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Text File | 1993-11-20 | 65.1 KB | 3,012 lines |
- #! /bin/sh
- #
- # If these # comments don't work, trim them. Don't worry about any other
- # shell scripts, Configure will trim # comments from them for you.
- #
- # (If you are trying to port this package to a machine without sh,
- # I would suggest you have a look at the prototypical config.h.SH file
- # and edit it to reflect your system. Some packages may include samples
- # of config.h for certain machines, so you might look for one of those.)
- #
- # Yes, you may rip this off to use in other distribution packages. This
- # script belongs to the public domain and cannot be copyrighted.
- #
- # (Note: this Configure script was generated automatically. Rather than
- # working with this copy of Configure, you may wish to get metaconfig.
- # The dist-3.0 package (which contains metaconfig) was posted in
- # comp.sources.misc so you may fetch it yourself from your nearest
- # archive site. Check with Archie if you don't know where that can be.)
- #
- # $Id: Head.U,v 1993/08/27 14:38:07 ram Exp $
- #
- # Generated on Fri Sep 24 11:09:28 PDT 1993 [metaconfig 3.0 PL9]
- cat >/tmp/c1$$ <<EOF
- SCO csh still thinks true is false. Write to SCO today and tell them that next
- year Configure ought to "rm /bin/csh" unless they fix their blasted shell. :-)
- (Actually, Configure ought to just patch csh in place. Hmm. Hmmmmm. All
- we'd have to do is go in and swap the && and || tokens, wherever they are.)
- [End of diatribe. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...]
- cat >/tmp/c2$$ <<EOF
- OOPS! You naughty creature! You didn't run Configure with sh!
- I will attempt to remedy the situation by running sh for you...
- true || cat /tmp/c1$$ /tmp/c2$$
- true || exec sh $0 $argv:q
- (exit $?0) || cat /tmp/c2$$
- (exit $?0) || exec sh $0 $argv:q
- rm -f /tmp/c1$$ /tmp/c2$$
- : Sanity checks
- PATH=".:$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/local:/usr/lbin"
- PATH=$PATH:'/usr/5bin:/etc:/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/new:/usr/new/bin:/usr/nbin'
- PATH=$PATH:'/sys5.3/bin:/sys5.3/usr/bin:/bsd4.3/bin:/bsd4.3/usr/ucb'
- PATH=$PATH:'/bsd4.3/usr/bin:/usr/bsd:/bsd43/bin:/usr/ccs/bin'
- PATH=$PATH:'/etc:/usr/lib:/usr/ucblib:/lib:/usr/ccs/lib'
- export PATH
- if test ! -t 0; then
- echo "Say 'sh Configure', not 'sh <Configure'"
- exit 1
- fi
- : On HP-UX, large Configure scripts may exercise a bug in /bin/sh
- if test -f /hp-ux -a -f /bin/ksh; then
- if (alias -x) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- : already under /bin/ksh
- else
- cat <<'EOM'
- (Feeding myself to ksh to avoid nasty sh bug in "here document" expansion.)
- exec /bin/ksh $0 "$@"
- fi
- else
- : Warn them if they use ksh on other systems
- (alias -x) >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
- cat <<'EOM'
- (I see you are using the Korn shell. Some ksh's blow up on Configure,
- especially on exotic machines. If yours does, try the Bourne shell instead.)
- fi
- : Configure runs within the UU subdirectory
- test -d UU || mkdir UU
- cd UU && rm -f *
- d_bsd=''
- d_eunice=''
- d_xenix=''
- eunicefix=''
- Mcc=''
- awk=''
- cat=''
- cpp=''
- date=''
- echo=''
- egrep=''
- expr=''
- gcc=''
- grep=''
- lint=''
- mail=''
- mkdir=''
- mv=''
- nroff=''
- rm=''
- sed=''
- sendmail=''
- sort=''
- test=''
- tr=''
- uname=''
- uniq=''
- uuname=''
- vi=''
- hint=''
- myuname=''
- Id=''
- Log=''
- active=''
- acttimes=''
- d_acttimes=''
- myactive=''
- afs=''
- cc=''
- ccflags=''
- cppflags=''
- ldflags=''
- lkflags=''
- optimize=''
- cf_by=''
- cf_time=''
- contains=''
- cppminus=''
- cppstdin=''
- d_chsize=''
- d_ftrncate=''
- d_memcmp=''
- d_memcpy=''
- d_memset=''
- d_newsadm=''
- newsadmin=''
- d_nntp=''
- servername=''
- d_normsig=''
- jobslib=''
- d_novoid=''
- void=''
- d_portable=''
- d_rename=''
- d_sighold=''
- d_strchr=''
- d_syslog=''
- syslog=''
- d_libndir=''
- d_usendir=''
- libndir=''
- ndirc=''
- ndiro=''
- d_usleep=''
- d_vfork=''
- d_voidsig=''
- signal_t=''
- d_dirnamlen=''
- i_dirent=''
- i_stdlib=''
- i_string=''
- strings=''
- i_sysdir=''
- i_sysndir=''
- i_systime=''
- i_time=''
- i_unistd=''
- i_vfork=''
- libc=''
- plibpth=''
- xlibpth=''
- libs=''
- installmansrc=''
- manext=''
- mansrc=''
- mansrcexp=''
- c=''
- n=''
- newslib=''
- newslibexp=''
- newsspool=''
- package=''
- spackage=''
- installprivlib=''
- privlib=''
- privlibexp=''
- sharpbang=''
- shsharp=''
- spitshell=''
- startsh=''
- sysman=''
- threaddir=''
- nm_opt=''
- runnm=''
- usenm=''
- incpath=''
- mips=''
- mips_type=''
- usrinc=''
- d_whoami=''
- : script used to extract .SH files with variable substitutions
- cat >extract <<'EOS'
- CONFIG=true
- echo "Doing variable substitutions on .SH files..."
- if test -f MANIFEST; then
- set x `awk '{print $1}' <MANIFEST | grep '\.SH'`
- else
- echo "(Looking for .SH files under the current directory.)"
- set x `find . -name "*.SH" -print`
- fi
- shift
- case $# in
- 0) set x *.SH; shift;;
- esac
- if test ! -f $1; then
- shift
- fi
- for file in $*; do
- case "$file" in
- */*)
- dir=`expr X$file : 'X\(.*\)/'`
- file=`expr X$file : 'X.*/\(.*\)'`
- (cd $dir && . ./$file)
- ;;
- *)
- . ./$file
- ;;
- esac
- done
- : produce awk script to parse command line options
- cat >options.awk <<'EOF'
- optstr = "deEf:hrsSV"; # getopt-style specification
- len = length(optstr);
- for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
- c = substr(optstr, i, 1);
- if (i < len) a = substr(optstr, i + 1, 1); else a = "";
- if (a == ":") {
- arg[c] = 1;
- i++;
- }
- opt[c] = 1;
- }
- }
- {
- expect = 0;
- str = $0;
- if (substr(str, 1, 1) != "-") {
- printf("'%s'\n", str);
- next;
- }
- len = length($0);
- for (i = 2; i <= len; i++) {
- c = substr(str, i, 1);
- if (!opt[c]) {
- printf("-%s\n", substr(str, i));
- next;
- }
- printf("-%s\n", c);
- if (arg[c]) {
- if (i < len)
- printf("'%s'\n", substr(str, i + 1));
- else
- expect = 1;
- next;
- }
- }
- }
- END {
- if (expect)
- print "?";
- }
- : process the command line options
- set X `for arg in "$@"; do echo $arg; done | awk -f options.awk`
- eval "set $*"
- shift
- rm -f options.awk
- : set up default values
- fastread=''
- reuseval=false
- config_sh=''
- alldone=''
- error=''
- silent=''
- extractsh=''
- : option parsing
- while test $# -gt 0; do
- case "$1" in
- -d) shift; fastread=yes;;
- -e) shift; alldone=cont;;
- -f)
- shift
- cd ..
- if test -r "$1"; then
- config_sh="$1"
- else
- echo "Configure: cannot read config file $1." >&2
- error=true
- fi
- cd UU
- shift;;
- -h) shift; error=true;;
- -r) shift; reuseval=true;;
- -s) shift; silent=true;;
- -E) shift; alldone=exit;;
- -S) shift; extractsh=true;;
- -V) echo "Configure generated by metaconfig 3.0 PL9." >&2
- exit 0;;
- --) break;;
- -*) echo "Configure: unknown option $1" >&2; shift; error=true;;
- *) break;;
- esac
- done
- case "$error" in
- true)
- cat >&2 <<EOM
- Usage: Configure [-dehrESV] [-f config.sh]
- -d : use defaults for all answers.
- -e : go on without questioning past the production of config.sh.
- -f : specify an alternate default configuration file.
- -h : print this help message and exit (with an error status).
- -r : reuse C symbols value if possible (skips costly nm extraction).
- -s : silent mode, only echoes questions and essential information.
- -E : stop at the end of questions, after having produced config.sh.
- -S : perform variable substitutions on all .SH files (can mix with -f)
- -V : print version number and exit (with a zero status).
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- exec 4>&1
- case "$silent" in
- true) exec 1>/dev/null;;
- esac
- case "$extractsh" in
- true)
- case "$config_sh" in
- '') config_sh='config.sh'; config='./config.sh';;
- /*) config="$config_sh";;
- *) config="./$config_sh";;
- esac
- echo " "
- echo "Fetching answers from $config_sh..."
- cd ..
- . $config
- echo " "
- . ./UU/extract
- rm -rf UU
- echo "Done."
- exit 0
- ;;
- esac
- : set package name
- package=mthreads
- first=`echo $package | sed -e 's/^\(.\).*/\1/'`
- last=`echo $package | sed -e 's/^.\(.*\)/\1/'`
- spackage=`echo $first | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`$last
- : Eunice requires " " instead of "", can you believe it
- echo " "
- : Here we go...
- echo "Beginning of configuration questions for $package."
- define='define'
- undef='undef'
- smallmach='pdp11 i8086 z8000 i80286 iAPX286'
- rmlist=''
- trap 'echo " "; rm -rf $rmlist; exit 1' 1 2 3 15
- : We must find out about Eunice early
- eunicefix=':'
- if test -f /etc/unixtovms; then
- eunicefix=/etc/unixtovms
- fi
- if test -f /etc/unixtovms.exe; then
- eunicefix=/etc/unixtovms.exe
- fi
- i_sysselct=''
- : change the next line if compiling for Xenix/286 on Xenix/386
- xlibpth='/usr/lib/386 /lib/386'
- : general looking path for locating libraries
- libpth='/usr/lib/large /lib '$xlibpth' /lib/large'
- libpth=$libpth' /usr/lib/small /lib/small'
- : no additional library wanted by default
- libswanted=''
- large=''
- inclwanted='/usr/include/NET-5000'
- libswanted='malloc bsd socket bsdipc sun net hdb bbn str inet nls nsl c_s intl x'
- : Some greps do not return status, grrr.
- echo "grimblepritz" >grimble
- if grep blurfldyick grimble >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- contains=contains
- elif grep grimblepritz grimble >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- contains=grep
- else
- contains=contains
- fi
- rm -f grimble
- : the following should work in any shell
- case "$contains" in
- contains*)
- echo " "
- echo "AGH! Grep doesn't return a status. Attempting remedial action."
- cat >contains <<'EOSS'
- grep "$1" "$2" >.greptmp && cat .greptmp && test -s .greptmp
- chmod +x contains
- esac
- : first determine how to suppress newline on echo command
- echo " "
- echo "Checking echo to see how to suppress newlines..."
- (echo "hi there\c" ; echo " ") >.echotmp
- if $contains c .echotmp >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "...using -n."
- n='-n'
- c=''
- else
- cat <<'EOM'
- ...using \c
- n=''
- c='\c'
- fi
- echo $n "The star should be here-->$c"
- echo '*'
- rm -f .echotmp
- : Now test for existence of everything in MANIFEST
- echo " "
- if test -f ../MANIFEST; then
- echo "First let's make sure your kit is complete. Checking..." >&4
- awk '$1 !~ /PACK[A-Z]+/ {print $1}' ../MANIFEST | split -50
- rm -f missing
- for filelist in x??; do
- (cd ..; ls `cat UU/$filelist` >/dev/null 2>>UU/missing)
- done
- if test -s missing; then
- cat missing >&4
- cat >&4 <<'EOM'
- You have the option of continuing the configuration process, despite the
- distinct possibility that your kit is damaged, by typing 'y'es. If you
- do, don't blame me if something goes wrong. I advise you to type 'n'o
- and contact the author (davison@borland.com).
- echo $n "Continue? [n] $c" >&4
- read ans
- case "$ans" in
- y*)
- echo "Continuing..." >&4
- rm -f missing
- ;;
- *)
- echo "ABORTING..." >&4
- kill $$
- ;;
- esac
- else
- echo "Looks good..." >&4
- fi
- else
- echo "There is no MANIFEST file. I hope your kit is complete !"
- fi
- rm -f missing x??
- : compute the number of columns on the terminal for proper question formatting
- case "$COLUMNS" in
- '') COLUMNS='80';;
- esac
- : set up the echo used in my read
- myecho="case \"\$xxxm\" in
- '') echo $n \"\$rp $c\" >&4;;
- *) case \"\$rp\" in
- '') echo $n \"[\$xxxm] $c\";;
- *)
- if test \`echo \"\$rp [\$xxxm] \" | wc -c\` -ge $COLUMNS; then
- echo \"\$rp\" >&4
- echo $n \"[\$xxxm] $c\" >&4
- else
- echo $n \"\$rp [\$xxxm] $c\" >&4
- fi
- ;;
- esac;;
- esac"
- : now set up to do reads with possible shell escape and default assignment
- cat <<EOSC >myread
- xxxm=\$dflt
- $myecho
- ans='!'
- case "\$fastread" in
- yes) case "\$dflt" in
- '') ;;
- *) ans='';
- case "\$silent-\$rp" in
- true-) ;;
- *) echo " " >&4;;
- esac;;
- esac;;
- *) case "\$silent" in
- true) case "\$rp" in
- '') ans='';;
- esac;;
- esac;;
- esac
- while expr "X\$ans" : "X!" >/dev/null; do
- read answ
- set x \$xxxm
- shift
- aok=''; eval "ans=\"\$answ\"" && aok=y
- case "\$answ" in
- "\$ans")
- case "\$ans" in
- "!")
- sh 1>&4
- echo " "
- $myecho
- ;;
- !*)
- set x \`expr "X\$ans" : "X!\(.*\)\$"\`
- shift
- sh 1>&4 -c "\$*"
- echo " "
- $myecho
- ;;
- esac;;
- *)
- case "\$aok" in
- y)
- echo "*** Substitution done -- please confirm."
- xxxm="\$ans"
- ans=\`echo $n "\$ans$c" | tr '\012' ' '\`
- xxxm="\$ans"
- ans=!
- ;;
- *)
- echo "*** Error -- try again."
- ans=!
- ;;
- esac
- $myecho
- ;;
- esac
- case "\$ans\$xxxm\$nostick" in
- '')
- ans=!
- $myecho
- ;;
- esac
- done
- case "\$ans" in
- '') ans="\$xxxm";;
- esac
- : create .config dir to save info across Configure sessions
- test -d ../.config || mkdir ../.config
- cat >../.config/README <<EOF
- This directory created by Configure to save information that should
- persist across sessions.
- You may safely delete it if you wish.
- : general instructions
- needman=true
- firsttime=true
- user=`( (logname) 2>/dev/null || whoami) 2>&1`
- if $contains "^$user\$" ../.config/instruct >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- firsttime=false
- echo " "
- rp='Would you like to see the instructions?'
- dflt=n
- . ./myread
- case "$ans" in
- [yY]*) ;;
- *) needman=false;;
- esac
- fi
- if $needman; then
- cat <<EOH
- This installation shell script will examine your system and ask you questions
- to determine how the mthreads package should be installed. If you get
- stuck on a question, you may use a ! shell escape to start a subshell or
- execute a command. Many of the questions will have default answers in square
- brackets; typing carriage return will give you the default.
- On some of the questions which ask for file or directory names you are allowed
- to use the ~name construct to specify the login directory belonging to "name",
- even if you don't have a shell which knows about that. Questions where this is
- allowed will be marked "(~name ok)".
- rp=''
- dflt='Type carriage return to continue'
- . ./myread
- cat <<'EOH'
- The prompter used in this script allows you to use shell variables and
- backticks in your answers. You may use $1, $2, etc... to refer to the words
- in the default answer, as if the default line was a set of arguments given to a
- script shell. This means you may also use $* to repeat the whole default line,
- so you do not have to re-type everything to add something to the default.
- Everytime there is a substitution, you will have to confirm. If there is an
- error (e.g. an unmatched backtick), the default answer will remain unchanged
- and you will be prompted again.
- If you are in a hurry, you may run 'Configure -d'. This will bypass nearly all
- the questions and use the computed defaults (or the previous answers if there
- was already a config.sh file). Type 'Configure -h' for a list of options.
- . ./myread
- cat <<EOH
- Much effort has been expended to ensure that this shell script will run on any
- Unix system. If despite that it blows up on yours, your best bet is to edit
- Configure and run it again. Also, let me (davison@borland.com)
- know how I blew it. If you can't run Configure for some reason, you'll have to
- generate a config.sh file by hand.
- This installation script affects things in two ways:
- 1) it may do direct variable substitutions on some of the files included
- in this kit.
- 2) it builds a config.h file for inclusion in C programs. You may edit
- any of these files as the need arises after running this script.
- If you make a mistake on a question, there is no easy way to back up to it
- currently. The easiest thing to do is to edit config.sh and rerun all the SH
- files. Configure will offer to let you do this before it runs the SH files.
- dflt='Type carriage return to continue'
- . ./myread
- case "$firsttime" in
- true) echo $user >>../.config/instruct;;
- esac
- fi
- : see if sh knows # comments
- echo " "
- echo "Checking your sh to see if it knows about # comments..." >&4
- if sh -c '#' >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "Your sh handles # comments correctly."
- shsharp=true
- spitshell=cat
- echo " "
- echo "Okay, let's see if #! works on this system..."
- echo "#!/bin/cat" >try
- $eunicefix try
- chmod +x try
- ./try > today
- if test -s today; then
- echo "It does."
- sharpbang='#!'
- else
- echo "#! /bin/cat" > try
- $eunicefix try
- chmod +x try
- ./try > today
- if test -s today; then
- echo "It does."
- sharpbang='#! '
- else
- echo "It's just a comment."
- sharpbang=': use '
- fi
- fi
- else
- echo "Your sh doesn't grok # comments--I will strip them later on."
- shsharp=false
- echo "exec grep -v '^[ ]*#'" >spitshell
- chmod +x spitshell
- $eunicefix spitshell
- spitshell=`pwd`/spitshell
- echo "I presume that if # doesn't work, #! won't work either!"
- sharpbang=': use '
- fi
- rm -f try today
- : figure out how to guarantee sh startup
- echo " "
- echo "Checking out how to guarantee sh startup..." >&4
- case "$SYSTYPE" in
- *bsd*|sys5*) startsh=$sharpbang"/$SYSTYPE/bin/sh";;
- *) startsh=$sharpbang'/bin/sh';;
- esac
- echo "Let's see if '$startsh' works..."
- cat >try <<EOSS
- $startsh
- set abc
- test "$?abc" != 1
- chmod +x try
- $eunicefix try
- if ./try; then
- echo "Yup, it does."
- else
- echo "Nope. You may have to fix up the shell scripts to make sure sh runs them."
- fi
- rm -f try
- : find out where common programs are
- echo " "
- echo "Locating common programs..." >&4
- cat <<EOSC >loc
- $startsh
- case \$# in
- 0) exit 1;;
- esac
- thing=\$1
- shift
- dflt=\$1
- shift
- for dir in \$*; do
- case "\$thing" in
- .)
- if test -d \$dir/\$thing; then
- echo \$dir
- exit 0
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- if test -f \$dir/\$thing; then
- echo \$dir/\$thing
- exit 0
- elif test -f \$dir/\$thing.exe; then
- : on Eunice apparently
- echo \$dir/\$thing
- exit 0
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- echo \$dflt
- exit 1
- chmod +x loc
- $eunicefix loc
- loclist="
- awk
- cat
- echo
- expr
- grep
- mkdir
- mv
- rm
- sed
- sort
- tr
- uniq
- "
- trylist="
- Mcc
- cpp
- date
- egrep
- nroff
- test
- uname
- "
- pth=`echo $PATH | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
- pth="$pth /lib /usr/lib"
- for file in $loclist; do
- xxx=`./loc $file $file $pth`
- eval $file=$xxx
- eval _$file=$xxx
- case "$xxx" in
- /*)
- echo $file is in $xxx.
- ;;
- *)
- echo "I don't know where $file is. I hope it's in everyone's PATH."
- ;;
- esac
- done
- echo " "
- echo "Don't worry if any of the following aren't found..."
- say=offhand
- for file in $trylist; do
- xxx=`./loc $file $file $pth`
- eval $file=$xxx
- eval _$file=$xxx
- case "$xxx" in
- /*)
- echo $file is in $xxx.
- ;;
- *)
- echo "I don't see $file out there, $say."
- say=either
- ;;
- esac
- done
- case "$egrep" in
- egrep)
- echo "Substituting grep for egrep."
- egrep=$grep
- ;;
- esac
- case "$test" in
- test)
- echo "Hopefully test is built into your sh."
- ;;
- *)
- if sh -c "PATH= test true" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "Using the test built into your sh."
- test=test
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- case "$echo" in
- echo)
- echo "Hopefully echo is built into your sh."
- ;;
- *)
- echo " "
- echo "Checking compatibility between $echo and builtin echo (if any)..." >&4
- $echo $n "hi there$c" >foo1
- echo $n "hi there$c" >foo2
- if cmp foo1 foo2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "They are compatible. In fact, they may be identical."
- else
- case "$n" in
- '-n') n='' c='\c';;
- *) n='-n' c='';;
- esac
- cat <<FOO
- They are not compatible! You are probably running ksh on a non-USG system.
- I'll have to use $echo instead of the builtin, since Bourne shell doesn't
- have echo built in and we may have to run some Bourne shell scripts. That
- means I'll have to use '$n$c' to suppress newlines now. Life is ridiculous.
- $echo $n "The star should be here-->$c"
- $echo "*"
- fi
- $rm -f foo1 foo2
- ;;
- esac
- : Try to determine whether config.sh was made on this system
- case "$config_sh" in
- '')
- myuname=`( ($uname -a) 2>/dev/null || hostname) 2>&1`
- dflt=n
- if test "$fastread" = yes; then
- dflt=y
- elif test -f ../config.sh; then
- oldmyuname=''
- if $contains myuname= ../config.sh >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval "old`grep myuname= ../config.sh`"
- fi
- if test "X$myuname" = "X$oldmyuname"; then
- dflt=y
- fi
- fi
- : Get old answers from old config file if Configure was run on the
- : same system, otherwise use the hints.
- hint=default
- cd ..
- if test -f config.sh; then
- echo " "
- rp="I see a config.sh file. Do you want to use it to set the defaults?"
- . UU/myread
- case "$ans" in
- n*|N*) echo "OK, I'll ignore it."; mv config.sh config.sh.old;;
- *) echo "Fetching default answers from your old config.sh file..." >&4
- tmp="$n"
- tans="$c"
- . ./config.sh
- cp config.sh UU
- n="$tmp"
- c="$tans"
- hint=previous
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- if test ! -f config.sh; then
- $cat <<EOM
- First time through, eh? I have some defaults handy for the following systems:
- cd hints; ls -C *.sh | $sed 's/\.sh/ /g' >&4
- dflt=''
- : Half the following guesses are probably wrong... If you have better
- : tests or hints, please send them to davison@borland.com
- : The metaconfig authors would also appreciate a copy...
- $test -f /vmunix && $test -f /usr/convex/spucmd && dflt="$dflt convexos"
- $test -f /irix && dflt="$dflt sgi"
- $test -f /xenix && dflt="$dflt sco_xenix"
- $test -f /dynix && dflt="$dflt dynix"
- $test -f /bin/mips && /bin/mips && dflt="$dflt mips"
- $test -d /NextApps && test -f /usr/adm/software_version && dflt="$dflt next"
- if $test -f $uname; then
- set `$uname -a | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
- $test -f $5.sh && dflt="$dflt $5"
- case "$5" in
- mips*) dflt="$dflt mips";;
- [23]100) dflt="$dflt mips";;
- next*) dflt="$dflt next" ;;
- esac
- case "$1" in
- aix) dflt="$dflt aix_rs" ;;
- sunos) case "$3" in
- 4.1*) dflt="$dflt sunos_4_1" ;;
- esac
- ;;
- dgux) dflt="$dflt dgux" ;;
- hp*ux) dflt="$dflt hpux" ;;
- next) dflt="$dflt next" ;;
- irix) dflt="$dflt sgi" ;;
- convexos) dflt="$dflt convexos";;
- $2) if $test -f /usr/lib/sysadm/sysadm.menu; then
- if $test ! -f /etc/copyrights/01.sco; then
- set 3 2 0
- else
- set `uname -X 2>&1 | grep Release`
- if test "x$1" != "xRelease"; then
- set 3 2 1
- else
- set `echo $3 | sed 's/[^0-9]/ /g'`
- fi
- fi
- if $test -f sco_$1_$2_$3.sh; then
- dflt="$dflt sco_$1_$2_$3"
- elif $test -f sco_$1_$2.sh; then
- dflt="$dflt sco_$1_$2"
- elif $test -f sco_$1.sh; then
- dflt="$dflt sco_$1"
- fi
- fi ;;
- esac
- fi
- set X `echo $dflt | tr ' ' '\012' | sort | uniq`
- shift
- dflt=''
- for file in $*; do
- if $test -f "$file.sh"; then
- dflt="$dflt $file"
- fi
- done
- set X $dflt
- shift
- dflt=${1+"$@"}
- case "$dflt" in
- '') dflt=none;;
- esac
- $cat <<EOM
- You may give one or more space-separated answers, or "none" if appropriate.
- If your OS version has no hints, DO NOT give a wrong version -- say "none".
- rp="Which of these apply, if any?"
- . ../UU/myread
- for file in $ans; do
- if $test -f $file.sh; then
- . ./$file.sh
- $cat $file.sh >> ../UU/config.sh
- elif $test X$ans = X -o X$ans = Xnone ; then
- :
- else
- echo "$file.sh does not exist -- ignored"
- fi
- done
- hint=recommended
- cd ..
- fi
- cd UU
- ;;
- *)
- echo " "
- echo "Fetching default answers from $config_sh..." >&4
- tmp="$n"
- tans="$c"
- cd ..
- cp $config_sh config.sh 2>/dev/null
- . ./config.sh
- cd UU
- cp ../config.sh .
- n="$tmp"
- c="$tans"
- hint=previous
- ;;
- esac
- : Restore computed paths
- for file in $loclist $trylist; do
- eval $file="\$_$file"
- done
- : who configured the system
- cf_time=`$date 2>&1`
- cf_by=`( (logname) 2>/dev/null || whoami) 2>&1`
- : set up shell script to do ~ expansion
- cat >filexp <<EOSS
- $startsh
- : expand filename
- case "\$1" in
- ~/*|~)
- echo \$1 | $sed "s|~|\${HOME-\$LOGDIR}|"
- ;;
- ~*)
- if $test -f /bin/csh; then
- /bin/csh -f -c "glob \$1"
- failed=$?
- echo ""
- exit \$failed
- else
- name=\`$expr x\$1 : '..\([^/]*\)'\`
- dir=\`$sed -n -e "/^\${name}:/{s/^[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:\([^:]*\).*"'\$'"/\1/" -e p -e q -e '}' </etc/passwd\`
- if $test ! -d "\$dir"; then
- me=\`basename \$0\`
- echo "\$me: can't locate home directory for: \$name" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- case "\$1" in
- */*)
- echo \$dir/\`$expr x\$1 : '..[^/]*/\(.*\)'\`
- ;;
- *)
- echo \$dir
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- echo \$1
- ;;
- esac
- chmod +x filexp
- $eunicefix filexp
- : check if NNTP is to be used
- case "$d_nntp" in
- "$define") dflt="y";;
- *) dflt="n";;
- esac
- $echo " "
- rp="Do you want mthreads to access news via NNTP?"
- . myread
- case "$ans" in
- n*) d_nntp="$undef";;
- y*) d_nntp="$define"
- newsspool=/tmp
- $echo "net.foobar 00001 00001 y" > .falseactive
- case "$servername" in
- '') dflt="no default" ;;
- *) dflt="$servername";;
- esac
- $cat <<EOM
- $spackage needs to know what machine you wish to use as a news server. You
- can specify a machine name directly, or a filename from which to read
- the name (start the name with a slash or a tilde to distinguish it).
- Note also that the environment variable NNTPSERVER can be used to
- override this default setting.
- rp="Enter a file name (~name ok) or machine name:"
- . myread
- ans=`./filexp "$ans"`
- case "$ans" in
- /*) if $test ! -f $ans; then
- $echo "(You'll need to create $ans before $package will work.)"
- fi;;
- esac
- servername="$ans"
- esac
- : decide how portable to be
- case "$d_portable" in
- "$define") dflt=y;;
- *) dflt=n;;
- esac
- $cat <<'EOH'
- I can set things up so that your shell scripts and binaries are more portable,
- at what may be a noticable cost in performance. In particular, if you
- ask to be portable, the following happens:
- 1) Shell scripts will rely on the PATH variable rather than using
- the paths derived above.
- 2) ~username interpretations will be done at run time rather than
- by Configure.
- rp="Do you expect to run these scripts and binaries on multiple machines?"
- . ./myread
- case "$ans" in
- y*) d_portable="$define"
- for file in $loclist; do
- eval $file=$file
- done
- ;;
- *) d_portable="$undef" ;;
- esac
- : now set up to get a file name
- cat <<'EOSC' >getfile
- tilde=''
- fullpath=''
- already=''
- skip=''
- none_ok=''
- exp_file=''
- orig_rp="$rp"
- orig_dflt="$dflt"
- case "$fn" in
- *~*) tilde=true;;
- esac
- case "$fn" in
- */*) fullpath=true;;
- esac
- case "$fn" in
- *+*) skip=true;;
- esac
- case "$fn" in
- *n*) none_ok=true;;
- esac
- case "$fn" in
- *e*) exp_file=true;;
- esac
- case "$fn" in
- *f*) type='File';;
- *d*) type='Directory';;
- *l*) type='Locate'; fn=`expr $fn : '.*:\(.*\)'`;;
- esac
- what="$type"
- case "$what" in
- Locate) what='File';;
- esac
- case "$exp_file" in
- '')
- case "$d_portable" in
- "$define") ;;
- *) exp_file=true;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- cd ..
- while test "$type"; do
- redo=''
- rp="$orig_rp"
- dflt="$orig_dflt"
- case "$tilde" in
- true) rp="$rp (~name ok)";;
- esac
- . UU/myread
- case "$ans" in
- none)
- value=''
- ansexp=''
- case "$none_ok" in
- true) type='';;
- esac
- ;;
- *)
- case "$tilde" in
- '') value="$ans"
- ansexp="$ans";;
- *)
- value=`UU/filexp $ans`
- case $? in
- 0)
- if test "$ans" != "$value"; then
- echo "(That is $value on this particular system.)"
- fi
- ;;
- *) value="$ans";;
- esac
- ansexp="$value"
- case "$exp_file" in
- '') value="$ans";;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- case "$fullpath" in
- true)
- case "$ansexp" in
- /*) value="$ansexp" ;;
- *)
- redo=true
- case "$already" in
- true)
- echo "I shall only accept a full path name, as in /bin/ls." >&4
- echo "Use a ! shell escape if you wish to check pathnames." >&4
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Please give a full path name, starting with slash." >&4
- case "$tilde" in
- true)
- echo "Note that using ~name is ok provided it expands well." >&4
- already=true
- ;;
- esac
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- case "$redo" in
- '')
- case "$type" in
- File)
- if test -f "$ansexp"; then
- type=''
- elif test -r "$ansexp" || (test -h "$ansexp") >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "($value is not a plain file, but that's ok.)"
- type=''
- fi
- ;;
- Directory)
- if test -d "$ansexp"; then
- type=''
- fi
- ;;
- Locate)
- if test -d "$value"; then
- echo "(Looking for $fn in directory $value.)"
- value="$value/$fn"
- fi
- if test -f "$value"; then
- type=''
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- case "$skip" in
- true) type='';
- esac
- case "$type" in
- '') ;;
- *)
- if test "$fastread" = yes; then
- dflt=y
- else
- dflt=n
- fi
- rp="$what $value doesn't exist. Use that name anyway?"
- . UU/myread
- dflt=''
- case "$ans" in
- y*) type='';;
- *) echo " ";;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- done
- cd UU
- ans="$value"
- rp="$orig_rp"
- dflt="$orig_dflt"
- : figure out news library
- case "$d_nntp" in
- define) newslib=/tmp
- newslibexp=/tmp
- ;;
- *) case "$newslib" in
- '') dflt=/usr/lib/news;;
- *) dflt=$newslib;;
- esac
- $echo " "
- fn=d~
- rp='Where is the news library directory?'
- . ./getfile
- newslib="$ans"
- newslibexp=`./filexp $newslib`
- esac
- : locate active file and active.times file
- $echo " "
- case "$d_nntp" in
- define) active=none
- myactive=.falseactive
- : check for active.times
- case "$acttimes" in
- ''|none) dflt="n";;
- *) dflt="y";;
- esac
- cat <<'EOM'
- If your server maintains an accurate "active.times" file, trn can make use
- of the NEWGROUPS call in NNTP to find new groups instead of using the old
- method of adding all groups not listed in your .newsrc. If you aren't sure,
- guess and see if you get notified of the new groups as they are created.
- rp="Does your server support a reliable NEWGROUPS call?"
- . ./myread
- case "$ans" in
- y*) acttimes="nntp" d_acttimes="$define";;
- *) acttimes='none' d_acttimes="$undef";;
- esac
- ;;
- *) case "$active" in
- '') dflt=$newslib/active ;;
- *) dflt="$active";;
- esac
- fn=l~:active
- rp='Where is the active file?'
- . ./getfile
- active="$ans"
- myactive=`./filexp $active`
- : check for active.times
- case "$acttimes" in
- ''|nntp) dflt="${active}.times";;
- *) dflt="$acttimes";;
- esac
- $cat <<'EOM'
- If your news system maintains an "active.times" file, trn can use it for a
- fast new-group check. If it's not around, answer "none" and the active
- file will be scanned for new groups when it changes size.
- fn=ln~:active.times
- rp='The full pathname of active.times or "none"?'
- . ./getfile
- acttimes="$ans"
- case "$acttimes" in
- '') acttimes=none d_acttimes="$undef";;
- *) d_acttimes="$define";;
- esac
- esac
- : determine where manual pages are on this system
- echo " "
- case "$sysman" in
- '')
- syspath='/usr/man/man1 /usr/man/man1 /usr/man/mann'
- syspath="$syspath /usr/man/manl /usr/man/local/man1"
- syspath="$syspath /usr/man/u_man/man1 /usr/share/man/man1"
- syspath="$syspath /usr/catman/u_man/man1 /usr/man/l_man/man1"
- syspath="$syspath /usr/local/man/u_man/man1 /usr/local/man/l_man/man1"
- syspath="$syspath /usr/man/man.L /local/man/man1"
- sysman=`./loc . $syspath`
- ;;
- esac
- if $test -d "$sysman"; then
- echo "System manual is in $sysman." >&4
- else
- echo "Could not find manual pages in source form." >&4
- fi
- : make some quick guesses about what we are up against
- echo " "
- $echo $n "Hmm... $c"
- echo exit 1 >bsd
- echo exit 1 >usg
- echo exit 1 >v7
- echo exit 1 >osf1
- echo exit 1 >eunice
- echo exit 1 >xenix
- echo exit 1 >venix
- $cat /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/sys/signal.h >foo 2>/dev/null
- if test -f /osf_boot || $contains 'OSF/1' /usr/include/ctype.h >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "Looks kind of like an OSF/1 system, but we'll see..."
- echo exit 0 >osf1
- elif test `echo abc | tr a-z A-Z` = Abc ; then
- xxx=`./loc addbib blurfl $pth`
- if $test -f $xxx; then
- echo "Looks kind of like a USG system with BSD features, but we'll see..."
- echo exit 0 >bsd
- echo exit 0 >usg
- else
- if $contains SIGTSTP foo >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "Looks kind of like an extended USG system, but we'll see..."
- else
- echo "Looks kind of like a USG system, but we'll see..."
- fi
- echo exit 0 >usg
- fi
- d_bsd="$undef"
- elif $contains SIGTSTP foo >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "Looks kind of like a BSD system, but we'll see..."
- d_bsd="$define"
- echo exit 0 >bsd
- else
- echo "Looks kind of like a Version 7 system, but we'll see..."
- d_bsd="$undef"
- echo exit 0 >v7
- fi
- case "$eunicefix" in
- *unixtovms*)
- $cat <<'EOI'
- There is, however, a strange, musty smell in the air that reminds me of
- something...hmm...yes...I've got it...there's a VMS nearby, or I'm a Blit.
- echo exit 0 >eunice
- d_eunice="$define"
- : it so happens the Eunice I know will not run shell scripts in Unix format
- ;;
- *)
- echo " "
- echo "Congratulations. You aren't running Eunice."
- d_eunice="$undef"
- ;;
- esac
- if test -f /xenix; then
- echo "Actually, this looks more like a XENIX system..."
- echo exit 0 >xenix
- d_xenix="$define"
- else
- echo " "
- echo "It's not Xenix..."
- d_xenix="$undef"
- fi
- chmod +x xenix
- $eunicefix xenix
- if test -f /venix; then
- echo "Actually, this looks more like a VENIX system..."
- echo exit 0 >venix
- else
- echo " "
- if xenix; then
- : null
- else
- echo "Nor is it Venix..."
- fi
- fi
- chmod +x bsd usg v7 osf1 eunice xenix venix
- $eunicefix bsd usg v7 osf1 eunice xenix venix
- $rm -f foo
- : see if we need a special compiler
- echo " "
- if usg; then
- case "$cc" in
- '') case "$Mcc" in
- /*) dflt='Mcc';;
- *) case "$large" in
- -M*) dflt='cc';;
- *) if $contains '\-M' $sysman/cc.1 >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- if $contains '\-M' $sysman/cpp.1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- dflt='cc'
- else
- dflt='cc -M'
- fi
- else
- dflt='cc'
- fi;;
- esac;;
- esac;;
- *) dflt="$cc";;
- esac
- $cat <<'EOM'
- On some systems the default C compiler will not resolve multiple global
- references that happen to have the same name. On some such systems the "Mcc"
- command may be used to force these to be resolved. On other systems a "cc -M"
- command is required. (Note that the -M flag on other systems indicates a
- memory model to use!) If you have the Gnu C compiler, you might wish to use
- that instead.
- rp="What command will force resolution on this system?"
- . ./myread
- cc="$ans"
- else
- case "$cc" in
- '') dflt=cc;;
- *) dflt="$cc";;
- esac
- rp="Use which C compiler?"
- . ./myread
- cc="$ans"
- fi
- case "$cc" in
- gcc*) cpp=`./loc gcc-cpp $cpp $pth`;;
- esac
- : What should the include directory be ?
- echo " "
- $echo $n "Hmm... $c"
- case "$usrinc" in
- '') dflt='/usr/include';;
- *) dflt=$usrinc;;
- esac
- incpath=''
- mips_type=''
- if $test -f /bin/mips && /bin/mips; then
- echo "Looks like a MIPS system..."
- $cat >usr.c <<'EOCP'
- #ifdef SYSTYPE_BSD43
- /bsd43
- #endif
- if $cc -E usr.c > usr.out && $contains / usr.out >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- dflt='/bsd43/usr/include'
- incpath='/bsd43'
- mips_type='BSD 4.3'
- else
- mips_type='System V'
- fi
- $rm -f usr.c usr.out
- echo "and you're compiling with the $mips_type compiler and libraries."
- else
- echo "Doesn't look like a MIPS system."
- echo "exit 1" >mips
- chmod +x mips
- $eunicefix mips
- fi
- echo " "
- fn=d/
- rp='Where are the include files you want to use?'
- . ./getfile
- usrinc="$ans"
- : Set private lib path
- case "$plibpth" in
- '') if mips; then
- plibpth="$incpath/usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/ccs/lib"
- else
- plibpth="/usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib /usr/ucblib /usr/local/lib"
- fi;;
- esac
- libpth="$plibpth $libpth"
- : Looking for optional libraries
- echo " "
- echo "Checking for optional libraries..." >&4
- case "$libs" in
- ' '|'') dflt='';;
- *) dflt="$libs";;
- esac
- case "$libswanted" in
- '') libswanted='c_s';;
- esac
- for thislib in $libswanted; do
- case "$thislib" in
- dbm) thatlib=ndbm;;
- *_s) thatlib=NONE;;
- *) thatlib="${thislib}_s";;
- *) thatlib=NONE;;
- esac
- yyy="$incpath/usr/ccs/lib $incpath/usr/lib $incpath/usr/ucblib"
- yyy="$yyy $incpath/usr/local/lib $incpath/lib"
- xxx=`./loc lib$thislib.a X $yyy`
- if $test -f $xxx; then
- echo "Found -l$thislib."
- case "$dflt" in
- *-l$thislib*|*-l$thatlib*);;
- *) dflt="$dflt -l$thislib";;
- esac
- else
- xxx=`./loc lib$thislib.a X $libpth`
- if $test -f $xxx; then
- echo "Found $xxx."
- case "$dflt" in
- *$xxx*);;
- *) dflt="$dflt $xxx";;
- esac
- else
- xxx=`./loc Slib$thislib.a X $xlibpth`
- if $test -f $xxx; then
- echo "Found -l$thislib."
- case "$dflt" in
- *-l$thislib*|*-l$thatlib*);;
- *) dflt="$dflt -l$thislib";;
- esac
- else
- echo "No -l$thislib."
- fi
- fi
- fi
- done
- set X $dflt
- shift
- dflt="$*"
- case "$libs" in
- '') dflt="$dflt";;
- *) dflt="$libs";;
- esac
- case "$dflt" in
- ' '|'') dflt='none';;
- esac
- $cat <<EOM
- Some versions of Unix support shared libraries, which make executables smaller
- but make load time slightly longer.
- On some systems, mostly newer Unix System V's, the shared library is included
- by putting the option "-lc_s" as the last thing on the cc command line when
- linking. Other systems use shared libraries by default. There may be other
- libraries needed to compile $package on your machine as well. If your system
- needs the "-lc_s" option, include it here. Include any other special libraries
- here as well. Say "none" for none.
- echo " "
- rp="Any additional libraries?"
- . ./myread
- case "$ans" in
- none) libs=' ';;
- *) libs="$ans";;
- esac
- usenm=true
- runnm=$usenm
- case "$reuseval" in
- true) runnm=false;;
- esac
- : nm options which may be necessary
- case "$nm_opt" in
- '') if $test -f /mach_boot; then
- nm_opt=''
- elif $test -d /usr/ccs/lib; then
- nm_opt='-p'
- elif $test -f /dgux; then
- nm_opt='-p'
- else
- nm_opt=''
- fi;;
- esac
- case "$runnm" in
- true)
- : get list of predefined functions in a handy place
- echo " "
- case "$libc" in
- '') libc=unknown
- case "$libs" in
- *-lc_s*) libc=`./loc libc_s.a $libc $libpth`
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- libpth="$plibpth $libpth"
- libnames='';
- case "$libs" in
- '') ;;
- *) for thislib in $libs; do
- case "$thislib" in
- -l*)
- thislib=`expr X$thislib : 'X-l\(.*\)'`
- try=`./loc lib$thislib.a blurfl/dyick $libpth`
- if test ! -f $try; then
- try=`./loc lib$thislib blurfl/dyick $libpth`
- if test ! -f $try; then
- try=`./loc $thislib blurfl/dyick $libpth`
- if test ! -f $try; then
- try=`./loc Slib$thislib.a blurfl/dyick $xlibpth`
- if test ! -f $try; then
- try=''
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- libnames="$libnames $try"
- ;;
- *) libnames="$libnames $thislib" ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
- xxx=normal
- case "$libc" in
- unknown)
- set /usr/ccs/lib/libc.so
- $test -r $1 || set /usr/lib/libc.so
- $test -r $1 || set /usr/shlib/libc.so
- $test -r $1 || set /usr/lib/libc.so.[0-9]*
- $test -r $1 || set /lib/libsys_s.a
- eval set \$$#
- ;;
- *)
- set blurfl
- ;;
- esac
- if $test -r "$1"; then
- echo "Your (shared) C library seems to be in $1."
- libc="$1"
- elif $test -r /lib/libc && $test -r /lib/clib; then
- echo "Your C library seems to be in both /lib/clib and /lib/libc."
- xxx=apollo
- libc='/lib/clib /lib/libc'
- if $test -r /lib/syslib; then
- echo "(Your math library is in /lib/syslib.)"
- libc="$libc /lib/syslib"
- fi
- elif $test -r "$libc" || (test -h "$libc") >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "Your C library seems to be in $libc, as you said before."
- elif $test -r $incpath/usr/lib/libc.a; then
- libc=$incpath/usr/lib/libc.a;
- echo "Your C library seems to be in $libc. That's fine."
- elif $test -r /lib/libc.a; then
- libc=/lib/libc.a;
- echo "Your C library seems to be in $libc. You're normal."
- else
- if tans=`./loc libc.a blurfl/dyick $libpth`; $test -r "$tans"; then
- :
- elif tans=`./loc libc blurfl/dyick $libpth`; $test -r "$tans"; then
- libnames="$libnames "`./loc clib blurfl/dyick $libpth`
- elif tans=`./loc clib blurfl/dyick $libpth`; $test -r "$tans"; then
- :
- elif tans=`./loc Slibc.a blurfl/dyick $xlibpth`; $test -r "$tans"; then
- :
- elif tans=`./loc Mlibc.a blurfl/dyick $xlibpth`; $test -r "$tans"; then
- :
- else
- tans=`./loc Llibc.a blurfl/dyick $xlibpth`
- fi
- if $test -r "$tans"; then
- echo "Your C library seems to be in $tans, of all places."
- libc=$tans
- else
- libc='blurfl'
- fi
- fi
- if $test $xxx = apollo -o -r "$libc" || (test -h "$libc") >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- dflt="$libc"
- cat <<EOM
- If the guess above is wrong (which it might be if you're using a strange
- compiler, or your machine supports multiple models), you can override it here.
- else
- dflt=''
- echo $libpth | tr ' ' '\012' | sort | uniq > libpath
- cat >&4 <<EOM
- I can't seem to find your C library. I've looked in the following places:
- $sed 's/^/ /' libpath
- cat <<EOM
- None of these seems to contain your C library. I need to get its name...
- fi
- fn=f
- rp='Where is your C library?'
- . ./getfile
- libc="$ans"
- echo " "
- echo $libc $libnames | tr ' ' '\012' | sort | uniq > libnames
- set X `cat libnames`
- shift
- xxx=files
- case $# in 1) xxx=file; esac
- echo "Extracting names from the following $xxx for later perusal:" >&4
- echo " "
- $sed 's/^/ /' libnames >&4
- echo " "
- $echo $n "This may take a while...$c" >&4
- nm $nm_opt $* 2>/dev/null >libc.tmp
- $echo $n ".$c"
- $grep fprintf libc.tmp > libc.ptf
- xscan='eval "<libc.ptf $com >libc.list"; $echo $n ".$c" >&4'
- xrun='eval "<libc.tmp $com >libc.list"; echo "done" >&4'
- if com="$sed -n -e 's/^.* [ADTS] *_[_.]*//p' -e 's/^.* [ADTS] //p'";\
- eval $xscan;\
- $contains '^fprintf$' libc.list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval $xrun
- elif com="$sed -n -e 's/^__*//' -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z_0-9$]*\).*xtern.*/\1/p'";\
- eval $xscan;\
- $contains '^fprintf$' libc.list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval $xrun
- elif com="$sed -n -e '/|UNDEF/d' -e '/FUNC..GL/s/^.*|__*//p'";\
- eval $xscan;\
- $contains '^fprintf$' libc.list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval $xrun
- elif com="$sed -n -e 's/^.* D __*//p' -e 's/^.* D //p'";\
- eval $xscan;\
- $contains '^fprintf$' libc.list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval $xrun
- elif com="$sed -n -e 's/^_//' -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z_0-9]*\).*xtern.*text.*/\1/p'";\
- eval $xscan;\
- $contains '^fprintf$' libc.list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval $xrun
- elif com="$sed -n -e 's/^.*|FUNC |GLOB .*|//p'";\
- eval $xscan;\
- $contains '^fprintf$' libc.list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval $xrun
- elif com="$grep '|' | $sed -n -e '/|COMMON/d' -e '/|DATA/d' \
- -e '/ file/d' -e 's/^\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'";\
- eval $xscan;\
- $contains '^fprintf$' libc.list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval $xrun
- elif com="$sed -n -e 's/^.*|FUNC |GLOB .*|//p' -e 's/^.*|FUNC |WEAK .*|//p'";\
- eval $xscan;\
- $contains '^fprintf$' libc.list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval $xrun
- elif com="$sed -n -e 's/^__//' -e '/|Undef/d' -e '/|Proc/s/ .*//p'";\
- eval $xscan;\
- $contains '^fprintf$' libc.list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval $xrun
- else
- nm -p $* 2>/dev/null >libc.tmp
- com="$sed -n -e 's/^.* [ADTS] *_[_.]*//p' -e 's/^.* [ADTS] //p'";\
- eval "<libc.tmp $com >libc.list"
- if $contains '^fprintf$' libc.list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- nm_opt='-p'
- echo "done" >&4
- else
- echo " "
- echo "nm didn't seem to work right. Trying ar instead..." >&4
- com=''
- if ar t $libc > libc.tmp; then
- for thisname in $libnames; do
- ar t $thisname >>libc.tmp
- done
- $sed -e 's/\.o$//' < libc.tmp > libc.list
- echo "Ok." >&4
- else
- echo "ar didn't seem to work right." >&4
- echo "Maybe this is a Cray...trying bld instead..." >&4
- if bld t $libc | $sed -e 's/.*\///' -e 's/\.o:.*$//' > libc.list; then
- for thisname in $libnames; do
- bld t $libnames | \
- $sed -e 's/.*\///' -e 's/\.o:.*$//' >>libc.list
- ar t $thisname >>libc.tmp
- done
- echo "Ok." >&4
- else
- echo "That didn't work either. Giving up." >&4
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- nm_extract="$com"
- if $test -f /lib/syscalls.exp; then
- echo " "
- echo "Also extracting names from /lib/syscalls.exp for good ole AIX..." >&4
- $sed -n 's/^\([^ ]*\)[ ]*syscall$/\1/p' /lib/syscalls.exp >>libc.list
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- $rm -f libnames libpath
- : determine optimize, if desired, or use for debug flag also
- case "$optimize" in
- ' ') dflt="none";;
- '') dflt="-O";;
- *) dflt="$optimize";;
- esac
- $cat <<EOH
- Some C compilers have problems with their optimizers, by default, $package
- compiles with the -O flag to use the optimizer. Alternately, you might want
- to use the symbolic debugger, which uses the -g flag (on traditional Unix
- systems). Either flag can be specified here. To use neither flag, specify
- the word "none".
- rp="What optimizer/debugger flag should be used?"
- . ./myread
- optimize="$ans"
- case "$optimize" in
- 'none') optimize=" ";;
- esac
- case "$ccflags" in
- '') case "$optimize" in
- *-g*) dflt="-DDEBUG";;
- *) dflt='';;
- esac
- case "$cc" in
- *gcc*) if test -d /etc/conf/kconfig.d &&
- $contains _POSIX_VERSION $usrinc/sys/unistd.h >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- dflt="$dflt -posix"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- *) dflt="$ccflags" ;;
- esac
- case "$mips_type" in
- *BSD*) ;;
- '') ;;
- *) inclwanted="$inclwanted $usrinc/bsd";;
- esac
- for thisincl in $inclwanted; do
- if $test -d $thisincl; then
- if $test x$thisincl != x$usrinc; then
- case "$dflt" in
- *$thisincl*);;
- *) dflt="$dflt -I$thisincl";;
- esac
- fi
- fi
- done
- inctest='if $contains $2 $usrinc/$1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- xxx=true;
- elif $contains $2 $usrinc/sys/$1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- xxx=true;
- else
- xxx=false;
- fi;
- if $xxx; then
- case "$dflt" in
- *$2*);;
- *) dflt="$dflt -D$2";;
- esac;
- fi'
- if ./osf1; then
- set signal.h __LANGUAGE_C__; eval $inctest
- else
- set signal.h LANGUAGE_C; eval $inctest
- fi
- set signal.h NO_PROTOTYPE; eval $inctest
- set signal.h _NO_PROTO; eval $inctest
- case "$dflt" in
- '') dflt=none;;
- esac
- $cat <<EOH
- Your C compiler may want other flags. For this question you should include
- -I/whatever and -DWHATEVER flags and any other flags used by the C compiler,
- but you should NOT include libraries or ld flags like -lwhatever. If you
- want $package to honor its debug switch, you should include -DDEBUG here.
- To use no flags, specify the word "none".
- set X $dflt
- shift
- dflt=${1+"$@"}
- rp="Any additional cc flags?"
- . ./myread
- case "$ans" in
- none) ccflags='';;
- *) ccflags="$ans";;
- esac
- : the following weeds options from ccflags that are of no interest to cpp
- cppflags="$ccflags"
- case "$mips_type" in
- '');;
- *BSD*) cppflags="$cppflags -DSYSTYPE_BSD43";;
- esac
- case "$cppflags" in
- '');;
- *) set X $cppflags
- cppflags=''
- for flag
- do
- case $flag in
- -D*|-I*|-traditional|-ansi|-nostdinc) cppflags="$cppflags $flag";;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
- : flags used in final linking phase
- case "$ldflags" in
- '') if venix; then
- dflt='-i -z'
- else
- dflt='none'
- fi
- ;;
- *) dflt="$ldflags";;
- esac
- echo " "
- rp="Any additional ld flags (NOT including libraries)?"
- . ./myread
- case "$ans" in
- none) ldflags='';;
- *) ldflags="$ans";;
- esac
- rmlist="$rmlist pdp11"
- : is a C symbol defined?
- csym='tlook=$1;
- case "$3" in
- -v) tf=libc.tmp; tc=""; tdc="";;
- -a) tf=libc.tmp; tc="[0]"; tdc=[];;
- *) tlook="^$1\$"; tf=libc.list; tc="()"; tdc="()";;
- esac;
- tx=yes;
- case "$reuseval-$4" in
- true-) ;;
- true-*) tx=no; eval "tval=\$$4"; case "$tval" in "") tx=yes;; esac;;
- esac;
- case "$tx" in
- yes)
- case "$runnm" in
- true)
- if $contains $tlook $tf >/dev/null 2>&1;
- then tval=true;
- else tval=false;
- fi;;
- *)
- echo "main() { extern int $1$tdc; printf(\"%d\", $1$tc); }" > t.c;
- if $cc $ccflags -o t t.c $ldflags $libs >/dev/null 2>&1;
- then tval=true;
- else tval=false;
- fi;
- $rm -f t t.c;;
- esac;;
- *)
- case "$tval" in
- $define) tval=true;;
- *) tval=false;;
- esac;;
- esac;
- eval "$2=$tval"'
- : set up the script used to warn in case of inconsistency
- cat <<'EOSC' >whoa
- dflt=y
- echo " "
- echo "*** WHOA THERE!!! ***" >&4
- echo " The $hint value for \$$var on this machine was \"$was\"!" >&4
- rp=" Keep the $hint value?"
- . ./myread
- case "$ans" in
- y) td=$was; tu=$was;;
- esac
- : define an is-in-libc? function
- inlibc='echo " "; td=$define; tu=$undef;
- sym=$1; var=$2; eval "was=\$$2";
- tx=yes;
- case "$reuseval$was" in
- true) ;;
- true*) tx=no;;
- esac;
- case "$tx" in
- yes)
- set $sym tres -f;
- eval $csym;
- case "$tres" in
- true)
- echo "$sym() found." >&4;
- case "$was" in $undef) . whoa; esac; eval "$var=\$td";;
- *)
- echo "$sym() NOT found." >&4;
- case "$was" in $define) . whoa; esac; eval "$var=\$tu";;
- esac;;
- *)
- case "$was" in
- $define) echo "$sym() found." >&4;;
- *) echo "$sym() NOT found." >&4;;
- esac;;
- esac'
- : see if chsize exists
- set chsize d_chsize
- eval $inlibc
- : see if ftruncate exists
- set ftruncate d_ftrncate
- eval $inlibc
- : see how we invoke the C preprocessor
- echo " "
- echo "Now, how can we feed standard input to your C preprocessor..." >&4
- cat <<'EOT' >testcpp.c
- #define ABC abc
- #define XYZ xyz
- cd ..
- echo 'cat >.$$.c; '"$cc"' -E ${1+"$@"} .$$.c; rm .$$.c' >cppstdin
- chmod 755 cppstdin
- wrapper=`pwd`/cppstdin
- cd UU
- if $test "X$cppstdin" != "X" && \
- $cppstdin $cppminus <testcpp.c >testcpp.out 2>&1 && \
- $contains 'abc.*xyz' testcpp.out >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "You used to use $cppstdin $cppminus so we'll use that again."
- elif $test "$cc" = gcc && \
- (echo "Using gcc, eh? We'll try to force gcc -E using a wrapper..."; \
- $wrapper <testcpp.c >testcpp.out 2>&1; \
- $contains 'abc.*xyz' testcpp.out >/dev/null 2>&1) ; then
- echo "Yup, we can."
- cppstdin="$wrapper"
- cppminus='';
- elif echo 'Maybe "'"$cc"' -E" will work...'; \
- $cc -E <testcpp.c >testcpp.out 2>&1; \
- $contains 'abc.*xyz' testcpp.out >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "Yup, it does."
- cppstdin="$cc -E"
- cppminus='';
- elif echo 'Nope...maybe "'"$cc"' -E -" will work...'; \
- $cc -E - <testcpp.c >testcpp.out 2>&1; \
- $contains 'abc.*xyz' testcpp.out >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "Yup, it does."
- cppstdin="$cc -E"
- cppminus='-';
- elif echo 'No such luck, maybe "'$cpp'" will work...'; \
- $cpp <testcpp.c >testcpp.out 2>&1; \
- $contains 'abc.*xyz' testcpp.out >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "It works!"
- cppstdin="$cpp"
- cppminus='';
- elif echo 'Nixed again...maybe "'$cpp' -" will work...'; \
- $cpp - <testcpp.c >testcpp.out 2>&1; \
- $contains 'abc.*xyz' testcpp.out >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "Hooray, it works! I was beginning to wonder."
- cppstdin="$cpp"
- cppminus='-';
- elif echo 'Nope...maybe "'"$cc"' -P" will work...'; \
- $cc -P <testcpp.c >testcpp.out 2>&1; \
- $contains 'abc.*xyz' testcpp.out >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "Yipee, that works!"
- cppstdin="$cc -P"
- cppminus='';
- elif echo 'Nope...maybe "'"$cc"' -P -" will work...'; \
- $cc -P - <testcpp.c >testcpp.out 2>&1; \
- $contains 'abc.*xyz' testcpp.out >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "At long last!"
- cppstdin="$cc -P"
- cppminus='-';
- elif echo 'Uh-uh. Time to get fancy. Trying a wrapper...'; \
- $wrapper <testcpp.c >testcpp.out 2>&1; \
- $contains 'abc.*xyz' testcpp.out >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- cppstdin="$wrapper"
- cppminus=''
- echo "Eureka!"
- else
- dflt=''
- rp="No dice. I can't find a C preprocessor. Name one:"
- . ./myread
- cppstdin="$ans"
- $cppstdin <testcpp.c >testcpp.out 2>&1
- if $contains 'abc.*xyz' testcpp.out >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "OK, that will do." >&4
- else
- echo "Sorry, I can't get that to work. Go find one and rerun Configure." >&4
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- case "$cppstdin" in
- "$wrapper") ;;
- *) $rm -f $wrapper;;
- esac
- $rm -f testcpp.c testcpp.out
- : determine filename position in cpp output
- echo " "
- echo "Computing filename position in cpp output for #include directives..." >&4
- echo '#include <stdio.h>' > foo.c
- $cat >fieldn <<EOF
- $startsh
- $cppstdin $cppminus $cppflags <foo.c 2>/dev/null | \
- $grep '^[ ]*#.*stdio\.h' | \
- while read cline; do
- pos=1
- set \$cline
- while $test \$# -gt 0; do
- if $test -r \`echo \$1 | $tr -d '"'\`; then
- echo "\$pos"
- exit 0
- fi
- shift
- pos=\`expr \$pos + 1\`
- done
- done
- chmod +x fieldn
- fieldn=`./fieldn`
- $rm -f foo.c fieldn
- case $fieldn in
- '') pos='???';;
- 1) pos=first;;
- 2) pos=second;;
- 3) pos=third;;
- *) pos="${fieldn}th";;
- esac
- echo "Your cpp writes the filename in the $pos field of the line."
- : locate header file
- $cat >findhdr <<EOF
- $startsh
- wanted=\$1
- name=''
- if test -f $usrinc/\$wanted; then
- echo "$usrinc/\$wanted"
- exit 0
- fi
- awkprg='{ print \$$fieldn }'
- echo "#include <\$wanted>" > foo\$\$.c
- $cppstdin $cppminus $cppflags < foo\$\$.c 2>/dev/null | \
- $grep "^[ ]*#.*\$wanted" | \
- while read cline; do
- name=\`echo \$cline | $awk "\$awkprg" | $tr -d '"'\`
- case "\$name" in
- */\$wanted) echo "\$name"; exit 0;;
- *) name='';;
- esac;
- done;
- $rm -f foo\$\$.c;
- case "\$name" in
- '') exit 1;;
- esac
- chmod +x findhdr
- : see if there are directory access routines out there
- echo " "
- if $test `./findhdr ndir.h` && \
- ( $test -r /usr/lib/libndir.a || $test -r /usr/local/lib/libndir.a ); then
- echo "Ndir library found." >&4
- if $test -r /usr/lib/libndir.a; then
- libndir='-lndir'
- else
- libndir="/usr/local/lib/libndir.a"
- fi
- d_libndir="$define"
- d_usendir="$undef"
- ndirc=''
- ndiro=''
- else
- libndir=''
- d_libndir="$undef"
- if set readdir val -f; eval $csym; $val; then
- echo "No ndir library found, but you have readdir() so we'll use that." >&4
- d_usendir="$undef"
- ndirc=''
- ndiro=''
- else
- echo "No ndir library found--using ./ndir.c." >&4
- d_usendir="$define"
- ndirc='ndir.c'
- ndiro='ndir.o'
- fi
- fi
- : see if memcmp exists
- set memcmp d_memcmp
- eval $inlibc
- : see if memcpy exists
- set memcpy d_memcpy
- eval $inlibc
- : see if memset exists
- set memset d_memset
- eval $inlibc
- : function used to set $1 to $val
- setvar='var=$1; eval "was=\$$1"; td=$define; tu=$undef;
- case "$val$was" in
- $define$undef) . whoa; eval "$var=\$td";;
- $undef$define) . whoa; eval "$var=\$tu";;
- *) eval "$var=$val";;
- esac'
- : see if we need -ljobs and if we have sigset, etc.
- echo " "
- if $test -r /usr/lib/libjobs.a || $test -r /usr/local/lib/libjobs.a ; then
- echo "Jobs library found." >&4
- val="$undef"
- jobslib='-ljobs'
- else
- if bsd; then
- echo "No jobs library found. (I suppose this is at least 4.2...)" >&4
- else
- echo "No jobs library found. (That's okay, we all have our faults.)" >&4
- fi
- val="$define"
- jobslib=''
- fi
- set d_normsig
- eval $setvar
- : check for void type
- echo " "
- $echo "Checking to see how well your C compiler groks the void type..."
- $cat >void.c <<'EOCP'
- void main(){;}
- if $cc -c void.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- d_novoid="$undef"
- $echo "Yup, it does."
- else
- d_novoid="$define"
- $echo "Nope, it doesn't (boo hiss). I will substitute int."
- fi
- $rm void.*
- : see if rename exists
- set rename d_rename
- eval $inlibc
- : see if sighold exists
- set sighold d_sighold
- eval $inlibc
- : see which of string.h or strings.h is needed
- echo " "
- strings=`./findhdr string.h`
- if $test "$strings" && $test -r "$strings"; then
- echo "Using <string.h> instead of <strings.h>." >&4
- val="$define"
- else
- val="$undef"
- strings=`./findhdr strings.h`
- if $test "$strings" && $test -r "$strings"; then
- echo "Using <strings.h> instead of <string.h>." >&4
- else
- echo "No string header found -- You'll surely have problems." >&4
- fi
- fi
- set i_string
- eval $setvar
- case "$i_string" in
- "$undef") strings=`./findhdr strings.h`;;
- *) strings=`./findhdr string.h`;;
- esac
- : index or strchr
- echo " "
- if set index val -f; eval $csym; $val; then
- if set strchr val -f d_strchr; eval $csym; $val; then
- if $contains strchr "$strings" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- val="$define"
- echo "strchr() found." >&4
- else
- val="$undef"
- echo "index() found." >&4
- fi
- else
- val="$undef"
- echo "index() found." >&4
- fi
- else
- if set strchr val -f d_strchr; eval $csym; $val; then
- val="$define"
- echo "strchr() found." >&4
- else
- echo "No index() or strchr() found!" >&4
- val="$undef"
- fi
- fi
- set d_strchr
- eval $setvar
- : check if syslog is available and desired
- if set syslog val -f; eval $csym; $val; then
- case "$d_syslog" in
- $define) dflt=y ;;
- *) dflt=n ;;
- esac
- $echo " "
- $echo "Mthreads can either use a custom log file or the syslog functions for"
- $echo "maintaining its log messages."
- rp="Would you prefer to use syslog?"
- . myread
- case $ans in
- n*) syslog=LOG_NEWS
- d_syslog="$undef"
- ;;
- *) case "$syslog" in
- LOG_*) dflt="$syslog" ;;
- *) dflt=LOG_NEWS ;;
- esac
- $cat <<'EOM'
- If your syslog has LOG_NEWS or LOG_DAEMON, you'll probably want to use
- one of these for your logging. If it doesn't, accept the default and
- we'll figure that out later.
- rp="Syslog priority to use?"
- . myread
- syslog="$ans"
- d_syslog="$define"
- ;;
- esac
- else
- syslog=LOG_NEWS
- d_syslog="$undef"
- fi
- : see if usleep exists
- set usleep d_usleep
- eval $inlibc
- : backward compatibility for d_hvfork
- if test X$d_hvfork != X; then
- d_vfork="$d_hvfork"
- d_hvfork=''
- fi
- : see if there is a vfork
- set vfork d_vfork
- eval $inlibc
- : preserve RCS keywords in files with variable substitution, grrr
- Id='$Id'
- Log='$Log'
- : is AFS running?
- echo " "
- if test -d /afs; then
- echo "AFS may be running... I'll be extra cautious then..." >&4
- afs=true
- else
- echo "AFS does not seem to be running..." >&4
- afs=false
- fi
- : determine where manual pages go
- $cat <<EOM
- $package has manual pages available in source form.
- case "$nroff" in
- nroff)
- echo "However, you don't have nroff, so they're probably useless to you."
- case "$mansrc" in
- '') mansrc="none";;
- esac;;
- esac
- echo "If you don't want the manual sources installed, answer 'none'."
- case "$mansrc" in
- '')
- lookpath='/usr/local/man/man1 /usr/local/man/man1 /usr/man/manl'
- lookpath="$lookpath /usr/man/local/man1 /usr/man/l_man/man1"
- lookpath="$lookpath /usr/local/man/u_man/man1 /usr/local/man/l_man/man1"
- lookpath="$lookpath /usr/man/man.L"
- mansrc=`./loc . $lookpath`
- if $test -d "$mansrc"; then
- dflt="$mansrc"
- else
- dflt="$sysman"
- fi
- ;;
- *) dflt="$mansrc"
- ;;
- esac
- echo " "
- fn=dn~
- rp='Where do the manual pages (source) go?'
- . ./getfile
- mansrc="$ans"
- mansrcexp="$ansexp"
- if $afs; then
- $cat <<EOM
- Since you are running AFS, I need to distinguish the directory in which
- manual pages reside from the directory in which they are installed (and from
- which they are presumably copied to the former directory by occult means).
- case "$installmansrc" in
- '') dflt=`echo $mansrcexp | sed 's#^/afs/#/afs/.#'`;;
- *) dflt="$installmansrc";;
- esac
- fn=de~
- rp='Where will man pages be installed?'
- . ./getfile
- installmansrc="$ans"
- else
- installmansrc="$mansrcexp"
- fi
- case "$mansrc" in
- '') manext='0';;
- *l) manext=l;;
- *n) manext=n;;
- *o) manext=l;;
- *p) manext=n;;
- *C) manext=C;;
- *L) manext=L;;
- *L1) manext=L1;;
- *L8) manext=L8;;
- *8) manext=8;;
- *) manext=1;;
- esac
- : determine where private executables go
- case "$privlib" in
- '') dflt=/usr/lib/$package
- $test -d /usr/local/lib && dflt=/usr/local/lib/$package
- $test -d /local/lib && dflt=/local/lib/$package ;;
- *) dflt="$privlib" ;;
- esac
- $cat <<EOM
- Mthreads and its support files should be installed into its own directory.
- If you like, you can choose the same directory as trn's private library
- files.
- fn=d~+
- rp='Pathname where mthreads and its files will reside?'
- . ./getfile
- privlib="$ans"
- privlibexp="$ansexp"
- if $afs; then
- $cat <<EOM
- Since you are running AFS, I need to distinguish the directory in which
- the files reside from the directory in which they are installed (and from
- which they are presumably copied to the former directory by occult means).
- case "$installprivlib" in
- '') dflt=`echo $privlibexp | sed 's#^/afs/#/afs/.#'`;;
- *) dflt="$installprivlib";;
- esac
- fn=de~
- rp='Where will mthreads and its files be installed?'
- . ./getfile
- installprivlib="$ans"
- else
- installprivlib="$privlibexp"
- fi
- : get news administrator name
- case "$newsadmin" in
- '')
- if $contains "^news:" /etc/passwd >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- dflt=news
- elif $contains "^usenet:" /etc/passwd >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- dflt=usenet
- elif eunice; then
- dflt=system
- else
- dflt=root
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- dflt="$newsadmin"
- ;;
- esac
- $cat <<'EOM'
- Many systems keep their news in a private directory, or have a non-superuser
- in charge of administering news. (If you don't have such a user, take the
- default answer.) I need the login name (not directory) which is used for
- news administration.
- rp="News admin login?"
- . ./myread
- newsadmin="$ans"
- case "$newsadmin" in
- root) val="$undef" ;;
- *) val="$define" ;;
- esac
- set d_newsadm
- eval $setvar
- : locate news spool directory
- if $test "X$d_nntp" = "X$define" ; then
- newsspool="/tmp"
- else
- case "$newsspool" in
- '') dflt=/usr/spool/news;;
- *) dflt="$newsspool";;
- esac
- $echo " "
- fn=d~
- rp='Where is news spooled?'
- . ./getfile
- newsspool="$ans"
- fi
- : see if signal is declared as pointer to function returning int or void
- echo " "
- xxx=`./findhdr signal.h`
- $test "$xxx" && $cppstdin $cppminus $cppflags < $xxx >$$.tmp 2>/dev/null
- if $contains 'int.*\*[ ]*signal' $$.tmp >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "You have int (*signal())() instead of void." >&4
- val="$undef"
- signal_t="int"
- elif $contains 'void.*\*[ ]*signal' $$.tmp >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "You have void (*signal())() instead of int." >&4
- val="$define"
- signal_t="void"
- elif $contains 'extern[ ]*[(\*]*signal' $$.tmp >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "You have int (*signal())() instead of void." >&4
- val="$undef"
- signal_t="int"
- else
- case "$d_voidsig" in
- '')
- echo "I can't determine whether signal handler returns void or int..." >&4
- dflt=void
- rp="What type does your signal handler returns?"
- . ./myread
- case "$ans" in
- void) val="$define"; signal_t="void";;
- *) val="$undef"; signal_t="int";;
- esac;;
- *) echo "As you already told me, signal handler returns $signal_t." >&4;;
- esac
- fi
- set d_voidsig
- eval $setvar
- $rm -f $$.tmp
- : check on .thread file placement
- case "$threaddir" in
- '') if $test "X$d_nntp" = "X$define" ; then
- dflt="/usr/spool/threads"
- else
- dflt="$newsspool"
- fi
- ;;
- *) dflt="$threaddir";;
- esac
- $echo " "
- $echo "$spackage needs to know the base directory for the thread files"
- $echo "on your system."
- rp="Where do thread files reside?"
- . ./myread
- threaddir="$ans"
- : see if this is a dirent system
- echo " "
- if xinc=`./findhdr dirent.h`; $test "$xinc"; then
- val="$define"
- echo "<dirent.h> found." >&4
- else
- val="$undef"
- if xinc=`./findhdr sys/dir.h`; $test "$xinc"; then
- echo "<sys/dir.h> found." >&4
- echo " "
- else
- xinc=`./findhdr sys/ndir.h`
- fi
- echo "<dirent.h> NOT found." >&4
- fi
- set i_dirent
- eval $setvar
- : define an alternate in-header-list? function
- inhdr='echo " "; td=$define; tu=$undef; yyy=$@;
- cont=true; xxf="echo \"<\$1> found.\" >&4";
- case $# in 2) xxnf="echo \"<\$1> NOT found.\" >&4";;
- *) xxnf="echo \"<\$1> NOT found, ...\" >&4";;
- esac;
- case $# in 4) instead=instead;; *) instead="at last";; esac;
- while $test "$cont"; do
- xxx=`./findhdr $1`
- var=$2; eval "was=\$$2";
- if $test "$xxx" && $test -r "$xxx";
- then eval $xxf;
- eval "case \"\$$var\" in $undef) . whoa; esac"; eval "$var=\$td";
- cont="";
- else eval $xxnf;
- eval "case \"\$$var\" in $define) . whoa; esac"; eval "$var=\$tu"; fi;
- set $yyy; shift; shift; yyy=$@;
- case $# in 0) cont="";;
- 2) xxf="echo \"but I found <\$1> $instead.\" >&4";
- xxnf="echo \"and I did not find <\$1> either.\" >&4";;
- *) xxf="echo \"but I found <\$1\> instead.\" >&4";
- xxnf="echo \"there is no <\$1>, ...\" >&4";;
- esac;
- done;
- while $test "$yyy";
- do set $yyy; var=$2; eval "was=\$$2";
- eval "case \"\$$var\" in $define) . whoa; esac"; eval "$var=\$tu";
- set $yyy; shift; shift; yyy=$@;
- done'
- : see if stdlib is available
- set stdlib.h i_stdlib
- eval $inhdr
- : see if this is an sysdir system
- set sys/dir.h i_sysdir
- eval $inhdr
- : see if this is an sysndir system
- set sys/ndir.h i_sysndir
- eval $inhdr
- : see if we should include time.h, sys/time.h, or both
- echo " "
- echo "Testing to see if we should include <time.h>, <sys/time.h> or both." >&4
- $echo $n "I'm now running the test program...$c"
- $cat >try.c <<'EOCP'
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #ifdef I_TIME
- #include <time.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef I_SYSTIME
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef I_SYSSELECT
- #include <sys/select.h>
- #endif
- main()
- {
- struct tm foo;
- #ifdef S_TIMEVAL
- struct timeval bar;
- #endif
- #ifdef S_TIMEZONE
- struct timezone tzp;
- #endif
- if (foo.tm_sec == foo.tm_sec)
- exit(0);
- #ifdef S_TIMEVAL
- if (bar.tv_sec == bar.tv_sec)
- exit(0);
- #endif
- exit(1);
- }
- flags=''
- for s_timezone in '-DS_TIMEZONE' ''; do
- sysselect=''
- for s_timeval in '-DS_TIMEVAL' ''; do
- for i_time in '' '-DI_TIME'; do
- for i_systime in '-DI_SYSTIME' ''; do
- case "$flags" in
- '') $echo $n ".$c"
- if $cc $ccflags \
- $i_time $i_systime $sysselect $s_timeval $s_timezone \
- try.c -o try >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- set X $i_time $i_systime $sysselect $s_timeval
- shift
- flags="$*"
- echo " "
- $echo $n "Succeeded with $flags$c"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- done
- done
- done
- echo " "
- case "$flags" in
- *I_TIME*) i_time="$define"
- echo "We'll include <time.h>." >&4;;
- *) i_time="$undef";;
- esac
- case "$flags" in
- *I_SYSTIME*) i_systime="$define"
- echo "We'll include <sys/time.h>." >&4;;
- *) i_systime="$undef";;
- esac
- $rm -f try.c try
- : see if this is a unistd.h system
- set unistd.h i_unistd
- eval $inhdr
- : see if this is a vfork system
- set vfork.h i_vfork
- eval $inhdr
- : end of configuration questions
- echo " "
- echo "End of configuration questions."
- echo " "
- : back to where it started
- if test -d ../UU; then
- mv filexp ..
- cd ..
- fi
- : configuration may be patched via a 'config.over' file
- if $test -f config.over; then
- echo " "
- dflt=y
- rp='I see a config.over file. Do you wish to load it?'
- . UU/myread
- case "$ans" in
- n*) echo "OK, I'll ignore it.";;
- *) . ./config.over
- echo "Configuration override changes have been loaded."
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- : create config.sh file
- echo " "
- echo "Creating config.sh..." >&4
- $spitshell <<EOT >config.sh
- $startsh
- #
- # This file was produced by running the Configure script. It holds all the
- # definitions figured out by Configure. Should you modify one of these values,
- # do not forget to propagate your changes by running "Configure -der". You may
- # instead choose to run each of the .SH files by yourself, or "Configure -S".
- #
- # Configuration time: $cf_time
- # Configured by: $cf_by
- # Target system: $myuname
- d_bsd='$d_bsd'
- d_eunice='$d_eunice'
- d_xenix='$d_xenix'
- eunicefix='$eunicefix'
- Mcc='$Mcc'
- awk='$awk'
- cat='$cat'
- cpp='$cpp'
- date='$date'
- echo='$echo'
- egrep='$egrep'
- expr='$expr'
- gcc='$gcc'
- grep='$grep'
- lint='$lint'
- mail='$mail'
- mkdir='$mkdir'
- mv='$mv'
- nroff='$nroff'
- rm='$rm'
- sed='$sed'
- sendmail='$sendmail'
- sort='$sort'
- test='$test'
- tr='$tr'
- uname='$uname'
- uniq='$uniq'
- uuname='$uuname'
- vi='$vi'
- hint='$hint'
- myuname='$myuname'
- Id='$Id'
- Log='$Log'
- active='$active'
- acttimes='$acttimes'
- d_acttimes='$d_acttimes'
- myactive='$myactive'
- afs='$afs'
- cc='$cc'
- ccflags='$ccflags'
- cppflags='$cppflags'
- ldflags='$ldflags'
- lkflags='$lkflags'
- optimize='$optimize'
- cf_by='$cf_by'
- cf_time='$cf_time'
- contains='$contains'
- cppminus='$cppminus'
- cppstdin='$cppstdin'
- d_chsize='$d_chsize'
- d_ftrncate='$d_ftrncate'
- d_memcmp='$d_memcmp'
- d_memcpy='$d_memcpy'
- d_memset='$d_memset'
- d_newsadm='$d_newsadm'
- newsadmin='$newsadmin'
- d_nntp='$d_nntp'
- servername='$servername'
- d_normsig='$d_normsig'
- jobslib='$jobslib'
- d_novoid='$d_novoid'
- void='$void'
- d_portable='$d_portable'
- d_rename='$d_rename'
- d_sighold='$d_sighold'
- d_strchr='$d_strchr'
- d_syslog='$d_syslog'
- syslog='$syslog'
- d_libndir='$d_libndir'
- d_usendir='$d_usendir'
- libndir='$libndir'
- ndirc='$ndirc'
- ndiro='$ndiro'
- d_usleep='$d_usleep'
- d_vfork='$d_vfork'
- d_voidsig='$d_voidsig'
- signal_t='$signal_t'
- d_dirnamlen='$d_dirnamlen'
- i_dirent='$i_dirent'
- i_stdlib='$i_stdlib'
- i_string='$i_string'
- strings='$strings'
- i_sysdir='$i_sysdir'
- i_sysndir='$i_sysndir'
- i_systime='$i_systime'
- i_time='$i_time'
- i_unistd='$i_unistd'
- i_vfork='$i_vfork'
- libc='$libc'
- plibpth='$plibpth'
- xlibpth='$xlibpth'
- libs='$libs'
- installmansrc='$installmansrc'
- manext='$manext'
- mansrc='$mansrc'
- mansrcexp='$mansrcexp'
- c='$c'
- n='$n'
- newslib='$newslib'
- newslibexp='$newslibexp'
- newsspool='$newsspool'
- package='$package'
- spackage='$spackage'
- installprivlib='$installprivlib'
- privlib='$privlib'
- privlibexp='$privlibexp'
- sharpbang='$sharpbang'
- shsharp='$shsharp'
- spitshell='$spitshell'
- startsh='$startsh'
- sysman='$sysman'
- threaddir='$threaddir'
- nm_opt='$nm_opt'
- runnm='$runnm'
- usenm='$usenm'
- incpath='$incpath'
- mips='$mips'
- mips_type='$mips_type'
- usrinc='$usrinc'
- : add special variables
- $test -f patchlevel.h && \
- awk '/^#define/ {printf "%s=%s %s%s\n",$2,$3,$4,$5}' patchlevel.h >>config.sh
- echo "CONFIG=true" >>config.sh
- : Finish up by extracting the .SH files
- case "$alldone" in
- exit)
- $rm -rf UU
- echo "Done."
- exit 0
- ;;
- cont)
- ;;
- '')
- echo " "
- dflt=''
- nostick=true
- echo "If you didn't make any mistakes, then just type a carriage return here."
- rp="If you need to edit config.sh, do it as a shell escape here:"
- . UU/myread
- nostick=''
- case "$ans" in
- '') ;;
- *) : in case they cannot read
- sh 1>&4 -c "$ans";;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- : if this fails, just run all the .SH files by hand
- . ./config.sh
- echo " "
- exec 1>&4
- . UU/extract
- echo " "
- echo 'Now type "make".'
- $rm -f kit*isdone ark*isdone
- $rm -rf UU
- : End of Configure