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- /*
- * Display the terminal setup, query for changes. A return code of 1
- * means something was changed, 2 means we have to kill and restart
- * the input routine.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <curses.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- #include "param.h"
- #include "status.h"
- int
- term_setup()
- {
- WINDOW *t_win, *newwin();
- int i, num, ret_code;
- char *ans, *strdup(), *str_prompt(), *menu_prompt();
- void free_ptr(), input_off(), line_set();
- static char *v_crio[3] = {"CR", "CR/LF", NULL};
- static char *v_duplex[3] = {"FULL", "HALF", NULL};
- static char *v_flow[3] = {"NONE", "XON/XOFF", NULL};
- t_win = newwin(23, 80, 0, 0);
- horizontal(t_win, 0, 0, 32);
- mvwattrstr(t_win, 0, 33, A_BOLD, "Terminal Setup");
- horizontal(t_win, 0, 48, 32);
- mvwprintw(t_win, 4, 22, "1) Hot key (decimal) ...... %d", param->hot);
- mvwprintw(t_win, 6, 22, "2) ASCII version of hot ... %s", param->ascii_hot);
- mvwprintw(t_win, 9, 22, "3) Duplex ................. %s", param->d_duplex);
- mvwprintw(t_win, 11, 22, "4) Flow control ........... %s", param->flow);
- mvwprintw(t_win, 13, 22, "5) CR translation (in) .... %s", param->cr_in);
- mvwprintw(t_win, 15, 22, "6) CR translation (out) ... %s", param->cr_out);
- horizontal(t_win, 19, 0, 80);
- mvwattrstr(t_win, 20, 0, A_BOLD, "OPTION ==> ");
- mvwaddstr(t_win, 20, 58, "Press <ESC> to return");
- wmove(t_win, 20, 12);
- touchwin(t_win);
- wrefresh(t_win);
- /* get the option number */
- ret_code = 0;
- while ((i = get_num(t_win, 1)) != -1) {
- switch (i) {
- case 1:
- if ((num = num_prompt(t_win, 4, 50, "Hot key", "decimal code for the hot key")) != -1) {
- param->hot = num;
- ret_code = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- if ((ans = str_prompt(t_win, 6, 50, "ASCII version of hot key", "(printable version)")) != NULL) {
- free_ptr(param->ascii_hot);
- param->ascii_hot = strdup(ans);
- ret_code = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- if ((ans = menu_prompt(t_win, 9, 50, "Duplex", v_duplex)) != NULL ) {
- free_ptr(param->d_duplex);
- param->d_duplex = strdup(ans);
- ret_code = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- if ((ans = menu_prompt(t_win, 11, 50, "Flow control", v_flow)) != NULL ) {
- free_ptr(param->flow);
- param->flow = strdup(ans);
- line_set();
- ret_code = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- if ((ans = menu_prompt(t_win, 13, 50, "CR translation (in)", v_crio)) != NULL ) {
- free_ptr(param->cr_in);
- /*
- * the "add lf to cr" function is
- * performed by the input routine
- */
- param->cr_in = strdup(ans);
- if (!strcmp(ans, "CR/LF"))
- status->add_lf = 1;
- else
- status->add_lf = 0;
- #ifdef SHAREDMEM
- ret_code = 1;
- #else /* SHAREDMEM */
- input_off();
- ret_code = 2;
- #endif /* SHAREDMEM */
- }
- break;
- case 6:
- if ((ans = menu_prompt(t_win, 15, 50, "CR translation (out)", v_crio)) != NULL ) {
- free_ptr(param->cr_out);
- param->cr_out = strdup(ans);
- ret_code = 1;
- }
- break;
- default:
- beep();
- }
- mvwaddch(t_win, 20, 12, (chtype) ' ');
- clear_line(t_win, 21, 0, 0);
- clear_line(t_win, 22, 0, 0);
- wmove(t_win, 20, 12);
- wrefresh(t_win);
- }
- delwin(t_win);
- return(ret_code);
- }