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Text File | 1993-09-24 | 153.8 KB | 6,695 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- From: pmiller@bmr.gov.au (Peter Miller)
- Subject: v27i041: aegis - project change supervisor (V2.1), Part06/19
- References: <1.748951883.12788@gw.home.vix.com>
- Sender: unix-sources-moderator@gw.home.vix.com
- Approved: vixie@gw.home.vix.com
- Submitted-By: pmiller@bmr.gov.au (Peter Miller)
- Posting-Number: Volume 27, Issue 41
- Archive-Name: aegis-2.1/part06
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 6 (of 19)."
- # Contents: aegis/aena.c aegis/aend.c aegis/aeni.c aegis/aenrv.c
- # aegis/aera.c aegis/aerd.c aegis/aeri.c aegis/aerrv.c aegis/lex.c
- # common/trace.c doc/c1.3.so doc/c2.4.so doc/c4.2.so
- # fmtgen/type_list.c man1/aegis.1 test/00/t0005a.sh
- # test/00/t0008a.sh test/00/t0017a.sh
- # Wrapped by vixie@gw.home.vix.com on Sat Sep 25 03:00:35 1993
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'aegis/aena.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'aegis/aena.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'aegis/aena.c'\" \(8357 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'aegis/aena.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: functions to implement new administrator
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X
- X#include <aena.h>
- X#include <ael.h>
- X#include <arglex2.h>
- X#include <commit.h>
- X#include <error.h>
- X#include <help.h>
- X#include <lock.h>
- X#include <option.h>
- X#include <os.h>
- X#include <project.h>
- X#include <trace.h>
- X#include <user.h>
- X#include <word.h>
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_administrator_usage _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_administrator_usage()
- X{
- X char *progname;
- X
- X progname = option_progname_get();
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -New_Administrator [ <option>... ] <username>...\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -New_Administrator -List [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -New_Administrator -Help\n", progname);
- X quit(1);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_administrator_help _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_administrator_help()
- X{
- X static char *text[] =
- X {
- X"NAME",
- X" %s -New_Administrator - add a new administrator to a",
- X" project",
- X"",
- X" %s -New_Administrator <user-name>... [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -New_Administrator -List [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -New_Administrator -Help",
- X"",
- X" The %s -New_Administrator command is used to add a new",
- X" administrator to a project.",
- X"",
- X" The following options are understood:",
- X"",
- X" -Help",
- X" This option may be used to obtain more",
- X" information about how to use the %s program.",
- X"",
- X" -List",
- X" This option may be used to obtain a list of",
- X" suitable subjects for this command. The list may",
- X" be more general than expected.",
- X"",
- X" -Project <name>",
- X" This option may be used to select the project of",
- X" interest. When no -Project option is specified, the",
- X" AEGIS_PROJECT environment variable is consulted. If",
- X" that does not exist, the user's $HOME/.aegisrc file",
- X" is examined for a default project field (see",
- X" aeuconf(5) for more information). If that does not",
- X" exist, when the user is only working on changes",
- X" within a single project, the project name defaults",
- X" to that project. Otherwise, it is an error.",
- X"",
- X" -TERse",
- X" This option may be used to cause listings to",
- X" produce the bare minimum of information. It is",
- X" usually useful for shell scripts.",
- X"",
- X" -Verbose",
- X" This option may be used to cause %s to produce",
- X" more output. By default %s only produces",
- X" output on errors. When used with the -List",
- X" option this option causes column headings to be",
- X" added.",
- X"",
- X" All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is",
- X" documented as the upper case letters, all lower case",
- X" letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use",
- X" consecutive sequences of optional letters.",
- X"",
- X" All options are case insensitive, you may type them in",
- X" upper case or lower case or a combination of both, case",
- X" is not important.",
- X"",
- X" For example: the arguments \"-project, \"-PROJ\" and \"-p\"",
- X" are all interpreted to mean the -Project option. The",
- X" argument \"-prj\" will not be understood, because",
- X" consecutive optional characters were not supplied.",
- X"",
- X" Options and other command line arguments may be mixed",
- X" arbitrarily on the command line, after the function",
- X" selectors.",
- X"",
- X" The GNU long option names are understood. Since all",
- X" option names for aegis are long, this means ignoring the",
- X" extra leading '-'. The \"--option=value\" convention is",
- X" also understood.",
- X"",
- X" The recommended alias for this command is",
- X" csh%% alias aena '%s -na \\!* -v'",
- X" sh$ aena(){%s -na $* -v}",
- X"",
- X" It is an error if the current user is not an",
- X" administrator of the project.",
- X" It is an error if any of the named users have a uid of",
- X" less than 100.",
- X"",
- X" The %s command will exit with a status of 1 on any",
- X" error. The %s command will only exit with a status of",
- X" 0 if there are no errors.",
- X"",
- X" %C",
- X"",
- X" %A",
- X };
- X
- X help(text, SIZEOF(text), new_administrator_usage);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_administrator_list _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_administrator_list()
- X{
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X
- X trace(("new_administrator_list()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X arglex();
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(new_administrator_usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X new_administrator_usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X list_administrators(project_name, 0);
- X if (project_name)
- X str_free(project_name);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_administrator_main _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_administrator_main()
- X{
- X wlist wl;
- X string_ty *s1;
- X pstate pstate_data;
- X int j;
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X project_ty *pp;
- X user_ty *up;
- X
- X trace(("new_administrator_main()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X wl_zero(&wl);
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(new_administrator_usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_string:
- X s1 = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X if (wl_member(&wl, s1))
- X fatal("user \"%s\" named more than once", s1->str_text);
- X wl_append(&wl, s1);
- X str_free(s1);
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X new_administrator_usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X if (!wl.wl_nwords)
- X fatal("no users named");
- X
- X /*
- X * locate project data
- X */
- X if (!project_name)
- X project_name = user_default_project();
- X pp = project_alloc(project_name);
- X str_free(project_name);
- X project_bind_existing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * locate user data
- X */
- X up = user_executing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * lock the project for change
- X */
- X project_pstate_lock_prepare(pp);
- X lock_take();
- X pstate_data = project_pstate_get(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * check they are allowed to do this
- X */
- X if (!project_administrator_query(pp, user_name(up)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not an administrator",
- X user_name(up)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * check they they are OK users
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X user_ty *candidate;
- X
- X /*
- X * make sure the user isn't already there
- X */
- X candidate = user_symbolic(pp, wl.wl_word[j]);
- X if (project_administrator_query(pp, user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is already an administrator",
- X user_name(candidate)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * make sure the user exists
- X * (should we check s/he is in the project's group?)
- X * this is to avoid security holes
- X */
- X if (!user_uid_check(user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X fatal
- X (
- X "user \"%s\" is too privileged",
- X user_name(candidate)->str_text
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * add it to the list
- X */
- X project_administrator_add(pp, user_name(candidate));
- X user_free(candidate);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * write out and release lock
- X */
- X project_pstate_write(pp);
- X commit();
- X lock_release();
- X
- X /*
- X * verbose success message
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X project_verbose
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is now an administrator",
- X wl.wl_word[j]
- X );
- X }
- X project_free(pp);
- X user_free(up);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xnew_administrator()
- X{
- X trace(("new_administrator()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X switch (arglex())
- X {
- X default:
- X new_administrator_main();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_help:
- X new_administrator_help();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_list:
- X new_administrator_list();
- X break;
- X }
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- if test 8357 -ne `wc -c <'aegis/aena.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'aegis/aena.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'aegis/aena.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'aegis/aend.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'aegis/aend.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'aegis/aend.c'\" \(8112 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'aegis/aend.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: functions to implement new developer
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X
- X#include <ael.h>
- X#include <aend.h>
- X#include <arglex2.h>
- X#include <commit.h>
- X#include <error.h>
- X#include <help.h>
- X#include <lock.h>
- X#include <option.h>
- X#include <os.h>
- X#include <project.h>
- X#include <trace.h>
- X#include <user.h>
- X#include <word.h>
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_developer_usage _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_developer_usage()
- X{
- X char *progname;
- X
- X progname = option_progname_get();
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -New_Developer <username>... [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -New_Developer -List [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -New_Developer -Help\n", progname);
- X quit(1);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_developer_help _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_developer_help()
- X{
- X static char *text[] =
- X {
- X"NAME",
- X" %s -New_Developer - add new developers to a project",
- X"",
- X" %s -New_Developer <username>... [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -New_Developer -List [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -New_Developer -Help",
- X"",
- X" The %s -New_Developer command is used to add new",
- X" developers to a project.",
- X"",
- X" The following options are understood:",
- X"",
- X" -Help",
- X" This option may be used to obtain more",
- X" information about how to use the %s program.",
- X"",
- X" -List",
- X" This option may be used to obtain a list of",
- X" suitable subjects for this command. The list may",
- X" be more general than expected.",
- X"",
- X" -Project <name>",
- X" This option may be used to select the project of",
- X" interest. When no -Project option is specified, the",
- X" AEGIS_PROJECT environment variable is consulted. If",
- X" that does not exist, the user's $HOME/.aegisrc file",
- X" is examined for a default project field (see",
- X" aeuconf(5) for more information). If that does not",
- X" exist, when the user is only working on changes",
- X" within a single project, the project name defaults",
- X" to that project. Otherwise, it is an error.",
- X"",
- X" -TERse",
- X" This option may be used to cause listings to",
- X" produce the bare minimum of information. It is",
- X" usually useful for shell scripts.",
- X"",
- X" -Verbose",
- X" This option may be used to cause %s to produce",
- X" more output. By default %s only produces",
- X" output on errors. When used with the -List",
- X" option this option causes column headings to be",
- X" added.",
- X"",
- X" All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is",
- X" documented as the upper case letters, all lower case",
- X" letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use",
- X" consecutive sequences of optional letters.",
- X"",
- X" All options are case insensitive, you may type them in",
- X" upper case or lower case or a combination of both, case",
- X" is not important.",
- X"",
- X" For example: the arguments \"-project, \"-PROJ\" and \"-p\"",
- X" are all interpreted to mean the -Project option. The",
- X" argument \"-prj\" will not be understood, because",
- X" consecutive optional characters were not supplied.",
- X"",
- X" Options and other command line arguments may be mixed",
- X" arbitrarily on the command line, after the function",
- X" selectors.",
- X"",
- X" The GNU long option names are understood. Since all",
- X" option names for aegis are long, this means ignoring the",
- X" extra leading '-'. The \"--option=value\" convention is",
- X" also understood.",
- X"",
- X" The recommended alias for this command is",
- X" csh%% alias aend '%s -nd \\!* -v'",
- X" sh$ aend(){%s -nd $* -v}",
- X"",
- X" It is an error if the current user is not an",
- X" administrator of the project.",
- X"",
- X" The %s command will exit with a status of 1 on any",
- X" error. The %s command will only exit with a status of",
- X" 0 if there are no errors.",
- X"",
- X" %C",
- X"",
- X" %A",
- X };
- X
- X help(text, SIZEOF(text), new_developer_usage);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_developer_list _((void (*)(void)));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_developer_list(usage)
- X void (*usage)_((void));
- X{
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X
- X trace(("new_developer_list()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X arglex();
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X list_developers(project_name, 0);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_developer_main _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_developer_main()
- X{
- X wlist wl;
- X string_ty *s1;
- X pstate pstate_data;
- X int j;
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X project_ty *pp;
- X user_ty *up;
- X
- X trace(("new_developer_main()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X wl_zero(&wl);
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(new_developer_usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_string:
- X s1 = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X if (wl_member(&wl, s1))
- X fatal("user \"%s\" named more than once", s1->str_text);
- X wl_append(&wl, s1);
- X str_free(s1);
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X new_developer_usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X if (!wl.wl_nwords)
- X fatal("no users named");
- X
- X /*
- X * locate project data
- X */
- X if (!project_name)
- X project_name = user_default_project();
- X pp = project_alloc(project_name);
- X str_free(project_name);
- X project_bind_existing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * locate user data
- X */
- X up = user_executing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * lock the project for change
- X */
- X project_pstate_lock_prepare(pp);
- X lock_take();
- X pstate_data = project_pstate_get(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * check they are allowed to do this
- X */
- X if (!project_administrator_query(pp, user_name(up)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not an administrator",
- X user_name(up)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * check they they are OK users
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X user_ty *candidate;
- X
- X /*
- X * make sure the user isn't already there
- X */
- X candidate = user_symbolic(pp, wl.wl_word[j]);
- X if (project_developer_query(pp, user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is already a developer",
- X user_name(candidate)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * make sure the user exists
- X * (should we chech s/he is in the project's group?)
- X * this is to avoid security holes
- X */
- X if (!user_uid_check(user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X fatal
- X (
- X "user \"%s\" is too privileged",
- X user_name(candidate)->str_text
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * add it to the list
- X */
- X project_developer_add(pp, user_name(candidate));
- X user_free(candidate);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * write out and release lock
- X */
- X project_pstate_write(pp);
- X commit();
- X lock_release();
- X
- X /*
- X * verbose success message
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X project_verbose
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is now a developer",
- X wl.wl_word[j]
- X );
- X }
- X project_free(pp);
- X user_free(up);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xnew_developer()
- X{
- X trace(("new_developer()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X switch (arglex())
- X {
- X default:
- X new_developer_main();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_help:
- X new_developer_help();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_list:
- X new_developer_list(new_developer_usage);
- X break;
- X }
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- if test 8112 -ne `wc -c <'aegis/aend.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'aegis/aend.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'aegis/aend.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'aegis/aeni.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'aegis/aeni.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'aegis/aeni.c'\" \(8195 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'aegis/aeni.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: functions to implement new integrator
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X
- X#include <aeni.h>
- X#include <ael.h>
- X#include <arglex2.h>
- X#include <commit.h>
- X#include <error.h>
- X#include <help.h>
- X#include <lock.h>
- X#include <option.h>
- X#include <os.h>
- X#include <project.h>
- X#include <trace.h>
- X#include <user.h>
- X#include <word.h>
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_integrator_usage _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_integrator_usage()
- X{
- X char *progname;
- X
- X progname = option_progname_get();
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -New_Integrator <username>... [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -New_Integrator -List [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -New_Integrator -Help\n", progname);
- X quit(1);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_integrator_help _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_integrator_help()
- X{
- X static char *text[] =
- X {
- X"NAME",
- X" %s -New_Integrator - add new integrators to a project",
- X"",
- X" %s -New_Integrator <user-name>... [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -New_Integrator -List [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -New_Integrator -Help",
- X"",
- X" The %s -New_Integrator command is used to add new",
- X" integrators to a project.",
- X"",
- X" The following options are understood:",
- X"",
- X" -Help",
- X" This option may be used to obtain more",
- X" information about how to use the %s program.",
- X"",
- X" -List",
- X" This option may be used to obtain a list of",
- X" suitable subjects for this command. The list may",
- X" be more general than expected.",
- X"",
- X" -Project <name>",
- X" This option may be used to select the project of",
- X" interest. When no -Project option is specified, the",
- X" AEGIS_PROJECT environment variable is consulted. If",
- X" that does not exist, the user's $HOME/.aegisrc file",
- X" is examined for a default project field (see",
- X" aeuconf(5) for more information). If that does not",
- X" exist, when the user is only working on changes",
- X" within a single project, the project name defaults",
- X" to that project. Otherwise, it is an error.",
- X"",
- X" -TERse",
- X" This option may be used to cause listings to",
- X" produce the bare minimum of information. It is",
- X" usually useful for shell scripts.",
- X"",
- X" -Verbose",
- X" This option may be used to cause %s to produce",
- X" more output. By default %s only produces",
- X" output on errors. When used with the -List",
- X" option this option causes column headings to be",
- X" added.",
- X"",
- X" All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is",
- X" documented as the upper case letters, all lower case",
- X" letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use",
- X" consecutive sequences of optional letters.",
- X"",
- X" All options are case insensitive, you may type them in",
- X" upper case or lower case or a combination of both, case",
- X" is not important.",
- X"",
- X" For example: the arguments \"-project, \"-PROJ\" and \"-p\"",
- X" are all interpreted to mean the -Project option. The",
- X" argument \"-prj\" will not be understood, because",
- X" consecutive optional characters were not supplied.",
- X"",
- X" Options and other command line arguments may be mixed",
- X" arbitrarily on the command line, after the function",
- X" selectors.",
- X"",
- X" The GNU long option names are understood. Since all",
- X" option names for aegis are long, this means ignoring the",
- X" extra leading '-'. The \"--option=value\" convention is",
- X" also understood.",
- X"",
- X" The recommended alias for this command is",
- X" csh%% alias aeni '%s -ni \\!* -v'",
- X" sh$ aeni(){%s -ni $* -v}",
- X"",
- X" It is an error if the current user is not an",
- X" administrator of the project.",
- X"",
- X" The %s command will exit with a status of 1 on any",
- X" error. The %s command will only exit with a status of",
- X" 0 if there are no errors.",
- X"",
- X" %C",
- X"",
- X" %A",
- X };
- X
- X help(text, SIZEOF(text), new_integrator_usage);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_integrator_list _((void (*)(void)));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_integrator_list(usage)
- X void (*usage)_((void));
- X{
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X
- X trace(("new_integrator_list()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X arglex();
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X list_integrators(project_name, 0);
- X if (project_name)
- X str_free(project_name);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_integrator_main _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_integrator_main()
- X{
- X wlist wl;
- X string_ty *s1;
- X pstate pstate_data;
- X int j;
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X project_ty *pp;
- X user_ty *up;
- X
- X trace(("new_integrator_main()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X wl_zero(&wl);
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(new_integrator_usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_string:
- X s1 = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X if (wl_member(&wl, s1))
- X fatal("user \"%s\" named more than once", s1->str_text);
- X wl_append(&wl, s1);
- X str_free(s1);
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X new_integrator_usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X if (!wl.wl_nwords)
- X fatal("no users named");
- X
- X /*
- X * locate project data
- X */
- X if (!project_name)
- X project_name = user_default_project();
- X pp = project_alloc(project_name);
- X str_free(project_name);
- X project_bind_existing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * locate user data
- X */
- X up = user_executing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * lock the project for change
- X */
- X project_pstate_lock_prepare(pp);
- X lock_take();
- X pstate_data = project_pstate_get(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * check they are allowed to do this
- X */
- X if (!project_administrator_query(pp, user_name(up)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not an administrator",
- X user_name(up)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * check they they are OK users
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X user_ty *candidate;
- X
- X /*
- X * make sure the user isn't already there
- X */
- X candidate = user_symbolic(pp, wl.wl_word[j]);
- X if (project_integrator_query(pp, user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is already an integrator",
- X user_name(candidate)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * make sure the user exists
- X * (should we check s/he is in the project's group?)
- X * this is to avoid security holes
- X */
- X if (!user_uid_check(user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X fatal
- X (
- X "user \"%s\" is too privileged",
- X user_name(candidate)->str_text
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * add it to the list
- X */
- X project_integrator_add(pp, user_name(candidate));
- X user_free(candidate);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * write out and release lock
- X */
- X project_pstate_write(pp);
- X commit();
- X lock_release();
- X
- X /*
- X * verbose success message
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X project_verbose
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is now an integrator",
- X wl.wl_word[j]
- X );
- X }
- X project_free(pp);
- X user_free(up);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xnew_integrator()
- X{
- X trace(("new_integrator()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X switch (arglex())
- X {
- X default:
- X new_integrator_main();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_help:
- X new_integrator_help();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_list:
- X new_integrator_list(new_integrator_usage);
- X break;
- X }
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- if test 8195 -ne `wc -c <'aegis/aeni.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'aegis/aeni.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'aegis/aeni.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'aegis/aenrv.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'aegis/aenrv.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'aegis/aenrv.c'\" \(8124 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'aegis/aenrv.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: functions to implement new reviewer
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X
- X#include <ael.h>
- X#include <aenrv.h>
- X#include <arglex2.h>
- X#include <commit.h>
- X#include <error.h>
- X#include <help.h>
- X#include <lock.h>
- X#include <option.h>
- X#include <os.h>
- X#include <project.h>
- X#include <trace.h>
- X#include <user.h>
- X#include <word.h>
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_reviewer_usage _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_reviewer_usage()
- X{
- X char *progname;
- X
- X progname = option_progname_get();
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -New_Reviewer <username>... [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -New_Reviewer -List [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -New_Reviewer -Help\n", progname);
- X quit(1);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_reviewer_help _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_reviewer_help()
- X{
- X static char *text[] =
- X {
- X"NAME",
- X" %s -New_ReViewer - add new reviewers to a project",
- X"",
- X" %s -New_ReViewer <user-name>... [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -New_ReViewer -List [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -New_ReViewer -Help",
- X"",
- X" The %s -New_ReViewer command is used to add new reviewers",
- X" to a project.",
- X"",
- X" The following options are understood:",
- X"",
- X" -Help",
- X" This option may be used to obtain more information",
- X" about how to use the %s program.",
- X"",
- X" -List",
- X" This option may be used to obtain a list of suitable",
- X" subjects for this command. The list may be more",
- X" general than expected.",
- X"",
- X" -Project <name>",
- X" This option may be used to select the project of",
- X" interest. When no -Project option is specified, the",
- X" AEGIS_PROJECT environment variable is consulted. If",
- X" that does not exist, the user's $HOME/.aegisrc file",
- X" is examined for a default project field (see",
- X" aeuconf(5) for more information). If that does not",
- X" exist, when the user is only working on changes",
- X" within a single project, the project name defaults",
- X" to that project. Otherwise, it is an error.",
- X"",
- X" -TERse",
- X" This option may be used to cause listings to produce",
- X" the bare minimum of information. It is usually",
- X" useful for shell scripts.",
- X"",
- X" -Verbose",
- X" This option may be used to cause %s to produce",
- X" more output. By default %s only produces output",
- X" on errors. When used with the -List option this",
- X" option causes column headings to be added.",
- X"",
- X" All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is",
- X" documented as the upper case letters, all lower case",
- X" letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use",
- X" consecutive sequences of optional letters.",
- X"",
- X" All options are case insensitive, you may type them in",
- X" upper case or lower case or a combination of both, case",
- X" is not important.",
- X"",
- X" For example: the arguments \"-project, \"-PROJ\" and \"-p\"",
- X" are all interpreted to mean the -Project option. The",
- X" argument \"-prj\" will not be understood, because",
- X" consecutive optional characters were not supplied.",
- X"",
- X" Options and other command line arguments may be mixed",
- X" arbitrarily on the command line, after the function",
- X" selectors.",
- X"",
- X" The GNU long option names are understood. Since all",
- X" option names for aegis are long, this means ignoring the",
- X" extra leading '-'. The \"--option=value\" convention is",
- X" also understood.",
- X"",
- X" The recommended alias for this command is",
- X" csh%% alias aenrv '%s -nrv \\!* -v'",
- X" sh$ aenrv(){%s -nrv $* -v}",
- X"",
- X" It is an error if the current user is not an administrator",
- X" of the project.",
- X"",
- X" The %s command will exit with a status of 1 on any error.",
- X" The %s command will only exit with a status of 0 if there",
- X" are no errors.",
- X"",
- X" %C",
- X"",
- X" %A",
- X };
- X
- X help(text, SIZEOF(text), new_reviewer_usage);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_reviewer_list _((void (*)(void)));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_reviewer_list(usage)
- X void (*usage)_((void));
- X{
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X
- X trace(("new_reviewer_list()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X project_name = 0;
- X arglex();
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X list_reviewers(project_name, 0);
- X if (project_name)
- X str_free(project_name);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void new_reviewer_main _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xnew_reviewer_main()
- X{
- X wlist wl;
- X string_ty *s1;
- X pstate pstate_data;
- X int j;
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X project_ty *pp;
- X user_ty *up;
- X
- X trace(("new_reviewer_main()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X project_name = 0;
- X wl_zero(&wl);
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(new_reviewer_usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_string:
- X s1 = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X if (wl_member(&wl, s1))
- X fatal("user \"%s\" named more than once", s1->str_text);
- X wl_append(&wl, s1);
- X str_free(s1);
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X new_reviewer_usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X if (!wl.wl_nwords)
- X fatal("no users named");
- X
- X /*
- X * locate project data
- X */
- X if (!project_name)
- X project_name = user_default_project();
- X pp = project_alloc(project_name);
- X str_free(project_name);
- X project_bind_existing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * locate user data
- X */
- X up = user_executing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * lock the project for change
- X */
- X project_pstate_lock_prepare(pp);
- X lock_take();
- X pstate_data = project_pstate_get(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * check they are allowed to do this
- X */
- X if (!project_administrator_query(pp, user_name(up)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not an administrator",
- X user_name(up)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * check they they are OK users
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X user_ty *candidate;
- X
- X /*
- X * make sure the user isn't already there
- X */
- X candidate = user_symbolic(pp, wl.wl_word[j]);
- X if (project_reviewer_query(pp, user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is already a reviewer",
- X user_name(candidate)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * make sure the user exists
- X * (should we check s/he is in the project's group?)
- X * this is to avoid security holes
- X */
- X if (!user_uid_check(user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X fatal
- X (
- X "user \"%s\" is too privileged",
- X user_name(candidate)->str_text
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * add them to the list
- X */
- X project_reviewer_add(pp, user_name(candidate));
- X user_free(candidate);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * write out and release lock
- X */
- X project_pstate_write(pp);
- X commit();
- X lock_release();
- X
- X /*
- X * verbose success message
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X project_verbose
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is now a reviewer",
- X wl.wl_word[j]
- X );
- X }
- X project_free(pp);
- X user_free(up);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xnew_reviewer()
- X{
- X trace(("new_reviewer()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X switch (arglex())
- X {
- X default:
- X new_reviewer_main();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_help:
- X new_reviewer_help();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_list:
- X new_reviewer_list(new_reviewer_usage);
- X break;
- X }
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- if test 8124 -ne `wc -c <'aegis/aenrv.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'aegis/aenrv.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'aegis/aenrv.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'aegis/aera.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'aegis/aera.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'aegis/aera.c'\" \(8302 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'aegis/aera.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: functions to implement remove administrator
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X
- X#include <aera.h>
- X#include <ael.h>
- X#include <arglex2.h>
- X#include <commit.h>
- X#include <error.h>
- X#include <help.h>
- X#include <lock.h>
- X#include <option.h>
- X#include <os.h>
- X#include <project.h>
- X#include <trace.h>
- X#include <user.h>
- X#include <word.h>
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_administrator_usage _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_administrator_usage()
- X{
- X char *progname;
- X
- X progname = option_progname_get();
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -Remove_Administrator [ <option>... ] <username>...\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -Remove_Administrator -List [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -Remove_Administrator -Help\n", progname);
- X quit(1);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_administrator_help _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_administrator_help()
- X{
- X static char *text[] =
- X {
- X"NAME",
- X" %s -Remove_Administrator - remove administrators from",
- X" a project",
- X"",
- X" %s -Remove_Administrator user-name ... [ option... ]",
- X" %s -Remove_Administrator -List [ option... ]",
- X" %s -Remove_Administrator -Help",
- X"",
- X" The %s -Remove_Administrator command is used to remove",
- X" administrators from a project.",
- X"",
- X" The following options are understood:",
- X"",
- X" -Help",
- X" This option may be used to obtain more",
- X" information about how to use the %s program.",
- X"",
- X" -List",
- X" This option may be used to obtain a list of",
- X" suitable subjects for this command. The list may",
- X" be more general than expected.",
- X"",
- X" -Project <name>",
- X" This option may be used to select the project of",
- X" interest. When no -Project option is specified, if",
- X" the user is only working on changes within a single",
- X" project, the project name defaults to that project;",
- X" if the user is currently working on changes to more",
- X" than one project, or is not working on changes to",
- X" any project, the user's $HOME/.%src file is",
- X" examined for a default project field (see aeuconf(5)",
- X" for more information).",
- X"",
- X" -TERse",
- X" This option may be used to cause listings to",
- X" produce the bare minimum of information. It is",
- X" usually useful for shell scripts.",
- X"",
- X" -Verbose",
- X" This option may be used to cause %s to produce",
- X" more output. By default %s only produces",
- X" output on errors. When used with the -List",
- X" option this option causes column headings to be",
- X" added.",
- X"",
- X" All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is",
- X" documented as the upper case letters, all lower case",
- X" letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use",
- X" consecutive sequences of optional letters.",
- X"",
- X" All options are case insensitive, you may type them in",
- X" upper case or lower case or a combination of both, case",
- X" is not important.",
- X"",
- X" For example: the arguments \"-project, \"-PROJ\" and \"-p\"",
- X" are all interpreted to mean the -Project option. The",
- X" argument \"-prj\" will not be understood, because",
- X" consecutive optional characters were not supplied.",
- X"",
- X" Options and other command line arguments may be mixed",
- X" arbitrarily on the command line, after the function",
- X" selectors.",
- X"",
- X" The GNU long option names are understood. Since all",
- X" option names for aegis are long, this means ignoring the",
- X" extra leading '-'. The \"--option=value\" convention is",
- X" also understood.",
- X"",
- X" The recommended alias for this command is",
- X" csh%% alias aera '%s -ra \\!* -v'",
- X" sh$ aera(){%s -ra $* -v}",
- X"",
- X" It is an error if the current user is not an",
- X" administrator of the project.",
- X"",
- X" It is an error if an attempt is made to remove the last",
- X" administrator from the project.",
- X"",
- X" The %s command will exit with a status of 1 on any",
- X" error. The %s command will only exit with a status of",
- X" 0 if there are no errors.",
- X"",
- X" %C",
- X"",
- X" %A",
- X };
- X
- X help(text, SIZEOF(text), remove_administrator_usage);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_administrator_list _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_administrator_list()
- X{
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X
- X trace(("remove_administrator_list()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X arglex();
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(remove_administrator_usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X remove_administrator_usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X list_administrators(project_name, 0);
- X if (project_name)
- X str_free(project_name);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_administrator_main _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_administrator_main()
- X{
- X wlist wl;
- X string_ty *s1;
- X pstate pstate_data;
- X int j;
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X project_ty *pp;
- X user_ty *up;
- X
- X trace(("remove_administrator_main()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X wl_zero(&wl);
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(remove_administrator_usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_string:
- X s1 = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X if (wl_member(&wl, s1))
- X fatal("user \"%s\" named more than once", s1->str_text);
- X wl_append(&wl, s1);
- X str_free(s1);
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X remove_administrator_usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X if (!wl.wl_nwords)
- X fatal("no users named");
- X
- X /*
- X * locate project data
- X */
- X if (!project_name)
- X project_name = user_default_project();
- X pp = project_alloc(project_name);
- X str_free(project_name);
- X project_bind_existing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * locate user data
- X */
- X up = user_executing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * lock the project for change
- X */
- X project_pstate_lock_prepare(pp);
- X lock_take();
- X pstate_data = project_pstate_get(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * check they are allowed to do this
- X */
- X if (!project_administrator_query(pp, user_name(up)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not an administrator",
- X user_name(up)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * check the users are actually administrators
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X user_ty *candidate;
- X
- X candidate = user_symbolic(pp, wl.wl_word[j]);
- X if (!project_administrator_query(pp, user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not an administrator",
- X user_name(candidate)
- X );
- X }
- X project_administrator_delete(pp, user_name(candidate));
- X user_free(candidate);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * make sure there will always be at least one administrator
- X */
- X if (pstate_data->administrator->length <= 0)
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "must have at least one administrator at all times"
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * write out and release lock
- X */
- X project_pstate_write(pp);
- X commit();
- X lock_release();
- X
- X /*
- X * verbose success message
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X project_verbose
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is no longer an administrator",
- X wl.wl_word[j]
- X );
- X }
- X project_free(pp);
- X user_free(up);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xremove_administrator()
- X{
- X trace(("remove_administrator()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X switch (arglex())
- X {
- X default:
- X remove_administrator_main();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_help:
- X remove_administrator_help();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_list:
- X remove_administrator_list();
- X break;
- X }
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- if test 8302 -ne `wc -c <'aegis/aera.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'aegis/aera.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'aegis/aera.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'aegis/aerd.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'aegis/aerd.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'aegis/aerd.c'\" \(7837 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'aegis/aerd.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: functions to implement remove developer
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X
- X#include <ael.h>
- X#include <aerd.h>
- X#include <arglex2.h>
- X#include <commit.h>
- X#include <error.h>
- X#include <help.h>
- X#include <lock.h>
- X#include <option.h>
- X#include <os.h>
- X#include <project.h>
- X#include <trace.h>
- X#include <user.h>
- X#include <word.h>
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_developer_usage _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_developer_usage()
- X{
- X char *progname;
- X
- X progname = option_progname_get();
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -Remove_Developer [ <option>... ] <username>...\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -Remove_Developer -List [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -Remove_Developer -Help\n", progname);
- X quit(1);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_developer_help _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_developer_help()
- X{
- X static char *text[] =
- X {
- X"NAME",
- X" %s -Remove_Developer - remove developers from a",
- X" project",
- X"",
- X" %s -Remove_Developer <user-name>... [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -Remove_Developer -List [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -Remove_Developer -Help",
- X"",
- X" The %s -Remove_Developer command is used to remove",
- X" developers from a project.",
- X"",
- X" The following options are understood:",
- X"",
- X" -Help",
- X" This option may be used to obtain more",
- X" information about how to use the %s program.",
- X"",
- X" -List",
- X" This option may be used to obtain a list of",
- X" suitable subjects for this command. The list may",
- X" be more general than expected.",
- X"",
- X" -Project <name>",
- X" This option may be used to select the project of",
- X" interest. When no -Project option is specified, the",
- X" AEGIS_PROJECT environment variable is consulted. If",
- X" that does not exist, the user's $HOME/.aegisrc file",
- X" is examined for a default project field (see",
- X" aeuconf(5) for more information). If that does not",
- X" exist, when the user is only working on changes",
- X" within a single project, the project name defaults",
- X" to that project. Otherwise, it is an error.",
- X"",
- X" -TERse",
- X" This option may be used to cause listings to",
- X" produce the bare minimum of information. It is",
- X" usually useful for shell scripts.",
- X"",
- X" -Verbose",
- X" This option may be used to cause %s to produce",
- X" more output. By default %s only produces",
- X" output on errors. When used with the -List",
- X" option this option causes column headings to be",
- X" added.",
- X"",
- X" All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is",
- X" documented as the upper case letters, all lower case",
- X" letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use",
- X" consecutive sequences of optional letters.",
- X"",
- X" All options are case insensitive, you may type them in",
- X" upper case or lower case or a combination of both, case",
- X" is not important.",
- X"",
- X" For example: the arguments \"-project, \"-PROJ\" and \"-p\"",
- X" are all interpreted to mean the -Project option. The",
- X" argument \"-prj\" will not be understood, because",
- X" consecutive optional characters were not supplied.",
- X"",
- X" Options and other command line arguments may be mixed",
- X" arbitrarily on the command line, after the function",
- X" selectors.",
- X"",
- X" The GNU long option names are understood. Since all",
- X" option names for aegis are long, this means ignoring the",
- X" extra leading '-'. The \"--option=value\" convention is",
- X" also understood.",
- X"",
- X" The recommended alias for this command is",
- X" csh%% alias aerd '%s -rd \\!* -v'",
- X" sh$ aerd(){%s -rd $* -v}",
- X"",
- X" It is an error if the current user is not an",
- X" administrator of the project.",
- X"",
- X" The %s command will exit with a status of 1 on any",
- X" error. The %s command will only exit with a status of",
- X" 0 if there are no errors.",
- X"",
- X" %C",
- X"",
- X" %A",
- X };
- X
- X help(text, SIZEOF(text), remove_developer_usage);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_developer_list _((void (*)(void)));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_developer_list(usage)
- X void (*usage)_((void));
- X{
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X
- X trace(("remove_developer_list()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X arglex();
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X list_developers(project_name, 0);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_developer_main _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_developer_main()
- X{
- X wlist wl;
- X string_ty *s1;
- X pstate pstate_data;
- X int j;
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X project_ty *pp;
- X user_ty *up;
- X
- X trace(("remove_developer_main()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X wl_zero(&wl);
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(remove_developer_usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_string:
- X s1 = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X if (wl_member(&wl, s1))
- X fatal("user \"%s\" named more than once", s1->str_text);
- X wl_append(&wl, s1);
- X str_free(s1);
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X remove_developer_usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X if (!wl.wl_nwords)
- X fatal("no users named");
- X
- X /*
- X * locate project data
- X */
- X if (!project_name)
- X project_name = user_default_project();
- X pp = project_alloc(project_name);
- X str_free(project_name);
- X project_bind_existing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * locate user data
- X */
- X up = user_executing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * lock the project for change
- X */
- X project_pstate_lock_prepare(pp);
- X lock_take();
- X pstate_data = project_pstate_get(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * check they are allowed to do this
- X */
- X if (!project_administrator_query(pp, user_name(up)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not an administrator",
- X user_name(up)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * check they they are OK users
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X user_ty *candidate;
- X
- X candidate = user_symbolic(pp, wl.wl_word[j]);
- X if (!project_developer_query(pp, user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not a developer",
- X user_name(candidate)
- X );
- X }
- X project_developer_delete(pp, user_name(candidate));
- X user_free(candidate);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * write out and release lock
- X */
- X project_pstate_write(pp);
- X commit();
- X lock_release();
- X
- X /*
- X * verbose success message
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X project_verbose
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is no longer a developer",
- X wl.wl_word[j]
- X );
- X }
- X project_free(pp);
- X user_free(up);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xremove_developer()
- X{
- X trace(("remove_developer()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X switch (arglex())
- X {
- X default:
- X remove_developer_main();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_help:
- X remove_developer_help();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_list:
- X remove_developer_list(remove_developer_usage);
- X break;
- X }
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- if test 7837 -ne `wc -c <'aegis/aerd.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'aegis/aerd.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'aegis/aerd.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'aegis/aeri.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'aegis/aeri.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'aegis/aeri.c'\" \(7902 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'aegis/aeri.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: functions to implement remove administrator
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X
- X#include <ael.h>
- X#include <aeri.h>
- X#include <arglex2.h>
- X#include <commit.h>
- X#include <error.h>
- X#include <help.h>
- X#include <lock.h>
- X#include <option.h>
- X#include <os.h>
- X#include <project.h>
- X#include <trace.h>
- X#include <user.h>
- X#include <word.h>
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_integrator_usage _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_integrator_usage()
- X{
- X char *progname;
- X
- X progname = option_progname_get();
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -Remove_Integrator [ <option>... ] <username>...\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -Remove_Integrator -List [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -Remove_Integrator -Help\n", progname);
- X quit(1);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_integrator_help _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_integrator_help()
- X{
- X static char *text[] =
- X {
- X"NAME",
- X" %s -Remove_Integrator - remove integrators from a",
- X" project",
- X"",
- X" %s -Remove_Integrator <user-name>... [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -Remove_Integrator -List [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -Remove_Integrator -Help",
- X"",
- X" The %s -Remove_Integrator command is used to remove",
- X" integrators from a project.",
- X"",
- X" The following options are understood:",
- X"",
- X" -Help",
- X" This option may be used to obtain more",
- X" information about how to use the %s program.",
- X"",
- X" -List",
- X" This option may be used to obtain a list of",
- X" suitable subjects for this command. The list may",
- X" be more general than expected.",
- X"",
- X" -Project <name>",
- X" This option may be used to select the project of",
- X" interest. When no -Project option is specified, if",
- X" the user is only working on changes within a single",
- X" project, the project name defaults to that project;",
- X" if the user is currently working on changes to more",
- X" than one project, or is not working on changes to",
- X" any project, the user's $HOME/.%src file is",
- X" examined for a default project field (see aeuconf(5)",
- X" for more information).",
- X"",
- X" -TERse",
- X" This option may be used to cause listings to",
- X" produce the bare minimum of information. It is",
- X" usually useful for shell scripts.",
- X"",
- X" -Verbose",
- X" This option may be used to cause %s to produce",
- X" more output. By default %s only produces",
- X" output on errors. When used with the -List",
- X" option this option causes column headings to be",
- X" added.",
- X"",
- X" All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is",
- X" documented as the upper case letters, all lower case",
- X" letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use",
- X" consecutive sequences of optional letters.",
- X"",
- X" All options are case insensitive, you may type them in",
- X" upper case or lower case or a combination of both, case",
- X" is not important.",
- X"",
- X" For example: the arguments \"-project, \"-PROJ\" and \"-p\"",
- X" are all interpreted to mean the -Project option. The",
- X" argument \"-prj\" will not be understood, because",
- X" consecutive optional characters were not supplied.",
- X"",
- X" Options and other command line arguments may be mixed",
- X" arbitrarily on the command line, after the function",
- X" selectors.",
- X"",
- X" The GNU long option names are understood. Since all",
- X" option names for aegis are long, this means ignoring the",
- X" extra leading '-'. The \"--option=value\" convention is",
- X" also understood.",
- X"",
- X" The recommended alias for this command is",
- X" csh%% alias aeri '%s -ri \\!* -v'",
- X" sh$ aeri(){%s -ri $* -v}",
- X"",
- X" It is an error if the current user is not an",
- X" administratot of the project.",
- X"",
- X" The %s command will exit with a status of 1 on any",
- X" error. The %s command will only exit with a status of",
- X" 0 if there are no errors.",
- X"",
- X" %C",
- X"",
- X" %A",
- X };
- X
- X help(text, SIZEOF(text), remove_integrator_usage);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_integrator_list _((void (*)(void)));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_integrator_list(usage)
- X void (*usage)_((void));
- X{
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X
- X trace(("remove_integrator_list()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X arglex();
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X list_integrators(project_name, 0);
- X if (project_name)
- X str_free(project_name);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_integrator_main _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_integrator_main()
- X{
- X wlist wl;
- X string_ty *s1;
- X pstate pstate_data;
- X int j;
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X project_ty *pp;
- X user_ty *up;
- X
- X trace(("remove_integrator_main()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X wl_zero(&wl);
- X project_name = 0;
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(remove_integrator_usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_string:
- X s1 = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X if (wl_member(&wl, s1))
- X fatal("user \"%s\" named more than once", s1->str_text);
- X wl_append(&wl, s1);
- X str_free(s1);
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X remove_integrator_usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X if (!wl.wl_nwords)
- X fatal("no users named");
- X
- X /*
- X * locate project data
- X */
- X if (!project_name)
- X project_name = user_default_project();
- X pp = project_alloc(project_name);
- X str_free(project_name);
- X project_bind_existing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * locate user data
- X */
- X up = user_executing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * lock the project for change
- X */
- X project_pstate_lock_prepare(pp);
- X lock_take();
- X pstate_data = project_pstate_get(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * check they are allowed to do this
- X */
- X if (!project_administrator_query(pp, user_name(up)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not an administrator",
- X user_name(up)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * check they they are OK users
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X user_ty *candidate;
- X
- X candidate = user_symbolic(pp, wl.wl_word[j]);
- X if (!project_integrator_query(pp, user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not an integrator",
- X user_name(candidate)
- X );
- X }
- X project_integrator_delete(pp, user_name(candidate));
- X user_free(candidate);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * write out and release lock
- X */
- X project_pstate_write(pp);
- X commit();
- X lock_release();
- X
- X /*
- X * verbose success message
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X project_verbose
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is no longer an integrator",
- X wl.wl_word[j]
- X );
- X }
- X project_free(pp);
- X user_free(up);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xremove_integrator()
- X{
- X trace(("remove_integrator()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X switch (arglex())
- X {
- X default:
- X remove_integrator_main();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_help:
- X remove_integrator_help();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_list:
- X remove_integrator_list(remove_integrator_usage);
- X break;
- X }
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- if test 7902 -ne `wc -c <'aegis/aeri.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'aegis/aeri.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'aegis/aeri.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'aegis/aerrv.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'aegis/aerrv.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'aegis/aerrv.c'\" \(7843 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'aegis/aerrv.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: functions to implement remove reviewer
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X
- X#include <ael.h>
- X#include <aerrv.h>
- X#include <arglex2.h>
- X#include <commit.h>
- X#include <error.h>
- X#include <help.h>
- X#include <lock.h>
- X#include <option.h>
- X#include <os.h>
- X#include <project.h>
- X#include <trace.h>
- X#include <user.h>
- X#include <word.h>
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_reviewer_usage _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_reviewer_usage()
- X{
- X char *progname;
- X
- X progname = option_progname_get();
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -Remove_Reviewer [ <option>... ] <username>...\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -Remove_Reviewer -List [ <option>... ]\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr, " %s -Remove_Reviewer -Help\n", progname);
- X quit(1);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_reviewer_help _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_reviewer_help()
- X{
- X static char *text[] =
- X {
- X"NAME",
- X" %s -Remove_ReViewer - remove reviewers from a project",
- X"",
- X" %s -Remove_ReViewer <user-name>... [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -Remove_ReViewer -List [ <option>... ]",
- X" %s -Remove_ReViewer -Help",
- X"",
- X" The %s -Remove_ReViewer command is used to remove",
- X" reviewers from a project.",
- X"",
- X" The following options are understood:",
- X"",
- X" -Help",
- X" This option may be used to obtain more information",
- X" about how to use the %s program.",
- X"",
- X" -List",
- X" This option may be used to obtain a list of suitable",
- X" subjects for this command. The list may be more",
- X" general than expected.",
- X"",
- X" -Project <name>",
- X" This option may be used to select the project of",
- X" interest. When no -Project option is specified, the",
- X" AEGIS_PROJECT environment variable is consulted. If",
- X" that does not exist, the user's $HOME/.aegisrc file",
- X" is examined for a default project field (see",
- X" aeuconf(5) for more information). If that does not",
- X" exist, when the user is only working on changes",
- X" within a single project, the project name defaults",
- X" to that project. Otherwise, it is an error.",
- X"",
- X" -TERse",
- X" This option may be used to cause listings to produce",
- X" the bare minimum of information. It is usually",
- X" useful for shell scripts.",
- X"",
- X" -Verbose",
- X" This option may be used to cause %s to produce",
- X" more output. By default %s only produces output",
- X" on errors. When used with the -List option this",
- X" option causes column headings to be added.",
- X"",
- X" All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is",
- X" documented as the upper case letters, all lower case",
- X" letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use",
- X" consecutive sequences of optional letters.",
- X"",
- X" All options are case insensitive, you may type them in",
- X" upper case or lower case or a combination of both, case",
- X" is not important.",
- X"",
- X" For example: the arguments \"-project, \"-PROJ\" and \"-p\"",
- X" are all interpreted to mean the -Project option. The",
- X" argument \"-prj\" will not be understood, because",
- X" consecutive optional characters were not supplied.",
- X"",
- X" Options and other command line arguments may be mixed",
- X" arbitrarily on the command line, after the function",
- X" selectors.",
- X"",
- X" The GNU long option names are understood. Since all",
- X" option names for aegis are long, this means ignoring the",
- X" extra leading '-'. The \"--option=value\" convention is",
- X" also understood.",
- X"",
- X" The recommended alias for this command is",
- X" csh%% alias aerrv '%s -rrv \\!* -v'",
- X" sh$ aerrv(){%s -rrv $* -v}",
- X"",
- X" It is an error if the current user is not an administrator",
- X" of the project.",
- X"",
- X" The %s command will exit with a status of 1 on any error.",
- X" The %s command will only exit with a status of 0 if there",
- X" are no errors.",
- X"",
- X" %C",
- X"",
- X" %A",
- X };
- X
- X help(text, SIZEOF(text), remove_reviewer_usage);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_reviewer_list _((void (*)(void)));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_reviewer_list(usage)
- X void (*usage)_((void));
- X{
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X
- X trace(("remove_reviewer_list()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X project_name = 0;
- X arglex();
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X list_reviewers(project_name, 0);
- X if (project_name)
- X str_free(project_name);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void remove_reviewer_main _((void));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xremove_reviewer_main()
- X{
- X wlist wl;
- X string_ty *s1;
- X pstate pstate_data;
- X int j;
- X string_ty *project_name;
- X project_ty *pp;
- X user_ty *up;
- X
- X trace(("remove_reviewer_main()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X project_name = 0;
- X wl_zero(&wl);
- X while (arglex_token != arglex_token_eoln)
- X {
- X switch (arglex_token)
- X {
- X default:
- X generic_argument(remove_reviewer_usage);
- X continue;
- X
- X case arglex_token_string:
- X s1 = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X if (wl_member(&wl, s1))
- X fatal("user \"%s\" named more than once", s1->str_text);
- X wl_append(&wl, s1);
- X str_free(s1);
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_project:
- X if (arglex() != arglex_token_string)
- X remove_reviewer_usage();
- X if (project_name)
- X fatal("duplicate -Project option");
- X project_name = str_from_c(arglex_value.alv_string);
- X break;
- X }
- X arglex();
- X }
- X if (!wl.wl_nwords)
- X fatal("no users named");
- X
- X /*
- X * locate project data
- X */
- X if (!project_name)
- X project_name = user_default_project();
- X pp = project_alloc(project_name);
- X str_free(project_name);
- X project_bind_existing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * locate user data
- X */
- X up = user_executing(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * lock the project for change
- X */
- X project_pstate_lock_prepare(pp);
- X lock_take();
- X pstate_data = project_pstate_get(pp);
- X
- X /*
- X * check they are allowed to do this
- X */
- X if (!project_administrator_query(pp, user_name(up)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not an administrator",
- X user_name(up)
- X );
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * check they they are OK users
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X user_ty *candidate;
- X
- X candidate = user_symbolic(pp, wl.wl_word[j]);
- X if (!project_reviewer_query(pp, user_name(candidate)))
- X {
- X project_fatal
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is not a reviewer",
- X user_name(candidate)
- X );
- X }
- X project_reviewer_delete(pp, user_name(candidate));
- X user_free(candidate);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * write out and release lock
- X */
- X project_pstate_write(pp);
- X commit();
- X lock_release();
- X
- X /*
- X * verbose success message
- X */
- X for (j = 0; j < wl.wl_nwords; ++j)
- X {
- X project_verbose
- X (
- X pp,
- X "user \"%S\" is no longer a reviewer",
- X wl.wl_word[j]
- X );
- X }
- X project_free(pp);
- X user_free(up);
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xremove_reviewer()
- X{
- X trace(("remove_reviewer()\n{\n"/*}*/));
- X switch (arglex())
- X {
- X default:
- X remove_reviewer_main();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_help:
- X remove_reviewer_help();
- X break;
- X
- X case arglex_token_list:
- X remove_reviewer_list(remove_reviewer_usage);
- X break;
- X }
- X trace((/*{*/"}\n"));
- X}
- if test 7843 -ne `wc -c <'aegis/aerrv.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'aegis/aerrv.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'aegis/aerrv.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'aegis/lex.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'aegis/lex.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'aegis/lex.c'\" \(7951 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'aegis/lex.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: functions to perform lexical analysis on aegis' data files
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X#include <errno.h>
- X
- X#include <error.h>
- X#include <glue.h>
- X#include <lex.h>
- X#include <s-v-arg.h>
- X#include <str.h>
- X#include <gram.gen.h> /* must be after <str.h> */
- X
- X
- Xstatic FILE *fp;
- Xstatic int line_number;
- Xstatic int line_number_start;
- Xstatic char *file_name;
- Xstatic int error_count;
- Xextern gram_STYPE gram_lval;
- Xstatic char buffer[1 << 14];
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xlex_open(s)
- X char *s;
- X{
- X fp = glue_fopen(s, "r");
- X if (!fp)
- X nfatal("open \"%s\"", s);
- X file_name = s;
- X line_number = 1;
- X error_count = 0;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xlex_close()
- X{
- X glue_fclose(fp);
- X fp = 0;
- X if (error_count)
- X fatal("%s: incorrect format", file_name);
- X file_name = 0;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic int lex_getc _((void));
- X
- Xstatic int
- Xlex_getc()
- X{
- X int c;
- X
- X c = glue_fgetc(fp);
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case EOF:
- X if (glue_ferror(fp))
- X {
- X nerror("%s", file_name);
- X ++error_count;
- X }
- X break;
- X
- X case '\n':
- X ++line_number;
- X break;
- X
- X default:
- X if (c < ' ' || c > '~')
- X gram_error("illegal '\\%o' character", c);
- X break;
- X
- X case '\t':
- X case '\f':
- X break;
- X }
- X return c;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void lex_getc_undo _((int));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xlex_getc_undo(c)
- X int c;
- X{
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case EOF:
- X break;
- X
- X case '\n':
- X --line_number;
- X /* fall through... */
- X
- X default:
- X glue_ungetc(c, fp);
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xint
- Xgram_lex()
- X{
- X int c;
- X char *cp;
- X
- X for (;;)
- X {
- X c = lex_getc();
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case ' ':
- X case '\t':
- X case '\f':
- X case '\n':
- X break;
- X
- X case '0':
- X gram_lval.lv_integer = 0;
- X c = lex_getc();
- X if (c == 'x' || c == 'X')
- X {
- X int ndigits;
- X int n;
- X
- X ndigits = 0;
- X n = 0;
- X for (;;)
- X {
- X ++ndigits;
- X c = lex_getc();
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- X case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- X case '8': case '9':
- X n = 16 * n + c - '0';
- X continue;
- X
- X case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
- X case 'E': case 'F':
- X n = 16 * n + c - 'A' + 10;
- X continue;
- X
- X case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
- X case 'e': case 'f':
- X n = 16 * n + c - 'a' + 10;
- X continue;
- X
- X default:
- X --ndigits;
- X lex_getc_undo(c);
- X break;
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X if (!ndigits)
- X {
- X gram_error("malformed hex constant");
- X gram_lval.lv_integer = 0;
- X return INTEGER;
- X }
- X gram_lval.lv_integer = n;
- X return INTEGER;
- X }
- X for (;;)
- X {
- X gram_lval.lv_integer =
- X 8 * gram_lval.lv_integer + c - '0';
- X c = lex_getc();
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- X case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- X continue;
- X
- X default:
- X lex_getc_undo(c);
- X break;
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X return INTEGER;
- X
- X case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- X case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- X gram_lval.lv_integer = 0;
- X for (;;)
- X {
- X gram_lval.lv_integer =
- X 10 * gram_lval.lv_integer + c - '0';
- X c = lex_getc();
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- X case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- X case '8': case '9':
- X continue;
- X
- X default:
- X lex_getc_undo(c);
- X break;
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X return INTEGER;
- X
- X case '"':
- X line_number_start = line_number;
- X cp = buffer;
- X for (;;)
- X {
- X c = lex_getc();
- X if (c == EOF)
- X {
- X str_eof:
- X line_number = line_number_start;
- X gram_error("end-of-file within string");
- X break;
- X }
- X if (c == '\n')
- X {
- X line_number = line_number_start;
- X gram_error("end-of-line within string");
- X break;
- X }
- X if (c == '"')
- X break;
- X if (c == '\\')
- X {
- X c = lex_getc();
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X default:
- X gram_error("unknown '\\%c' escape", c);
- X break;
- X
- X case '\n':
- X break;
- X
- X case EOF:
- X goto str_eof;
- X
- X case 'b':
- X *cp++ = '\b';
- X break;
- X
- X case 'n':
- X *cp++ = '\n';
- X break;
- X
- X case 'r':
- X *cp++ = '\r';
- X break;
- X
- X case 't':
- X *cp++ = '\t';
- X break;
- X
- X case 'f':
- X *cp++ = '\f';
- X break;
- X
- X case '"':
- X case '\\':
- X *cp++ = c;
- X break;
- X
- X case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- X case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- X {
- X int n;
- X int v;
- X
- X v = 0;
- X for (n = 0; n < 3; ++n)
- X {
- X v = v * 8 + c - '0';
- X c = lex_getc();
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case '0':
- X case '1':
- X case '2':
- X case '3':
- X case '4':
- X case '5':
- X case '6':
- X case '7':
- X continue;
- X
- X default:
- X lex_getc_undo(c);
- X break;
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X *cp++ = v;
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X *cp++ = c;
- X }
- X *cp = 0;
- X gram_lval.lv_string = str_from_c(buffer);
- X return STRING;
- X
- X case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
- X case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L':
- X case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R':
- X case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
- X case 'Y': case 'Z': case '_':
- X case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
- X case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
- X case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r':
- X case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
- X case 'y': case 'z':
- X cp = buffer;
- X for (;;)
- X {
- X *cp++ = c;
- X c = lex_getc();
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- X case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- X case '8': case '9':
- X case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
- X case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H':
- X case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L':
- X case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P':
- X case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':
- X case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
- X case 'Y': case 'Z': case '_':
- X case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
- X case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h':
- X case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
- X case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p':
- X case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
- X case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
- X case 'y': case 'z':
- X continue;
- X
- X default:
- X lex_getc_undo(c);
- X break;
- X }
- X *cp = 0;
- X break;
- X }
- X gram_lval.lv_string = str_from_c(buffer);
- X return NAME;
- X
- X case '/':
- X line_number_start = line_number;
- X c = lex_getc();
- X if (c != '*')
- X {
- X lex_getc_undo(c);
- X return '/';
- X }
- X for (;;)
- X {
- X for (;;)
- X {
- X c = lex_getc();
- X if (c == EOF)
- X {
- X bad_comment:
- X line_number = line_number_start;
- X gram_error("end-of-file within comment");
- X quit(1);
- X }
- X if (c == '*')
- X break;
- X }
- X for (;;)
- X {
- X c = lex_getc();
- X if (c == EOF)
- X goto bad_comment;
- X if (c != '*')
- X break;
- X }
- X if (c == '/')
- X break;
- X }
- X break;
- X
- X default:
- X return c;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xgram_error(s sva_last)
- X char *s;
- X sva_last_decl
- X{
- X va_list ap;
- X
- X sva_init(ap, s);
- X vsprintf(buffer, s, ap);
- X va_end(ap);
- X error("%s: %d: %s", file_name, line_number, buffer);
- X if (++error_count >= 20)
- X fatal("%s: too many errors, bye!", file_name);
- X}
- if test 7951 -ne `wc -c <'aegis/lex.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'aegis/lex.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'aegis/lex.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'common/trace.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'common/trace.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'common/trace.c'\" \(7721 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'common/trace.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: functions for execution trace
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <string.h>
- X#include <stddef.h>
- X
- X#include <error.h>
- X#include <mem.h>
- X#include <option.h>
- X#include <s-v-arg.h>
- X#include <str.h>
- X#include <trace.h>
- X
- X
- X#define INDENT 2
- X
- Xtypedef struct known_ty known_ty;
- Xstruct known_ty
- X{
- X string_ty *filename;
- X int flag;
- X int *flag_p;
- X known_ty *next;
- X};
- X
- Xstatic string_ty *file_name;
- Xstatic int line_number;
- Xstatic int page_width;
- Xstatic known_ty *known;
- Xstatic int depth;
- X
- X
- Xstatic string_ty *basename _((char *));
- X
- Xstatic string_ty *
- Xbasename(file)
- X char *file;
- X{
- X char *cp1;
- X char *cp2;
- X
- X cp1 = strrchr(file, '/');
- X if (cp1)
- X ++cp1;
- X else
- X cp1 = file;
- X cp2 = strrchr(cp1, '.');
- X if (!cp2)
- X cp2 = cp1 + strlen(cp1);
- X if (cp2 > cp1 + 6)
- X return str_n_from_c(cp1, 6);
- X return str_n_from_c(cp1, cp2 - cp1);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xint
- Xtrace_pretest(file, result)
- X char *file;
- X int *result;
- X{
- X string_ty *s;
- X known_ty *kp;
- X
- X s = basename(file);
- X for (kp = known; kp; kp = kp->next)
- X {
- X if (str_equal(s, kp->filename))
- X {
- X str_free(s);
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X if (!kp)
- X {
- X kp = (known_ty *)mem_alloc(sizeof(known_ty));
- X kp->filename = s;
- X kp->next = known;
- X kp->flag = 2; /* disabled */
- X known = kp;
- X }
- X kp->flag_p = result;
- X *result = kp->flag;
- X return *result;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_where(file, line)
- X char *file;
- X int line;
- X{
- X string_ty *s;
- X
- X /*
- X * take new name fist, because will probably be same as last
- X * thus saving a free and a malloc (which are slow)
- X */
- X s = basename(file);
- X if (file_name)
- X str_free(file_name);
- X file_name = s;
- X line_number = line;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void trace_putchar _((int));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xtrace_putchar(c)
- X int c;
- X{
- X static char buffer[MAX_PAGE_WIDTH + 2];
- X static char *cp;
- X static int in_col;
- X static int out_col;
- X
- X if (!page_width)
- X {
- X /* don't use last column, many terminals are dumb */
- X page_width = option_page_width_get() - 1;
- X /* allow for progname, filename and line number (8 each) */
- X page_width -= 24;
- X if (page_width < 16)
- X page_width = 16;
- X }
- X if (!cp)
- X {
- X strcpy(buffer, option_progname_get());
- X cp = buffer + strlen(buffer);
- X if (cp > buffer + 6)
- X cp = buffer + 6;
- X *cp++ = ':';
- X *cp++ = '\t';
- X strcpy(cp, file_name->str_text);
- X cp += file_name->str_length;
- X *cp++ = ':';
- X *cp++ = '\t';
- X sprintf(cp, "%d:\t", line_number);
- X cp += strlen(cp);
- X in_col = 0;
- X out_col = 0;
- X }
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case '\n':
- X *cp++ = '\n';
- X *cp = 0;
- X fflush(stdout);
- X fputs(buffer, stderr);
- X fflush(stderr);
- X if (ferror(stderr))
- X nfatal("(stderr)");
- X cp = 0;
- X break;
- X
- X case ' ':
- X if (out_col)
- X ++in_col;
- X break;
- X
- X case '\t':
- X if (out_col)
- X in_col = (in_col/INDENT + 1) * INDENT;
- X break;
- X
- X case /*{*/'}':
- X case /*(*/')':
- X case /*[*/']':
- X if (depth > 0)
- X --depth;
- X /* fall through */
- X
- X default:
- X if (!out_col)
- X {
- X if (c != '#')
- X /* modulo so never too long */
- X in_col = (INDENT * depth) % page_width;
- X else
- X in_col = 0;
- X }
- X if (in_col >= page_width)
- X {
- X trace_putchar('\n');
- X trace_putchar(c);
- X return;
- X }
- X while (((out_col + 8) & -8) <= in_col && out_col + 1 < in_col)
- X {
- X *cp++ = '\t';
- X out_col = (out_col + 8) & -8;
- X }
- X while (out_col < in_col)
- X {
- X *cp++ = ' ';
- X ++out_col;
- X }
- X if (c == '{'/*}*/ || c == '('/*)*/ || c == '['/*]*/)
- X ++depth;
- X *cp++ = c;
- X in_col++;
- X out_col++;
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_printf(s sva_last)
- X char *s;
- X sva_last_decl
- X{
- X char buffer[MAX_PAGE_WIDTH];
- X va_list ap;
- X
- X sva_init(ap, s);
- X vsprintf(buffer, s, ap);
- X va_end(ap);
- X for (s = buffer; *s; ++s)
- X trace_putchar(*s);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_enable(file)
- X char *file;
- X{
- X string_ty *s;
- X known_ty *kp;
- X
- X s = basename(file);
- X for (kp = known; kp; kp = kp->next)
- X {
- X if (str_equal(s, kp->filename))
- X {
- X str_free(s);
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X if (!kp)
- X {
- X kp = (known_ty *)mem_alloc(sizeof(known_ty));
- X kp->filename = s;
- X kp->flag_p = 0;
- X kp->next = known;
- X known = kp;
- X }
- X kp->flag = 3; /* enabled */
- X if (kp->flag_p)
- X *kp->flag_p = kp->flag;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_char_real(name, vp)
- X char *name;
- X char *vp;
- X{
- X trace_printf("%s = '", name);
- X if (*vp < ' ' || *vp > '~' || strchr("(){}[]", *vp))
- X {
- X char *s;
- X
- X s = strchr("\bb\nn\tt\rr\ff", *vp);
- X if (s)
- X {
- X trace_putchar('\\');
- X trace_putchar(s[1]);
- X }
- X else
- X trace_printf("\\%03o", (unsigned char)*vp);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if (strchr("'\\", *vp))
- X trace_putchar('\\');
- X trace_putchar(*vp);
- X }
- X trace_printf("'; /* 0x%02X, %d */\n", (unsigned char)*vp, *vp);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_char_unsigned_real(name, vp)
- X char *name;
- X unsigned char *vp;
- X{
- X trace_printf("%s = '", name);
- X if (*vp < ' ' || *vp > '~' || strchr("(){}[]", *vp))
- X {
- X char *s;
- X
- X s = strchr("\bb\nn\tt\rr\ff", *vp);
- X if (s)
- X {
- X trace_putchar('\\');
- X trace_putchar(s[1]);
- X }
- X else
- X trace_printf("\\%03o", *vp);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if (strchr("'\\", *vp))
- X trace_putchar('\\');
- X trace_putchar(*vp);
- X }
- X trace_printf("'; /* 0x%02X, %d */\n", *vp, *vp);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_int_real(name, vp)
- X char *name;
- X int *vp;
- X{
- X trace_printf("%s = %d;\n", name, *vp);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_int_unsigned_real(name, vp)
- X char *name;
- X unsigned int *vp;
- X{
- X trace_printf("%s = %u;\n", name, *vp);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_long_real(name, vp)
- X char *name;
- X long *vp;
- X{
- X trace_printf("%s = %ld;\n", name, *vp);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_long_unsigned_real(name, vp)
- X char *name;
- X unsigned long *vp;
- X{
- X trace_printf("%s = %lu;\n", name, *vp);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_pointer_real(name, vptrptr)
- X char *name;
- X void *vptrptr;
- X{
- X void **ptr_ptr = vptrptr;
- X void *ptr;
- X
- X ptr = *ptr_ptr;
- X if (!ptr)
- X trace_printf("%s = NULL;\n", name);
- X else
- X trace_printf("%s = 0x%08lX;\n", name, ptr);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_short_real(name, vp)
- X char *name;
- X short *vp;
- X{
- X trace_printf("%s = %hd;\n", name, *vp);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_short_unsigned_real(name, vp)
- X char *name;
- X unsigned short *vp;
- X{
- X trace_printf("%s = %hu;\n", name, *vp);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_string_real(name, vp)
- X char *name;
- X char *vp;
- X{
- X char *s;
- X long count;
- X
- X trace_printf("%s = ", name);
- X if (!vp)
- X {
- X trace_printf("NULL;\n");
- X return;
- X }
- X trace_printf("\"");
- X count = 0;
- X for (s = vp; *s; ++s)
- X {
- X switch (*s)
- X {
- X case '('/*)*/:
- X case '['/*]*/:
- X case '{'/*}*/:
- X ++count;
- X break;
- X
- X case /*(*/')':
- X case /*[*/']':
- X case /*{*/'}':
- X --count;
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X if (count > 0)
- X count = -count;
- X else
- X count = 0;
- X for (s = vp; *s; ++s)
- X {
- X int c;
- X
- X c = *s;
- X if (c < ' ' || c > '~')
- X {
- X char *cp;
- X
- X cp = strchr("\bb\ff\nn\rr\tt", c);
- X if (cp)
- X trace_printf("\\%c", cp[1]);
- X else
- X {
- X escape:
- X trace_printf("\\%03o", (unsigned char)c);
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case '('/*)*/:
- X case '['/*]*/:
- X case '{'/*}*/:
- X ++count;
- X if (count <= 0)
- X goto escape;
- X break;
- X
- X case /*(*/')':
- X case /*[*/']':
- X case /*{*/'}':
- X --count;
- X if (count < 0)
- X goto escape;
- X break;
- X
- X case '\\':
- X case '"':
- X trace_printf("\\");
- X break;
- X }
- X trace_printf("%c", c);
- X }
- X }
- X trace_printf("\";\n");
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid
- Xtrace_indent_reset()
- X{
- X depth = 0;
- X}
- if test 7721 -ne `wc -c <'common/trace.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'common/trace.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'common/trace.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'doc/c1.3.so' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'doc/c1.3.so'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'doc/c1.3.so'\" \(7810 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'doc/c1.3.so' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.\"
- X.\" aegis - project change supervisor
- X.\" Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X.\" All rights reserved.
- X.\"
- X.\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X.\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X.\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X.\" (at your option) any later version.
- X.\"
- X.\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
- X.\"
- X.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X.\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X.\" Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X.\"
- X.\" MANIFEST: User Guide, How Aegis Works, When (not) to use Aegis
- X.\"
- X.bp
- X.nh 2 "When (not) to use Aegis"
- X.LP
- XThe aegis program is not a silver bullet;
- Xit will not solve all of your problems.
- XAegis is suitable for some kinds of projects,
- Xuseful for others,
- Xand useless for a few.
- X.LP
- XThe most difficult thing about the aegis program is that it takes
- Xmanagement buy-in.
- XIt takes effort to convince many people that the model
- Xused by aegis has benefits,
- Xand you need management backing you up when some person
- Xcomes along with a way of developing software "without the extra work" imposed
- Xby the model used by aegis program.
- X.LP
- XThere is extra up-front work: writing tests.
- XThe win is that the tests hang around forever,
- Xcatching minor and major slips before they become
- Xembarrassing "features" in a released product.
- XPrevention is cheaper than cure in this case,
- Xthe tests save work down the track.
- X.LP
- XAll of the "extra work" of writing tests is a long-term win,
- Xwhere old problems never again reappear.
- XAll of the "extra work" of reviewing changes means that another pair of eyes
- Xsights the code and finds potential problems before they manifest
- Xthemselves in shipped product.
- XAll of the "extra work" of integration ensures that the baseline always works,
- Xand is always self-consistent.
- XAll of the "extra work" of having a baseline and separate
- Xdevelopment directories allows multiple parallel development,
- Xwith no inter-developer interference;
- Xand the baseline always works, it is never in an "in-between" state.
- XIn each case,
- Xnot doing this "extra work" is a false economy.
- X.LP
- XThe existence of these tests, though,
- Xis what determines which projects are most suited to aegis and which are not.
- XIt should be noted that suitability is a continuous scale,
- Xnot black-and-white.
- XWith effort and resources,
- Xalmost anything fits.
- X.nh 3 "Projects for which Aegis is Most Suitable"
- X.LP
- XProjects most suited to supervision by aegis are straight programs.
- XWhat the non-systems-programmers out there call "tools" and
- Xsometimes "applications".
- XThese are programs which take a pile of input,
- Xchew on it,
- Xand emit a pile of output.
- XThe tests can then compare actual outputs with expected outputs.
- X.LP
- XAs an example,
- Xyou could be writing a
- X.I sed (1)
- Xlook-alike.
- XIt is a public domain clone of the
- X.UX
- Xsed utility.
- XYou could write tests which exercise every feature (insertion, deletion, etc.)
- Xand generate the expected output with the real
- X.UX
- Xsed.
- XYou write the code,
- Xand run the tests;
- Xyou can immediately see if the output matches expectations.
- X.LP
- XThis is a simple example.
- XMore complex examples exist,
- Xsuch as aegis itself.
- XThe aegis program is used to supervise its own development.
- XTests consist of sequences of commands and expected results
- Xare tested for.
- X.LP
- XOther types of software have been developed using aegis:
- Xcompilers and interpreters,
- Xclient-server model software,
- Xmagnetic tape utilities,
- Xgraphics software such as a ray-tracer.
- XThe range is vast, but it is not all types of software.
- X.nh 3 "Projects for which Aegis is Useful"
- X.LP
- XFor many years there have been full-screen applications on
- Xtext terminals.
- XIn more recent times there is increasing use of graphical interfaces.
- X.LP
- XIn developing these types of programs it is still possible to use aegis,
- Xbut several options need to be explored.
- X.nh 4 "Limited Testing"
- X.LP
- XYou may choose to use aegis simply for its ability to provide
- Xcontrolled access to a large source.
- XYou still get the history and change mechanisms,
- Xthe baseline model,
- Xthe enforced review.
- XYou simply don't test all changes,
- Xbecause figuring out what is on the screen,
- Xand testing it against expectations, is too hard.
- X.LP
- XIf the program has a command line interface,
- Xin addition to the full-screen or GUI interface,
- Xthe functionality accessible from the command line may be tested using aegis.
- X.LP
- XIt is possible that "limited testing" actually means "no testing",
- Xif you have no functionality accessible from the command line.
- X.nh 4 "Testing Mode"
- X.LP
- XAnother alternative is to provide hooks into your program
- Xallowing you to substitute a file for user input,
- Xand to be able to trigger the dump of a "screen image".
- XThe simulated user input can then be fed to the program,
- Xand the screen dump (in some terminal-independent form)
- Xcan be compared against expectations.
- X.LP
- XThis is easier for full-screen applications,
- Xthan for X11 applications.
- XYou need to judge the cost-benefit trade-off.
- XCost of development,
- Xcost of storage space for X11 images,
- Xcost of
- X.I not
- Xtesting.
- X.nh 4 "Manual Tests"
- X.LP
- XThe aegis program provides a manual test facility.
- XIt was originally intended for programs which required
- Xsome physical action from a user,
- Xsuch as "unplug ethernet cable now" or "mount tape XG356B now".
- XIt can also be used to have a user confirm that some
- Xon-screen activity has happened.
- X.LP
- XThe problem with manual tests is that they simply don't happen.
- XIt is far more pleasant to say "run the automatic tests" and go for
- Xa cup of coffee,
- Xthan to wait while the computer thinks of mindless things to ask you to do.
- XThis is human nature:
- Xif it can be automated, it is more likely to happen.
- X.nh 3 "Projects for which Aegis is Least Suitable"
- X.LP
- XAnother class of software is things like operating system kernels
- Xand firmware;
- Xthings which are "stand alone".
- XThis isolated nature makes it the most difficult to test:
- Xto test it you want to provide physical input and watch the physical output.
- XBy its very nature,
- Xit is hard to put into a shell script,
- Xand thus hard to write an aegis test for.
- X.nh 4 "Operating Systems"
- X.LP
- XIt is not impossible,
- Xjust that few of us have the resources to do it.
- XYou need to have a test system and a testing system:
- Xthe test system has all of its input and outputs connected
- Xto the outputs and inputs of the testing system.
- XThat is,
- Xthe testing system controls and drives the test system,
- Xand watches what happens.
- X.LP
- XFor example,
- Xmany operating system vendors test their products by
- Xusing computers connected to each serial line to simulate "user input".
- XThe system can be rebooted this way,
- Xand using dual-ported disks
- Xallows different versions of a kernel to be tried,
- Xor other test conditions created.
- X.LP
- XFor software houses which write kernels,
- Xor device drivers for kernels,
- Xor some other kernel work,
- Xthis is bad news:
- Xthe aegis program is probably not for you.
- XIt is possible,
- Xbut there may be more cost-effective development strategies.
- XOf course, you could always use the rest of aegis,
- Xand ignore the testing part.
- X.nh 4 "Firmware"
- X.LP
- XFirmware is a similar deal:
- Xyou need some way to download the code to be tested into the test system,
- Xand write-protect it to simulate ROM,
- Xand have the necessary hardware to drive the inputs and watch the outputs.
- X.LP
- XAs you can see,
- Xthis is generally not available to run-of-the-mill software houses,
- Xbut then they rarely write firmware, either.
- XThose that do write firmware usually have the download capabilities,
- Xand some kind of remote operation facility.
- if test 7810 -ne `wc -c <'doc/c1.3.so'`; then
- echo shar: \"'doc/c1.3.so'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'doc/c1.3.so'
- fi
- if test -f 'doc/c2.4.so' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'doc/c2.4.so'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'doc/c2.4.so'\" \(7508 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'doc/c2.4.so' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.\"
- X.\" aegis - project change supervisor
- X.\" Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X.\" All rights reserved.
- X.\"
- X.\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X.\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X.\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X.\" (at your option) any later version.
- X.\"
- X.\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
- X.\"
- X.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X.\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X.\" Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X.\"
- X.\" MANIFEST: User Guide, The Change Development Cycle, The Administrator
- X.\"
- X.bp
- X.nh 2 "The Administrator"
- X.LP
- XThe previous discussion of developers, reviewers and integrators
- Xhas covered many aspects of the production of software using the aegis program.
- XThe administrator has responsibility for everything they don't,
- Xbut there is very little left.
- X.LP
- XThese responsibilities include:
- X.LP
- X\(bu access control:
- XThe administrator adds and removes all categories of user,
- Xincluding administrators.
- XThis is on a per-project basis,
- Xand has nothing to do with
- X.UX
- Xuser administration.
- XThis simply nominates which users may do what.
- X.LP
- X\(bu change creation:
- XThe administrator adds (and sometimes removes) changes to the system.
- XAt later stages,
- Xdevelopers may alter some attributes of the change,
- Xsuch as the description,
- Xto say what they fixed.
- X.LP
- X\(bu project creation:
- XThe aegis program does not limit who may create projects,
- Xbut when a project is created the user who created the project
- Xis set to be the administrator of that project.
- X.LP
- XAll of these things will be examined
- X.nh 3 "The First Change"
- X.LP
- XMany things need to happen before
- Xdevelopment can begin on
- Xthe first change;
- Xthe project must be created,
- Xthe staff but be given access permissions,
- Xthe change must be created.
- X.E(
- Xalex% \f(CBaenpr example -dir /projects/example\fP
- Xaegis: project "example": project directory "/projects/example"
- Xaegis: project "example": created
- Xalex%
- X.E)
- XOnce the project has been created,
- Xthe project attributes are set.
- XAlex will set the desired project attributes using the
- X.B -Edit
- Xoption of the
- X.B aepa
- Xcommand.
- XThis will invoke an editor (\fIvi\fP(1) by default)
- Xit edit the project attributes.
- XAlex edits them to look like this:
- X.E(
- Xdescription = "Aegis Documentation Example Project";
- Xdeveloper_may_review = false;
- Xdeveloper_may_integrate = false;
- Xreviewer_may_integrate = false;
- X.E)
- XThe project attributes are set as follows:
- X.E(
- Xalex% \f(CBaepa -edit -p example\fP
- X\fI\&...edit as above...\fP
- Xaegis: project "example": attributes changed
- Xalex% \f(CBael p\fP
- XList of Projects
- X
- XProject Directory Description
- X------- ----------- -------------
- Xexample /projects/example Aegis Documentation Example
- X Project
- Xalex%
- X.E)
- XThe various staff must be added to the project.
- XDevelopers are the only staff who may actually edit files.
- X.E(
- Xalex% \f(CBaend pat jan sam -p example\fP
- Xaegis: project "example": user "pat" is now a developer
- Xaegis: project "example": user "jan" is now a developer
- Xaegis: project "example": user "sam" is now a developer
- Xalex%
- X.E)
- XReviewers may veto a change.
- XThere may be overlap between the various categories,
- Xas show here for Jan:
- X.E(
- Xalex% \f(CBaenr robyn jan -p example\fP
- Xaegis: project "example": user "robyn" is now a reviewer
- Xaegis: project "example": user "jan" is now a reviewer
- Xalex%
- X.E)
- XThe next role we need to fill is an integrator.
- X.E(
- Xalex% \f(CBaeni isa -p example\fP
- Xaegis: project "example": user "isa" is now an integrator
- Xalex%
- X.E)
- XOnce the staff have been given access,
- XAlex creates the first change.
- XThe
- X.B -Edit
- Xoption of the
- X.B annc
- Xcommand is used,
- Xto create the attributes of the change.
- XThey are edited to look like this:
- X.E(
- Xbrief_description = "Create initial skeleton.";
- Xdescription = "A simple calculator using native \e
- Xfloating point precision. \e
- XThe four basic arithmetic operators to be provided, \e
- Xusing conventional infix notation. \e
- XParentheses and negation also required.";
- Xcause = internal_enhancement;
- X.E)
- XThe change is created as follows:
- X.E(
- Xalex% \f(CBaenc -edit -p example\fP
- X\fI\&...edit as above...\fP
- Xaegis: project "example": change 1: created
- Xalex%
- X.E)
- XAt this point,
- XAlex walks down the hall to Jan's office,
- Xto ask Jan to develop the first change.
- XJan has had some practice using aegis,
- Xand can be relied on to do the rest of the project configuration speedily.
- X.nh 3 "The Second Change"
- X.LP
- XSome time later,
- XAlex patiently sits through the whining and grumbling of an
- Xespecially pedantic user.
- XThe following change description is duly entered:
- X.E(
- Xbrief_description = "file names on command line";
- Xdescription = "Optional input and output files may be \e
- Xspecified on the command line.";
- Xcause = internal_bug;
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThe pedantic user wanted to be able to name
- Xfiles on the command line,
- Xrather than use I/O redirection.
- XAlso,
- Xhaving a bug in this example is useful.
- XThe change is created as follows:
- X.E(
- Xalex% \f(CBaenc -edit -p example\fP
- X\fI\&...edit as above...\fP
- Xaegis: project "example": change 2: created
- Xalex%
- X.E)
- XAt some point a developer will notice this change
- Xand start work on it.
- X.nh 3 "The Third Change"
- X.LP
- XOther features are required for the calculator,
- Xand also for this example.
- XThe second change adds exponentiation to the calculator,
- Xand is described as follows:
- X.E(
- Xbrief_description = "add powers";
- Xdescription = "Enhance the grammar to allow exponentiation. \e
- XNo error checking required.";
- Xcause = internal_enhancement;
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThe change is created as follows:
- X.E(
- Xalex% \f(CBaenc -edit -p example\fP
- X\fI\&...edit as above...\fP
- Xaegis: project "example": change 3: created
- Xalex%
- X.E)
- XAt some point a developer will notice,
- Xand this change will be worked on.
- X.nh 3 "The Fourth Change"
- X.LP
- XA fourth change,
- Xthis time adding variables to the calculator
- Xis added.
- X.E(
- Xbrief_description = "add variables";
- Xdescription = "Enhance the grammar to allow variables. \e
- XOnly single letter variable names are required.";
- Xcause = internal_enhancement;
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThe change is created as follows:
- X.E(
- Xalex% \f(CBaenc -edit -p example\fP
- X\fI\&...edit as above...\fP
- Xaegis: project "example": change 4: created
- Xalex%
- X.E)
- XAt some point a developer will notice,
- Xand this change will be worked on.
- X.nh 3 "Administrator Command Summary"
- X.LP
- XOnly a few of the aegis commands available to administrators have
- Xbeen used in this example.
- XThe following table (very tersely) describes the aegis commands most useful to administrators.
- X.sp
- X.TS
- Xcenter,tab(;);
- Xl l.
- XCommand;Description
- X_
- Xaeca;edit Change Attributes
- Xael;List Stuff
- Xaena;New Administrator
- Xaenc;New Change
- Xaencu;New Change Undo
- Xaend;New Developer
- Xaeni;New Integrator
- Xaenpr;New Project
- Xaenrv;New Reviewer
- Xaepa;edit Project Attributes
- Xaera;Remove Administrator
- Xaerd;Remove Developer
- Xaeri;Remove Integrator
- Xaermpr;Remove Project
- Xaerrv;Remove Reviewer
- X.TE
- X.LP
- XYou will want to read the manual entries for all of these commands.
- XNote that all aegis commands have a
- X.I \-Help
- Xoption,
- Xwhich will give a result very similar to the
- Xcorresponding
- X.I man (1)
- Xoutput.
- XMost aegis commands also have a
- X.I \-List
- Xoption,
- Xwhich usually lists interesting context sensitive information.
- if test 7508 -ne `wc -c <'doc/c2.4.so'`; then
- echo shar: \"'doc/c2.4.so'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'doc/c2.4.so'
- fi
- if test -f 'doc/c4.2.so' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'doc/c4.2.so'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'doc/c4.2.so'\" \(8145 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'doc/c4.2.so' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.\"
- X.\" aegis - project change supervisor
- X.\" Copyright (C) 1993 Peter Miller.
- X.\" All rights reserved.
- X.\"
- X.\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X.\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X.\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X.\" (at your option) any later version.
- X.\"
- X.\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
- X.\"
- X.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X.\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X.\" Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X.\"
- X.\" MANIFEST: User Guide, The Dependency Maintenance Tool, Cook
- X.\"
- X.bp
- X.nh 2 "Cook"
- X.LP
- XThe
- X.I cook
- Xprogram is the only dependency maintenance tool,
- Xknown to the author,
- Xwhich is sufficiently capable to supply aegis' needs.\**
- X.FS
- XThe version in use when writing this section was 1.3.
- XEarlier versions are known to work with aegis,
- Xbut the recipes are horribly cumbersome.
- X.FE
- X.LP
- XEventually this section will provide templates for constructing
- X.I Howto.cook
- Xfile (Howto.cook is to cook what Makefile is to make).
- X.LP
- XThis section will discuss the
- X.I build_command
- Xand
- X.I integrate_build_command
- Xand
- X.I link_baseline
- Xand
- X.I change_file_command
- Xand
- X.I project_file_command
- Xfields of the
- X.I config
- Xfile.
- X.LP
- XIn the mean time,
- Xsee
- X.I aepconf 5
- Xfor more information.
- X.nh 3 "Invoking Cook"
- X.LP
- XThe
- X.I build_command
- Xfield of the
- X.I config
- Xfile is used to invoke the relevant build command.
- XIn this case, it is set as follows
- X.E(
- Xbuild_command =
- X "cook -b ${s Howto.cook} project=$p change=$c version=$v -nl";
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThis command tells cook
- Xwhere to find the recipes.
- XThe \f(CW${s Howto.cook}\fR expands to a path into the baseline
- Xduring development
- Xif the file is not in the change.
- XLook in
- X.I aesub (5)
- Xfor more information about command substitutions.
- X.LP
- XThe recipes which follow will all remove their targets before constructing
- Xthem, which qualifies them for the next entry in the
- X.I config
- Xfile:
- X.E(
- Xlink_integration_directory = true;
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThe files must be removed first, otherwise the baseline would
- Xcease to be self-consistent.
- X.nh 3 "The Recipe File"
- X.LP
- XThe file containing the recipes is called
- X.I Howto.cook
- Xand is given to cook on the command line.
- X.LP
- XThe following items are preamble to the rest of the file;
- Xthey ask aegis for the source files of the project and change
- Xso that cook can determine what needs to be compiled and linked.
- X.E(
- Xproject_files =
- X [collect aegis -l pf -terse -p [project] -c [change]];
- Xchange_files =
- X [collect aegis -l cf -terse -p [project] -c [change]];
- Xsource_files =
- X [sort [project_files] [change_files]];
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThis example continues the one from chapter 3,
- Xand thus has a single executable
- Xto be linked from all the object files
- X.E(
- Xobject_files =
- X [fromto %.y %.o [match_mask %.y [source_files]
- X [fromto %.l %.o [match_mask %.l [source_files]
- X [fromto %.c %.o [match_mask %.c [source_files]
- X ;
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XIt is necessary to determine if this is a development build,
- Xand thus has the baseline for additional ingredients searches,
- Xor an integration build, which does not.
- XThe version supplied by aegis will tell us this information,
- Xbecause it will be \fImajor.minor.\fRC\fIchange\fR for development builds and
- X\fImajor.minor.\fRD\fIdelta\fR for integration builds.
- X.E(
- Xif [match_mask %1C%2 [version]] then
- X{
- X baseline = [collect aegis -cd -bl -p [project]];
- X search_list = . [baseline];
- X}
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThe
- X.I search_list
- Xvariable in cook is the list of directories to search for dependencies;
- Xit defaults to only the current directory.
- XThe
- X.I resolve
- Xbuiltin function of cook
- Xmay be used to ask cook for the name of the file actually used to resolve dependencies,
- Xso that recipe bodies may reference the appropriate file:
- X.E(
- Xexample: [object_files]
- X{
- X [cc] -o example [resolve [object_files]] -ly -ll;
- X}
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThis recipe says that to cook the example program,
- Xyou need the object files determined earlier,
- Xand them link them together.
- XObject files which were up to date in the baseline are used wherever possible,
- Xbut files which were out of date are constructed in the current directory
- Xand those will be linked.
- X.nh 3 "The Recipe for C"
- X.LP
- XNext we need to tell cook how to manage C sources.
- XOn the surface, this is a simple recipe:
- X.E(
- X%.o: %.c
- X{
- X rm %.o;
- X [cc] [cc_flags] -c %.c;
- X}
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XUnfortunately it has forgotten about finding the include file dependencies.
- XThe cook package includes a program called
- X.I c_incl
- Xwhich is used to find them.
- XThe recipe now becomes
- X.E(
- X%.o: %.c: [collect c_incl -eia %.c]
- X{
- X rm %.o;
- X [cc] [cc_flags] -c %.c;
- X}
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThe file may not always be present to be removed (causing a fatal error),
- Xand it is irritation to execute a redundant command,
- Xso the remove is mangled to look like this:
- X.E(
- X%.o: %.c: [collect c_incl -eia %.c]
- X{
- X if [exists %.o] then
- X rm %.o
- X set clearstat;
- X [cc] [cc_flags] -c %.c;
- X}
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThe "set clearstat" clause tells cook that the command will
- Xinvalidate parts of its
- X.I stat
- Xcache,
- Xand to look at the command for what to invalidate.
- X.LP
- XAnother thing this recipe needs is to use the baseline
- Xfor include files not in a change,
- Xand so the recipe is altered again:
- X.E(
- X%.o: %.c: [collect c_incl -eia [prepost "-I" "" [search_list]] %.c]
- X{
- X if [exists %.o] then
- X rm %.o
- X set clearstat;
- X [cc] [cc_flags] [prepost "-I" "" [search_list]] -c %.c;
- X}
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XSee the
- X.I "Cook Reference Manual"
- Xfor a description of the
- X.I prepost
- Xbuiltin function,
- Xand other cook details.
- X.LP
- XUnfortunately,
- Xthere is one last change that must be made to this recipe,
- Xit must use the resolve function to reference the appropriate file
- Xonce cook has found it on the search list:
- X.E(
- X%.o: %.c: [collect c_incl -eia [prepost "-I" "" [search_list]]
- X [resolve %.c]]
- X{
- X if [exists %.o] then
- X rm %.o
- X set clearstat;
- X [cc] [cc_flags] [prepost "-I" "" [search_list]]
- X -c [resolve %.c];
- X}
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XOnly use this last recipe for C sources,
- Xthe others are only shown so that the derivation of the recipe is clear;
- Xwhile it is very similar to the original,
- Xit looks daunting at first.
- X.nh 3 "The Recipe for Yacc"
- X.LP
- XHaving explained the complexities of the recipes in the above section about C,
- Xthe recipe for yacc will be given without delay:
- X.E(
- X%.c %.h: %.y
- X{
- X if [exists %.c] then
- X rm %.c
- X set clearstat;
- X if [exists %.h] then
- X rm %.h
- X set clearstat;
- X [yacc] [yacc_flags] -d [resolve %.y];
- X mv y.tab.c %.c;
- X mv y.tab.h %.h;
- X}
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThis recipe could be jazzed up to cope with the listing file,
- Xtoo,
- Xif that was desired,
- Xbut this is sufficient to work with the example.
- X.LP
- XCook's ability to cope with transitive dependencies will
- Xpick up the generated .c file and construct the necessary .o file.
- X.nh 3 "The Recipe for Lex"
- X.LP
- XThe recipe for lex is vary similar to the recipe for yacc.
- X.E(
- X%.c: %.l
- X{
- X if [exists %.c] then
- X rm %.c
- X set clearstat;
- X [lex] [lex_flags] -d [resolve %.l];
- X mv lex.yy.c %.c;
- X}
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XCook's ability to cope with transitive dependencies will
- Xpick up the generated .c file and construct the necessary .o file.
- X.nh 3 "Recipes for Documents"
- X.LP
- XYou can format documents,
- Xsuch as user guides and manual entries with aegis and cook,
- Xand the recipes are similar
- Xto the ones above.
- X.E(
- X%.ps: %.ms: [collect c_incl -r -eia [prepost "-I" "" [search_list]]
- X [resolve %.ms]]
- X{
- X roffpp [prepost "-I" "" [search_list]] [resolve %.ms]
- X | groff -p -t -ms > [target];
- X}
- X.E)
- X.LP
- XThis recipe says to run the document through groff,
- Xwith the
- X.I pic (1)
- Xand
- X.I tbl (1)
- Xfilters,
- Xuse the
- X.I ms (7)
- Xmacro package,
- Xto produce PostScript output.
- XThe
- X.I roffpp
- Xprogram comes with cook,
- Xand is like
- X.I soelim (1)
- Xbut it takes include search path options on the command line.
- X.LP
- XManual entries may be handled in a similar way
- X.E(
- X%.cat: %.man: [collect c_incl -r -eia [prepost "-I" ""
- X [search_list]] [resolve %.man]]
- X{
- X roffpp [prepost "-I" "" [search_list]] [resolve %.man]
- X | tbl | nroff -man > [target];
- X}
- X.E)
- if test 8145 -ne `wc -c <'doc/c4.2.so'`; then
- echo shar: \"'doc/c4.2.so'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'doc/c4.2.so'
- fi
- if test -f 'fmtgen/type_list.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'fmtgen/type_list.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'fmtgen/type_list.c'\" \(7919 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'fmtgen/type_list.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * aegis - project change supervisor
- X * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X * All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X * (at your option) any later version.
- X *
- X * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * GNU General Public License for more details.
- X *
- X * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X *
- X * MANIFEST: list types function generation
- X */
- X
- X#include <type.h>
- X#include <indent.h>
- X#include <mem.h>
- X#include <id.h>
- X
- X
- Xtypedef struct type_list_ty type_list_ty;
- Xstruct type_list_ty
- X{
- X /* inherited */
- X
- X /* instance variables */
- X type_ty *subtype;
- X};
- X
- X
- Xstatic void gen_include _((type_ty *, string_ty *));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xgen_include(type, name)
- X type_ty *type;
- X string_ty *name;
- X{
- X string_ty *s;
- X type_list_ty *type2;
- X
- X type2 = (type_list_ty *)type;
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("#ifndef %s_DEF\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("#define %s_DEF\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("typedef struct %s *%s;\n", name->str_text, name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("struct %s\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("{\n"/*}*/);
- X indent_printf("%s\1length;\n", "size_t", name->str_text);
- X s = str_from_c("list");
- X type_gen_include_declarator(type2->subtype, s, 1);
- X str_free(s);
- X indent_printf(/*{*/"};\n");
- X indent_printf("#endif /* %s_DEF */\n", name->str_text);
- X
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("extern type_ty %s_type;\n", name->str_text);
- X
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("void %s_write _((char *, %s));\n", name->str_text, name->str_text);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void gen_include_declarator _((type_ty *, string_ty *, int));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xgen_include_declarator(type, name, is_a_list)
- X type_ty *type;
- X string_ty *name;
- X int is_a_list;
- X{
- X char *deref;
- X
- X deref = (is_a_list ? "*" : "");
- X indent_printf("%s\1%s%s;\n", type->name->str_text, deref, name->str_text);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void gen_code _((type_ty *, string_ty *));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xgen_code(type, name)
- X type_ty *type;
- X string_ty *name;
- X{
- X string_ty *s;
- X type_list_ty *type2;
- X
- X type2 = (type_list_ty *)type;
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("void\n");
- X indent_printf("%s_write(name, this)\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_more();
- X indent_printf("%s\1*name;\n", "char");
- X indent_printf("%s\1this;\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_less();
- X indent_printf("{\n"/*}*/);
- X indent_printf("%s\1j;\n", "size_t");
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("if (!this)\n");
- X indent_more();
- X indent_printf("return;\n");
- X indent_less();
- X indent_printf("trace((\"%s_write(name = \\\"%%s\\\", this = %%08lX)\\n{\\n\"/*}*/, name, this));\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("if (name)\n");
- X indent_more();
- X indent_printf("indent_printf(\"%%s =\\n\", name);\n");
- X indent_less();
- X indent_printf("indent_printf(\"[\\n\"/*]*/);\n");
- X indent_printf("for (j = 0; j < this->length; ++j)\n");
- X indent_printf("{\n"/*}*/);
- X s = str_from_c("list[j]");
- X type_gen_code_declarator(type2->subtype, s, 1);
- X str_free(s);
- X indent_printf("indent_printf(\",\\n\");\n");
- X indent_printf(/*{*/"}\n");
- X indent_printf("indent_printf(/*[*/\"]\");\n");
- X indent_printf("if (name)\n");
- X indent_more();
- X indent_printf("indent_printf(\";\\n\");\n");
- X indent_less();
- X indent_printf("trace((/*{*/\"}\\n\"));\n");
- X indent_printf(/*{*/"}\n");
- X
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("static void *%s_alloc _((void));\n", name->str_text);
- X
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("static void *\n");
- X indent_printf("%s_alloc()\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("{\n"/*}*/);
- X indent_printf("%s\1*result;\n\n", "void");
- X indent_printf("trace((\"%s_alloc()\\n{\\n\"/*}*/));\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf
- X (
- X "result = (void *)mem_alloc_clear(sizeof(struct %s));\n",
- X name->str_text
- X );
- X indent_printf("trace((\"return %%08lX;\\n\", (long)result));\n");
- X indent_printf("trace((/*{*/\"}\\n\"));\n");
- X indent_printf("return result;\n");
- X indent_printf(/*{*/"}\n");
- X
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("static void %s_free _((void *));\n", name->str_text);
- X
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("static void\n");
- X indent_printf("%s_free(that)\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_more();
- X indent_printf("%s\1*that;\n", "void");
- X indent_less();
- X indent_printf("{\n"/*}*/);
- X indent_printf("%s\1this = (%s)that;\n", name->str_text, name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("%s\1j;\n", "size_t");
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("if (!this)\n");
- X indent_more();
- X indent_printf("return;\n");
- X indent_less();
- X indent_printf("trace((\"%s_free(this = %%08lX)\\n{\\n\"/*}*/, this));\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("for (j = 0; j < this->length; ++j)\n");
- X indent_more();
- X s = str_from_c("list[j]");
- X type_gen_free_declarator(type2->subtype, s, 1);
- X str_free(s);
- X indent_less();
- X indent_printf("if (this->list)\n");
- X indent_more();
- X indent_printf("mem_free((char *)this->list);\n");
- X indent_less();
- X indent_printf("mem_free((char *)this);\n");
- X indent_printf("trace((/*{*/\"}\\n\"));\n");
- X indent_printf(/*{*/"}\n");
- X
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf
- X (
- X "static void %s_parse _((void *, type_ty **, void **));\n",
- X name->str_text
- X );
- X
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("static void\n");
- X indent_printf("%s_parse(that, type_pp, addr_p)\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_more();
- X indent_printf("%s\1*that;\n", "void");
- X indent_printf("%s\1**type_pp;\n", "type_ty");
- X indent_printf("%s\1**addr_p;\n", "void");
- X indent_less();
- X indent_printf("{\n"/*}*/);
- X indent_printf("%s\1this = (%s)that;\n", name->str_text, name->str_text);
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("trace((\"%s_parse(this = %%08lX, type_pp = %%08lX, addr_p = %%08lX)\\n{\\n\"/*}*/, this, type_pp, addr_p));\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("*type_pp = &%s_type;\n", type2->subtype->name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("trace_pointer(*type_pp);\n");
- X indent_printf("*addr_p = enlarge(&this->length, (char **)&this->list, sizeof(%s));\n", type->name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("trace_pointer(*addr_p);\n");
- X indent_printf("trace((/*{*/\"}\\n\"));\n");
- X indent_printf(/*{*/"}\n");
- X
- X indent_putchar('\n');
- X indent_printf("type_ty %s_type =\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("{\n"/*}*/);
- X indent_printf("type_class_list,\n");
- X indent_printf("\"%s\",\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("%s_alloc,\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("%s_free,\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("0, /* enum_parse */\n");
- X indent_printf("%s_parse,\n", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf("0, /* struct_parse */\n");
- X indent_printf(/*{*/"};\n");
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void gen_code_declarator _((type_ty *, string_ty *, int));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xgen_code_declarator(type, name, is_a_list)
- X type_ty *type;
- X string_ty *name;
- X int is_a_list;
- X{
- X indent_printf("%s_write("/*)*/, type->name->str_text);
- X if (is_a_list)
- X indent_printf("\"\"");
- X else
- X indent_printf("\"%s\"", name->str_text);
- X indent_printf(/*(*/", this->%s);\n", name->str_text);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void gen_free_declarator _((type_ty *, string_ty *, int));
- X
- Xstatic void
- Xgen_free_declarator(type, name, is_a_list)
- X type_ty *type;
- X string_ty *name;
- X int is_a_list;
- X{
- X indent_printf("%s_free(this->%s);\n", type->name->str_text, name->str_text);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic type_method_ty method =
- X{
- X gen_include,
- X gen_include_declarator,
- X gen_code,
- X gen_code_declarator,
- X gen_free_declarator,
- X};
- X
- X
- Xtype_ty *
- Xtype_create_list(name, subtype)
- X string_ty *name;
- X type_ty *subtype;
- X{
- X type_list_ty *type;
- X
- X type = (type_list_ty *)mem_alloc(sizeof(type_list_ty));
- X type->class = type_class_list;
- X type->method = &method;
- X type->name = str_copy(name);
- X type->subtype = subtype;
- X id_assign(name, ID_CLASS_TYPE, (long)type);
- X return (type_ty *)type;
- X}
- if test 7919 -ne `wc -c <'fmtgen/type_list.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'fmtgen/type_list.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'fmtgen/type_list.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'man1/aegis.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'man1/aegis.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'man1/aegis.1'\" \(7774 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'man1/aegis.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.\"
- X.\" aegis - project change supervisor
- X.\" Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X.\" All rights reserved.
- X.\"
- X.\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X.\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X.\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X.\" (at your option) any later version.
- X.\"
- X.\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
- X.\"
- X.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X.\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X.\" Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X.\"
- X.\" MANIFEST: manual entry for aegis
- X.\"
- X.so z_name.so
- X.TH \*(n) 1 \*(N)
- X\*(n) \- project change supervisor
- X.B \*(n)
- X.I function
- X[
- X.IR option ...
- X]
- X.br
- X.B \*(n)
- X.B -Help
- XThe
- X.I \*(n)
- Xprogram is used to
- Xsupervise the development and integration of changes into projects.
- XThe following functions are available:
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Build
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Build"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xbuild a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aeb (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Change_Attributes
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Change_Attributes"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xmodify the attributes of a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aeca (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Change_Directory
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Change_Directory"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xchange directory.
- XSee
- X.IR aecd (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -CoPy_file
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -CoPy_file"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xcopy a file into a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aecp (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -CoPy_file_Undo
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Copy_File_Undo"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xremove a copy of a file from a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aecpu (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Develop_Begin
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Develop_Begin"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xbegin development of a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aedb (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Develop_Begin_Undo
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Develop_Begin_Undo"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xcease development of a change.
- X.See
- X.IR aedbu (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Develop_End
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Develop_End"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xcomplete development of a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aede (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Develop_End_Undo
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Develop_End_Undo"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xrecall a change for further development.
- XSee
- X.IR aedeu (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -DIFFerence
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -DIFFerence"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xfind differences between development directory and baseline.
- XSee
- X.IR aed (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.so o_help.so
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Integrate_Begin
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Integrate_Begin"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xbeing integrating a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aeib (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Integrate_Begin_Undo
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Integrate_Begin_Undo"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xcease integrating a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aeibu (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Integrate_Fail
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Integrate_Fail"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xfail a change integration.
- XSee
- X.IR aeif (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Integrate_Pass
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Integrate_Pass"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xpass a change integration.
- XSee
- X.IR aeip (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -List
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -List"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xlist interesting things.
- XSee
- X.IR ael (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -MoVe_file
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -MoVe_file"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xchange the name of a file
- Xas part of a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aemv (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_Administrator
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_Administrator"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xadd new administrators to a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aena (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_Change
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_Change"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xadd a new change to a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aenc (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_Change_Undo
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_Change_Undo"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xremove a new change from a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aencu (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_Developer
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_Developer"
- Xcommand is used to add
- Xnew developers to a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aend (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_File
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_File"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xadd new files to a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aenf (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_File_Undo
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_File_Undo"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xremove new files from a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aenfu (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_Integrator
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_Integrator"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xadd new integrators to a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aeni (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_Project
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_Project"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xcreate a new project to be watched over by \*(n).
- XSee
- X.IR aenpr (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_ReLeaSe
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_ReLeaSe"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xcreate a new project from an existing project.
- XSee
- X.IR aenrls (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_ReViewer
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_ReViewer"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xadd new reviewers to a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aenrv (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_Test
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_Test"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xadd a new test to a change
- XSee
- X.IR aent (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -New_Test_Undo
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -New_Test_Undo"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xremove new tests from a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aentu (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Project_Attributes
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Project_Attributes"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xmodify the attributes of a project.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Remove_Administrator
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Remove_Administrator"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xremove administrators from a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aera (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Remove_Developer
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Remove_Developer"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xremove developers from a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aerd (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -ReMove_file
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -ReMove_file"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xadd files to be deleted to a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aerm (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -ReMove_file_Undo
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Remove_File_Undo"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xremove files to be deleted from a change.
- XSee
- X.IR aermu (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Remove_Integrator
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Remove_Integrator"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xremove integrators from a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aeri (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -ReMove_PRoject
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -ReMove_PRoject"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xremove a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aermpr (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Remove_ReViewer
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Remove_ReViewer"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xremove reviewers from a project.
- XSee
- X.IR aerrv (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Review_Fail
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Review_Fail"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xfail a change review.
- XSee
- X.IR aerf (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Review_Pass
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Review_Pass"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xpass a change review.
- XSee
- X.IR aerp (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Review_Pass_Undo
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Review_Pass_Undo"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xrescind a change review pass.
- XSee
- X.IR aerpu (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -Test
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -Test"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xrun tests.
- XSee
- X.IR aet (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.TP 8n
- X.B -VERSion
- X.br
- XThe
- X.I "\*(n) -VERSion"
- Xcommand is used to
- Xget copyright and version details.
- XSee
- X.IR aev (1)
- Xfor more information.
- X.PP
- XAll function are case insensitive.
- XFunctions may be abbreviated;
- Xthe abbreviation is the upper case letters.
- XFunctions must appear as the first command line argument.
- XThe following options are available to all functions.
- XThese options may appear anywhere on the command line following
- Xthe function selectors.
- X.so o_lib.so
- X.so o_page.so
- X.so o_terse.so
- X.so o_unforma.so
- X.so o_verbose.so
- X.so o__rules.so
- X.so z_exit.so
- X.so z_cr.so
- if test 7774 -ne `wc -c <'man1/aegis.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'man1/aegis.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'man1/aegis.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'test/00/t0005a.sh' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'test/00/t0005a.sh'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'test/00/t0005a.sh'\" \(7509 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'test/00/t0005a.sh' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X#
- X# aegis - project change supervisor
- X# Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X# All rights reserved.
- X#
- X# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X# (at your option) any later version.
- X#
- X# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X# GNU General Public License for more details.
- X#
- X# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X#
- X# MANIFEST: Test the 'aegis -DevEnd' command.
- X#
- X# File which are removed should not be
- X# check to see if their last-modified-time is kosher.
- X#
- X
- Xumask 022
- X
- XUSER=${USER:-${LOGNAME:-`whoami`}}
- X
- XPAGER=cat
- Xexport PAGER
- Xwork=${AEGIS_TMP:-/tmp}/$$
- X
- Xfail()
- X{
- X set +x
- X echo "FAILED test of 'aegis -DevEnd' command" 1>&2
- X find $work -type d -user $USER -exec chmod u+w {} \;
- X rm -rf $work
- X exit 1
- X}
- Xpass()
- X{
- X set +x
- X echo PASSED 1>&2
- X find $work -type d -user $USER -exec chmod u+w {} \;
- X rm -rf $work
- X exit 0
- X}
- Xtrap "fail" 1 2 3 15
- X
- X#
- X# some variable to make things earier to read
- X#
- Xworklib=$work/lib
- Xworkproj=$work/foo.proj
- Xworkchan=$work/foo.chan
- Xtmp=$work/tmp
- X
- X#
- X# echo commands so we can tell what failed
- X#
- Xset -x
- X
- X#
- X# make the directories
- X#
- Xmkdir $work
- X
- X#
- X# make a new project
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newpro foo -dir $workproj -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# change project attributes
- X#
- Xcat > $tmp << 'end'
- Xdescription = "A bogus project created to test things.";
- Xdeveloper_may_review = true;
- Xdeveloper_may_integrate = true;
- Xreviewer_may_integrate = true;
- Xend
- X./bin/aegis -proatt $tmp -proj foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# create a new change
- X# make sure it creates the files it should
- X#
- Xcat > $tmp << 'end'
- Xbrief_description = "This change is used to test the aegis functionality \
- Xwith respect to change descriptions.";
- Xcause = internal_bug;
- Xend
- X./bin/aegis -new_change $tmp -project foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# create a second change
- X# make sure it creates the files it should
- X#
- Xcat > $tmp << 'end'
- Xbrief_description = "This change was added to make the various listings \
- Xmuch more interesting.";
- Xcause = internal_bug;
- Xend
- X./bin/aegis -new_change $tmp -project foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add a new developer
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newdev $USER -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# begin development of a change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -devbeg 1 -p foo -dir $workchan -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add a new files to the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -new_file $workchan/main.c -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -new_file $workchan/fubar -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -new_file $workchan/config -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# put something in 'main.c'
- X#
- Xcat > $workchan/main.c << 'end'
- Xvoid
- Xmain()
- X{
- X exit(0);
- X}
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# put something in 'config'
- X#
- Xcat > $workchan/config << 'end'
- Xbuild_command = "rm -f foo; cc -o foo -D'VERSION=\"$vers\"' main.c";
- Xlink_integration_directory = true;
- X
- Xhistory_get_command =
- X "co -u'$e' -p $h,v > $o";
- Xhistory_create_command =
- X "ci -u -m/dev/null -t/dev/null $i $h,v; rcs -U $h,v";
- Xhistory_put_command =
- X "ci -u -m/dev/null -t/dev/null $i $h,v; rcs -U $h,v";
- Xhistory_query_command =
- X "rlog -r $h,v | awk '/^head:/ {print $$2}'";
- X
- Xdiff_command = "set +e; diff $orig $i > $out; test $$? -le 1";
- X
- Xdiff3_command = "(diff3 -e $mr $orig $i | sed -e '/^w$$/d' -e '/^q$$/d'; \
- X echo '1,$$p' ) | ed - $mr > $out";
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# create a new test
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -nt -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# put something in 'test/00/t0001a.sh'
- X#
- Xcat > $workchan/test/00/t0001a.sh << 'end'
- X#!/bin/sh
- X#
- X# Project: "foo"
- X# Change: 1
- X#
- X
- Xfail()
- X{
- X echo SHUZBUTT 1>&2
- X exit 1
- X}
- Xpass()
- X{
- X exit 0
- X}
- Xtrap "fail" 1 2 3 15
- X
- X./foo
- Xq=$?
- X
- X# check for signals
- Xif test $q -ge 128
- Xthen
- X fail
- Xfi
- X
- X# should not complain
- Xif test $q -ne 0
- Xthen
- X fail
- Xfi
- X
- X# it probably worked
- Xpass
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# let the clock tick over, so the build will be happy
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X
- X#
- X# build the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -build -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# difference the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -diff -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# test the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -test -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# finish development of the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -dev_end -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add a new reviewer
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newrev $USER -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# pass the review
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -review_pass -chan 1 -proj foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add an integrator
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newint $USER -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# start integrating
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -intbeg 1 -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# integrate build
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X./bin/aegis -build -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# integrate test
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -test -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# integration pass
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -intpass -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# start work on change 2
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -devbeg 2 -p foo -v -dir $workchan -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# copy a file into the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -cp $workchan/main.c -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# remove a file with the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -rm $workchan/fubar -nl -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# change the file
- X#
- Xcat > $workchan/main.c << 'end'
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- Xvoid
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- X int argc;
- X char **argv;
- X{
- X if (argc != 1)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s\n", argv[0]);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X printf("hello, world\n");
- X exit(0);
- X}
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# need another test
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -nt -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- Xcat > $workchan/test/00/t0002a.sh << 'end'
- X#!/bin/sh
- X#
- X# Project: "foo"
- X# Change: 2
- X#
- X
- Xfail()
- X{
- X echo SHUZBUTT 1>&2
- X exit 1
- X}
- Xpass()
- X{
- X exit 0
- X}
- Xtrap "fail" 1 2 3 15
- X
- X./foo ickky
- Xq=$?
- X
- X# check for signals
- Xif test $q -ge 128
- Xthen
- X fail
- Xfi
- X
- X# should have complained
- Xif test $q -eq 0
- Xthen
- X fail
- Xfi
- X
- X# it probably worked
- Xpass
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# tick over clock to keep build happy
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X
- X#
- X# diff the change
- X# copy an empty file into local area
- X# to dodge diff bug.
- X#
- Xcp /dev/null ./fubar
- X./bin/aegis -diff -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- Xrm ./fubar
- X
- X#
- X# build the change
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X./bin/aegis -build -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# test the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -test -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -test -bl -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# end development of the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -devend -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X# should be no automatic logging
- Xif test "`find $work -name 'aegis.log' -print`" != "" ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# the things tested in this test, worked
- X#
- Xpass
- if test 7509 -ne `wc -c <'test/00/t0005a.sh'`; then
- echo shar: \"'test/00/t0005a.sh'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'test/00/t0005a.sh'
- fi
- if test -f 'test/00/t0008a.sh' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'test/00/t0008a.sh'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'test/00/t0008a.sh'\" \(7628 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'test/00/t0008a.sh' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X#
- X# aegis - project change supervisor
- X# Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- X# All rights reserved.
- X#
- X# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X# (at your option) any later version.
- X#
- X# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X# GNU General Public License for more details.
- X#
- X# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X#
- X# MANIFEST: Test command substitutions
- X#
- X
- Xumask 022
- X
- XUSER=${USER:-${LOGNAME:-`whoami`}}
- X
- XPAGER=cat
- Xexport PAGER
- Xwork=${AEGIS_TMP:-/tmp}/$$
- X
- Xfail()
- X{
- X set +x
- X echo FAILED test of command substitutions 1>&2
- X find $work -type d -user $USER -exec chmod u+w {} \;
- X rm -rf $work
- X exit 1
- X}
- Xpass()
- X{
- X set +x
- X echo PASSED 1>&2
- X find $work -type d -user $USER -exec chmod u+w {} \;
- X rm -rf $work
- X exit 0
- X}
- Xtrap "fail" 1 2 3 15
- X
- X#
- X# some variable to make things earier to read
- X#
- Xworklib=$work/lib
- Xworkproj=$work/foo.proj
- Xworkchan=$work/foo.chan
- Xtmp=$work/tmp
- X
- X#
- X# echo commands so we can tell what failed
- X#
- Xset -x
- X
- X#
- X# make the directories
- X#
- Xmkdir $work
- X
- X#
- X# make a new project
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newpro foo -dir $workproj -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# change project attributes
- X#
- Xcat > $tmp << 'end'
- Xdescription = "A bogus project created to test things.";
- Xdeveloper_may_review = true;
- Xdeveloper_may_integrate = true;
- Xreviewer_may_integrate = true;
- Xend
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -proatt $tmp -proj foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# create a new change
- X#
- Xcat > $tmp << 'end'
- Xbrief_description = "This change is used to test the aegis functionality \
- Xwith respect to change descriptions.";
- Xcause = internal_bug;
- Xend
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -new_change $tmp -project foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# create a second change
- X#
- Xcat > $tmp << 'end'
- Xbrief_description = "This change was added to make the various listings \
- Xmuch more interesting.";
- Xcause = internal_bug;
- Xend
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -new_change $tmp -project foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add a new developer
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newdev $USER -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# begin development of a change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -devbeg 1 -p foo -dir $workchan -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add a new files to the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -new_file $workchan/main.c -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- Xcat > $workchan/main.c << 'end'
- Xvoid
- Xmain()
- X{
- X exit(0);
- X}
- Xend
- X
- X./bin/aegis -new_file $workchan/config -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- Xcat > $workchan/config << 'end'
- Xbuild_command = "make -f ${s Makefile} PROJECT=$p CHANGE=$c VERSION=$v";
- Xlink_integration_directory = true;
- X
- Xhistory_get_command =
- X "co -u'$e' -p $h,v > $o";
- Xhistory_create_command =
- X "ci -u -m/dev/null -t/dev/null $i $h,v; rcs -U $h,v";
- Xhistory_put_command =
- X "ci -u -m/dev/null -t/dev/null $i $h,v; rcs -U $h,v";
- Xhistory_query_command =
- X "rlog -r $h,v | awk '/^head:/ {print $$2}'";
- X
- Xdiff_command = "set +e; diff $orig $i > $out; test $$? -le 1";
- X
- Xdiff3_command = "(diff3 -e $mr $orig $i | sed -e '/^w$$/d' -e '/^q$$/d'; \
- X echo '1,$$p' ) | ed - $mr > $out";
- Xend
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X./bin/aegis -new_file $workchan/Makefile -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- Xcat > $workchan/Makefile << 'end'
- Xfoo: main.c
- X rm -f foo
- X cc -o foo main.c
- Xend
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# create a new test
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -nt -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- Xcat > $workchan/test/00/t0001a.sh << 'end'
- X#!/bin/sh
- X#
- Xfail()
- X{
- X echo SHUZBUTT 1>&2
- X exit 1
- X}
- Xpass()
- X{
- X exit 0
- X}
- Xtrap "fail" 1 2 3 15
- X
- X./foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0
- Xthen
- X fail
- Xfi
- X
- X# it probably worked
- Xpass
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# let the clock tick over, so the build will be happy
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X
- X#
- X# build the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -build -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# difference the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -diff -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# test the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -test -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# finish development of the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -dev_end -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add a new reviewer
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newrev $USER -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# pass the review
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -review_pass -chan 1 -proj foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add an integrator
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newint $USER -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# start integrating
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -intbeg 1 -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# integrate build
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X./bin/aegis -build -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -test -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# pass the integration
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -intpass -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# start work on change 2
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -devbeg 2 -p foo -v -dir $workchan -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# copy a file into the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -cp $workchan/main.c -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# change the file
- X#
- Xcat > $workchan/main.c << 'end'
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- Xvoid
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- X int argc;
- X char **argv;
- X{
- X if (argc != 1)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s\n", argv[0]);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X printf("hello, world\n");
- X exit(0);
- X}
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# need another test
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -nt -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- Xcat > $workchan/test/00/t0002a.sh << 'end'
- X#!/bin/sh
- X#
- Xfail()
- X{
- X echo SHUZBUTT 1>&2
- X exit 1
- X}
- Xpass()
- X{
- X exit 0
- X}
- Xtrap "fail" 1 2 3 15
- X
- X./foo ickky
- Xif test $? -ne 1
- Xthen
- X fail
- Xfi
- X
- X# it probably worked
- Xpass
- Xend
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# tick over clock to keep build happy
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X
- X#
- X# build the change
- X# diff the change
- X# test the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -b -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -diff -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -test -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -test -bl -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X
- X#
- X# end development
- X# review pass
- X# start integrating
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -devend -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -revpass -v -c 2 -p foo -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -intbeg -v -c 2 -p foo -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# build the integration
- X# test the integration
- X# test the integration against the baseline
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X./bin/aegis -b -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -t -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -t -bl -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# pass the integration
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -intpass -nl -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X# should be no automatic logging
- Xif test "`find $work -name 'aegis.log' -print`" != "" ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# the things tested in this test, worked
- X#
- Xpass
- if test 7628 -ne `wc -c <'test/00/t0008a.sh'`; then
- echo shar: \"'test/00/t0008a.sh'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'test/00/t0008a.sh'
- fi
- if test -f 'test/00/t0017a.sh' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'test/00/t0017a.sh'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'test/00/t0017a.sh'\" \(7847 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'test/00/t0017a.sh' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X#
- X# aegis - project change supervisor
- X# Copyright (C) 1993 Peter Miller.
- X# All rights reserved.
- X#
- X# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- X# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- X# (at your option) any later version.
- X#
- X# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X# GNU General Public License for more details.
- X#
- X# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X#
- X# MANIFEST: Test 'aegis -DIFFerence -ANticipate' variant
- X#
- X# The bug results in a string of length 0 being passed.
- X#
- X
- Xumask 022
- X
- XUSER=${USER:-${LOGNAME:-`whoami`}}
- X
- XPAGER=cat
- Xexport PAGER
- Xwork=${AEGIS_TMP:-/tmp}/$$
- X
- Xfail()
- X{
- X set +x
- X echo "FAILED test of 'aegis -DIFFerence -ANticipate' variant" 1>&2
- X cd $here
- X find $work -type d -user $USER -exec chmod u+w {} \;
- X rm -rf $work
- X exit 1
- X}
- Xpass()
- X{
- X set +x
- X echo PASSED 1>&2
- X cd $here
- X find $work -type d -user $USER -exec chmod u+w {} \;
- X rm -rf $work
- X exit 0
- X}
- Xtrap "fail" 1 2 3 15
- X
- X#
- X# some variable to make things earier to read
- X#
- Xworklib=$work/lib
- Xworkproj=$work/foo.proj
- Xworkchan=$work/foo.chan
- Xworkchan3=$work/foo.chan3
- Xtmp=$work/tmp
- X
- X#
- X# echo commands so we can tell what failed
- X#
- Xset -x
- X
- X#
- X# make the directories
- X#
- Xmkdir $work
- X
- X#
- X# make a new project
- X# and check files it should have made
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newpro foo -dir $workproj -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# change project attributes
- X#
- Xcat > $tmp << 'end'
- Xdescription = "A bogus project created to test things.";
- Xdeveloper_may_review = true;
- Xdeveloper_may_integrate = true;
- Xreviewer_may_integrate = true;
- Xend
- X./bin/aegis -proatt $tmp -proj foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# create a new change
- X# make sure it creates the files it should
- X#
- Xcat > $tmp << 'end'
- Xbrief_description = "This change is used to test the aegis functionality \
- Xwith respect to change descriptions.";
- Xcause = internal_bug;
- Xend
- X./bin/aegis -new_change $tmp -project foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# create a second change
- X# make sure it creates the files it should
- X#
- Xcat > $tmp << 'end'
- Xbrief_description = "This change was added to make the various listings \
- Xmuch more interesting.";
- Xcause = internal_bug;
- Xend
- X./bin/aegis -new_change $tmp -project foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# create a third change
- X#
- Xcat > $tmp << 'end'
- Xbrief_description = "change three";
- Xcause = internal_bug;
- Xend
- X./bin/aegis -new_change $tmp -project foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add a new developer
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newdev $USER -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# begin development of a change
- X# check it made the files it should
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -devbeg 1 -p foo -dir $workchan -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add a new files to the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -new_file $workchan/main.c -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -new_file $workchan/config -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- Xcat > $workchan/main.c << 'end'
- Xvoid
- Xmain()
- X{
- X exit(0);
- X}
- Xend
- Xcat > $workchan/config << 'end'
- Xbuild_command = "rm -f foo; cc -o foo -D'VERSION=\"$version\"' main.c";
- Xlink_integration_directory = true;
- X
- Xhistory_get_command =
- X "co -u'$e' -p $h,v > $o";
- Xhistory_create_command =
- X "ci -u -m/dev/null -t/dev/null $i $h,v; rcs -U $h,v";
- Xhistory_put_command =
- X "ci -u -m/dev/null -t/dev/null $i $h,v; rcs -U $h,v";
- Xhistory_query_command =
- X "rlog -r $h,v | awk '/^head:/ {print $$2}'";
- X
- Xdiff_command = "set +e; diff $orig $i > $out; test $$? -le 1";
- X
- Xdiff3_command = "(diff3 -e $mr $orig $i | sed -e '/^w$$/d' -e '/^q$$/d'; \
- X echo '1,$$p' ) | ed - $mr > $out";
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# create a new test
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -nt -l -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -nt -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- Xcat > $workchan/test/00/t0001a.sh << 'end'
- X#!/bin/sh
- X
- Xfail()
- X{
- X echo SHUZBUTT 1>&2
- X exit 1
- X}
- Xpass()
- X{
- X exit 0
- X}
- Xtrap "fail" 1 2 3 15
- X
- X./foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0; then fail; fi
- X
- X# it probably worked
- Xpass
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# let the clock tick over, so the build will be happy
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X
- X#
- X# build the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -build -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# difference the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -diff -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# test the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -test -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# finish development of the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -dev_end -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add a new reviewer
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newrev $USER -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# pass the review
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -review_pass -chan 1 -proj foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# add an integrator
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -newint $USER -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# start integrating
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -intbeg 1 -p foo -v -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# integrate build
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X./bin/aegis -build -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -test -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# pass the integration
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -intpass -nl -v -lib $worklib -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# start work on change 2
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -devbeg 2 -p foo -v -dir $workchan -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# start work on change 3
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -devbeg 3 -p foo -v -dir $workchan3 -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# copy a file into change 2
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -cp $workchan/main.c -nl -v -lib $worklib -c 2 -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# copy a file into change 3
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -cp $workchan3/main.c -nl -v -lib $worklib -c 3 -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# change the file
- X#
- Xcat > $workchan/main.c << 'end'
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- Xvoid
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- X int argc;
- X char **argv;
- X{
- X if (argc != 1)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s\n", argv[0]);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X printf("hello, world\n");
- X exit(0);
- X}
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# need another test
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -nt -v -lib $worklib -c 2 -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- Xcat > $workchan/test/00/t0002a.sh << 'end'
- X#!/bin/sh
- X
- Xfail()
- X{
- X echo SHUZBUTT 1>&2
- X exit 1
- X}
- Xpass()
- X{
- X exit 0
- X}
- Xtrap "fail" 1 2 3 15
- X
- X./foo ickky
- Xif test $? -ne 1; then fail; fi
- X
- X# it probably worked
- Xpass
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# tick over clock to keep build happy
- X#
- Xsleep 1
- X
- X#
- X# build the change
- X# diff the change
- X# test the change
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -b -nl -v -lib $worklib -c 2 -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -diff -nl -v -lib $worklib -c 2 -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -test -nl -v -lib $worklib -c 2 -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -test -bl -nl -v -lib $worklib -c 2 -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# end development
- X# review pass
- X# start integrating
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -devend -v -lib $worklib -c 2 -p foo
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -revpass -v -c 2 -p foo -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X./bin/aegis -intbeg -v -c 2 -p foo -lib $worklib
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# difference change 3 anticipating 2
- X#
- X./bin/aegis -diff -nl -c 3 -lib $worklib -p foo -an 2
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# the merged result (in change 3) should look like
- X# the edited one from change 2
- X#
- Xdiff $workchan3/main.c,D $workchan/main.c
- Xif test $? -ne 0 ; then fail; fi
- X
- X#
- X# the things tested in this test, worked
- X#
- Xpass
- if test 7847 -ne `wc -c <'test/00/t0017a.sh'`; then
- echo shar: \"'test/00/t0017a.sh'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'test/00/t0017a.sh'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 6 \(of 19\).
- cp /dev/null ark6isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 19 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0