home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- case $CONFIG in
- '') . ./config.sh ;;
- esac
- echo "Extracting makedepend (with variable substitutions)"
- $spitshell >makedepend <<!GROK!THIS!
- $startsh
- # $Id: makedepend.SH,v 3.0 1991/09/09 20:23:31 davison Trn $
- #
- # This software is Copyright 1991 by Stan Barber.
- #
- # Permission is hereby granted to copy, reproduce, redistribute or otherwise
- # use this software as long as: there is no monetary profit gained
- # specifically from the use or reproduction of this software, it is not
- # sold, rented, traded or otherwise marketed, and this copyright notice is
- # included prominently in any copy made.
- #
- # The author make no claims as to the fitness or correctness of this software
- # for any use whatsoever, and it is provided as is. Any use of this software
- # is at the user's own risk.
- export PATH || (echo "OOPS, this isn't sh. Desperation time. I will feed myself to sh."; sh \$0; kill \$\$)
- $cat /dev/null >.deptmp
- $echo "(Note: this is going to take a while.)"
- for file in *.[cy]; do
- case "\$file" in
- *.c) filebase=\`basename \$file .c\`;;
- *.y) filebase=\`basename \$file .y\`;;
- esac
- $echo "Finding dependencies for \$filebase.o."
- $sed -n <\$file \\
- -e "/^\${filebase}_init(/q" \\
- -e '/^#/{' \\
- -e 's|/\*.*$||' \\
- -e 's/\\\\[ ]*$//' \\
- -e p \\
- -e '}' | $cppstdin -I/usr/local/include | $sed \\
- -e '/^# *line/s/line//' \
- -e '/^# *[0-9]/!d' \\
- -e 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*\$/'\$filebase'.o: \1/' \\
- -e 's|: \./|: |' \\
- -e 's/: .*\.c/: '\$file'/' | \\
- $uniq | $sort | $uniq >> .deptmp
- done
- for file in *.SH; do
- $echo \`basename \$file .SH\`: \$file config.sh \; /bin/sh \$file >> .deptmp
- done
- $sed <Makefile >Makefile.new -e '1,/^# AUTOMATICALLY/!d'
- if $test -s .deptmp; then
- echo "Updating Makefile..."
- $sed -e 's/\\\$/\$\$/g' .deptmp | $egrep -v $usrinc >dependencies
- else
- $echo "You don't seem to have a proper C preprocessor. Using grep instead."
- $egrep '^#include ' *.[cyh] ?.[cyh] >.deptmp
- echo "Updating Makefile..."
- <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include "\(.*\)".*\$\$|o: \1|p' > dependencies
- <.deptmp $sed -n 's|y:#include "\(.*\)".*\$\$|o: \1|p' >> dependencies
- <.deptmp $sed -n 's|h:#include "\(.*\)".*\$\$|h: \1|p' >> dependencies
- fi
- $echo "# WARNING: Put nothing here or make depend will gobble it up!" >> dependencies
- $mv Makefile Makefile.old
- $mv Makefile.new Makefile
- $cat dependencies >>Makefile
- rm .deptmp
- $eunicefix makedepend
- chmod 755 makedepend