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- /*
- * $Header: /usr/people/tcl/src/uutar/RCS/codes.c,v 1993/09/11 22:42:44 tcl Exp $
- * Tom Lawrence
- * tcl@sgi.com
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "codes.h"
- /* see codes.h */
- int numchars;
- struct code codes[256];
- /* initialize a subset of the codes array. val and len define a variable
- * length bitfield. The array elements will be set up so that any element
- * of the array whose index is a left-aligned superset of this bitfield
- * will contain the given output ascii character. E.g. if the bitfield is
- * 10010, then all elements in the array with subscript 10010xxx for all
- * xxx, will store the given ascii code, and the length of the bitfield,
- * in this case 5.
- */
- static void
- init_encodeval(codes, val, len, ascii)
- struct code *codes;
- int val;
- int len;
- int ascii;
- {
- int shift, stop;
- /* determine how far the code must be shifted to be
- * MSB justified in the byte
- */
- shift = 8 - len;
- /* calculate the upper bound of indices which this bitfield
- * will match
- */
- stop = (val + 1) << shift;
- /* shift the code over to the left edge of the byte */
- val <<= shift;
- /* thus, for every index in the 256 element array which has
- * this code as a prefix
- */
- for(; val < stop; val++) {
- /* store the code length and the printable character
- * it represents
- */
- codes[val].len = (char)len;
- codes[val].code = (char)ascii;
- }
- }
- /* convert an ascii character code to an integer. The character code may
- * be in decimal, hex or octal, or it may be an actual character escaped
- * with a back-slash
- */
- static int
- str2val(str)
- char *str;
- {
- int val;
- char *end;
- while(*str == ' ' || *str == '\t')
- str++;
- /* check if this is an escaped character */
- if (*str == '\\') {
- str++;
- if (*str == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "missing character in alphabet\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- return((int)*str);
- }
- val = (int)strtol(str, &end, 0);
- if (end == str) {
- if (*str)
- fprintf(stderr, "invalid char \'%c\' in alphabet\n", *str);
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "empty numerical field in alphabet\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- return(val);
- }
- /* parse a range of characters for the output character set and mark each
- * character as in use in the codes array. A range is either in the form
- * num-num or just num
- */
- static void
- parse_charval_range(range)
- char *range;
- {
- char *c, savec = 0;
- int start, end, x;
- for(c = range; *c && *c != '-'; c++);
- savec = *c;
- *c = 0;
- start = str2val(range);
- if (savec == '-') {
- end = str2val(c + 1);
- *c = savec;
- for(x = start; x <= end; x++)
- codes[x].inuse = 1;
- }
- else
- codes[start].inuse = 1;
- }
- /* parse a list of character ranges for the output character set and then
- * parse each range found. A list is of the form range,range,...
- */
- void
- parse_charval_list(list)
- char *list;
- {
- char *c1, *c2, savec2;
- int x;
- for(x = 0; x < 256; x++)
- codes[x].inuse = 0;
- c1 = list;
- while(*c1) {
- while(*c1 == ',')
- c1++;
- if (*c1 == 0)
- return;
- for(c2 = c1; *c2 && *c2 != ','; c2++);
- savec2 = *c2;
- *c2 = 0;
- parse_charval_range(c1);
- *c2 = savec2;
- c1 = c2;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* print out the character set in the form of a list of ranges, encoded
- * in decimal
- */
- void
- print_charval_list(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- int x, usecomma;
- usecomma = 0;
- for(x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
- if (codes[x].inuse) {
- if (usecomma)
- putc(',', fp);
- fprintf(fp, "%d", x);
- usecomma = 1;
- if (x < 255 && codes[x+1].inuse) {
- putc('-', fp);
- while(++x < 256 && codes[x].inuse);
- fprintf(fp, "%d", x-1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Initialize the tables for encoding or decoding depending on the given
- * direction.
- */
- void
- init_codes(direction)
- int direction;
- {
- int x, code, numchars;
- int pof2, pof2len, half, whole;
- /* count how big our character set is */
- numchars = 0;
- for(x = 0; x < 256; x++)
- if (codes[x].inuse)
- numchars++;
- if (numchars < 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "uutar: alphabet doesn't contain enough characters.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* determine the lowest power of 2 that is >= numchars, and the number
- * of bits needed to store that many values.
- */
- for(pof2 = 2, pof2len = 1; pof2 < numchars;
- pof2 <<= 1, pof2len++);
- /* compute how many half codes we need */
- half = pof2 - numchars;
- /* compute how many whole codes we need */
- whole = numchars - half;
- /* create a variable length code for each valid entry */
- code = 0;
- x = -1;
- /* create the whole codes */
- while(whole--) {
- /* get next slot */
- do x++; while(codes[x].inuse == 0);
- if (direction == DECODE) {
- codes[x].code = (char)code;
- codes[x].len = (char)pof2len;
- }
- else
- init_encodeval(codes, code, pof2len, x);
- code++;
- }
- /* chop off LSB to form the half codes */
- code >>= 1;
- pof2len--;
- /* create the half codes */
- while(half--) {
- do x++; while(codes[x].inuse == 0);
- if (direction == DECODE) {
- codes[x].code = (char)code;
- codes[x].len = (char)pof2len;
- }
- else
- init_encodeval(codes, code, pof2len, x);
- code++;
- }
- }