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Text File | 1993-09-24 | 76.1 KB | 2,752 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- From: pmiller@bmr.gov.au (Peter Miller)
- Subject: v27i053: aegis - project change supervisor (V2.1), Part18/19
- References: <1.748951883.12788@gw.home.vix.com>
- Sender: unix-sources-moderator@gw.home.vix.com
- Approved: vixie@gw.home.vix.com
- Submitted-By: pmiller@bmr.gov.au (Peter Miller)
- Posting-Number: Volume 27, Issue 53
- Archive-Name: aegis-2.1/part18
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 18 (of 19)."
- # Contents: aux/CHANGES.1.0
- # Wrapped by vixie@gw.home.vix.com on Sat Sep 25 03:00:56 1993
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'aux/CHANGES.1.0' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'aux/CHANGES.1.0'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'aux/CHANGES.1.0'\" \(73412 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'aux/CHANGES.1.0' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- XChange State Description
- X------- ------- -------------
- X1 completed Place aegis under its own control.
- X2 completed The 'aegis -version' command does not report the
- X version stamp provided by aegis.
- X3 completed Report working days elapsed in change history listings.
- X4 completed Add the -Change_Attributes function.
- X5 completed Add the manual entries.
- X6 completed Conform to comp.sources.unix posting standards.
- X7 completed Make aegis compiler under SunOS 4.0
- X8 completed Link the integration directory to the baseline.
- X9 completed Take advantage of change 8.
- X10 completed Add robustness in the face of errors.
- X11 completed Fix os_below_dir when the directories do not match at
- X all.
- X12 completed fix error message in option.c
- X13 completed Improve construction of shar files on integration.
- X14 completed Add section 5 manual entries.
- X15 completed Add page width argument.
- X16 completed Add additional support for build script generation.
- X17 completed Improve tracing, make it faster.
- X18 completed Collect generic argument processing.
- X19 completed Make references to argument names consistent.
- X20 completed Add documentation skeleton.
- X21 awaiting_ Add the text preprocessor (tpp).
- X development
- X22 completed Improve construction method.
- X23 completed Fix bugs found porting to SunOS 4.1
- X24 completed Make 'list project_files' sensitive to changes.
- X25 completed When removing files, 'aegis -diff' attempts to diff
- X the file in the change.
- X26 completed The 'aegis -DIFFerence' command generated erroneous
- X history_get command.
- X27 completed Rearrange the source directory structure.
- X28 completed Fix copyright dates.
- X29 completed fix edit number in change file list when in
- X 'completed' state
- X30 completed modified tests don't have to fail baseline
- X31 completed when following directory trees, use lstat
- X32 completed File name was being echoed on every file copy
- X operation.
- X33 completed aeib -min., don't copy files which have bben deleted
- X34 completed add '%(name)' substitution
- X35 completed teach forground/background difference on suns
- X36 completed Do not run tests which a change is modifying whe using
- X the -regression option.
- X37 completed add major and minor version number to project status
- X38 completed add -New_ReLeaSe command
- X39 completed implement the -Review_Pass_Undo command
- X40 completed fix pattred to copy the notify commands
- X41 completed make notify commands ignore exit status
- X42 completed make sub.c do the right thing for notify commands
- X43 being_ make -lib add to search path
- X integrated
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 1, change 1.
- X
- X Place aegis under its own control.
- X
- X Now that aegis has reached the necessary critical mass, it is capable
- X enough, and reliable enough, to be placed under its own control.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source create Howto.cook
- X source create administ.c
- X source create administ.h
- X source create ansi.c
- X source create archaeol.c
- X source create archaeol.h
- X source create arglex.c
- X source create arglex.h
- X source create build.c
- X source create build.h
- X source create cattr.def
- X source create chdir.c
- X source create chdir.h
- X source create col.c
- X source create col.h
- X source create common.def
- X source create config
- X source create copyfile.c
- X source create copyfile.h
- X source create cstate.def
- X source create cstate_c.c
- X source create cstate_c.h
- X source create cstate_u.c
- X source create cstate_u.h
- X source create defaults.c
- X source create defaults.h
- X source create develop1.c
- X source create develop1.h
- X source create develop2.c
- X source create develop2.h
- X source create diff.c
- X source create diff.h
- X source create dir.c
- X source create dir.h
- X source create error.c
- X source create error.h
- X source create file.c
- X source create file.h
- X source create fmtgen/ansi.c
- X source create fmtgen/arglex.c
- X source create fmtgen/arglex.h
- X source create fmtgen/error.c
- X source create fmtgen/error.h
- X source create fmtgen/id.c
- X source create fmtgen/id.h
- X source create fmtgen/indent.c
- X source create fmtgen/indent.h
- X source create fmtgen/lex.c
- X source create fmtgen/lex.h
- X source create fmtgen/main.c
- X source create fmtgen/main.h
- X source create fmtgen/mem.c
- X source create fmtgen/mem.h
- X source create fmtgen/parse.y
- X source create fmtgen/str.c
- X source create fmtgen/str.h
- X source create fmtgen/type.c
- X source create fmtgen/type.h
- X source create fmtgen/type_enum.c
- X source create fmtgen/type_integ.c
- X source create fmtgen/type_list.c
- X source create fmtgen/type_ref.c
- X source create fmtgen/type_strin.c
- X source create fmtgen/type_struc.c
- X source create fmtgen/word.c
- X source create fmtgen/word.h
- X source create gram.y
- X source create gstate.def
- X source create gstate_c.c
- X source create gstate_c.h
- X source create indent.c
- X source create indent.h
- X source create integra1.c
- X source create integra1.h
- X source create integra2.c
- X source create integra2.h
- X source create io.c
- X source create io.h
- X source create lex.c
- X source create lex.h
- X source create list.c
- X source create list.h
- X source create lock.c
- X source create lock.h
- X source create log.c
- X source create log.h
- X source create main.c
- X source create main.h
- X source create mem.c
- X source create mem.h
- X source create new_chan.c
- X source create new_chan.h
- X source create new_file.c
- X source create new_file.h
- X source create new_proj.c
- X source create new_proj.h
- X source create new_rele.c
- X source create new_rele.h
- X source create new_test.c
- X source create new_test.h
- X source create option.c
- X source create option.h
- X source create os.c
- X source create os.h
- X source create parse.c
- X source create parse.h
- X source create pattr.def
- X source create pattr_ed.c
- X source create pattr_ed.h
- X source create pconf.def
- X source create pconf_c.c
- X source create pconf_c.h
- X source create pstate.def
- X source create pstate_c.c
- X source create pstate_c.h
- X source create pstate_u.c
- X source create pstate_u.h
- X source create rem_file.c
- X source create rem_file.h
- X source create review.c
- X source create review.h
- X source create reviewer.c
- X source create reviewer.h
- X source create str.c
- X source create str.h
- X source create sub.c
- X source create sub.h
- X source create test.c
- X source create test.h
- X test create test/00/t0001a.sh
- X test create test/00/t0002a.sh
- X source create trace.c
- X source create trace.h
- X source create tree.c
- X source create tree.h
- X source create type.c
- X source create type.h
- X source create uconf.def
- X source create uconf_c.c
- X source create uconf_c.h
- X source create ustate.def
- X source create ustate_c.c
- X source create ustate_c.h
- X source create ustate_u.c
- X source create ustate_u.h
- X source create version.c
- X source create version.h
- X source create word.c
- X source create word.h
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Fri Sep 14 peter Elapsed time: 0.009 days.
- X 15:19:21 1990
- X develop_begin Fri Sep 14 peter Elapsed time: 0.944 days.
- X 15:23:21 1990
- X develop_end Mon Sep 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.007 days.
- X 14:58:19 1990
- X review_pass Mon Sep 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.006 days.
- X 15:01:38 1990
- X integrate_begin Mon Sep 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.096 days.
- X 15:04:18 1990
- X integrate_pass Mon Sep 17 peter
- X 15:47:23 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 2, change 2.
- X
- X The 'aegis -version' command does not report the version stamp
- X provided by aegis.
- X
- X Make 'aegis -version' report the version stamp.
- X Fix -Integrate_Begin so that it doesn't try to copy set-uid-root files
- X (this was discovered when aegis couldn't integrate this change on the
- X first try).
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 1 Howto.cook
- X source modify 1 config
- X source modify 1 file.c
- X source create patchlevel.h
- X test create test/00/t0003a.sh
- X source modify 1 tree.c
- X source modify 1 version.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Mon Sep 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 16:03:18 1990
- X develop_begin Mon Sep 17 peter Elapsed time: 1.138 days.
- X 16:03:33 1990
- X develop_end Tue Sep 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.005 days.
- X 17:05:49 1990
- X review_pass Tue Sep 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.018 days.
- X 17:08:02 1990
- X develop_end_ Tue Sep 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.096 days.
- X undo 17:16:00 1990
- X develop_end Tue Sep 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 17:59:05 1990
- X review_pass Tue Sep 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.039 days.
- X 17:59:55 1990
- X develop_end_ Tue Sep 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.031 days.
- X undo 18:17:16 1990
- X develop_end Tue Sep 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 18:31:02 1990
- X review_pass Tue Sep 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.009 days.
- X 18:31:21 1990
- X integrate_begin Tue Sep 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.333 days.
- X 18:35:19 1990
- X integrate_pass Wed Sep 19 peter
- X 13:35:11 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 3, change 3.
- X
- X Report working days elapsed in change history listings.
- X
- X Report working days elapsed in change history listings.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 2 Howto.cook
- X source modify 1 list.c
- X source modify 1 new_proj.c
- X test modify 1 test/00/t0002a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Sep 19 peter Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 14:18:47 1990
- X develop_begin Wed Sep 19 peter Elapsed time: 0.342 days.
- X 14:20:07 1990
- X develop_end Thu Sep 20 peter Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 09:23:54 1990
- X review_pass Thu Sep 20 peter Elapsed time: 0.007 days.
- X 09:24:55 1990
- X integrate_begin Thu Sep 20 peter Elapsed time: 0.051 days.
- X 09:28:05 1990
- X integrate_pass Thu Sep 20 peter
- X 09:50:52 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 4, change 4.
- X
- X Add the -Change_Attributes function.
- X
- X Add the -Change_Attributes function.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 3 Howto.cook
- X source modify 1 arglex.c
- X source modify 1 arglex.h
- X source create cattr_ed.c
- X source create cattr_ed.h
- X source modify 1 main.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Thu Sep 20 peter Elapsed time: 0.008 days.
- X 13:44:47 1990
- X develop_begin Thu Sep 20 peter Elapsed time: 0.462 days.
- X 13:48:30 1990
- X develop_end Thu Sep 20 peter Elapsed time: 0.009 days.
- X 17:16:28 1990
- X review_pass Thu Sep 20 peter Elapsed time: 1.063 days.
- X 17:20:26 1990
- X integrate_begin Fri Sep 21 peter Elapsed time: 0.230 days.
- X 17:48:47 1990
- X integrate_pass Mon Sep 24 peter
- X 12:02:27 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 5, change 5.
- X
- X Add the manual entries.
- X
- X Add the manual entries.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 4 Howto.cook
- X source modify 1 cattr_ed.c
- X source create man1/aea.1
- X source create man1/aeb.1
- X source create man1/aeca.1
- X source create man1/aecd.1
- X source create man1/aecp.1
- X source create man1/aecpu.1
- X source create man1/aed.1
- X source create man1/aedb.1
- X source create man1/aedbu.1
- X source create man1/aede.1
- X source create man1/aedeu.1
- X source create man1/aega.1
- X source create man1/aegis.1
- X source create man1/aeib.1
- X source create man1/aeibu.1
- X source create man1/aeif.1
- X source create man1/aeip.1
- X source create man1/ael.1
- X source create man1/aena.1
- X source create man1/aenc.1
- X source create man1/aencu.1
- X source create man1/aend.1
- X source create man1/aenf.1
- X source create man1/aenfu.1
- X source create man1/aeni.1
- X source create man1/aenpr.1
- X source create man1/aenrls.1
- X source create man1/aenrv.1
- X source create man1/aent.1
- X source create man1/aentu.1
- X source create man1/aepa.1
- X source create man1/aera.1
- X source create man1/aerd.1
- X source create man1/aerf.1
- X source create man1/aeri.1
- X source create man1/aerm.1
- X source create man1/aermu.1
- X source create man1/aerp.1
- X source create man1/aerpr.1
- X source create man1/aerrv.1
- X source create man1/aet.1
- X source create man1/aeua.1
- X source create man1/aev.1
- X source create man1/o__rules.so
- X source create man1/o_anticip.so
- X source create man1/o_auto.so
- X source create man1/o_baselin.so
- X source create man1/o_change.so
- X source create man1/o_devdir.so
- X source create man1/o_dir.so
- X source create man1/o_help.so
- X source create man1/o_indep.so
- X source create man1/o_keep.so
- X source create man1/o_list.so
- X source create man1/o_manual.so
- X source create man1/o_min.so
- X source create man1/o_overw.so
- X source create man1/o_project.so
- X source create man1/o_terse.so
- X source create man1/o_verbose.so
- X source create man1/z_cr.so
- X source create man1/z_exit.so
- X source create man1/z_intuit.so
- X source create man1/z_name.so
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Thu Sep 20 peter Elapsed time: 0.006 days.
- X 17:33:18 1990
- X develop_begin Thu Sep 20 peter Elapsed time: 1.825 days.
- X 17:36:00 1990
- X develop_end Mon Sep 24 peter Elapsed time: 0.029 days.
- X 16:17:10 1990
- X review_pass Mon Sep 24 peter Elapsed time: 0.844 days.
- X 16:30:22 1990
- X integrate_begin Tue Sep 25 peter Elapsed time: 0.037 days.
- X 15:20:23 1990
- X integrate_pass Tue Sep 25 peter
- X 15:37:15 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 9, change 6.
- X
- X Conform to comp.sources.unix posting standards.
- X
- X Conform to comp.sources.unix posting standards.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source create COPYING
- X source modify 5 Howto.cook
- X source create MANIFEST.sh
- X source create Makefile.sh
- X source create README
- X source modify 1 archaeol.c
- X source modify 2 cattr_ed.c
- X source modify 1 develop2.c
- X source modify 1 diff.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/lex.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/main.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/str.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/str.h
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/type.h
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/type_struc.c
- X source modify 1 gstate_c.c
- X source modify 1 integra1.c
- X source modify 1 integra2.c
- X source modify 2 list.c
- X source modify 1 lock.c
- X source modify 1 new_chan.c
- X source modify 1 new_file.c
- X source modify 2 new_proj.c
- X source modify 1 new_test.c
- X source modify 1 option.c
- X source modify 1 option.h
- X source modify 1 os.c
- X source modify 1 os.h
- X source modify 1 pattr_ed.c
- X source modify 1 pconf_c.c
- X source modify 1 pstate_c.c
- X source modify 1 rem_file.c
- X source modify 1 review.c
- X source modify 1 reviewer.c
- X source modify 1 str.h
- X source modify 1 test.c
- X source modify 1 uconf_c.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Sep 26 peter Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 10:07:07 1990
- X develop_begin Wed Sep 26 peter Elapsed time: 0.233 days.
- X 10:08:24 1990
- X develop_end Wed Sep 26 peter Elapsed time: 0.007 days.
- X 11:53:26 1990
- X review_pass Wed Sep 26 peter Elapsed time: 0.015 days.
- X 11:56:25 1990
- X integrate_begin Wed Sep 26 peter Elapsed time: 0.021 days.
- X 12:03:07 1990
- X integrate_fail Wed Sep 26 peter The Makefile does not work.
- X 12:12:22 1990 Elapsed time: 0.034 days.
- X develop_end Wed Sep 26 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 12:27:34 1990
- X review_pass Wed Sep 26 peter Elapsed time: 0.211 days.
- X 12:28:10 1990
- X integrate_begin Wed Sep 26 peter Elapsed time: 0.094 days.
- X 14:03:09 1990
- X integrate_fail Wed Sep 26 peter The MANIFEST.sh file forgets
- X 14:45:33 1990 to mention the directories,
- X and thus the shar files will
- X not unpack properly.
- X The arglex_option_trace was
- X referred to outside DEBUG
- X conditionals.
- X The PATH_MAX define was
- X referenced.
- X Elapsed time: 8.396 days.
- X develop_end Sun Oct 7 peter Elapsed time: 0.014 days.
- X 17:43:45 1990
- X develop_end_ Sun Oct 7 peter Elapsed time: 0.190 days.
- X undo 17:50:06 1990
- X develop_end Mon Oct 8 peter Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 11:45:33 1990
- X review_pass Mon Oct 8 peter Elapsed time: 0.011 days.
- X 11:47:06 1990
- X integrate_begin Mon Oct 8 peter Elapsed time: 0.137 days.
- X 11:51:51 1990
- X integrate_fail Mon Oct 8 peter The Makefile does not use the
- X 12:53:43 1990 $(CFLAGS) for compiles.
- X The Makefile LIB= line is too
- X close to the all: line.
- X Howto.cook needs to up the
- X limit of shar files for
- X makekit, use the -k option.
- X Some files still refer to PATH_
- X MAX define.
- X Some files still refer to NAME_
- X MAX define.
- X Elapsed time: 0.247 days.
- X develop_end Mon Oct 8 peter Elapsed time: 0.010 days.
- X 14:44:59 1990
- X review_pass Mon Oct 8 peter Elapsed time: 0.027 days.
- X 14:49:16 1990
- X integrate_begin Mon Oct 8 peter Elapsed time: 0.210 days.
- X 15:01:20 1990
- X integrate_pass Mon Oct 8 peter
- X 16:35:51 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 10, change 7.
- X
- X Make aegis compiler under SunOS 4.0
- X
- X Make aegis compiler under SunOS 4.0. This requires the addition of
- X optional include files, for those systems without ansi-conforming
- X include files, and coping with the vagaries of the SunOS C compiler.
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source create BUILDING
- X source modify 6 Howto.cook
- X source modify 1 ansi.c
- X source modify 1 cstate_c.c
- X source modify 2 diff.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/ansi.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/type_enum.c
- X source modify 2 gstate_c.c
- X source create h/stdarg.h
- X source create h/stddef.h
- X source create h/stdlib.h
- X source modify 1 indent.c
- X source modify 2 new_chan.c
- X source modify 2 new_test.c
- X source modify 2 os.c
- X source modify 1 ustate_c.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Tue Oct 9 peter Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 10:38:34 1990
- X develop_begin Tue Oct 9 peter Elapsed time: 0.990 days.
- X 10:39:22 1990
- X develop_end Wed Oct 10 peter Elapsed time: 0.088 days.
- X 10:35:05 1990
- X review_pass Wed Oct 10 peter Elapsed time: 0.131 days.
- X 11:14:35 1990
- X integrate_begin Wed Oct 10 peter Elapsed time: 0.176 days.
- X 12:13:24 1990
- X integrate_pass Wed Oct 10 peter
- X 13:32:41 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 11, change 8.
- X
- X Link the integration directory to the baseline.
- X
- X Allow the option of linking the integration directory to the baseline,
- X rather than copying all of the files across. This will be a
- X substantial saving in both disk space and time for large projects. It
- X must be optional because the build script must take this into account
- X and unlink files before re-building them, otherwise the baseline can
- X be trashed.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 7 Howto.cook
- X source modify 2 ansi.c
- X source modify 1 chdir.c
- X source modify 2 develop2.c
- X source modify 1 error.c
- X source modify 1 error.h
- X source modify 2 fmtgen/ansi.c
- X source modify 2 fmtgen/type_struc.c
- X source create help.c
- X source create help.h
- X source modify 2 integra2.c
- X source modify 1 man1/aede.1
- X source modify 2 option.c
- X source modify 3 os.c
- X source modify 2 os.h
- X source modify 1 pconf.def
- X source modify 2 review.c
- X test modify 1 test/00/t0001a.sh
- X test modify 2 test/00/t0002a.sh
- X source modify 2 tree.c
- X source modify 1 tree.h
- X source modify 2 version.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Fri Oct 12 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 14:24:51 1990
- X develop_begin Fri Oct 12 peter Elapsed time: 5.412 days.
- X 14:25:08 1990
- X develop_end Mon Oct 22 peter Elapsed time: 0.036 days.
- X 10:00:30 1990
- X review_pass Mon Oct 22 peter Elapsed time: 0.012 days.
- X 10:16:54 1990
- X integrate_begin Mon Oct 22 peter Elapsed time: 0.147 days.
- X 10:22:06 1990
- X integrate_pass Mon Oct 22 peter
- X 11:28:02 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 13, change 9.
- X
- X Take advantage of change 8.
- X
- X Change the way aegis is built to take advantage of change 8, which
- X allows the baseline to be linked to the integration directory rather
- X than copied. This will (hopefully) result in a saving in both disk
- X space and time for integrations. It is essential that files are
- X unlinked before re-building them, otherwise the baseline can be
- X trashed.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 8 Howto.cook
- X source modify 2 config
- X source modify 2 file.c
- X source modify 3 integra2.c
- X source modify 1 log.c
- X source modify 4 os.c
- X test modify 3 test/00/t0002a.sh
- X source modify 3 tree.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Mon Oct 22 peter Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 11:37:08 1990
- X develop_begin Mon Oct 22 peter Elapsed time: 0.688 days.
- X 11:38:32 1990
- X develop_end Mon Oct 22 peter Elapsed time: 0.005 days.
- X 16:48:01 1990
- X review_pass Mon Oct 22 peter Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 16:50:25 1990
- X integrate_begin Mon Oct 22 peter Elapsed time: 0.005 days.
- X 16:51:57 1990
- X integrate_ Mon Oct 22 peter Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X begin_undo 16:54:23 1990
- X develop_end_ Mon Oct 22 peter Elapsed time: 0.931 days.
- X undo 16:55:21 1990
- X develop_end Tue Oct 23 peter Elapsed time: 0.008 days.
- X 16:24:09 1990
- X review_pass Tue Oct 23 peter Elapsed time: 0.007 days.
- X 16:27:33 1990
- X integrate_begin Tue Oct 23 peter Elapsed time: 0.111 days.
- X 16:30:32 1990
- X integrate_pass Tue Oct 23 peter
- X 17:20:35 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 14, change 10.
- X
- X Add robustness in the face of errors.
- X
- X Add the code which allows the changes to ba 'backed out' if an error
- X occurs. This involves writing changed files to a new file and doing a
- X name shuffle. Functions are added to 'commit' and 'undo' chnages to
- X the data files.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 1 administ.c
- X source modify 2 archaeol.c
- X source modify 1 build.c
- X source modify 3 cattr_ed.c
- X source modify 2 chdir.c
- X source create commit.c
- X source create commit.h
- X source modify 1 copyfile.c
- X source modify 2 cstate_c.c
- X source modify 1 cstate_u.c
- X source modify 1 develop1.c
- X source modify 3 develop2.c
- X source modify 3 diff.c
- X source modify 1 dir.h
- X source modify 2 error.c
- X source modify 2 error.h
- X source create gate.h
- X source modify 3 gstate_c.c
- X source modify 1 help.c
- X source modify 1 help.h
- X source modify 2 indent.c
- X source modify 2 integra1.c
- X source modify 4 integra2.c
- X source modify 1 lex.c
- X source modify 3 list.c
- X source modify 2 lock.c
- X source modify 2 log.c
- X source modify 1 log.h
- X source modify 2 main.c
- X source modify 1 man1/aea.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aeb.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aecd.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aecp.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aecpu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aed.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aedb.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aede.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aedeu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aegis.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aeib.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aeibu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aeif.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aeip.1
- X source modify 1 man1/ael.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aenc.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aencu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aenf.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aenfu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aenpr.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aenrls.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aent.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aera.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aerf.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aerm.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aermu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aerp.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aerrv.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aet.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aeua.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aev.1
- X source modify 1 man1/o__rules.so
- X source modify 1 man1/z_intuit.so
- X source modify 3 new_chan.c
- X source modify 2 new_file.c
- X source modify 3 new_proj.c
- X source modify 3 new_test.c
- X source modify 5 os.c
- X source modify 3 os.h
- X source modify 2 pattr_ed.c
- X source modify 2 pstate_c.c
- X source modify 2 rem_file.c
- X source modify 3 review.c
- X source modify 2 reviewer.c
- X source modify 2 test.c
- X test modify 4 test/00/t0002a.sh
- X source modify 4 tree.c
- X source modify 2 uconf_c.c
- X source create undo.c
- X source create undo.h
- X source modify 2 ustate_c.c
- X source modify 1 ustate_u.c
- X source modify 3 version.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Oct 24 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 10:39:45 1990
- X develop_begin Wed Oct 24 peter Elapsed time: 6.267 days.
- X 10:40:14 1990
- X develop_end Thu Nov 1 peter Elapsed time: 0.151 days.
- X 13:40:28 1990
- X review_pass Thu Nov 1 peter Elapsed time: 0.007 days.
- X 14:48:28 1990
- X integrate_begin Thu Nov 1 peter Elapsed time: 0.312 days.
- X 14:51:41 1990
- X integrate_pass Thu Nov 1 peter
- X 17:11:52 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 16, change 11.
- X
- X Fix os_below_dir when the directories do not match at all.
- X
- X Fix os_below_dir when the directories do not match at all.
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 6 os.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Thu Nov 1 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 17:29:08 1990
- X develop_begin Thu Nov 1 peter Elapsed time: 0.912 days.
- X 17:29:35 1990
- X develop_end Fri Nov 2 peter Elapsed time: 0.900 days.
- X 16:49:50 1990
- X review_pass Mon Nov 5 peter Elapsed time: 1.656 days.
- X 16:04:39 1990
- X integrate_begin Tue Nov 6 peter Elapsed time: 0.058 days.
- X 20:59:42 1990
- X integrate_pass Tue Nov 6 peter
- X 21:25:47 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 15, change 12.
- X
- X fix error message in option.c
- X
- X fix error message in option.c
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 3 option.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Sun Nov 4 peter Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 16:12:01 1990
- X develop_begin Sun Nov 4 peter Elapsed time: 0.025 days.
- X 16:13:18 1990
- X develop_end Sun Nov 4 peter Elapsed time: 0.004 days.
- X 16:24:44 1990
- X review_pass Sun Nov 4 peter Elapsed time: 0.004 days.
- X 16:26:36 1990
- X integrate_begin Sun Nov 4 peter Elapsed time: 0.024 days.
- X 16:28:33 1990
- X integrate_pass Sun Nov 4 peter
- X 16:39:20 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 17, change 13.
- X
- X Improve construction of shar files on integration.
- X
- X Improve construction of shar files on integration.
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 9 Howto.cook
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Nov 7 peter Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 09:53:20 1990
- X develop_begin Wed Nov 7 peter Elapsed time: 0.118 days.
- X 09:54:07 1990
- X develop_end Wed Nov 7 peter Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 10:47:04 1990
- X review_pass Wed Nov 7 peter Elapsed time: 0.004 days.
- X 10:48:03 1990
- X integrate_begin Wed Nov 7 peter Elapsed time: 0.097 days.
- X 10:50:03 1990
- X integrate_pass Wed Nov 7 peter
- X 11:33:33 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 18, change 14.
- X
- X Add section 5 manual entries.
- X
- X Add section 5 manual entries.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 1 cattr.def
- X source modify 1 common.def
- X source modify 1 cstate.def
- X source modify 1 gstate.def
- X source create man5/aecattr.5
- X source create man5/aecstate.5
- X source create man5/aedir.5
- X source create man5/aegis.5
- X source create man5/aegstate.5
- X source create man5/aepattr.5
- X source create man5/aepconf.5
- X source create man5/aepstate.5
- X source create man5/aeuconf.5
- X source create man5/aeustate.5
- X source create man5/z_cr.so
- X source create man5/z_name.so
- X source modify 1 pattr.def
- X source modify 2 pconf.def
- X source modify 1 pstate.def
- X source modify 1 uconf.def
- X source modify 1 ustate.def
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Mon Nov 12 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 09:46:35 1990
- X develop_begin Mon Nov 12 peter Elapsed time: 0.735 days.
- X 09:47:10 1990
- X develop_end Mon Nov 12 peter Elapsed time: 0.069 days.
- X 15:17:50 1990
- X review_pass Mon Nov 12 peter Elapsed time: 0.037 days.
- X 15:48:54 1990
- X integrate_begin Mon Nov 12 peter Elapsed time: 0.458 days.
- X 16:05:36 1990
- X integrate_pass Tue Nov 13 peter
- X 12:01:29 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 19, change 15.
- X
- X Add page width argument.
- X
- X Add page width argument.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 2 arglex.c
- X source modify 2 arglex.h
- X source modify 1 col.c
- X source modify 1 col.h
- X source modify 3 error.c
- X source modify 4 list.c
- X source modify 2 man1/ael.1
- X source create man1/o_page.so
- X source modify 4 option.c
- X source modify 2 option.h
- X source modify 1 trace.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Tue Nov 13 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 14:24:00 1990
- X develop_begin Tue Nov 13 peter Elapsed time: 2.050 days.
- X 14:24:25 1990
- X develop_end Thu Nov 15 peter Elapsed time: 0.005 days.
- X 14:46:43 1990
- X review_pass Thu Nov 15 peter Elapsed time: 0.005 days.
- X 14:49:11 1990
- X integrate_begin Thu Nov 15 peter Elapsed time: 0.184 days.
- X 14:51:24 1990
- X integrate_pass Thu Nov 15 peter
- X 16:14:25 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 20, change 16.
- X
- X Add additional support for build script generation.
- X
- X Extra commands are added to 'pconf.def' so that commands can be run
- X when work commences or the files in a change, change.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 2 build.c
- X source modify 2 copyfile.c
- X source modify 2 cstate.def
- X source modify 5 integra2.c
- X source modify 3 log.c
- X source modify 2 log.h
- X source modify 1 man5/aecstate.5
- X source modify 1 man5/aepconf.5
- X source modify 3 new_file.c
- X source modify 5 option.c
- X source modify 7 os.c
- X source modify 3 pconf.def
- X source modify 2 pconf_c.c
- X source modify 3 rem_file.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Fri Nov 16 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 11:06:49 1990
- X develop_begin Fri Nov 16 peter Elapsed time: 4.887 days.
- X 11:07:20 1990
- X develop_end Thu Nov 22 peter Elapsed time: 3.492 days.
- X 17:46:16 1990
- X develop_end_ Wed Nov 28 peter Elapsed time: 0.235 days.
- X undo 13:57:51 1990
- X develop_end Wed Nov 28 peter Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 15:43:30 1990
- X review_pass Wed Nov 28 peter Elapsed time: 0.004 days.
- X 15:44:39 1990
- X integrate_begin Wed Nov 28 peter Elapsed time: 0.367 days.
- X 15:46:22 1990
- X integrate_pass Thu Nov 29 peter
- X 11:01:25 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 21, change 17.
- X
- X Improve tracing, make it faster.
- X
- X Improve tracing, make it faster.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 2 trace.c
- X source modify 1 trace.h
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Dec 12 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 10:08:11 1990
- X develop_begin Wed Dec 12 peter Elapsed time: 1.490 days.
- X 10:08:38 1990
- X develop_end Thu Dec 13 peter Elapsed time: 0.004 days.
- X 13:49:01 1990
- X review_pass Thu Dec 13 peter Elapsed time: 0.004 days.
- X 13:50:59 1990
- X integrate_begin Thu Dec 13 peter Elapsed time: 0.254 days.
- X 13:52:52 1990
- X integrate_pass Thu Dec 13 peter
- X 15:47:15 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 23, change 18.
- X
- X Collect generic argument processing.
- X
- X Collect generic argument processing.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 2 administ.c
- X source modify 3 archaeol.c
- X source modify 3 build.c
- X source modify 4 cattr_ed.c
- X source modify 3 chdir.c
- X source modify 3 copyfile.c
- X source modify 2 develop1.c
- X source modify 4 develop2.c
- X source modify 4 diff.c
- X source modify 2 help.c
- X source modify 2 help.h
- X source modify 3 integra1.c
- X source modify 6 integra2.c
- X source modify 5 list.c
- X source modify 3 main.c
- X source modify 2 man1/aermu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/z_cr.so
- X source modify 4 new_chan.c
- X source modify 4 new_file.c
- X source modify 4 new_proj.c
- X source modify 4 new_test.c
- X source modify 3 pattr_ed.c
- X source modify 4 rem_file.c
- X source modify 4 review.c
- X source modify 3 reviewer.c
- X source modify 3 test.c
- X source modify 4 version.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Thu Dec 13 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 15:49:47 1990
- X develop_begin Thu Dec 13 peter Elapsed time: 1.182 days.
- X 15:50:07 1990
- X develop_end Fri Dec 14 peter Elapsed time: 0.005 days.
- X 17:11:49 1990
- X review_pass Fri Dec 14 peter Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 17:13:52 1990
- X integrate_begin Fri Dec 14 peter Elapsed time: 0.046 days.
- X 17:15:25 1990
- X integrate_fail Fri Dec 14 peter Unknown '\!' escape sequences.
- X 17:36:06 1990 Elapsed time: 0.554 days.
- X develop_end Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.006 days.
- X 14:15:21 1990
- X review_pass Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.004 days.
- X 14:17:58 1990
- X integrate_begin Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.116 days.
- X 14:19:39 1990
- X integrate_pass Mon Dec 17 peter
- X 15:11:38 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 24, change 19.
- X
- X Make references to argument names consistent.
- X
- X Make references to argument names consistent.
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 10 Howto.cook
- X source modify 4 copyfile.c
- X source modify 2 fmtgen/main.c
- X source modify 5 new_file.c
- X source modify 5 new_test.c
- X source modify 6 option.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.004 days.
- X 16:13:04 1990
- X develop_begin Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.689 days.
- X 16:14:48 1990
- X develop_end Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 21:25:00 1990
- X review_pass Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.009 days.
- X 21:25:38 1990
- X integrate_begin Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.171 days.
- X 21:29:52 1990
- X integrate_pass Mon Dec 17 peter
- X 22:46:42 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 25, change 20.
- X
- X Add documentation skeleton.
- X
- X Add documentation skeleton.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source create doc/aegis.mm
- X source create doc/c1.0.so
- X source create doc/c1.1.so
- X source create doc/c1.2.so
- X source create doc/c1.3.so
- X source create doc/c2.0.so
- X source create doc/c3.0.so
- X source create doc/c4.0.so
- X source create doc/c5.0.so
- X source create doc/c6.0.so
- X source create doc/c7.0.so
- X source create doc/c7.1.so
- X source create doc/c7.2.so
- X source create doc/cA.0.so
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.165 days.
- X 21:49:05 1990
- X develop_begin Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 23:03:21 1990
- X develop_end Tue Dec 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 14:47:32 1990
- X review_pass Tue Dec 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 14:48:29 1990
- X integrate_begin Tue Dec 18 peter Elapsed time: 0.135 days.
- X 14:49:54 1990
- X integrate_pass Tue Dec 18 peter
- X 15:50:48 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", change 21.
- X
- X Add the text preprocessor (tpp).
- X
- X Add the text preprocessor (tpp).
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X awaiting_development
- X
- X This change has no files.
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Mon Dec 17 peter Elapsed time: 389.305 days.
- X 21:53:25 1990
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 30, change 22.
- X
- X Improve construction method.
- X
- X Improve change_files and project_files listings.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 7 list.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Tue Dec 18 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.215 days.
- X 14:31:26 1990
- X develop_begin Tue Dec 18 pmiller Elapsed time: 68.638 days.
- X 16:08:10 1990
- X develop_end Mon Mar 25 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 12:25:10 1991
- X develop_end_ Mon Mar 25 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.021 days.
- X undo 12:26:02 1991
- X develop_end Mon Mar 25 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.005 days.
- X 12:35:41 1991
- X review_pass Mon Mar 25 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 12:38:02 1991
- X integrate_begin Mon Mar 25 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.082 days.
- X 12:38:43 1991
- X integrate_pass Mon Mar 25 pmiller
- X 13:15:25 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 26, change 23.
- X
- X Fix bugs found porting to SunOS 4.1
- X
- X Fix bugs found porting to SunOS 4.1
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 1 gate.h
- X source modify 2 ustate_u.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Fri Mar 15 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 10:49:27 1991
- X develop_begin Fri Mar 15 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.181 days.
- X 10:50:13 1991
- X develop_end Fri Mar 15 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 12:11:34 1991
- X review_pass Fri Mar 15 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 12:12:15 1991
- X integrate_begin Fri Mar 15 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.026 days.
- X 12:13:03 1991
- X integrate_pass Fri Mar 15 pmiller
- X 12:24:52 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 27, change 24.
- X
- X Make 'list project_files' sensitive to changes.
- X
- X Make 'list project_files' sensitive to changes.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 6 list.c
- X source modify 7 option.c
- X source modify 3 option.h
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Tue Mar 19 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 15:17:39 1991
- X develop_begin Tue Mar 19 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.050 days.
- X 15:17:50 1991
- X develop_end Tue Mar 19 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 15:40:17 1991
- X review_pass Tue Mar 19 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 15:40:48 1991
- X integrate_begin Tue Mar 19 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.052 days.
- X 15:41:37 1991
- X integrate_pass Tue Mar 19 pmiller
- X 16:04:48 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 28, change 25.
- X
- X When removing files, 'aegis -diff' attempts to diff the file in the
- X change.
- X
- X When removing files, 'aegis -diff' attempts to diff the file in the
- X change.
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 3 administ.c
- X source modify 3 develop1.c
- X source modify 5 develop2.c
- X source modify 5 diff.c
- X source modify 7 integra2.c
- X source modify 5 rem_file.c
- X test create test/00/t0004a.sh
- X test create test/00/t0005a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Thu Mar 21 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 08:48:46 1991
- X develop_begin Thu Mar 21 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.666 days.
- X 08:48:56 1991
- X develop_end Thu Mar 21 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.008 days.
- X 13:48:26 1991
- X review_pass Thu Mar 21 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 13:51:53 1991
- X integrate_begin Thu Mar 21 pmiller Elapsed time: 1.020 days.
- X 13:52:48 1991
- X integrate_pass Fri Mar 22 pmiller
- X 14:01:57 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 29, change 26.
- X
- X The 'aegis -DIFFerence' command generated erroneous history_get
- X command.
- X
- X The construction of the history_get command passed the wrong type of
- X argument to the 'substitute' function. Propotype did not pack this
- X up, because it is a varargs function.
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 6 diff.c
- X source modify 8 option.c
- X test create test/00/t0006a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Fri Mar 22 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 14:14:37 1991
- X develop_begin Fri Mar 22 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.668 days.
- X 14:14:57 1991
- X develop_end Mon Mar 25 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.005 days.
- X 11:45:45 1991
- X review_pass Mon Mar 25 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 11:48:09 1991
- X integrate_begin Mon Mar 25 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.019 days.
- X 11:48:45 1991
- X integrate_pass Mon Mar 25 pmiller
- X 11:57:08 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 31, change 27.
- X
- X Rearrange the source directory structure.
- X
- X Rearrange the source directory structure to improve the way aegis is
- X built.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 11 Howto.cook
- X source modify 1 Makefile.sh
- X source remove 4 administ.c
- X source remove 1 administ.h
- X source create aegis/administ.c
- X source create aegis/administ.h
- X source create aegis/ansi.c
- X source create aegis/archaeol.c
- X source create aegis/archaeol.h
- X source create aegis/arglex.c
- X source create aegis/arglex.h
- X source create aegis/build.c
- X source create aegis/build.h
- X source create aegis/cattr.def
- X source create aegis/cattr_ed.c
- X source create aegis/cattr_ed.h
- X source create aegis/chdir.c
- X source create aegis/chdir.h
- X source create aegis/col.c
- X source create aegis/col.h
- X source create aegis/commit.c
- X source create aegis/commit.h
- X source create aegis/common.def
- X source create aegis/copyfile.c
- X source create aegis/copyfile.h
- X source create aegis/cstate.def
- X source create aegis/cstate_c.c
- X source create aegis/cstate_c.h
- X source create aegis/cstate_u.c
- X source create aegis/cstate_u.h
- X source create aegis/defaults.c
- X source create aegis/defaults.h
- X source create aegis/develop1.c
- X source create aegis/develop1.h
- X source create aegis/develop2.c
- X source create aegis/develop2.h
- X source create aegis/diff.c
- X source create aegis/diff.h
- X source create aegis/dir.c
- X source create aegis/dir.h
- X source create aegis/error.c
- X source create aegis/error.h
- X source create aegis/file.c
- X source create aegis/file.h
- X source create aegis/gate.h
- X source create aegis/gram.y
- X source create aegis/gstate.def
- X source create aegis/gstate_c.c
- X source create aegis/gstate_c.h
- X source create aegis/help.c
- X source create aegis/help.h
- X source create aegis/indent.c
- X source create aegis/indent.h
- X source create aegis/integra1.c
- X source create aegis/integra1.h
- X source create aegis/integra2.c
- X source create aegis/integra2.h
- X source create aegis/io.c
- X source create aegis/io.h
- X source create aegis/lex.c
- X source create aegis/lex.h
- X source create aegis/list.c
- X source create aegis/list.h
- X source create aegis/lock.c
- X source create aegis/lock.h
- X source create aegis/log.c
- X source create aegis/log.h
- X source create aegis/main.c
- X source create aegis/main.h
- X source create aegis/mem.c
- X source create aegis/mem.h
- X source create aegis/new_chan.c
- X source create aegis/new_chan.h
- X source create aegis/new_file.c
- X source create aegis/new_file.h
- X source create aegis/new_proj.c
- X source create aegis/new_proj.h
- X source create aegis/new_rele.c
- X source create aegis/new_rele.h
- X source create aegis/new_test.c
- X source create aegis/new_test.h
- X source create aegis/option.c
- X source create aegis/option.h
- X source create aegis/os.c
- X source create aegis/os.h
- X source create aegis/parse.c
- X source create aegis/parse.h
- X source create aegis/pattr.def
- X source create aegis/pattr_ed.c
- X source create aegis/pattr_ed.h
- X source create aegis/pconf.def
- X source create aegis/pconf_c.c
- X source create aegis/pconf_c.h
- X source create aegis/pstate.def
- X source create aegis/pstate_c.c
- X source create aegis/pstate_c.h
- X source create aegis/pstate_u.c
- X source create aegis/pstate_u.h
- X source create aegis/rem_file.c
- X source create aegis/rem_file.h
- X source create aegis/review.c
- X source create aegis/review.h
- X source create aegis/reviewer.c
- X source create aegis/reviewer.h
- X source create aegis/str.c
- X source create aegis/str.h
- X source create aegis/sub.c
- X source create aegis/sub.h
- X source create aegis/test.c
- X source create aegis/test.h
- X source create aegis/trace.c
- X source create aegis/trace.h
- X source create aegis/tree.c
- X source create aegis/tree.h
- X source create aegis/type.c
- X source create aegis/type.h
- X source create aegis/uconf.def
- X source create aegis/uconf_c.c
- X source create aegis/uconf_c.h
- X source create aegis/undo.c
- X source create aegis/undo.h
- X source create aegis/ustate.def
- X source create aegis/ustate_c.c
- X source create aegis/ustate_c.h
- X source create aegis/ustate_u.c
- X source create aegis/ustate_u.h
- X source create aegis/version.c
- X source create aegis/version.h
- X source create aegis/word.c
- X source create aegis/word.h
- X source remove 3 ansi.c
- X source remove 4 archaeol.c
- X source remove 1 archaeol.h
- X source remove 3 arglex.c
- X source remove 3 arglex.h
- X source remove 4 build.c
- X source remove 1 build.h
- X source remove 2 cattr.def
- X source remove 5 cattr_ed.c
- X source remove 1 cattr_ed.h
- X source remove 4 chdir.c
- X source remove 1 chdir.h
- X source remove 2 col.c
- X source remove 2 col.h
- X source remove 1 commit.c
- X source remove 1 commit.h
- X source remove 2 common.def
- X source create common/patchlevel.h
- X source remove 5 copyfile.c
- X source remove 1 copyfile.h
- X source remove 3 cstate.def
- X source remove 3 cstate_c.c
- X source remove 1 cstate_c.h
- X source remove 2 cstate_u.c
- X source remove 1 cstate_u.h
- X source remove 1 defaults.c
- X source remove 1 defaults.h
- X source remove 4 develop1.c
- X source remove 1 develop1.h
- X source remove 6 develop2.c
- X source remove 1 develop2.h
- X source remove 7 diff.c
- X source remove 1 diff.h
- X source remove 1 dir.c
- X source remove 2 dir.h
- X source remove 4 error.c
- X source remove 3 error.h
- X source remove 3 file.c
- X source remove 1 file.h
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/parse.y
- X source remove 2 gate.h
- X source remove 1 gram.y
- X source remove 2 gstate.def
- X source remove 4 gstate_c.c
- X source remove 1 gstate_c.h
- X source remove 3 help.c
- X source remove 3 help.h
- X source remove 3 indent.c
- X source remove 1 indent.h
- X source remove 4 integra1.c
- X source remove 1 integra1.h
- X source remove 8 integra2.c
- X source remove 1 integra2.h
- X source remove 1 io.c
- X source remove 1 io.h
- X source remove 2 lex.c
- X source remove 1 lex.h
- X source remove 8 list.c
- X source remove 1 list.h
- X source remove 3 lock.c
- X source remove 1 lock.h
- X source remove 4 log.c
- X source remove 3 log.h
- X source remove 4 main.c
- X source remove 1 main.h
- X source remove 1 mem.c
- X source remove 1 mem.h
- X source remove 5 new_chan.c
- X source remove 1 new_chan.h
- X source remove 6 new_file.c
- X source remove 1 new_file.h
- X source remove 5 new_proj.c
- X source remove 1 new_proj.h
- X source remove 1 new_rele.c
- X source remove 1 new_rele.h
- X source remove 6 new_test.c
- X source remove 1 new_test.h
- X source remove 9 option.c
- X source remove 4 option.h
- X source remove 8 os.c
- X source remove 4 os.h
- X source remove 1 parse.c
- X source remove 1 parse.h
- X source remove 1 patchlevel.h
- X source remove 2 pattr.def
- X source remove 4 pattr_ed.c
- X source remove 1 pattr_ed.h
- X source remove 4 pconf.def
- X source remove 3 pconf_c.c
- X source remove 1 pconf_c.h
- X source remove 2 pstate.def
- X source remove 3 pstate_c.c
- X source remove 1 pstate_c.h
- X source remove 1 pstate_u.c
- X source remove 1 pstate_u.h
- X source remove 6 rem_file.c
- X source remove 1 rem_file.h
- X source remove 5 review.c
- X source remove 1 review.h
- X source remove 4 reviewer.c
- X source remove 1 reviewer.h
- X source remove 1 str.c
- X source remove 2 str.h
- X source remove 1 sub.c
- X source remove 1 sub.h
- X source remove 4 test.c
- X source remove 1 test.h
- X test modify 2 test/00/t0001a.sh
- X test modify 5 test/00/t0002a.sh
- X test modify 1 test/00/t0003a.sh
- X test modify 1 test/00/t0004a.sh
- X test modify 1 test/00/t0005a.sh
- X test modify 1 test/00/t0006a.sh
- X source remove 3 trace.c
- X source remove 2 trace.h
- X source remove 5 tree.c
- X source remove 2 tree.h
- X source remove 1 type.c
- X source remove 1 type.h
- X source remove 2 uconf.def
- X source remove 3 uconf_c.c
- X source remove 1 uconf_c.h
- X source remove 1 undo.c
- X source remove 1 undo.h
- X source remove 2 ustate.def
- X source remove 3 ustate_c.c
- X source remove 1 ustate_c.h
- X source remove 3 ustate_u.c
- X source remove 1 ustate_u.h
- X source remove 5 version.c
- X source remove 1 version.h
- X source remove 1 word.c
- X source remove 1 word.h
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Tue Mar 26 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 09:36:19 1991
- X develop_begin Tue Mar 26 pmiller Elapsed time: 1.318 days.
- X 09:36:31 1991
- X develop_end Wed Mar 27 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.090 days.
- X 11:59:43 1991
- X review_pass Wed Mar 27 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.007 days.
- X 12:40:15 1991
- X integrate_begin Wed Mar 27 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.334 days.
- X 12:43:27 1991
- X integrate_pass Wed Mar 27 pmiller
- X 15:13:42 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 32, change 28.
- X
- X Fix copyright dates.
- X
- X Fix copyright dates.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 12 Howto.cook
- X source modify 1 MANIFEST.sh
- X source create Makefile.awk
- X source modify 2 Makefile.sh
- X source modify 1 README
- X source modify 3 config
- X source modify 3 fmtgen/ansi.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/arglex.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/arglex.h
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/error.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/error.h
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/id.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/id.h
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/indent.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/indent.h
- X source modify 2 fmtgen/lex.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/lex.h
- X source modify 3 fmtgen/main.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/main.h
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/mem.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/mem.h
- X source modify 2 fmtgen/str.c
- X source modify 2 fmtgen/str.h
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/type.c
- X source modify 2 fmtgen/type.h
- X source modify 2 fmtgen/type_enum.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/type_integ.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/type_list.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/type_ref.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/type_strin.c
- X source modify 3 fmtgen/type_struc.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/word.c
- X source modify 1 fmtgen/word.h
- X source modify 2 man1/aea.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aeb.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aeca.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aecd.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aecp.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aecpu.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aed.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aedb.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aedbu.1
- X source modify 3 man1/aede.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aedeu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aega.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aegis.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aeib.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aeibu.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aeif.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aeip.1
- X source modify 3 man1/ael.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aena.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aenc.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aencu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aend.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aenf.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aenfu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aeni.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aenpr.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aenrls.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aenrv.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aent.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aentu.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aepa.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aera.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aerd.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aerf.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aeri.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aerm.1
- X source modify 3 man1/aermu.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aerp.1
- X source modify 1 man1/aerpr.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aerrv.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aet.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aeua.1
- X source modify 2 man1/aev.1
- X source modify 2 man1/o__rules.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_auto.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_baselin.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_change.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_devdir.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_dir.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_help.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_indep.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_keep.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_list.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_manual.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_min.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_overw.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_page.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_project.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_terse.so
- X source modify 1 man1/o_verbose.so
- X source modify 2 man1/z_cr.so
- X source modify 1 man1/z_exit.so
- X source modify 1 man1/z_name.so
- X source modify 1 man5/aecattr.5
- X source modify 2 man5/aecstate.5
- X source modify 1 man5/aedir.5
- X source modify 1 man5/aegis.5
- X source modify 1 man5/aegstate.5
- X source modify 1 man5/aepattr.5
- X source modify 2 man5/aepconf.5
- X source modify 1 man5/aepstate.5
- X source modify 1 man5/aeuconf.5
- X source modify 1 man5/aeustate.5
- X source modify 1 man5/z_cr.so
- X source modify 1 man5/z_name.so
- X test modify 3 test/00/t0001a.sh
- X test modify 6 test/00/t0002a.sh
- X test modify 2 test/00/t0003a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Mar 27 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 15:18:25 1991
- X develop_begin Wed Mar 27 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.091 days.
- X 15:18:37 1991
- X develop_end Wed Mar 27 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 15:59:34 1991
- X review_pass Wed Mar 27 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 16:00:10 1991
- X integrate_begin Wed Mar 27 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.026 days.
- X 16:01:03 1991
- X integrate_pass Wed Mar 27 pmiller
- X 16:12:56 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 33, change 29.
- X
- X fix edit number in change file list when in 'completed' state
- X
- X fix edit number in change file list when in 'completed' state
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 1 aegis/integra2.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Sat Apr 13 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 14:53:26 1991
- X develop_begin Sat Apr 13 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.046 days.
- X 14:53:38 1991
- X develop_end Sat Apr 13 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 15:14:21 1991
- X review_pass Sat Apr 13 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 15:15:02 1991
- X integrate_begin Sat Apr 13 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.017 days.
- X 15:15:49 1991
- X integrate_pass Sat Apr 13 pmiller
- X 15:23:16 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 34, change 30.
- X
- X modified tests don't have to fail baseline
- X
- X modified tests don't have to fail baseline
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 2 aegis/test.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Mon Apr 22 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 09:16:04 1991
- X develop_begin Mon Apr 22 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.073 days.
- X 09:16:18 1991
- X develop_end Mon Apr 22 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 09:49:09 1991
- X review_pass Mon Apr 22 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 09:49:14 1991
- X integrate_begin Mon Apr 22 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.011 days.
- X 09:49:59 1991
- X integrate_pass Mon Apr 22 pmiller
- X 09:55:01 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 35, change 31.
- X
- X when following directory trees, use lstat
- X
- X when following directory trees, use lstat
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 2 aegis/commit.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/dir.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/dir.h
- X source modify 2 aegis/gate.h
- X source modify 2 aegis/os.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/tree.c
- X test create 1 test/00/t0007a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 09:51:49 1991
- X develop_begin Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.348 days.
- X 09:52:24 1991
- X develop_end Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.004 days.
- X 12:28:57 1991
- X review_pass Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 12:30:58 1991
- X integrate_begin Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.039 days.
- X 12:31:43 1991
- X integrate_pass Wed Jun 12 pmiller
- X 12:49:29 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 37, change 32.
- X
- X File name was being echoed on every file copy operation.
- X
- X don't echo file on copy
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 2 aegis/file.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/integra2.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 12:58:38 1991
- X develop_begin Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.093 days.
- X 12:58:49 1991
- X develop_end Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 13:40:46 1991
- X review_pass Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 13:40:56 1991
- X integrate_begin Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.032 days.
- X 13:41:38 1991
- X integrate_ Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X begin_undo 13:56:05 1991
- X integrate_begin Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.197 days.
- X 13:57:08 1991
- X integrate_pass Wed Jun 12 pmiller
- X 15:25:51 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 38, change 33.
- X
- X aeib -min., don't copy files which have bben deleted
- X
- X aeib -min., don't copy files which have bben deleted
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 3 aegis/tree.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 15:27:48 1991
- X develop_begin Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.126 days.
- X 15:27:58 1991
- X develop_end Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 16:24:50 1991
- X review_pass Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.009 days.
- X 16:25:06 1991
- X integrate_begin Wed Jun 12 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.020 days.
- X 16:28:56 1991
- X integrate_pass Wed Jun 12 pmiller
- X 16:38:06 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 39, change 34.
- X
- X add '%(name)' substitution
- X
- X add '%(name)' substitution
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 14 Howto.cook
- X source modify 2 aegis/sub.c
- X test create 1 test/00/t0008a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Aug 28 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 10:46:42 1991
- X develop_begin Wed Aug 28 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.364 days.
- X 10:46:51 1991
- X develop_end Wed Aug 28 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 13:30:33 1991
- X review_pass Wed Aug 28 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 13:30:53 1991
- X integrate_begin Wed Aug 28 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.070 days.
- X 13:31:35 1991
- X integrate_pass Wed Aug 28 pmiller
- X 14:02:58 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 40, change 35.
- X
- X teach forground/background difference on suns
- X
- X teach forground/background difference on suns
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 2 aegis/log.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Aug 28 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 16:13:49 1991
- X develop_begin Wed Aug 28 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.023 days.
- X 16:14:07 1991
- X develop_end Wed Aug 28 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 16:24:17 1991
- X review_pass Wed Aug 28 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 16:24:42 1991
- X integrate_begin Wed Aug 28 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.012 days.
- X 16:25:27 1991
- X integrate_pass Wed Aug 28 pmiller
- X 16:30:42 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 41, change 36.
- X
- X Do not run tests which a change is modifying whe using the -regression
- X option.
- X
- X Do not run tests which a change is modifying whe using the -regression
- X option.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 3 aegis/test.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Fri Oct 18 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 11:32:35 1991
- X develop_begin Fri Oct 18 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.040 days.
- X 11:33:51 1991
- X develop_end Fri Oct 18 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 11:51:50 1991
- X review_pass Fri Oct 18 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 11:52:02 1991
- X integrate_begin Fri Oct 18 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.054 days.
- X 11:53:07 1991
- X integrate_pass Fri Oct 18 pmiller
- X 12:17:32 1991
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 42, change 37.
- X
- X add major and minor version number to project status
- X
- X add major and minor version number to project status
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 15 Howto.cook
- X source modify 2 aegis/build.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/copyfile.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/gate.h
- X source modify 4 aegis/integra2.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/list.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/list.h
- X source remove 1 aegis/main.h
- X source modify 2 aegis/new_file.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/new_proj.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/pstate.def
- X source modify 2 aegis/pstate_c.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/pstate_u.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/rem_file.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/str.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/trace.h
- X source create 1 common/main.h
- X source modify 5 config
- X source remove 2 fmtgen/main.h
- X source modify 4 man5/aepconf.5
- X source modify 3 man5/aepstate.5
- X test modify 8 test/00/t0002a.sh
- X test modify 3 test/00/t0004a.sh
- X test modify 3 test/00/t0005a.sh
- X test modify 3 test/00/t0006a.sh
- X test modify 2 test/00/t0007a.sh
- X test modify 2 test/00/t0008a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Sun May 3 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 22:12:19 1992
- X develop_begin Sun May 3 pmiller Elapsed time: 1.118 days.
- X 22:12:45 1992
- X develop_end Tue May 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 15:36:00 1992
- X review_pass Tue May 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 15:36:27 1992
- X integrate_begin Tue May 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.066 days.
- X 15:37:12 1992
- X integrate_pass Tue May 5 pmiller
- X 16:07:03 1992
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 43, change 38.
- X
- X add -New_ReLeaSe command
- X
- X add -New_ReLeaSe command, improve logging when in background, notice
- X PAGER env var when giving -Help.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 18 Howto.cook
- X source modify 4 aegis/administ.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/archaeol.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/arglex.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/arglex.h
- X source modify 5 aegis/build.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/cattr_ed.c
- X source create 1 aegis/change.c
- X source create 1 aegis/change.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/chdir.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/commit.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/copyfile.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/cstate_c.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/cstate_c.h
- X source remove 1 aegis/cstate_u.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/cstate_u.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/develop1.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/develop2.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/diff.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/dir.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/dir.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/error.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/error.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/help.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/integra1.c
- X source modify 6 aegis/integra2.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/list.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/list.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/lock.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/lock.h
- X source modify 4 aegis/log.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/log.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/main.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/new_chan.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/new_file.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/new_proj.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/new_rele.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/new_test.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/option.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/option.h
- X source modify 4 aegis/os.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/os.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/pattr_ed.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/pconf_c.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/pconf_c.h
- X source create 1 aegis/project.c
- X source create 1 aegis/project.h
- X source modify 4 aegis/pstate.def
- X source remove 2 aegis/pstate_c.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/pstate_c.h
- X source remove 2 aegis/pstate_u.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/pstate_u.h
- X source modify 4 aegis/rem_file.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/review.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/reviewer.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/str.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/str.h
- X source modify 4 aegis/sub.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/sub.h
- X source modify 5 aegis/test.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/tree.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/tree.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/ustate_u.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/ustate_u.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/version.c
- X source remove 1 common/patchlevel.h
- X source modify 5 man1/aeb.1
- X source modify 5 man1/aecp.1
- X source modify 5 man1/aed.1
- X source modify 5 man1/aeip.1
- X source modify 5 man1/aenf.1
- X source modify 5 man1/aenrls.1
- X source modify 5 man1/aerm.1
- X source create 1 man1/o_major.so
- X source modify 4 man1/o_min.so
- X source create 1 man1/o_minor.so
- X source create 1 man1/o_nolog.so
- X source modify 5 man1/z_cr.so
- X source modify 4 man1/z_intuit.so
- X source modify 5 man5/aepstate.5
- X test modify 10 test/00/t0002a.sh
- X test modify 5 test/00/t0004a.sh
- X test modify 5 test/00/t0005a.sh
- X test modify 5 test/00/t0006a.sh
- X test modify 4 test/00/t0007a.sh
- X test modify 4 test/00/t0008a.sh
- X test create 1 test/00/t0009a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Tue May 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 16:41:49 1992
- X develop_begin Tue May 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 19.787 days.
- X 16:42:01 1992
- X develop_end Sat May 30 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 22:36:07 1992
- X review_pass Sat May 30 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 22:36:42 1992
- X integrate_begin Sat May 30 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.132 days.
- X 22:37:45 1992
- X integrate_pass Sat May 30 pmiller
- X 23:37:20 1992
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 44, change 39.
- X
- X implement the -Review_Pass_Undo command
- X
- X implement the -Review_Pass_Undo command
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source create 1 CHANGES.sh
- X source modify 19 Howto.cook
- X source modify 3 README
- X source modify 5 aegis/arglex.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/arglex.h
- X source modify 6 aegis/build.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/change.c
- X source modify 2 aegis/col.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/develop2.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/diff.c
- X source modify 7 aegis/integra2.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/list.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/list.h
- X source modify 4 aegis/main.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/new_rele.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/os.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/os.h
- X source modify 2 aegis/pattr.def
- X source modify 4 aegis/review.c
- X source modify 6 aegis/test.c
- X source modify 4 man1/aegis.1
- X source create 1 man1/aerpu.1
- X source modify 3 man1/o_help.so
- X source modify 3 man1/o_list.so
- X source modify 3 man1/o_terse.so
- X source modify 3 man5/aepattr.5
- X source modify 6 man5/aepstate.5
- X source create 1 notify/de.sh
- X source create 1 notify/deu.sh
- X source create 1 notify/if.sh
- X source create 1 notify/ip.sh
- X source create 1 notify/rf.sh
- X source create 1 notify/rp.sh
- X source create 1 notify/rpu.sh
- X test create 1 test/00/t0010a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Sat May 30 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 23:48:29 1992
- X develop_begin Sat May 30 pmiller Elapsed time: 1.950 days.
- X 23:49:53 1992
- X develop_end Tue Jun 2 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 23:27:33 1992
- X review_pass Tue Jun 2 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.005 days.
- X 23:28:44 1992
- X integrate_begin Tue Jun 2 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.843 days.
- X 23:30:51 1992
- X integrate_pass Wed Jun 3 pmiller
- X 22:20:12 1992
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 45, change 40.
- X
- X fix pattred to copy the notify commands
- X
- X The aegis -Project_Attributes command failed to list all of the
- X attributes, and failed to modify some attributes when named in the
- X attributes input file. One of the notify commands was absent
- X completely.
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 2 CHANGES.sh
- X source modify 20 Howto.cook
- X source modify 5 aegis/develop2.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/pattr.def
- X source modify 4 aegis/pattr_ed.c
- X source modify 4 man5/aepattr.5
- X source modify 7 man5/aepstate.5
- X test modify 6 test/00/t0006a.sh
- X test modify 2 test/00/t0009a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Wed Jun 3 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 22:23:39 1992
- X develop_begin Wed Jun 3 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.239 days.
- X 22:23:58 1992
- X develop_end Thu Jun 4 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.710 days.
- X 16:41:29 1992
- X review_pass Thu Jun 4 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.005 days.
- X 22:00:55 1992
- X integrate_begin Thu Jun 4 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.089 days.
- X 22:03:00 1992
- X integrate_pass Thu Jun 4 pmiller
- X 22:43:08 1992
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 46, change 41.
- X
- X make notify commands ignore exit status
- X
- X make notify commands ignore exit status
- X
- X internal_bug
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 21 Howto.cook
- X source remove 2 MANIFEST.sh
- X source modify 7 aegis/build.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/change.c
- X source modify 6 aegis/develop2.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/diff.c
- X source modify 8 aegis/integra2.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/new_rele.c
- X source modify 6 aegis/os.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/os.h
- X source modify 5 aegis/review.c
- X source modify 7 aegis/test.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Thu Jun 4 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 22:45:43 1992
- X develop_begin Thu Jun 4 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.180 days.
- X 22:45:56 1992
- X develop_end Fri Jun 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 16:37:05 1992
- X review_pass Fri Jun 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.007 days.
- X 16:37:58 1992
- X integrate_begin Fri Jun 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.666 days.
- X 16:41:18 1992
- X integrate_pass Fri Jun 5 pmiller
- X 21:41:06 1992
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 47, change 42.
- X
- X make sub.c do the right thing for notify commands
- X
- X The aegis/sub.c substitute() function was failing to include the
- X baseline path for changes in states between being_developed and being_
- X integrated, thus causing the notification command to fail.
- X
- X chain
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source create 1 ALPHA.NOTICE
- X source modify 4 README
- X source modify 7 aegis/develop2.c
- X source modify 6 aegis/review.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/sub.c
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Fri Jun 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.000 days.
- X 21:43:25 1992
- X develop_begin Fri Jun 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.182 days.
- X 21:43:35 1992
- X develop_end Fri Jun 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 23:05:17 1992
- X review_pass Fri Jun 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 23:05:46 1992
- X integrate_begin Fri Jun 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.063 days.
- X 23:06:49 1992
- X integrate_pass Fri Jun 5 pmiller
- X 23:34:58 1992
- X
- X Project "aegis", build 48, change 43.
- X
- X make -lib add to search path
- X
- X A search path of project pointers and user indexes was added, via the -
- X LIBrary option, to allow users to have their own projects, and also to
- X have a system area.
- X This resulted in a large amount of internal re-arrangement to handle
- X the search list and the user state files.
- X An error in the locking mechanism is fixed.
- X Manual entries now include the -LIBrary option.
- X More user guide has been written.
- X
- X internal_enhancement
- X
- X being_integrated
- X
- X Type Action Edit File Name
- X ------- ------- ------- -----------
- X source modify 21 Howto.cook
- X source modify 3 Makefile.sh
- X source modify 4 aegis/administ.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/archaeol.c
- X source modify 7 aegis/build.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/cattr_ed.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/change.c
- X source modify 1 aegis/change.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/chdir.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/copyfile.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/develop1.c
- X source modify 7 aegis/develop2.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/diff.c
- X source create aegis/gonzo.c
- X source create aegis/gonzo.h
- X source remove 1 aegis/gstate_c.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/gstate_c.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/help.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/integra1.c
- X source modify 8 aegis/integra2.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/list.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/lock.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/lock.h
- X source modify 4 aegis/log.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/new_chan.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/new_file.c
- X source modify 4 aegis/new_proj.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/new_rele.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/new_test.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/option.c
- X source modify 3 aegis/option.h
- X source modify 6 aegis/os.c
- X source modify 5 aegis/os.h
- X source modify 4 aegis/pattr_ed.c
- X source modify 1 aegis/project.c
- X source modify 1 aegis/project.h
- X source modify 4 aegis/rem_file.c
- X source modify 6 aegis/review.c
- X source modify 1 aegis/review.h
- X source modify 3 aegis/reviewer.c
- X source modify 7 aegis/test.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/uconf_c.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/uconf_c.h
- X source create aegis/user.c
- X source create aegis/user.h
- X source remove 1 aegis/ustate_c.c
- X source remove 1 aegis/ustate_c.h
- X source remove 3 aegis/ustate_u.c
- X source remove 3 aegis/ustate_u.h
- X source modify 1 aegis/word.c
- X source modify 1 aegis/word.h
- X source modify 1 doc/c2.0.so
- X source create doc/c2.1.so
- X source create doc/c2.2.so
- X source create doc/c2.3.so
- X source create doc/c2.4.so
- X source create dot.cshrc
- X source create dot.profile
- X source modify 4 man1/aegis.1
- X source modify 3 man1/aenpr.1
- X source modify 5 man1/aenrls.1
- X source create man1/o_lib.so
- X test modify 10 test/00/t0002a.sh
- X test modify 5 test/00/t0004a.sh
- X test modify 5 test/00/t0005a.sh
- X test modify 6 test/00/t0006a.sh
- X test modify 4 test/00/t0007a.sh
- X test modify 4 test/00/t0008a.sh
- X test modify 2 test/00/t0009a.sh
- X test modify 1 test/00/t0010a.sh
- X test create test/00/t0011a.sh
- X
- X What When Who Comment
- X ------ ------ ----- ---------
- X new_change Fri Jun 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.001 days.
- X 23:38:41 1992
- X develop_begin Fri Jun 5 pmiller Elapsed time: 4.903 days.
- X 23:38:57 1992
- X develop_end Sat Jun 13 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.003 days.
- X 15:25:22 1992
- X review_pass Sat Jun 13 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.002 days.
- X 15:26:50 1992
- X integrate_begin Sat Jun 13 pmiller Elapsed time: 0.030 days.
- X 15:27:46 1992
- if test 73412 -ne `wc -c <'aux/CHANGES.1.0'`; then
- echo shar: \"'aux/CHANGES.1.0'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'aux/CHANGES.1.0'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 18 \(of 19\).
- cp /dev/null ark18isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 19 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0