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- From: decvax!tektronix!aeolus!bobl
- Subject: choose -- a program to select lines at random
- Newsgroups: mod.sources
- Approved: john@genrad.UUCP
- Mod.sources: Volume 2, Issue 36
- Submitted by: tektronix!teklds!bobl (Bob Lewis)
- #!/bin/sh-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
- # shar: Shell Archiver
- # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
- # README # choose.1 # choose.c
- cat - << \SHAR_EOF > README
- Here is a program "choose" to select randomly lines from files. Simply
- compile it as
- cc -O -o choose choose.c
- The program works under 4.2bsd and should also work under UTek. Thanks to
- Nigel Horspool (uvicctr!nigelh), Brad Needham (tekig4!bradn), and everyone
- else who answered my earlier query on "random(3)".
- - Bob Lewis
- ...!tektronix!teklds!bobl
- cat - << \SHAR_EOF > choose.1
- .TH CHOOSE 1 "7 August 1985"
- .UC 4
- choose \- randomly select one or more lines
- .B choose
- [
- .BI \- n
- ]
- [
- .I file ...
- ]
- .I Choose
- randomly chooses lines from its input
- .IR file s
- (default: standard input).
- All such files are concatenated together before the selection takes
- place.
- .PP
- The command line option is:
- .TP
- .BI \- n
- Select
- .I n
- lines from the input (default: 1).
- To build your own version of
- .IR fortune (1),
- put each saying in a file in the directory "wisdom" and then execute
- .IP
- cat `ls wisdom/* | choose`
- /tmp/choose.*
- Bob Lewis, CAE Systems Division, Tektronix
- cat - << \SHAR_EOF > choose.c
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- char *ProgName;
- #define FN_TMP_TEMPLATE "/tmp/choose.XXXXXX"
- char *FnTmp;
- FILE *FpTmp;
- main(NArg, Arg)
- int NArg;
- char *Arg[];
- {
- char Ch;
- int NToChoose = 1;
- int NSample;
- FILE *Fp, *efopen();
- char *mktemp();
- ProgName = *Arg++;
- if (NArg > 1 && Arg[0][0] == '-') {
- NToChoose = atoi(&Arg[0][1]);
- if (NToChoose <= 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-<#> [<file>]...]\n", ProgName);
- exit(1);
- }
- Arg++;
- }
- FnTmp = mktemp(FN_TMP_TEMPLATE);
- FpTmp = efopen(FnTmp, "w+");
- if (*Arg != NULL) {
- NSample = 0;
- while (*Arg != NULL) {
- Fp = efopen(*Arg++, "r");
- NSample += DupCount(Fp, FpTmp);
- fclose(Fp);
- }
- } else
- NSample = DupCount(stdin, FpTmp);
- if (NToChoose > NSample) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't choose %d from %d.\n",
- ProgName, NToChoose, NSample);
- Bye(1);
- }
- InitRandom();
- rewind(FpTmp);
- for (;;) {
- #ifdef random_is_fixed
- if ((random() % NSample) < NToChoose) {
- #else
- /*
- * According to uvicctr!nigelh, the low order bits of random()
- * are not very random, hence... (this limits us to fewer than
- * 2^28 lines of input. oh well.)
- */
- if (((random() >> 4) % NSample) < NToChoose) {
- #endif
- while ((Ch = getc(FpTmp)) != '\n' && Ch != EOF)
- putchar(Ch);
- putchar('\n');
- NToChoose--;
- if (NToChoose <= 0)
- Bye(0);
- } else {
- while ((Ch = getc(FpTmp)) != '\n' && Ch != EOF)
- ;
- if (Ch == EOF) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unexpected EOF\n", ProgName);
- Bye(1);
- }
- }
- NSample--;
- }
- }
- Bye(Stat) /* get rid of temp file and exit */
- int Stat;
- {
- fclose(FpTmp);
- unlink(FnTmp);
- exit(Stat);
- }
- FILE *efopen(file, mode) /* open file, die if can't (from K&P) */
- char *file, *mode;
- {
- FILE *fp, *fopen();
- extern char *ProgName;
- if ((fp = fopen(file, mode)) != NULL)
- return fp;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open file %s mode %s\n", ProgName, file, mode);
- exit(1);
- }
- int DupCount(FpFrom, FpTo) /* duplicate file and count lines */
- FILE *FpFrom, *FpTo;
- {
- char Ch;
- int NLn = 0;
- while ((Ch = getc(FpFrom)) != EOF) {
- if (Ch == '\n')
- NLn++;
- putc(Ch, FpTo);
- }
- return NLn;
- }
- InitRandom() /* initialize random sequence -- courtesy of tekig4!bradn */
- {
- struct timeval tv;
- struct timezone tz;
- gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
- srandom((int) tv.tv_sec);
- return;
- }