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- /*
- * Routines to manipulate the pcomm.modem file
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "modem.h"
- /*
- * Read the modem/TTY database file. Returns a pointer to a static area
- * containing the MODEM structure. All modem entries and all TTY entries
- * are created regardless of the number of physical entries in the file.
- */
- struct MODEM *
- read_modem(extra)
- char *extra;
- {
- extern char *null_ptr;
- FILE *fp, *my_fopen();
- int i, tty, mod, line, oops, m_line, start, stop;
- char *strdup(), buf[200], message[80], token[40], *str_tok(), *str;
- char *temp_token, *t_sep, *m_sep, *m_letter, *findfile();
- static struct MODEM m;
- void error_win();
- if ((m.m_path = findfile(extra, "pcomm.modem")) == NULL)
- error_win(1, "Support file 'pcomm.modem' is missing", "or no read permission");
- /* read permission checked */
- fp = my_fopen(m.m_path, "r");
- t_sep = ";;\n";
- m_sep = ";;;;\n;;;;;;\n;;;\n";
- m_letter = "abc";
- oops = 0;
- tty = 0;
- mod = 0;
- line = 0;
- m_line = 0;
- while (fgets(buf, 200, fp) != NULL) {
- line++;
- if (tty >= NUM_TTY || mod >= NUM_MODEM)
- break;
- /* get the token */
- if (!(temp_token = str_tok(buf, '='))) {
- sprintf(message, "is missing a token at line %d", line);
- oops++;
- break;
- }
- if (*temp_token != 'T' && *temp_token != 'M') {
- sprintf(message, "is corrupted at line %d", line);
- oops++;
- break;
- }
- /* the TTY database */
- if (*temp_token == 'T') {
- /*
- * This is similar to the "real" strtok() command
- * but this one returns a null pointer on a missing
- * attribute. Note the use of the field separator
- * array.
- */
- for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
- if (!(str = str_tok((char *) NULL, t_sep[i]))) {
- sprintf(message, "is missing a parameter at line %d", line);
- oops++;
- break;
- }
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- m.tty[tty] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 1:
- m.tname[tty] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 2:
- m.init_sp[tty] = atoi(str);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (oops)
- break;
- /* sanity checking */
- sprintf(token, "TTY_%d", tty+1);
- if (strcmp(token, temp_token)) {
- sprintf(message, "is corrupted at line %d", line);
- oops++;
- break;
- }
- tty++;
- continue;
- }
- /* the modem database */
- else {
- sprintf(token, "MODEM_%d%c", mod+1, m_letter[m_line]);
- if (strcmp(token, temp_token)) {
- sprintf(message, "is corrupted at line %d", line);
- oops++;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * There are three lines to the modem database. They
- * are distinguished by the letters a, b, and, c
- * appended to the entry number.
- */
- switch (m_line) {
- case 0:
- start = 0;
- stop = 5;
- break;
- case 1:
- start = 5;
- stop = 12;
- break;
- case 2:
- start = 12;
- stop = 16;
- break;
- }
- for (i=start; i<stop; i++) {
- if (!(str = str_tok((char *) NULL, m_sep[i]))) {
- sprintf(message, "is missing a parameter at line %d", line);
- oops++;
- break;
- }
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- m.mname[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 1:
- m.init[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 2:
- m.dial[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 3:
- m.suffix[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 4:
- m.hang_up[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 5:
- m.auto_baud[mod] = *str;
- break;
- case 6:
- m.con_3[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 7:
- m.con_12[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 8:
- m.con_24[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 9:
- m.con_48[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 10:
- m.con_96[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 11:
- m.con_192[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 12:
- m.no_con1[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 13:
- m.no_con2[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 14:
- m.no_con3[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- case 15:
- m.no_con4[mod] = strdup(str);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (oops)
- break;
- m_line++;
- if (m_line >= 3) {
- m_line = 0;
- mod++;
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- if (oops) {
- sprintf(buf, "Modem/TTY database file '%s'", m.m_path);
- error_win(1, buf, message);
- }
- m.t_entries = tty;
- m.m_entries = mod;
- m.t_cur = -1;
- m.m_cur = -1;
- /* if empty database */
- if (!tty) {
- sprintf(buf, "Modem/TTY database file '%s'", m.m_path);
- error_win(0, buf, "has no TTY data");
- }
- if (!mod) {
- sprintf(buf, "Modem/TTY database file '%s'", m.m_path);
- error_win(0, buf, "has no modem data");
- }
- /* fill in the rest */
- for (; tty<NUM_TTY; tty++) {
- m.tty[tty] = null_ptr;
- m.tname[tty] = null_ptr;
- m.init_sp[tty] = 0;
- }
- for (; mod<NUM_MODEM; mod++) {
- m.mname[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.init[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.dial[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.suffix[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.hang_up[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.auto_baud[mod] = 'Y';
- m.con_3[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.con_12[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.con_24[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.con_48[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.con_96[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.con_192[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.no_con1[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.no_con2[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.no_con3[mod] = null_ptr;
- m.no_con4[mod] = null_ptr;
- }
- return(&m);
- }
- /*
- * Update the modem database. Other routines actually do the changes
- * or deletions in memory. A return code of 1 means non-fatal error.
- */
- int
- up_modem()
- {
- FILE *fp, *my_fopen();
- char buf[80];
- int i;
- void error_win();
- /* open for write */
- if (!(fp = my_fopen(modem->m_path, "w"))) {
- sprintf(buf, "'%s'", modem->m_path);
- error_win(0, "No write permission on modem/TTY database file", buf);
- return(1);
- }
- /* put back the TTY entries */
- for (i=0; i<modem->t_entries; i++)
- fprintf(fp, "TTY_%d=%s;%s;%d\n", i+1, modem->tty[i],
- modem->tname[i], modem->init_sp[i]);
- /* put back the modem entries */
- for (i=0; i<modem->m_entries; i++) {
- fprintf(fp, "MODEM_%da=%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n", i+1, modem->mname[i],
- modem->init[i], modem->dial[i], modem->suffix[i],
- modem->hang_up[i]);
- fprintf(fp, "MODEM_%db=%c;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n", i+1,
- modem->auto_baud[i], modem->con_3[i], modem->con_12[i],
- modem->con_24[i], modem->con_48[i], modem->con_96[i],
- modem->con_192[i]);
- fprintf(fp, "MODEM_%dc=%s;%s;%s;%s\n", i+1, modem->no_con1[i],
- modem->no_con2[i], modem->no_con3[i], modem->no_con4[i]);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * See if the new modem is already in the database. If it's not, create
- * a slot for it and update the modem->m_cur variable.
- */
- void
- create_modem(str)
- char *str;
- {
- int i;
- char *strdup(), buf[80];
- void error_win(), free_ptr();
- /* modem entry already exists? */
- for (i=0; i<modem->m_entries; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(str, modem->mname[i]))
- return;
- }
- /* empty slot available? */
- if (modem->m_entries == NUM_MODEM) {
- sprintf(buf, "'%s'", modem->m_path);
- error_win(0, "No empty modem slots in", buf);
- return;
- }
- /* create a new entry */
- free_ptr(modem->mname[modem->m_entries]);
- modem->mname[modem->m_entries] = strdup(str);
- /* update number of entries */
- modem->m_entries++;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * See if the modem names in the list still need to be in the database.
- * If you find a "lost" entry, delete it and collapse the list.
- */
- void
- del_modem()
- {
- extern char *null_ptr;
- int i, j, match;
- char *strdup();
- void free_ptr();
- for (i=0; i<modem->m_entries; i++) {
- match = 0;
- for (j=0; j<modem->t_entries; j++) {
- if (!strcmp(modem->mname[i], modem->tname[j])) {
- match++;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* found a "lost" modem name */
- if (!match) {
- for (j=i; j<modem->m_entries-1; j++) {
- free_ptr(modem->mname[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->init[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->dial[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->suffix[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->hang_up[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_3[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_12[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_24[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_48[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_96[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_192[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->no_con1[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->no_con2[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->no_con3[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->no_con4[j]);
- /* copy the info */
- modem->mname[j] = strdup(modem->mname[j+1]);
- modem->init[j] = strdup(modem->init[j+1]);
- modem->dial[j] = strdup(modem->dial[j+1]);
- modem->suffix[j] = strdup(modem->suffix[j+1]);
- modem->hang_up[j] = strdup(modem->hang_up[j+1]);
- modem->auto_baud[j] = modem->auto_baud[j+1];
- modem->con_3[j] = strdup(modem->con_3[j+1]);
- modem->con_12[j] = strdup(modem->con_12[j+1]);
- modem->con_24[j] = strdup(modem->con_24[j+1]);
- modem->con_48[j] = strdup(modem->con_48[j+1]);
- modem->con_96[j] = strdup(modem->con_96[j+1]);
- modem->con_192[j] = strdup(modem->con_192[j+1]);
- modem->no_con1[j] = strdup(modem->no_con1[j+1]);
- modem->no_con2[j] = strdup(modem->no_con2[j+1]);
- modem->no_con3[j] = strdup(modem->no_con3[j+1]);
- modem->no_con4[j] = strdup(modem->no_con4[j+1]);
- }
- j = modem->m_entries -1;
- free_ptr(modem->mname[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->init[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->dial[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->suffix[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->hang_up[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_3[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_12[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_24[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_48[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_96[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->con_192[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->no_con1[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->no_con2[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->no_con3[j]);
- free_ptr(modem->no_con4[j]);
- /* create an empty entry */
- modem->mname[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->init[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->dial[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->suffix[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->hang_up[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->auto_baud[j] = 'Y';
- modem->con_3[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->con_12[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->con_24[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->con_48[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->con_96[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->con_192[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->no_con1[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->no_con2[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->no_con3[j] = null_ptr;
- modem->no_con4[j] = null_ptr;
- /* update the counts */
- modem->m_entries--;
- if (modem->m_cur >= modem->m_entries)
- modem->m_cur = -1;
- return;
- }
- }
- return;
- }