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- Subject: Software Tools in Pascal (Part 6 of 6)
- From: ihnp4!mnetor!clewis (Chris Lewis)
- Newsgroups: mod.sources
- Approved: john@genrad.UUCP
- Mod.sources: Volume 2, Issue 12
- Submitted by: ihnp4!mnetor!clewis (Chris Lewis)
- #!/bin/sh
- echo 'Start of pack.out, part 06 of 06:'
- echo 'x - addstr.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > addstr.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ AddStr -- put c in outSet[j] if it fits, increment j }
- Xsegment AddStr;
- X%include swtools
- Xfunction Addstr;
- Xbegin
- X if (j > maxSet) then
- X AddStr := false
- X else begin
- X outSet[j] := c;
- X j := j + 1;
- X AddStr := true
- X end
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - cvtsst.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > cvtsst.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ CvtSST -- assign pascalvs string to StringType }
- Xsegment CvtSST;
- X%include swtools
- Xprocedure CvtSST;
- Xvar
- X i: 1..MAXSTR;
- Xbegin
- X for i := 1 to Length(src) do
- X dest[i] := src[i];
- X dest[Length(src) + 1] := ENDSTR;
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - cvtsts.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > cvtsts.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ CvtStS -- convert swtools StringType to Pascalvs String }
- Xsegment cvtsts;
- X%include swtools
- Xprocedure cvtsts;
- Xbegin
- X WriteStr(dest, src:StrLength(src));
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - doexpr.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > doexpr.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ DoExpr -- Evaluate arithmetic expression }
- Xsegment DoExpr;
- X%include swtools
- X%include macdefs
- X%include macproc
- Xprocedure DoExpr;
- Xvar
- X temp: StringType;
- X junk: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X CsCopy(evalStk, argStk[i+2], temp);
- X junk := 1;
- X PBNum(Expr(temp, junk))
- Xend {DoExpr};
- /
- echo 'x - echo.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > echo.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Echo -- echo arguments }
- Xprogram Echo;
- X%include swtools
- Xvar
- X lin: StringType;
- X i: Integer;
- X junk: Boolean;
- Xbegin
- X ToolInit;
- X for i := 1 to Nargs do begin
- X junk := GetArg(i, lin, MAXSTR);
- X PutStr(lin, STDOUT);
- X if i < Nargs then PutCF(BLANK, STDOUT)
- X end;
- Xend.
- /
- echo 'x - equal.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > equal.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Equal -- test two strings for equality }
- Xsegment Equal;
- X%include swtools
- Xfunction Equal;{str1, str2: StringType): Boolean}
- Xvar
- X i: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X i := 1;
- X while (str1[i] = str2[i]) and (str1[i] <> ENDSTR) do
- X i := i + 1;
- X Equal := (str1[i] = str2[i])
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - error.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > error.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- Xsegment Error;
- X%include swtools
- Xprocedure Error;
- Xvar
- X i: 1..MAXSTR;
- Xbegin
- X for i := 1 to Length(s) do
- X PutCF(s[i], STDERR);
- X RetCode(1000);
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - fclose.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > fclose.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ FClose -- close a file }
- Xsegment FClose;
- X%include swtools
- X%include ioref
- Xprocedure FClose;
- Xbegin
- X if (fd > STDERR) and (fd <= MAXOPEN) and
- X (openList[fd].mode <> IOAVAIL) then begin
- X Close(openList[fd].fileVar);
- X openList[fd].mode := IOAVAIL;
- X ERRORIO := false;
- X end;
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - fcopy.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > fcopy.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ FCopy -- Copy file fin to file fout }
- Xsegment FCopy;
- X%include SWTOOLS
- X%include IODEF
- Xprocedure FCopy;
- Xvar
- X temp: StringType;
- Xbegin
- X while (GetLine(temp, fin, MAXSTR)) do
- X PutStr(temp, fout);
- Xend; {FCopy}
- /
- echo 'x - fcreate.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > fcreate.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ FCreate -- create a file (temporary version) }
- Xsegment FCreate;
- X%include swtools
- Xfunction FCreate;
- Xbegin
- X FCreate := FOpen(name, mode)
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - fdalloc.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > fdalloc.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ FDAlloc - find a free file descriptor }
- Xsegment FDAlloc;
- X%include swtools
- X%include ioref
- Xfunction FDAlloc;
- Xvar
- X fd: FileDesc;
- X done: Boolean;
- Xbegin
- X done := false;
- X fd := Succ(STDERR);
- X repeat
- X done := (openList[fd].mode = IOAVAIL) or (fd = MAXOPEN);
- X if (not done) then
- X fd := Succ(fd)
- X until (done);
- X if openList[fd].mode = IOAVAIL then
- X FDAlloc := fd
- X else
- X FDAlloc := IOERROR
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - getarg.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > getarg.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ GetArg (CMS) -- get n-th command line parameter }
- Xsegment GetArg;
- X%include swtools
- X%include ioref
- Xfunction GetArg;
- Xbegin
- X if ((n < 1) or (cmdArgs < n)) then
- X GetArg := false
- X else begin
- X SCopy(cmdLin,cmdIdx[n], str, 1);
- X GetArg := true
- X end
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - getcf.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > getcf.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ GetCF -- get character from file }
- Xsegment GetCF;
- X%include swtools
- X%include ioref
- Xfunction GetCF;
- Xbegin
- X if Eof(openList[fd].fileVar) then begin
- X c := ENDFILE;
- X end
- X else if Eoln(openList[fd].fileVar) then begin
- X c := NEWLINE;
- X ReadLn(openList[fd].fileVar);
- X end
- X else begin
- X Read(openList[fd].fileVar,c);
- X GetCF := c;
- X end
- Xend;
- Xfunction GetC;
- Xbegin
- X c := GetCF(c, STDIN);
- X GetC := c;
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - getsub.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > getsub.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ GetSub -- Get substitution pattern and support fcns }
- Xsegment GetSub;
- X%include swtools
- X%include patdef
- X%include subdef
- X{ GetSub -- Get substitution pattern and support fcns }
- Xfunction GetSub;
- Xbegin
- X GetSub := (MakeSub(arg, 1, ENDSTR, sub) > 0)
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - gnbchar.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > gnbchar.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ GNBChar -- Get next non-blank character }
- Xsegment GNBChar;
- X%include swtools
- X%include macdefs
- X%include macproc
- Xfunction GNBChar;
- Xbegin
- X while (s[i] in [BLANK, TAB, NEWLINE]) do
- X i := i + 1;
- X GNBChar := s[i]
- Xend {GNBChar};
- /
- echo 'x - hash.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > hash.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Hash -- compute hash function of a name }
- Xsegment Hash;
- X%include swtools
- X%include defdef
- X%include defref
- X%include defproc
- Xfunction Hash;
- Xvar
- X i, h: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X h := 0;
- X for i := 1 to StrLength(name) do
- X h := (3 * h + Ord(name[i])) mod HASHSIZE;
- X Hash := h + 1
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - inithash.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > inithash.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ InitHash -- initialize hash table to nil }
- Xsegment InitHash;
- X%include swtools
- X%include defdef
- X%include defref
- X%include defproc
- Xprocedure InitHash;
- Xvar
- X i: 1..HASHSIZE;
- Xbegin
- X nextTab := 1; { first free slot in table }
- X for i := 1 to HASHSIZE do
- X hashTab[i] := nil
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - isalphan.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > isalphan.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ IsAlphaNum -- true if c is letter or digit }
- Xsegment IsAlphaNum;
- X%include swtools
- Xfunction IsAlphaNum;
- Xbegin
- X IsAlphaNum := ((c >= LETA) and (c <= LETI)) or
- X ((c >= LETJ) and (c <= LETR)) or
- X ((c >= LETS) and (c <= LETZ)) or
- X ((c >= BIGA) and (c <= BIGI)) or
- X ((c >= BIGJ) and (c <= BIGR)) or
- X ((c >= BIGS) and (c <= BIGZ)) or
- X ((c >= DIG0) and (c <= DIG9))
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - isdigit.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > isdigit.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ IsDigit -- true if c is a digit }
- Xsegment IsDigit;
- X%include swtools
- Xfunction IsDigit;
- Xbegin
- X IsDigit := c in [DIG0..DIG9];
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - isletter.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > isletter.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ IsLetter -- true if c is a letter of either case }
- Xsegment IsLetter;
- X%include swtools
- X%include chardef
- Xfunction IsLetter;
- Xbegin
- X IsLetter := ChLetter in CharClass(c)
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - itoc.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > itoc.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ IToC -- convert integer n to char string in s[i] ... }
- Xsegment IToC;
- X%include swtools
- Xfunction IToC;
- Xbegin
- X if (n < 0) then begin
- X s[i] := MINUS;
- X IToC := IToC(-n, s, i+1);
- X end
- X else begin
- X if (n >= 10) then
- X i := IToC(n div 10, s, i);
- X s[i] := Chr(n mod 10 + Ord(DIG0));
- X s[i+1] := ENDSTR;
- X IToC := i + 1;
- X end
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - makeset.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > makeset.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ MakeSet -- make set from inset(k) in outset }
- Xsegment MakeSet;
- X%include swtools
- X%include patdef
- Xfunction MakeSet;
- Xvar
- X j: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X j := 1;
- X DoDash(ENDSTR, inSet, k, outSet, j, maxSet);
- X makeSet := AddStr(ENDSTR, outSet, j, maxSet)
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - message.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > message.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Message -- print a PASCALVS string on STDERR }
- Xsegment Message;
- X%include swtools
- Xprocedure Message;
- Xvar
- X i: 1..MAXSTR;
- Xbegin
- X for i := 1 to Length(s) do
- X PutCF(s[i], STDERR);
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - mustopen.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > mustopen.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ MustOpen -- same as FOpen except for no allowance of failure }
- Xsegment MustOpen;
- X{ mustopen -- open file or die }
- X%include swtools
- Xfunction MustOpen;
- Xvar
- X fd: FileDesc;
- Xbegin
- X fd := FOpen(fname, fMode);
- X if (fd = IOERROR) then begin
- X PutStr(fname, STDERR);
- X Error(': can''t open file')
- X end;
- X MustOpen := fd
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - nargs.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > nargs.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Nargs (CMS) -- return number of arguments }
- Xsegment Nargs;
- X%include swtools
- X%include ioref
- Xfunction NArgs;
- Xbegin
- X NArgs := cmdArgs
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - pbnum.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > pbnum.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ PBNum -- Convert number to string, push back on input }
- Xsegment PBNum;
- X%include swtools
- X%include macdefs
- X%include macproc
- Xprocedure PBNum;
- Xvar
- X temp: StringType;
- X junk: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X junk := IToC(n, temp, 1);
- X PBStr(temp)
- Xend {PBNum};
- /
- echo 'x - pbstr.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > pbstr.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ PBStr -- push string back onto input }
- Xsegment PBStr;
- X%include swtools
- X%include defdef
- X%include defproc
- Xprocedure PBStr;
- Xvar
- X i: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X for i := StrLength(s) downto 1 do
- X PutBack(s[i])
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - progexit.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > progexit.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ ProgExit -- Returns a return code and quits }
- Xsegment ProgExit;
- X%include swtools
- Xprocedure ProgExit;
- Xbegin
- X RetCode(returnCode);
- Xend; {ProgExit}
- /
- echo 'x - push.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > push.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Push -- push ep onto argStk, return new position ap }
- Xsegment Push;
- X%include swtools
- X%include macdefs
- X%include macproc
- Xfunction Push;
- Xbegin
- X if (ap > ARGSIZE) then
- X Error('Macro: argument stack overflow');
- X argStk[ap] := ep;
- X Push := ap + 1
- Xend {Push};
- /
- echo 'x - putback.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > putback.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ PutBack -- push character back onto input }
- Xsegment PutBack;
- X%include swtools
- X%include defdef
- X%include defref
- X%include defproc
- Xprocedure PutBack;
- Xbegin
- X if (bp >= BUFSIZE) then
- X Error('Too many characters pushed back');
- X bp := bp + 1;
- X buf[bp] := c
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - putc.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > putc.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ PutC -- print character to STDOUT }
- Xsegment PutC;
- X%include swtools
- Xprocedure PutC;
- Xbegin
- X PutCF(c, STDOUT)
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - putcf.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > putcf.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ PutCF -- put string out on file }
- Xsegment PutCF;
- X%include swtools
- X%include ioref
- Xprocedure PutCF;
- Xbegin
- X if openList[fd].mode = IOAVAIL then
- X Error('putcf on unopen file');
- X if c = NEWLINE then
- X writeln(openList[fd].fileVar)
- X else
- X write(openList[fd].fileVar, c)
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - putdec.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > putdec.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ PutDec -- put decimal integer n in field width >= w }
- Xsegment PutDec;
- X%include swtools
- Xprocedure PutDec;
- Xvar
- X i, nd: Integer;
- X s: StringType;
- Xbegin
- X nd := itoc(n, s, 1);
- X for i := nd to w do
- X PutC(BLANK);
- X for i := 1 to nd-1 do
- X PutC(s[i])
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - puttok.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > puttok.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ PutTok -- put token on output or evaluation stack }
- Xsegment PutTok;
- X%include swtools
- X%include macdefs
- X%include macproc
- Xprocedure PutTok;
- Xvar
- X i: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X i := 1;
- X while s[i] <> ENDSTR do begin
- X PutChr(s[i]);
- X i := i + 1
- X end {while};
- Xend {PutTok};
- /
- echo 'x - remove.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > remove.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1982
- X By: Chris Lewis
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ Remove -- remove a file - very tricky }
- Xsegment Remove;
- X%include swtools
- X%include cms
- Xprocedure Remove;
- Xvar
- X cmsString: String(MAXSTR);
- X returnCode: Integer;
- X i: 1..MAXSTR;
- Xbegin
- X cmsString := 'ERASE ';
- X for i := 1 TO StrLength(name) do
- X if name[i] in [NEWLINE, PERIOD] then
- X cmsString := cmsString || Str(' ')
- X else
- X cmsString := cmsString || Str(name[i]);
- X Cms(cmsString, returnCode);
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - scopy.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > scopy.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ SCopy (CMS) -- copy strings }
- Xsegment SCopy;
- X%include swtools
- Xprocedure SCopy;
- Xbegin
- X while(src[i] <> ENDSTR) do begin
- X dest[j] := src[i];
- X i := i + 1;
- X j := j + 1;
- X end;
- X dest[j] := ENDSTR;
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - skipbl.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > skipbl.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ SkipBl -- skip blanks and tabs s[i] ... }
- Xsegment SkipBl;
- X%include swtools
- X%include editcons
- X%include edittype
- X%include editproc
- Xprocedure SkipBl;
- Xbegin
- X while (s[i] = BLANK) or (s[i] = TAB) do
- X i := i + 1
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - strlengt.pascal'
- sed 's/^X//' > strlengt.pascal << '/'
- X{
- X Copyright (c) 1981
- X By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
- X Whitesmiths, Ltd.,
- X
- X This software is derived from the book
- X "Software Tools In Pascal", by
- X Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
- X Addison-Wesley, 1981
- X ISBN 0-201-10342-7
- X
- X Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
- X software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
- X or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains
- X intact.
- X}
- X{ StrLength -- determine length of swtools string }
- Xsegment StrLength;
- X%include swtools
- Xfunction StrLength;
- Xvar
- X i: Integer;
- Xbegin
- X i := LBound(s);
- X while (s[i] <> ENDSTR) and (i < MAXSTR) do
- X i := i + 1;
- X StrLength := i - LBound(s)
- Xend;
- /
- echo 'x - swprin1.exec'
- sed 's/^X//' > swprin1.exec << '/'
- /
- echo 'x - swtpc.exec'
- sed 's/^X//' > swtpc.exec << '/'
- /
- echo 'Part 06 of pack.out complete.'
- exit