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- Subject: v16i022: Public lineprinter spooler package, Part09/16
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: papowell@julius.cs.umn.edu
- Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 22
- Archive-name: plp/part09
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 9 (of 16)."
- # Contents: src/Makefile src/global.c src/lockfile.c
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'src/Makefile' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/Makefile'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'src/Makefile'\" \(12955 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'src/Makefile' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#***************************************************************************
- X#* U. Minnesota LPD Software * Copyright 1987, 1988, Patrick Powell
- X#***************************************************************************
- X#* MODULE: Makefile
- X#***************************************************************************
- X#* Revision History: Recreated
- X#* Sun Jan 3 07:27:44 CST 1988: V1
- X#***************************************************************************
- X#$Log: Makefile,v $
- X# Revision 3.2 88/06/24 17:58:54 papowell
- X#
- X# Revision 3.1 88/06/18 09:33:48 papowell
- X# Version 3.0- Distributed Sat Jun 18 1988
- X#
- X# Revision 3.0 88/06/18 09:29:46 papowell
- X# Version 3.0- Distributed Sat Jun 18 1988
- X#
- X# Revision 2.3 88/05/16 12:09:58 papowell
- X# Added a "test" entry to make XPERIMENT version
- X#
- X# Revision 2.2 88/05/11 09:53:19 papowell
- X# Modified installation targets to be compatible with Berkeley LPR
- X#
- X# Revision 2.1 88/05/09 10:07:22 papowell
- X# PLP: Released Version
- X#
- X# Revision 1.10 88/04/29 07:44:51 papowell
- X# Added USE_LOCKF for alternative form of locking
- X#
- X# Revision 1.9 88/04/28 17:30:23 papowell
- X# Fixed installation
- X#
- X#
- X# This makefile will generate and install the PLP software.
- X# You should create a "bin" directory, and copy this Makefile to the bin
- X# directory. All binaries and executables will be created in the bin directory.
- X#
- X# The PLP stuff runs SUID ROOT.
- X#
- X# There are various compilation options; see the following for details.
- X#
- X# Note that this Makefile does NOT create spool directories;
- X# you have to do that yourself, whenever a new entry is added to /etc/printcap
- X# See the "checkpc" program for help.
- X#
- X
- X# commands made by this script
- COMMANDS= lpd lpr lpq lprm lpc pac checkpc
- X
- X# where daemons are installed: lpd
- X#LIB=/usr/lib/
- X#LIB=/usr/local/new/lib
- LIB=/usr/lib/
- X
- X# where user commands are installed: lpr, lpq, lprm, lpc
- X#BIN=/usr/local/new/bin/
- BIN=/usr/ucb/
- X
- X# where maintenance commands are installed: pac, checkpc
- X#MAINTDIR=/etc/
- X
- X# source directory, holds all source
- SRC=../src
- X
- X# lint directory, where the output of the various lintings will go
- LNT=../lint
- X
- X#**************** OPTIONS *******************************
- X# The following flags are used to control compile time dependent options
- X
- X# Oh, this is sick. You should check the lp.h file for dependencies
- X# These are explained below. Most are "ifndef" or "ifdef" in a very few files.
- X# Some systems do not have certain data types available, so that you have to
- X# define some types. See "lp.h" for the set of definitions and some options
- X# that have been hardwired there for ease of installation.
- X
- X
- X# XPERIMENT: Generation a version that can be used to experiment
- X# DEBUG: Generate a version that has -X option enabled
- X# The XPERIMENT option specifies -X option always to be used
- X
- X# SYSLOG: syslog(8) is a 4BSD logging facility.
- X# If you do not have syslog, define NOSYSLOG and error messages will
- X# be printed to /dev/console. See syslogmsg.c for details.
- X# The <syslog.h> include file contains a set of definitions for values
- X# to be used by the SYSLOG software. Different systems have different
- X# error values, which means that the values are compile time dependent.
- X# This is usually set in lp.h based on "IS_??"
- X
- X# SYMLINK: If you do not have symbolic links, you cannot use them.
- X# This is usually set in lp.h based on "IS_??"
- X
- X# ETCPC: printcap file; default is /etc/printcap
- X# ETCPERMS: printer permissions file; default is /etc/printer_perms
- X# Modify the following.
- X#ETCPC=-DETCPC='"/usr/etc/printcap"'
- X#ETCPERMS=-DETCPERMS='"/usr/etc/printer_perms"'
- X
- X# NO_LOCKF: some systems do not have lockf() which is used to lock files;
- X# The alternative is to use flock(). If you do not have either, modify
- X# the do_lock() procedure in lockfile.c to provide locking, although this has
- X# proven to be fairly unsucessful in the past.
- X# NOTE: lockf is essential to use in an NFS environment
- X
- X# Define TERMCAP and TERMLIB if curses is to be used by lpq
- TERMLIB=-lcurses -ltermcap
- X
- X | sed -e '/warning: struct.union iovec never defined/d' -e '/:$$/d' \
- X -e '/warning: possible pointer alignment problem/d'
- X
- CXREF=/usr/ucb/ctags -x
- PRINT=cpr -r
- X
- all: ${COMMANDS}
- X
- X#
- X# Binary : Object dependencies
- X# LPD
- DEPlpd = \
- X banner.o checkperm.o control_ops.o displayq.o errormsg.o getopt.o global.o \
- X link_support.o localprinter.o lockfile.o lpd.o mexecv.o print_support.o \
- X printcap.o recvfiles.o remote_ops.o remoteprinter.o rmjob.o sendmail.o \
- X servicereq.o setstatus.o setup_filter.o setup_test.o startserver.o \
- X startprinter.o utils.o find_name.o
- SRClpd = \
- X ${SRC}/banner.c ${SRC}/checkperm.c ${SRC}/control_ops.c ${SRC}/displayq.c \
- X ${SRC}/errormsg.c ${SRC}/getopt.c ${SRC}/global.c ${SRC}/link_support.c \
- X ${SRC}/localprinter.c ${SRC}/lockfile.c ${SRC}/lpd.c ${SRC}/mexecv.c \
- X ${SRC}/print_support.c ${SRC}/printcap.c ${SRC}/recvfiles.c \
- X ${SRC}/remote_ops.c ${SRC}/remoteprinter.c ${SRC}/rmjob.c \
- X ${SRC}/sendmail.c ${SRC}/servicereq.c ${SRC}/setstatus.c \
- X ${SRC}/setup_filter.c ${SRC}/setup_test.c ${SRC}/startserver.c \
- X ${SRC}/startprinter.c ${SRC}/utils.c ${SRC}/find_name.c
- lpd: $(DEPlpd)
- X ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o lpd $(DEPlpd)
- DEPlpr = \
- X checkperm.o errormsg.o getopt.o global.o lockfile.o lpr.o lpr_canprint.o \
- X lpr_filters.o lpr_global.o lpr_job.o lpr_parms.o lpr_temp.o mexecv.o \
- X printcap.o setup_filter.o setup_test.o startserver.o utils.o getprinter.o \
- X remote_ops.o link_support.o
- SRClpr = \
- X ${SRC}/checkperm.c ${SRC}/errormsg.c ${SRC}/getopt.c ${SRC}/global.c \
- X ${SRC}/lockfile.c ${SRC}/lpr.c ${SRC}/lpr_canprint.c ${SRC}/lpr_filters.c \
- X ${SRC}/lpr_global.c ${SRC}/lpr_job.c ${SRC}/lpr_parms.c ${SRC}/lpr_temp.c \
- X ${SRC}/mexecv.c ${SRC}/printcap.c ${SRC}/setup_filter.c \
- X ${SRC}/setup_test.c ${SRC}/startserver.c ${SRC}/utils.c \
- X ${SRC}/getprinter.c ${SRC}/remote_ops.c ${SRC}/link_support.c
- lpr: $(DEPlpr)
- X ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o lpr $(DEPlpr)
- DEPlpq = \
- X lpq.o getprinter.o global.o displayq.o utils.o setup_test.o \
- X lockfile.o errormsg.o printcap.o remote_ops.o link_support.o \
- X termclear.o getopt.o
- SRClpq = \
- X ${SRC}/lpq.c ${SRC}/getprinter.c ${SRC}/global.c ${SRC}/displayq.c \
- X ${SRC}/utils.c ${SRC}/setup_test.c ${SRC}/lockfile.c ${SRC}/errormsg.c \
- X ${SRC}/printcap.c ${SRC}/remote_ops.c ${SRC}/link_support.c \
- X ${SRC}/termclear.c ${SRC}/getopt.c
- lpq: $(DEPlpq)
- X ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o lpq $(DEPlpq) ${TERMLIB}
- DEPlpc = \
- X checkperm.o control_ops.o errormsg.o getopt.o getprinter.o global.o \
- X lockfile.o lpc.o printcap.o setup_test.o startserver.o utils.o \
- X remote_ops.o link_support.o
- SRClpc = \
- X ${SRC}/checkperm.c ${SRC}/control_ops.c ${SRC}/errormsg.c \
- X ${SRC}/getopt.c ${SRC}/getprinter.c ${SRC}/global.c \
- X ${SRC}/lockfile.c ${SRC}/lpc.c ${SRC}/printcap.c ${SRC}/setup_test.c \
- X ${SRC}/startserver.c ${SRC}/utils.c ${SRC}/remote_ops.c \
- X ${SRC}/link_support.c
- lpc: $(DEPlpc)
- X ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o lpc $(DEPlpc)
- DEPlprm = \
- X checkperm.o errormsg.o getopt.o getprinter.o global.o link_support.o \
- X lockfile.o lprm.o printcap.o remote_ops.o rmjob.o setup_test.o \
- X startserver.o utils.o
- SRClprm = \
- X ${SRC}/checkperm.c ${SRC}/errormsg.c ${SRC}/getopt.c ${SRC}/getprinter.c \
- X ${SRC}/global.c ${SRC}/link_support.c ${SRC}/lockfile.c ${SRC}/lprm.c \
- X ${SRC}/printcap.c ${SRC}/remote_ops.c ${SRC}/rmjob.c ${SRC}/setup_test.c \
- X ${SRC}/startserver.c ${SRC}/utils.c
- lprm: $(DEPlprm)
- X ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o lprm $(DEPlprm)
- DEPcheckpc= \
- X checkpc.o global.o printcap.o errormsg.o setup_test.o utils.o \
- X lockfile.o getopt.o
- SRCcheckpc= \
- X ${SRC}/checkpc.c ${SRC}/global.c ${SRC}/printcap.c ${SRC}/errormsg.c \
- X ${SRC}/setup_test.c ${SRC}/utils.c ${SRC}/lockfile.c ${SRC}/getopt.c
- checkpc: $(DEPcheckpc)
- X ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o checkpc $(DEPcheckpc)
- DEPpac= \
- X pac.o global.o printcap.o errormsg.o setup_test.o \
- X getopt.o getprinter.o utils.o lockfile.o
- SRCpac= \
- X ${SRC}/pac.c ${SRC}/global.c ${SRC}/printcap.c ${SRC}/errormsg.c \
- X ${SRC}/setup_test.c ${SRC}/getopt.c ${SRC}/getprinter.c ${SRC}/utils.c \
- X ${SRC}/lockfile.c
- pac: $(DEPpac)
- X ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o pac $(DEPpac)
- X#
- X# Object - Source dependencies
- X#
- banner.o: $(SRC)/banner.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/banner.c
- checkpc.o: $(SRC)/checkpc.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/checkpc.c
- checkperm.o: $(SRC)/checkperm.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/checkperm.c
- control_ops.o: $(SRC)/control_ops.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/control_ops.c
- displayq.o: $(SRC)/displayq.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/displayq.c
- errormsg.o: $(SRC)/errormsg.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/errormsg.c
- find_name.o: $(SRC)/find_name.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/find_name.c
- getprinter.o: $(SRC)/getprinter.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/getprinter.c
- getopt.o: $(SRC)/getopt.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/getopt.c
- global.o: $(SRC)/global.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/global.c
- link_support.o: $(SRC)/link_support.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/link_support.c
- localprinter.o: $(SRC)/localprinter.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/localprinter.c
- lockfile.o: $(SRC)/lockfile.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lockfile.c
- lpc.o: $(SRC)/lpc.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lpc.c
- lpd.o: $(SRC)/lpd.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lpd.c
- lpr.o: $(SRC)/lpr.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lpr.c
- lprm.o: $(SRC)/lprm.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lprm.c
- lpq.o: $(SRC)/lpq.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lpq.c
- lpr_canprint.o: $(SRC)/lpr_canprint.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lpr_canprint.c
- lpr_filters.o: $(SRC)/lpr_filters.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lpr_filters.c
- lpr_global.o: $(SRC)/lpr_global.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lpr_global.c
- lpr_job.o: $(SRC)/lpr_job.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lpr_job.c
- lpr_parms.o: $(SRC)/lpr_parms.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lpr_parms.c
- lpr_temp.o: $(SRC)/lpr_temp.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/lpr_temp.c
- mexecv.o: $(SRC)/mexecv.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/mexecv.c
- pac.o: $(SRC)/pac.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/pac.c
- print_support.o: $(SRC)/print_support.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/print_support.c
- printcap.o: $(SRC)/printcap.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/printcap.c
- recvfiles.o: $(SRC)/recvfiles.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/recvfiles.c
- remote_ops.o: $(SRC)/remote_ops.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/remote_ops.c
- remoteprinter.o: $(SRC)/remoteprinter.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/remoteprinter.c
- rmjob.o: $(SRC)/rmjob.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/rmjob.c
- sendmail.o: $(SRC)/sendmail.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/sendmail.c
- servicereq.o: $(SRC)/servicereq.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/servicereq.c
- setstatus.o: $(SRC)/setstatus.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/setstatus.c
- setup_filter.o: $(SRC)/setup_filter.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/setup_filter.c
- setup_test.o: $(SRC)/setup_test.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/setup_test.c
- startserver.o: $(SRC)/startserver.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/startserver.c
- startprinter.o: $(SRC)/startprinter.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/startprinter.c
- termclear.o: $(SRC)/termclear.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/termclear.c
- utils.o: $(SRC)/utils.c
- X ${COMPILE} ${SRC}/utils.c
- X#
- X# Installation of commands
- X#
- install: all
- X install -s -c -o root -m u=sxr,g=xr,o=xr lpd ${LIB}
- X install -s -c -o root -m u=sxr,g=xr,o=xr lpq ${BIN}
- X install -s -c -o root -m u=sxr,g=xr,o=xr lprm ${BIN}
- X install -s -c -o root -m u=sxr,g=xr,o=xr lpc ${MAINTDIR}
- X install -s -c -o root -m u=sxr,g=xr,o=xr lpr ${BIN}
- X install -s -c -o root pac ${MAINTDIR}
- X install -s -c -o root checkpc ${MAINTDIR}
- X
- remove:
- X rm -f ${LIB}/lpd
- X rm -f ${BIN}/lpq
- X rm -f ${BIN}/lprm
- X rm -f ${MAINTDIR}/lpc
- X rm -f ${BIN}/lpr
- X rm -f ${MAINTDIR}/pac
- X rm -f ${MAINTDIR}/checkpc
- X#
- X# Lint dependencies
- X#
- X
- lint: $(LNT)/lpd $(LNT)/lpr $(LNT)/lpq $(LNT)/lprm \
- X $(LNT)/lpc $(LNT)/checkpc $(LNT)/pac
- X
- X$(LNT)/lpd: $(SRClpd)
- X lint ${LINTFLAGS} $(SRClpd) ${LINTFILTER} > $(LNT)/lpd
- X
- X$(LNT)/lpr: $(SRClpr)
- X lint ${LINTFLAGS} $(SRClpr) ${LINTFILTER} > $(LNT)/lpr
- X
- X$(LNT)/lpq: $(SRClpq)
- X lint ${LINTFLAGS} $(SRClpq) ${LINTFILTER} > $(LNT)/lpq
- X
- X$(LNT)/lprm: $(SRClprm)
- X lint ${LINTFLAGS} $(SRClprm) ${LINTFILTER} > $(LNT)/lprm
- X
- X$(LNT)/lpc: $(SRClpc)
- X lint ${LINTFLAGS} $(SRClpc) ${LINTFILTER} > $(LNT)/lpc
- X
- X$(LNT)/checkpc: $(SRCcheckpc)
- X lint ${LINTFLAGS} $(SRCcheckpc) ${LINTFILTER} > $(LNT)/checkpc
- X
- X$(LNT)/pac: $(SRCpac)
- X lint ${LINTFLAGS} $(SRCpac) ${LINTFILTER} > $(LNT)/pac
- X
- X#
- X# Miscellaneous
- X#
- clean:
- X -rm -f ${COMMANDS} *.o core ?
- X
- print:
- X @${PRINT} Makefile *.h ${SRCS} | lpr -J lpd
- X
- xref:
- X @${CXREF} *.c | pr -h XREF
- X
- Tags:
- X ctags -t *.c *.h >.ctags_warnings 2>&1
- perms:
- X chown root lp? lp??
- X chmod u=sxr,g=xr,o=xr lp? lp??
- unperms:
- X for i in ${COMMANDS} ; \
- X do \
- X case $$i in \
- X lp? | lp??) \
- X echo $$i ; \
- X cat $$i >x; rm $$i ; mv x $$i; \
- X chmod a+x $$i ; \
- X ;; \
- X esac \
- X done
- test:
- X -rm checkpc.o lpc.o lpd.o lpq.o lpr.o lprm.o pac.o
- if test 12955 -ne `wc -c <'src/Makefile'`; then
- echo shar: \"'src/Makefile'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'src/Makefile'
- fi
- if test -f 'src/global.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/global.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'src/global.c'\" \(14489 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'src/global.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * U. Minnesota LPD Software * Copyright 1987, 1988, Patrick Powell
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * MODULE: globals.c
- X * Definitions of global variables.
- X * NOTE: system dependent, default values defined in lp.h
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * Revision History: Created Sun Jan 3 08:25:42 CST 1988
- X * $Log: global.c,v $
- X * Revision 3.1 88/06/18 09:34:18 papowell
- X * Version 3.0- Distributed Sat Jun 18 1988
- X *
- X * Revision 2.3 88/05/21 10:27:41 papowell
- X * Minor editing
- X *
- X * Revision 2.2 88/05/14 10:18:12 papowell
- X * Use long format for job file names;
- X * Added 'fd', no forward flag;
- X * Control file has to have hostname and origination agree.
- X *
- X * Revision 2.1 88/05/09 10:08:15 papowell
- X * PLP: Released Version
- X *
- X * Revision 1.7 88/05/09 10:03:32 papowell
- X * Revised effects of -h option
- X *
- X * Revision 1.6 88/04/27 20:25:40 papowell
- X * Modified to remove unused variables
- X *
- X * Revision 1.5 88/04/07 12:31:25 papowell
- X *
- X * Revision 1.4 88/03/25 14:59:34 papowell
- X * Debugged Version:
- X * 1. Added the PLP control file first transfer
- X * 2. Checks for MX during file transfers
- X * 3. Found and fixed a mysterious bug involving the SYSLOG facilities;
- X * apparently they open files and then assume that they will stay
- X * open.
- X * 4. Made sure that stdin, stdout, stderr was available at all times.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.3 88/03/11 19:29:31 papowell
- X * Minor Changes, Updates
- X *
- X * Revision 1.2 88/03/05 15:02:05 papowell
- X * Minor Corrections, Lint Problems
- X *
- X * Revision 1.1 88/03/01 11:08:27 papowell
- X * Initial revision
- X *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X#ifndef lint
- static char id_str1[] =
- X "$Header: global.c,v 3.1 88/06/18 09:34:18 papowell Exp $ PLP Copyright 1988 Patrick Powell";
- X#endif lint
- X
- X#include "lp.h"
- X
- X/*************************************************************************
- X * global variables
- X *************************************************************************/
- X
- char *Name; /* program Name (argv[0]) */
- char *Printer; /* Printer Name, set for a queue handler */
- char Host[64]; /* Host machine name */
- char *From; /* client's machine Name */
- char *Person; /* Name of Person making request */
- XFILE *Lfd; /* lock file file descriptor */
- char *First_name; /* first name in printcap entry */
- int Debug; /* Debugging level */
- int Echo_on_stdout; /* error messages on stdout and stderr */
- int Errorcode = 2; /* exit() value for fatal termination */
- struct parm Parms[MAXPARMS]; /* character parameters */
- int Parmcount; /* number of requests */
- char Last_errormsg[BUFSIZ]; /* last errormessage */
- struct queue *Jobentry; /* current job entry in queue */
- int Request; /* current lpd request code */
- int Print_fd; /* output printer file descriptor */
- char CFparm[26][MAXPARMLEN+1]; /* parameters read from control file */
- struct queue *Queue; /* Getq generates a vector of jobs */
- int Jobcount; /* and returns the number of jobs */
- int Short_format; /* short status format */
- int Rec_cnt; /* number of files in a job */
- int Is_root; /* is this the root user? */
- int Is_local; /* doing this locally or remotely? */
- struct stat LO_statb; /* used to stat lockfile */
- int Daemon_uid; /* daemon UID */
- int Daemon_gid; /* daemon GID */
- X
- X/******************************************************************
- X * Definitions for the printcap variables.
- X ******************************************************************/
- X
- int AB; /* Always have a banner flag, ignore lpr -h option */
- char *AF; /* accounting file */
- int BK; /* Berkeley compatible remote and local */
- char *BP; /* banner printer filter */
- int BR; /* baud rate if lp is a tty */
- int CO; /* cost of printing in dollars per thousand pages */
- char *EP; /* end printer filter */
- int FC; /* flags to clear if lp is a tty */
- int FD; /* No forwarding, accept only from original site */
- char *FF; /* form feed string */
- int FJ; /* send control file first to remote site */
- int FO; /* print a form feed when device is opened */
- int FQ; /* form feed on quitting */
- int FS; /* flags to set if lp is a tty */
- char *FX; /* allowable formats */
- char *LD; /* leader string on opening */
- char *LF; /* log file for error messages */
- int LH; /* use long host name */
- char *LN; /* group allowed to use links */
- char *LO; /* lock file Name */
- char *LP; /* line Printer device Name */
- int MC; /* maximum number of copies allowed */
- int MX; /* maximum number of blocks to copy */
- int NW; /* Networked file system, do not make copies */
- int PL; /* page length */
- char *PR; /* pr program Name Name */
- char *PS; /* Printer status file Name */
- int PW; /* page width */
- int PX; /* page width in pixels */
- int PY; /* page length in pixels */
- char *QH; /* queue handler */
- char *RG; /* restrict use to group */
- char *RM; /* remote machine Name */
- char *RP; /* remote Printer Name */
- int RT; /* max retries */
- int RW; /* open LP for reading and writing */
- int SB; /* short banner instead of normal header */
- int SC; /* suppress multiple copies */
- char *SD; /* spool directory */
- int SF; /* suppress FF on each print job */
- int SH; /* suppress header page */
- char *SS; /* name of queue that the server serves */
- char *ST; /* status file Name */
- char *SV; /* names of servers */
- char *TR; /* trailer string to be output when Q empties */
- char *TY; /* terminal characteristics, stty options */
- int XC; /* flags to clear for local mode */
- int XS; /* flags to set for local mode */
- char *XU; /* restrict use to users with perms in file */
- char *XT; /* check format in string for printable text only */
- X/*
- X * filter arguments are indexed by first letter of the filter Name.
- X * For example:
- X * "if=/usr/lib/iffilter" -> Filter_name['i'-'a']
- X */
- char *Filter_name[26];
- X/*
- X * Prefilter arguments are indexed by first letter of the filter Name,
- X * as for the filters
- X */
- char *Prefilter_name[26];
- X
- X/*************************************************************************
- X * Printcap Entries, Defaults, and Variables
- X * The All_pc_vars[] and Status_pc_vars[] arrays contain the Names
- X * of the printcap entries, the type of entry, the default value,
- X * and the variable which is set by the entry.
- X * The array is sorted by the printcap entry.
- X *************************************************************************/
- X
- PC_ENTRY All_pc_vars[] = {
- X{ "ab", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&AB },
- X{ "ae", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['a'-'a'] },
- X{ "af", PC_STRING, 0, DEFACCT, &AF },
- X{ "be", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['b'-'a'] },
- X{ "bf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['b'-'a'] },
- X{ "bk", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&BK },
- X{ "bp", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &BP },
- X{ "br", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&BR },
- X{ "ce", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['c'-'a'] },
- X{ "cf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['c'-'a'] },
- X{ "co", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&CO },
- X{ "de", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['d'-'a'] },
- X{ "df", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['d'-'a'] },
- X{ "ee", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['e'-'a'] },
- X{ "ef", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['e'-'a'] },
- X{ "ep", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &EP },
- X{ "fc", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&FC },
- X{ "fd", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&FD },
- X{ "ff", PC_STRING, 0, DEFFF, &FF },
- X{ "fj", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&FJ },
- X{ "fo", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&FO },
- X{ "fq", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&FQ },
- X{ "fs", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&FS },
- X{ "fx", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &FX },
- X{ "ge", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['g'-'a'] },
- X{ "gf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['g'-'a'] },
- X{ "he", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['h'-'a'] },
- X{ "hf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['h'-'a'] },
- X{ "ie", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['i'-'a'] },
- X{ "if", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['i'-'a'] },
- X{ "je", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['j'-'a'] },
- X{ "jf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['j'-'a'] },
- X{ "ke", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['k'-'a'] },
- X{ "kf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['k'-'a'] },
- X{ "le", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['l'-'a'] },
- X{ "lf", PC_STRING, 0, DEFLOGF, &LF },
- X{ "lh", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&LH },
- X{ "ln", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &LN },
- X{ "lo", PC_STRING, 0, DEFLOCK, &LO },
- X{ "lp", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &LP },
- X{ "mc", PC_NUM, DEFMAXCOPIES, 0, (char **)&MC },
- X{ "me", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['m'-'a'] },
- X{ "mf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['m'-'a'] },
- X{ "mx", PC_NUM, DEFMX, 0, (char **)&MX },
- X{ "ne", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['n'-'a'] },
- X{ "nf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['n'-'a'] },
- X{ "nw", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&NW },
- X{ "oe", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['o'-'a'] },
- X{ "of", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['o'-'a'] },
- X{ "pe", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['p'-'a'] },
- X{ "pf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['p'-'a'] },
- X{ "pl", PC_NUM, DEFLENGTH, 0, (char **)&PL },
- X{ "pr", PC_STRING, 0, DEFPR, &PR },
- X{ "ps", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &PS },
- X{ "pw", PC_NUM, DEFWIDTH, 0, (char **)&PW },
- X{ "px", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&PX },
- X{ "py", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&PY },
- X{ "qe", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['q'-'a'] },
- X{ "qf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['q'-'a'] },
- X{ "qh", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &QH },
- X{ "re", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['r'-'a'] },
- X{ "rf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['r'-'a'] },
- X{ "rg", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &RG },
- X{ "rm", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &RM },
- X{ "rp", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &RP },
- X{ "rt", PC_NUM, DEFRETRY, 0, (char **)&RT },
- X{ "rw", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&RW },
- X{ "sb", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&SB },
- X{ "sc", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&SC },
- X{ "sd", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &SD },
- X{ "se", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['s'-'a'] },
- X{ "sf", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&SF },
- X{ "sh", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&SH },
- X{ "ss", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &SS },
- X{ "st", PC_STRING, 0, DEFSTAT, &ST },
- X{ "sv", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &SV },
- X{ "te", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['t'-'a'] },
- X{ "tf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['t'-'a'] },
- X{ "tr", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &TR },
- X{ "ty", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &TY },
- X{ "ue", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['u'-'a'] },
- X{ "uf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['u'-'a'] },
- X{ "ve", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['v'-'a'] },
- X{ "vf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['v'-'a'] },
- X{ "we", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['w'-'a'] },
- X{ "wf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['w'-'a'] },
- X{ "xc", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&XC },
- X{ "xe", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['x'-'a'] },
- X{ "xf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['x'-'a'] },
- X{ "xs", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&XS },
- X{ "xt", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &XT },
- X{ "xu", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &XU },
- X{ "ye", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['y'-'a'] },
- X{ "yf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['y'-'a'] },
- X{ "ze", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Prefilter_name['z'-'a'] },
- X{ "zf", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &Filter_name['z'-'a'] }
- X};
- X
- int All_pc_len = sizeof(All_pc_vars)/sizeof(PC_ENTRY);
- X
- X/**************************************************************************
- X * Status_pc_vars[]
- X * status checking uses only a subset of all the printcap entries
- X **************************************************************************/
- PC_ENTRY Status_pc_vars[] = {
- X{ "af", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &AF },
- X{ "co", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&CO },
- X{ "fd", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&FD },
- X{ "lf", PC_STRING, 0, DEFLOGF, &LF },
- X{ "lh", PC_NUM, 0, 0, (char **)&LH },
- X{ "lo", PC_STRING, 0, DEFLOCK, &LO },
- X{ "lp", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &LP },
- X{ "mx", PC_NUM, DEFMX, 0, (char **)&MX },
- X{ "nw", PC_FLAG, 0, 0, (char **)&NW },
- X{ "ps", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &PS },
- X{ "rg", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &RG },
- X{ "rm", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &RM },
- X{ "rp", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &RP },
- X{ "sd", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &SD },
- X{ "ss", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &SS },
- X{ "st", PC_STRING, 0, DEFSTAT, &ST },
- X{ "sv", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &SV },
- X{ "xu", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &XU }
- X};
- int Status_pc_len = sizeof(Status_pc_vars)/sizeof(PC_ENTRY);
- X
- X/**************************************************************************
- X * Server_pc_vars[]
- X * just used to get a select set of server information
- X **************************************************************************/
- PC_ENTRY Server_pc_vars[] = {
- X{ "ps", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &PS },
- X{ "ss", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &SS },
- X{ "st", PC_STRING, 0, DEFSTAT, &ST },
- X{ "sv", PC_STRING, 0, 0, &SV }
- X};
- X
- int Server_pc_len = sizeof(Server_pc_vars)/sizeof(PC_ENTRY);
- X/*
- X * Location of LPD and LPR dependent files
- X * Note that this will get updated to site dependent versions.
- X */
- char Masterlock[MAXPATHLEN] = RMASTERLOCK;
- int Lpr_port_num; /* port number to connect to */
- int Maxportno = RMAXPORTNO;
- int Minportno = RMINPORTNO;
- char Permfile[MAXPATHLEN] = RPERMFILE;
- char Printcap[MAXPATHLEN] = RPRINTCAP;
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * SYSLOG.H -- declarations for system logging program
- X *
- X * These are used as the first parameter to logmsg().
- X * Their meanings are approximately as follows:
- X *
- X * LOG_ERR -- these represent error conditions, such as soft
- X * disk failures, etc.
- X * LOG_CRIT -- such messages contain critical information,
- X * but which can not be classed as errors, for example,
- X * 'su' attempts.
- X * LOG_WARNING -- issued when an abnormal condition has been
- X * detected, but recovery can take place.
- X * LOG_NOTICE -- something that falls in the class of
- X * "important information"; this class is informational
- X * but important enough that you don't want to throw
- X * it away casually.
- X * LOG_INFO -- information level messages. These messages
- X * could be thrown away without problems, but should
- X * be included if you want to keep a close watch on
- X * your system.
- X * LOG_DEBUG -- it may be useful to log certain Debugging
- X * information. Normally this will be thrown away.
- X */
- X
- X#ifdef NOSYSLOG
- X
- X/* defines for priorities */
- X#define LOG_ERR 4 /* synonym of LOG_ERROR */
- X#define LOG_CRIT 5 /* critical information */
- X#define LOG_WARNING 6 /* warning */
- X#define LOG_NOTICE 7 /* important information */
- X#define LOG_INFO 8 /* informational message */
- X#define LOG_DEBUG 9 /* Debug level info */
- X
- X#else
- X#include <syslog.h>
- X#endif
- X
- int XLOG_ERR = LOG_ERR; /* synonym of LOG_ERROR */
- int XLOG_CRIT = LOG_CRIT; /* critical information */
- int XLOG_WARNING = LOG_WARNING; /* warning */
- int XLOG_NOTICE = LOG_NOTICE; /* important information */
- int XLOG_INFO = LOG_INFO; /* informational message */
- int XLOG_DEBUG = LOG_DEBUG; /* Debug level info */
- if test 14489 -ne `wc -c <'src/global.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'src/global.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'src/global.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'src/lockfile.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/lockfile.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'src/lockfile.c'\" \(12577 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'src/lockfile.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * U. Minnesota LPD Software * Copyright 1987, 1988, Patrick Powell
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * MODULE: lockfile.c
- X * lock file manipulation procedures.
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * Revision History: Created Sat Jan 2 06:59:04 CST 1988
- X * $Log: lockfile.c,v $
- X * Revision 3.1 88/06/18 09:34:27 papowell
- X * Version 3.0- Distributed Sat Jun 18 1988
- X *
- X * Revision 2.2 88/05/19 10:34:01 papowell
- X * Fixed open() calls to have a 0 parameter, ie: open(f, perms, 0), where needed
- X *
- X * Revision 2.1 88/05/09 10:08:33 papowell
- X * PLP: Released Version
- X *
- X * Revision 1.6 88/05/03 11:45:45 papowell
- X * Added LOCKF and FLOCK support
- X *
- X * Revision 1.5 88/04/28 10:04:42 papowell
- X * minor definitions to keep lint happy
- X *
- X * Revision 1.4 88/04/27 20:23:42 papowell
- X * Added flock() and lockf() functionality
- X *
- X * Revision 1.3 88/04/06 12:13:32 papowell
- X * Minor updates, changes in error message formats.
- X * Elimination of the AF_UNIX connections, use AF_INET only.
- X * Better error messages.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.2 88/03/25 14:59:49 papowell
- X * Debugged Version:
- X * 1. Added the PLP control file first transfer
- X * 2. Checks for MX during file transfers
- X * 3. Found and fixed a mysterious bug involving the SYSLOG facilities;
- X * apparently they open files and then assume that they will stay
- X * open.
- X * 4. Made sure that stdin, stdout, stderr was available at all times.
- X *
- X * Revision 1.1 88/03/01 11:08:33 papowell
- X * Initial revision
- X *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X#ifndef lint
- static char id_str1[] =
- X "$Header: lockfile.c,v 3.1 88/06/18 09:34:27 papowell Exp $ PLP Copyright 1988 Patrick Powell";
- X#endif lint
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * File Locking Routines:
- X * FILE * Lockcf( char *filename )
- X * locks the indicated file if it exists
- X * Returns: a FILE * for RW if successful, NULL otherwise;
- X * FILE * Readlockfile(char *filename,int *pid,char *str,int len,struct stat *s)
- X * reads the information in the lock file.
- X * int Checklockfile(char *filename,int *pid,char *str,int len,struct stat *s)
- X * Checks for the presence of a server by using kill(0,pid).
- X * Returns 1 if server present, 0 if not.
- X * Side Effect: if the server is present, returns PID and string from file
- X * in pid and str, stats the file as well
- X * FILE * Getlockfile(char *filename,int *pid,char *str,int len,struct stat *s)
- X * locks the indicated file;
- X * Returns a FILE * if successful, NULL otherwise;
- X * Side Effect: if the file is locked, returns PID and string from file
- X * in pid and str, stats the file as well
- X * Setlockfile( FILE *fp; int pid; char *str);
- X * write PID and str into the file
- X * Closelockfile( FILE *fp );
- X * truncates the lock file and closes it.
- X * int Exlockcf( char *filename )
- X * creates and locks the file.
- X * Returns: FILE * for writing, NULL if file exists and is locked
- X ***************************************************************************
- X * Lock File Manipulation:
- X * Each active server has a lock file, which it uses to record its
- X * activity. The lock file is created and then locked;
- X * the deamon will place its PID and an activity in the lock file.
- X * Programs wanting to know the server status will read the file.
- X * Note: only active server, not status programs, will lock the file.
- X * This prevents a status program from locking out a server.
- X * Note that the information in the status file may be stale, as the
- X * may update the file without the knowledge of the checker. This
- X * appears to be a small price to pay; the only place where it may
- X * have an effect is when a job is being removed.
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X#include "lp.h"
- extern long lseek();
- static int do_lock();
- X
- Lockcf( filename )
- X char *filename; /* Name of file */
- X{
- X int fd; /* fd for file descriptor */
- X FILE *fp; /* fp for FILE * */
- X int lock; /* lock status */
- X
- X /*
- X * Open the lock file for RW
- X */
- X fp = NULL;
- X if( (fd = open_daemon(filename, O_RDWR, 0)) < 0 ){
- X logerr(XLOG_DEBUG,"Lockcf: cannot open file %s", filename);
- X } else if( fd < 3 ){
- X fatal( XLOG_CRIT, "Lockcf: open '%s' fd is %d", filename, fd);
- X } else if( (lock = do_lock(fd, filename)) < 0) {
- X logerr_die( XLOG_CRIT, "Lockcf: lock '%s' failed", filename);
- X } else if( lock == 0 ){
- X if(Debug>3)logerr( XLOG_DEBUG, "Lockcf: lock failed '%s' active",
- X filename);
- X (void)close( fd );
- X fd = -1;
- X } else if( (fp = fdopen( fd, "r+")) == NULL ){
- X logerr_die( XLOG_CRIT, "Lockcf: fdopen '%s' failed", filename);
- X }
- X if(Debug>5)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"Lockcf: file '%s', fd %d", filename, fd );
- X return( fp );
- X}
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * File *Readlockfile( .... )
- X * Utility function used by Getlockfile and Checklockfile
- X * Implements the lock manipulation and reading of the lock file.
- X ***************************************************************************/
- Readlockfile( filename, pid, str, len, sb )
- X char *filename; /* Name of file */
- X int *pid; /* pid */
- X char *str; /* string */
- X int len; /* max string length */
- X struct stat *sb; /* stat buffer */
- X{
- X int fd; /* file descriptor */
- X FILE *fp = NULL; /* stream */
- X int p; /* ACME Integer and Buggy Works, Inc. */
- X char buffer[BUFSIZ]; /* holds the pid read from file */
- X char *cp; /* ACME Pointer, Inc. */
- X struct stat s; /* try stating first */
- X
- X /*
- X * Open the lock file, creating if necessary
- X */
- X if(Debug>4)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"Readlockfile: lockfile '%s'", filename );
- X if( (fd = open_daemon(filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644) ) < 0 ){
- X logerr_die(XLOG_DEBUG,
- X "Readlockfile: cannot create lock file '%s'", filename);
- X }
- X /*
- X * check to see that you are not clobbering stdin, stdout, stderr
- X */
- X if( fd < 3 ){
- X fatal( XLOG_CRIT, "Readlockfile: open '%s' fd is %d", filename, fd);
- X }
- X /*
- X * need a FILE * for stdio
- X */
- X if( (fp = fdopen( fd, "r+" )) == NULL ){
- X logerr_die(XLOG_CRIT,"Readlockfile: fdopen '%s' failed",filename);
- X }
- X /*
- X * stat the file for use by others
- X */
- X if( fstat( fd, &s ) < 0 ){
- X logerr_die( XLOG_INFO,"Readlockfile: fstat '%s' failed", filename);
- X }
- X if( sb ){
- X *sb = s;
- X }
- X if(Debug>4)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"Readlockfile: %s, perms 0%o",
- X filename,s.st_mode);
- X /* read the process number */
- X if( fseek( fp, 0L, 0 ) < 0 ){
- X logerr_die( XLOG_INFO,"Readlockfile: fseek '%s' failed", filename);
- X }
- X p = 0;
- X if( fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp ) ){
- X p = atoi( buffer );
- X }
- X if(Debug>2)log(XLOG_DEBUG, "Readlockfile: '%s' pid %d len %d",
- X filename,p, s.st_size);
- X if( fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp ) ){
- X if( cp = index(buffer, '\n') ){
- X *cp = 0;
- X }
- X if(Debug>2)log(XLOG_DEBUG, "Readlockfile: info '%s'", buffer );
- X if( str ){
- X (void)strncpy(str,buffer,len);
- X }
- X }
- X if( pid ){
- X *pid = p;
- X }
- X if( fseek( fp, 0L, 0 ) < 0 ){
- X logerr_die( XLOG_INFO,"Readlockfile: fseek '%s' failed", filename);
- X }
- X return( fp );
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * int Checklockfile( ... )
- X * Calls Readlockfile() to read the interesting information, passes
- X * things onwards.
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- Checklockfile( filename, pid, str, len, sb )
- X char *filename; /* Name of file */
- X int *pid; /* pid */
- X char *str; /* string */
- X int len; /* max string length */
- X struct stat *sb; /* stat buffer */
- X{
- X FILE *fp; /* stream */
- X int p; /* ACME Integer and Buggy Works, Inc. */
- X /*
- X * Read the information
- X */
- X fp = Readlockfile( filename, &p, str, len, sb );
- X /* check to see if deamon present by using KILL */
- X if( p != 0 && kill( p, 0 ) < 0 ){
- X if(Debug>4)log(XLOG_DEBUG, "Checklockfile: server %d not present", p );
- X /* sigh... not present */
- X p = 0;
- X }
- X if( pid ){
- X *pid = p;
- X }
- X if( fp ){
- X (void)fclose( fp );
- X }
- X if(Debug>2)log(XLOG_DEBUG, "Checklockfile: %s server %d", filename,p );
- X return( p );
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * FILE * Getlockfile( ... )
- X * Calls Readlockfile() to read the interesting information, passes
- X * things onwards. Will try to lock the file; if it fails, assume status
- X * correct. Slight race condition here.
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- Getlockfile( filename, pid, str, len, statb )
- X char *filename; /* Name of file */
- X int *pid; /* pid */
- X char *str; /* string */
- X int len; /* max string length */
- X struct stat *statb; /* status buffer */
- X{
- X FILE *fp; /* lockfile */
- X int p;
- X int lock;
- X
- X fp = Readlockfile( filename, &p, str, len, statb );
- X if( pid ){
- X *pid = p;
- X }
- X if( fp != NULL ){
- X if( (lock = do_lock(fileno(fp), filename) ) < 0) {
- X logerr_die( XLOG_CRIT, "Getlockfile: lock '%s' failed", filename);
- X } else if( lock == 0 ){
- X if(Debug>3)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"Getlockfile: locked by %d",p);
- X (void)fclose( fp );
- X fp = NULL;
- X }
- X }
- X if(Debug>2)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"Getlockfile: %s %s",
- X filename,fp!=NULL?"success":"fail");
- X return( fp );
- X}
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * Setlockfile( FILE *lockfile; int pid; char *str )
- X * will write things into the lock file
- X * This has the format:
- X * line 1: pid\n
- X * line 2: string\n
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- Setlockfile(name, fp, pid, str)
- X char *name;
- X FILE *fp;
- X int pid;
- X char *str;
- X{
- X /* clear the lock file */
- X if( fseek(fp, 0L, 0) < 0 ){
- X logerr_die( XLOG_CRIT, "Setlockfile: fseek failed %s",name);
- X }
- X if( ftruncate(fileno(fp), (off_t)0) < 0 ){
- X logerr_die( XLOG_CRIT, "Setlockfile: ftruncate failed %s", name);
- X }
- X if( fprintf( fp, "%d\n%s\n", pid, str?str:"" ) == EOF ){
- X logerr_die( XLOG_CRIT, "Setlockfile: fprintf failed %s", name);
- X }
- X if( fflush( fp ) == EOF ){
- X logerr_die( XLOG_CRIT, "Setlockfile: fflush failed %s", name);
- X }
- X if(Debug>4)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"Setlockfile: %s (%d), %s",name,pid,
- X str?str:"(nil)");
- X}
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * Closelockfile( FILE *lockfile)
- X * Truncate the file.
- X ***************************************************************************/
- Closelockfile(name, fp )
- X char *name;
- X FILE *fp;
- X{
- X if(Debug>4)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"Closelockfile: closing %s", name );
- X if( fp == NULL ){
- X return;
- X }
- X /* clear the lock file */
- X (void)fflush(fp);
- X if( ftruncate(fileno(fp), (off_t)0) < 0 ){
- X logerr( XLOG_CRIT, "Closelockfile: cannot truncate %s", name);
- X return;
- X }
- X if( fclose( fp ) == EOF ){
- X logerr( XLOG_CRIT, "Closelockfile: fclose failed %s", name);
- X return;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * int Exlockcf( char *userfile )
- X * Create a user file in the directory and lock it. Prevents things
- X * from getting confused.
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- XExlockcf( filename )
- X char *filename; /* Name of file */
- X{
- X int fd; /* fd for file descriptor */
- X int lock;
- X
- X /*
- X * Open the lock file, creating if necessary
- X */
- X fd = open_daemon(filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, FILMOD);
- X if (fd < 0) {
- X logerr_die(XLOG_DEBUG,"EXlockcf: cannot create file %s", filename);
- X }
- X if( (lock = do_lock(fd, filename)) < 0) {
- X logerr_die( XLOG_CRIT, "Exlockcf: lock '%s' failed", filename);
- X } else if( lock == 0 ){
- X if(Debug>4)log( XLOG_DEBUG, "Exlockcf: '%s' locked", filename);
- X (void)close( fd );
- X fd = -1;
- X } else if( ftruncate( fd, (off_t)0) < 0 ){
- X logerr_die( XLOG_CRIT, "Exlockcf: cannot truncate %s", filename);
- X }
- X return( fd );
- X}
- X
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * do_lock( fd , char *filename)
- X * does a lock on a file;
- X * Returns: 1 if successful; 0 if locked; -1 otherwise
- X ***************************************************************************/
- static int
- do_lock( fd, filename )
- X int fd;
- X char *filename;
- X{
- X int code;
- X
- X code = -1;
- X if(Debug>5)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"do_lock: file %s, fd %d", filename, fd );
- X#ifndef NO_LOCKF
- X /*
- X * want to try F_TLOCK
- X */
- X if( lockf(fd, F_TLOCK, 0L) < 0) {
- X code = 0;
- X } else {
- X code = 1;
- X }
- X#else
- X if( flock(fd, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) < 0) {
- X if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK){
- X code = 0;
- X }
- X } else {
- X code = 1;
- X }
- X#endif NO_LOCKF
- X if(Debug>5)log(XLOG_DEBUG,"do_lock: status %d", code );
- X return( code );
- X}
- if test 12577 -ne `wc -c <'src/lockfile.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'src/lockfile.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'src/lockfile.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 9 \(of 16\).
- cp /dev/null ark9isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 16 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0