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- /*
- * Routines to support the batch protocols.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <curses.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- #include "xmodem.h"
- /*
- * Send the file name for the modem7 batch. Only uses 11 characters
- * of the filename.
- */
- int
- send_modem7(win, name)
- WINDOW *win;
- char *name;
- {
- char *new_name, *fix_name();
- unsigned char sum, calc_sum();
- /* convert to 11 character name */
- new_name = fix_name(name);
- sum = calc_sum((unsigned char *) new_name, 12);
- putc_line(ACK);
- /* for each character in the name */
- while (*new_name != CTRLZ) {
- putc_line((unsigned char) *new_name);
- switch (getc_line(3)) {
- case -1: /* timed out */
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- waddstr(win, "NO RESPONSE");
- wrefresh(win);
- return(ERROR);
- case ACK: /* got it! */
- break;
- case CAN: /* cancel transmission */
- if (getc_line(2) == CAN) {
- beep();
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- wattrstr(win, A_BOLD, "REMOTE ABORTED");
- wrefresh(win);
- return(CANCEL);
- }
- /* fall thru... */
- default:
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- waddstr(win, "NAME FAILED");
- wrefresh(win);
- return(ERROR);
- }
- new_name++;
- }
- putc_line(CTRLZ);
- /* verify the checksum */
- if (getc_line(10) != sum) {
- putc_line('u');
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- waddstr(win, "CHECKSUM FAILED");
- wrefresh(win);
- return(ERROR);
- }
- putc_line(ACK);
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Receive a modem7 file name. A return code of 1 means the end of the
- * batch transfers.
- */
- int
- rcv_modem7(win, default_err)
- WINDOW *win;
- int default_err;
- {
- extern char file_name[15];
- int i, j, err_method, err_count, got_it;
- unsigned char sum, calc_sum();
- char temp_name[13];
- void change_name(), unfix_name();
- err_method = default_err;
- if (default_err == CRC_CHECKSUM)
- err_method = CRC;
- err_count = 0;
- got_it = 0;
- while (err_count < MAX_ERRORS) {
- /* switch to checksum? */
- if (default_err == CRC_CHECKSUM && err_count > MAX_ERRORS/2)
- err_method = CHECKSUM;
- if (err_method == CRC)
- putc_line('C');
- else
- putc_line(NAK);
- /* what'd we get? */
- switch (getc_line(10)) {
- case -1: /* timed out */
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- wattrstr(win, A_BOLD, "NO RESPONSE");
- wrefresh(win);
- err_count++;
- case ACK: /* ready to go... */
- got_it++;
- break;
- default: /* huh? */
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- wattrstr(win, A_BOLD, "BAD HEADER");
- wrefresh(win);
- err_count++;
- }
- }
- if (!got_it)
- return(ERROR);
- /* get the name */
- for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
- j = getc_line(3);
- switch (j) {
- case -1: /* timed out */
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- wattrstr(win, A_BOLD, "NO RESPONSE");
- wrefresh(win);
- return(ERROR);
- case EOT: /* end of batch? */
- return(-1);
- case CAN: /* cancel transmission */
- if (getc_line(2) == CAN) {
- beep();
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- wattrstr(win, A_BOLD, "REMOTE ABORTED");
- wrefresh(win);
- return(CANCEL);
- }
- /* fall thru... */
- case 'u': /* bad name character */
- beep();
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- wattrstr(win, A_BOLD, "BAD NAME");
- wrefresh(win);
- return(ERROR);
- default: /* the name... */
- temp_name[i] = j & 0xff;
- if (j != CTRLZ)
- putc_line(ACK);
- break;
- }
- }
- temp_name[12] = NULL;
- /* send our checksum */
- sum = calc_sum((unsigned char *) temp_name, 12);
- putc_line(sum);
- /* do they agree? */
- if (getc_line(10) != ACK) {
- beep();
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- wattrstr(win, A_BOLD, "BAD NAME");
- wrefresh(win);
- return(ERROR);
- }
- /* load the file_name array */
- unfix_name(temp_name);
- /* any name collisions? */
- change_name(win, file_name);
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Send the block 0 information for a ymodem batch transfer. Uses only
- * the name component of the path and the file size.
- */
- int
- send_ymodem(win, file, size)
- WINDOW *win;
- char *file;
- long size;
- {
- register int i;
- unsigned short crc, calc_crc();
- char *strcpy();
- unsigned char buf[133];
- /* start with a clean block */
- for (i=0; i<132; i++)
- buf[i] = NULL;
- /* the header */
- buf[0] = SOH;
- buf[1] = 0;
- buf[2] = 255;
- /*
- * The block zero consists of the file name (no path component),
- * a NULL, and the file length (as a string). The end of batch
- * marker is an empty block.
- */
- if (*file != NULL) {
- strcpy((char *) &buf[3], file);
- sprintf((char *) &buf[strlen(file)+4], "%ld", size);
- }
- /* the crc */
- crc = calc_crc(&buf[3], 128);
- buf[131] = crc >> 8;
- buf[132] = crc;
- /* the block count */
- mvwaddstr(win, 7, 24, "0 ");
- return(send_block(win, buf, 133));
- }
- /*
- * Receive the block 0 information for a ymodem batch transfer. We
- * only use the file name and the size (if present). Currently doesn't
- * support full path names.
- */
- int
- rcv_ymodem(win)
- WINDOW *win;
- {
- extern unsigned char buf[1029];
- extern long file_length;
- extern char file_name[15];
- int code, length_is_at;
- long atol();
- file_length = 0L;
- file_name[0] = NULL;
- /* read the zero block */
- if (code = rcv_block(win, 1, 1024, 0))
- return(code);
- /* at end of batch */
- if (buf[3] == NULL)
- return(0);
- /* get the file name */
- change_name(win, (char *) &buf[3]);
- /* any trouble? */
- if (file_name[0] == NULL) {
- putc_line(CAN);
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * The file length is placed after the NULL of the file name
- * and is terminated by another NULL. If the length is missing,
- * atol() will see a NULL and return 0.
- */
- length_is_at = strlen((char *) &buf[3]) + 4;
- file_length = atol((char *) &buf[length_is_at]);
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Handle file name collisions. Prepend an "X" to the name until you find
- * a name that doesn't already exist. Creates a NULL name on error.
- * Loads the global character array "file_name".
- */
- void
- change_name(win, str)
- WINDOW *win;
- char *str;
- {
- extern char file_name[15];
- register int i;
- int modified;
- char temp[15], ans[15], *s, *strrchr(), *strcpy(), *strncat();
- unsigned int sleep();
- /* dissect the name component */
- if ((s = strrchr(str, '/')))
- strcpy(temp, s++);
- else
- strcpy(temp, str);
- strcpy(ans, temp);
- file_name[0] = NULL;
- /* write permission on directory? */
- if (access(".", 2)) {
- beep();
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- wattrstr(win, A_BOLD, "NO WRITE ON DIRECTORY");
- wrefresh(win);
- return;
- }
- /* prepend up to 13 "X"s */
- modified = 0;
- for (i=1; i<14; i++) {
- if (access(ans, 0)) {
- if (modified) {
- beep();
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- waddstr(win, "NAME COLLISION");
- wrefresh(win);
- sleep(1);
- }
- strcpy(file_name, ans);
- return;
- }
- modified++;
- strcpy(temp, "X");
- strncat(temp, ans, 13);
- temp[14] = NULL;
- strcpy(ans, temp);
- }
- beep();
- clear_line(win, 12, 24, 1);
- waddstr(win, "BAD NAME");
- wrefresh(win);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Convert a perfectly good Unix file name to fit the CP/M file name
- * rules. Used for the modem7 batch file transfer. Returns a pointer
- * to the new name.
- */
- char *
- fix_name(path)
- char *path;
- {
- int dot;
- char *s, *name, temp[15], *ext, *strcpy(), *strrchr();
- static char ans[13];
- /* ignore the path component */
- if (s = strrchr(path, '/'))
- strcpy(temp, s++);
- else
- strcpy(temp, path);
- name = temp;
- ext = NULL;
- dot = 0;
- for (s=name; *s; ++s) {
- if (*s == '.' && !dot) {
- dot++;
- *s = NULL;
- ext = s + 1;
- }
- if (islower(*s))
- *s = toupper(*s);
- }
- /* if null name component */
- if (*name == NULL)
- name = "X";
- /* if name too long */
- if (strlen(name) > 8)
- *(name+8) = NULL;
- /* if extension too long */
- if (strlen(ext) > 3)
- *(ext+3) = NULL;
- sprintf(ans, "%-8.8s%-3.3s%c", temp, ext, CTRLZ);
- return(ans);
- }
- /*
- * Convert a CP/M style filename into a legal Unix file name. Loads the
- * global character array "file_name".
- */
- void
- unfix_name(cpm_name)
- char *cpm_name;
- {
- extern char file_name[15];
- register int i, n;
- int dot;
- char temp[15];
- file_name[0] = NULL;
- if (!*cpm_name)
- return;
- strcpy(temp, cpm_name);
- /* 8 character of the name */
- n = 0;
- for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
- if (temp[i] != ' ') {
- if (isupper(temp[i]))
- file_name[n++] = tolower(temp[i]);
- else
- file_name[n++] = temp[i];
- }
- }
- /* 3 character extension */
- dot = 0;
- for (i=8; i<11; i++) {
- if (temp[i] != ' ') {
- if (!dot) {
- dot++;
- file_name[n++] = '.';
- }
- if (isupper(temp[i]))
- file_name[n++] = tolower(temp[i]);
- else
- file_name[n++] = temp[i];
- }
- }
- file_name[n] = NULL;
- return;
- }