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Text File | 1993-12-22 | 81.8 KB | 2,195 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- From: pleierc@informatik.tu-muenchen.de (Christoph Pleier)
- Subject: v27i185: distributed-c-2.1 - Distributed C Development Environment, V2.1, Part11/18
- References: <1.756634932.28500@gw.home.vix.com>
- Sender: unix-sources-moderator@gw.home.vix.com
- Approved: vixie@gw.home.vix.com
- Submitted-By: pleierc@informatik.tu-muenchen.de (Christoph Pleier)
- Posting-Number: Volume 27, Issue 185
- Archive-Name: distributed-c-2.1/part11
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 11 (of 18)."
- # Contents: config/ReadSymbtab.c config/symb_system.c
- # dcadmin/Location.c dcadmin/main.c dclocate/BuildLists.c
- # Wrapped by vixie@gw.home.vix.com on Thu Dec 23 00:12:03 1993
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'config/ReadSymbtab.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'config/ReadSymbtab.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'config/ReadSymbtab.c'\" \(16007 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'config/ReadSymbtab.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * *
- X * @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @ @ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ *
- X * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ *
- X * @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ *
- X * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ *
- X * @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ *
- X * *
- X * A compiler for distributed programming with C *
- X * *
- X * R e a d S y m b t a b . c *
- X * *
- X * Package : Configuration Files Parsers *
- X * Version : 1.0 *
- X * CreationDate : 02.03.92 *
- X * LastUpDate : 04.03.92 *
- X * *
- X * All routines needed for loading a symbol table. *
- X * *
- X * Copyright (C) 1992-1994 by Christoph Pleier *
- X * All rights reserved! *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- X/*
- X * This file is part of the Distributed C Development Environment (DCDE).
- X * DCDE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms written in the README-file.
- X * DCDE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * See the file README for more details.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X#include "cfgparsers.h"
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * get_symbtab_entry() *
- X * *
- X * Searches the symbol table entry corresponding to 'name'. Displays an error *
- X * and terminates if no matching symbol found. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to found symbol table entry upon success / *
- X * exit upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xstatic SYMBTABEL *
- Xget_symbtab_entry(name)
- Xchar *name;
- X{
- X SYMBTABEL *symbol;
- X
- X symbol = lookup_symbtabel(name);
- X
- X if (symbol)
- X return(symbol);
- X
- X fprintf(stderr, "Panic: symbol \"%s\" not found in symbol table!\n", name);
- X fprintf(stderr, "Terminating.\n");
- X exit(-1);
- X} /* get_symbtab_entry */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * ReadIDENTLIST() *
- X * *
- X * Reads a IDENTLIST from file 'filep'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to generated list upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- XReadIDENTLIST(filep)
- XFILE *filep;
- X{
- X register IDENTLIST *idl, *idlfirst = NULL, *idllast;
- X int count;
- X char str[100];
- X SYMBTABEL *symbol;
- X
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &count);
- X
- X while(count--) {
- X fscanf(filep, "%s\n", str);
- X symbol = get_symbtab_entry(str);
- X
- X idl = (IDENTLIST *) Malloc(sizeof(IDENTLIST));
- X idl->symbol = symbol;
- X idl->next = NULL;
- X
- X if (!idlfirst)
- X idlfirst = idllast = idl;
- X else {
- X idllast->next = idl;
- X idllast = idl;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X return(idlfirst);
- X} /* ReadIDENTLIST */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * ReadACCFSINFO() *
- X * *
- X * Reads a ACCFSINFO from file 'filep'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to generated list upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- XReadACCFSINFO(filep)
- XFILE *filep;
- X{
- X register ACCFSINFO *afs, *afsfirst = NULL, *afslast;
- X int count;
- X float time;
- X char str[100];
- X SYMBTABEL *symbol;
- X
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &count);
- X
- X while(count--) {
- X fscanf(filep, "%s %f\n", str, &time);
- X symbol = get_symbtab_entry(str);
- X
- X afs = (ACCFSINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(ACCFSINFO));
- X afs->filesystem = symbol;
- X afs->acc_time = time;
- X afs->next = NULL;
- X
- X if (!afsfirst)
- X afsfirst = afslast = afs;
- X else {
- X afslast->next = afs;
- X afslast = afs;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X return(afsfirst);
- X} /* ReadACCFSINFO */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * ReadFSSPECINFO() *
- X * *
- X * Reads a FSSPECINFO from file 'filep'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to generated list upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- XReadFSSPECINFO(filep)
- XFILE *filep;
- X{
- X register FSSPECINFO *fssp, *fsspfirst = NULL, *fssplast;
- X int count;
- X float freq, quant;
- X char str[100];
- X SYMBTABEL *symbol;
- X
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &count);
- X
- X while(count--) {
- X fscanf(filep, "%s %f %f\n", str, &freq, &quant);
- X symbol = get_symbtab_entry(str);
- X
- X fssp = (FSSPECINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(FSSPECINFO));
- X fssp->filesys = symbol;
- X fssp->frequency = freq;
- X fssp->quantity = quant;
- X fssp->next = NULL;
- X
- X if (!fsspfirst)
- X fsspfirst = fssplast = fssp;
- X else {
- X fssplast->next = fssp;
- X fssplast = fssp;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X return(fsspfirst);
- X} /* ReadFSSPECINFO */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * ReadCOMMPINFO() *
- X * *
- X * Reads a COMMPINFO from file 'filep'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to generated list upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- XReadCOMMPINFO(filep)
- XFILE *filep;
- X{
- X register COMMPINFO *commp, *commpfirst = NULL, *commplast;
- X int count;
- X float freq, quant;
- X char str[100];
- X SYMBTABEL *symbol;
- X
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &count);
- X
- X while(count--) {
- X fscanf(filep, "%s %f %f\n", str, &freq, &quant);
- X symbol = get_symbtab_entry(str);
- X
- X commp = (COMMPINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(COMMPINFO));
- X commp->Process = symbol;
- X commp->frequency = freq;
- X commp->quantity = quant;
- X commp->next = NULL;
- X
- X if (!commpfirst)
- X commpfirst = commplast = commp;
- X else {
- X commplast->next = commp;
- X commplast = commp;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X return(commpfirst);
- X} /* ReadCOMMPINFO */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * ReadPATTRINFO() *
- X * *
- X * Reads a PATTRINFO from file 'filep'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to generated list upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- XReadPATTRINFO(filep)
- XFILE *filep;
- X{
- X register PATTRINFO *pattr, *pattrfirst = NULL, *pattrlast;
- X int count, type;
- X
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &count);
- X
- X while(count--) {
- X pattr = (PATTRINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(PATTRINFO));
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &type);
- X pattr->type = type;
- X switch(type) {
- X case PA_PHYS_MEM:
- X fscanf(filep, "%d %f\n",
- X &(pattr->mode),
- X &(pattr->info.phys_mem_size));
- X break;
- X case PA_VIRT_MEM:
- X fscanf(filep, "%d %f\n",
- X &(pattr->mode),
- X &(pattr->info.virt_mem_size));
- X break;
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &(pattr->mode));
- X break;
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &(pattr->mode));
- X break;
- X } /* switch */
- X if (!pattrfirst)
- X pattrfirst = pattrlast = pattr;
- X else {
- X pattrlast->next = pattr;
- X pattrlast = pattr;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X return(pattrfirst);
- X} /* ReadPATTRINFO */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * ReadPHOSTLIST() *
- X * *
- X * Reads a PHOSTLIST from file 'filep'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to generated list upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- XReadPHOSTLIST(filep)
- XFILE *filep;
- X{
- X register PHOSTLIST *phost, *phostfirst = NULL, *phostlast;
- X int count, preferred, wished_val;
- X float load, overall;
- X char str[100];
- X SYMBTABEL *symbol;
- X
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &count);
- X
- X while(count--) {
- X fscanf(filep, "%s %d %d %f %f\n", str, &preferred, &wished_val, &load, &overall);
- X symbol = get_symbtab_entry(str);
- X
- X phost = (PHOSTLIST *) Malloc(sizeof(PHOSTLIST));
- X phost->Host = symbol;
- X phost->preferred = preferred;
- X phost->wished_val = wished_val;
- X phost->load = load;
- X phost->overall_index = overall;
- X
- X if (!phostfirst)
- X phostfirst = phostlast = phost;
- X else {
- X phostlast->next = phost;
- X phostlast = phost;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X return(phostfirst);
- X} /* ReadPHOSTLIST */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * ReadCOSTINFO() *
- X * *
- X * Reads a COSTINFO from file 'filep'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to generated list upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- XReadCOSTINFO(filep)
- XFILE *filep;
- X{
- X register COSTINFO *costl, *costlfirst = NULL, *costllast;
- X int count;
- X char str[100];
- X SYMBTABEL *symbol;
- X
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &count);
- X
- X while(count--) {
- X costl = (COSTINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(COSTINFO));
- X fscanf(filep, "%s %f %f\n", str, &(costl->crea_val), &(costl->comm_val));
- X costl->dest_host = get_symbtab_entry(str);
- X
- X if (!costlfirst)
- X costlfirst = costllast = costl;
- X else {
- X costllast->next = costl;
- X costllast = costl;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X return(costlfirst);
- X} /* ReadCOSTINFO */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * ReadSYMBTABEL() *
- X * *
- X * Reads a SYMBTABEL from file 'filep' *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to read element upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- XReadSYMBTABEL(filep, symbol)
- XFILE *filep;
- XSYMBTABEL *symbol;
- X{
- X char str1[100], str2[100], str3[100];
- X int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5;
- X
- X switch(symbol->type) {
- X break;
- X case S_HOST:
- X fscanf(filep, "%s %s %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d %s\n",
- X str1, str2,
- X &(symbol->info.Host.phys_mem),
- X &(symbol->info.Host.virt_mem),
- X &(symbol->info.Host.perf_index),
- X &i1, &i2, &i3, &i4, &i5, str3);
- X symbol->info.Host.os = get_symbtab_entry(str1);
- X symbol->info.Host.type = get_symbtab_entry(str2);
- X symbol->info.Host.multiprocessor = (short) i1;
- X symbol->info.Host.processors = (short) i2;
- X symbol->info.Host.memory_type = (short) i3;
- X symbol->info.Host.has_par_compiler = (short) i4;
- X symbol->info.Host.is_vector_computer = (short) i5;
- X symbol->info.Host.ex_storage = get_symbtab_entry(str3);
- X symbol->info.Host.p_devices = ReadIDENTLIST(filep);
- X symbol->info.Host.f_systems = ReadACCFSINFO(filep);
- X symbol->info.Host.costinfo = ReadCOSTINFO(filep);
- X symbol->info.Host.compinfo = NULL;
- X symbol->info.Host.prob_load = 0;
- X symbol->info.Host.pcreated = 0;
- X break;
- X break;
- X case S_FIXED_DISK:
- X fscanf(filep, "%s %f %f\n",
- X str1, &(symbol->info.disk.size), &(symbol->info.disk.speed));
- X symbol->info.disk.location = get_symbtab_entry(str1);
- X break;
- X case S_PROCESS:
- X fscanf(filep, "%f\n", &(symbol->info.Process.intensity_index));
- X symbol->info.Process.pref_hosts = ReadIDENTLIST(filep);
- X symbol->info.Process.rest_hosts = ReadIDENTLIST(filep);
- X symbol->info.Process.peri_dev = ReadIDENTLIST(filep);
- X symbol->info.Process.filesystems = ReadFSSPECINFO(filep);
- X symbol->info.Process.commps = ReadCOMMPINFO(filep);
- X symbol->info.Process.others = ReadPATTRINFO(filep);
- X symbol->info.Process.phostlist = ReadPHOSTLIST(filep);
- X break;
- X default:
- X fprintf(stderr, "Panic: unknown symbol table entry found in ReadSYMBTABEL()\n");
- X fprintf(stderr, "Symbol name is \"%s\". Terminating.\n", symbol->name);
- X exit(-1);
- X } /* switch */
- X
- X return(symbol);
- X} /* ReadSYMBTABEL */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * ReadSymbtab() *
- X * *
- X * Reads a complete symbol table from file 'filename'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: OK upon success / ERROR upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xint
- XReadSymbtab(filep)
- XFILE *filep;
- X{
- X int count, count2, type;
- X SYMBTABEL *symbol;
- X char str[100];
- X
- X fscanf(filep, "%d\n", &count);
- X count2 = count;
- X
- X while(count--) {
- X fscanf(filep, "%s %d\n", str, &type);
- X symbol = enter_symbtabel(str);
- X symbol->type = type;
- X }
- X
- X while(count2--) {
- X fscanf(filep, "%s %d\n", str, &type);
- X symbol = get_symbtab_entry(str);
- X if (symbol->type != type) {
- X fprintf(stderr,"Panic: wrong symbol type found. Terminating.\n");
- X return(ERROR);
- X }
- X ReadSYMBTABEL(filep, symbol);
- X }
- X return(OK);
- X} /* ReadSymbtab */
- if test 16007 -ne `wc -c <'config/ReadSymbtab.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'config/ReadSymbtab.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'config/ReadSymbtab.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'config/symb_system.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'config/symb_system.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'config/symb_system.c'\" \(16203 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'config/symb_system.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * *
- X * @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @ @ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ *
- X * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ *
- X * @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ *
- X * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ *
- X * @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ *
- X * *
- X * A compiler for distributed programming with C *
- X * *
- X * s y m b _ s y s t e m . c *
- X * *
- X * Package : Configuration Files Parsers *
- X * Version : 1.0 *
- X * CreationDate : 26.02.92 *
- X * LastUpDate : 26.02.92 *
- X * *
- X * All routines needed to manage the symbol table during parsing of system *
- X * configuration files. *
- X * *
- X * Copyright (C) 1992-1994 by Christoph Pleier *
- X * All rights reserved! *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- X/*
- X * This file is part of the Distributed C Development Environment (DCDE).
- X * DCDE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms written in the README-file.
- X * DCDE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * See the file README for more details.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "cfgparsers.h"
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * enter_disk_definition() *
- X * *
- X * Enters the disk definition 'symbol' in the symbol table including all *
- X * informations. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to entered element upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xenter_disk_definition(symbol, location, size, speed)
- XSYMBTABEL *symbol, *location;
- Xfloat size, speed;
- X{
- X /* check symbol */
- X if (symbol->type != UNDEFINED) {
- X printf("Error: line %d at \"%s\": redefinition: \"%s\"\n",
- X yylineno, yytext, symbol->name);
- X return(NULL);
- X }
- X
- X symbol->type = S_FIXED_DISK;
- X symbol->info.disk.location = location;
- X symbol->info.disk.size = size;
- X symbol->info.disk.speed = speed;
- X symbol->info.disk.wasprepared = FALSE;
- X symbol->info.disk.wascleaned = FALSE;
- X
- X return(symbol);
- X} /* enter_disk_definition */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * enter_host_specification() *
- X * *
- X * Enters the host definitions specified by 'idents' in the symbol table *
- X * including all informations. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to first element upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xenter_host_specification(idents, os_def, compu_spec, p_def, compi_spec, files_def)
- XIDENTLIST *idents;
- XSYMBTABEL *os_def;
- XCOMPSPEINFO *compu_spec;
- XIDENTLIST *p_def;
- XTARGETINFO *compi_spec;
- XACCFSINFO *files_def;
- X{
- X register IDENTLIST *idl;
- X SYMBTABEL *symbol;
- X
- X for(idl = idents; idl; idl = idl->next) {
- X
- X symbol = idl->symbol;
- X
- X /* check symbol */
- X if (symbol->type != S_HOST) {
- X printf("Error: line %d at \"%s\": \"%s\" is not a host name\n",
- X yylineno, yytext, symbol->name);
- X exit(ERROR);
- X }
- X
- X symbol->info.Host.os = os_def;
- X symbol->info.Host.type = compu_spec->type;
- X symbol->info.Host.phys_mem = compu_spec->phys_mem;
- X symbol->info.Host.virt_mem = compu_spec->virt_mem;
- X symbol->info.Host.perf_index = compu_spec->perf_index;
- X symbol->info.Host.multiprocessor = compu_spec->multiprocessor;
- X symbol->info.Host.processors = compu_spec->processors;
- X symbol->info.Host.memory_type = compu_spec->memory_type;
- X symbol->info.Host.has_par_compiler = compu_spec->has_par_compiler;
- X symbol->info.Host.is_vector_computer = compu_spec->is_vector_computer;
- X symbol->info.Host.p_devices = p_def;
- X symbol->info.Host.f_systems = files_def;
- X symbol->info.Host.compinfo = compi_spec;
- X symbol->info.Host.ex_storage = compu_spec->ex_storage;
- X symbol->info.Host.istarget = FALSE;
- X symbol->info.Host.wasmade = FALSE;
- X symbol->info.Host.costinfo = NULL;
- X symbol->info.Host.prob_load = 0.0;
- X symbol->info.Host.pcreated = 0;
- X
- X }
- X
- X Free((char *) compu_spec);
- X
- X return(idents->symbol);
- X} /* enter_host_specification */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * enter_cost_definition() *
- X * *
- X * Enters a cost definition in the symbol table. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to entered element upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xenter_cost_definition(src_symb, dest_symb, crea_val, comm_val)
- XSYMBTABEL *src_symb, *dest_symb;
- Xfloat crea_val, comm_val;
- X{
- X COSTINFO *ptr;
- X
- X /* check symbols */
- X if (src_symb->type != S_HOST) {
- X printf("Error: line %d at \"%s\": symbol \"%s\" not defined as host\n",
- X yylineno, yytext, src_symb->name);
- X return(NULL);
- X }
- X if (dest_symb->type != S_HOST) {
- X printf("Error: line %d at \"%s\": symbol \"%s\" not defined as host\n",
- X yylineno, yytext, dest_symb->name);
- X return(NULL);
- X }
- X
- X ptr = (COSTINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(COSTINFO));
- X ptr->dest_host = dest_symb;
- X ptr->crea_val = crea_val;
- X ptr->comm_val = comm_val;
- X ptr->next = src_symb->info.Host.costinfo;
- X src_symb->info.Host.costinfo = ptr;
- X
- X return(src_symb);
- X} /* enter_cost_definition */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * generate_targetinfo() *
- X * *
- X * Generates and initializes a target information element. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to new element upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xgenerate_targetinfo(type, os, cc, cflags, ldflags, libs)
- XSYMBTABEL *type, *os;
- Xchar *cc, *cflags, *ldflags, *libs;
- X{
- X register TARGETINFO *ptr;
- X
- X /* check type */
- X if (type->type != S_COMPUTER_TYPE) {
- X printf("Error: line %d at \"%s\": \"%s\" is not a computer type\n",
- X yylineno, yytext, type->name);
- X exit(ERROR);
- X }
- X
- X /* check os */
- X if (os->type != S_OPERATING_SYSTEM) {
- X printf("Error: line %d at \"%s\": \"%s\" is not an operating system\n",
- X yylineno, yytext, type->name);
- X exit(ERROR);
- X }
- X
- X ptr = (TARGETINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(TARGETINFO));
- X ptr->type = type->name;
- X ptr->os = os->name;
- X ptr->cc = cc;
- X ptr->cflags = cflags;
- X ptr->ldflags = ldflags;
- X ptr->libs = libs;
- X ptr->next = NULL;
- X return(ptr);
- X} /* generate_targetinfo */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * chain_targetinfos() *
- X * *
- X * Chains targetinfo 't2' to the end of targetinfo 't1'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to resulting targetinfo upon success / *
- X * NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xchain_targetinfos(t1, t2)
- XTARGETINFO *t1, *t2;
- X{
- X register TARGETINFO *ptr;
- X
- X for(ptr = t1; ptr->next; ptr = ptr->next)
- X ;
- X ptr->next = t2;
- X return(t1);
- X} /* chain_targetinfos */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * generate_accfs_info() *
- X * *
- X * Generates and initializes a accessible filesystem info. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to new element upon success / NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xgenerate_accfs_info(fs_symbol, acc_time)
- XSYMBTABEL *fs_symbol;
- Xfloat acc_time;
- X{
- X register ACCFSINFO *ptr;
- X
- X /* check type */
- X if (fs_symbol->type != S_FIXED_DISK) {
- X printf("Error: line %d at \"%s\": \"%s\" is not a fixed disk\n",
- X yylineno, yytext, fs_symbol->name);
- X exit(ERROR);
- X }
- X
- X ptr = (ACCFSINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(ACCFSINFO));
- X ptr->filesystem = fs_symbol;
- X ptr->acc_time = acc_time;
- X ptr->next = NULL;
- X
- X return(ptr);
- X} /* generate_accfs_info */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * chain_accfs_infos() *
- X * *
- X * Chains accessible filesystems info 'accfs2' to the end of info 'accfs1'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to resulting targetinfo upon success / *
- X * NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xchain_accfs_infos(accfs1, accfs2)
- XACCFSINFO *accfs1, *accfs2;
- X{
- X register ACCFSINFO *ptr;
- X
- X for(ptr = accfs1; ptr->next; ptr = ptr->next)
- X ;
- X ptr->next = accfs2;
- X return(accfs1);
- X} /* chain_accfs_infos */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * generate_multi_info() *
- X * *
- X * Generates and initializes the multiprocessor_specification_info. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to new created element upon success / *
- X * NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xgenerate_multi_info(proc_num, mem_type)
- Xfloat proc_num;
- Xshort mem_type;
- X{
- X
- X ptr = (MULTIINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(MULTIINFO));
- X
- X ptr->proc_num = (short) proc_num;
- X ptr->mem_type = mem_type;
- X
- X return(ptr);
- X} /* generate_multi_info */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * generate_opt_comp_attr_info() *
- X * *
- X * Generates and initializes the optional_computer_attribute_info. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to new created element upon success / *
- X * NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xgenerate_opt_comp_attr_info(multiinfo, attr)
- XMULTIINFO *multiinfo;
- Xshort attr;
- X{
- X
- X ptr = (OPTCOMPINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(OPTCOMPINFO));
- X ptr->multiinfo = NULL;
- X ptr->is_vector = FALSE;
- X ptr->has_par_comp = FALSE;
- X
- X if (multiinfo)
- X ptr->multiinfo = multiinfo;
- X else {
- X switch(attr) {
- X ptr->is_vector = TRUE;
- X break;
- X ptr->has_par_comp = TRUE;
- X break;
- X } /* switch */
- X }
- X
- X return(ptr);
- X} /* generate_opt_comp_attr_info */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * add_opt_comp_attr_info() *
- X * *
- X * Adds the optional_computer_attribute_list_info of attr2 to attr1. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to new created element upon success / *
- X * NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xadd_opt_comp_attr_info(attr1, attr2)
- XOPTCOMPINFO *attr1, *attr2;
- X{
- X if (attr2->multiinfo)
- X attr1->multiinfo = attr2->multiinfo;
- X if (attr2->is_vector)
- X attr1->is_vector = TRUE;
- X if (attr2->has_par_comp)
- X attr1->has_par_comp = TRUE;
- X
- X return(attr1);
- X} /* add_opt_comp_attr_info */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * generate_comp_spec_info() *
- X * *
- X * Generates and initializes the computer_specification_info. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: pointer to new created element upon success / *
- X * NULL upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xgenerate_comp_spec_info(type, p_mem, v_mem, perf, opt_attrs, store)
- XSYMBTABEL *type, *store;
- Xfloat p_mem, v_mem, perf;
- XOPTCOMPINFO *opt_attrs;
- X
- X{
- X
- X ptr = (COMPSPEINFO *) Malloc(sizeof(COMPSPEINFO));
- X
- X ptr->type = type;
- X ptr->phys_mem = p_mem;
- X ptr->virt_mem = v_mem;
- X ptr->perf_index = perf;
- X if (opt_attrs) {
- X if (opt_attrs->multiinfo) {
- X ptr->multiprocessor = TRUE;
- X ptr->processors = opt_attrs->multiinfo->proc_num;
- X ptr->memory_type = opt_attrs->multiinfo->mem_type;
- X }
- X ptr->has_par_compiler = opt_attrs->has_par_comp;
- X ptr->is_vector_computer = opt_attrs->is_vector;
- X } else {
- X ptr->multiprocessor = FALSE;
- X ptr->processors = 1;
- X ptr->memory_type = SHARED_MEMORY;
- X ptr->has_par_compiler = FALSE;
- X ptr->is_vector_computer = FALSE;
- X }
- X ptr->ex_storage = store;
- X
- X Free((char *) opt_attrs);
- X
- X return(ptr);
- X} /* generate_comp_spec_info */
- X
- if test 16203 -ne `wc -c <'config/symb_system.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'config/symb_system.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'config/symb_system.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'dcadmin/Location.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'dcadmin/Location.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'dcadmin/Location.c'\" \(15073 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'dcadmin/Location.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * *
- X * @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @ @ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ *
- X * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ *
- X * @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ *
- X * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ *
- X * @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ *
- X * *
- X * A compiler for distributed programming with C *
- X * *
- X * L o c a t i o n . c *
- X * *
- X * Package : Administration Process *
- X * Version : 1.0 *
- X * CreationDate : 16.09.90 *
- X * LastUpDate : 14.04.92 *
- X * *
- X * The routine 'DetermineCreationLocation' which determines the location *
- X * where to create processes which creation location was not specified *
- X * in the Distributed C program. *
- X * *
- X * Copyright (C) 1990-1994 by Christoph Pleier *
- X * All rights reserved! *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- X/*
- X * This file is part of the Distributed C Development Environment (DCDE).
- X * DCDE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms written in the README-file.
- X * DCDE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * See the file README for more details.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <string.h>
- X# include <rpc/rpc.h>
- X#endif
- X#include <errno.h>
- X#include "ipc.h"
- X#include "dcc.h"
- X#include "run_Errno.h"
- X#include "timeout.h"
- X#include "dcadmin.h"
- X#ifndef USE_MAPFILE
- X# include "cfgparsers.h"
- X#endif /* USE_MAPFILE /**/
- X#include "location.h"
- X
- X# define DEBUGPUTS(str) fprintf(dfile,"[dbg] %s %s\n", _processprefix, str)
- X# define DEBUGFPRINTF(f, a) fprintf(dfile, f, a)
- X#else
- X# define DEBUGPUTS(str) /* nothing */
- X# define DEBUGFPRINTF(f, a) /* nothing */
- X#endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X#define EXIT(v) fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: Terminating!\n"); \
- X exit(v)
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * DetermineCreationLocation() *
- X * *
- X * Determines the location where to create a specific process. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: OK upon success / ERROR upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xint
- XDetermineCreationLocation()
- X{
- X char *pname, /* name of process */
- X *pfilename, /* corresponding file name */
- X *clocation, /* location of creator process */
- X inputname[100],
- X creat_loc[100];
- X struct pcreat_list *ptr, *res_ptr, *min_ptr;
- X#else
- X char *result;
- X float h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6;
- X PHOSTLIST *phostp, *phostl;
- X COSTINFO *costl, *costl2;
- X COMMPINFO *coml;
- X SYMBTABEL *act_host, *psymbol, *crea_symb, *hsymbol;
- X struct pdat_list *pdatl;
- X float best_index, dcadmin_index, oload_val, crea_val, ipc_val;
- X#endif /* USE_MAPFILE /**/
- X struct pdat_list *pdatptr;
- X
- X if (check_allocation) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Enter name of process to allocate: ");
- X scanf("%s", inputname);
- X pname = &(inputname[0]);
- X if (!strcmp(pname, "done"))
- X return(0);
- X pfilename = "(unknown)";
- X } else {
- X /* receive processname */
- X#if defined(SINGLE) || defined(HOMOGENEOUS)
- X if (_recv_data(&_con_port, (char *) &locinfo, sizeof(ADMINLOCINFO), ADMINPRCTIME) < 0) {
- X#else /* HETEROGENEOUS */
- X if (_recv_data_encoded(&_con_port, (char *) &locinfo, xdr_ADMINLOCINFO, ADMINPRCTIME)) {
- X#endif /* SINGLE || HOMOGENEOUS /**/
- X if (Errno == ETIMEOUT)
- X error("determining creation location");
- X }
- X pname = locinfo.processname;
- X pfilename = locinfo.processfilename;
- X clocation = locinfo.creator_location;
- X }
- X fprintf(dfile, "[dbg] %s DETERMINING location to create process \"%s\" (\"%s\")\n",
- X _processprefix, pname, (pfilename) ? pfilename : "???");
- X if (_debugflush)
- X fflush(dfile);
- X#endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X /* Determine the location where to create the process with name 'pname'.
- X * We use the informations stored in the 'process creation list' to
- X * determine, where to create the new process. These informations were
- X * read from a mapping file. The rules for choosing hosts are the
- X * following:
- X * 1) If the list is empty the result is 'local'. Otherwise
- X * 2) Search the list for entries matching the processname:
- X * a) If there is an entry with a 'num' specification and the number
- X * of the created processes is less than num take this entry as
- X * result (CASE 1a). Otherwise
- X * b) If there are one ore more entries without a 'num' specification,
- X * take the entry with the minimal number of already created
- X * processes (CASE 1b). Otherwise
- X * 3) Search the list for entries without processname specification:
- X * a) If there is an entry with a 'num' specification and the number
- X * of the created processes is less than num take this entry as
- X * result (CASE 2a). Otherwise
- X * b) If there are one ore more entries without a 'num' specification,
- X * take the entry with the minimal number of already created
- X * processes (CASE 2b). Otherwise
- X * 4) The result is 'local'.
- X */
- X res_ptr = min_ptr = NULL;
- X if (pcreat_first) {
- X /* CASE 1: entries matching the processname:
- X * syntax: [num] processname at [username@]hostname
- X */
- X for(ptr = pcreat_first; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
- X if (ptr->processname == NULL || strcmp(pname, ptr->processname))
- X continue;
- X if (ptr->max_num != -1) {
- X /* CASE 1a: num specified:
- X * syntax: num processname at [username@]hostname
- X */
- X if (ptr->max_num > ptr->created_num) {
- X res_ptr = ptr;
- X break;
- X }
- X } else {
- X /* CASE 1b: no num specified:
- X * syntax: processname at [username@]hostname
- X */
- X if (min_ptr == NULL || min_ptr->created_num > ptr->created_num)
- X min_ptr = ptr;
- X }
- X } /* for */
- X if (res_ptr == NULL)
- X res_ptr = min_ptr;
- X if (res_ptr == NULL) {
- X /* CASE 2: entries without processname:
- X * syntax: [num at] [username@]hostname
- X */
- X for(ptr = pcreat_first; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
- X if (ptr->processname != NULL)
- X continue;
- X if (ptr->max_num != -1) {
- X /* CASE 2a: num specified:
- X * syntax: num at [username@]hostname
- X */
- X if (ptr->max_num > ptr->created_num) {
- X res_ptr = ptr;
- X break;
- X }
- X } else {
- X /* CASE 2b: no num specified:
- X * syntax: [username@]hostname
- X */
- X if (min_ptr == NULL || min_ptr->created_num > ptr->created_num)
- X min_ptr = ptr;
- X }
- X } /* for */
- X if (res_ptr == NULL)
- X res_ptr = min_ptr;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* send result */
- X if (res_ptr == NULL)
- X (void) strcpy(locinfo.hostname, "local");
- X else {
- X ++(res_ptr->created_num);
- X (void) strcpy(locinfo.hostname, res_ptr->hostname);
- X }
- X
- X#else /* Not USE_MAPFILE */
- X
- X /* Determine the location where to create the process with name 'pname'.
- X */
- X
- X result = NULL;
- X
- X if (!(psymbol = lookup_symbtabel(pname))) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: warning: can't find process \"%s\" in symbol table\n", pname);
- X fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: resulting node for process creation is local node!\n");
- X result = NULL;
- X } else {
- X
- X if (check_allocation) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Enter location of creator process: ");
- X scanf("%s", creat_loc);
- X clocation = &(creat_loc[0]);
- X }
- X
- X fprintf(dfile, "node of creator process is \"%s\"\n", clocation);
- X#endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X if (!(crea_symb = lookup_symbtabel(clocation))) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: warning: can't find creator host \"%s\" in symbol table\n", clocation);
- X fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: resulting node for process creation is local node!\n");
- X result = NULL;
- X } else {
- X best_index = 0;
- X for(phostl = psymbol->info.Process.phostlist; phostl; phostl = phostl->next) {
- X hsymbol = phostl->Host;
- X
- X for(costl = crea_symb->info.Host.costinfo; costl; costl = costl->next) {
- X if (costl->dest_host == hsymbol)
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X fprintf(dfile, "\nCalculating criterions for host %s:\n", phostl->Host->name);
- X# endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X /* consider load of already created processes */
- X oload_val = phostl->Host->info.Host.prob_load;
- X
- X /* consider process creation costs */
- X crea_val = costl->crea_val;
- X
- X /* consider interprocess communication costs */
- X# ifdef DO_IPC_TOO
- X ipc_val = 0.0;
- X for(coml = psymbol->info.Process.commps; coml; coml = coml->next) {
- X for(pdatl = pdat_first; pdatl; pdatl = pdatl->next) {
- X if (!strcmp(coml->Process->name, pdatl->p_descr.processname)) {
- X for(costl2 = psymbol->info.Host.costinfo; costl2; costl2 = costl2->next) {
- X# if defined(SCO_UNIX)
- X if (!strcmp(costl2->dest_host->name, pdatl->hostname)) {
- X# else
- X if (!strcmp(costl2->dest_host->name, pdatl->p_descr.port.hostname)) {
- X# endif
- X ipc_val += costl2->comm_val * coml->frequency * coml->quantity;
- X }
- X }
- X } /* for(costl2) */
- X }
- X } /* for(pdatl) */
- X } /* for(coml) */
- X# endif /* DO_IPC_TOO /**/
- X
- X fprintf(dfile, "CRITERION VALUES (without egalization, without priorities)\n");
- X fprintf(dfile, " preferred host : %d\n", phostl->preferred);
- X fprintf(dfile, " accomplished wished ressources : %d\n", phostl->wished_val);
- X fprintf(dfile, " probably load without : %3.2f\n", phostl->load);
- X fprintf(dfile, " probably load with : %3.2f\n", oload_val);
- X fprintf(dfile, " creation costs : %3.2f\n", crea_val);
- X fprintf(dfile, "interprocess communication costs : %3.2f\n\n", ipc_val);
- X# endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X h1 = phostl->preferred EGALIZE_PREF;
- X h2 = phostl->wished_val EGALIZE_WISH;
- X h3 = (1 / phostl->load) EGALIZE_LOAD;
- X h4 = (oload_val < 0.01) ? 0 : oload_val EGALIZE_CLOAD;
- X h5 = (crea_val < 0.01) ? 500 : (1 / crea_val) EGALIZE_CREA;
- X h6 = ipc_val EGALIZE_IPC;
- X
- X fprintf(dfile, "CRITERION VALUES (with egalization, without priorities)\n");
- X fprintf(dfile, " preferred host : %3.2f\n", h1);
- X fprintf(dfile, " accomplished wished ressources : %3.2f\n", h2);
- X fprintf(dfile, " probably load without : %3.2f\n", h3);
- X fprintf(dfile, " probably load with : %3.2f\n", h4);
- X fprintf(dfile, " creation costs : %3.2f\n", h5);
- X fprintf(dfile, "interprocess communication costs : %3.2f\n\n", h6);
- X# endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X h1 += critprio_preferred;
- X h2 += critprio_wished;
- X h3 += critprio_load;
- X h4 += critprio_cload;
- X h5 += critprio_crea;
- X h6 += critprio_ipc;
- X
- X fprintf(dfile, "CRITERION VALUES (with egalization, with priorities)\n");
- X fprintf(dfile, " preferred host : %3.2f\n", h1);
- X fprintf(dfile, " accomplished wished ressources : %3.2f\n", h2);
- X fprintf(dfile, " probably load without : %3.2f\n", h3);
- X fprintf(dfile, " probably load with : %3.2f\n", h4);
- X fprintf(dfile, " creation costs : %3.2f\n", h5);
- X fprintf(dfile, "interprocess communication costs : %3.2f\n\n", h6);
- X# endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X dcadmin_index = h1 + h2 + h3 - h4 + h5 - h6;
- X
- X fprintf(dfile, "process: %s, node: %s, dcadmin_index = %5.4f\n",
- X pname, phostl->Host->name, dcadmin_index);
- X# endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X if (dcadmin_index > best_index) {
- X result = strcpy(locinfo.hostname, phostl->Host->name);
- X best_index = dcadmin_index;
- X }
- X
- X } /* for(phostl) */
- X } /* if (!(crea_symb)) */
- X } /* if (!(psymbol)) */
- X
- X if (!result)
- X strcpy(locinfo.hostname, "local");
- X#endif /* USE_MAPFILE /**/
- X
- X fprintf(dfile, "[dbg] %s LOCATION is \"%s\"\n", _processprefix, locinfo.hostname);
- X if (_debugflush)
- X fflush(dfile);
- X#endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: target node for process \"%s\" is \"%s\"\n",
- X pname, locinfo.hostname);
- X
- X#ifndef USE_MAPFILE
- X /* actualize probably host load */
- X hsymbol = lookup_symbtabel(locinfo.hostname);
- X if (!psymbol || !hsymbol)
- X return(ERROR);
- X hsymbol->info.Host.prob_load += psymbol->info.Process.intensity_index / hsymbol->info.Host.perf_index;
- X#endif
- X
- X if (check_allocation) {
- X#ifndef USE_MAPFILE
- X printf("Probably load at host %s is now %3.2f\n",
- X hsymbol->name, hsymbol->info.Host.prob_load);
- X#endif
- X /* insert process in list */
- X /* create a new process data list element */
- X#ifndef USE_MAPFILE
- X if (pdatptr = (struct pdat_list *) malloc(sizeof(struct pdat_list))) {
- X /* store the new process in the process data list */
- X strcpy(pdatptr->p_descr.processname, pname);
- X pdatptr->p_descr.pid = -1;
- X# ifdef SCO_UNIX
- X strcpy(pdatptr->hostname, hsymbol->name);
- X# else
- X strcpy(pdatptr->p_descr.port.hostname, hsymbol->name);
- X# endif
- X pdatptr->status = RUNNING;
- X pdatptr->next = pdat_first;
- X pdat_first = pdatptr;
- X }
- X#endif /* Not USE_MAPFILE */
- X return(1);
- X } else {
- X /* send result back */
- X#if defined(SINGLE) || defined(HOMOGENEOUS)
- X if (_send_data(&_con_port, (char *) &locinfo, sizeof(ADMINLOCINFO), ADMINLOCTIME) < 0) {
- X#else /* HETEROGENEOUS */
- X if (_send_data_encoded(&_con_port, (char *) &locinfo, xdr_ADMINLOCINFO, ADMINLOCTIME)) {
- X#endif /* SINGLE || HOMOGENEOUS /**/
- X if (Errno == ETIMEOUT)
- X error("determining creation location");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X return(OK);
- X} /* DetermineCreationLocation */
- if test 15073 -ne `wc -c <'dcadmin/Location.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'dcadmin/Location.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'dcadmin/Location.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'dcadmin/main.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'dcadmin/main.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'dcadmin/main.c'\" \(16102 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'dcadmin/main.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * *
- X * @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @ @ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ *
- X * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ *
- X * @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ *
- X * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ *
- X * @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ *
- X * *
- X * A compiler for distributed programming with C *
- X * *
- X * m a i n . c *
- X * *
- X * Package : Administration Process *
- X * Version : 1.0 *
- X * CreationDate : 16.09.90 *
- X * LastUpDate : 06.12.93 *
- X * *
- X * The routine 'main' of the administration process. *
- X * *
- X * Portions Copyright 1990 Franz Distler *
- X * Copyright (C) 1990-1994 by Christoph Pleier *
- X * All rights reserved! *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- X/*
- X * This file is part of the Distributed C Development Environment (DCDE).
- X * DCDE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms written in the README-file.
- X * DCDE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * See the file README for more details.
- X */
- X
- X#ifdef UNICOS
- Xint errno;
- X#endif
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X# include <rpc/rpc.h>
- X#endif
- X#include <errno.h>
- X#define symbtabel dcc_symbtabel
- X#include "ipc.h"
- X#include "dcc.h"
- X#include "run_Errno.h"
- X#include "timeout.h"
- X#include "version.h"
- X#undef symbtabel
- X#include "cfgparsers.h"
- X#include "dcadmin.h"
- X#include "location.h"
- X
- X/*
- X * global variables
- X */
- X
- Xint Errno, /* storing error codes */
- X Intr = 0, /* indicating interrupt or not */
- X shutdown, /* flag if to terminate all processes */
- X terminate, /* flag if to finish own execution */
- X check_allocation; /* check allocation of processes or not */
- Xlong _pidcount; /* unused, but needed! */
- Xchar *_programname, /* the program name */
- X *_processname, /* the process name */
- X _processprefix[80], /* the prefix specifying the process */
- X configfilename[MAXPATHNAMELEN]; /* name of config file */
- XFILE *dfile; /* debug file storing debug infos */
- XADMINREQUEST req_type; /* to store request types */
- XPORTDESCR _creator_port, /* port of creator process */
- X _own_port, /* own port */
- X _admin_port, /* unused, but needed! */
- X dummy_port; /* a dummy port */
- XCONNECTIONDESCR _con_port; /* to store connection descriptors */
- Xstruct pdat_list *pdat_first; /* anchor of process status list */
- Xstruct pcreat_list *pcreat_first, /* anchor to begin of process creation */
- X *pcreat_last; /* anchor to end of process creation list */
- X#else
- Xint local_flag; /* create processes at local host or not */
- X#endif /* USE_MAPFILE /**/
- Xfloat critprio_preferred;
- Xfloat critprio_wished;
- Xfloat critprio_load;
- Xfloat critprio_cload;
- Xfloat critprio_crea;
- Xfloat critprio_ipc;
- XSYMBTABEL *symbtab, /* pointer to beginning of symbol table */
- X *last_symb; /* pointer to end of symbol table */
- Xchar *_dcc_buf, /* encode/decode buffer for data */
- X *_xdr_size_buf; /* encode/decode buffer for size info */
- XXDR encode_xdrs, /* for encoding data */
- X decode_xdrs, /* for decoding data */
- X _xdr_encode_size_xdrs,
- X _xdr_decode_size_xdrs;
- X#endif /* HETEROGENEOUS /**/
- X#ifdef LINUX
- Xint yylineno;
- X#endif /* LINUX /**/
- X
- X# define DEBUGPUTS(str) {fprintf(dfile,"[dbg] %s %s\n", _processprefix, str); fflush(dfile);}
- X# define DEBUGFPRINTF(f, a) {fprintf(dfile, f, a); fflush(dfile);}
- X#else
- X# define DEBUGPUTS(str) /* nothing */
- X# define DEBUGFPRINTF(f, a) /* nothing */
- X#endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X#define EXIT(v) fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: Terminating!\n"); \
- X exit(v)
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * main() *
- X * *
- X * The main function of the administration process. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: 0 upon successs / ERROR upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar **argv;
- X{
- X int i, timeout;
- X#ifndef USE_MAPFILE
- X FILE *filep;
- X#endif
- X
- X check_allocation = FALSE;
- X#ifndef iPSC
- X if (argc == 1) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", progname, version, copyright);
- X fprintf(stderr, "Error: process manually started!\n\n");
- X DisplayUsage();
- X exit(ERROR);
- X }
- X for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- X if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-check_allocation")) {
- X check_allocation = TRUE;
- X continue;
- X }
- X
- X if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f")) {
- X /* Option: "-f filename" */
- X strcpy(configfilename, argv[++i]);
- X continue;
- X }
- X } /* for(i) */
- X#endif /* Not iPSC /**/
- X
- X /*
- X * some initializations
- X */
- X _programname = *argv;
- X _processname = "administration process";
- X _set_processprefix();
- X shutdown = terminate = 0;
- X pdat_first = NULL;
- X pcreat_first = NULL;
- X pcreat_last = NULL;
- X#else
- X symbtab = last_symb = NULL;
- X local_flag = FALSE;
- X#endif /* USE_MAPFILE /**/
- X
- X /*
- X * open debug file and print header
- X */
- X if (!(dfile = fopen(DEBUGFILENAME, "w"))) {
- X Errno = -1;
- X error("opening protocol file");
- X }
- X (void) strcpy(_processprefix, "dcadmin: ");
- X _debugout = dfile;
- X fputs("*****************************************************\n", dfile);
- X fputs("* Distributed C administration process - debug file *\n", dfile);
- X fputs("*****************************************************\n", dfile);
- X if (_debugflush)
- X fflush(dfile);
- X#endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X SetSignals();
- X
- X if (!check_allocation) {
- X
- X /*
- X * allocate heap space for encode/decode buffer
- X */
- X if (_allocate_encode_decode_buffer(ADMINDCCBUFSIZE)) {
- X error("allocating heap space for encode/decode buffer");
- X }
- X#endif /* HETEROGENEOUS /**/
- X
- X /*
- X * create own port to receive orders.
- X */
- X if (_create_port(&_own_port)) {
- X error("creating own port");
- X }
- X
- X#ifdef iPSC
- X init_port(&_creator_port, MAIN_NODE, MAIN_PID);
- X#else
- X fprintf(dfile, "[dbg] %s reporting back to creator process\n",
- X _processprefix);
- X if (_debugflush)
- X fflush(dfile);
- X# endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X /*
- X * determine port of creator process and report back
- X */
- X (void) _convert_argv_to_port(&_creator_port, &dummy_port, argv);
- X if (_make_connection(&_con_port, &_own_port, &_creator_port, ADMINCONTIME)){
- X if (Errno == ETIMEOUT)
- X error("connecting to creator process");
- X }
- X if (_send_process_data()) {
- X error("Sending process data");
- X }
- X if (_close_connection(&_con_port)) {
- X error("closing connection with creator process");
- X }
- X#endif /* iPSC /**/
- X
- X /*
- X * get filename of configuration file
- X */
- X if (GetConfigFilename(configfilename)) {
- X Errno = -1;
- X error("error receiving filename of configuration file");
- X fputs("setting defaultname as filename\n", stderr);
- X (void) strcpy(configfilename, CONFIGFILE);
- X }
- X
- X } /* if (!check_allocation) */
- X
- X /* if not specified by user, search it in home directory */
- X if (configfilename[0] == 0)
- X sprintf(configfilename, "%s/%s", getenv("HOME"), CONFIGFILE);
- X
- X
- X /*
- X * interpret configuration file
- X */
- X if (!(yyin = fopen(configfilename, "r"))) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: warning: can't open configuration file '%s'\n",
- X configfilename);
- X fputs("dcadmin: setting creation list to empty list\n", stderr);
- X pcreat_first = NULL;
- X } else {
- X (void) yyparse();
- X (void) close(yyin);
- X }
- X
- X DisplayCreationList();
- X# endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X
- X#else /* Not USE_MAPFILE */
- X
- X /*
- X * read symbol table with program and system informations from
- X * configuration file.
- X */
- X if (!(filep = fopen(configfilename, "r")) || ReadSymbtab(filep)) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: error : can't read program and system info file.\n");
- X fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: reason : %s\n", sys_errlist[errno]);
- X fprintf(stderr, "dcadmin: warning : generating all unspecified processes at local host!\n");
- X local_flag = TRUE;
- X }
- X
- X fscanf(filep, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
- X &critprio_preferred, &critprio_wished, &critprio_load,
- X &critprio_cload, &critprio_crea, &critprio_ipc);
- X
- X fclose(filep);
- X#endif /* USE_MAPFILE /**/
- X
- X if (check_allocation) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", progname, version, copyright);
- X fprintf(dfile, "\nPriorities of the criterions:\n");
- X fprintf(dfile, " %2.1f - preferred host\n", critprio_preferred);
- X fprintf(dfile, " %2.1f - wished ressources\n", critprio_wished);
- X fprintf(dfile, " %2.1f - minimum load (without)\n", critprio_load);
- X fprintf(dfile, " %2.1f - minimum load (with)\n", critprio_cload);
- X fprintf(dfile, " %2.1f - creation costs\n", critprio_crea);
- X fprintf(dfile, " %2.1f - ipc costs\n\n", critprio_ipc);
- X#endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X fputs("Enter process names. Type \"done\" to stop.\n\n", stderr);
- X while(DetermineCreationLocation())
- X ;
- X exit(OK);
- X }
- X
- X /* The following unlimited loop performs the main job of the administration
- X * process.
- X *
- X * A job is devided in the following steps:
- X * 1. Accept a connection
- X * 2. Receive the request type
- X * 3. Call the appropriate service routine.
- X * 4. Close the connection
- X * 5. Check if there is at least one process running. Otherwise exit.
- X *
- X * Availible services are:
- X * Store a new created process in the process data list
- X * Delete a terminating process from the process data list
- X * Force all processes of the process data list to terminate
- X * Change the status of a process to 'accept or terminate'
- X * Change the status of a process to 'running'
- X * Determine the location where to create a specific process.
- X *
- X */
- X while(1) {
- X if (shutdown)
- X DEBUGPUTS("SHUTDOWN activated!");
- X if (terminate)
- X DEBUGPUTS("TERMINATE activated!");
- X DEBUGPUTS("WAITING for new request");
- X /* Accept a connection:
- X * If >shutdown< is activated, there have been only processes in the
- X * process data list which process' state is 'accept or terminate'.
- X * If >terminate< is activated, the process list is empty and it looks
- X * like we can terminate.
- X * It may happen that a process was started and had not yet got a
- X * chance to notify us his existance. Therefore we wait a delay
- X * until we order the other processes to terminate (shutdown) or
- X * until we finish execution (terminate), so that such processes
- X * have a chance to connect to us!
- X */
- X DEBUGPUTS("ACCEPTING a connection");
- X if (shutdown && terminate) {
- X /* This case should be impossible! Sanity code follows! */
- X terminate = 0;
- X }
- X timeout = (shutdown) ? SHUTDOWN_DELAY : ((terminate) ?
- X if (_accept_connection(&_con_port, &_own_port, timeout)) {
- X if (errno == EINTR) {
- X if (shutdown) {
- X /* No process has connected to us during the shutdown.
- X * Therefore order all processes to terminate and
- X * continue to be able to collect the termination messages!
- X */
- X (void) alarm(0);
- X ShutdownProcesses();
- X shutdown = 0;
- X continue;
- X } else if (terminate) {
- X /* No process has connected to us during the terminate.
- X * Therefore finish execution!
- X */
- X exit(OK);
- X }
- X } else {
- X error("accepting request");
- X }
- X }
- X DEBUGPUTS("GOT a connection");
- X shutdown = terminate = 0;
- X /* Receive the request type:
- X * The request type tells us which service is requested by the
- X * process that has connected to us.
- X */
- X DEBUGPUTS("RECEIVING request type message");
- X#if defined(SINGLE) || defined(HOMOGENEOUS)
- X if (_recv_data(&_con_port, (char *) &req_type, sizeof(ADMINREQUEST), ADMINRCVTIME)<0){
- X#else /* HETEROGENEOUS */
- X if (_recv_data_encoded(&_con_port, (char *) &req_type, xdr_ADMINREQUEST, ADMINRCVTIME)){
- X#endif /* SINGLE || HOMOGENEOUS /**/
- X error("receiving request");
- X }
- X /* Call the appropriate service routine:
- X */
- X switch(req_type.request_type) {
- X StoreNewProcessInList();
- X break;
- X case NOTIFY_END:
- X DeleteProcessFromList();
- X break;
- X KillProcesses();
- X break;
- X ChangeProcessStatus(req_type.request_type);
- X break;
- X ChangeProcessStatus(req_type.request_type);
- X break;
- X DetermineCreationLocation();
- X break;
- X default:
- X error("unknown request");
- X KillProcesses();
- X } /* switch */
- X /* Close the connection:
- X * Close connection and wait for next job.
- X */
- X if (_close_connection(&_con_port))
- X error("closing connection");
- X DisplayProcessList();
- X#endif /* ADMINDEBUG /**/
- X /* Check if there is at least one process running:
- X * When all other processes have terminated, we activate >terminate<!
- X */
- X if (pdat_first == NULL)
- X terminate = 1;
- X } /* while */
- X} /* main */
- if test 16102 -ne `wc -c <'dcadmin/main.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'dcadmin/main.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'dcadmin/main.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'dclocate/BuildLists.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'dclocate/BuildLists.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'dclocate/BuildLists.c'\" \(14646 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'dclocate/BuildLists.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/***************************************************************************
- X * *
- X * @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @ @ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ *
- X * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ *
- X * @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ *
- X * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ *
- X * @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ *
- X * *
- X * A compiler for distributed programming with C *
- X * *
- X * B u i l d L i s t s . c *
- X * *
- X * Package : Locator Program *
- X * Version : 1.1 *
- X * CreationDate : 27.02.92 *
- X * LastUpDate : 08.03.92 *
- X * *
- X * The routine 'BuildPriorityLists' which generates the priority lists for *
- X * all processes stored in the symbol table. *
- X * *
- X * Copyright (C) 1992-1994 by Christoph Pleier *
- X * All rights reserved! *
- X ***************************************************************************/
- X
- X/*
- X * This file is part of the Distributed C Development Environment (DCDE).
- X * DCDE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- X * it under the terms written in the README-file.
- X * DCDE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- X * See the file README for more details.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "cfgparsers.h"
- X#include "dclocate.h"
- X#include "location.h"
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * enter_host_in_list() *
- X * *
- X * Enters the host specified by 'host' in the list pointed to by 'phostlist'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: OK upon success / ERROR upon error. *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xint
- Xenter_host_in_list(phostlist, host)
- XPHOSTLIST **phostlist;
- X{
- X register PHOSTLIST *ptr, *ptr2;
- X
- X ptr = (PHOSTLIST *) Malloc(sizeof(PHOSTLIST));
- X ptr->Host = host;
- X ptr->preferred = FALSE;
- X ptr->wished_val = 0;
- X ptr->load = 0;
- X ptr->next = NULL;
- X
- X if(!*phostlist)
- X *phostlist = ptr;
- X else {
- X for(ptr2 = *phostlist; ptr2->next; ptr2 = ptr2->next)
- X ;
- X ptr2->next = ptr;
- X }
- X
- X return(OK);
- X} /* enter_host_in_list */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * display_host_list() *
- X * *
- X * Displays the hostlist pointed to by 'phostlist'. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: always OK for success. *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xint
- Xdisplay_host_list(phostlist)
- XPHOSTLIST *phostlist;
- X{
- X for(; phostlist; phostlist = phostlist->next) {
- X printf(" host: %10s, pref: %d, wished_val: %3d, load: %2.2f, overall: %2.2f\n",
- X phostlist->Host->name, phostlist->preferred, phostlist->wished_val,
- X phostlist->load, phostlist->overall_index);
- X }
- X return(OK);
- X} /* display_host_list */
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X * BuildPriorityLists() *
- X * *
- X * The function to determine the priority lists for all processes stored in *
- X * the symbol table. *
- X * *
- X * The lists are generated by performing the following actions: *
- X * *
- X * For each process stored in the symbol table do: *
- X * 1. Create new list for actual process with regard to specified restricted *
- X * hosts and required ressources. The resulting list contains only hosts *
- X * which accomplish the required ressources and are not restricted. *
- X * 2. Determine for each host the components *
- X * - if host is preferred or not *
- X * - the sum of accomplished wished ressources *
- X * - the probably host load. *
- X * 3. Put list in priority order with regard to the specified importance of *
- X * each criterion. *
- X * *
- X * Return values: OK upon success / ERROR upon error *
- X ******************************************************************************/
- Xint
- XBuildPriorityLists()
- X{
- X int restricted, peripherals, filesystems, required, preferred;
- X register SYMBTABEL *process, *host;
- X register IDENTLIST *idl, *idl2;
- X register FSSPECINFO *p_fs;
- X register ACCFSINFO *h_fs;
- X register PATTRINFO *pattr;
- X PHOSTLIST *hostlist,*act_new_host, *new_phostlist, *last, *phost, *next;
- X
- X /* FIRST: Create new list for actual process with regard to
- X * - restricted hosts
- X * - required ressources
- X */
- X
- X for(process = symbtab; process; process = process->next) {
- X
- X if (process->type != S_PROCESS)
- X continue;
- X
- X if (verbose)
- X printf("generating list for process \"%s\"\n", process->name);
- X
- X hostlist = NULL;
- X
- X for(host = symbtab; host; host = host->next) {
- X
- X if (host->type != S_HOST)
- X continue;
- X
- X if (verbose)
- X printf(" checking host \"%s\"\n", host->name);
- X
- X /* check if actual host is in RESTRICTED HOSTS list */
- X restricted = FALSE;
- X for(idl = process->info.Process.rest_hosts; idl; idl = idl->next) {
- X if (idl->symbol == host) {
- X restricted = TRUE;
- X break;
- X }
- X } /* for(idl) */
- X
- X if (verbose) {
- X if (restricted)
- X puts(" host is in restriction list, discarding it");
- X else
- X puts(" host is not in restriction list, continuing");
- X }
- X
- X /* if actual host is in restricted list, discard actual host */
- X if (restricted)
- X continue;
- X
- X /* check accomplishment of PERIPHERAL DEVICES */
- X peripherals = TRUE;
- X for(idl = process->info.Process.peri_dev; idl; idl = idl->next) {
- X peripherals = FALSE;
- X for(idl2 = host->info.Host.p_devices; idl2; idl2 = idl2->next) {
- X if (idl2->symbol == idl->symbol) {
- X peripherals = TRUE;
- X break;
- X }
- X } /* for(idl2) */
- X if (!peripherals)
- X break;
- X } /* for(idl) */
- X
- X if (verbose) {
- X if (!peripherals)
- X puts(" host has not all required devices, discarding it");
- X else
- X puts(" host has all required devices, continuing");
- X }
- X
- X /* if actual host hasn't all required peripheral devs, discard it */
- X if (!peripherals)
- X continue;
- X
- X /* check accomplishment of accessed FILESYSTEMS */
- X filesystems = TRUE;
- X for(p_fs = process->info.Process.filesystems; p_fs; p_fs = p_fs->next) {
- X filesystems = FALSE;
- X for(h_fs = host->info.Host.f_systems; h_fs; h_fs = h_fs->next) {
- X if (h_fs->filesystem == p_fs->filesys) {
- X filesystems = TRUE;
- X break;
- X }
- X } /* for(h_fs) */
- X } /* for(p_fs) */
- X
- X if (verbose) {
- X if (!filesystems)
- X puts(" host can't access all required filesystems, discarding it");
- X else
- X puts(" host can access all required filesystems, continuing");
- X }
- X
- X /* if actual host can't access all required filesystems, discard it
- X */
- X if (!filesystems)
- X continue;
- X
- X /* check accomplishment of other REQUIRED RESSOURCES */
- X required = TRUE;
- X for(pattr = process->info.Process.others; pattr; pattr = pattr->next) {
- X if (pattr->mode != MODE_REQUIRES)
- X continue;
- X required = TRUE;
- X switch(pattr->type) {
- X case PA_PHYS_MEM:
- X if (pattr->info.phys_mem_size > host->info.Host.phys_mem) {
- X required = FALSE;
- X }
- X break;
- X case PA_VIRT_MEM:
- X if (pattr->info.virt_mem_size > host->info.Host.virt_mem) {
- X required = FALSE;
- X }
- X break;
- X if (!host->info.Host.is_vector_computer)
- X required = FALSE;
- X break;
- X if (!host->info.Host.has_par_compiler)
- X required = FALSE;
- X break;
- X } /* switch */
- X if (!required)
- X break;
- X } /* for(pattr) */
- X
- X if (verbose) {
- X if (!required)
- X puts(" host can't offer all required ressources, discarding it");
- X else
- X puts(" host can offer all required ressources, continuing");
- X }
- X
- X /* if actual host can't offer all required ressources, discard it */
- X if (!required)
- X continue;
- X
- X if (verbose)
- X puts(" entering host in list");
- X
- X enter_host_in_list(&hostlist, host);
- X
- X } /* for(hosts) */
- X
- X process->info.Process.phostlist = hostlist;
- X
- X } /* for(process) */
- X
- X if (verbose) {
- X puts("Generated hosts lists (NOT in priority order, WITHOUT additional components):");
- X for(process = symbtab; process; process = process->next) {
- X if (process->type != S_PROCESS)
- X continue;
- X printf("process \"%s\":\n", process->name);
- X display_host_list(process->info.Process.phostlist);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* SECOND: Determine for each host in each host list the components
- X * - if host is preferred or not
- X * - the sum of accomplished wished ressources
- X * - the probably host load
- X */
- X
- X for(process = symbtab; process; process = process->next) {
- X
- X if (process->type != S_PROCESS)
- X continue;
- X
- X for(hostlist = process->info.Process.phostlist; hostlist; hostlist = hostlist->next) {
- X
- X /* check if actual host is a preferred host */
- X preferred = FALSE;
- X for(idl = process->info.Process.pref_hosts; idl; idl = idl->next) {
- X if (idl->symbol == hostlist->Host) {
- X hostlist->preferred = TRUE;
- X break;
- X }
- X } /* for(idl) */
- X
- X /* determine sum of accomplished wished ressources */
- X for(pattr = process->info.Process.others; pattr; pattr = pattr->next) {
- X if (pattr->mode != MODE_WISHES)
- X continue;
- X switch(pattr->type) {
- X case PA_PHYS_MEM:
- X if (pattr->info.phys_mem_size <= hostlist->Host->info.Host.phys_mem) {
- X hostlist->wished_val++;
- X }
- X break;
- X case PA_VIRT_MEM:
- X if (pattr->info.virt_mem_size <= hostlist->Host->info.Host.virt_mem) {
- X hostlist->wished_val++;
- X }
- X break;
- X if (hostlist->Host->info.Host.is_vector_computer)
- X hostlist->wished_val++;
- X break;
- X if (hostlist->Host->info.Host.has_par_compiler)
- X hostlist->wished_val++;
- X break;
- X } /* switch */
- X } /* for(pattr) */
- X
- X /* determine probable host load */
- X hostlist->load = process->info.Process.intensity_index / hostlist->Host->info.Host.perf_index;
- X
- X } /* for(hostlist) */
- X
- X } /* for(process) */
- X
- X if (verbose) {
- X puts("Generated hosts lists (NOT in priority order, WITH additional components):");
- X for(process = symbtab; process; process = process->next) {
- X if (process->type != S_PROCESS)
- X continue;
- X printf("process \"%s\":\n", process->name);
- X display_host_list(process->info.Process.phostlist);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* THIRD: Put list in priority order with regard to one or more of
- X * the criterions:
- X * - preferred hosts
- X * - wished ressources
- X * - computer load
- X */
- X
- X for(process = symbtab; process; process = process->next) {
- X
- X if (process->type != S_PROCESS)
- X continue;
- X
- X if (verbose)
- X printf("putting list for process \"%s\" in order\n", process->name);
- X
- X /* determine overall index for all hosts in list */
- X for(phost = process->info.Process.phostlist; phost; phost = phost->next) {
- X phost->overall_index =
- X phost->preferred EGALIZE_PREF + critprio_preferred
- X + phost->wished_val EGALIZE_WISH + critprio_wished
- X + (1 / phost->load) EGALIZE_LOAD + critprio_load;
- X }
- X
- X new_phostlist = NULL;
- X
- X /* sort list */
- X for(phost = process->info.Process.phostlist; phost; phost = next) {
- X
- X next = phost->next;
- X
- X if (!new_phostlist) {
- X new_phostlist = phost;
- X new_phostlist->next = NULL;
- X } else {
- X last = NULL;
- X for(act_new_host = new_phostlist; act_new_host; act_new_host = act_new_host->next) {
- X if (phost->overall_index > act_new_host->overall_index) {
- X if (!last) {
- X phost->next = new_phostlist;
- X new_phostlist = phost;
- X } else {
- X last->next = phost;
- X phost->next = act_new_host;
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X last = act_new_host;
- X } /* for(act_new_host) */
- X if (!act_new_host) {
- X last->next = phost;
- X phost->next = NULL;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X } /* for (phost) */
- X
- X if (!new_phostlist) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: process \"%s\" can not be located!\n",
- X process->name);
- X }
- X
- X process->info.Process.phostlist = new_phostlist;
- X
- X } /* for(process) */
- X
- X
- X if (verbose || show_result) {
- X puts("Generated hosts lists (IN priority order, WITH additional components):");
- X for(process = symbtab; process; process = process->next) {
- X if (process->type != S_PROCESS)
- X continue;
- X printf("process \"%s\":\n", process->name);
- X display_host_list(process->info.Process.phostlist);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X return(OK);
- X} /* BuildPriorityLists */
- if test 14646 -ne `wc -c <'dclocate/BuildLists.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'dclocate/BuildLists.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'dclocate/BuildLists.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 11 \(of 18\).
- cp /dev/null ark11isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 18 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0