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- /*
- ** fixcpio.c -- fix troubled cpio archive by skipping trashed members.
- **
- ** Dave Brower, 12/13/86
- ** {sun, amdahl, mtxinu}!rtech!daveb
- **
- ** Usage: fixcpio [ infile [ outfile ] ]
- **
- ** Writes a cpio -c archive to outfile (or stdout) from the infile (stdin).
- ** ("-" may be used as the stdin/stdout filename.)
- **
- ** Skips over junk members. This is how to recover when you've lost
- ** floppy 9 of a 30 disk backup. Eliminates "Out of phase -- get help"
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- /* size blocks to write */
- # define BLKSIZ 512
- /* Maximum reasonable pathname in a header record */
- # define MAXPATH 128
- typedef struct
- {
- /* these are ints for scanf's benefit. */
- int h_magic,
- h_dev,
- h_ino,
- h_mode,
- h_uid,
- h_gid,
- h_nlink,
- h_rdev;
- long h_longtime;
- int h_namesize;
- long h_longfile;
- typedef struct
- {
- char h_name[ MAXPATH ];
- CHARREC CRec = { 0 }; /* Character header */
- char Trailer[] = "TRAILER!!!"; /* Magic string */
- char Tmpfile[] = "/tmp/fixcpioXXXXXX"; /* temp file template */
- int Debug; /* Debugging? */
- void outerr(); /* error writing output file */
- void tmperr(); /* error writing temp file */
- void writeerr(); /* error writing file */
- int fprintf(); /* libc defined, -1 on error */
- /*
- ** main() -- fix a cpio archive with "Out of phase -- get help" problems.
- */
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- register int last; /* last char processed */
- register int this; /* current chars */
- register int nmagic; /* "07"s in magic "070707" seen */
- register FILE *ifp = stdin; /* input stream */
- register FILE *ofp = stdout; /* output stream */
- register FILE *tfp = NULL; /* temp file */
- int done = 0; /* all done flag */
- long nbytes = 0; /* count of bytes written */
- char buf[ 512 ]; /* holds a trailer. */
- char *getenv(); /* libc defined */
- FILE *efopen(); /* fopen, fatal on error */
- FILE *getmember(); /* stash a member in a temp file */
- long putmember(); /* write temp file */
- /* Set "secret" debugging flag */
- Debug = getenv("FIXCPIO") != NULL;
- if( argc > 3 )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: fixcpio [ infile [ outfile ] ]\n");
- return( 1 );
- }
- if( --argc > 0 && strcmp( *++argv, "-" ) )
- ifp = efopen( *argv, "r" );
- if( --argc > 0 && strcmp( *++argv, "-" ) )
- ofp = efopen( *argv, "w" );
- /*
- ** Process chars of input. When you see a magic number, try
- ** to accumulate the archive member on a temp file. Write out
- ** good members as they are validated, skipping trouble makers.
- */
- for ( nmagic = last = this = 0 ; !done ; last = this )
- {
- switch( this = getc( ifp ) )
- {
- case '0':
- /* maybe a header, no special action */
- break;
- case '7':
- /* Maintain count of special "07" pairs */
- nmagic = last == '0' ? nmagic + 1 : 0;
- /* It's a magic number, try to process as a header */
- if( nmagic == 3 )
- {
- nmagic = 0;
- /* stashed entry is good, write it */
- if( tfp )
- nbytes += putmember( tfp, ofp );
- /* stash this possible entry into tfp, get CRec */
- tfp = getmember( ifp );
- }
- break;
- case EOF:
- done = 1;
- /* Fall into... */
- default:
- /* Any existing entry is garbage... */
- nmagic = 0;
- if( tfp )
- {
- if( !strcmp( CRec.h_name, Trailer ) )
- done = 1;
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "Skipping bad member \"%s\"\n",
- CRec.h_name );
- (void)fclose( tfp );
- tfp = NULL;
- }
- break;
- } /* switch */
- } /* for */
- /* flush pending good member */
- if( tfp )
- {
- nbytes += putmember( tfp, ofp );
- tfp = NULL;
- }
- /* Write a trailer -- remember to terminate the name string! */
- (void)sprintf( buf, "070707%06o%06o%06o%06o%06o%06o%06o%011o%06o%011o%s",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(Trailer) + 1, 0, Trailer );
- if( fprintf(ofp, "%s", buf) < 0 || putc( 0, ofp ) < 0 )
- outerr();
- nbytes += strlen( buf ) + 1;
- /* round output to an even block */
- nbytes = BLKSIZ - (nbytes % BLKSIZ);
- while( nbytes-- )
- if( putc( 0, ofp ) < 0 )
- outerr();
- if( fclose( ofp ) < 0 )
- outerr();
- return( 0 );
- }
- /*
- ** getmember() -- save an archive member to a temp file
- **
- ** When positioned after the magic number in a cpio file on ifp,
- ** copy the member to a temp file, and return it's fp. The temp file
- ** contains a complete member (including magic number) and is positioned
- ** for catting directly to the real output file.
- **
- ** If there are problems getting the member, return NULL.
- */
- FILE *
- getmember( ifp )
- register FILE *ifp;
- {
- register int c; /* character of the member name */
- register int nr; /* number read or scanned */
- register FILE *ofp; /* temp file */
- long len; /* actual member length */
- char name[ sizeof(Tmpfile) + 1 ]; /* name of the temp file */
- /* number of chars to read for a -c header */
- # define NCREAD ( (8 * 6) + (2 * 11) )
- char buf[ NCREAD + 1 ]; /* raw header */
- char *mktemp(); /* libc, make temp file name */
- char *strcpy(); /* libc, copy string */
- long ncat(); /* cat file to a length */
- if( NCREAD != ( nr = fread( buf, 1, NCREAD, ifp ) ) )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read header: Wanted %d, got %d\n",
- NCREAD, nr);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if( Debug )
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "dev |ino |mode |uid |gid |nlink|rdev |longtime |nsize|longfile\n" );
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf );
- }
- if( 10 != ( nr = sscanf( buf, "%6o%6o%6o%6o%6o%6o%6o%11o%6o%11o",
- &CRec.h.h_dev, &CRec.h.h_ino, &CRec.h.h_mode,
- &CRec.h.h_uid, &CRec.h.h_gid, &CRec.h.h_nlink,
- &CRec.h.h_rdev, &CRec.h.h_longtime,
- &CRec.h.h_namesize , &CRec.h.h_longfile ) ) )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't scan header: Wanted 10, got %d\n", nr);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if( Debug )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "dev 0%o ino 0%o mode 0%o uid %d gid %d\n",
- CRec.h.h_dev, CRec.h.h_ino, CRec.h.h_mode,
- CRec.h.h_uid, CRec.h.h_gid );
- fprintf(stderr,
- "nlink %d rdev 0%o longtime 0%o namesize %d longfile 0%o\n",
- CRec.h.h_nlink, CRec.h.h_rdev, CRec.h.h_longtime,
- CRec.h.h_namesize, CRec.h.h_longfile );
- }
- /* Ridiculous name size? probably trashed entry */
- if( !CRec.h.h_namesize || CRec.h.h_namesize > sizeof( CRec.h_name ) )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Bad namesize %d\n", CRec.h.h_namesize );
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Get the name */
- nr = 0;
- while( nr < CRec.h.h_namesize && ( c = getc( ifp ) ) != EOF )
- CRec.h_name[ nr++ ] = c;
- if( c == EOF )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected EOF reading name in header\n");
- return (NULL);
- }
- if( Debug )
- fprintf(stderr, "name \"%s\"\n", CRec.h_name );
- /* create a new temp file, and mark it for delete on close */
- (void)strcpy( name, mktemp( Tmpfile ) );
- ofp = efopen( name, "w+" );
- (void)unlink( name );
- /* Write a header */
- fprintf( ofp, "070707%06o%06o%06o%06o%06o%06o%06o%011o%06o%011o",
- CRec.h.h_dev, CRec.h.h_ino, CRec.h.h_mode,
- CRec.h.h_uid, CRec.h.h_gid, CRec.h.h_nlink,
- CRec.h.h_rdev, CRec.h.h_longtime,
- CRec.h.h_namesize, CRec.h.h_longfile ) ;
- for( nr = 0; nr < CRec.h.h_namesize ; )
- putc( CRec.h_name[ nr++ ], ofp );
- /* now copy the file body */
- if( CRec.h.h_longfile != (len = ncat( CRec.h.h_longfile, ifp, ofp ) ) )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Bad member length: Should be %ld, was %ld\n",
- CRec.h.h_longfile, len );
- (void)fclose( ofp );
- return( NULL );
- }
- if( fseek( ofp, 0L, 0 ) < 0L )
- tmperr();
- return( ofp );
- }
- /*
- ** putmember() -- Write member, close input and return bytes written
- */
- long
- putmember( ifp, ofp )
- register FILE * ifp;
- register FILE * ofp;
- {
- register long n;
- long cat();
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", CRec.h_name );
- n = cat( ifp, ofp );
- (void)fclose( ifp );
- return ( n );
- }
- /*
- ** cat() -- copy one stream to another, returning n bytes copied
- */
- long
- cat( ifp, ofp )
- register FILE *ifp;
- register FILE *ofp;
- {
- register int c;
- register int n;
- for( n = 0 ; ( c = getc( ifp ) ) != EOF ; n++ )
- if( putc( c, ofp ) < 0 )
- outerr();
- return ( n );
- }
- /*
- ** ncat() -- copy up to n bytes from one stream to another, return actual
- */
- long
- ncat( in, ifp, ofp )
- register long in;
- register FILE *ifp;
- register FILE *ofp;
- {
- register int c;
- register long on;
- for( on = 0; in-- && ( c = getc( ifp ) ) != EOF ; on++ )
- if( putc( c, ofp ) < 0 )
- tmperr();
- return ( on );
- }
- /*
- ** efopen() -- fopen() that fatals on error
- */
- FILE *
- efopen( file, mode )
- char *file;
- char *mode;
- {
- FILE * fp;
- if( NULL == (fp = fopen( file, mode ) ) )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Can't open \"%s\" mode \"%s\"\n", file, mode );
- perror("efopen");
- exit( 1 );
- }
- return( fp );
- }
- /*
- ** outerr() -- handle error writing output file
- */
- void
- outerr()
- {
- writeerr( "output" );
- }
- /*
- ** tmperr() -- handle error writing temp file
- */
- void
- tmperr()
- {
- writeerr( "temp" );
- }
- /*
- ** writeerr() -- handle write errors, gracelessly.
- */
- void
- writeerr( what )
- char *what;
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\007Error writing %s file", what );
- perror("");
- }
- /* end of fixcpio.c */