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- Subject: Software Tools in Pascal (Part 3 of 6)
- From: ihnp4!mnetor!clewis (Chris Lewis)
- Newsgroups: mod.sources
- Approved: john@genrad.UUCP
- Mod.sources: Volume 2, Issue 9
- Submitted by: ihnp4!mnetor!clewis (Chris Lewis)
- #!/bin/sh
- echo 'Start of pack.out, part 03 of 06:'
- echo 'x - amatch.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > amatch.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ AMatch -- look for match of pat[i]... at lin[offset]... }
- Xsegment AMatch;
- X%include swtools
- X%include patdef
- X%include matchdef
- X%include metadef
- Xfunction RAMatch (var lin: StringType; offset: Integer;
- X var pat: StringType; j: Integer): Integer;
- X forward;
- Xfunction AMatch;
- Xvar
- X k: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X metaStackPointer := 1;
- X metaIndex := 1;
- X metaTable := nullMetaTable;
- X metaTable[0].first := offset;
- X k := RAMatch(lin, offset, pat, j);
- X metaTable[0].last := k;
- X AMatch := k;
- Xend;
- X{ RAMatch -- new AMatch with metas }
- Xfunction RAMatch;
- Xvar
- X i, k: Integer;
- X metaStackTemp: Integer;
- X done: Boolean;
- Xbegin
- X done := false;
- X while (not done) and (pat[j] <> ENDSTR) do
- X if (pat[j] = CLOSURE) then begin
- X metaStackTemp := metaStackPointer;
- X j := j + PatSize(pat, j);
- X i := offset;
- X {match as many as possible }
- X while (not done) and (lin[i] <> ENDSTR) do
- X if (not OMatch(lin, i, pat, j)) then begin
- X metaStackPointer := metaStackTemp;
- X done := true;
- X end
- X else
- X metaStackTemp := metaStackPointer;
- X { i points to input character that made us fail }
- X { match rest of pattern against rest of input }
- X { shrink closure by 1 after each failure }
- X done := false;
- X while (not done) and (i >= offset) do begin
- X metaStackTemp := metaStackPointer;
- X k := RAMatch(lin, i, pat, j+PatSize(pat, j));
- X if (k > 0) then { matched rest of pattern}
- X done := true
- X else begin
- X metaStackPointer := metaStackTemp;
- X i := i - 1
- X end
- X end;
- X offset := k; { if k = 0 failure, else success }
- X done := true
- X end
- X else if (not OMatch(lin, offset, pat, j)) then begin
- X offset := 0;
- X done := true
- X end
- X else { OMatch succeeded on this pattern element }
- X j := j + PatSize(pat, j);
- X RAMatch := offset
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - default.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > default.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Default -- set Defaulted line numbers }
- Xsegment Default;
- X%include swtools
- X%include editcons
- X%include edittype
- X%include editproc
- X%include editref
- Xfunction Default;
- Xbegin
- X if (nLines = 0) then begin
- X line1 := def1;
- X line2 := def2
- X end;
- X if (line1 > line2) or (line1 <= 0) then
- X status := ERR
- X else
- X status := OK;
- X Default := status
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - eval.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > eval.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Eval -- expand args i..j: do built-in or push back defn }
- Xsegment Eval;
- X%include swtools
- X%include macdefs
- X%include macproc
- Xprocedure Eval;
- Xvar
- X argNo, k, t: Integer;
- X temp: StringType;
- X l,m,n: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X t := argStk[i];
- X if traceing then begin
- X MPutStr('Traceing -$E', STDOUT);
- X case td of
- X MPutStr('define($N$E', STDOUT);
- X MPutStr('expr($N$E', STDOUT);
- X MPutStr('substr($N$E', STDOUT);
- X MPutStr('ifelse($N$E', STDOUT);
- X MPutStr('len($N$E', STDOUT);
- X MPutStr('changeq($N$E', STDOUT)
- X otherwise
- X MPutStr('macro expansion:$N$E', STDOUT);
- X end {case};
- X for l := i + 2 to j do begin
- X CsCopy(evalStk, argStk[l], temp);
- X PutStr(temp, STDOUT);
- X end {for};
- X MPutStr('<<<<<<$N$E', STDOUT);
- X end {if};
- X
- X if (td = DEFTYPE) then
- X DoDef(argStk, i, j)
- X else if (td = EXPRTYPE) then
- X DoExpr(argStk, i, j)
- X else if (td = SUBTYPE) then
- X DoSub(argStk, i, j)
- X else if (td = IFTYPE) then
- X DoIf(argStk, i, j)
- X else if (td = LENTYPE) then
- X DoLen(argStk, i, j)
- X else if (td = CHQTYPE) then
- X DoChq(argStk, i, j)
- X else begin
- X k := t;
- X while (evalStk[k] <> ENDSTR) do
- X k := k + 1;
- X k := k - 1; { last character of data }
- X while (k > t) do begin
- X if (evalStk[k-1] <> ARGFLAG) then
- X PutBack(evalStk[k])
- X else begin
- X argNo := Ord(evalStk[k]) - Ord(DIG0);
- X if (argNo >= 0) and (argNo < j-1) then begin
- X CsCopy(evalStk, argStk[i+argNo+1], temp);
- X PBStr(temp)
- X end {if};
- X k := k - 1 { skip over $ }
- X end {if};
- X k := k - 1
- X end {while};
- X if (k = t) then { do last character }
- X PutBack(evalStk[k])
- X end {if}
- Xend {Eval};
- /
- echo 'x - kwic.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > kwic.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Kwic -- make Keyword in Context index }
- Xprogram Kwic;
- X%include swtools
- X%include cms
- Xconst
- Xvar
- X buf: StringType;
- X tempFile1: FileDesc;
- X tempFile2: FileDesc;
- X fileName: StringType;
- X RCode: Integer;
- X{ Rotate -- output rotated lines }
- Xprocedure Rotate (var buf: StringType; n: Integer);
- Xvar
- X i: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X i := n;
- X while (buf[i] <> NEWLINE) and (buf[i] <> ENDSTR) do begin
- X PutCF(buf[i], tempFile1);
- X i := i + 1
- X end;
- X PutCF(FOLD, tempFile1);
- X for i := 1 to n - 1 do
- X PutCF(buf[i], tempFile1);
- X PutCF(NEWLINE, tempFile1)
- Xend;
- X{ PutRot -- create lines with keyword at front }
- Xprocedure PutRot(var buf: StringType);
- Xvar
- X i: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X i := 1;
- X while (buf[i] <> NEWLINE) and (buf[i] <> ENDSTR) do begin
- X if (IsAlphaNum(buf[i])) then begin
- X Rotate(buf, i); { token starts at "i" }
- X repeat
- X i := i + 1
- X until (not IsAlphaNum(buf[i]))
- X end;
- X i := i + 1
- X end
- Xend;
- X/* temporarily commented out until CMS cmd works
- X{ UnRotate -- Unrotate lines rotated by first half of KWIC }
- Xprocedure UnRotate;
- Xconst
- X MAXOUT = 80;
- X MIDDLE = 40;
- Xvar
- X inBuf, outBuf: StringType;
- X i, j, f: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X while (GetLine(inBuf, tempFile2, MAXSTR)) do begin
- X for i := 1 to MAXOUT -1 do
- X outBuf[i] := BLANK;
- X f := StrIndex(inBuf, FOLD);
- X j := MIDDLE - 1;
- X for i := StrLength(inBuf)-1 downto f+1 do begin
- X outBuf[j] := inBuf[i];
- X j := j - 1;
- X if (j <= 0) then
- X j := MAXOUT - 1
- X end;
- X j := MIDDLE + 3;
- X for i := 1 to f-1 do begin
- X outBuf[j] := inBuf[i];
- X j := j mod (MAXOUT - 1) + 1
- X end;
- X for j := 1 to MAXOUT - 1 do
- X if (outBuf[j] <> BLANK) then
- X i := j;
- X outBuf[i+1] := ENDSTR;
- X PutStr(outBuf, STDOUT);
- X end
- Xend;
- X*/
- X{ Main program for Kwic }
- Xbegin
- X ToolInit;
- X/* Cannot get CMS to call sort properly
- X CvtSST('KWIC1 TEMP A', fileName);
- X tempFile1 := FOpen(fileName, IOWRITE);
- X if tempFile1 = IOERROR then
- X Error('Cannot open first KWIC temporary');
- X*/
- X/* */
- X tempFile1 := STDOUT;
- X/* */
- X while (GetLine(buf, STDIN, MAXSTR)) do
- X PutRot(buf);
- X/*
- X if RCode <> 0 then
- X Error('KWIC: BNRSORT failed');
- X CvtSST('KWIC2 TEMP A', fileName);
- X tempFile2 := FOpen(fileName, IOREAD);
- X if tempFile2 = IOERROR then
- X Error('KWIC: cannot open sorted rotated file');
- X UnRotate
- X*/
- Xend.
- /
- echo 'x - macro.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > macro.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Macro -- expand macros with arguments }
- Xprogram Macro;
- X%include swtools
- X%include macdefs
- X%include macproc
- Xbegin
- X ToolInit;
- X InitMacro;
- X Install(defName, null, DEFTYPE);
- X Install(exprName, null, EXPRTYPE);
- X Install(subName, null, SUBTYPE);
- X Install(ifName, null, IFTYPE);
- X Install(lenName, null, LENTYPE);
- X Install(chqName, null, CHQTYPE);
- X
- X cp := 0;
- X ap := 1;
- X ep := 1;
- X while (GetTok(token, MAXTOK) <> ENDFILE) do
- X if (IsLetter(token[1])) then begin
- X if (not Lookup(token, defn, tokType)) then
- X PutTok(token)
- X else begin
- X cp := cp + 1;
- X if (cp > CALLSIZE) then
- X Error('Macro: call stack overflow');
- X callStk[cp] := ap;
- X typeStk[cp] := tokType;
- X ap := Push(ep, argStk, ap);
- X PutTok(defn); { push definition }
- X PutChr(ENDSTR);
- X ap := Push(ep, argStk, ap);
- X PutTok(token); { stack name }
- X PutChr(ENDSTR);
- X ap := Push(ep, argStk, ap);
- X t := GetTok(token, MAXTOK); { peek at next }
- X PBStr(token);
- X if (t <> LPAREN) then begin { add () }
- X PutBack(RPAREN);
- X PutBack(LPAREN);
- X end;
- X pLev[cp] := 0
- X end
- X end
- X else if (token[1] = lQuote) then begin { strip quotes }
- X nlPar := 1;
- X repeat
- X t := GetTok(token, MAXTOK);
- X if (t = rQuote) then
- X nlPar := nlPar - 1
- X else if (t = lQuote) then
- X nlPar := nlPar + 1
- X else if (t = ENDFILE) then
- X Error('Macro: missing right quote');
- X if nlPar > 0 then
- X PutTok(token)
- X until (nlPar = 0)
- X end
- X else if (cp = 0) then { not in macro at all }
- X PutTok(token)
- X else if (token[1] = LPAREN) then begin
- X if (pLev[cp] > 0) then
- X PutTok(token);
- X pLev[cp] := pLev[cp] + 1
- X end {then}
- X else if (token[1] = RPAREN) then begin
- X pLev[cp] := pLev[cp] - 1;
- X if (pLev[cp] > 0) then
- X PutTok(token)
- X else begin { end of argument list }
- X PutChr(ENDSTR);
- X Eval(argStk, typeStk[cp], callStk[cp], ap - 1);
- X ap := callStk[cp]; { pop eval stack }
- X ep := argStk[ap];
- X cp := cp - 1
- X end
- X end
- X else if (token[1] = COMMA) and (pLev[cp] = 1) then begin
- X PutChr(ENDSTR); { new argument }
- X ap := Push(ep, argStk, ap)
- X end {then}
- X else
- X PutTok(token); { just stack it }
- X if (cp <> 0) then
- X Error('Macro: unexpected end of input')
- Xend.
- /
- echo 'x - makepat.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > makepat.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ MakePat -- make pattern from arg[i], terminate at delim }
- Xsegment MakePat;
- X%include swtools
- X%include patdef
- X%include metadef
- Xfunction MakePat;
- Xvar
- X i,j, lastJ, lj: Integer;
- X k: Integer;
- X done, junk: Boolean;
- Xbegin
- X j := 1; { pat index}
- X i := start; { arg index}
- X metaStackPointer := 0;
- X metaIndex := 1;
- X done := false;
- X k := start;
- X while (arg[k] <> delim) and ((k + 2) <= MAXSTR) do
- X if (arg[k] = NEWLINE) or (arg[k] = ENDSTR) then begin
- X arg[k] := delim;
- X arg[k+1] := NEWLINE;
- X arg[k+2] := ENDSTR;
- X end
- X else
- X k := k + 1;
- X
- X while (not done) and (arg[i] <> delim) and
- X (arg[i] <> ENDSTR) do begin
- X lj := j;
- X if (arg[i] = ANY) then
- X junk := AddStr(ANY, pat, j, MAXPAT)
- X else if (arg[i] = BOL) and (i = start) then
- X junk := AddStr(BOL, pat, j, MAXPAT)
- X else if (arg[i] = BOM) then begin
- X junk := AddStr(BOM, pat, j, MAXPAT);
- X metaStackPointer := metaStackPointer + 1;
- X metaIndex := metaIndex + 1;
- X if (metaStackPointer > 9) or
- X (metaIndex > 9) then
- X done := true
- X end
- X else if (arg[i] = EOM) and (metaStackPointer > 0) then begin
- X junk := AddStr(EOM, pat, j, MAXPAT);
- X metaStackPointer := metaStackPointer - 1;
- X if (metaStackPointer < 0) then
- X done := true
- X end
- X else if (arg[i] = EOL) and (arg[i+1] = delim) then
- X junk := AddStr(EOL, pat, j, MAXPAT)
- X else if (arg[i] = CCL) then
- X done := (GetCCL(arg, i, pat, j) = false)
- X else if (arg[i] = CLOSURE) and (i > start) then begin
- X lj := lastJ;
- X if (pat[lj] in [BOL, EOL, CLOSURE]) then
- X done := true { force loop termination }
- X else
- X STClose(pat, j, lastJ)
- X end
- X else begin
- X junk := AddStr(LITCHAR, pat, j, MAXPAT);
- X junk := AddStr(Esc(arg,i), pat, j, MAXPAT)
- X end;
- X lastJ := lj;
- X if (not done) then
- X i := i + 1;
- X end;
- X if (done) or (arg[i] <> delim) or (metaStackPointer <> 0) then
- X MakePat := 0
- X else if (not AddStr(ENDSTR, pat, j, MAXPAT)) then
- X MakePat := 0 { no room}
- X else
- X MakePat := i;
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - setbuf.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > setbuf.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ SetBuf -- set Buffer and other Buffer handlers (new-free) }
- Xsegment SetBuf;
- X%include swtools
- X%include editcons
- X%include edittype
- X%include editproc
- X%include editref
- Xconst
- X MAXLINES = 10000;
- Xtype
- X BufType = { in-memory new/free buffer handler }
- X record
- X txt: StringPtr; { text of line }
- X mark: Boolean; { mark for line }
- X end;
- Xref OUTOFSPACE: Boolean;
- Xstatic heapMark: @ Integer;
- Xstatic { This is a PRIVATE buffer }
- X intBuff: array [0..MAXLINES] of BufType;
- X{ SetBuf -- (new-free) initialize line storage Buffer }
- Xprocedure SetBuf;
- Xvar
- X i: 0..MAXLINES;
- Xbegin
- X Mark(heapMark);
- X for i := 0 to MAXLINES do
- X intBuff[i].txt := nil;
- X curLn := 0;
- X lastLn := 0
- Xend;
- X{ ClrBuf -- (new-free) release storage }
- Xprocedure ClrBuf;
- Xvar i: 0..MAXLINES;
- Xbegin
- X Release(heapMark)
- Xend;
- X{ GetTxt -- (new-free) get text from line n into s }
- Xprocedure GetTxt;
- Xbegin
- X { note: the null is already there }
- X if intBuff[n].txt = nil then
- X s[1] := ENDSTR
- X else
- X s := intBuff[n].txt@;
- Xend;
- X{ PutTxt -- (new-free) put text from lin after curLn }
- Xfunction PutTxt;
- Xvar
- X sSize: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X PutTxt := ERR;
- X if (lastLn < MAXLINES) then begin
- X lastLn := lastLn + 1;
- X sSize := StrLength(lin) + 1;
- X if intBuff[lastLn].txt = nil then
- X New(intBuff[lastLn].txt, sSize)
- X else if (sSize > MaxLength(intBuff[lastLn].txt@)) then begin
- X Dispose(intBuff[lastLn].txt);
- X New(intBuff[lastLn].txt, sSize)
- X end;
- X { Check for New failing }
- X if OUTOFSPACE then begin
- X intBuff[lastLn].txt := nil; { insurance }
- X lastLn := lastLn - 1; { insurance }
- X OUTOFSPACE := false;
- X Message('out of space, write out and edit again');
- X return { error }
- X end;
- X WriteStr(intBuff[lastLn].txt@, lin:sSize);
- X PutMark(lastLn, false);
- X BlkMove(lastLn, lastLn, curLn);
- X curLn := curLn + 1;
- X PutTxt := OK
- X end
- Xend;
- X{ GetMark -- get mark from nth line }
- Xfunction GetMark;
- Xbegin
- X GetMark := intBuff[n].mark
- Xend;
- X{ PutMark -- put mark m on nth line }
- Xprocedure PutMark;
- Xbegin
- X intBuff[n].mark := m
- Xend;
- X{ BlkMove -- move block of lines n1..n2 to after n3 }
- Xprocedure BlkMove;
- Xbegin
- X if (n3 < n1-1) then begin
- X Reverse (n3+1,n1-1);
- X Reverse (n1,n2);
- X Reverse (n3+1,n2)
- X end
- X else if (n3 > n2) then begin
- X Reverse(n1,n2);
- X Reverse(n2+1,n3);
- X Reverse(n1,n3)
- X end
- Xend;
- X{ Reverse -- reverse intBuff[n1]...intBuff[n2] }
- Xprocedure Reverse;
- Xvar temp: BufType;
- Xbegin
- X while (n1 < n2) do begin
- X temp := intBuff[n1];
- X intBuff[n1] := intBuff[n2];
- X intBuff[n2] := temp;
- X n1 := n1 + 1;
- X n2 := n2 - 1
- X end
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - sortdriv.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > sortdriv.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ SortDriv -- Driver and Quick sort }
- Xprogram SortDriv;
- X%include SWTOOLS
- X%include ioref
- Xconst
- X inCoreSize = 500;
- Xtype
- X LineType = StringPtr;
- Xvar
- X notEof: Boolean;
- X inBuf: array [1..inCoreSize] of LineType;
- X i: Integer;
- X temp: StringType;
- Xprocedure PText (nLines: Integer; outFile: FileDesc);
- Xvar
- X i: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X for i := 1 to nLines do
- X PutStr (inBuf[i]@, outFile);
- Xend; {PText}
- Xfunction GText (var nLines: Integer; inFile: FileDesc): Boolean;
- Xvar
- X i: Integer;
- X temp: StringType;
- Xbegin
- X nLines := 0;
- X done := (GetLine(temp, inFile, MAXSTR) = false);
- X while (not done) and (nLines < inCoreSize) do begin
- X nLines := nLines + 1;
- X inBuf[nLines]@ := Str(temp);
- X done := (GetLine(temp, inFile, MAXSTR) = false);
- X end; {while}
- Xend; {GText}
- X
- Xprocedure QSort(l,r: integer);
- X var i,j: integer;
- X temp, hold: LineType;
- Xbegin
- X i := l;
- X j := r;
- X temp := inBuf[(i+j) div 2];
- X repeat
- X while inBuf[i]@ < temp@ do
- X i := i+1;
- X while temp@ < inBuf[j]@ do
- X j := j-1;
- X if i <= j then begin
- X hold := inBuf[i];
- X inBuf[i] := inBuf[j];
- X inBuf[j] := hold;
- X i := i+1;
- X j := j-1
- X end
- X until i > j;
- X if l < j then
- X QSort(l,j);
- X if i < r then
- X QSort(i,r)
- Xend {QSort} ;
- Xvar
- X done: Boolean;
- X nLines: Integer;
- X high: Integer;
- X outFile: FileDesc;
- Xbegin
- X ToolInit;
- X high := 0;
- X for i := 1 to inCoreSize do
- X New(inBuf[i], SizeOf(StringType));
- X repeat { initial formation of runs }
- X done := GText (nLines, STDIN);
- X QSort(1, nLines);
- X high := high + 1;
- X outFile := MakeFile(high);
- X PText (nLines, outFile);
- X Close (outFile);
- X until (done);
- X low := 1;
- X while (low < high) do begin { merge runs }
- X lim := Min(low + MERGEORDER - 1, high);
- X GOpen (inFile, low, lim);
- X high := high + 1;
- X outFile := MakeFile(high);
- X Merge(inFile, lim-low+1, outFile);
- X Close (outFile);
- X GRemove (inFile, low, lim);
- X low := low + MERGEORDER;
- X end; {while}
- X GName (high, name) { final cleanup }
- X outFile := FOpen (name, IOREAD);
- X FCopy (outFile, STDOUT);
- X Close (outFile);
- X Remove (name);
- Xend.
- /
- echo 'x - swtools.copy'
- sed 's/^X//' > swtools.copy << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ SWTOOLS -- Software Tools Environment Definitions }
- X%print off
- Xconst
- X IOERROR = 0; { status values for open files }
- X STDIN = 1;
- X STDOUT = 2;
- X STDERR = 3;
- X
- X{ other IO-related stuff }
- X
- X IOAVAIL = 1;
- X IOREAD = 2;
- X IOWRITE = 3;
- X MAXOPEN = 10;
- X MAXARG = 30;
- X
- X{ universal manifest constants }
- X
- X ENDFILE = Chr(1);
- X ENDSTR = Chr(0);
- X MAXSTR = 200;
- X
- X{ EBCDIC character set }
- X
- X BACKSPACE = Chr(8);
- X TAB = Chr(5);
- X NEWLINE = Chr(10);
- X BLANK = ' ';
- X EXCLAM = '!';
- X QUESTION = '?';
- X DQUOTE = '"';
- X SHARP = '#';
- X DOLLAR = '$';
- X PERCENT = '%';
- X AMPER = '&';
- X SQUOTE = '''';
- X LPAREN = '(';
- X RPAREN = ')';
- X STAR = '*';
- X PLUS = '+';
- X COMMA = ',';
- X MINUS = '-';
- X PERIOD = '.';
- X SLASH = '/';
- X COLON = ':';
- X SEMICOL = ';';
- X LESS = '<';
- X EQUALS = '=';
- X GREATER = '>';
- X ATSIGN = '@';
- X LBRACK = Chr(173);
- X RBRACK = Chr(189);
- X CARET = '^';
- X UNDERLINE = '_';
- X GRAVE = '9C'XC;
- X LBRACE = Chr(139);
- X RBRACE = Chr(155);
- X BAR = '|';
- X TILDE = '~';
- X LETA = 'a';
- X LETB = 'b';
- X LETC = 'c';
- X LETD = 'd';
- X LETE = 'e';
- X LETF = 'f';
- X LETG = 'g';
- X LETH = 'h';
- X LETI = 'i';
- X LETJ = 'j';
- X LETK = 'k';
- X LETL = 'l';
- X LETM = 'm';
- X LETN = 'n';
- X LETO = 'o';
- X LETP = 'p';
- X LETQ = 'q';
- X LETR = 'r';
- X LETS = 's';
- X LETT = 't';
- X LETU = 'u';
- X LETV = 'v';
- X LETW = 'w';
- X LETX = 'x';
- X LETY = 'y';
- X LETZ = 'z';
- X BIGA = 'A';
- X BIGB = 'B';
- X BIGC = 'C';
- X BIGD = 'D';
- X BIGE = 'E';
- X BIGF = 'F';
- X BIGG = 'G';
- X BIGH = 'H';
- X BIGI = 'I';
- X BIGJ = 'J';
- X BIGK = 'K';
- X BIGL = 'L';
- X BIGM = 'M';
- X BIGN = 'N';
- X BIGO = 'O';
- X BIGP = 'P';
- X BIGQ = 'Q';
- X BIGR = 'R';
- X BIGS = 'S';
- X BIGT = 'T';
- X BIGU = 'U';
- X BIGV = 'V';
- X BIGW = 'W';
- X BIGX = 'X';
- X BIGY = 'Y';
- X BIGZ = 'Z';
- X DIG0 = '0';
- X DIG1 = '1';
- X DIG2 = '2';
- X DIG3 = '3';
- X DIG4 = '4';
- X DIG5 = '5';
- X DIG6 = '6';
- X DIG7 = '7';
- X DIG8 = '8';
- X DIG9 = '9';
- X
- X{ Standard types }
- X
- Xtype
- X StringType = packed array [1..MAXSTR] of Char;
- X CharType = Char;
- X
- X{ Externally supplied primitive interfaces }
- X
- Xprocedure Error (s: String(MAXSTR));
- X external;
- Xprocedure FClose (fd: FileDesc);
- X external;
- Xfunction FCreate (name: StringType; mode: Integer): FileDesc;
- X external;
- Xfunction FOpen (name: StringType; mode: Integer): FileDesc;
- X external;
- Xprocedure FSeek (recno: Integer; fd: FileDesc);
- X external;
- Xfunction GetArg (n: Integer; var str: StringType;
- X maxSize: Integer): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction GetC (var c: CharType): CharType;
- X external;
- Xfunction GetCF (var c: CharType; fd: FileDesc): CharType;
- X external;
- Xfunction GetLine (var str: StringType; fd: FileDesc;
- X maxSize: Integer): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xprocedure Message (s: String(MAXSTR));
- X external;
- Xfunction Nargs: Integer;
- X external;
- Xprocedure PutC (c: CharType);
- X external;
- Xprocedure PutCF (c: CharType; fd: FileDesc);
- X external;
- Xprocedure PutStr (const str: StringType; fd: FileDesc);
- X external;
- Xprocedure MPutStr (const str: StringType; fd: FileDesc);
- X external;
- Xprocedure Remove (var name: StringType);
- X external;
- Xprocedure SysExit (status: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure ToolInit;
- X external;
- X
- X{ Externally supplied utilities }
- X
- Xfunction AddStr (c: CharType; var outSet: StringType;
- X var j: Integer; maxSet: Integer): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction CToI (var s: StringType; var i: Integer): Integer;
- X external;
- Xprocedure CvtSST (src: String(MAXSTR); var dest: StringType);
- X external;
- Xprocedure CvtSTS (src: StringType; var dest: String(MAXSTR));
- X external;
- Xfunction Equal (var str1, str2: StringType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction Esc (var s: StringType; var i: Integer): CharType;
- X external;
- Xprocedure FCopy (fin, fout: FileDesc);
- X external;
- Xfunction GetFid (var line: StringType; idx: Integer;
- X var fileName: StringType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction GetWord (var s: StringType; i: Integer;
- X var out: StringType): Integer;
- X external;
- Xfunction IsAlphaNum (c: CharType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction IsDigit (c: CharType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction IsLetter (c: CharType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction IsLower (c: CharType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction IsUpper (c: CharType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction IToC (n: Integer; var s: StringType; i: Integer): Integer;
- X external;
- Xfunction MustOpen (var fName: StringType; fMode: Integer): FileDesc;
- X external;
- Xprocedure PutDec (n, w: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure SCopy (var src: StringType; i: Integer;
- X var dest: StringType; j: Integer);
- X external;
- Xfunction StrIndex (const s: StringType; c: CharType): Integer;
- X external;
- Xfunction StrLength (const s: StringType): Integer;
- X external;
- Xprocedure ProgExit (const returnCode: Integer); external;
- X%print on
- X{ EditCons -- const declarations for edit }
- Xconst
- X promptFlag = 0;
- X verboseFlag = 1;
- X noMetaFlag = 2;
- X { insert more option flags here }
- X numFlag = 15;
- X{ EditType -- types for in-memory version of edit }
- Xtype
- X STCode = (ENDDATA, ERR, OK); { status returns }
- X{ EditProc -- routine declarations for SW editor }
- Xfunction GetList (var lin: StringType; var i: Integer;
- X var status: STCode): STCode; external;
- Xfunction GetOne (var lin: StringType; var i, num: Integer;
- X var status: STCode): STCode; external;
- Xfunction GetNum (var lin: StringType; var i, num: integer;
- X var status: STCode): STCode; external;
- Xfunction OptPat (var lin: StringType; var i: Integer): STCode; external;
- Xfunction PatScan (way: CharType; var n: Integer): STCode; external;
- Xfunction NextLn (n: Integer): Integer; external;
- Xfunction PrevLn (n: Integer): Integer; external;
- Xfunction Default (def1, def2: Integer;
- X var status: STCode): STCode; external;
- Xfunction DoPrint (n1, n2: Integer): STCode; external;
- Xfunction DoLPrint (n1, n2: Integer): STCode; external;
- Xfunction DoCmd (var lin: StringType; var i: Integer;
- X glob: Boolean; var status: STCode): STCode; external;
- Xfunction Append (line: Integer; glob: Boolean): STCode; external;
- Xprocedure BlkMove (n1, n2, n3: Integer); external;
- Xprocedure Reverse (n1, n2: Integer); external;
- Xprocedure GetTxt (n: Integer; var s: StringType); external;
- Xprocedure SetBuf; external;
- Xfunction PutTxt (var lin: StringType): STCode; external;
- Xfunction CkP (var lin: StringType; i: Integer;
- X var pFlag: Boolean; var status: STCode):
- X STCode; external;
- Xfunction LnDelete (n1, n2: Integer; var status: STCode):
- X STCode; external;
- Xfunction Move (line3: Integer): STCode; external;
- Xfunction Kopy (line3: Integer): STCode; external;
- Xfunction GetRHS (var lin: StringType; var i: Integer;
- X var sub: StringType; var gFlag: Boolean):
- X STCode; external;
- Xfunction SubSt (var sub: StringType; gFlag, glob: Boolean):
- X STCode; external;
- Xprocedure SkipBl (var s: StringType; var i: Integer);
- X external;
- Xfunction GetFn(var lin: StringType; var i:Integer;
- X var fil: StringType): STCode; external;
- Xfunction DoRead (n: integer; var fil: StringType): STCode; external;
- Xfunction DoWrite (n1, n2: Integer; var fil: StringType): STCode;
- X external;
- Xfunction CkGlob (var lin: StringType; var i: Integer;
- X var status: STCode): STCode; external;
- Xfunction DoGlob (var lin: StringType; var i, curSave: Integer;
- X var status: STCode): STCode; external;
- Xprocedure ClrBuf; external;
- Xfunction GetMark(n: Integer): Boolean; external;
- Xprocedure PutMark(n: Integer; m: Boolean); external;
- Xfunction DoOption(var lin: STringType; var i: Integer):
- X STCode; external;
- Xfunction OptIsOn(flag: promptFlag..numFlag): Boolean; external;
- Xtype
- X IOBlock =
- X record
- X fileVar: Text;
- X end;
- Xfunction FDAlloc: Integer; External;
- X{ GlobRef -- standard global references (IO support mainly) }
- X%include iodef
- Xref openList: array [FileDesc] of IOBlock;
- Xref ERRORIO: Boolean;
- Xref ATTENTION: Boolean;
- Xref cmdLin: StringType;
- Xref cmdArgs: 0..MAXARG;
- Xref cmdIdx: array [1..MAXARG] of 1..MAXSTR;
- X{ EditRef -- external reference definitions for SW editor }
- Xref
- X line1: Integer; { first line number }
- X line2: Integer; { second line number }
- X nLines: Integer; { # of lines specified }
- X curLn: Integer; { current line }
- X lastLn: Integer; { last line in buffer }
- X pat: StringType; { pattern string }
- X lin: StringType; { input line }
- X saveFile: StringType; { current remembered file name }
- X{ MatchDef -- definitions of match and sub-fcns }
- Xfunction PatSize (var pat: StringType; n: Integer): Integer;
- X external;
- Xfunction OMatch (var lin: StringType; var i: Integer;
- X var pat: StringType; j: Integer): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction Locate (c: CharType; var pat: StringType;
- X offset: Integer): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction Match (var lin, pat: StringType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction AMatch (var lin: StringType; offset: Integer;
- X var pat: StringType; j: Integer): Integer;
- X external;
- X{ PatDef -- pattern constant declarations for GetPat }
- Xconst
- X CLOSIZE = 1; { size of closure entry }
- X NCCL = SHARP;{ cannot be the same as NEGATE }
- Xfunction GetCCL (var arg: StringType; var i: Integer;
- X var pat: StringType; var j: Integer)
- X :Boolean;
- X external;
- Xprocedure StClose(var pat: StringType; var j: Integer;
- X lastJ: Integer);
- X external;
- Xfunction GetPat (var arg, pat: StringType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xfunction MakePat (var arg: StringType; start: Integer;
- X delim: CharType; var pat: StringType): Integer;
- X external;
- Xprocedure DoDash (delim: CharType; var src: StringType;
- X var i: Integer; var dest: StringType;
- X var j: Integer; maxSet: Integer);
- X external;
- Xfunction MakeSet (var inSet: StringType; k: Integer;
- X var outSet: StringType; maxSet: Integer): Boolean;
- X external;
- X{ subdef -- definitions of substitution routines }
- Xconst
- X DITTO = Chr(255);
- Xprocedure SubLine (var lin, pat, sub: StringType);
- X external;
- Xprocedure CatSub (var lin: StringType; s1,s2: Integer;
- X var sub: StringType; var new: StringType;
- X var k: Integer; maxNew: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure PutSub(var lin: StringType; s1, s2: Integer;
- X var sub: StringType);
- X external;
- Xfunction MakeSub (var arg: StringType; from: Integer;
- X delim: CharType; var sub: StringType): Integer;
- X external;
- Xfunction GetSub (var arg, sub: StringType): Boolean;
- X external;
- X{ DefVar -- var declarations for define }
- Xdef
- X hashTab: array [1..HASHSIZE] of NDPtr;
- X NDTable: CharBuf;
- X nextTab: CharPos; { first free position in NDTable }
- X buf: array [1..BUFSIZE] of CharType; { for push back }
- X bp: 0..BUFSIZE; { next available character; init = 0 }
- X defn: StringType;
- X token: StringType;
- X tokType: STType; { type returned by lookup }
- X defName: StringType; { value is 'define' }
- X null: StringType; { value is '' }
- X{ DefDef -- definitions needed for define }
- X{ DefCons -- const declarations for define }
- Xconst
- X BUFSIZE = 500; { size of push back buffer }
- X MAXCHARS = 5000; { size of name-defn table }
- X MAXDEF = MAXSTR; { max chars in a defn }
- X MAXTOK = MAXSTR; { max chars in a token }
- X HASHSIZE = 53; { size of hash table }
- X{ DefType -- type declarations for define }
- Xtype
- X CharPos = 1..MAXCHARS;
- X CharBuf = array [1..MAXCHARS] of CharType;
- X STType = (DEFTYPE, MACTYPE); { symbol table types }
- X NDPtr = -> NDBlock; { pointer to name-defn block }
- X NDBlock =
- X record
- X name: CharPos;
- X defn: CharPos;
- X kind: STType;
- X nextPtr: NDPtr;
- X end;
- X{ DefProc -- procedures needed for define }
- Xprocedure CSCopy (var cb: CharBuf; i: CharPos;
- X var s: StringType);
- X external;
- Xprocedure SCCopy (var s: StringType; var cb: CharBuf;
- X i: CharPos);
- X external;
- Xprocedure PutBack (c: CharType);
- X external;
- Xfunction GetPBC (var c: CharType): CharType;
- X external;
- Xprocedure PBStr (var s: StringType);
- X external;
- Xfunction GetTok (var token: StringType; tokSize: Integer): CharType;
- X external;
- Xprocedure GetDef (var token: StringType; tokSize: Integer;
- X var defn: StringType; defSize: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure InitHash;
- X external;
- Xfunction Hash (var name: StringType): Integer;
- X external;
- Xfunction HashFind (var name: StringType): NDPtr;
- X external;
- Xprocedure Install (var name, defn: StringType; t: STType);
- X external;
- Xfunction Lookup (var name, defn: StringType; var t: STType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xprocedure InitDef;
- X external;
- Xdef
- X hashTab: array [1..HASHSIZE] of NDPtr;
- X NDTable: CharBuf;
- X nextTab: CharPos; { first free position in NDTable }
- X buf: array [1..BUFSIZE] of CharType; { for push back }
- X bp: 0..BUFSIZE; { next available character; init = 0 }
- X defn: StringType;
- X token: StringType;
- X tokType: STType; { type returned by lookup }
- X defName: StringType; { value is 'define' }
- X null: StringType; { value is '' }
- X{ MetaDef -- definitions for Meta bracket implementation }
- Xconst
- X BOM = LBRACE; { start of meta bracket }
- X EOM = RBRACE; { end of meta bracket }
- Xtype
- X MetaIndexType = Integer;
- X MetaElementType =
- X record
- X first: Integer;
- X last: Integer;
- X end;
- X MetaTableType = array [0..9] of MetaElementType;
- X MetaStackType = array [0..9] of MetaIndexType;
- Xdef
- X metaIndex: MetaIndexType;
- X metaTable: MetaTableType;
- X nullMetaTable: MetaTableType;
- X metaStack: MetaStackType;
- X metaStackPointer: Integer;
- Xconst
- X ChLetter = 0;
- X ChLower = 1;
- X ChUpper = 2;
- X ChDigit = 3;
- X ChSpecial = 4;
- Xtype
- X ChEntry = packed set of 0..7;
- X ChTable = array [0..255] of ChEntry;
- Xdef
- X CharTable: ChTable;
- Xfunction CharClass(const tIndex: CharType): ChEntry; external;
- X{ MacProc -- procedures needed for define }
- Xprocedure CSCopy (var cb: CharBuf; i: CharPos;
- X var s: StringType);
- X external;
- Xprocedure SCCopy (var s: StringType; var cb: CharBuf;
- X i: CharPos);
- X external;
- Xprocedure PutBack (c: CharType);
- X external;
- Xfunction GetPBC (var c: CharType): CharType;
- X external;
- Xprocedure PBStr (var s: StringType);
- X external;
- Xfunction GetTok (var token: StringType; tokSize: Integer): CharType;
- X external;
- Xprocedure GetDef (var token: StringType; tokSize: Integer;
- X var defn: StringType; defSize: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure InitHash;
- X external;
- Xfunction Hash (var name: StringType): Integer;
- X external;
- Xfunction HashFind (var name: StringType): NDPtr;
- X external;
- Xprocedure Install (var name, defn: StringType; t: STType);
- X external;
- Xfunction Lookup (var name, defn: StringType; var t: STType): Boolean;
- X external;
- Xprocedure PutTok(var s: StringType);
- X external;
- Xprocedure PutChr(c: CharType);
- X external;
- Xprocedure InitMacro;
- X external;
- Xfunction Push (ep: Integer; var argStk: PosBuf;
- X ap: Integer): Integer;
- X external;
- Xprocedure Eval(var argStk: PosBuf; td: StType;
- X i,j: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure DoDef (var argStk: PosBuf; i,j: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure DoIf(var argStk: PosBuf; i,j: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure DoExpr(var argStk: PosBuf; i,j: Integer);
- X external;
- Xfunction Expr(var s: StringType; var i: Integer): Integer;
- X external;
- Xfunction Term(var s: StringType; var i: Integer): Integer;
- X external;
- Xfunction Factor(var s: StringType; var i: Integer): Integer;
- X external;
- Xfunction GnbChar(var s: StringType; var i: Integer): CharType;
- X external;
- Xprocedure DoLen(var argStk: PosBuf; i,j: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure DoSub(var argStk: PosBuf; i,j: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure DoChq(var argStk: PosBuf; i,j: Integer);
- X external;
- Xprocedure PBNum(n: Integer);
- X external;
- X{ Macdefs -- all definitions for Macro }
- Xconst
- X BUFSIZE = 1000; { size of pushback buffer }
- X MAXCHARS = 5000; { size of name-defn table }
- X MAXPOS = 500;
- X MAXDEF = MAXSTR; { max chars in a defn }
- X MAXTOK = MAXSTR; { max length of a token }
- X HASHSIZE = 53; { size of hash table }
- X ARGFLAG = DOLLAR; { macro invocation character }
- X
- X{ MacType -- type declarations for Macro }
- Xtype
- X CharPos = 1..MAXCHARS;
- X CharBuf = packed array [1..MAXCHARS] of CharType;
- X PosBuf = packed array [1..MAXPOS] of CharPos;
- X Pos = 0..MAXPOS;
- X EXPRTYPE, LENTYPE, CHQTYPE); { symbol table types }
- X NdPtr = ->NdBlock;
- X NdBlock =
- X record
- X name: CharPos;
- X defn: CharPos;
- X kind: StType;
- X nextPtr: NdPtr;
- X end {record};
- X{ Macvar -- def declarations for macro }
- Xdef
- X traceing: Boolean;
- X buf: packed array [1..BUFSIZE] of CharType; { for pushback }
- X bp: 0..BUFSIZE;
- X hashTab: array [1..HASHSIZE] of NdPtr;
- X ndTable: CharBuf;
- X nextTab: CharPos; { first free position in ndTable }
- X callStk: PosBuf;
- X cp: Pos; { current call stack position }
- X typeStk: array [1..CALLSIZE] of StType; { type }
- X pLev: array [1..CALLSIZE] of Integer; { paren level }
- X argStk: PosBuf; { argument stack for this call }
- X ap: Pos; { current argument position }
- X evalStk: CharBuf; { evaluation stack }
- X ep: CharPos; { first character unused in evalStk }
- X { builtins }
- X defName: StringType; { 'define' }
- X exprName: StringType;{ 'expr' }
- X subName: StringType; { 'substr' }
- X ifName: StringType; { 'ifelse' }
- X lenName: StringType; { 'len' }
- X chqName: StringType; { 'changeq' }
- X null: StringType; { value is '' }
- X lQuote: CharType; { left quote character }
- X rQuote: CharType; { right quote character }
- X
- X defn: StringType;
- X token: StringType;
- X tokType: StType;
- X t: CharType;
- X nlPar: Integer;
- /
- echo 'x - toolinit.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > toolinit.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ ToolInit -- (CMS) standard program prologue }
- Xsegment ToolInit;
- X%include swtools
- X%include iodef
- Xdef openList: array [FileDesc] of IOBlock;
- Xdef cmdLin: StringType;
- Xdef cmdArgs: 0..MAXARG;
- Xdef cmdIdx: array [1..MAXARG] of 1..MAXSTR;
- Xdef termInput: Boolean;
- Xref ERRORIO: Boolean;
- Xvalue
- X termInput := false;
- Xprocedure ToolInit;
- Xvar
- X t: 1..MAXSTR;
- X i: FileDesc;
- X idx: 1..MAXSTR;
- X delim: CharType;
- X fileName: StringType;
- X cmdLength: 0..MAXSTR;
- X redirIn: Boolean;
- X j: 1..MAXSTR;
- X dummy: StringType;
- X okay: Boolean;
- X tempArgs: 0..MAXARG;
- X XFileName: String(MAXSTR);
- X k: 0..MAXSTR;
- X nextChar: 1..MAXSTR;
- Xbegin
- X TermIn(input);
- X TermOut(output);
- X for i := STDIN to MAXOPEN do
- X openList[i].mode := IOAVAIL;
- X openList[STDERR].mode := IOWRITE;
- X TermOut(openList[STDERR].fileVar);
- X if (Length(PARMSTRING) >= 1) and (PARMSTRING[1] = STAR) then begin
- X WriteLn('Input Command Parameters:');
- X end;
- X for idx := 1 to Length(PARMSTRING) do
- X cmdLin[idx] := PARMSTRING[idx];
- X cmdLin[Length(PARMSTRING) + 1] := NEWLINE;
- X cmdLin[Length(PARMSTRING) + 2] := ENDSTR;
- X idx := 1;
- X cmdArgs := 0;
- X while ((cmdLin[idx] <> ENDSTR) and
- X (cmdLin[idx] <> NEWLINE)) do begin
- X while (cmdLin[idx] = BLANK) do
- X idx := idx + 1;
- X if (cmdLin[idx] <> NEWLINE) then begin
- X delim := BLANK;
- X cmdArgs := cmdArgs + 1;
- X if (cmdLin[idx] = SQUOTE) or
- X (cmdLin[idx] = DQUOTE) then begin
- X cmdIdx[cmdArgs] := idx + 1;
- X delim := cmdLin[idx];
- X idx := idx + 1
- X end
- X else
- X cmdIdx[cmdArgs] := idx;
- X while ((cmdLin[idx] <> NEWLINE) and
- X (cmdLin[idx] <> delim)) do
- X idx := idx + 1;
- X cmdLin[idx] := ENDSTR;
- X idx := idx + 1;
- X end
- X end;
- X j := 1;
- X tempArgs := cmdArgs;
- X while (j <= cmdArgs) do begin
- X okay := GetArg(j, dummy, MAXSTR);
- X j := j + 1;
- X if (dummy[1] = LESS) or (dummy[1] = GREATER) then begin
- X if dummy[1] = LESS then
- X redirIn := true
- X else
- X redirIn := false;
- X SCopy(dummy, 2, fileName, 1);
- X nextChar := StrLength(fileName) + 1;
- X tempArgs := tempArgs - 1;
- X k := j;
- X while (k <= cmdArgs) do begin
- X okay := GetArg(k, dummy, MAXSTR);
- X k := k + 1;
- X if okay and (dummy[1] <> LESS) and
- X (dummy[1]<> GREATER) then begin
- X tempArgs := tempArgs - 1;
- X fileName[nextChar] := BLANK;
- X nextChar := nextChar + 1;
- X SCopy(dummy, 1, fileName, nextChar);
- X nextChar := StrLength(fileName) + 1;
- X j := j + 1;
- X end
- X else
- X k := cmdArgs + 1;
- X end;
- X t := 1;
- X okay := GetFid(fileName, t, fileName);
- X if not okay then
- X Error('Bad redirection file name');
- X CvtSTS(fileName, XFileName);
- X if redirIn then begin
- X openList[STDIN].mode := IOREAD;
- X Reset(openList[STDIN].fileVar, 'NAME=' ||
- X XFileName);
- X termInput := false;
- X if ERRORIO then begin
- X openList[STDIN].mode := IOAVAIL;
- X Error('Cannot open STDIN file');
- X ERRORIO := false
- X end
- X end
- X else begin
- X openList[STDOUT].mode := IOWRITE;
- X Remove(fileName);
- X ReWrite(openList[STDOUT].fileVar,
- X 'LRECL=1000,NAME=' || XFileName);
- X if ERRORIO then begin
- X openList[STDOUT].mode := IOAVAIL;
- X ERRORIO := false
- X end
- X end
- X end
- X end;
- X cmdArgs := tempArgs;
- X if openList[STDIN].mode = IOAVAIL then begin
- X TermIn(openList[STDIN].fileVar);
- X openList[STDIN].mode := IOREAD;
- X termInput := true;
- X end;
- X if openList[STDOUT].mode = IOAVAIL then begin
- X TermOut(openList[STDOUT].fileVar);
- X openList[STDOUT].mode := IOWRITE;
- X end;
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'Part 03 of pack.out complete.'
- exit