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Text File | 1993-08-08 | 38.1 KB | 1,530 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- From: phil@eecs.nwu.edu (William LeFebvre)
- Subject: v27i007: top - a top process display, version 3.2, Part07/13
- References: <1.744843136.4744@gw.home.vix.com>
- Sender: unix-sources-moderator@gw.home.vix.com
- Approved: vixie@gw.home.vix.com
- Submitted-By: phil@eecs.nwu.edu (William LeFebvre)
- Posting-Number: Volume 27, Issue 7
- Archive-Name: top-3.2/part07
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 7 (of 13)."
- # Contents: machine/m_dynix32.c machine/m_osmp41a.c
- # Wrapped by phil@pex on Wed Aug 4 14:22:43 1993
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'machine/m_dynix32.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'machine/m_dynix32.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'machine/m_dynix32.c'\" \(17566 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'machine/m_dynix32.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * top - a top users display for Unix
- X *
- X * SYNOPSIS: any Sequent Running Dynix 3.2.x
- X *
- X * This is the machine-dependent module for Sequent Dynix 3.2.0
- X * This makes top work on the following systems:
- X * Dynix 3.2.0 and perhaps later versions
- X *
- X *
- X * AUTHOR: Daniel Trinkle <trinkle@cs.purdue.edu>
- X */
- X
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/signal.h>
- X#include <sys/param.h>
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <nlist.h>
- X#include <math.h>
- X#include <sys/dir.h>
- X#include <sys/user.h>
- X#include <sys/proc.h>
- X#include <sys/dk.h>
- X#include <sys/vm.h>
- X#include <machine/pte.h>
- X#include <machine/plocal.h>
- X#include <machine/engine.h>
- X#include <sys/file.h>
- X
- X#include "top.h"
- X#include "machine.h"
- X
- X#ifndef uid_t
- X/* some early versions of DYNIX don't have uid_t */
- X#define uid_t int
- X#endif
- X
- X#ifndef pid_t
- X/* ditto pid_t */
- X#define pid_t short
- X#endif
- X
- Xstruct engine *engine;
- Xstruct engine *pengine;
- Xstruct plocal **pplocal;
- Xint Nengine;
- X
- X/* get_process_info passes back a handle. This is what it looks like: */
- X
- Xstruct handle
- X{
- X struct proc **next_proc; /* points to next valid proc pointer */
- X int remaining; /* number of pointers remaining */
- X};
- X
- X/* declarations for load_avg */
- Xtypedef long load_avg;
- Xtypedef long pctcpu;
- X#define loaddouble(la) ((double)(la) / FSCALE)
- X#define intload(i) ((int)((i) * FSCALE))
- X#define pctdouble(p) ((double)(p) / FSCALE)
- X
- X/* define what weighted cpu is. */
- X#define weighted_cpu(pct, pp) ((pp)->p_time == 0 ? 0.0 : \
- X ((pct) / (1.0 - exp((pp)->p_time * logcpu))))
- X
- X/* what we consider to be process size: */
- X#define PROCSIZE(pp) ((pp)->p_dsize + (pp)->p_ssize)
- X
- X/* definitions for indices in the nlist array */
- X#define X_AVENRUN 0
- X#define X_CCPU 1
- X#define X_MPID 2
- X#define X_NPROC 3
- X#define X_PROC 4
- X#define X_TOTAL 5
- X#define X_ENGINE 6
- X#define X_NENGINE 7
- X
- Xstatic struct nlist nlst[] = {
- X { "_avenrun" }, /* 0 */
- X { "_ccpu" }, /* 1 */
- X { "_mpid" }, /* 2 */
- X { "_nproc" }, /* 3 */
- X { "_proc" }, /* 4 */
- X { "_total" }, /* 5 */
- X { "_engine" }, /* 6 */
- X { "_Nengine" }, /* 7 */
- X { 0 }
- X};
- X
- X/*
- X * These definitions control the format of the per-process area
- X */
- X
- Xstatic char header[] =
- X/* 0123456 -- field to fill in starts at header+6 */
- X#define UNAME_START 6
- X
- X#define Proc_format \
- X "%5d %-8.8s %3d %4d%6dK %4dK %-5s%4d:%02d %5.2f%% %5.2f%% %.14s"
- X
- X
- X/* process state names for the "STATE" column of the display */
- X/* the extra nulls in the string "run" are for adding a slash and
- X the processor number when needed */
- X
- Xchar *state_abbrev[] =
- X{
- X "", "sleep", "WAIT", "run", "start", "zomb", "stop", "RUN"
- X};
- X
- X/* values that we stash away in _init and use in later routines */
- X
- Xstatic double logcpu;
- X
- X#define VMUNIX "/dynix"
- X#define KMEM "/dev/kmem"
- X#define MEM "/dev/mem"
- X
- Xstatic int kmem = -1;
- Xstatic int mem = -1;
- X
- Xstruct vmtotal total;
- X
- X/* these are retrieved from the kernel in _init */
- X
- Xstatic unsigned long proc;
- Xstatic int nproc;
- Xstatic load_avg ccpu;
- X
- X/* these are offsets obtained via nlist and used in the get_ functions */
- X
- Xstatic unsigned long mpid_offset;
- Xstatic unsigned long avenrun_offset;
- Xstatic unsigned long total_offset;
- X
- X/* these are for calculating cpu state percentages */
- X
- Xstatic long cp_time[CPUSTATES];
- Xstatic long cp_old[CPUSTATES];
- Xstatic long cp_diff[CPUSTATES];
- X
- X/* these are for detailing the process states */
- X
- Xint process_states[8];
- Xchar *procstatenames[] = {
- X "", " sleeping, ", " ABANDONED, ", " runable, ", " starting, ",
- X " zombie, ", " stopped, ", " running, ",
- X};
- X
- X/* these are for detailing the cpu states */
- X
- Xint cpu_states[CPUSTATES];
- Xchar *cpustatenames[] = {
- X "user", "nice", "system", "idle",
- X};
- X
- X/* these are for detailing the memory statistics */
- X
- Xint memory_stats[5];
- Xchar *memorynames[] = {
- X "K (", "K) real, ", "K (", "K) virtual, ", "K free", NULL
- X};
- X
- X/* these are for keeping track of the proc array */
- X
- Xstatic int bytes;
- Xstatic int pref_len;
- Xstatic struct proc *pbase;
- Xstatic struct proc **pref;
- X
- X#define pagetok(size) ((size) << (PGSHIFT - LOG1024))
- X
- X/* useful externals */
- Xextern int errno;
- Xextern char *sys_errlist[];
- X
- Xlong lseek();
- Xlong percentages();
- X
- Xmachine_init(statics)
- X
- Xstruct statics *statics;
- X
- X{
- X register int i;
- X
- X /* open kernel memory */
- X if ((kmem = open(KMEM, 0)) < 0)
- X {
- X perror(KMEM);
- X exit(20);
- X }
- X if ((mem = open(MEM, 0)) < 0)
- X {
- X perror(MEM);
- X exit(21);
- X }
- X
- X /* get the list of symbols we want to access in the kernel */
- X if ((i = nlist(VMUNIX, nlst)) < 0)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "top: nlist failed\n");
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* make sure they were all found */
- X if (i > 0 && check_nlist(nlst) > 0)
- X {
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* get the symbol values out of kmem */
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_PROC].n_value, (int *)(&proc), sizeof(proc),
- X nlst[X_PROC].n_name);
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_NPROC].n_value, &nproc, sizeof(nproc),
- X nlst[X_NPROC].n_name);
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_CCPU].n_value, (int *)(&ccpu), sizeof(ccpu),
- X nlst[X_CCPU].n_name);
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_NENGINE].n_value, &Nengine, sizeof(int),
- X nlst[X_NENGINE].n_name);
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_ENGINE].n_value, &pengine, sizeof(struct engine *),
- X nlst[X_ENGINE].n_name);
- X
- X engine = (struct engine *)calloc(Nengine, sizeof(struct engine));
- X if (engine == NULL)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for engine structure\n");
- X exit(2);
- X }
- X (void) getkval(pengine, &engine[0], Nengine * sizeof(struct engine),
- X "engine array");
- X pplocal = (struct plocal **)calloc(Nengine, sizeof(struct plocal *));
- X if (pplocal == NULL)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for plocal structures\n");
- X exit(2);
- X }
- X for (i = 0; i < Nengine; i++) {
- X pplocal[i] = (struct plocal *)&engine[i].e_local->pp_local[0][0];
- X }
- X
- X /* stash away certain offsets for later use */
- X mpid_offset = nlst[X_MPID].n_value;
- X avenrun_offset = nlst[X_AVENRUN].n_value;
- X total_offset = nlst[X_TOTAL].n_value;
- X
- X /* this is used in calculating WCPU -- calculate it ahead of time */
- X logcpu = log(loaddouble(ccpu));
- X
- X /* allocate space for proc structure array and array of pointers */
- X bytes = nproc * sizeof(struct proc);
- X pbase = (struct proc *)malloc(bytes);
- X pref = (struct proc **)malloc(nproc * sizeof(struct proc *));
- X
- X /* Just in case ... */
- X if (pbase == (struct proc *)NULL || pref == (struct proc **)NULL)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "top: can't allocate sufficient memory\n");
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* fill in the statics information */
- X statics->procstate_names = procstatenames;
- X statics->cpustate_names = cpustatenames;
- X statics->memory_names = memorynames;
- X
- X /* all done! */
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- Xchar *format_header(uname_field)
- X
- Xregister char *uname_field;
- X
- X{
- X register char *ptr;
- X
- X ptr = header + UNAME_START;
- X while (*uname_field != '\0')
- X {
- X *ptr++ = *uname_field++;
- X }
- X
- X return(header);
- X}
- X
- Xget_system_info(si)
- X
- Xstruct system_info *si;
- X
- X{
- X load_avg avenrun[3];
- X struct plocal plocal;
- X register int i, j;
- X
- X /* get the cp_time array */
- X for (j = 0; j < CPUSTATES; j++)
- X cp_time[j] = 0L;
- X for (i = 0; i < Nengine; i++) {
- X (void) getkval(pplocal[i], &plocal, sizeof(struct plocal), "plocal array");
- X for (j = 0; j < CPUSTATES; j++)
- X cp_time[j] += (long)plocal.cnt.v_time[j];
- X }
- X
- X /* get load average array */
- X (void) getkval(avenrun_offset, (int *)avenrun, sizeof(avenrun),
- X "_avenrun");
- X
- X /* get mpid -- process id of last process */
- X (void) getkval(mpid_offset, &(si->last_pid), sizeof(si->last_pid),
- X "_mpid");
- X
- X /* convert load averages to doubles */
- X {
- X register int i;
- X register double *infoloadp;
- X register load_avg *sysloadp;
- X
- X infoloadp = si->load_avg;
- X sysloadp = avenrun;
- X for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- X {
- X *infoloadp++ = loaddouble(*sysloadp++);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* convert cp_time counts to percentages */
- X (void) percentages(CPUSTATES, cpu_states, cp_time, cp_old, cp_diff);
- X
- X /* get total -- systemwide main memory usage structure */
- X (void) getkval(total_offset, (int *)(&total), sizeof(total),
- X "_total");
- X /* convert memory stats to Kbytes */
- X memory_stats[0] = pagetok(total.t_rm);
- X memory_stats[1] = pagetok(total.t_arm);
- X memory_stats[2] = pagetok(total.t_vm);
- X memory_stats[3] = pagetok(total.t_avm);
- X memory_stats[4] = pagetok(total.t_free);
- X
- X /* set arrays and strings */
- X si->cpustates = cpu_states;
- X si->memory = memory_stats;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic struct handle handle;
- X
- Xcaddr_t get_process_info(si, sel, compare)
- X
- Xstruct system_info *si;
- Xstruct process_select *sel;
- Xint (*compare)();
- X
- X{
- X register int i;
- X register int total_procs;
- X register int active_procs;
- X register struct proc **prefp;
- X register struct proc *pp;
- X
- X /* these are copied out of sel for speed */
- X int show_idle;
- X int show_system;
- X int show_uid;
- X
- X /* read all the proc structures in one fell swoop */
- X (void) getkval(proc, (int *)pbase, bytes, "proc array");
- X
- X /* get a pointer to the states summary array */
- X si->procstates = process_states;
- X
- X /* set up flags which define what we are going to select */
- X show_idle = sel->idle;
- X show_system = sel->system;
- X show_uid = sel->uid != -1;
- X
- X /* count up process states and get pointers to interesting procs */
- X total_procs = 0;
- X active_procs = 0;
- X bzero((char *)process_states, sizeof(process_states));
- X prefp = pref;
- X for (pp = pbase, i = 0; i < nproc; pp++, i++)
- X {
- X /*
- X * Place pointers to each valid proc structure in pref[].
- X * Process slots that are actually in use have a non-zero
- X * status field. Processes with SSYS set are system
- X * processes---these get ignored unless show_sysprocs is set.
- X */
- X if (pp->p_stat != 0 &&
- X (show_system || ((pp->p_flag & SSYS) == 0)))
- X {
- X total_procs++;
- X process_states[pp->p_stat]++;
- X if ((pp->p_stat != SZOMB) &&
- X (show_idle || (pp->p_pctcpu != 0) || (pp->p_stat == SRUN)) &&
- X (!show_uid || pp->p_uid == (uid_t)sel->uid))
- X {
- X *prefp++ = pp;
- X active_procs++;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* if requested, sort the "interesting" processes */
- X if (compare != NULL)
- X {
- X qsort((char *)pref, active_procs, sizeof(struct proc *), compare);
- X }
- X
- X /* remember active and total counts */
- X si->p_total = total_procs;
- X si->p_active = pref_len = active_procs;
- X
- X /* pass back a handle */
- X handle.next_proc = pref;
- X handle.remaining = active_procs;
- X return((caddr_t)&handle);
- X}
- X
- Xchar fmt[128]; /* static area where result is built */
- X
- Xchar *format_next_process(handle, get_userid)
- X
- Xcaddr_t handle;
- Xchar *(*get_userid)();
- X
- X{
- X register struct proc *pp;
- X register long cputime;
- X register double pct;
- X struct user u;
- X struct handle *hp;
- X
- X /* find and remember the next proc structure */
- X hp = (struct handle *)handle;
- X pp = *(hp->next_proc++);
- X hp->remaining--;
- X
- X
- X /* get the process's user struct and set cputime */
- X if (getu(pp, &u) == -1)
- X {
- X (void) strcpy(u.u_comm, "<swapped>");
- X cputime = 0;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /* set u_comm for system processes */
- X if (u.u_comm[0] == '\0')
- X {
- X if (pp->p_pid == 0)
- X {
- X (void) strcpy(u.u_comm, "Swapper");
- X }
- X else if (pp->p_pid == 2)
- X {
- X (void) strcpy(u.u_comm, "Pager");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X cputime = u.u_ru.ru_utime.tv_sec + u.u_ru.ru_stime.tv_sec;
- X }
- X
- X /* calculate the base for cpu percentages */
- X pct = pctdouble(pp->p_pctcpu);
- X
- X /* format this entry */
- X sprintf(fmt,
- X Proc_format,
- X pp->p_pid,
- X (*get_userid)(pp->p_uid),
- X pp->p_pri - PZERO,
- X pp->p_nice - NZERO,
- X pagetok(PROCSIZE(pp)),
- X pagetok(pp->p_rssize),
- X state_abbrev[pp->p_stat],
- X cputime / 60l,
- X cputime % 60l,
- X 100.0 * weighted_cpu(pct, pp),
- X 100.0 * pct,
- X printable(u.u_comm));
- X
- X /* return the result */
- X return(fmt);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * getu(p, u) - get the user structure for the process whose proc structure
- X * is pointed to by p. The user structure is put in the buffer pointed
- X * to by u. Return 0 if successful, -1 on failure (such as the process
- X * being swapped out).
- X */
- X
- Xgetu(p, u)
- X
- Xregister struct proc *p;
- Xstruct user *u;
- X
- X{
- X struct pte uptes[UPAGES];
- X register caddr_t upage;
- X register struct pte *pte;
- X register nbytes, n;
- X
- X /*
- X * Check if the process is currently loaded or swapped out. The way we
- X * get the u area is totally different for the two cases. For this
- X * application, we just don't bother if the process is swapped out.
- X */
- X if ((p->p_flag & SLOAD) == 0)
- X {
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * Process is currently in memory, we hope!
- X */
- X#ifdef ns32000
- X if (!getkval(p->p_upte, uptes, sizeof(uptes), "!p->p_upte"))
- X#else
- X if (!getkval(p->p_pttop, uptes, sizeof(uptes), "!p->p_upte"))
- X#endif
- X {
- X /* we can't seem to get to it, so pretend it's swapped out */
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X upage = (caddr_t)u;
- X pte = uptes;
- X for (nbytes = sizeof(struct user); nbytes > 0; nbytes -= NBPG)
- X {
- X (void) lseek(mem, (long)(pte++->pg_pfnum * NBPG), 0);
- X n = MIN(nbytes, NBPG);
- X if (read(mem, upage, n) != n)
- X {
- X /* we can't seem to get to it, so pretend it's swapped out */
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X upage += n;
- X }
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * check_nlist(nlst) - checks the nlist to see if any symbols were not
- X * found. For every symbol that was not found, a one-line
- X * message is printed to stderr. The routine returns the
- X * number of symbols NOT found.
- X */
- X
- Xint check_nlist(nlst)
- X
- Xregister struct nlist *nlst;
- X
- X{
- X register int i;
- X
- X /* check to see if we got ALL the symbols we requested */
- X /* this will write one line to stderr for every symbol not found */
- X
- X i = 0;
- X while (nlst->n_name != NULL)
- X {
- X if (nlst->n_type == 0)
- X {
- X /* this one wasn't found */
- X fprintf(stderr, "kernel: no symbol named `%s'\n", nlst->n_name);
- X i = 1;
- X }
- X nlst++;
- X }
- X
- X return(i);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * getkval(offset, ptr, size, refstr) - get a value out of the kernel.
- X * "offset" is the byte offset into the kernel for the desired value,
- X * "ptr" points to a buffer into which the value is retrieved,
- X * "size" is the size of the buffer (and the object to retrieve),
- X * "refstr" is a reference string used when printing error meessages,
- X * if "refstr" starts with a '!', then a failure on read will not
- X * be fatal (this may seem like a silly way to do things, but I
- X * really didn't want the overhead of another argument).
- X *
- X */
- X
- Xgetkval(offset, ptr, size, refstr)
- X
- Xunsigned long offset;
- Xint *ptr;
- Xint size;
- Xchar *refstr;
- X
- X{
- X if (lseek(kmem, (long)offset, 0) == -1)
- X {
- X if (*refstr == '!')
- X {
- X refstr++;
- X }
- X fprintf(stderr, "%s: lseek to %s: %s\n",
- X KMEM, refstr, sys_errlist[errno]);
- X quit(22);
- X }
- X if (read(kmem, (char *)ptr, size) == -1)
- X {
- X if (*refstr == '!')
- X {
- X /* we lost the race with the kernel, process isn't in memory */
- X return(0);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "%s: reading %s: %s\n",
- X KMEM, refstr, sys_errlist[errno]);
- X quit(23);
- X }
- X }
- X return(1);
- X}
- X
- X/* comparison routine for qsort */
- X
- X/*
- X * proc_compare - comparison function for "qsort"
- X * Compares the resource consumption of two processes using five
- X * distinct keys. The keys (in descending order of importance) are:
- X * percent cpu, cpu ticks, state, resident set size, total virtual
- X * memory usage. The process states are ordered as follows (from least
- X * to most important): WAIT, zombie, sleep, stop, start, run. The
- X * array declaration below maps a process state index into a number
- X * that reflects this ordering.
- X */
- X
- Xstatic unsigned char sorted_state[] =
- X{
- X 0, /* not used */
- X 3, /* sleep */
- X 1, /* ABANDONED (WAIT) */
- X 6, /* run */
- X 5, /* start */
- X 2, /* zombie */
- X 4, /* stop */
- X 7 /* RUN */
- X};
- X
- Xproc_compare(pp1, pp2)
- X
- Xstruct proc **pp1;
- Xstruct proc **pp2;
- X
- X{
- X register struct proc *p1;
- X register struct proc *p2;
- X register int result;
- X register pctcpu lresult;
- X
- X /* remove one level of indirection */
- X p1 = *pp1;
- X p2 = *pp2;
- X
- X /* compare percent cpu (pctcpu) */
- X if ((lresult = p2->p_pctcpu - p1->p_pctcpu) == 0)
- X {
- X /* use cpticks to break the tie */
- X if ((result = p2->p_cpticks - p1->p_cpticks) == 0)
- X {
- X /* use process state to break the tie */
- X if ((result = sorted_state[p2->p_stat] -
- X sorted_state[p1->p_stat]) == 0)
- X {
- X /* use priority to break the tie */
- X if ((result = p2->p_pri - p1->p_pri) == 0)
- X {
- X /* use resident set size (rssize) to break the tie */
- X if ((result = p2->p_rssize - p1->p_rssize) == 0)
- X {
- X /* use total memory to break the tie */
- X result = PROCSIZE(p2) - PROCSIZE(p1);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X result = lresult < 0 ? -1 : 1;
- X }
- X
- X return(result);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * proc_owner(pid) - returns the uid that owns process "pid", or -1 if
- X * the process does not exist.
- X * It is EXTREMLY IMPORTANT that this function work correctly.
- X * If top runs setuid root (as in SVR4), then this function
- X * is the only thing that stands in the way of a serious
- X * security problem. It validates requests for the "kill"
- X * and "renice" commands.
- X */
- X
- Xint proc_owner(pid)
- X
- Xint pid;
- X
- X{
- X register int cnt;
- X register struct proc **prefp;
- X register struct proc *pp;
- X
- X prefp = pref;
- X cnt = pref_len;
- X while (--cnt >= 0)
- X {
- X if ((pp = *prefp++)->p_pid == (pid_t)pid)
- X {
- X return((int)pp->p_uid);
- X }
- X }
- X return(-1);
- X}
- if test 17566 -ne `wc -c <'machine/m_dynix32.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'machine/m_dynix32.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'machine/m_dynix32.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'machine/m_osmp41a.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'machine/m_osmp41a.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'machine/m_osmp41a.c'\" \(17755 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'machine/m_osmp41a.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * top - a top users display for Unix
- X *
- X * SYNOPSIS: any Solbourne running OS/MP 4.1A
- X *
- X * This is the machine-dependent module for OS/MP 4.1A
- X * This makes top work on the following systems:
- X * Solbourne machines running OS/MP 4.1A only
- X *
- X * LIBS: -lkvm
- X *
- X * AUTHOR: William LeFebvre <phil@eecs.nwu.edu>
- X * Brett McCoy <brtmac@maverick.ksu.ksu.edu>
- X */
- X
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/signal.h>
- X/* make sure param.h gets loaded with KERNEL defined to get PZERO & NZERO */
- X#define KERNEL
- X#include <sys/param.h>
- X#undef KERNEL
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <kvm.h>
- X#include <nlist.h>
- X#include <math.h>
- X#include <sys/dir.h>
- X#include <sys/user.h>
- X#include <sys/proc.h>
- X#include <sys/dk.h>
- X#include <sys/vm.h>
- X#include <sys/file.h>
- X#include <sys/time.h>
- X#include <vm/page.h>
- X
- X#include "top.h"
- X#include "machine.h"
- X
- X/* declarations for load_avg */
- X#include "loadavg.h"
- X
- X/* get_process_info passes back a handle. This is what it looks like: */
- X
- Xstruct handle
- X{
- X struct proc **next_proc; /* points to next valid proc pointer */
- X int remaining; /* number of pointers remaining */
- X};
- X
- X/* define what weighted cpu is. */
- X#define weighted_cpu(pct, pp) ((pp)->p_time == 0 ? 0.0 : \
- X ((pct) / (1.0 - exp((pp)->p_time * logcpu))))
- X
- X/* what we consider to be process size: */
- X#define PROCSIZE(pp) ((pp)->p_tsize + (pp)->p_dsize + (pp)->p_ssize)
- X
- X/* definitions for indices in the nlist array */
- X#define X_AVENRUN 0
- X#define X_CCPU 1
- X#define X_MPID 2
- X#define X_NPROC 3
- X#define X_PROC 4
- X#define X_TOTAL 5
- X#define X_CP_TIME 6
- X#define X_PAGES 7
- X#define X_EPAGES 8
- X#define X_NCPUS 9
- X#define X_CP_MP_TIME 10
- X
- Xstatic struct nlist nlst[] = {
- X { "_avenrun" }, /* 0 */
- X { "_ccpu" }, /* 1 */
- X { "_mpid" }, /* 2 */
- X { "_nproc" }, /* 3 */
- X { "_proc" }, /* 4 */
- X { "_total" }, /* 5 */
- X { "_cp_time" }, /* 6 */
- X { "_pages" }, /* 7 */
- X { "_epages" }, /* 8 */
- X { "_ncpus" }, /* 9 */
- X { "_cp_mp_time" }, /* 10 */
- X { 0 }
- X};
- X
- X/*
- X * These definitions control the format of the per-process area
- X */
- X
- Xstatic char header[] =
- X/* 0123456 -- field to fill in starts at header+6 */
- X#define UNAME_START 6
- X
- X#define Proc_format \
- X "%5d %-8.8s %3d %3d%6dK %5dK %-5s%5d:%02d %5.2f%% %5.2f%% %.14s"
- X
- X
- X/* process state names for the "STATE" column of the display */
- X/* the extra nulls in the string "run" are for adding a slash and
- X the processor number when needed */
- X
- Xchar *state_abbrev[] =
- X{
- X "", "sleep", "WAIT", "run/\0\0", "start", "zomb", "stop"
- X};
- X
- X/* values that we stash away in _init and use in later routines */
- X
- Xstatic double logcpu;
- Xkvm_t *kd;
- X
- X/* these are retrieved from the kernel in _init */
- X
- Xstatic unsigned long proc;
- Xstatic int nproc;
- Xstatic load_avg ccpu;
- Xstatic unsigned long pages;
- Xstatic unsigned long epages;
- Xstatic int ncpus;
- X
- X/* these are offsets obtained via nlist and used in the get_ functions */
- X
- Xstatic unsigned long mpid_offset;
- Xstatic unsigned long avenrun_offset;
- Xstatic unsigned long total_offset;
- Xstatic unsigned long cp_time_offset;
- Xstatic unsigned long cp_mp_time_offset;
- X
- X/* these are for calculating cpu state percentages */
- X
- Xstatic long cp_time[CPUSTATES];
- Xstatic long cp_old[CPUSTATES];
- Xstatic long cp_diff[CPUSTATES];
- Xstatic long cp_mp_time[MAXNCPUS][CPUSTATES];
- Xstatic long cp_mp_old[MAXNCPUS][CPUSTATES];
- Xstatic long cp_mp_diff[MAXNCPUS][CPUSTATES];
- Xint which_cpu_states = 9;
- X
- X/* these are for detailing the process states */
- X
- Xint process_states[7];
- Xchar *procstatenames[] = {
- X "", " sleeping, ", " ABANDONED, ", " running, ", " starting, ",
- X " zombie, ", " stopped, ",
- X};
- X
- X/* these are for detailing the cpu states */
- X
- Xint cpu_states[5];
- Xint cpu_mp_states[MAXNCPUS][5];
- Xchar *cpustatenames[] = {
- X "user", "nice", "system", "idle",
- X};
- X
- X/* these are for detailing the memory statistics */
- X
- Xint memory_stats[4];
- Xchar *memorynames[] = {
- X "K available, ", "K in use, ", "K free, ", "K locked", NULL
- X};
- X
- X/* these are for keeping track of the proc array */
- X
- Xstatic int bytes;
- Xstatic int pref_len;
- Xstatic struct proc *pbase;
- Xstatic struct proc **pref;
- X
- X/* these are for getting the memory statistics */
- X
- Xstatic struct page *physpage;
- Xstatic int bytesize;
- Xstatic int count;
- Xstatic int pageshift; /* log base 2 of the pagesize */
- X
- X/* define pagetok in terms of pageshift */
- X
- X#define pagetok(size) ((size) << pageshift)
- X
- X/* useful externals */
- Xextern int errno;
- Xextern char *sys_errlist[];
- X
- Xlong lseek();
- Xlong time();
- Xlong percentages();
- X
- Xmachine_init(statics)
- X
- Xstruct statics *statics;
- X
- X{
- X register int i;
- X register int pagesize;
- X
- X /* initialize the kernel interface */
- X if ((kd = kvm_open(NULL, NULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, "top")) == NULL)
- X {
- X perror("kvm_open");
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* get the list of symbols we want to access in the kernel */
- X if ((i = kvm_nlist(kd, nlst)) < 0)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "top: nlist failed\n");
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* make sure they were all found */
- X if (i > 0 && check_nlist(nlst) > 0)
- X {
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* get the symbol values out of kmem */
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_PROC].n_value, (int *)(&proc), sizeof(proc),
- X nlst[X_PROC].n_name);
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_NPROC].n_value, &nproc, sizeof(nproc),
- X nlst[X_NPROC].n_name);
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_CCPU].n_value, (int *)(&ccpu), sizeof(ccpu),
- X nlst[X_CCPU].n_name);
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_PAGES].n_value, (int *)(&pages), sizeof(pages),
- X nlst[X_PAGES].n_name);
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_EPAGES].n_value, (int *)(&epages), sizeof(epages),
- X nlst[X_EPAGES].n_name);
- X
- X /* stash away certain offsets for later use */
- X mpid_offset = nlst[X_MPID].n_value;
- X avenrun_offset = nlst[X_AVENRUN].n_value;
- X total_offset = nlst[X_TOTAL].n_value;
- X cp_time_offset = nlst[X_CP_TIME].n_value;
- X cp_mp_time_offset = nlst[X_CP_MP_TIME].n_value;
- X (void) getkval(nlst[X_NCPUS].n_value, (int *)(&ncpus), sizeof(ncpus),
- X nlst[X_NCPUS].n_name);
- X
- X /* this is used in calculating WCPU -- calculate it ahead of time */
- X logcpu = log(loaddouble(ccpu));
- X
- X /* allocate space for proc structure array and array of pointers */
- X bytes = nproc * sizeof(struct proc);
- X pbase = (struct proc *)malloc(bytes);
- X pref = (struct proc **)malloc(nproc * sizeof(struct proc *));
- X
- X /* Just in case ... */
- X if (pbase == (struct proc *)NULL || pref == (struct proc **)NULL)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "top: can't allocate sufficient memory\n");
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* allocate a table to hold all the page structs */
- X bytesize = epages - pages;
- X count = bytesize / sizeof(struct page);
- X physpage = (struct page *)malloc(epages - pages);
- X if (physpage == NULL)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "top: can't allocate sufficient memory\n");
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* get the page size with "getpagesize" and calculate pageshift from it */
- X pagesize = getpagesize();
- X pageshift = 0;
- X while (pagesize > 1)
- X {
- X pageshift++;
- X pagesize >>= 1;
- X }
- X
- X /* we only need the amount of log(2)1024 for our conversion */
- X pageshift -= LOG1024;
- X
- X /* fill in the statics information */
- X statics->procstate_names = procstatenames;
- X statics->cpustate_names = cpustatenames;
- X statics->memory_names = memorynames;
- X
- X /* all done! */
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- Xchar *format_header(uname_field)
- X
- Xregister char *uname_field;
- X
- X{
- X register char *ptr;
- X
- X ptr = header + UNAME_START;
- X while (*uname_field != '\0')
- X {
- X *ptr++ = *uname_field++;
- X }
- X
- X return(header);
- X}
- X
- Xget_system_info(si)
- X
- Xstruct system_info *si;
- X
- X{
- X load_avg avenrun[3];
- X int i;
- X int j;
- X
- X /* get the cp_time array */
- X (void) getkval(cp_time_offset, (int *)cp_time, sizeof(cp_time),
- X "_cp_time");
- X
- X /* get the cp_mp_time arrays as well */
- X (void) getkval(cp_mp_time_offset, (int *) cp_mp_time, sizeof(cp_mp_time),
- X "_cp_mp_time");
- X
- X /* get load average array */
- X (void) getkval(avenrun_offset, (int *)avenrun, sizeof(avenrun),
- X "_avenrun");
- X
- X /* get mpid -- process id of last process */
- X (void) getkval(mpid_offset, &(si->last_pid), sizeof(si->last_pid),
- X "_mpid");
- X
- X /* get the array of physpage descriptors */
- X (void) getkval(pages, (int *)physpage, bytesize, "array _page");
- X
- X /* convert load averages to doubles */
- X {
- X register double *infoloadp;
- X register load_avg *sysloadp;
- X
- X infoloadp = si->load_avg;
- X sysloadp = avenrun;
- X for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- X {
- X *infoloadp++ = loaddouble(*sysloadp++);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* calculate percentages for each of the cpu's */
- X for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++)
- X (void) percentages(CPUSTATES, cpu_mp_states[i], cp_mp_time[i],
- X cp_mp_old[i], cp_mp_diff[i]);
- X
- X /* if the selected cpu doesn't exist show summary of all cpu's */
- X /* otherwise, show stats for selected cpu */
- X if (which_cpu_states >= ncpus) {
- X for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++) {
- X cpu_states[i] = 0;
- X for (j = 0; j < ncpus; j++)
- X cpu_states[i] += cpu_mp_states[j][i];
- X }
- X } else {
- X for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++) {
- X cpu_states[i] = cpu_mp_states[which_cpu_states][i];
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* sum memory statistics */
- X {
- X register struct page *pp;
- X register int cnt;
- X register int inuse;
- X register int free;
- X register int locked;
- X
- X /* bop thru the array counting page types */
- X pp = physpage;
- X inuse = free = locked = 0;
- X for (cnt = count; --cnt >= 0; pp++)
- X {
- X if (pp->p_free)
- X free++;
- X else if (pp->p_lock || pp->p_keepcnt > 0)
- X locked++;
- X else
- X inuse++;
- X }
- X
- X /* convert memory stats to Kbytes */
- X memory_stats[0] = pagetok(inuse + free);
- X memory_stats[1] = pagetok(inuse);
- X memory_stats[2] = pagetok(free);
- X memory_stats[3] = pagetok(locked);
- X }
- X
- X /* set arrays and strings */
- X si->cpustates = cpu_states;
- X si->memory = memory_stats;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic struct handle handle;
- X
- Xcaddr_t get_process_info(si, sel, compare)
- X
- Xstruct system_info *si;
- Xstruct process_select *sel;
- Xint (*compare)();
- X
- X{
- X register int i;
- X register int total_procs;
- X register int active_procs;
- X register struct proc **prefp;
- X register struct proc *pp;
- X
- X /* these are copied out of sel for speed */
- X int show_idle;
- X int show_system;
- X int show_uid;
- X int show_command;
- X
- X /* read all the proc structures in one fell swoop */
- X (void) getkval(proc, (int *)pbase, bytes, "proc array");
- X
- X /* get a pointer to the states summary array */
- X si->procstates = process_states;
- X
- X /* set up flags which define what we are going to select */
- X show_idle = sel->idle;
- X show_system = sel->system;
- X show_uid = sel->uid != -1;
- X show_command = sel->command != NULL;
- X
- X /* count up process states and get pointers to interesting procs */
- X total_procs = 0;
- X active_procs = 0;
- X bzero((char *)process_states, sizeof(process_states));
- X prefp = pref;
- X for (pp = pbase, i = 0; i < nproc; pp++, i++)
- X {
- X /*
- X * Place pointers to each valid proc structure in pref[].
- X * Process slots that are actually in use have a non-zero
- X * status field. Processes with SSYS set are system
- X * processes---these get ignored unless show_sysprocs is set.
- X */
- X if (pp->p_stat != 0 &&
- X (show_system || ((pp->p_flag & SSYS) == 0)))
- X {
- X total_procs++;
- X process_states[pp->p_stat]++;
- X if ((pp->p_stat != SZOMB) &&
- X (show_idle || (pp->p_pctcpu != 0) || (pp->p_stat == SRUN)) &&
- X (!show_uid || pp->p_uid == (uid_t)sel->uid))
- X {
- X *prefp++ = pp;
- X active_procs++;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* if requested, sort the "interesting" processes */
- X if (compare != NULL)
- X {
- X qsort((char *)pref, active_procs, sizeof(struct proc *), compare);
- X }
- X
- X /* remember active and total counts */
- X si->p_total = total_procs;
- X si->p_active = pref_len = active_procs;
- X
- X /* pass back a handle */
- X handle.next_proc = pref;
- X handle.remaining = active_procs;
- X return((caddr_t)&handle);
- X}
- X
- Xchar fmt[128]; /* static area where result is built */
- X
- Xchar *format_next_process(handle, get_userid)
- X
- Xcaddr_t handle;
- Xchar *(*get_userid)();
- X
- X{
- X register struct proc *pp;
- X register long cputime;
- X register double pct;
- X struct user u;
- X struct handle *hp;
- X
- X /* find and remember the next proc structure */
- X hp = (struct handle *)handle;
- X pp = *(hp->next_proc++);
- X hp->remaining--;
- X
- X /* get the process's user struct and set cputime */
- X if (getu(pp, &u) == -1)
- X {
- X (void) strcpy(u.u_comm, "<swapped>");
- X cputime = 0;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /* set u_comm for system processes */
- X if (u.u_comm[0] == '\0')
- X {
- X if (pp->p_pid == 0)
- X {
- X (void) strcpy(u.u_comm, "Swapper");
- X }
- X else if (pp->p_pid == 2)
- X {
- X (void) strcpy(u.u_comm, "Pager");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X cputime = u.u_ru.ru_utime.tv_sec + u.u_ru.ru_stime.tv_sec;
- X }
- X
- X /* calculate the base for cpu percentages */
- X pct = pctdouble(pp->p_pctcpu);
- X
- X state_abbrev[SRUN][4] = (pp->p_lastcpu) + '0';
- X
- X /* format this entry */
- X sprintf(fmt,
- X Proc_format,
- X pp->p_pid,
- X (*get_userid)(pp->p_uid),
- X pp->p_pri - PZERO,
- X pp->p_nice - NZERO,
- X pagetok(PROCSIZE(pp)),
- X pagetok(pp->p_rssize),
- X state_abbrev[pp->p_stat],
- X cputime / 60l,
- X cputime % 60l,
- X 100.0 * weighted_cpu(pct, pp),
- X 100.0 * pct,
- X printable(u.u_comm));
- X
- X /* return the result */
- X return(fmt);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * getu(p, u) - get the user structure for the process whose proc structure
- X * is pointed to by p. The user structure is put in the buffer pointed
- X * to by u. Return 0 if successful, -1 on failure (such as the process
- X * being swapped out).
- X */
- X
- Xgetu(p, u)
- X
- Xregister struct proc *p;
- Xstruct user *u;
- X
- X{
- X register struct user *lu;
- X
- X lu = kvm_getu(kd, p);
- X if (lu == NULL)
- X {
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X *u = *lu;
- X return(0);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * check_nlist(nlst) - checks the nlist to see if any symbols were not
- X * found. For every symbol that was not found, a one-line
- X * message is printed to stderr. The routine returns the
- X * number of symbols NOT found.
- X */
- X
- Xint check_nlist(nlst)
- X
- Xregister struct nlist *nlst;
- X
- X{
- X register int i;
- X
- X /* check to see if we got ALL the symbols we requested */
- X /* this will write one line to stderr for every symbol not found */
- X
- X i = 0;
- X while (nlst->n_name != NULL)
- X {
- X if (nlst->n_type == 0)
- X {
- X /* this one wasn't found */
- X fprintf(stderr, "kernel: no symbol named `%s'\n", nlst->n_name);
- X i = 1;
- X }
- X nlst++;
- X }
- X
- X return(i);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * getkval(offset, ptr, size, refstr) - get a value out of the kernel.
- X * "offset" is the byte offset into the kernel for the desired value,
- X * "ptr" points to a buffer into which the value is retrieved,
- X * "size" is the size of the buffer (and the object to retrieve),
- X * "refstr" is a reference string used when printing error meessages,
- X * if "refstr" starts with a '!', then a failure on read will not
- X * be fatal (this may seem like a silly way to do things, but I
- X * really didn't want the overhead of another argument).
- X *
- X */
- X
- Xgetkval(offset, ptr, size, refstr)
- X
- Xunsigned long offset;
- Xint *ptr;
- Xint size;
- Xchar *refstr;
- X
- X{
- X if (kvm_read(kd, offset, ptr, size) != size)
- X {
- X if (*refstr == '!')
- X {
- X return(0);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "top: kvm_read for %s: %s\n",
- X refstr, sys_errlist[errno]);
- X quit(23);
- X }
- X }
- X return(1);
- X}
- X
- X/* comparison routine for qsort */
- X
- X/*
- X * proc_compare - comparison function for "qsort"
- X * Compares the resource consumption of two processes using five
- X * distinct keys. The keys (in descending order of importance) are:
- X * percent cpu, cpu ticks, state, resident set size, total virtual
- X * memory usage. The process states are ordered as follows (from least
- X * to most important): WAIT, zombie, sleep, stop, start, run. The
- X * array declaration below maps a process state index into a number
- X * that reflects this ordering.
- X */
- X
- Xstatic unsigned char sorted_state[] =
- X{
- X 0, /* not used */
- X 3, /* sleep */
- X 1, /* ABANDONED (WAIT) */
- X 6, /* run */
- X 5, /* start */
- X 2, /* zombie */
- X 4 /* stop */
- X};
- X
- Xproc_compare(pp1, pp2)
- X
- Xstruct proc **pp1;
- Xstruct proc **pp2;
- X
- X{
- X register struct proc *p1;
- X register struct proc *p2;
- X register int result;
- X register pctcpu lresult;
- X
- X /* remove one level of indirection */
- X p1 = *pp1;
- X p2 = *pp2;
- X
- X /* compare percent cpu (pctcpu) */
- X if ((lresult = p2->p_pctcpu - p1->p_pctcpu) == 0)
- X {
- X /* use cpticks to break the tie */
- X if ((result = p2->p_cpticks - p1->p_cpticks) == 0)
- X {
- X /* use process state to break the tie */
- X if ((result = sorted_state[p2->p_stat] -
- X sorted_state[p1->p_stat]) == 0)
- X {
- X /* use priority to break the tie */
- X if ((result = p2->p_pri - p1->p_pri) == 0)
- X {
- X /* use resident set size (rssize) to break the tie */
- X if ((result = p2->p_rssize - p1->p_rssize) == 0)
- X {
- X /* use total memory to break the tie */
- X result = PROCSIZE(p2) - PROCSIZE(p1);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X result = lresult < 0 ? -1 : 1;
- X }
- X
- X return(result);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * proc_owner(pid) - returns the uid that owns process "pid", or -1 if
- X * the process does not exist.
- X * It is EXTREMLY IMPORTANT that this function work correctly.
- X * If top runs setuid root (as in SVR4), then this function
- X * is the only thing that stands in the way of a serious
- X * security problem. It validates requests for the "kill"
- X * and "renice" commands.
- X */
- X
- Xint proc_owner(pid)
- X
- Xint pid;
- X
- X{
- X register int cnt;
- X register struct proc **prefp;
- X register struct proc *pp;
- X
- X prefp = pref;
- X cnt = pref_len;
- X while (--cnt >= 0)
- X {
- X if ((pp = *prefp++)->p_pid == (pid_t)pid)
- X {
- X return((int)pp->p_uid);
- X }
- X }
- X return(-1);
- X}
- if test 17755 -ne `wc -c <'machine/m_osmp41a.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'machine/m_osmp41a.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'machine/m_osmp41a.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 7 \(of 13\).
- cp /dev/null ark7isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 13 archives.
- echo "Now read README and INSTALL, then run Configure"
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0