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- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- From: gwr@mc.com (Gordon W. Ross)
- Subject: v27i077: bootp-2.2 - RFC 1048 "bootp" server (w/ vendor extensions), Patch02
- Sender: unix-sources-moderator@gw.home.vix.com
- Approved: vixie@gw.home.vix.com
- Submitted-By: gwr@mc.com (Gordon W. Ross)
- Posting-Number: Volume 27, Issue 77
- Archive-Name: bootp-2.2.B/patch02
- Here are fixes for some old bugs caused by references to free memory
- that show up when one uses a large bootptab file. All versions of
- bootpd derived from the 2.1 or 2.2 CMU code need this patch.
- (I am surprised we did not get bitten by this earlier.)
- Your copy becomes version 2.2.D after these chages.
- Note that there is work underway to merge the various 2.2+
- versions of bootp into a unified 2.4 version. The results
- will be posted here when we are ready, but if you'd like to
- help test version 2.4 please send me some mail.
- Gordon W. Ross Mercury Computer Systems
- gwr@mc.com 199 Riverneck Road
- 508-256-1300 Chelmsford, MA 01824-2820
- Only in bootp-2.2.D: Announce-2.2.D
- diff -rc bootp-2.2.C/bootpd.h bootp-2.2.D/bootpd.h
- *** bootp-2.2.C/bootpd.h Thu Oct 7 15:40:43 1993
- --- bootp-2.2.D/bootpd.h Tue Oct 19 12:09:41 1993
- ***************
- *** 195,200 ****
- --- 195,201 ----
- */
- struct host {
- + unsigned linkcount; /* hash list inserts */
- struct flag flags; /* ALL valid fields */
- struct in_addr_list *cookie_server,
- *domain_server,
- diff -rc bootp-2.2.C/bootptab bootp-2.2.D/bootptab
- *** bootp-2.2.C/bootptab Fri Oct 8 13:02:26 1993
- --- bootp-2.2.D/bootptab Mon Oct 18 17:36:44 1993
- ***************
- *** 62,72 ****
- # hosts, but we don't really use this feature at CMU):
- # This is for testing the arbitrary tag option:
- ! # T14 is the NIS domain name
- ! # T15 is the NIS server list
- walnut:tc=subnet16.dummy:ht=ethernet:ha=\
- :ip=\
- ! :T14="mc.com":T15=
- # Tadpole 885 board.
- tp885:tc=subnet17.dummy:ht=ethernet:ha=08.00.4C.00.2F.74:\
- --- 62,72 ----
- # hosts, but we don't really use this feature at CMU):
- # This is for testing the arbitrary tag option:
- ! # T40 is the NIS domain name
- ! # T41 is the NIS server list
- walnut:tc=subnet16.dummy:ht=ethernet:ha=\
- :ip=\
- ! :T40="mc.com":T41="hello":
- # Tadpole 885 board.
- tp885:tc=subnet17.dummy:ht=ethernet:ha=08.00.4C.00.2F.74:\
- diff -rc bootp-2.2.C/hash.c bootp-2.2.D/hash.c
- *** bootp-2.2.C/hash.c Thu Oct 7 11:37:08 1993
- --- bootp-2.2.D/hash.c Tue Oct 19 12:01:27 1993
- ***************
- *** 94,114 ****
- /*
- ! * Recursively frees an entire linked list of bucket members (used in the open
- * hashing scheme). Does nothing if the passed pointer is NULL.
- */
- ! PRIVATE void hashi_FreeMember(bucketptr, free_data)
- hash_member *bucketptr;
- void (*free_data)();
- {
- ! if (bucketptr) {
- ! /*
- ! * Free next member if necessary
- ! */
- ! hashi_FreeMember(bucketptr->next, free_data);
- (*free_data)(bucketptr->data);
- free((char *) bucketptr);
- }
- }
- --- 94,113 ----
- /*
- ! * Frees an entire linked list of bucket members (used in the open
- * hashing scheme). Does nothing if the passed pointer is NULL.
- */
- ! PRIVATE void hashi_FreeMembers(bucketptr, free_data)
- hash_member *bucketptr;
- void (*free_data)();
- {
- ! hash_member *nextbucket;
- ! while (bucketptr) {
- ! nextbucket = bucketptr->next;
- (*free_data)(bucketptr->data);
- free((char *) bucketptr);
- + bucketptr = nextbucket;
- }
- }
- ***************
- *** 129,135 ****
- bucketptr = hashtable->table;
- for (i = 0; i < hashtable->size; i++) {
- ! hashi_FreeMember(*bucketptr, free_data);
- *bucketptr++ = NULL;
- }
- hashtable->bucketnum = 0;
- --- 128,134 ----
- bucketptr = hashtable->table;
- for (i = 0; i < hashtable->size; i++) {
- ! hashi_FreeMembers(*bucketptr, free_data);
- *bucketptr++ = NULL;
- }
- hashtable->bucketnum = 0;
- ***************
- *** 215,236 ****
- int (*compare)();
- hash_datum *key, *element;
- {
- ! hash_member *memberptr, *temp;
- hashcode %= hashtable->size;
- if (hash_Exists(hashtable, hashcode, compare, key)) {
- return -1; /* At least one entry already exists */
- }
- ! memberptr = (hashtable->table)[hashcode];
- temp = (hash_member *) malloc(sizeof(hash_member));
- ! if (temp) {
- ! (hashtable->table)[hashcode] = temp;
- ! temp->data = element;
- ! temp->next = memberptr;
- ! return 0; /* Success */
- ! } else {
- return -1; /* malloc failed! */
- ! }
- }
- --- 214,234 ----
- int (*compare)();
- hash_datum *key, *element;
- {
- ! hash_member *temp;
- hashcode %= hashtable->size;
- if (hash_Exists(hashtable, hashcode, compare, key)) {
- return -1; /* At least one entry already exists */
- }
- !
- temp = (hash_member *) malloc(sizeof(hash_member));
- ! if (!temp)
- return -1; /* malloc failed! */
- !
- ! temp->data = element;
- ! temp->next = (hashtable->table)[hashcode];;
- ! (hashtable->table)[hashcode] = temp;
- ! return 0; /* Success */
- }
- ***************
- *** 263,272 ****
- while (memberptr && (*compare)(key, memberptr->data)) {
- (hashtable->table)[hashcode] = memberptr->next;
- /*
- ! * Stop hashi_FreeMember() from recursively deleting the whole list!
- */
- memberptr->next = NULL;
- ! hashi_FreeMember(memberptr, free_data);
- memberptr = (hashtable->table)[hashcode];
- retval = 0;
- }
- --- 261,270 ----
- while (memberptr && (*compare)(key, memberptr->data)) {
- (hashtable->table)[hashcode] = memberptr->next;
- /*
- ! * Stop hashi_FreeMembers() from recursively deleting the whole list!
- */
- memberptr->next = NULL;
- ! hashi_FreeMembers(memberptr, free_data);
- memberptr = (hashtable->table)[hashcode];
- retval = 0;
- }
- ***************
- *** 283,292 ****
- tempptr = memberptr;
- previous->next = memberptr = memberptr->next;
- /*
- ! * Put the brakes on hashi_FreeMember(). . . .
- */
- tempptr->next = NULL;
- ! hashi_FreeMember(tempptr, free_data);
- retval = 0;
- } else {
- previous = memberptr;
- --- 281,290 ----
- tempptr = memberptr;
- previous->next = memberptr = memberptr->next;
- /*
- ! * Put the brakes on hashi_FreeMembers(). . . .
- */
- tempptr->next = NULL;
- ! hashi_FreeMembers(tempptr, free_data);
- retval = 0;
- } else {
- previous = memberptr;
- diff -rc bootp-2.2.C/readfile.c bootp-2.2.D/readfile.c
- *** bootp-2.2.C/readfile.c Thu Oct 14 19:34:13 1993
- --- bootp-2.2.D/readfile.c Tue Oct 19 12:27:05 1993
- ***************
- *** 301,306 ****
- --- 301,308 ----
- break;
- }
- hp = (struct host *) smalloc(sizeof(struct host));
- + bzero((char *)hp, sizeof(*hp));
- + /* the link count it zero */
- /*
- * Get individual info
- ***************
- *** 308,313 ****
- --- 310,316 ----
- hp->flags.vm_auto = TRUE;
- bcopy(vm_rfc1048, hp->vm_cookie, 4);
- if (process_entry(hp, buffer) < 0) {
- + hp->linkcount = 1;
- free_host(hp);
- continue;
- }
- ***************
- *** 316,321 ****
- --- 319,326 ----
- nhosts++;
- }
- if (hp->flags.htype && hp->flags.haddr) {
- + /* We will either insert it or free it. */
- + hp->linkcount++;
- hashcode = hash_HashFunction(hp->haddr, haddrlength(hp->htype));
- if (hash_Insert(hwhashtable, hashcode, hwinscmp, hp, hp) < 0) {
- report(LOG_WARNING, "duplicate %s address: %s\n",
- ***************
- *** 330,345 ****
- if (hash_Insert(iphashtable, hashcode, nullcmp, hp, hp) < 0) {
- report(LOG_ERR,
- "hash_Insert() failed on IP address insertion\n");
- }
- }
- hashcode = hash_HashFunction(hp->hostname->string,
- strlen(hp->hostname->string));
- ! if (hash_Insert(nmhashtable, hashcode, nullcmp, hp->hostname->string, hp) < 0) {
- report(LOG_ERR,
- "hash_Insert() failed on insertion of hostname: \"%s\"\n",
- hp->hostname->string);
- }
- nentries++;
- }
- --- 335,359 ----
- if (hash_Insert(iphashtable, hashcode, nullcmp, hp, hp) < 0) {
- report(LOG_ERR,
- "hash_Insert() failed on IP address insertion\n");
- + } else {
- + /* Just inserted the host struct in a new hash list. */
- + hp->linkcount++;
- }
- }
- hashcode = hash_HashFunction(hp->hostname->string,
- strlen(hp->hostname->string));
- ! if (hash_Insert(nmhashtable, hashcode, nullcmp,
- ! hp->hostname->string, hp) < 0)
- ! {
- report(LOG_ERR,
- "hash_Insert() failed on insertion of hostname: \"%s\"\n",
- hp->hostname->string);
- + } else {
- + /* Just inserted the host struct in a new hash list. */
- + hp->linkcount++;
- }
- +
- nentries++;
- }
- ***************
- *** 1914,1936 ****
- PRIVATE void free_host(hostptr)
- struct host *hostptr;
- {
- ! if (hostptr) {
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->cookie_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->domain_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->gateway);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->impress_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->log_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->lpr_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->name_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->rlp_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->time_server);
- ! del_string(hostptr->hostname);
- ! del_string(hostptr->homedir);
- ! del_string(hostptr->bootfile);
- ! del_string(hostptr->tftpdir);
- ! del_bindata(hostptr->generic);
- ! free((char *) hostptr);
- ! }
- }
- --- 1928,1952 ----
- PRIVATE void free_host(hostptr)
- struct host *hostptr;
- {
- ! if (hostptr == NULL)
- ! return;
- ! if (--(hostptr->linkcount))
- ! return;
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->cookie_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->domain_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->gateway);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->impress_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->log_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->lpr_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->name_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->rlp_server);
- ! del_iplist(hostptr->time_server);
- ! del_string(hostptr->hostname);
- ! del_string(hostptr->homedir);
- ! del_string(hostptr->bootfile);
- ! del_string(hostptr->tftpdir);
- ! del_bindata(hostptr->generic);
- ! free((char *) hostptr);
- }