home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* menu.c */
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1990,1992,1993 Britt Yenne. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software is provided AS-IS. The author gives no warranty,
- * real or assumed, and takes no responsibility whatsoever for any
- * use or misuse of this software, or any damage created by its use
- * or misuse.
- *
- * This software may be freely copied and distributed provided that
- * no part of this NOTICE is deleted or edited in any manner.
- *
- */
- /* Mail comments or questions to ytalk@austin.eds.com */
- #include "header.h"
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include "menu.h"
- /* This particular file was written real early one night (morning?)
- * while trying to stay awake long enough to do laundry. I hereby take
- * extra-special pains to absolve myself of any and all responsibility
- * for this source.
- */
- static void main_menu_sel();
- menu_item *menu_ptr = NULL; /* current menu in processing */
- static int menu_len; /* number of items in current menu */
- static int menu_long; /* longest item of current menu */
- static int menu_line; /* current line number of menu */
- static int text_pos = -1; /* text offset if non-negative */
- static int text_ypos = -1, text_xpos = -1; /* text coord if non-negative */
- extern void raw_term(); /* our raw interface to the terminal */
- /* some menus... */
- static menu_item main_menu[] = {
- { "Main Menu", NULL, ' ' },
- { "", NULL, ' ' },
- { "add a user", main_menu_sel, 'a' },
- { "delete a user", main_menu_sel, 'd' },
- { "options", main_menu_sel, 'o' },
- { "shell", main_menu_sel, 's' },
- { "user list", main_menu_sel, 'u' },
- { "output user to file", main_menu_sel, 'w' },
- { "quit", main_menu_sel, 'q' },
- { "", NULL, '\0'} /* MUST BE LAST */
- };
- #define MAXUMENU 52
- static menu_item user_menu[MAXUMENU]; /* this one changes each time */
- static menu_item option_menu[20]; /* options menu buffer */
- static menu_item yes_no_menu[1]; /* yes/no entry menu */
- static menu_item mesg_menu[1]; /* message menu */
- static char text_str[MAXTEXT+1]; /* string entry buffer */
- static menu_item text_menu[2]; /* string entry menu */
- static char user_buf[MAXUMENU][80]; /* user list buffers */
- /* major hack below... [maniacal laughter] */
- static int got_error = 0;
- static char err_str[8][MAXERR];
- static menu_item error_menu[] = {
- { "Ytalk Error", NULL, ' ' },
- { "", NULL, ' ' },
- { NULL, show_error, ' ' },
- { NULL, show_error, ' ' },
- { "", NULL, ' ' },
- { NULL, show_error, ' ' },
- { NULL, show_error, ' ' },
- { "", NULL, ' ' },
- { NULL, show_error, ' ' },
- { NULL, show_error, ' ' },
- { "", NULL, ' ' },
- { NULL, show_error, ' ' },
- { NULL, show_error, ' ' },
- { "", NULL, '\0'} /* MUST BE LAST */
- };
- /* ---- local functions ---- */
- static yuser *output_user = NULL;
- static void
- do_output(filename)
- char *filename;
- {
- int fd;
- if(output_user == NULL)
- return;
- if((fd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0600)) < 0)
- {
- show_error(filename);
- return;
- }
- output_user->output_fd = fd;
- spew_term(output_user, fd, output_user->rows, output_user->cols);
- output_user = NULL;
- }
- static void
- do_output_user(user)
- yuser *user;
- {
- /* if he has an open descriptor, close it */
- if(user->output_fd > 0)
- {
- close(user->output_fd);
- user->output_fd = 0;
- if(show_mesg("Output Terminated", NULL) >= 0)
- update_menu();
- return;
- }
- /* else open one */
- output_user = user;
- if(show_text("Output filename?", do_output) >= 0)
- update_menu();
- else
- output_user = NULL;
- }
- static void
- do_invite(name)
- char *name;
- {
- invite(name, 1);
- }
- static void
- main_menu_sel(key)
- ychar key;
- {
- switch(key)
- {
- case 'a': /* add a user */
- if(show_text("Add Which User?", do_invite) >= 0)
- update_menu();
- break;
- case 'd': /* delete a user */
- if(show_user_menu("Delete Which User?", free_user) >= 0)
- update_menu();
- break;
- case 'o': /* show options */
- if(show_option_menu() >= 0)
- update_menu();
- break;
- case 's': /* invoke a shell */
- kill_menu();
- execute(NULL);
- break;
- case 'u': /* show a user list */
- if(show_user_list() >= 0)
- update_menu();
- break;
- case 'w': /* output user to file */
- if(show_user_menu("Output Which User?", do_output_user) >= 0)
- update_menu();
- break;
- case 'q': /* quit */
- bail(0);
- }
- }
- static void
- option_menu_sel(key)
- ychar key;
- {
- register yuser *u;
- u_long old_flags;
- old_flags = def_flags;
- switch(key)
- {
- case 's': /* toggle scrolling */
- def_flags ^= FL_SCROLL;
- break;
- case 'w': /* toggle word wrap */
- def_flags ^= FL_WRAP;
- break;
- case 'i': /* toggle automatic imports */
- def_flags ^= FL_IMPORT;
- break;
- case 'v': /* toggle automatic invitations */
- def_flags ^= FL_INVITE;
- break;
- case 'r': /* toggle automatic re-rings */
- def_flags ^= FL_RING;
- break;
- }
- if(old_flags != def_flags)
- {
- for(u = user_list; u != NULL; u = u->unext)
- if(!(u->flags & FL_LOCKED))
- u->flags = def_flags;
- }
- if(show_option_menu() >= 0)
- update_menu();
- else
- kill_menu();
- }
- static void
- user_menu_sel(key)
- ychar key;
- {
- register int i;
- register yuser *u;
- /* Remember... the user list could have changed between the time
- * I created the user menu and the time I just now selected one
- * of the users from it.
- */
- for(i = 0; i < menu_len; i++)
- if(user_menu[i].key == key)
- {
- for(u = user_list; u; u = u->unext)
- if(u->key == key
- && strcmp(u->full_name, user_menu[i].item) == 0)
- {
- user_menu[0].func(u);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(menu_ptr == user_menu)
- kill_menu();
- }
- #define MENU_EXTRA 7 /* number of extra characters per menu screen item */
- static void
- generate_text_length()
- {
- menu_long = me->t_cols - MENU_EXTRA - 2;
- if(menu_long < 5 || menu_long > MAXTEXT)
- menu_long = MAXTEXT;
- }
- static void
- generate_yes_no_length()
- {
- menu_long = strlen(yes_no_menu[0].item) - 2;
- }
- static void
- pad_str(from, len, to)
- char *from, *to;
- int len;
- {
- for(; len > 0 && *from; len--, from++)
- *(to++) = *from;
- for(; len > 0; len--)
- *(to++) = ' ';
- *to = '\0';
- }
- /* ---- global functions ---- */
- /* End any menu processing.
- */
- void
- kill_menu()
- {
- register int i;
- if(menu_ptr != NULL)
- {
- menu_ptr = NULL;
- redraw_term(me, 0);
- flush_term(me);
- text_pos = -1;
- text_ypos = -1;
- text_xpos = -1;
- }
- if(got_error)
- {
- got_error = 0;
- for(i = 0; error_menu[i].key != '\0'; i++)
- if(error_menu[i].func != NULL)
- error_menu[i].item = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Update menu information.
- */
- void
- update_menu()
- {
- register ychar *c;
- register char *d;
- register int j, i, y, x;
- static ychar *buf = NULL;
- static int buflen = 0;
- if(menu_ptr == NULL)
- return;
- /* process any input */
- if(io_len > 0)
- {
- ychar ic;
- if(menu_ptr == text_menu)
- {
- for(; io_len > 0; io_len--)
- {
- ic = *(io_ptr++);
- if(ic > ' ' && ic <= '~')
- {
- if(text_pos >= menu_long)
- putc(7, stderr);
- else
- {
- text_str[text_pos] = (char)ic;
- if(text_ypos >= 0)
- raw_term(me, text_ypos, text_xpos + text_pos,
- text_str + text_pos, 1);
- text_str[++text_pos] = '\0';
- }
- }
- else if(ic == me->old_rub)
- {
- if(text_pos > 0)
- {
- text_str[--text_pos] = '\0';
- if(text_ypos >= 0)
- raw_term(me, text_ypos, text_xpos + text_pos,
- " ", 1);
- }
- }
- else if(ic == me->KILL || ic == me->WORD)
- {
- if(text_pos > 0)
- {
- text_str[0] = '\0';
- text_pos = 0;
- if(text_ypos > 0)
- raw_term(me, text_ypos, text_xpos,
- " ", menu_long);
- }
- }
- else if(ic == '\n' || ic == '\r')
- {
- if(text_pos > 0)
- {
- text_str[text_pos] = '\0'; /* just to be sure */
- kill_menu();
- text_menu[0].func(text_str);
- }
- else
- kill_menu();
- return;
- }
- else if(ic == 27 || ic == 4)
- {
- kill_menu();
- return;
- }
- }
- if(text_ypos >= 0)
- {
- raw_term(me, text_ypos, text_xpos + text_pos, NULL, 0);
- flush_term(me);
- return;
- }
- }
- else if(menu_ptr == yes_no_menu)
- {
- /* don't handle yes/no input here */
- }
- else if(menu_ptr == mesg_menu)
- {
- ic = *(io_ptr++);
- io_len--;
- kill_menu();
- if(mesg_menu[0].func)
- mesg_menu[0].func(ic);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- ic = *(io_ptr++);
- io_len--;
- if(ic == ' ' || ic == '\n' || ic == '\r')
- {
- /* scroll the menu */
- menu_line += me->t_rows - 1;
- if(menu_line >= menu_len)
- {
- kill_menu();
- return;
- }
- i = menu_len - (me->t_rows - 1); /* last full screen */
- if(i < menu_line)
- menu_line = i;
- }
- else if(ic > ' ' && ic <= '~')
- {
- for(i = 0; i < menu_len; i++)
- if(menu_ptr[i].key == ic && menu_ptr[i].func != NULL)
- {
- menu_ptr[i].func(ic);
- /*
- */
- i = -1;
- break;
- }
- if(i >= 0)
- kill_menu();
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- kill_menu();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Check the buffer. Keep in mind that we could be here because
- * the window size has changed.
- */
- if(menu_ptr == text_menu)
- {
- generate_text_length();
- text_ypos = -1; /* assume it's not displayed */
- text_xpos = -1;
- }
- else if(menu_ptr == yes_no_menu)
- {
- menu_len = 1;
- menu_line = 0;
- generate_yes_no_length();
- }
- if(menu_long > buflen)
- {
- buflen = menu_long + 64;
- buf = (ychar *)realloc_mem(buf, buflen + MENU_EXTRA);
- }
- /* get starting X and Y coord */
- x = center(me->t_cols, menu_long + MENU_EXTRA);
- if(menu_line == 0)
- {
- if(menu_len + 2 <= me->t_rows)
- {
- y = center(me->t_rows, menu_len + 2);
- raw_term(me, y++, x, "#####", menu_long + MENU_EXTRA);
- }
- else
- y = 0;
- }
- else
- y = 0;
- /* show as many menu lines as we can */
- for(i = menu_line; y+1 < me->t_rows && i < menu_len; i++, y++)
- {
- c = buf;
- *(c++) = '#';
- *(c++) = ' ';
- if(menu_ptr[i].key == ' ')
- {
- j = 0;
- if(menu_ptr == text_menu)
- {
- if(i > 0)
- {
- *(c++) = '>';
- *(c++) = ' ';
- j += 2;
- text_ypos = y;
- text_xpos = x + j + 2;
- }
- }
- else if(menu_ptr != yes_no_menu)
- {
- int temp;
- temp = center(menu_long + 3, strlen(menu_ptr[i].item));
- for(; j < temp; j++)
- *(c++) = ' ';
- }
- for(d = menu_ptr[i].item; *d; d++, j++)
- *(c++) = (ychar)*d;
- for(; j < menu_long + 3; j++)
- *(c++) = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- *(c++) = menu_ptr[i].key;
- *(c++) = ':';
- *(c++) = ' ';
- for(d = menu_ptr[i].item, j = 0; *d; d++, j++)
- *(c++) = (ychar)*d;
- for(; j < menu_long; j++)
- *(c++) = ' ';
- }
- *(c++) = ' ';
- *(c++) = '#';
- raw_term(me, y, x, buf, c - buf);
- }
- if(y < me->t_rows)
- {
- if(i < menu_len)
- {
- c = buf;
- *(c++) = '#';
- *(c++) = ' ';
- *(c++) = ' ';
- *(c++) = ' ';
- *(c++) = ' ';
- for(d = "(more)", j = 0; *d; d++, j++)
- *(c++) = (ychar)*d;
- for(; j < menu_long; j++)
- *(c++) = ' ';
- *(c++) = ' ';
- *(c++) = '#';
- raw_term(me, y, x, buf, c - buf);
- raw_term(me, y, x + 12, NULL, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- raw_term(me, y, x, "#####", menu_long + MENU_EXTRA);
- if(menu_ptr == text_menu)
- raw_term(me, text_ypos, text_xpos + text_pos, NULL, 0);
- else if(menu_ptr == yes_no_menu)
- raw_term(me, y-1, x + menu_long + MENU_EXTRA - 2, NULL, 0);
- else
- raw_term(me, y, me->t_cols / 2, NULL, 0);
- }
- }
- flush_term(me);
- }
- /* Show a menu, overriding any existing menu.
- */
- int
- show_menu(menu, len)
- menu_item *menu;
- int len;
- {
- register int i, j;
- if(me->t_rows < 2)
- {
- show_error("show_menu: window too small");
- return -1;
- }
- /* scan the menu for problems */
- menu_long = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- if((j = strlen(menu[i].item)) > menu_long)
- menu_long = j;
- if(menu[i].key < ' ' || menu[i].key >= '~')
- {
- show_error("show_menu: invalid key");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(menu_long <= 0)
- {
- show_error("show_menu: menu too small");
- return -1;
- }
- if(menu_long < 10)
- menu_long = 10;
- /* set up the menu for display */
- menu_ptr = menu;
- menu_len = len;
- menu_line = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Show a text entry menu, overriding any existing menu.
- */
- int
- show_text(prompt, func)
- char *prompt;
- void (*func)();
- {
- if(me->t_rows < 3)
- {
- show_error("show_text: window too small");
- return -1;
- }
- /* set up the menu for display */
- text_menu[0].item = prompt;
- text_menu[0].func = func;
- text_menu[0].key = ' ';
- text_str[0] = '\0';
- text_menu[1].item = text_str;
- text_menu[1].func = NULL;
- text_menu[1].key = ' ';
- menu_ptr = text_menu;
- menu_len = 2;
- menu_line = 0;
- text_ypos = -1;
- text_xpos = -1;
- text_pos = 0;
- generate_text_length();
- return 0;
- }
- /* Show a message in a menu.
- */
- int
- show_mesg(mesg, func)
- char *mesg;
- void (*func)();
- {
- /* set up the menu for display */
- mesg_menu[0].item = mesg;
- mesg_menu[0].func = func;
- mesg_menu[0].key = ' ';
- return show_menu(mesg_menu, 1);
- }
- int
- show_main_menu()
- {
- static int main_items = 0;
- if(main_items == 0)
- {
- while(main_menu[main_items].key != '\0')
- main_items++;
- }
- return show_menu(main_menu, main_items);
- }
- int
- show_option_menu()
- {
- register int i = 0;
- option_menu[i].item = "Options Menu";
- option_menu[i].func = NULL;
- option_menu[i].key = ' ';
- i++;
- option_menu[i].item = "";
- option_menu[i].func = NULL;
- option_menu[i].key = ' ';
- i++;
- if(def_flags & FL_SCROLL)
- option_menu[i].item = "turn scrolling off";
- else
- option_menu[i].item = "turn scrolling on";
- option_menu[i].func = option_menu_sel;
- option_menu[i].key = 's';
- i++;
- if(def_flags & FL_WRAP)
- option_menu[i].item = "turn word-wrap off";
- else
- option_menu[i].item = "turn word-wrap on";
- option_menu[i].func = option_menu_sel;
- option_menu[i].key = 'w';
- i++;
- if(def_flags & FL_IMPORT)
- option_menu[i].item = "turn auto-import off";
- else
- option_menu[i].item = "turn auto-import on";
- option_menu[i].func = option_menu_sel;
- option_menu[i].key = 'i';
- i++;
- if(def_flags & FL_INVITE)
- option_menu[i].item = "turn auto-invite off";
- else
- option_menu[i].item = "turn auto-invite on";
- option_menu[i].func = option_menu_sel;
- option_menu[i].key = 'v';
- i++;
- if(def_flags & FL_RING)
- option_menu[i].item = "turn auto-rering off";
- else
- option_menu[i].item = "turn auto-rering on";
- option_menu[i].func = option_menu_sel;
- option_menu[i].key = 'r';
- i++;
- return show_menu(option_menu, i);
- }
- int
- show_user_menu(title, func)
- char *title;
- void (*func)();
- {
- register int i;
- register yuser *u;
- user_menu[0].item = title;
- user_menu[0].func = func;
- user_menu[0].key = ' ';
- user_menu[1].item = "";
- user_menu[1].func = NULL;
- user_menu[1].key = ' ';
- for(i = 2, u = user_list; u != NULL && i < MAXUMENU; u = u->unext)
- if(u != me)
- {
- if(u->key != '\0')
- {
- strcpy(user_buf[i], u->full_name);
- user_menu[i].item = user_buf[i];
- user_menu[i].func = user_menu_sel;
- user_menu[i].key = u->key;
- i++;
- }
- }
- if(i > 2)
- return show_menu(user_menu, i);
- kill_menu();
- return -1;
- }
- int
- show_user_list()
- {
- register int i;
- register yuser *u;
- static char name_buf[25], stat_buf[25];
- i = 0;
- user_menu[i].item = "User List";
- user_menu[i].func = NULL;
- user_menu[i].key = ' ';
- i++;
- user_menu[i].item = "Name Winsize [My_Size] Software ";
- user_menu[i].func = NULL;
- user_menu[i].key = ' ';
- i++;
- user_menu[i].item = "";
- user_menu[i].func = NULL;
- user_menu[i].key = ' ';
- i++;
- for(u = connect_list; u && i < MAXUMENU; u = u->next)
- if(u != me)
- {
- if(u->remote.vmajor > 2)
- sprintf(stat_buf, "YTalk V%d.%d",
- u->remote.vmajor, u->remote.vminor);
- else if(u->remote.vmajor == 2)
- sprintf(stat_buf, "YTalk V2.?");
- else
- sprintf(stat_buf, "UNIX Talk");
- pad_str(u->full_name, 15, name_buf);
- pad_str(stat_buf, 15, stat_buf);
- sprintf(user_buf[i], "%s %3.3dx%3.3d [%3.3dx%3.3d] %s",
- name_buf,
- u->remote.cols, u->remote.rows,
- u->remote.my_cols, u->remote.my_rows,
- stat_buf);
- user_menu[i].item = user_buf[i];
- user_menu[i].func = NULL;
- user_menu[i].key = ' ';
- i++;
- }
- for(u = wait_list; u && i < MAXUMENU; u = u->next)
- {
- pad_str(u->full_name, 15, name_buf);
- pad_str("<unconnected>", 15, stat_buf);
- sprintf(user_buf[i], "%s %s",
- name_buf,
- stat_buf);
- user_menu[i].item = user_buf[i];
- user_menu[i].func = NULL;
- user_menu[i].key = ' ';
- i++;
- }
- return show_menu(user_menu, i);
- }
- int
- show_error_menu(str1, str2)
- char *str1, *str2;
- {
- register int i;
- for(i = 0; error_menu[i].key != '\0'; i++)
- if(error_menu[i].item == NULL)
- {
- strncpy(err_str[got_error], str1, MAXERR);
- err_str[got_error][MAXERR-1] = '\0';
- error_menu[i++].item = err_str[got_error++];
- strncpy(err_str[got_error], str2, MAXERR);
- err_str[got_error][MAXERR-1] = '\0';
- error_menu[i++].item = err_str[got_error++];
- return show_menu(error_menu, i);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Prompt user for yes/no response. Return the response. It is
- * necessary for this function to hang until an answer is received.
- */
- int
- yes_no(prompt)
- char *prompt;
- {
- int out = 0;
- yes_no_menu[0].func = NULL;
- yes_no_menu[0].key = ' ';
- /* show the menu and call input_loop() */
- do {
- yes_no_menu[0].item = prompt;
- menu_ptr = yes_no_menu;
- update_menu();
- input_loop();
- if(menu_ptr != yes_no_menu || yes_no_menu[0].item != prompt)
- {
- /* somebody pre-empted us */
- kill_menu();
- io_len = 0;
- }
- for(; io_len > 0; io_len--, io_ptr++)
- {
- if(*io_ptr == 'y' || *io_ptr == 'Y')
- {
- out = 'y';
- break;
- }
- if(*io_ptr == 'n' || *io_ptr == 'N' || *io_ptr == 27)
- {
- out = 'n';
- break;
- }
- }
- } while(out == 0);
- kill_menu();
- io_len = 0;
- return out;
- }
- void
- update_user_menu()
- {
- if(menu_ptr == user_menu)
- {
- redraw_term(me, 0);
- if(user_menu[0].func) /* it's a user menu */
- (void)show_user_menu(user_menu[0].item, user_menu[0].func);
- else /* it's a user status list */
- (void)show_user_list();
- update_menu();
- }
- }