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Text File | 1989-01-22 | 51.8 KB | 1,793 lines |
- Article 196 of comp.sources.unix:
- Path: mace.cc.purdue.edu!j.cc.purdue.edu!pur-ee!iuvax!mailrus!uflorida!gatech!bbn!bbn.com!rsalz
- From: rsalz@uunet.uu.net (Rich Salz)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Subject: v16i017: Public lineprinter spooler package, Part04/16
- Message-ID: <1070@fig.bbn.com>
- Date: 14 Sep 88 20:15:44 GMT
- Lines: 1780
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: papowell@julius.cs.umn.edu
- Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 17
- Archive-name: plp/part04
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 4 (of 16)."
- # Contents: doc/PLP/01.t filters/pref_main.c man/lpc.1 man/printcap.5
- # src/getopt.c src/lpr_canprint.c src/lpr_temp.c src/servicereq.c
- # Wrapped by papowell@attila on Wed Aug 10 10:44:51 1988
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'doc/PLP/01.t' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'doc/PLP/01.t'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'doc/PLP/01.t'\" \(5586 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'doc/PLP/01.t' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.ig
- X$Header: 01.t,v 1.1 88/05/21 18:39:31 papowell Locked $
- X$log$
- X..
- X.NH 1
- Overview
- X.PP
- The Public Line Printer Spooler (PLP) software is a
- reverse engineered version of the Berkeley Line Printer Spooler (LPD).
- During the implementation,
- there was no resort to any of the Berkeley LPD source,
- other than for tables that are used to print big letter banners\**.
- X.FS
- The author has seen these appear in several public domain games programs,
- and has recollections of running card decks which produced
- suspiciously similar output.
- X.FE
- Due to experience with the Berkeley software,
- some LPD routines and functionality may be duplicated,
- but in general the implementation and structure of the PLP software is
- radically different.
- X.PP
- The Public Line Printer Spooler supports:
- X.IP 1). 3
- Multiple printers,
- one or more per spooling queue.
- X.IP 2). 3
- Multiple prioritized spooling queues.
- X.IP 3). 3
- Both local and remote printers.
- X.IP 4). 3
- Printers attached via serial lines,
- which can have line characteristics such as baud rate,
- parity,
- etc., specified.
- X.IP 5). 3
- Devices such as an Imagen laser printer which may
- require a special communications protocol for printing.
- X.IP 6). 3
- Operation in a shared file system environment (such as NFS).
- X.IP 7). 3
- Restriction of use by a printer permissions data base.
- In addition to a per-host database,
- each individual spool queue may have a supplementary database.
- X.PP
- The major components of line printer system are the
- following files and commands in Table 1.1.
- X.TS
- center box;
- l | l | l.
- Name Type Purpose
- X_
- X/??/printcap.<host> file printer configuration and capability data base
- X/??/printer_perms.<host> file printer permissions data base
- X/??/log.<host> file daemon log file
- X/??/lock.<host> file daemon lock
- X/usr/lib/lpd daemon line printer daemon
- X/usr/local/bin/lpr command enter a job in a printer queue
- X/usr/local/bin/lpq command examine queues
- X/usr/local/bin/lprm command delete jobs from a queue
- X/usr/local/bin/lpc command administer printers and spooling queues
- printer,tcp port inet service port on which lpd listens
- X.TE
- X.ce
- Table 1.1 Major PLP Components
- X.PP
- The
- X.L /??/printcap.<host>
- file
- is a master data base describing
- characteristics of line printers either directly attached to the host
- or accessible across a network.
- In the Berkeley LPD software,
- the printcap file was
- X.L /etc/printcap .
- While this convention is easy to use in a single host or loosely
- coupled multiple processor environment,
- it has proven to be difficult to manage and apply in a networked based
- file system such as NFS.
- In order to provide an easier management of the PLP software,
- the
- X.L printcap ,
- X.L printer_perms ,
- X.L log ,
- and
- X.L lock
- files have the form:
- X.L /usr/spool/lpd/<file>.<host> ,
- where
- X.L <host>
- is the network level form of the host name.
- Note that this allows a single spool directory to be made available to
- all the systems using an NFS file system.
- Note that all files in the spool directory are created using the
- X.L daemon
- user ID and group ID,
- avoiding problems with NFS systems and root userids.
- X.PP
- The format of the printcap database is based on the
- X.IR termcap (5)
- format.
- X.PP
- The
- X.L printer_perms
- or printer permissions file is used by PLP software to
- determine what operations,
- queues,
- and services can be accesssed by users.
- It also determines the spool queues accessible by users from remote hosts,
- as well as determining.
- The printer permissions file is similar in purpose to the
- X.I host.equiv
- file that is used by
- X.I rshd .
- X.PP
- The
- X.L lpd
- program is a
- X.I daemon
- or server program that carries out actions as requested by other programs.
- The
- X.L lpr
- program creates print jobs in the appropriate spool queue,
- and then requests the
- X.L lpd
- daemon to perform unspooling actions.
- The
- X.L lpq
- program is used to print the status of local and remote spool queues.
- The
- X.L lprm
- program is used to remove jobs from spool queues,
- and the
- X.L lpc
- program is used to control spooling and unspooling activities.
- X.PP
- Communication between the
- X.L lpd
- daemon and the utility programs is done using the Internet TCP/IP
- communications support provided by most UNIX systems.
- XEach host has an
- X.L lpd
- daemon which listens on a well known port of the host,
- and carries out requested activities.
- X.PP
- The remainder of this document provides details of the structure and
- implementation of the above facilities and programs.
- Section 2 describes the functionality of the
- X.L lpd
- daemon and the
- X.L "lpr" ,
- X.L "lpq" ,
- X.L "lprm" ,
- and
- X.L "lpc"
- programs.
- Section 3 describes the structure of the spool directory associated
- with each spool queue,
- and the security precautions taken to ensure the integrity of the
- the spool directory and print jobs.
- Section 4 is a description of the
- X.I printcap
- data base,
- and how the information in the database
- is used by the PLP software to perform spooling operations.
- Section 5 is a description of the inter-host file transfer protocol used
- by PLP.
- Section 6 is a description of the unspooling operations carried out by the
- X.I lpd
- program,
- and how they are controlled by the printcap information.
- Section 7 details how filter programs are invoked by the spool server
- processes and how they are specified in the printcap.
- Section 8 describes how PLP can be used in a networked file system
- environment.
- Section 9 outlines how the
- X.I lpc
- program is used to control spooling operations.
- Section 10 is a discussion of some diagnositic information supplied by
- the PLP programs.
- Section 11 is an outline of the installation and test procedures for
- PLP.
- Section 12 is a summary of differences between the Berkeley LPR
- software and PLP.
- if test 5586 -ne `wc -c <'doc/PLP/01.t'`; then
- echo shar: \"'doc/PLP/01.t'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'doc/PLP/01.t'
- fi
- if test -f 'filters/pref_main.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'filters/pref_main.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'filters/pref_main.c'\" \(5906 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'filters/pref_main.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#ifndef lint
- X/*
- X * Updated LPR software;
- X * Original Version (Copyright) 1983 Regents of the Univeristy of California
- X * This is a derivative work,
- X * and the original copyright is still valid. Covered by the
- X * 4BSD Licensing Agreement; this is NOT public domain software.
- X * Mon Nov 23 09:23:23 CST 1987 Patrick Powell, U. Minnesota
- X */
- X#ifndef __INDENT_INCL
- static char id_str1[] =
- X "Revised LPR, Patrick Powell, U. Waterloo, April 10, 1984";
- static char id_str2[] =
- X "Re-revised LPR, Patrick Powell, U. Minnesota, 23 Nov 1987";
- X#define __INDENT_INCL 1
- X#endif __INDENT_INCL
- X#endif lint
- X/*
- X * Prefilter main and setup.
- X * A prefilter is invoked with the following parameters:
- X *
- X *
- X * filter -wwidth -llength -xwidth -ylength [-c] [-iindent]
- X * -Zoptions -Cclass -Jjob -nlogin -hhost -Fx [files]
- X *
- X * if the [files] are missing, input is from stdin
- X *
- X * The following variables are set up
- X *
- X * name - name of filter PRINTCAP ENTRY
- X * width - default 132 pl
- X * length - default 66 pw
- X * xwidth - default 0 px
- X * ylength - default 0 py
- X * literal - default 0 [-c flag]
- X * indent - default 0
- X * zopts - NULL [lpr]
- X * class - NULL [lpr]
- X * job - NULL [lpr]
- X * login - NULL [lpr]
- X * host - NULL [lpr]
- X * format - set from -F
- X * last - set for last file
- X * file - current file (NULL if stdin)
- X *
- X * The list of files is opened, and the file descriptor is set to 0
- X * with a dup2. The "last" flag is set when the last file is opened.
- X * The name of the current file is available in "file".
- X * Then the "prefilter" function is called.
- X * The program exits with a 0 (successful), 1 (unsuccessful, retry)
- X * and anything else indicates unsuccessful, no retry.
- X * The prefilter() function should return a similar status.
- X * The functions fatal(), logerr(), and logerr_die() can be used to report
- X * status. The variable errorcode can be set by the user before calling
- X * these functions, and will be the exit value of the program. Its default
- X * value will be 2.
- X * The fatal function reports a fatal message, and terminates
- X * logerr() will report a message, append information indicated by errno
- X * (see perror(2) for details), and then returns.
- X * logerr_die() will call logerr(), and then will exit with errorcode
- X * status.
- X * In case of an error, the "cleanup()" function will be called.
- X * This can be used to do any error functions.
- X *
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <sys/file.h>
- X
- int errorcode = 2;
- X
- char *name; /* name of filter */
- int width = 132; /* default 132 */
- int length; /* default 66 */
- int xwidth; /* default 0 */
- int ylength; /* default 0 */
- int literal; /* default 0 [-c flag]*/
- int indent; /* default 0 */
- char *zopts; /* NULL [lpr]*/
- char *class; /* NULL [lpr]*/
- char *job; /* NULL [lpr]*/
- char *login; /* NULL [lpr]*/
- char *host; /* NULL [lpr]*/
- int format; /* set from -F*/
- int last; /* set for last file*/
- char *file; /* current file (NULL if stdin)*/
- X
- main( argc, argv )
- X int argc;
- X char **argv;
- X {
- X char * arg;
- X int i;
- X
- X name = argv[0];
- X ++argv;
- X
- X /*
- X * process the flagged arguments
- X */
- X while( --argc > 0 ){
- X if( **argv != '-' )
- X break;
- X arg = 1 + *argv++; /* arg ^s to the option letter */
- X switch( *arg++ ){ /* arg now ^s to the option value */
- X case 'w':
- X if( (i = atoi(arg))< 0 ){
- X fatal("argument for %c out of range",arg[-1]);
- X } else if( i > 0 ){
- X width = i;
- X }
- X break;
- X case 'l':
- X if( (i = atoi(arg))< 0 ){
- X fatal("argument for %c out of range",arg[-1]);
- X } else if( i > 0 ){
- X length = i;
- X }
- X break;
- X case 'x':
- X if( (i = atoi(arg))< 0 ){
- X fatal("argument for %c out of range",arg[-1]);
- X } else if( i > 0 ){
- X xwidth = i;
- X }
- X break;
- X case 'y':
- X if( (i = atoi(arg))< 0 ){
- X fatal("argument for %c out of range",arg[-1]);
- X } else if( i > 0 ){
- X ylength = i;
- X }
- X break;
- X case 'c':
- X literal = 1;
- X break;
- X case 'i':
- X if( (i = atoi(arg))< 0 ){
- X fatal("argument for %c out of range",arg[-1]);
- X } else if( i > 0 ){
- X indent = i;
- X }
- X break;
- X case 'Z':
- X zopts = arg;
- X break;
- X case 'C':
- X class = arg;
- X break;
- X case 'J':
- X job = arg;
- X break;
- X case 'n':
- X login = arg;
- X break;
- X case 'h':
- X host = arg;
- X break;
- X case 'F':
- X format = *arg;
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X /*
- X * now assume the rest of the arguments are filenames
- X */
- X dofiles( argc, argv );
- X }
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Now do the files. Open each as fd 0 (stdin), and read each one.
- X */
- dofiles( argc, argv )
- X int argc; /* # of items in 'argv' */
- X char **argv;
- X {
- X int fd;
- X
- X if( argc > 0 ){
- X while( --argc >= 0 ){
- X file = *argv++;
- X if( argc == 0 ){
- X last = 1;
- X }
- X if( (fd = open(file,O_RDONLY,0)) < 0 ) {
- X logerr_die( "cannot open %s ", file );
- X }
- X if( fd != 0 ){
- X if(dup2( fd, 0 ) < 0){
- X errorcode = 1;
- X logerr_die( "dup2 failed" );
- X }
- X (void)close( fd );
- X }
- X prefilter();
- X (void)clearerr( stdin );
- X (void)close(0);
- X }
- X } else {
- X last = 1;
- X prefilter();
- X }
- X exit(0);
- X }
- X
- log(msg, a1, a2, a3)
- X char *msg;
- X{
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", name);
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, msg, a1, a2, a3);
- X (void)putc('\n', stderr);
- X (void)fflush(stderr);
- X}
- X
- X
- fatal(msg, a1, a2, a3)
- X char *msg;
- X{
- X log(msg, a1, a2, a3);
- X cleanup();
- X exit(errorcode);
- X}
- X
- X
- logerr(msg, a1, a2, a3)
- X char *msg;
- X{
- X extern int errno, sys_nerr;
- X extern char *sys_errlist[];
- X register int err = errno;
- X
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", name);
- X if (msg){
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, msg, a1, a2, a3);
- X (void)fputs( "- ", stderr);
- X }
- X (void)fputs(err<sys_nerr ?sys_errlist[err] :"Unknown error", stderr);
- X (void)putc('\n', stderr);
- X (void)fflush();
- X}
- X
- logerr_die(msg, a1, a2, a3)
- X char *msg;
- X{
- X logerr(msg, a1, a2, a3);
- X cleanup();
- X exit(errorcode);
- X}
- X
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- cleanup() {}
- X
- prefilter()
- X {
- X int c;
- X
- X if( file ){
- X log( "file %s", file );
- X } else {
- X log( "file %s", "(stdin)" );
- X }
- X while( (c = getchar()) != EOF ){
- X putchar(c);
- X }
- X }
- X#endif DEBUG
- if test 5906 -ne `wc -c <'filters/pref_main.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'filters/pref_main.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'filters/pref_main.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'man/lpc.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'man/lpc.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'man/lpc.1'\" \(5371 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'man/lpc.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.TH LPC 1 "19 Mar 1988" "U-MN PLP"
- X.ig
- X$Header: lpc.1,v 2.1 88/05/09 10:08:27 papowell Exp $
- X$Log: lpc.1,v $
- Revision 2.1 88/05/09 10:08:27 papowell
- PLP: Released Version
- X
- Revision 1.1 88/04/28 10:58:49 papowell
- Initial revision
- X
- X..
- lpc \- line printer control program
- X.B lpc
- X[
- X.BI \-D n
- X] [
- X.B \-X
- X[ command [ argument ... ] ]
- X.I Lpc
- is used by the system administrator to control the
- operation of the line printer system.
- XFor each line printer configured in /etc/printcap,
- X.I lpc
- may be used to:
- X.IP \(bu 3
- disable or enable a printer,
- X.IP \(bu 3
- disable or enable a printer's spooling queue,
- X.IP \(bu 3
- rearrange the order of jobs in a spooling queue,
- X.IP \(bu 3
- find the status of printers, and their associated
- spooling queues and printer dameons.
- X.IP \(bu 3
- start and stop printer servers for a queue with multiple print servers
- X.IP \(bu 3
- perform remote control of a spool queue
- X.PP
- Without any arguments,
- X.I lpc
- will prompt for commands from the standard input.
- If arguments are supplied,
- X.IR lpc
- interprets the first argument as a command and the remaining
- arguments as parameters to the command.
- The standard input
- may be redirected causing
- X.I lpc
- to read commands from file.
- Permission to use spool queue control commands is determined by the
- printer permissions file
- X.I /etc/printer_perms.
- Priviledged commands can only be used by users with
- C or control permissions.
- Commands may be abreviated;
- the following is the list of recognized commands.
- X.TP
- X? [ command ... ]
- X.TP
- h[elp] [ command ... ]
- X.br
- Print a short description of each command specified in the argument list,
- or, if no arguments are given, a list of the recognized commands.
- X.TP
- e[xit]
- X.TP
- q[uit]
- X.br
- XEx[it] from lpc.
- X.TP
- en[able] { all | printer ... }
- X.br
- XEnable spooling on the local queue for the listed printers.
- This will allow
- X.I lpr
- to put new jobs in the spool queue.
- Priviledged.
- X.TP
- d[isable] { all | printer ... }
- X.br
- Disable spooling to the specified spool queues.
- This will suppress spooling by
- X.IR lpr .
- Priviledged.
- X.TP
- star[t] { all | printer ... }
- X.br
- XEnable unspooling and start a server for the listed printers.
- Priviledged.
- X.TP
- sto[p] { all | printer ... }
- X.br
- Disable any further unspooling.
- Stop the unspooler after the current job completes.
- Priviledged.
- X.TP
- a[bort] { all | printer ... }
- X.br
- Disable any further unspooling.
- Kill the currently active unspooling server.
- Note that the currently active job will not be deleted from the queue.
- Priviledged.
- X.TP
- k[ill] { all | printer ... }
- X.br
- Do an abort followed by a start.
- This is a quick way to kill off a server that has problems.
- Priviledged.
- X.TP
- res[tart] { all | printer ... }
- X.br
- Attempt to start a new printer daemon.
- This is useful when some abnormal condition causes the daemon to
- die unexpectedly leaving jobs in the queue.
- X.I Lpq
- will report that there is no daemon present when this condition occurs.
- X.TP
- stat[us] [ terse ] [ all ] [ printer ... ]
- Display the status of daemons and queues on the local machine.
- If 'terse' is given, then any printers with printing and queueing both
- enabled with no entries in the spool queue, will not be displayed.
- X.TP
- t[opq] printer [ jobnum ... ] [ user ... ]
- X.br
- Place the jobs in the order listed at the top of the printer queue.
- It does this by boosting them to priority A,
- and then reordering the priority A jobs.
- Priviledged.
- X.TP
- rem[ote] lpc command
- X.br
- XExecute the lpc command on the remote host for the printer.
- XFor example,
- to restart all queues that have remote entries on the current host,
- X.I "remote start all"
- can be used;
- to disable them
- X.I "remote disable all"
- can be used.
- X.TP
- lpq { lpq options }
- X.br
- Run
- X.I lpq
- from inside the
- X.I lpc
- program.
- X.TP
- lprm { lprm options }
- X.br
- Run
- X.I lprm
- from inside the
- X.I lpc
- program.
- X.TP
- lpd
- X.br
- determines the if the LPD daemon process is running,
- and if the UNIX /dev/printer socket is active.
- This is handy to determine if the LPD daemon was killed or
- committed suicide due to abnormal conditions.
- X.TP
- clean { all | printer ... }
- X.br
- Remove all files beginning with ``cf'', ``tf'', or ``df''
- from the specified printer queue(s) on the local machine.
- X.IP "\fB\-D\fR[\fIn\fR]"
- XEnables display of debugging information.
- The
- X.B \-D\fIn\fR
- X\fRsets debugging information to level
- X.I n
- X(n is a single digit).
- X.IP "\fB\-X"
- Use an Xperimental version of LPD if the software has been compiled
- with the appropriate support;
- ignored otherwise.
- X.nf
- X.ta \w'/etc/printcap 'u
- X/etc/printcap printer description file
- X/etc/printer_perms printer permissions
- X/usr/spool/* spool directories
- X/usr/spool/*/lock lock file for queue control
- X.fi
- lpd(8),
- lpr(1),
- lpq(1),
- lprm(1),
- printcap(5),
- printers(1),
- printer(1)
- X.br
- X.I "PLP- The Public Line Printer Spooler" ,
- Patrick Powell,
- U. Minnesota.
- X.nf
- Most of the diagnostics are self explanatory.
- If you are puzzled over the exact cause of failure,
- set the debugging level high and run again.
- The debugging information will
- attempt to pinpoint the exact cause of failure.
- X.fi
- X.PP
- The PLP is a reverse engineered version of the Berkeley 4.3BSD Line Printer
- Spooler,
- done in 1988 at the University of Minnesota.
- It has many advanced features which are described in
- X.I "PLP - The Public Line Printer Spooler"
- by
- Patrick Powell,
- Department of Computer Science,
- University of Minnesota.
- if test 5371 -ne `wc -c <'man/lpc.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'man/lpc.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'man/lpc.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'man/printcap.5' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'man/printcap.5'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'man/printcap.5'\" \(6334 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'man/printcap.5' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.TH PRINTCAP 5 "19 Mar 1988" "U-MN PLP"
- X.ig
- X$Header: printcap.5,v 2.2 88/05/19 07:42:43 papowell Locked $
- X$Log: printcap.5,v $
- Revision 2.2 88/05/19 07:42:43 papowell
- Added several more flags
- X
- Revision 2.1 88/05/09 10:08:53 papowell
- PLP: Released Version
- X
- Revision 1.2 88/05/09 10:02:04 papowell
- added :ab: flag, controls effect of -h option
- X
- Revision 1.1 88/04/28 10:58:58 papowell
- Initial revision
- X
- X..
- printcap \- printer capability data base
- X/etc/printcap
- X.I Printcap
- is a simplified version of the
- X.IR termcap (5)
- data base
- used to describe line printers. The spooling system accesses the
- X.I printcap
- file every time it is used, allowing dynamic
- addition and deletion of printers. Each entry in the data base
- is used to describe one printer. This data base may not be
- substituted for, as is possible for
- X.IR termcap ,
- because it may allow accounting to be bypassed.
- X.PP
- The default printer is normally
- X.IR lp ,
- though the environment variable PRINTER
- may be used to override this. Each spooling utility supports an option,
- X.BI \-P printer,
- to allow explicit naming of a destination printer.
- X.PP
- Refer to the
- X.ul
- X4.2BSD Line Printer Spooler Manual
- for a complete discussion on how setup the database for a given printer.
- The database is a simplified form of the
- X.I termcap (5)
- database.
- The entries can be strings
- X(:st=string:),
- positive integer values
- X(:nu#12:),
- or flags
- X(:fl: to set,
- X:fl@: to clear).
- The following list the entries and the main users of them.
- Use
- X.B A
- stands for
- all programs,
- and is commonly used by several programs.
- XFor example,
- the
- X.B lf
- X(lock file) entry is used by most programs to determine the state of the
- spool queue.
- X.B R
- stands for
- X.IR lpr ,
- and is used by lpr for spooling purposes;
- X.B D
- stands for
- X.IR lpd ,
- and is used by lpd for controlling unspooling;
- X.B P
- stands for accounting information and is used by
- X.I pac
- or other programs.
- Note that when the a filter is invoked by lpd or lpr,
- the printcap entry will be available as the
- environment variable.
- X.nf
- X
- X.ta \w'\0\0\0\0'u +\w'\0\0\0\0'u +\w'Type 'u +\w'Default 'u +4n +4n +4n 8i
- X\fBFL Use Type Default Description\fR
- XXf D str NULL output filter for format X used by lpd
- XXe R str NULL prefilter for format X used by lpr
- ab D bool false always print banner, ignore lpr -h option
- af D str NULL name of accounting file
- bp D str NULL banner printing program (see ep)
- br D num none if lp is a tty, set the baud rate (see ty)
- cf D str NULL cifplot data filter
- co P num 20 cost in dollars per thousand pages
- df D str NULL tex data filter (DVI format)
- ep D str NULL end of job banner printer
- fc D num 0 if lp is a tty, clear flag bits (see ty)
- fd D bool false no forwarded jobs accepted
- ff D str ``\ef'' string to send for a form feed
- fj D bool false send control file first to remote site
- fo D bool false print a form feed when device is opened
- fs D num 0 like `fc' but set bits (see ty)
- fx R str ``flp'' valid output filter formats
- gf D str NULL graph data filter (plot (3X) format)
- if D str NULL name of text filter which does accounting
- ld D str NULL leader string printed on printer open
- lf A str ``log'' error log file (servers, filters and prefilters)
- lh D bool false long hostname control file format
- ln R str NULL groups allowed to use LPR -s (link), -r (remove)
- lo A str ``lock'' name of lock file
- lp D str NULL device name to open for output
- mx R num 1000 maximum job size (1KB blocks, 0 = unlimited)
- nf D str NULL DITROFF data filter
- nw A bool false networked or distributed file system
- of D str NULL name of OF filter program
- pl D num 66 page length (in lines)
- pr RD str ``/bin/pr'' pr program for p format
- pw D num 132 page width (in characters)
- ps A str NULL printer status file name
- px D num 0 page width in pixels (horizontal)
- py D num 0 page length in pixels (vertical)
- qh D str NULL unspooler program, instead of normal unspooler
- rf D str NULL filter for printing FORTRAN style text files
- rm A str NULL machine name for remote printer
- rp A str NULL remote printer name argument
- rw D bool false open the printer for reading and writing
- sb D bool false short banner (one line only)
- sc R bool false suppress multiple copies
- sd A str NULL spool directory
- sf D bool false suppress form feeds separating multiple jobs
- sh D bool false suppress headers and/or banner page
- st A str ``status'' queue server status file name
- tf D str NULL troff data filter (C/A/T phototypesetter)
- tr D str NULL trailer string to print when queue empties
- ty D str NULL stty form to set printer line
- vf D str NULL (Versatek) raster image filter
- xc D num 0 if lp is a tty, clear local mode bits (see ty)
- xs D num 0 like `xc' but set bits (see ty)
- xt R str NULL formats to check for printable files
- xu A str NULL additional printer_perms file for this queue
- X.fi
- X.PP
- By convention,
- all output filter names have for form
- X.B Xf,
- where
- X.B X
- is the lower case letter corresponding to the lpr formatting option.
- The
- X.B if
- and
- X.B of
- filters are the standard output filters.
- The filter capabilities have been extended by providing a
- X.I prefilter
- capability.
- The names of prefilters have the form
- X.B Xe,
- and are specified in the same manner as the other filters.
- If a prefilter is specified,
- X.I lpr
- will run the input files through the prefilter,
- and spool the output of the prefilter for
- disposition.
- X.PP
- The following
- X.IR stty (1)
- options are recognized by the
- X.B ty
- X(stty) printcap entry,
- and can be used to set serial line characteristics for the printer.
- X.nf
- X.ta 16n +16n +16n +16n +16n +16n +16n +16n +16n
- bs0 bs1 [-]cbreak cooked cr0
- cr1 cr2 cr3 [-]decctlq [-]echo
- X[-]even ff0 ff1 [-]lcase [-]litout
- nl0 nl1 nl2 nl3 [-]nl
- X[-]noflsh new [-]nohang old [-]odd
- X[-]raw start stop tab0 tab1
- tab2 [-]tabs [-]tandem tek ti700
- X[-]tilde tn300 tty33 tty37 vt05
- X.fi
- termcap(5),
- lpc(8),
- lpd(8),
- pac(8),
- lpr(1),
- lpq(1),
- lprm(1)
- X.br
- X.I "PLP - The Public Line Printer Spooler",
- by
- Patrick Powell,
- University of Minnesota.
- X.fi
- X.PP
- The PLP is a reverse engineered version of the Berkeley 4.3BSD Line Printer
- Spooler,
- done in 1988 at the University of Minnesota.
- It has many advanced features which are described in
- X.I "PLP - The Public Line Printer Spooler"
- by
- Patrick Powell,
- Department of Computer Science,
- University of Minnesota.
- if test 6334 -ne `wc -c <'man/printcap.5'`; then
- echo shar: \"'man/printcap.5'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'man/printcap.5'
- fi
- if test -f 'src/getopt.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/getopt.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'src/getopt.c'\" \(6106 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'src/getopt.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * U. Minnesota LPD Software * Copyright 1987, 1988, Patrick Powell
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * MODULE: Getopt.c
- X * Getopt(3) implementation; modified so that the first time it is
- X * called it sets "Name" to argv[0];
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * Revision History: Created Fri Jan 1 15:36:11 CST 1988
- X * $Log: getopt.c,v $
- X * Revision 3.1 88/06/18 09:34:13 papowell
- X * Version 3.0- Distributed Sat Jun 18 1988
- X *
- X * Revision 2.1 88/05/09 10:08:08 papowell
- X * PLP: Released Version
- X *
- X * Revision 1.4 88/04/15 10:45:19 papowell
- X * When checking for alternate flag chars, got a && mixed up with || test
- X *
- X * Revision 1.3 88/04/07 12:27:20 papowell
- X * Added ability to detect '+' options
- X *
- X * Revision 1.2 88/04/06 12:13:51 papowell
- X * Minor updates, changes in error message formats.
- X * Elimination of the AF_UNIX connections, use AF_INET only.
- X * Better error messages.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.1 88/03/01 11:08:25 papowell
- X * Initial revision
- X *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X#ifndef lint
- static char id_str1[] =
- X "$Header: getopt.c,v 3.1 88/06/18 09:34:13 papowell Exp $ PLP Copyright 1988 Patrick Powell";
- X#endif lint
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * int Getopt ( argc, argv, optstring)
- X * int argc;
- X * char **argv, *opstring;
- X * int Optind, Opterr;
- X * char *Optarg;
- X * extern char *Name;
- X * Returns: EOF if no more options left;
- X * '?' if option not in optstring;
- X * option character if in optstr.
- X * if option char is followed by : in opstring, an argument is required,
- X * and Optarg will point to the option argument
- X * if option char is followed by ? in opstring, an argument is optional
- X * and Optarg will point to the argument if it immediately follows
- X * the option character
- X * If there are a special set of characters (such as "+" ) that should also
- X * be allowed to indicate flags, these are specified in the Opt_flag,
- X * which indicates that the character is allowed to act as an option flag
- X *
- X *
- X * Getopt places the argv index of the next argument to be processed in
- X * Optind. Because Optind is external, it is automatically set to zero
- X * before the first call to Getopt. When all the options have been
- X * processed (i.e., up to the first non-option argument), Getopt returns
- X * EOF. The special option -- may be used to delimit the end of the
- X * options; EOF will be returned, and -- will be skipped.
- X *
- X * Getopt prints an error message on stderr and returns the offending
- X * character when it encounters an option letter that is not included in
- X * optstring. This error message may be disabled by setting Opterr to a
- X * non-zero value.
- X *
- X * Side Effect: when Getopt is called and Optind is 0, Name is set to
- X * argv[0]. This allows pulling the program Name from the file.
- X * Errors: if an argument is specified and none is there, then Optarg is
- X * set to NULL
- X *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- int Optind = 0; /* next argv to process */
- int Opterr = 0; /* Non-zero disables errors msgs */
- char *Optarg = NULL; /* Pointer to option argument */
- static char *next_opt = NULL; /* pointer to next option char */
- extern char *Name; /* the program Name */
- extern char *index(); /* find character in string */
- char *Opt_flag; /* first character is a flag */
- X
- int
- Getopt(argc, argv, optstring)
- X int argc; /* number of arguments */
- X char **argv; /* array or arguments */
- X char *optstring; /* option string */
- X{
- X int option; /* current option found */
- X char *match; /* matched option in optstring */
- X
- X if( Optind == 0 ){
- X /* set up the Name variable for error messages */
- X Name = argv[0];
- X Optind = 1;
- X }
- X if ( next_opt == NULL || *next_opt == '\0' ) {
- X /* No more arguments left in current or initial string */
- X if ( Optind >= argc ){
- X return( EOF );
- X }
- X next_opt = argv[Optind];
- X if( next_opt[0] != '-'
- X && (Opt_flag == 0 || index( Opt_flag, next_opt[0] ) == 0) ){
- X /* we hit the last argument */
- X return( EOF );
- X }
- X /*
- X * we have a '-' or a flag as first character
- X */
- X if( next_opt[0] == '-' ){
- X ++next_opt;
- X }
- X /* Single '-', end of opts */
- X if ( *next_opt == '\0' ){
- X return( EOF );
- X }
- X Optind++;
- X }
- X option = *next_opt++;
- X /*
- X * Case of '--', Force end of options
- X */
- X if ( option == '-' ){
- X return( EOF );
- X }
- X /*
- X * See if option is in optstring
- X */
- X if ( (match = index(optstring, option)) == NULL ) {
- X if ( Opterr == 0 ){
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: Illegal option '%c'\n", Name, option);
- X }
- X return( '?' );
- X }
- X /*
- X * Argument always follows this option
- X */
- X if ( match[1] == ':' ) {
- X /*
- X * Set Optarg to proper value
- X */
- X if ( *next_opt != '\0' ){
- X Optarg = next_opt;
- X } else if ( Optind < argc ) {
- X Optarg = argv[Optind++];
- X } else {
- X if ( Opterr == 0 ){
- X (void)fprintf(stderr,
- X "%s: missing argument for '%c'\n",Name,option);
- X Optarg = NULL;
- X }
- X }
- X if( Optarg != NULL && Optarg[0] == '-' ){
- X if ( Opterr == 0 ){
- X (void)fprintf(stderr,
- X "%s: missing argument for '%c'\n",Name,option);
- X Optarg = NULL;
- X }
- X }
- X next_opt = NULL;
- X }
- X /*
- X * Argument sometimes follows this option
- X */
- X if ( match[1] == '?' ) {
- X /*
- X * Set Optarg to proper value
- X */
- X if ( *next_opt != '\0' ){
- X Optarg = next_opt;
- X } else {
- X Optarg = NULL;
- X }
- X next_opt = NULL;
- X }
- X return( option );
- X}
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * Push_opt()
- X * Some flags may have an optional argument. The Push_opt is used to
- X * push the argument that would normally be supplied back. The assumption
- X * is that the argument will start with a - sign, i.e.- be a flag,
- X * and be the current value of Optind
- X ***************************************************************************/
- Push_opt()
- X{
- X next_opt = 0;
- X Optind = Optind - 1;
- X}
- if test 6106 -ne `wc -c <'src/getopt.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'src/getopt.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'src/getopt.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'src/lpr_canprint.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/lpr_canprint.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'src/lpr_canprint.c'\" \(6092 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'src/lpr_canprint.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * U. Minnesota LPD Software * Copyright 1987, 1988, Patrick Powell
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * MODULE: lpr_canprint.c
- X * Checks to see if a file is printable
- X * This will be a system dependent function. If you have setreuid(),
- X * you can implement this in a fairly effective manner, as the file
- X * open and stat() is done as the user, not as root.
- X * The "is_exec" and "is_arch" functions are very system dependent.
- X * If you have file(1) available, check to see how it determines the file
- X * types. This may be more bizzare than you expect.
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * Revision History: Created Sat Jan 30 15:17:59 CST 1988
- X * $Log: lpr_canprint.c,v $
- X * Revision 3.2 88/06/24 17:55:54 papowell
- X * MODS for VAX 4.3BSD UNIX
- X *
- X * Revision 3.1 88/06/18 09:34:51 papowell
- X * Version 3.0- Distributed Sat Jun 18 1988
- X *
- X * Revision 2.2 88/05/19 10:34:15 papowell
- X * Fixed open() calls to have a 0 parameter, ie: open(f, perms, 0), where needed
- X *
- X * Revision 2.1 88/05/09 10:09:06 papowell
- X * PLP: Released Version
- X *
- X * Revision 1.9 88/05/06 07:08:54 papowell
- X * Modified getwd() call so that a setreuid() is done first. This way there
- X * are no problems with root perms on different systems.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.8 88/04/28 17:31:59 papowell
- X * fixed the setreuid() calls so that they will work on several systems
- X * very odd behaviour. Also modified the access() calls.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.7 88/04/28 11:03:30 papowell
- X * Modified the "printability" check to only do known text formats.
- X * The XT flag is now used to force a check, rather than not forced a check
- X *
- X * Revision 1.5 88/04/07 09:10:09 papowell
- X * Apollo Workstation Modifications
- X *
- X * Revision 1.4 88/04/06 12:13:14 papowell
- X * Minor updates, changes in error message formats.
- X * Elimination of the AF_UNIX connections, use AF_INET only.
- X * Better error messages.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.3 88/03/25 15:00:23 papowell
- X * Debugged Version:
- X * 1. Added the PLP control file first transfer
- X * 2. Checks for MX during file transfers
- X * 3. Found and fixed a mysterious bug involving the SYSLOG facilities;
- X * apparently they open files and then assume that they will stay
- X * open.
- X * 4. Made sure that stdin, stdout, stderr was available at all times.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.2 88/03/11 19:27:52 papowell
- X * Minor Changes, Updates
- X *
- X * Revision 1.1 88/03/01 11:08:43 papowell
- X * Initial revision
- X *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X#ifndef lint
- static char id_str1[] =
- X "$Header: lpr_canprint.c,v 3.2 88/06/24 17:55:54 papowell Exp $ PLP Copyright 1988 Patrick Powell";
- X#endif lint
- X
- X#include "lpr.h"
- extern long lseek();
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * Is_printable( char *f )
- X * Test to see if this is a printable file.
- X * Return: 0 if unprintable; 1 otherwise
- X ***************************************************************************/
- static char errmsg[] = "File '%s' not printed: %s";
- X
- int
- Is_printable( file, statb )
- X char *file;
- X struct stat *statb; /* file status */
- X{
- X char buf[BUFSIZ];
- X int fd = -1; /* file descriptor */
- X int n, i, c; /* Acme Integers, Inc. */
- X int succ = 0;
- X int euid = geteuid(); /* euid of process */
- X
- X /*
- X * If you have setreuid, you are very lucky; do all this as the user
- X */
- X if( access(file, F_OK | R_OK) < 0){
- X Warnmsg(errmsg, file, "cannot access it");
- X } else if(Remove && access(file, F_OK | R_OK | W_OK ) < 0){
- X Warnmsg(errmsg, file, "cannot remove it");
- X } else {
- X /*
- X * do the rest of tests as USER
- X */
- X if( euid == 0 ){
- X Set_uid( getuid() );
- X }
- X if ((fd = open(file, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) {
- X Warnmsg(errmsg, file, "cannot open it");
- X } else if (fstat(fd, statb) < 0) {
- X Warnmsg(errmsg, file, "cannot stat it");
- X } else if ((statb->st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
- X Warnmsg(errmsg, file, "it is a directory");
- X } else if (statb->st_size == 0) {
- X Warnmsg(errmsg, file, "it is an empty file");
- X } else if( (n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) <= 0 ){
- X Warnmsg(errmsg, file, "cannot read it");
- X } else if( Binary || Format == 'l' ){
- X succ = 1;
- X } else if( !(index( "fpr", Format) || (XT && index( XT, Format)) )){
- X /*
- X * We don't have to do the following checks, applicable to
- X * text files.
- X */
- X succ = 1;
- X } else if( is_exec(fd, buf, n) ){
- X Warnmsg(errmsg, file, "executable program");
- X } else if( is_arch(fd, buf, n)){
- X Warnmsg(errmsg, file, "archive file");
- X } else {
- X succ = 1;
- X /*
- X * check for clean and lovely files, up to the first block
- X */
- X for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ){
- X c = buf[i];
- X if(!isascii(c) || !( c == '\b' || isprint(c) || isspace(c))){
- X Warnmsg(errmsg, file, "it is a garbage file");
- X succ = 0;
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X if( succ == 0 ){
- X (void)close(fd);
- X fd = -1;
- X } else if( lseek( fd, 0L, 0 ) < 0 ){
- X logerr( XLOG_INFO, "Is_printable: lseek failed %s", file );
- X (void)close(fd);
- X fd = -1;
- X }
- X if( euid == 0 ){
- X Clear_uid();
- X }
- X }
- X return(fd);
- X}
- X/*
- X * The is_exec and is_arch are system dependent functions
- X * which check if a file is an executable or archive file,
- X * based on the information in the header.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef NO_A_OUT_H
- X#include <a.out.h>
- X#endif NO_A_OUT_H
- X#include <ar.h>
- X
- static int
- is_exec( fd, buf, n )
- X int fd;
- X char *buf;
- X int n;
- X{
- X int i;
- X#ifdef IS_DATAGEN
- X# include <sgs.h>
- X struct header header;
- X
- X i = 0;
- X if( lseek(fd, (long)0, 0 ) < 0 ){
- X logerr(XLOG_INFO,"is_exec: cannot lseek");
- X }
- X if( read(fd, (char *)&header, sizeof(header) ) == sizeof(header) ){
- X i = ISMAGIC(header.magic_number);
- X }
- X#endif IS_DATAGEN
- X#if defined(IS_VAX) || defined(IS_SUN)
- X
- X i = 0;
- X if( n >= sizeof( struct exec ) ){
- X i = !(N_BADMAG( (*(struct exec *)buf) ));
- X }
- X#endif
- X#if defined( IS_UMAX ) || defined( NO_A_OUT_H )
- X i = 0;
- X#endif
- X return( i );
- X}
- X
- static int
- is_arch( fd, buf, n )
- X int fd;
- X char *buf;
- X{
- X return( !strncmp( buf, ARMAG, strlen( ARMAG )) );
- X}
- if test 6092 -ne `wc -c <'src/lpr_canprint.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'src/lpr_canprint.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'src/lpr_canprint.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'src/lpr_temp.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/lpr_temp.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'src/lpr_temp.c'\" \(5731 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'src/lpr_temp.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * U. Minnesota LPD Software * Copyright 1987, 1988, Patrick Powell
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * MODULE: lpr_temp.c
- X * Routines to manage the Temp_file array
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * Revision History: Created Sat Jan 30 12:31:45 CST 1988
- X * $Log: lpr_temp.c,v $
- X * Revision 3.1 88/06/18 09:35:03 papowell
- X * Version 3.0- Distributed Sat Jun 18 1988
- X *
- X * Revision 2.2 88/05/14 10:18:36 papowell
- X * Use long format for job file names;
- X * Added 'fd', no forward flag;
- X * Control file has to have hostname and origination agree.
- X *
- X * Revision 2.1 88/05/09 10:09:28 papowell
- X * PLP: Released Version
- X *
- X * Revision 1.4 88/05/06 07:07:58 papowell
- X * Fixed up error messages.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.3 88/03/25 15:00:45 papowell
- X * Debugged Version:
- X * 1. Added the PLP control file first transfer
- X * 2. Checks for MX during file transfers
- X * 3. Found and fixed a mysterious bug involving the SYSLOG facilities;
- X * apparently they open files and then assume that they will stay
- X * open.
- X * 4. Made sure that stdin, stdout, stderr was available at all times.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.2 88/03/11 19:29:54 papowell
- X * Minor Changes, Updates
- X *
- X * Revision 1.1 88/03/01 11:08:52 papowell
- X * Initial revision
- X *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X#ifndef lint
- static char id_str1[] =
- X "$Header: lpr_temp.c,v 3.1 88/06/18 09:35:03 papowell Exp $ PLP Copyright 1988 Patrick Powell";
- X#endif lint
- X
- X#include "lpr.h"
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * Get_tmp_data()
- X * Generate the name of a data file
- X * Get_cf()
- X * return the name of the control file.
- X * Add_temp( char *s )
- X * Add the name of a file to the temporary file list
- X * Remove_temp()
- X * Unlink all the files in the Temp_file[] list
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * Get_tmp_data()
- X * Generate the name of a data file
- X * The name has the form: df<seq><job><host>
- X ***************************************************************************/
- static int seq;
- X
- char *
- Get_tmp_data()
- X{
- X char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* Big Buffers, Inc. */
- X int c; /* ACME Integers, Inc. */
- X char *sp; /* ACME Pointers, Inc. */
- X char *st = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- X
- X /*
- X * convert sequence number to A-Z, a-z
- X */
- X if( seq >= strlen(st) ){
- X Diemsg( "too many input files, split job up" );
- X }
- X c = st[seq];
- X ++seq;
- X /*
- X * generate name
- X */
- X (void)sprintf(buf, "df%c%03d%s", c, Job_number, Host );
- X if(Debug>3)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"Get_tmp_data: %s",buf);
- X
- X /*
- X * Add to list of temporary files to be removed in case of error
- X */
- X sp = Add_temp( buf );
- X return( sp );
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * Get_cf()
- X * return the name of the control file. This has the form
- X * tf<Priority><Sequence><Host>
- X ***************************************************************************/
- char *
- Get_cf()
- X{
- X char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* Big Buffers, Inc. */
- X char *sp; /* ACME Pointers and Buggy Whips */
- X
- X (void)sprintf(buf, "tf%c%03d%s", Priority, Job_number, Host );
- X /*
- X * check to see that the job file name fits in the limits
- X */
- X if( strlen( buf ) >= CFNAMELEN ){
- X fatal( XLOG_INFO, "Get_cf: control file name too long '%s'",
- X buf);
- X }
- X if(Debug>3)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"Get_cf: control file %s",buf);
- X sp = Add_temp( buf );
- X return( sp );
- X}
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * Add_temp( char *s )
- X * Add the name of a file to the temporary file list
- X * Note: these will be deleted on abnormal exit
- X ***************************************************************************/
- static char *Temp_space;
- static int Temp_size;
- X
- char *
- Add_temp( s )
- X char *s;
- X{
- X int i;
- X char *sp; /* ACME Pointers and Integers */
- X
- X if( Temp_max == 0 ){
- X Temp_max = 10;
- X Temp_file = (char **)malloc( (unsigned)sizeof(char *) * Temp_max);
- X if( Temp_file == 0 ){
- X fatal( XLOG_INFO, "Add_temp: malloc Temp_file failed" );
- X }
- X }
- X if( Temp_max <= Temp_count ){
- X Temp_max += 10;
- X Temp_file = (char **)realloc((char *)Temp_file,
- X (unsigned)(sizeof(char *)*Temp_max));
- X if( Temp_file == 0 ){
- X fatal( XLOG_INFO, "Add_temp: realloc Temp_file failed" );
- X }
- X }
- X i = strlen( s ) + 1;
- X if( i > Temp_size ){
- X Temp_size = BUFSIZ;
- X Temp_space = malloc( BUFSIZ );
- X if( Temp_space == 0 ){
- X fatal( XLOG_INFO, "Add_temp: malloc Temp_space failed" );
- X }
- X }
- X sp = Temp_space;
- X (void)strcpy(Temp_space, s );
- X Temp_file[Temp_count] = sp;
- X ++Temp_count;
- X Temp_space += i;
- X Temp_size -= i;
- X if(Debug>5){
- X for(i=0;i<Temp_count;++i)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"temp %d %s",i,Temp_file[i]);
- X }
- X return( sp );
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * Remove_temp()
- X * Unlink all the files in the Temp_file[] list
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- Remove_temp()
- X{
- X char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* hold the full pathname */
- X int i; /* ACME Integers, Inc. */
- X char *sd_end; /* end of the SD name in buf */
- X
- X if( Temp_count <= 0 || SD == 0 || *SD == 0
- X || (strlen(SD)+CFNAMELEN)> sizeof(buf) ){
- X return;
- X }
- X (void)strcpy(buf, SD );
- X (void)strcat(buf, "/" );
- X sd_end = &buf[strlen(buf)];
- X for(i = 0; i < Temp_count; ++i ){
- X (void)strcpy( sd_end, Temp_file[i] );
- X if(Debug>3)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"Remove_temp: removing temp file %s", buf );
- X if( unlink( buf ) < 0 ){
- X logerr(XLOG_INFO,"Remove_temp: cannot remove temp file %s", buf );
- X }
- X }
- X}
- if test 5731 -ne `wc -c <'src/lpr_temp.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'src/lpr_temp.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'src/lpr_temp.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'src/servicereq.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/servicereq.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'src/servicereq.c'\" \(5963 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'src/servicereq.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * U. Minnesota LPD Software * Copyright 1987, 1988, Patrick Powell
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * MODULE: servicereq.c
- X * service requests to lpd
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * Revision History: Created Sat Jan 2 08:54:52 CST 1988
- X * $Log: servicereq.c,v $
- X * Revision 3.1 88/06/18 09:35:39 papowell
- X * Version 3.0- Distributed Sat Jun 18 1988
- X *
- X * Revision 2.1 88/05/09 10:10:17 papowell
- X * PLP: Released Version
- X *
- X * Revision 1.3 88/04/06 12:12:48 papowell
- X * Minor updates, changes in error message formats.
- X * Elimination of the AF_UNIX connections, use AF_INET only.
- X * Better error messages.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.2 88/03/25 15:01:39 papowell
- X * Debugged Version:
- X * 1. Added the PLP control file first transfer
- X * 2. Checks for MX during file transfers
- X * 3. Found and fixed a mysterious bug involving the SYSLOG facilities;
- X * apparently they open files and then assume that they will stay
- X * open.
- X * 4. Made sure that stdin, stdout, stderr was available at all times.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.1 88/03/01 11:09:16 papowell
- X * Initial revision
- X *
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * Description:
- X * The LPD daemon waits for a request from an associated process using a socket.
- X * The main lpd daemon forks a server process, which connects to the
- X * requesting process. The two processes communicate over the socket.
- X * A message packet containing a request is the first information transferred.
- X * Some requests will need to have error messages and diagnostics generated
- X * by LPD sent to the user; the "Echo_on_stdout" flag causes errors to be
- X * echoed there as well.
- X * The following operations are supported:
- X * \1Printer\n
- X * check the queue for jobs and print any found.
- X * -- acknowlege request and close socket
- X * -- start up the Printer
- X * \2Printer\n
- X * receive a job from another machine and queue it.
- X * -- a complex file transfer protocol is used to transfer files.
- X * \3Printer [users ...] [jobs ...]\n
- X * return the current state of the queue (short form).
- X * -- errors and diagnostics returned as well
- X * \4Printer [users ...] [jobs ...]\n
- X * return the current state of the queue (long form).
- X * -- errors and diagnostics returned as well
- X * \5Printer Person [users ...] [jobs ...]\n
- X * remove jobs from the queue.
- X * -- errors and diagnostics returned as well
- X * \6Printer Person operation
- X * enable/disable queueing, etc.
- X * -- errors and diagnostics returned as well
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X#ifndef lint
- static char id_str1[] =
- X "$Header: servicereq.c,v 3.1 88/06/18 09:35:39 papowell Exp $ PLP Copyright 1988 Patrick Powell";
- X#endif lint
- X
- X#include "lp.h"
- X
- static char command[BUFSIZ]; /* command line buffer */
- static char *cmd_names[] = {
- X "ERROR", /* 0 */
- X "Startprinter", /* 1 */
- X "receive files", /* 2 */
- X "display [short]", /* 3 */
- X "display [long]", /* 4 */
- X "remove job", /* 5 */
- X "control operation" /* 6 */
- X};
- X
- X/****************************************************************
- X * servicereq()
- X * 1. Reads the first line from the socket
- X * 2. Determine service request
- X * 3. Call suitable dispatch function
- X ****************************************************************/
- servicereq()
- X{
- X int n; /* ACME Integer, Inc. */
- X
- X /*
- X * use almost bombproof way to read command line from socket
- X */
- X n = bpread( 1, command, sizeof(command));
- X if(n < 2 ){
- X fatal(XLOG_INFO,"servicereq: bad command line");
- X }
- X Request = command[0];
- X if (Request < 1 || Request > 6 ){
- X fatal(XLOG_INFO,"servicereq: bad request (%d) %s",Request, &command[1]);
- X }
- X if (Debug>1)log( XLOG_DEBUG,"%s requests %d (%s) %s",From,Request,
- X cmd_names[Request],&command[1]);
- X splitline( &command[1] );
- X if( Request != REQ_CONTROL ){
- X /*
- X * extract Printer Name from command
- X */
- X Printer = Parms[0].str;
- X /*
- X * check to see if you can do the job
- X */
- X if(chkhost() == 0){
- X fatal(XLOG_INFO,"Host %s cannot access %s", From, Printer);
- X }
- X }
- X switch (Request) {
- X /*
- X * start Printer
- X */
- X case REQ_START:
- X /* signal the other end that you are doing the request */
- X putchar( 0 ); /* fd 1 is the socket */
- X (void)fflush(stdout); /* send it */
- X (void)close(1); /* disconnect */
- X if( dup2(0,1) < 0 ){
- X logerr_die(XLOG_INFO,"dup2 failed");
- X }
- X Startprinter(); /* start Printer */
- X break;
- X /*
- X * get remote jobs
- X */
- X case REQ_RECV: /* get files from remote site */
- X recvfiles();
- X Startprinter(); /* start Printer */
- X break;
- X /*
- X * display current queue
- X */
- X case REQ_DSHORT: /* display the queue (short form) */
- X case REQ_DLONG: /* display the queue (long form) */
- X /* echo errors on stdout as well as stderr */
- X Echo_on_stdout = 1;
- X Short_format = (REQ_DSHORT==Request);
- X Shift_parms(1);
- X (void)Displayq();
- X break;
- X /*
- X * remove job from queue
- X */
- X case REQ_REMOVE: /* remove a job from the queue */
- X /* echo errors on stdout as well as stderr */
- X Echo_on_stdout = 1;
- X Person = Parms[1].str;
- X Shift_parms(2);
- X rmjob();
- X break;
- X /*
- X * perform control function
- X */
- X case REQ_CONTROL: /* remove a job from the queue */
- X Echo_on_stdout = 1;
- X Person = Parms[0].str;
- X Shift_parms(1);
- X (void)Control_ops();
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/**********************************************************************
- X * chkhost()
- X * check permissions to see if Host has access to the Printer
- X * Return: 1 if permissions to use Printer, 0 otherwise
- X **********************************************************************/
- static int
- chkhost()
- X{
- X if( strcmp(From, Host) == 0 /* this Host */
- X ||( Permfile && *Permfile
- X && Checkperm(Permfile,From,(char*)0,Printer,(int*)0,(int*)0,0)) ){
- X return(1);
- X }
- X return(0);
- X}
- if test 5963 -ne `wc -c <'src/servicereq.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'src/servicereq.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'src/servicereq.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 4 \(of 16\).
- cp /dev/null ark4isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 16 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0
- --
- Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz@uunet.uu.net.