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- Subject: v16i066: Turn 4.2BSD lint into a prototype generator
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix,comp.lang.c,comp.lang.c++
- Followup-To: comp.sources.d
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: leech@cs.unc.edu
- Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 66
- Archive-name: lint-proto.pch
- [ This is a set of patches to the 4.2BSD lint sources. It can be
- merged into the 4.3 or a SunOS sources by hand (they're not that
- extensive) and probably an ATT Unix also, although I've not tried that.
- --r$ ]
- The following shar file contains patches to 4.2 BSD 'lint'
- to create a prototype generator. The modified BSD source is
- included as context diffs to (hopefully) get around copyright problems.
- Thanks!
- Jon Leech (leech@cs.unc.edu)
- __@/
- #!/bin/sh
- # shar: Shell Archiver
- # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
- # print.c
- # proto
- # proto.1
- # Makefile.diff
- # lint.c.diff
- # lmanifest.h.diff
- echo shar: extracting README '(2658 characters)'
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > README
- PROTO - C prototype generator for BSD
- These files contain changes to 4.2 BSD lint to create a prototype
- generator. This was done by modifying lint pass 1. Normally lint
- creates an intermediate file in pass 1 including information on the
- types and parameters of functions in its input files. This
- intermediate file is read by lint pass 2 and used to check intermodule
- calls (among other purposes).
- The prototype generator changes the portions of lint pass 1 where
- the intermediate file is generated, gathering information on functions
- and printing it in prototype format (actually there are 3 possible
- output formats - see the man page for 'proto'). Warning messages
- generated by pass 1 have not all been suppressed; this is a cosmetic
- issue as the warnings are directed to standard error. The changes to
- lint pass 1 have been #ifdef'ed so that either the old or new versions
- may be created from the same source with appropriate flags to the C
- preprocessor.
- The generator consists of a frontend shell script, 'proto', and
- the modified lint pass 1, called 'proto1' by analogy to the two lint
- passes. The shell script gathers C preprocessor arguments and runs cpp
- over any input files, passing the result to proto1.
- Since source to BSD may not be distributed, proto is supplied in
- the form of context diffs (diff -c) to the changed files, and several
- added files. The patches to Makefile, lint.c, and lmanifest.h must be
- made, then print.c, proto, and proto.1 placed in your lint source
- directory. The files in this archive are:
- README - this file
- Makefile.diff - context diffs to Makefile
- lint.c.diff - context diffs to lint.c
- lmanifest.h.diff - context diffs to lmanifest.h
- print.c - new functions to print out prototypes
- proto - shell script frontend
- proto.1 - man page
- Proto was generated from 4.2 BSD VAX source to lint. It may also
- be compiled on Sun-3 and -4 workstations, with the proviso that, if
- the file /usr/include/pcc.h and the source directories for the
- portable C compiler are not in the expected places, the Makefile must
- be modified to reflect this (change the make variables M, P, and
- PCCH).
- The 'install' target in Makefile has been modified to install
- proto and proto1 as well as the previous lint binaries. This has not
- been tested, however. The man page 'proto.1' should be installed in
- /usr/man by hand. Note that the man page should be run through 'tbl'
- before installation.
- Please direct a copy of enhancements, bug fixes, etc. to the
- author.
- Enjoy!
- Jon Leech (leech@cs.unc.edu)
- 10/23/88
- __@/
- echo shar: extracting print.c '(7335 characters)'
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > print.c
- /* print.c - C-style output functions for lint pass 1
- *
- *
- * Copyright 1988 Jonathan P. Leech
- *
- * Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute this
- * software by any means so long as this notice is always retained
- * in the copies and so long as no fee is charged for copying.
- *
- * All other rights are reserved except as explicitly granted
- * by written permission of the author.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "pass1.h"
- #include "lmanifest.h"
- extern char *malloc();
- char *atype_name(),
- *type_name(),
- *flag_name(),
- *Arg[MAX_ARG] = { NULL };
- int ArgLine = -1;
- extern int FuncMode, PrintVars;
- rec_print(rec, size, d, s)
- union rec *rec;
- {
- int i;
- switch (rec->l.decflag) {
- case LST: /* static */
- case LDI: /* initialized */
- case LIB: /* library */
- case LDC: /* global */
- case LDX: /* global: if ! pflag, same as LDI */
- {
- char *tname = atype_name(&rec->l.type, d, s, rec->l.name);
- /* Store function name for later use by func_decl() */
- if (ISFTN(rec->l.type.aty)) {
- if (!(Arg[0] = malloc(strlen(tname) + 10))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "out of memory in rec_print()\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (rec->l.decflag == LST)
- sprintf(Arg[0], "static %s", tname);
- else
- strcpy(Arg[0], tname);
- /* Save line on which function was defined */
- ArgLine = rec->l.fline;
- } else if (PrintVars) {
- /* Variable, just print its declaration */
- if (rec->l.decflag == LST)
- printf("static ");
- fputs(tname, stdout);
- fputs(";\n", stdout);
- }
- }
- break;
- case LFN: /* library name */
- case LRV: /* function returning a value */
- case LUV: /* function/value context */
- case LUE: /* function/effects context */
- case LUM: /* mentioned somewhere other than at the declaration */
- default: /* combinations of flags, don't seem to happen */
- break;
- }
- }
- #define NTYPE 40
- /* Get a string from the static pool (will not be reused for NTYPE calls) */
- char *buf_next() {
- /* Allow up to NTYPE different strings */
- static char buf[NTYPE][100];
- static int bufptr = 0;
- char *tmp = buf[bufptr];
- bufptr = (bufptr + 1) % NTYPE;
- *tmp = '\0';
- return tmp;
- }
- /* Print a type t in canonical (C) format
- * d & s are the dimoff & sizoff members from the corresponding
- * symbol table entry for the type member.
- */
- char *type_name(t, d, s, var_name, struct_name)
- TWORD t; /* Type in PCC internal form */
- int d, /* symtab->dimoff */
- s; /* symtab->sizoff */
- char *var_name; /* Name of variable of this type (usually '%s' for printf) */
- char *struct_name; /* Name of structure/union/enum(?) of base type */
- {
- static char *tnames[] = {
- "undef",
- "farg",
- "char",
- "short",
- "int",
- "long",
- "float",
- "double",
- "struct",
- "union",
- "enum",
- "moety", /* member of enum. type? */
- "unsigned char",
- "unsigned short",
- "unsigned",
- "unsigned long",
- "?", "?"
- };
- char *buf = buf_next(),
- *altbuf = buf_next(),
- *this = buf,
- *next;
- int i, sptr = 0, stack[100]; /* Stack of type modifiers for type t */
- #define VOID 0200 /* See "pcclocal.h"; this should not clash */
- /* Stack type modifiers up for easy access */
- do {
- if (ISPTR(t))
- stack[sptr++] = PTR;
- else if (ISFTN(t))
- stack[sptr++] = FTN;
- else if (ISARY(t))
- stack[sptr++] = ARY;
- else {
- /* Watch out for void modifiers, no base type (?) */
- stack[sptr++] = t;
- break;
- }
- } while ((t = DECREF(t)));
- /* If no base type is supplied, must be a void (heuristic) */
- if (sptr && (stack[sptr-1] == PTR ||
- stack[sptr-1] == FTN ||
- stack[sptr-1] == ARY))
- stack[sptr++] = VOID;
- /* Nonsense type on stack to indicate an identifier */
- stack[sptr] = 0;
- /* Initialize buffer with variable name */
- strcpy(this, var_name);
- if (struct_name == NULL)
- struct_name = "<Unknown tag>";
- /* For each layer of type, wrap the C-style declaration
- * of the type around it.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < sptr; i++) {
- /* Where to build next buffer */
- next = (this == buf) ? altbuf : buf;
- switch (stack[i]) {
- case PTR:
- /* *(*x) -> **x
- * (*x)[] -> (*x)[]
- * (*x)() -> (*x)()
- */
- if (stack[i+1] == FTN || stack[i+1] == ARY) {
- strcpy(next, "(*");
- strcat(next, this);
- strcat(next, ")");
- } else {
- strcpy(next, "*");
- strcat(next, this);
- }
- break;
- case FTN:
- /* *(x()) -> *x()
- * (x())[] -> x()[] // illegal
- * (x())() -> x()() // illegal
- */
- strcpy(next, this);
- strcat(next, "()");
- break;
- case ARY:
- /* *(x[]) -> *x[]
- * (x[])[] -> x[][]
- * (x[])() -> x[]()) // illegal
- */
- if (dimtab[d]) {
- sprintf(next, "%s[%d]", this, dimtab[d]);
- } else {
- /* Unknown dimension */
- strcpy(next, this);
- strcat(next, "[]");
- }
- d++;
- break;
- case STRTY:
- sprintf(next, "struct %s %s", struct_name, this);
- break;
- case UNIONTY:
- sprintf(next, "union %s %s", struct_name, this);
- break;
- case ENUMTY:
- sprintf(next, "enum %s %s", struct_name, this);
- break;
- case MOETY:
- sprintf(next, "(enum member ?%s?) %s", struct_name, this);
- break;
- case VOID:
- sprintf(next, "void %s", this);
- break;
- default:
- /* Scalar type */
- if (this[0] != '\0')
- sprintf(next, "%s %s", tnames[t], this);
- else
- strcpy(next, tnames[t]);
- break;
- }
- /* Swap buffers */
- this = next;
- }
- /* Return the formed type string */
- return next;
- }
- /* Routine to form symbolic name of a type.
- * t - type
- * d - dimoff from symbol table
- * s - sizoff from symbol table
- * varname - variable name to generate (can use "" for none)
- */
- char *atype_name(t, d, s, varname)
- ATYPE *t;
- int d, s;
- char *varname;
- {
- char *ptr = buf_next();
- /* Size of type is in t->extra, if it's nonzero */
- strcpy(ptr, type_name(t->aty, d, s, varname, t->extra1));
- return ptr;
- }
- /* Return a new copy of a string */
- char *str_copy(s)
- char *s;
- {
- char *t = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
- if (!t) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory in print.c:str_copy()\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- strcpy(t, s);
- return t;
- }
- /* Print out a function declaration using information on function
- * arguments stored away earlier in parsing.
- * Comment out arguments in the prototype if Comment is true.
- */
- void func_decl(nargs)
- int nargs;
- {
- int i;
- char *fname = Arg[0];
- /* Write function name */
- if (!fname)
- fname = "<Unknown function>";
- else
- fname[strlen(fname)-2] = '\0'; /* Dispose of trailing () */
- switch (FuncMode) {
- case OLD_C:
- printf("%s(/* ", fname);
- break;
- case MIXED:
- printf("DECL(%s,(", fname);
- break;
- case C_PLUSPLUS:
- printf("%s(", fname);
- break;
- }
- if (Arg[0] != NULL) {
- free(Arg[0]); /* Free it */
- Arg[0] = NULL; /* Mark empty slot for future calls */
- }
- /* Write out each argument type & free associated space */
- /* Note argument indices are 1-based */
- for (i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {
- fputs(Arg[i], stdout);
- free(Arg[i]);
- if (i < nargs) {
- fputs(", ", stdout);
- }
- }
- switch (FuncMode) {
- case OLD_C:
- fputs(" */);\n", stdout);
- break;
- case MIXED:
- fputs("));\n", stdout);
- break;
- case C_PLUSPLUS:
- fputs(");\n", stdout);
- break;
- }
- }
- echo shar: extracting proto '(420 characters)'
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > proto
- #! /bin/sh
- #
- # proto.sh - frontend for prototype generator
- # collects CPP arguments and preprocesses source files before
- # running proto1 over them.
- proto=proto1
- propts=
- cppopts=
- for opt in $* ; do
- case $opt in
- -[IDU]*)
- cppopts="$cppopts $opt"
- ;;
- -*) propts="$propts $opt"
- ;;
- *) echo 1>&2 "$opt:"
- /lib/cpp $cppopts $opt | $proto $propts 2>/dev/null
- ;;
- esac
- done
- echo shar: extracting proto.1 '(2585 characters)'
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > proto.1
- .\"% tbl proto.1 | nroff -man | less
- .de Fs
- .sp
- .in +0.5i
- .nf
- .ft CW
- ..
- .de Fe
- .ft P
- .fi
- .in -0.5i
- .sp
- ..
- .TH PROTO 1 "October 23 1988"
- proto - generate function prototypes from C source
- \fBproto\fP [ -m[c+M] -V ]
- .br
- \fIproto\fP is a modified version of Berkeley lint. It reads C source
- files and prints a declaration of all functions and (optionally)
- global variables defined therein. Function declarations are in the form of
- prototypes which may be used in C++ or an ANSI C compiler.
- .LP
- The \fB-m\fP option controls the style in which prototypes are printed.
- There are three possibilities: old-C style (\fB-mc\fP), C++ style
- (\fB-m+\fP), or mixed style (\fB-mM\fP). The default is C++ style.
- .LP
- Given as input a function defined as follows:
- .Fs
- int f(i, d) int i; double d; { return d + i; }
- .Fe
- the output of \fIproto\fP for each style will be:
- .sp
- .in +0.5i
- .TS
- tab(@);
- l l
- l l
- lb l.
- Style@Form of \fIproto\fP output
- _@_
- -mc@int f(/* int i, double d */);
- -m+@int f(int i, double d);
- -mM@DECL(int f,(int i, double d));
- .TE
- .in -0.5i
- .sp
- .LP
- Output produced in old-C style is legal input to a C compiler which
- does not understand prototypes. The prototype information is commented
- out. Output in C++ style is legal input to C++ or a C compiler
- which does understand prototypes.
- Output in mixed style generates a definition of the macro DECL,
- such that the function prototype for f will appear in old-C or C++ style
- when the output of \fIproto\fP is read by the corresponding compiler.
- This relies on the macro \fBc_plusplus\fP being defined by a C++
- compiler, as does the AT&T C++ compiler \fIcfront\fP.
- .LP
- Normally, declarations for variables are not generated by \fIproto\fP.
- This may be overridden with the -V flag.
- .LP
- When a \fBtypedef\fP appears, the 'typedef name' of the type is
- not propagated through \fIproto\fP. Instead, the equivalent
- complex type appears in the output. For example, the following
- input:
- .Fs
- typedef char *STRING;
- STRING str_copy(s) STRING s; { return s; }
- .Fe
- generates the output:
- .Fs
- char *str_copy(char *s);
- .Fe
- If a \fBstruct\fP, \fBunion\fP, or \fBenum\fP is \fBtypedef\fP'ed
- without a tag, \fIproto\fP will be unable to determine the
- correct output form for a variable of or function returning that type.
- Modifications to Berkeley lint by Jon Leech (leech@cs.unc.edu).
- Someone with sufficient knowledge of PCC and lint could probably fix
- \fIproto\fP to generate typedef names instead of the corresponding
- type. This is the most annoying problem at present.
- cc(1), lint(1)
- echo shar: extracting Makefile.diff '(4215 characters)'
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > Makefile.diff
- diff -bc ./Makefile 4.2_lint/Makefile
- *** ./Makefile Sun Oct 23 17:39:59 1988
- --- 4.2_lint/Makefile Sat Mar 29 16:23:07 1986
- ***************
- *** 3,22 ****
- #
- M=/usr/src/lib/mip
- P=/usr/src/lib/pcc
- ! # PCCH = /usr/include/pcc.h on BSD systems with this file.
- ! # Otherwise it must be copied from such a system.
- ! PCCH=pcc.h
- ! CFLAGS=-O -I$M -I.
- LINTLIBS=llib-port.ln llib-lc.ln llib-lcurses.ln llib-ldbm.ln llib-lm.ln \
- llib-lmp.ln llib-lplot.ln llib-ltermcap.ln
- SRCS= $M/cgram.y $M/common.c $M/optim.c $M/pftn.c $M/scan.c $M/trees.c \
- $M/xdefs.c lint.c hash.c $M/pass1.h $M/manifest.h macdefs.h \
- lpass2.c
- - # Object files for prototype generation
- - POBJS= cgram.o rodata.o comm1.o optim.o pftn.o scan.o trees.o xdefs.o \
- - lint_proto.o hash.o print.o
- ! all: lpass1 lpass2 proto1 $(LINTLIBS)
- lpass1: cgram.o rodata.o comm1.o optim.o pftn.o scan.o trees.o xdefs.o \
- lint.o hash.o
- --- 3,16 ----
- #
- M=/usr/src/lib/mip
- P=/usr/src/lib/pcc
- LINTLIBS=llib-port.ln llib-lc.ln llib-lcurses.ln llib-ldbm.ln llib-lm.ln \
- llib-lmp.ln llib-lplot.ln llib-ltermcap.ln
- SRCS= $M/cgram.y $M/common.c $M/optim.c $M/pftn.c $M/scan.c $M/trees.c \
- $M/xdefs.c lint.c hash.c $M/pass1.h $M/manifest.h macdefs.h \
- lpass2.c
- ! all: lpass1 lpass2 ${LINTLIBS}
- lpass1: cgram.o rodata.o comm1.o optim.o pftn.o scan.o trees.o xdefs.o \
- lint.o hash.o
- ***************
- *** 23,32 ****
- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} cgram.o rodata.o comm1.o optim.o pftn.o scan.o \
- trees.o xdefs.o lint.o hash.o -o lpass1
- - # Proto is much like lpass1, but must recompile lint.c with -DPROTO
- - proto1: $(POBJS)
- - ${CC} ${CFLAGS} $(POBJS) -o proto1
- -
- cgram.o: $M/manifest.h $M/pass1.h pcclocal.h macdefs.h cgram.c
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I$M -I. cgram.c
- --- 17,22 ----
- ***************
- *** 34,40 ****
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -R rodata.c
- comm1.o: $M/manifest.h $M/pass1.h pcclocal.h $M/common.c macdefs.h
- ! ln -s $M/common.c comm1.c
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I$M -I. -DPASS1COMMON comm1.c
- rm -f comm1.c
- --- 24,30 ----
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -R rodata.c
- comm1.o: $M/manifest.h $M/pass1.h pcclocal.h $M/common.c macdefs.h
- ! ln $M/common.c comm1.c
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I$M -I. -DPASS1COMMON comm1.c
- rm -f comm1.c
- ***************
- *** 62,89 ****
- GREP= egrep
- ! pcclocal.h: $P/localdefs.h $(PCCH)
- rm -f pcclocal.h
- ! cat $(PCCH) $P/localdefs.h | $(GREP) '^#[ ]*(define[ ][ ]*PCC(F|T|TM|OM)?_|ifdef|ifndef|endif)' | sed -e 's/PCC[A-Z]*_//' > pcclocal.h
- ! pcctokens: $P/localdefs.h $(PCCH)
- rm -f pcctokens
- ! cat $(PCCH) $P/localdefs.h | $(GREP) '^#[ ]*define[ ][ ]*PCC_' | sed -e 's/^#[ ]*define[ ][ ]*PCC_/%term /' > pcctokens
- lint.o: $M/manifest.h macdefs.h $M/pass1.h lmanifest.h
- ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} -I$M -I. lint.c
- - # lint_proto is a version of lint.c with alternate output methods enabled
- - # by defining PROTO.
- - lint_proto.o: $M/manifest.h macdefs.h $M/pass1.h lmanifest.h lint.c
- - ${CC} -c -DPROTO ${CFLAGS} lint_proto.c
- -
- - print.o: $M/pass1.h lmanifest.h
- - ${CC} -c -DPROTO ${CFLAGS} print.c
- -
- - lint_proto.c:
- - ln -s lint.c lint_proto.c
- -
- llib-port.ln: llib-port lpass1
- -(/lib/cpp -C -Dlint llib-port | ./lpass1 -puv > llib-port.ln )
- --- 52,68 ----
- GREP= egrep
- ! pcclocal.h: $P/localdefs.h /usr/include/pcc.h
- rm -f pcclocal.h
- ! cat /usr/include/pcc.h $P/localdefs.h | $(GREP) '^#[ ]*(define[ ][ ]*PCC(F|T|TM|OM)?_|ifdef|ifndef|endif)' | sed -e 's/PCC[A-Z]*_//' > pcclocal.h
- ! pcctokens: $P/localdefs.h /usr/include/pcc.h
- rm -f pcctokens
- ! cat /usr/include/pcc.h $P/localdefs.h | $(GREP) '^#[ ]*define[ ][ ]*PCC_' | sed -e 's/^#[ ]*define[ ][ ]*PCC_/%term /' > pcctokens
- lint.o: $M/manifest.h macdefs.h $M/pass1.h lmanifest.h
- ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} -I$M -I. lint.c
- llib-port.ln: llib-port lpass1
- -(/lib/cpp -C -Dlint llib-port | ./lpass1 -puv > llib-port.ln )
- ***************
- *** 121,128 ****
- install: all SHELL
- install -s lpass1 ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/lint/lint1
- install -s lpass2 ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/lint/lint2
- - install -s proto1 ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/lint/proto1
- - install -c proto ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/lint/proto
- for i in llib-*; do install -c -m 644 $$i ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/lint; done
- -rm -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/lint/llib-ltermlib*
- ln -s llib-ltermcap ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/lint/llib-ltermlib
- --- 100,105 ----
- echo shar: extracting lint.c.diff '(6691 characters)'
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > lint.c.diff
- diff -bc ./lint.c 4.2_lint/lint.c
- *** ./lint.c Tue Oct 4 20:37:13 1988
- --- 4.2_lint/lint.c Tue Nov 24 14:30:03 1987
- ***************
- *** 39,48 ****
- int aflag = 0; /* used to check precision of assignments */
- int zflag = 0; /* no 'structure never defined' error */
- int Cflag = 0; /* filter out certain output, for generating libraries */
- - #ifdef PROTO
- - int FuncMode = C_PLUSPLUS; /* Comment out function argument types in prototypes */
- - int PrintVars = 0; /* Whether to print out variable declarations */
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- char *libname = 0; /* name of the library we're generating */
- /* flags for the "outdef" function */
- --- 39,44 ----
- ***************
- *** 57,66 ****
- short lid, flgs;
- } lnames[LNAMES], *lnp;
- - #ifdef PROTO
- - char *X_NONAME = "<Unnamed struct/union>";
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- -
- contx( p, down, pl, pr ) register NODE *p; register *pl, *pr; {
- *pl = *pr = VAL;
- --- 53,58 ----
- ***************
- *** 179,190 ****
- astype( t, i ) ATYPE *t; {
- TWORD tt;
- ! int j, k=0;
- ! #ifndef PROTO
- ! int l = 0;
- ! #else
- ! char *l = NULL;
- ! #endif /* PROTO */
- if( (tt=BTYPE(t->aty))==STRTY || tt==UNIONTY ){
- if( i<0 || i>= DIMTABSZ-3 ){
- --- 171,177 ----
- astype( t, i ) ATYPE *t; {
- TWORD tt;
- ! int j, k=0, l=0;
- if( (tt=BTYPE(t->aty))==STRTY || tt==UNIONTY ){
- if( i<0 || i>= DIMTABSZ-3 ){
- ***************
- *** 194,204 ****
- j = dimtab[i+3];
- if( j<0 || j>SYMTSZ ){
- k = dimtab[i];
- - #ifndef PROTO
- l = X_NONAME | stab[j].suse;
- - #else
- - l = X_NONAME;
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- }
- else {
- if( stab[j].suse <= 0 ) {
- --- 181,187 ----
- ***************
- *** 211,239 ****
- }
- else {
- k = dimtab[i];
- - #ifndef PROTO
- #ifdef FLEXNAMES
- l = hashstr(stab[j].sname);
- #else
- l = hashstr(stab[j].sname, LCHNM);
- #endif
- - #else
- - l = stab[j].sname;
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- }
- }
- }
- t->extra = k;
- - #ifndef PROTO
- t->extra1 = l;
- - #else
- - #ifdef FLEXNAMES
- - t->extra1 = l;
- - #else
- - strncpy(t->extra1, l, LCHNM);
- - #endif /* FLEXNAMES */
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- return( 1 );
- }
- else return( 0 );
- --- 194,210 ----
- ***************
- *** 292,314 ****
- }
- }
- ! #ifndef PROTO
- ! fwrite((char *)&t, sizeof(ATYPE), 1, stdout);
- ! #else /* PROTO */
- ! /* Save argument i */
- ! if (i < MAX_ARG-1)
- ! Arg[i+1] = str_copy(atype_name(&t, cfp->dimoff, cfp->sizoff, ""));
- ! else
- ! fprintf(stderr, "Can't save argument %d\n", i);
- ! #endif
- }
- }
- - #ifdef PROTO
- - /* Function name & all argument types are accumulated;
- - * generate prototype.
- - */
- - func_decl(n);
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- }
- ctargs( p ) NODE *p; {
- --- 263,271 ----
- }
- }
- ! fwrite( (char *)&t, sizeof(ATYPE), 1, stdout );
- }
- }
- }
- ctargs( p ) NODE *p; {
- ***************
- *** 362,377 ****
- break;
- }
- }
- ! #ifndef PROTO
- ! fwrite((char *)&t, sizeof(ATYPE), 1, stdout);
- ! #else
- ! /* This type of declaration is an internal function call,
- ! * *not* a definition. Ignore it for prototype purposes.
- ! */
- ! /*
- ! printf("(lpta) %s\n", atype_name(&t, -1, -1, ""));
- ! */
- ! #endif
- }
- # define VALSET 1
- --- 319,325 ----
- break;
- }
- }
- ! fwrite( (char *)&t, sizeof(ATYPE), 1, stdout );
- }
- # define VALSET 1
- ***************
- *** 885,905 ****
- fsname.f.fn = s;
- #endif
- fsname.f.decflag = LFN;
- - #ifndef PROTO
- fwrite( (char *)&fsname, sizeof(fsname), 1, stdout );
- - #else
- - rec_print(&fsname, sizeof(fsname), -1, -1);
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- #ifdef FLEXNAMES
- /* if generating a library, prefix with the library name */
- /* only do this for flexnames */
- - #ifndef PROTO
- if( libname ){
- ! fwrite(libname, strlen(libname), 1, stdout);
- ! putchar(':');
- }
- ! fwrite((char *)&fsname.f.fn, strlen(fsname.f.fn)+1, 1, stdout);
- ! #endif /* PROTO */
- #endif
- }
- }
- --- 833,847 ----
- fsname.f.fn = s;
- #endif
- fsname.f.decflag = LFN;
- fwrite( (char *)&fsname, sizeof(fsname), 1, stdout );
- #ifdef FLEXNAMES
- /* if generating a library, prefix with the library name */
- /* only do this for flexnames */
- if( libname ){
- ! fwrite( libname, strlen(libname), 1, stdout );
- ! putchar( ':' );
- }
- ! fwrite( fsname.f.fn, strlen(fsname.f.fn)+1, 1, stdout );
- #endif
- }
- }
- ***************
- *** 1436,1475 ****
- while( p[1] ) p++;
- continue;
- - #ifdef PROTO
- - /* Set function prototype output mode.
- - * Options are:
- - * -mc old-c compatible (comment arguments)
- - * -m+ C++ compatible (no comments)
- - * -mM mixed mode, selectable with #define
- - */
- - case 'm':
- - switch (p[1]) {
- - case 'c':
- - case 'C':
- - FuncMode = OLD_C;
- - break;
- - case '+':
- - FuncMode = C_PLUSPLUS;
- - break;
- - case 'm':
- - case 'M':
- - FuncMode = MIXED;
- - break;
- default:
- - fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option %s (-mc, -m+, -mm allowed)\n",
- - argv[0], p);
- - exit(1);
- - }
- - continue;
- -
- - case 'V':
- - PrintVars = 1;
- - continue;
- -
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- -
- - default:
- uerror( "illegal option: %c", *p );
- continue;
- --- 1378,1384 ----
- ***************
- *** 1476,1501 ****
- }
- }
- - #ifdef PROTO
- - /* Print out a header for mixed-mode prototypes */
- - if (FuncMode == MIXED) {
- - int i;
- - static char *def_decl[] = {
- - "#ifndef DECL",
- - "#ifdef c_plusplus",
- - "#define DECL(func,args) func args",
- - "#else",
- - "#define DECL(func,args) func()",
- - "#endif\t/* c_plusplus */",
- - "#endif\t/* DECL */",
- - };
- -
- - for (i = 0; i < sizeof(def_decl) / sizeof(char *); i++)
- - puts(def_decl[i]);
- -
- - }
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- -
- if( !pflag ){ /* set sizes to sizes of target machine */
- # ifdef gcos
- --- 1385,1390 ----
- ***************
- *** 1597,1605 ****
- }
- fsave( fname );
- #ifndef FLEXNAMES
- ! strncpy( rc.l.name, p->sname, LCHNM );
- ! #else
- ! rc.l.name = p->sname;
- #endif
- rc.l.decflag = lty;
- t = p->stype;
- --- 1486,1492 ----
- }
- fsave( fname );
- #ifndef FLEXNAMES
- ! strncpy( rc.l.name, exname(p->sname), LCHNM );
- #endif
- rc.l.decflag = lty;
- t = p->stype;
- ***************
- *** 1610,1623 ****
- astype( &rc.l.type, p->sizoff );
- rc.l.nargs = (mode>USUAL) ? mode : 0;
- rc.l.fline = line;
- - #ifndef PROTO
- fwrite( (char *)&rc, sizeof(rc), 1, stdout );
- #ifdef FLEXNAMES
- ! fwrite((char *)&rc.l.name, strlen(rc.l.name)+1, 1, stdout);
- #endif
- - #else
- - rec_print(&rc, sizeof(rc), p->dimoff, p->sizoff);
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- }
- int proflg;
- int gdebug;
- --- 1497,1507 ----
- astype( &rc.l.type, p->sizoff );
- rc.l.nargs = (mode>USUAL) ? mode : 0;
- rc.l.fline = line;
- fwrite( (char *)&rc, sizeof(rc), 1, stdout );
- #ifdef FLEXNAMES
- ! rc.l.name = exname(p->sname);
- ! fwrite( rc.l.name, strlen(rc.l.name)+1, 1, stdout );
- #endif
- }
- int proflg;
- int gdebug;
- echo shar: extracting lmanifest.h.diff '(1072 characters)'
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > lmanifest.h.diff
- diff -bc ./lmanifest.h 4.2_lint/lmanifest.h
- *** ./lmanifest.h Mon Oct 10 00:45:59 1988
- --- 4.2_lint/lmanifest.h Fri Apr 5 19:40:13 1985
- ***************
- *** 33,54 ****
- typedef struct ty {
- TWORD aty;
- short extra;
- - #ifndef PROTO
- short extra1;
- - #else
- - #ifndef FLEXNAMES
- - char extra1[LCHNM];
- - #else
- - char *extra1;
- - #endif /* FLEXNAMES */
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- } ATYPE;
- - #ifndef PROTO
- #define X_NONAME 0x8000 /* for extra1, if structure has no name */
- - #else
- - extern char *X_NONAME; /* for extra1, if structure has no name */
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- typedef struct line {
- short decflag;
- --- 33,42 ----
- ***************
- *** 73,91 ****
- #endif
- } f;
- };
- -
- - #ifdef PROTO
- - /* Maximum # of arguments to a function. Arg 0 is function name */
- - #define MAX_ARG 21
- - extern
- - char *Arg[MAX_ARG], /* Function argument types in symbolic form */
- - *X_NONAME,
- - *atype_name(),
- - *str_copy();
- -
- - /* Possible function prototype output modes. */
- - #define OLD_C 0
- - #define C_PLUSPLUS 1
- - #define MIXED 2
- -
- - #endif /* PROTO */
- --- 61,63 ----
- # End of shell archive
- exit 0