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- /*
- * The dialing window routines.
- */
- #define MAX_PASS 25
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <curses.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "dial_dir.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- #include "modem.h"
- #include "param.h"
- /*
- * The dialing window. Its job is to kill the input routine, get a port,
- * cycle thru the entries in the queue, while interpreting both the
- * user's requests and the modem's responses. A return code of 1 means
- * we're ready to fire up the input routine.
- */
- int
- dial_win()
- {
- extern int rc_index, fd;
- WINDOW *di_win, *newwin();
- int i, j, key, want_out, pass, tic, baud;
- long now, time();
- char *tbuf, *ctime(), *str, cr=13, *read_codes();
- void disp_queue(), send_str(), dial_it(), delay_times(), input_off();
- void error_win(), line_set(), hang_up(), zap_vs(), log_calls();
- void st_line();
- unsigned int sleep();
- /* are we already talking? */
- input_off();
- hang_up(1);
- touchwin(stdscr);
- refresh();
- if (get_port())
- return(0);
- /*
- * If the phone number is a NULL, then either we are on a
- * direct line, or you want to do the dialing yourself.
- */
- if (*dir->number[dir->q_num[0]] == NULL) {
- /* check LD permission */
- if (limit_ld(0))
- return(0);
- /* can't talk directly to OBM */
- if (!strcmp(modem->mname[modem->m_cur], "OBM")) {
- error_win(0, "Can't access the On Board Modem directly",
- "You must use the automatic dialing feature");
- return(0);
- }
- zap_vs();
- touchwin(stdscr);
- clear();
- printw("Connected to /dev/%s at %d baud...\n", modem->tty[modem->t_cur], dir->baud[dir->d_cur]);
- refresh();
- return(1);
- }
- di_win = newwin(17, 70, 3, 5);
- /* the basic window */
- mvwattrstr(di_win, 1, 20, A_BOLD, "D I A L I N G W I N D O W");
- horizontal(di_win, 2, 0, 70);
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 4, 23, "System name:");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 5, 23, "Pass number:");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 6, 14, "Elapse time this try:");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 7, 13, "Time at start of dial:");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 8, 9, "Time at start of this try:");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 9, 16, "Connect delay time:");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 10, 17, "Redial delay time:");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 11, 25, "Index/TTY:");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 12, 16, "Result of last try:");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 14, 3, "<SPACE>: Recycle");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 14, 22, "<DEL>: Remove from queue");
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 14, 49, "E: Change delays");
- /* the start time */
- time(&now);
- tbuf = ctime(&now);
- tbuf[19] = NULL;
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 7, 36, &tbuf[11]);
- mvwprintw(di_win, 9, 36, "%-4d", param->c_delay);
- mvwprintw(di_win, 10, 36, "%-4d", param->r_delay);
- box(di_win, VERT, HORZ);
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 16, 24, " Press <ESC> to abort ");
- pass = 0;
- i = 0;
- want_out = 0;
- while (!want_out && pass <= MAX_PASS) {
- key = -1;
- pass++;
- /* update the d_cur variable */
- dir->d_cur = dir->q_num[i];
- /* check LD permission */
- if (limit_ld(i)) {
- want_out++;
- break;
- }
- /* get a port */
- if (get_port()) {
- want_out++;
- break;
- }
- /* fill in the window */
- disp_queue(di_win, dir->d_cur, pass);
- /*
- * The actual dial routine. The "i" is the index into the
- * queue, not the entry number. Returns immediately without
- * waiting for a carrier.
- */
- dial_it(i);
- ioctl(fd, TCFLSH, 0);
- /*
- * Here we do a time-slice between reading the result codes
- * from the modem and reading the keyboard. The one second
- * granularity won't be too accurate, but who cares?
- */
- tic = 0;
- rc_index = 0;
- while (tic < param->c_delay) {
- if ((str = read_codes()) == NULL) {
- mvwprintw(di_win, 6, 36, "%-4d", ++tic);
- wrefresh(di_win);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * A return code that converts to an number
- * that is less than 300 is probably an error
- * message.
- */
- baud = atoi(str);
- if (baud < 300) {
- mvwprintw(di_win, 12, 36, "%-20.20s", str);
- wmove(di_win, 12, 36);
- wrefresh(di_win);
- break;
- }
- /* we're connected */
- beep();
- clear_line(di_win, 12, 36, 1);
- wattrstr(di_win, A_BLINK, "CONNECTED");
- wmove(di_win, 12, 36);
- wrefresh(di_win);
- wait_key(di_win, 2);
- delwin(di_win);
- /*
- * Did the modem sync at a different baud
- * rate than what we expected?
- */
- if (dir->baud[dir->d_cur] != baud) {
- if (can_sync(baud)) {
- dir->baud[dir->d_cur] = baud;
- line_set();
- }
- }
- zap_vs();
- touchwin(stdscr);
- clear();
- printw("Connected to %s at %d baud...\n",
- dir->name[dir->d_cur], dir->baud[dir->d_cur]);
- refresh();
- /* log the call */
- log_calls(i);
- return(1);
- }
- if (tic == param->c_delay)
- break;
- /* ok... try the keyboard */
- if ((key = wait_key(di_win, 1)) != -1)
- break;
- mvwprintw(di_win, 6, 36, "%-4d", ++tic);
- wrefresh(di_win);
- }
- /*
- * If the modem did not return a code, then we need to
- * stop it. Sending a CR will stop most modems cold,
- * except of course for the OBM...
- */
- if (str == NULL) {
- if (!strcmp(modem->mname[modem->m_cur], "OBM"))
- hang_up(0);
- else
- write(fd, &cr, 1);
- sleep(1);
- }
- /* if we get here, no key was pressed */
- if (key == -1) {
- clear_line(di_win, 6, 14, 1);
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 6, 27, "Pausing:");
- /* no return code? */
- if (str == NULL) {
- clear_line(di_win, 12, 36, 1);
- waddstr(di_win, "TIMED OUT");
- wmove(di_win, 12, 36);
- }
- /* do the pause */
- tic = 0;
- while (tic < param->r_delay) {
- if ((key = wait_key(di_win, 1)) != -1)
- break;
- mvwprintw(di_win, 6, 36, "%-4d", ++tic);
- wrefresh(di_win);
- }
- clear_line(di_win, 6, 14, 1);
- waddstr(di_win, "Elapse time this try:");
- }
- mvwaddstr(di_win, 6, 36, "0 ");
- /* Process the keystroke */
- switch (key) {
- case ' ': /* next in the queue */
- clear_line(di_win, 12, 36, 1);
- waddstr(di_win, "RECYCLED");
- wmove(di_win, 12, 36);
- wrefresh(di_win);
- /* fall thru... */
- case -1: /* no key was pressed */
- i++;
- if (i > NUM_QUEUE)
- i = 0;
- if (dir->q_num[i] == -1)
- i = 0;
- break;
- case DEL: /* <DEL> key, remove from queue */
- if (dir->q_num[1] == -1) {
- beep();
- clear_line(di_win, 12, 36, 1);
- waddstr(di_win, "NO MORE ENTRIES");
- wmove(di_win, 12, 36);
- wrefresh(di_win);
- wait_key(di_win, 3);
- break;
- }
- clear_line(di_win, 12, 36, 1);
- waddstr(di_win, "ENTRY DELETED");
- wmove(di_win, 12, 36);
- wrefresh(di_win);
- wait_key(di_win, 3);
- /* compact the queue */
- for (j=i; j<NUM_QUEUE-1; j++)
- dir->q_num[j] = dir->q_num[j+1];
- dir->q_num[NUM_QUEUE-1] = -1;
- break;
- case 'e':
- case 'E': /* change delay time */
- delay_times();
- touchwin(di_win);
- mvwprintw(di_win, 9, 36, "%-4d", param->c_delay);
- mvwprintw(di_win, 10, 36, "%-4d", param->r_delay);
- break;
- case ESC: /* <ESC> key */
- beep();
- clear_line(di_win, 12, 36, 1);
- wattrstr(di_win, A_BLINK, "DIAL ABORTED");
- wmove(di_win, 12, 36);
- wrefresh(di_win);
- wait_key(di_win, 3);
- want_out++;
- break;
- default:
- beep();
- break;
- }
- }
- /* clean up and go home */
- werase(di_win);
- wrefresh(di_win);
- delwin(di_win);
- if (!want_out)
- error_win(0, "Exceeded the maximum number number of dialing attempts", "");
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Display what info we know at this time.
- */
- static void
- disp_queue(win, entry, pass)
- WINDOW *win;
- int entry, pass;
- {
- long now, time();
- char *tbuf, *ctime();
- void st_line();
- /* redo the status line */
- st_line("");
- /* system name */
- clear_line(win, 4, 36, 1);
- waddstr(win, dir->name[entry]);
- /* pass number */
- mvwprintw(win, 5, 36, "%-4d", pass);
- /* time of this call */
- time(&now);
- tbuf = ctime(&now);
- tbuf[19] = NULL;
- mvwaddstr(win, 8, 36, &tbuf[11]);
- /* the index field */
- clear_line(win, 11, 36, 1);
- waddstr(win, dir->index[entry]);
- wmove(win, 12, 36);
- wrefresh(win);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Determine if the modem can detect the synchronization of the connected
- * baud rate. We check the modem database and see if the connect string
- * is unique. A return code of 1 means the modem can sync.
- */
- static int
- can_sync(baud)
- int baud;
- {
- int i;
- char *str;
- /* feature disabled? */
- if (modem->auto_baud[modem->m_cur] != 'Y')
- return(0);
- /* re-construct the string */
- switch (baud) {
- case 300:
- str = modem->con_3[modem->m_cur];
- break;
- case 1200:
- str = modem->con_12[modem->m_cur];
- break;
- case 2400:
- str = modem->con_24[modem->m_cur];
- break;
- case 4800:
- str = modem->con_48[modem->m_cur];
- break;
- case 9600:
- str = modem->con_96[modem->m_cur];
- break;
- case 19200:
- str = modem->con_192[modem->m_cur];
- break;
- default:
- return(0);
- }
- if (*str == NULL)
- return(0);
- /* test "str" against all others */
- i = 0;
- if (!strcmp(str, modem->con_3[modem->m_cur]))
- i++;
- if (!strcmp(str, modem->con_12[modem->m_cur]))
- i++;
- if (!strcmp(str, modem->con_24[modem->m_cur]))
- i++;
- if (!strcmp(str, modem->con_48[modem->m_cur]))
- i++;
- if (!strcmp(str, modem->con_96[modem->m_cur]))
- i++;
- if (!strcmp(str, modem->con_192[modem->m_cur]))
- i++;
- /* should match only itself */
- if (i == 1)
- return(1);
- return(0);
- }