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- /* $Id: mt-write.c,v 3.0 1990/10/01 00:14:05 davison Trn $
- */
- /* The authors make no claims as to the fitness or correctness of this software
- * for any use whatsoever, and it is provided as is. Any use of this software
- * is at the user's own risk.
- */
- #include "EXTERN.h"
- #include "common.h"
- #include "thread.h"
- #include "mthreads.h"
- static FILE *fp_out;
- static int seq;
- static int article_seq;
- static int failure;
- void write_subjects(), write_authors(), write_roots(), write_ids();
- void write_articles(), write_thread(), write_item();
- void enumerate_articles(), enumerate_thread();
- void free_leftovers();
- int ensure_path _((char *));
- /* Write out all the data in a packed format that is easy for our newsreader
- ** to use. We free things as we go, when we don't need them any longer. If
- ** we encounter any write errors, the write_item routine sets a failure flag
- ** to halt our writing of the file, but we keep on plugging away to free
- ** everything up.
- */
- int
- write_data(filename)
- char *filename;
- {
- if (filename == Nullch) {
- failure = 2; /* A NULL filename indicates just free the data */
- } else if ((fp_out = fopen(filename, FOPEN_WB)) == Nullfp) {
- if (ensure_path(filename)) {
- if ((fp_out = fopen(filename, FOPEN_WB)) == Nullfp) {
- log_error("Unable to create file: `%s'.\n", filename);
- failure = 2;
- }
- } else {
- log_error("Unable to create path: `%s'.\n", filename);
- failure = 2;
- }
- } else {
- failure = 0;
- #ifdef SETBUFFER
- setbuffer(fp_out, rwbuf, RWBUFSIZ);
- #else
- # ifdef SETVBUF
- setvbuf(fp_out, rwbuf, _IOFBF, RWBUFSIZ);
- # endif
- #endif
- }
- /* If there's no roots, there's no data. Leave the file with no length. */
- if (!failure && total.last < total.first) {
- failure = -1;
- }
- write_item(&total, sizeof (TOTAL));
- enumerate_articles();
- write_authors();
- write_subjects();
- write_roots();
- write_articles();
- write_ids();
- free_leftovers();
- bzero(&total, sizeof (TOTAL));
- if (failure != 2) {
- fclose(fp_out);
- }
- if (failure == 1) {
- log_error("Write failed! Removing `%s'.\n", filename);
- unlink(filename);
- }
- return failure <= 0;
- }
- /* Recursively descend the article tree, enumerating the articles as we go.
- ** This way we can output the article sequence numbers into the data file.
- */
- void
- enumerate_articles()
- {
- register ROOT *root;
- seq = article_seq = 0;
- for (root = root_root; root; root = root->link) {
- root->seq = seq++;
- if (!root->articles) {
- log_error("** No articles on this root??\n");
- continue;
- }
- enumerate_thread(root->articles);
- }
- if (seq != total.root) {
- log_error("** Wrote %d roots instead of %d **\n", seq, total.root);
- }
- if (article_seq != total.article) {
- log_error("** Wrote %d articles instead of %d **\n", article_seq, total.article);
- }
- }
- /* Recursive routine for above-mentioned enumeration. */
- void
- enumerate_thread(article)
- ARTICLE *article;
- {
- while (article) {
- article->seq = article_seq++;
- if (article->children) {
- enumerate_thread(article->children);
- }
- article = article->siblings;
- }
- }
- #define write_and_free(str_ptr) /* Comment for makedepend to \
- ** ignore the backslash above */ \
- {\
- register int len = strlen(str_ptr) + 1;\
- write_item(str_ptr, len);\
- free(str_ptr);\
- string_offset += len;\
- }
- MEM_SIZE string_offset;
- /* Write out the author information: first the use-counts, then the
- ** name strings all packed together.
- */
- void
- write_authors()
- {
- register AUTHOR *author;
- seq = 0;
- for (author = author_root; author; author = author->link) {
- write_item(&author->count, sizeof (WORD));
- author->seq = seq++;
- }
- if (seq != total.author) {
- log_error("** Wrote %d authors instead of %d **\n",
- seq, total.author);
- }
- string_offset = 0;
- for (author = author_root; author; author = author->link) {
- write_and_free(author->name);
- }
- }
- /* Write out the subject information: first the packed string data, then
- ** the use-counts. The order is important -- it is the order required
- ** by the roots for their subject structures.
- */
- void
- write_subjects()
- {
- register ROOT *root;
- register SUBJECT *subject;
- for (root = root_root; root; root = root->link) {
- for (subject = root->subjects; subject; subject = subject->link) {
- write_and_free(subject->str);
- }
- }
- if (string_offset != total.string1) {
- log_error("** Author/subject strings were %ld bytes instead of %ld **\n",
- string_offset, total.string1);
- }
- seq = 0;
- for (root = root_root; root; root = root->link) {
- for (subject = root->subjects; subject; subject = subject->link) {
- write_item(&subject->count, sizeof (WORD));
- subject->seq = seq++;
- }
- }
- if (seq != total.subject) {
- log_error("** Wrote %d subjects instead of %d **\n",
- seq, total.subject);
- }
- }
- /* Write the roots in a packed format. Interpret the pointers into
- ** sequence numbers as we go.
- */
- void
- write_roots()
- {
- register ROOT *root;
- for (root = root_root; root; root = root->link) {
- p_root.articles = root->articles->seq;
- p_root.root_num = root->root_num;
- p_root.thread_cnt = root->thread_cnt;
- p_root.subject_cnt = root->subject_cnt;
- write_item(&p_root, sizeof (PACKED_ROOT));
- }
- }
- #define rel_article(article, rseq) ((article)? (article)->seq - (rseq) : 0)
- #define valid_seq(ptr) ((ptr)? (ptr)->seq : -1)
- /* Write all the articles in the same order that we sequenced them. */
- void
- write_articles()
- {
- register ROOT *root;
- for (root = root_root; root; root = root->link) {
- write_thread(root->articles);
- }
- }
- /* Recursive routine to write the articles in thread order. We depend on
- ** the fact that our first child is the very next article written (if we
- ** have children).
- */
- void
- write_thread(article)
- register ARTICLE *article;
- {
- while (article) {
- p_article.num = article->num;
- p_article.date = article->date;
- p_article.subject = valid_seq(article->subject);
- p_article.author = valid_seq(article->author);
- p_article.flags = article->flags;
- p_article.child_cnt = article->child_cnt;
- p_article.parent = rel_article(article->parent, article->seq);
- p_article.siblings = rel_article(article->siblings, article->seq);
- p_article.root = article->root->seq;
- write_item(&p_article, sizeof (PACKED_ARTICLE));
- if (article->children) {
- write_thread(article->children);
- }
- article = article->siblings;
- }
- }
- WORD minus_one = -1;
- /* Write the message-id strings: each domain name (not including the
- ** ".unknown." domain) followed by all of its associated unique ids.
- ** Then output the article sequence numbers they belong to. This stuff
- ** is last because the newsreader doesn't need to read it.
- */
- void
- write_ids()
- {
- register DOMAIN *domain;
- register ARTICLE *id;
- register DOMAIN *next_domain;
- register ARTICLE *next_id;
- string_offset = 0;
- for (domain = &unk_domain; domain; domain = domain->link) {
- if (domain != &unk_domain) {
- write_and_free(domain->name);
- if (!domain->ids) {
- log_error("** Empty domain name!! **\n");
- }
- }
- for (id = domain->ids; id; id = id->id_link) {
- write_and_free(id->id);
- }
- }
- if (string_offset != total.string2) {
- log_error("** Message-id strings were %ld bytes (%ld) **\n",
- string_offset, total.string2);
- }
- for (domain = &unk_domain; domain; domain = next_domain) {
- next_domain = domain->link;
- for (id = domain->ids; id; id = next_id) {
- next_id = id->id_link;
- write_item(&id->seq, sizeof (WORD));
- free(id);
- }
- write_item(&minus_one, sizeof (WORD));
- if (domain != &unk_domain) {
- free(domain);
- }
- }
- unk_domain.ids = Nullart;
- unk_domain.link = Null(DOMAIN*);
- }
- /* Free everything that's left to free.
- */
- void
- free_leftovers()
- {
- register ROOT *root, *next_root;
- register SUBJECT *subj, *next_subj;
- register AUTHOR *author, *next_author;
- for (root = root_root; root; root = next_root) {
- next_root = root->link;
- for (subj = root->subjects; subj; subj = next_subj) {
- next_subj = subj->link;
- free(subj);
- }
- free(root);
- }
- for (author = author_root; author; author = next_author) {
- next_author = author->link;
- free(author);
- }
- root_root = Null(ROOT*);
- author_root = Null(AUTHOR*);
- }
- /* This routine will check to be sure that the required path exists for
- ** the data file, and if not it will attempt to create it.
- */
- int
- ensure_path(filename)
- register char *filename;
- {
- int status, pid, w;
- char tmpbuf[1024];
- #ifdef MAKEDIR
- register char *cp, *last;
- register char *tbptr = tmpbuf+5;
- if (!(last = rindex(filename, '/'))) { /* find filename portion */
- return 1; /* no path, we're fine */
- }
- *last = '\0'; /* truncate path at filename */
- strcpy(tmpbuf, "mkdir");
- for (cp = last;;) {
- if (stat(filename, &filestat) >= 0 && (filestat.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) {
- *cp = '/';
- break;
- }
- if (!(cp = rindex(filename, '/'))) {/* find something that exists */
- break;
- }
- *cp = '\0';
- }
- for (cp = filename; cp <= last; cp++) {
- if (!*cp) {
- sprintf(tbptr, " %s", filename);
- tbptr += strlen(tbptr); /* set up for mkdir call */
- *cp = '/';
- }
- }
- if (tbptr == tmpbuf+5) {
- return 1;
- }
- #else
- sprintf(tmpbuf,"%s %s %d", file_exp(DIRMAKER), filename, 1);
- #endif
- if ((pid = vfork()) == 0) {
- execl(SH, SH, "-c", tmpbuf, Nullch);
- _exit(127);
- }
- while ((w = wait(&status)) != pid && w != -1) {
- ;
- }
- if (w == -1) {
- status = -1;
- }
- return !status;
- }
- /* A simple routine to output some data only if we haven't failed any
- ** previous writes.
- */
- void
- write_item(buff, len)
- char *buff;
- int len;
- {
- if (!failure) {
- if (fwrite(buff, 1, len, fp_out) < len) {
- failure = 1;
- }
- }
- }