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- /* $Id: thread.h,v 3.0 1993/10/01 00:14:09 davison Trn $
- */
- /* The authors make no claims as to the fitness or correctness of this software
- * for any use whatsoever, and it is provided as is. Any use of this software
- * is at the user's own risk.
- */
- #define DB_VERSION 2
- typedef char BYTE;
- typedef short WORD;
- #ifndef __alpha
- typedef long LONG;
- #else
- typedef int LONG;
- #endif
- #define ROOT_ARTICLE 0x0001 /* article flag definitions */
- #define HAS_XREFS 0x0004 /* article has an xref line */
- typedef struct Article {
- ART_NUM num;
- char *id;
- struct Domain *domain;
- struct Subject *subject;
- struct Author *author;
- struct Article *parent, *children, *siblings;
- struct Root *root;
- struct Article *id_link;
- time_t date;
- WORD child_cnt;
- WORD flags;
- WORD seq;
- typedef struct Domain {
- char *name;
- ARTICLE *ids;
- struct Domain *link;
- typedef struct Author {
- struct Author *link; /* this link MUST be first */
- char *name;
- WORD seq;
- WORD count;
- typedef struct Subject {
- struct Subject *link; /* this link MUST be first */
- char *str;
- WORD seq;
- WORD count;
- typedef struct Root {
- struct Root *link; /* this link MUST be first */
- ARTICLE *articles;
- SUBJECT *subjects;
- ART_NUM root_num;
- WORD thread_cnt;
- WORD subject_cnt;
- WORD seq;
- } ROOT;
- typedef struct {
- LONG root_num;
- WORD articles;
- WORD thread_cnt;
- WORD subject_cnt;
- WORD pad_hack;
- typedef struct {
- LONG num;
- LONG date;
- WORD subject, author;
- WORD flags;
- WORD child_cnt;
- WORD parent;
- WORD padding;
- WORD siblings;
- WORD root;
- typedef struct Total {
- LONG first, last;
- LONG string1;
- LONG string2;
- WORD root;
- WORD article;
- WORD subject;
- WORD author;
- WORD domain;
- WORD pad_hack;
- } TOTAL;
- typedef struct {
- BYTE l[sizeof (LONG)];
- BYTE w[sizeof (WORD)];
- BYTE version;
- BYTE pad_hack;
- } BMAP;