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- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- aegis - project change supervisor
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Peter Miller.
- All rights reserved.
- The aegis program is distributed under the terms of the
- GNU General Public License. See the LICENSE section,
- below, for more details.
- aegis (ee.j.iz) n., a protection, a defence.
- You will need up to 10MB to unpack and build the aegis
- program. (This is the worst case seen so far, most
- systems have binaries about 60% as big as this, 6MB is
- more typical.) Your mileage may vary.
- The file common/conf.h needs to be created to match your
- site. Select an appropriate file from the conf
- directory. The files in this directory are named for the
- various systems encountered to date by the author. The
- file most closely resembling your system should be copied
- into the common/conf.h file. You can copy it or use a
- symbolic link; copying is recommended because you may
- need to edit.
- The common/conf.h file is extensively commented. Read
- the comments and change what you need to. Please read
- this file carefully.
- Be careful in changing the settings if you are using a
- conf file accurately named for your system; aegis
- exersizes functionality unfamiliar to many. There are
- known cases where systems have the necessary facilities,
- but they are nowhere documented. If you are unsure, try
- it unchanged first, and then edit if you find that there
- are problems.
- Another file which may require editing is the Makefile
- file. The first few lines contain comments describing
- what may require changing. In general these changes will
- relate to the name of your favorite C compiler, and where
- it keeps its include files.
- The top of the Makefile file is arranged as macro
- definitions, with alternatives for each known system in
- comments. Search for your system's name, editing the
- macro definition as required.
- 1
- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- This distribution of aegis is known to build on the
- following systems:
- SunOS 4.1
- The native cc(1) and also gcc(1) are known to
- work for Sun4s. The appropriate configuration is
- contained in the conf/SunOS-4.1 file. Sun seem
- to be having chronic problems with locking; you
- may need to get the very latest set of locking
- patches and apply them. See also the tmpfs note,
- below.
- ConvexOS 10.0
- The native cc(1) works just fine. The
- appropriate configuration is contained in the
- conf/ConvexOS-10 file. Note that there is no
- "bin" user on ConvexOS, so the owner of aegis '
- library files is "daemon"; you will need to map
- user and group "bin" to "daemon" in the
- instructions below.
- DG/UX 5.4.1
- The native cc(1) works just fine. The
- appropriate configuration is contained in the
- conf/dgux-5.4.1 file.
- ULTRIX 4.2
- It has the seteuid and setegid calls, but the
- shell has no functions! Complain to your vendor.
- You will need to change the SHELL macro
- definition in the Makefile file to use sh5(1)
- instead. The appropriate configuration is
- contained in the conf/ULTRIX-4.2 file.
- Pyramid SMP DC/OSx 1.0-92b023
- This system is pretty horrendous. The native cc
- is known to work, but gives a staggering number
- of warnings, just ignore them. Gcc is also known
- to work, and gives far fewer stupid warnings.
- The appropriate configuration is contained in the
- conf/dcosx file.
- HP-UX A.08.07
- The author has been advised that the aegis
- program works on this system. Could another
- person confirm this, please. The appropriate
- configuration is contained in the conf/hpux-8.07
- file.
- SCO 2.4
- The author has been advised that the aegis
- program works on this system. Could another
- person confirm this, please. The appropriate
- 2
- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- configuration is contained in the conf/SCO-2.4
- file.
- Sun Solaris 2.1
- The author has been advised that the aegis
- program works on this system. Could another
- person confirm this, please; and tell the author
- how they did it, there seems to be some black
- magic involved. The appropriate configuration is
- contained in the conf/SunOS-5.1 file.
- Linux 0.99
- The author has been advised that the aegis
- programs works on this system. Could another
- person confirm this, please. The appropriate
- configuration is contained in the conf/Linux-0.99
- file.
- Silicon Graphics IRIX 4.0.5G
- The author has been advised that the aegis
- programs works on this system. Could another
- person confirm this, please. The appropriate
- configuration is contained in the conf/IRIX-4.0
- file.
- If the instructions for any of the above systems do not
- work, after you have double-checked everything, the
- author would like to know.
- Please let the author know of any other systems you get
- aegis working on, and the modifications necessary.
- Please include the differences to the Makefile file, and
- the whole common/conf.h file you used. Included any
- other files you edited or added. Include the output of
- the "uname -rs" command, if your flavour of UNIX has such
- a command.
- While the aegis program was developed using gcc, this is
- not the default in the Makefile file. The code uses ANSI
- C features without compromising the ability to be
- compiled on older C compilers. Functions mandated by the
- ANSI C standard are used, because many systems provided
- them, one way or another. Please let the author know of
- any others you think should be added to the common/ansi.c
- file.
- You may need to use some ANSI C header files which the
- aegis code uses, but which some systems (as yet) fail to
- provide. You will find lines at the top of the Makefile
- file similar to
- H = -I/usr/include -Ih
- Change this to suit your system and your compiler. The
- "h" directory must be searched last as it is intended to
- 3
- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- supplement your system, not replace it.
- You will need to check the include files in the "h"
- directory to see that they are suitable for your system.
- You may want to delete any that your system already has.
- All you should need to do is use the
- % make
- ...lots of output...
- %
- command and wait. When this finishes you should see a
- directory called bin containing two files: aegis and
- fmtgen. The fmtgen file is a program used in
- constructing aegis and is not for general consumption.
- Before describing how to test aegis, you may need to grab
- some other free software, because the tests require it in
- some cases, and because it is generally useful in others.
- cook
- This is a dependency maintenance tool (DMT). An
- example of a well-known DMT is make(1), however
- this old faithful is not sufficiently capable to
- meet the demands placed on it by the aegis
- program, but cook certainly is. The cook package
- is written by the same author as aegis. The cook
- package is necessary for test 11 to pass. It is
- also used in the documentation. The cook program
- may be found at the same archive site as the
- aegis program, and in the same directory. The
- cook program is available under the terms of the
- GNU General Public License.
- This is a source control package, and is
- available from any of the GNU archives. The
- tests use RCS as the history mechanism, so it is
- necessary to have RCS for most of the tests to
- pass.
- GNU diff
- If the diff(1) utility supplied by your flavor of
- unix does not have the -c option, you will need
- GNU diff to make patch files, if you want to
- publish software for FTP or on USENET. Context
- differences are also helpful for reviewing
- changes.
- groff
- This GNU software replaces the documentation
- tools which (sometimes) come with UNIX. They
- produce superior error messages, and support a
- 4
- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- wider range of functionality and fonts. The
- aegis User Guide was prepared with groff.
- bison
- This GNU software is a replacement for yacc(1).
- Some systems have very sick yaccs, and this may
- be necessary if your system include files
- disagree strongly with your system's yacc. The
- Makefile has bison setup in comments.
- fhist
- This software, available under the terms of the
- GNU General Public License, is a set of file
- history and comparison utilities. It was
- originally written by David I. Bell, and is based
- on the minimal difference algorithm by Eugene W.
- Myers. This copy is enhanced and maintained by
- the same author as aegis, and may be found at the
- same archive site, in the same directory.
- The aegis program comes with a test suite. To run this
- test suite, use the command
- % make sure
- ...lots of output...
- Passed All Tests
- %
- The tests take a minute or two each, with a few very
- fast, and a couple very slow, but it varies greatly
- depending on your CPU.
- The tests assume that the RCS commands "ci", "co", "rlog"
- and "rcs" are somewhere in the command search PATH.
- The test/00/t0011a.sh file assumes the cook(1) command by
- the author is somewhere in the command search path. This
- test reproduces the example used in Chapter 3 of the User
- Guide.
- If you are using Sun's tmpfs file system as your /tmp
- directory, the tests will fail. This is because the
- tmpfs file system does not support file locking. Set the
- AEGIS_TMP environment variable to somewhere else before
- running the tests. Something like
- % setenv AEGIS_TMP /usr/tmp
- %
- is usually sufficient if you are using C shell, or
- $ AEGIS_TMP=/usr/tmp
- $ export AEGIS_TMP
- $
- if you are using Bourne shell. Remember, this must be
- done before running the tests.
- 5
- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- If the tests fail due to errors complaining of "user too
- privileged" you will need to adjust the AEGIS_MIN_UID
- define in the common/conf.h file. Similarly for "group
- too privileged", although this is rarer. This error
- message will also occur if you run the tests as root: the
- tests must be run as a mortal each time.
- If the aegis program is not set-uid-root then it runs in
- "test" mode which gives you some confidence that aegis is
- working before being tested again when it is set-uid-
- root. Two pass testing like this means that you need not
- trust your system to a set-uid-root program which is not
- known to work.
- You will need to do a little of the install, to create
- the directory which will contain aegis' lock file.
- # mkdir /usr/local/lib/aegis
- # chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/aegis
- # chown bin /usr/local/lib/aegis
- # chgrp bin /usr/local/lib/aegis
- #
- You will need to change aegis to be set-uid-root. This
- may be done with the following commands:
- # chown root bin/aegis
- # chmod u+s bin/aegis
- #
- Once aegis is set-uid-root, it is tested again, in the
- same manner as before.
- % make sure
- ...lots of output...
- Passed All Tests
- %
- You should test aegis as a mortal in both passes, rather
- than as root, to be sure the set-uid-root functionality
- is working correctly.
- It is required that aegis run set-uid-root for all of its
- functionality to be available. It is NOT possible to
- create an "aegis" account and make aegis run set-uid-
- aegis. This is because aegis does things as various
- different user IDs, sometimes as many as 3 in the one
- command. This allows aegis to use UNIX security rather
- than inventing its own, and also allows aegis to work
- across NFS. To be able to do these things, aegis must be
- set-uid-root. Believe me, folks, if I could have done it
- without set-uid-root, I would have!
- Put the aegis program somewhere where users will
- automatically pick it up, such as in the /usr/local/bin
- directory. Use the command
- # cp bin/aegis /usr/local/bin
- 6
- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- #
- Don't forget to make sure that the copy is set-uid-root,
- some versions of cp do not transfer the set-uid bit of
- the mode.
- The manuals can be installed using the commands
- # sh man1/install.sh /usr/local/man/man1
- # sh man5/install.sh /usr/local/man/man5
- #
- but this is very site specific. You can select a
- different path by changing the last argument.
- By default, aegis is configured to use
- /usr/local/lib/aegis as the place it stores the table
- containing the mapping from project name to project
- directory, and indexes into this table. The aegis
- program also has example .cshrc and .profile files, and
- generic notification scripts. These can be copied to
- this library as follows:
- # mkdir /usr/local/lib/aegis
- # chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/aegis
- # chown bin /usr/local/lib/aegis
- # chgrp bin /usr/local/lib/aegis
- # cp lib/* /usr/local/lib/aegis
- # chmod a+r /usr/local/lib/aegis/*
- # chmod a+x /usr/local/lib/aegis/*.sh
- #
- This is only an example, and you may want to place this
- somewhere else. Control of the placement of this
- directory may be found in the first few lines of the
- Makefile file.
- All of the above install can be done automatically, using
- the "make install" command as root. Control of the
- directories used may be found in the first few lines of
- the Makefile file.
- The aegis command is assumed to be in a generally
- accessible place, otherwise users will need to add the
- relevant directory to their PATH. Users should add
- source /usr/local/lib/aegis/cshrc
- to the end of their .cshrc file for the recommended
- aliases.
- There is also a profile for users of the Bourne shell (it
- assumes you have a version of the Bourne shell which has
- functions). Users should add
- . /usr/local/lib/aegis/profile
- to the end of their .profile file for the recommended
- aliases.
- The /usr/local/lib/aegis/state file contains pointers to
- "system" projects. Users may add their own project
- 7
- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- pointers (to their own projects) by putting a search path
- into the AEGIS environment variable. The system part is
- always automatically appended by aegis. The default,
- already set by the /usr/local/lib/aegis/cshrc file, is
- $HOME/lib/aegis. Do not create this directory, aegis is
- finicky and wants to do this itself.
- Where projects reside is completely flexible, be they
- system projects or user projects. They are not kept
- under the /usr/local/lib/aegis directory, this directory
- only contains pointers.
- This distribution contains the sources to all of the
- documentation for aegis. The author used the GNU groff
- package and a postscript printer to prepare the
- documentation. If you do not have this software, you
- will need to substitute commands appropriate to your
- site.
- To print copies of the README and BUILDING files, the
- following commands may be used
- % groff -t -man aux/*.man | lpr
- %
- This will produce about 12 pages. The "-t" flag means
- preprocess with tbl(1).
- To print copies of the manual entries, the following
- commands may be used
- % cd man1
- % groff -s -t -man *.1 | lpr
- % cd ../man5
- % groff -s -t -man *.5 | lpr
- % cd ..
- %
- This will produce about 60 pages. The "-s" flag means
- preprocess with soelim(1), and the "-t" flag means
- preprocess with tbl(1).
- To print a copy of the User Guide, the following commands
- may be used
- % cd doc
- % groff -s -t -p -ms aegis.ms | lpr
- % cd ..
- %
- This will produce about 90 pages. The "-s" flag means
- preprocess with soelim(1), the "-t" flag means preprocess
- with tbl(1), and the "-p" flag means preprocess with
- pic(1). Alternatively, you could get a PostScript copy
- of the User Guide from the archive site.
- Please note the the User Guide is still in the process of
- being written. Some sections of the User Guide are
- incomplete. Feedback on the form and content of this
- 8
- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- document would be most welcome.
- The aegis program uses time stamps to remember whether
- various events have happened and when. If you are using
- aegis in a networked environment, typically a server and
- dataless workstations, you need to make absolutely sure
- that all of the machines agree about the time.
- If possible, use the time daemon. Otherwise, use
- rdate(8) via cron(8) every hour or so.
- If you need assistance with the aegis program, please do
- not hesitate to contact the author at
- Peter Miller <pmiller@bmr.gov.au>
- Any and all feedback is welcome.
- When reporting problems, please include the version
- number given by the
- % aegis -version
- aegis version a.b.cccc
- ...
- %
- command.
- Runtime Checking
- In the common/main.h file, the is a define of DEBUG in
- comments. If the comments are removed, extensive
- debugging is turned on. This causes some performance
- loss, but performs much run-time checking and adds the
- -TRace command line option.
- When the -TRace command line option is followed by one or
- more file names, it turns on execution traces in those
- source files. It is usually best to place this on the
- end of the command line so that names of the files to be
- traced are not confused with other file names or strings
- on the command line.
- Problem Reports
- If you send email to the author, please include the
- following information:
- 1. The type of UNIX
- The author will need to know the brand and
- version of UNIX you are using, or if it is not
- UNIX but something else. The output of "uname
- -sr" is usually sufficient (but not all systems
- have it).
- 2. The Version Number
- In any information you send, please include the
- version number reported in the
- 9
- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- common/patchlevel.h file, or `aegis -vers` if you
- can get it to compile.
- 3. The Archive Site
- When and where you obtained this version of
- aegis. If you tell me nothing else, tell me this
- (and, hopefully, why you did nothing else).
- 4. Unpacking
- Did you have problems unpacking aegis? This
- probably isn't a problem with the .tar.Z
- distribution, but you could have obtained a shar
- format copy.
- 5. Building
- Did you have problems building aegis? This could
- have been the instructions included, it could
- have been the Makefile, it could have been
- problems configuring it, or anything else.
- 6. Testing, Non-Set-Uid
- Did you have problems with the tests? You could
- have had problems running them, or some of them
- could have failed. If some tests fail but not
- others, please let me know which ones failed.
- (The -k option to make can be usful in this
- case.)
- 7. Testing, Set-Uid-Root
- Did you have problems with the tests when aegis
- was set-uid-root? You could have had problems
- running them, or some of them could have failed.
- If some tests fail but not others, please let me
- know which ones failed, and include the fact that
- aegis was set-uid-root at the time.
- 8. Installation
- Did you have problems installing aegis? This
- could have been the instructions, or anything
- else.
- At this point it would probably be a very good idea to
- print out the manual entries and read them carefully.
- You will also want to print a copy of the User Guide; if
- you don't gave groff, there should be a PostScript copy
- at the archive site. It is a known flaw that the User
- Guide is incomplete, it is something the author is
- working on "at this moment".
- 9. The Example Project
- After reading the User Guide, it is often useful
- to manually run through the example in chapter 3.
- You will need to do more than one change,
- hopefully several; the first change is not
- 10
- build(aegis) build(aegis)
- representative of the system. Did you manually
- do the example? Did you find flaws in the User
- Guide or manual entries?
- 10. Using Aegis
- Did you have problems using aegis? This is a
- whole can of worms. If possible, include a shell
- script similar to the tests which accompany
- aegis, which reproduces the bug. Exit code 1 on
- failure (bug), exit code 0 on success (for when
- bug is fixed).
- 11. The Source Code
- Did you read the code? Did you write some code?
- If you read the code and found problems, fixed
- them, or extended aegis, these contributions are
- most welcome. I reserve the right to modify or
- reject such contributions.
- The above list is inclusive, not exclusive. Any and all
- feedback is greatly appreciated, as is the effort and
- interest required to produce it.
- The aegis program is free software; you can redistribute
- it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
- Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- The aegis program is distributed in the hope that it will
- be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
- PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- It should be in the LICENSE file included in this
- distribution.
- Peter Miller UUCP uunet!munnari!bmr.gov.au!pmiller
- /\/\* Internet pmiller@bmr.gov.au
- 11