULL_POSITION || curr_pos <= (POSITION)0 ||
- ch_seek(curr_pos-1))
- return (NULL_POSITION);
- p = &linebuf[sizeof(linebuf)];
- *--p = '\0';
- for (;;)
- {
- c = ch_back_get();
- if (c == '\n')
- {
- /*
- * This is the newline ending the previous line.
- * We have hit the beginning of the line.
- */
- new_pos = ch_tell() + 1;
- break;
- }
- if (c == EOI)
- {
- /*
- * We have hit the beginning of the file.
- * This must be the first line in the file.
- * This must, of course, be the beginning of the line.
- */
- new_pos = (POSITION)0;
- break;
- }
- if (p <= linebuf)
- {
- /*
- * Overflowed the input buffer.
- * Pretend the line ended here.
- */
- new_pos = ch_tell() + 1;
- break;
- }
- *--p = c;
- }
- line = p;
- return (new_pos);
- }