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- Subject: v08i089: Hershey fonts to 'vfont' rasterizer
- Newsgroups: mod.sources
- Approved: mirror!rs
- Submitted by: William LeFebvre <phil@rice.edu>
- Mod.sources: Volume 8, Issue 89
- Archive-name: her2vfont
- I have gotten many requests for this program, but I have been slow to
- resond to them. Sorry about the delay.
- This program, hfont, rasterizes characters from the public domain
- vector font called "Hershey's Repertory" using a symmetric DDA
- algorithm. It stores the resulting fonts in vfont format. I'm not
- sure if Bell Unix has the proper include file for vfont format:
- "/usr/include/vfont.h". Some of you may have to go searching for it:
- I cannot provide it for you.
- This software is provided AS IS. I'm not particularly interested in
- supporting it, but I am providing it in the interests of sharing
- knowledge. So don't expect this program to be as well polished as,
- say, "top" is. Share and enjoy!
- William LeFebvre
- Department of Computer Science
- Rice University
- <phil@Rice.edu>
- ------------------------------ CUT HERE ------------------------------
- echo 'Start of distribution file hfont.shar:'
- echo 'Extracting README...'
- sed 's/^X//' > README << '/'
- X
- XThis is a program that rasterizes the Hershey vector fonts using a
- Xsymmetric DDA. It builds fonts in the standard vfont format. It takes as
- Xinput lines describing what hershey character should be placed in what
- Xposition in the vfont, along with certain rasterization options. It is
- Xcapable of building fonts of any point size using a pen shape provided by
- Xthe user.
- X
- XBefore running this program, you need the following files: hershey format
- Xfile, pen file, descriptor file. I will describe each one in turn:
- X
- Xhershey format file:
- X The standard Hershey repertory, as distributed, will do. This program
- X understands a rather loose format that includes the format used by
- X Hershey. The default is "occidental" in the current directory.
- X
- Xpen file:
- X This describes the shape of the pen at various point sizes. Each pen
- X description in this file starts with the line "pen x" where "x" is the
- X point size at which this pen should be used. The last line in the file
- X is always "penend". Each pen itself is described with a simple diagram
- X consisting of spaces and stars (*). Here is an example of a simple pen
- X shape:
- X
- X *
- X ***
- X *
- X
- X The file "pen.round" in this distribution will give you a good idea
- X what a pen file should look like. It is also the default.
- X
- Xdescriptor file:
- X Hfont expects to see this on standard input. You can type them in by
- X hand from the terminal (especially convenient when testing things out),
- X but it is best to keep permanent descriptions in separate files and
- X use shell redirection when running hfont. This file has two areas.
- X Each line in the first area contains a keyword and possible arguments.
- X This allows for description specific options. The keywords and their
- X functions are:
- X
- X repertory filename
- X use "filename" as the vector repertory rather than the default
- X
- X maxchar num
- X an outdated keyword that should no longer be used
- X
- X pen filename
- X use "pen" as the penfile
- X
- X aspect num
- X use the (fractional) number "num" as the standard aspect ratio
- X for all characters (explained in more detail later)
- X
- X charset
- X start of the character set description
- X
- X The "charset" keyword is always the last one, and it separates the
- X first area from the second. Each line after "charset" has the
- X following form:
- X
- X index,char[,vmot][,rxxx]
- X
- X "index" is the character number of the desired character in the vector
- X repertory (for example, 2001 is the Duplex Roman "A" in the Hershey
- X occidental repertory); "char" is the character position in the vfont
- X where the character will be placed (it can either be a single
- X character, or "\" followed by an octal number -- simply "\" is sufficint
- X for the backslash); "vmot" is a number giving vertical displacement;
- X "rxxx" is a specific aspect ratio for this character (where "xxx" is
- X replaced with a fractional number).
- X
- X There are two options that can be specified in the "index" field. If
- X the index number is really "p", then an exact image of the drawing pen
- X is used as a character. If the index starts with a "s", remainder of
- X the field is taken to be an integer specifying the width of a space.
- X This space is then used as the character (and no bitmap is associated
- X with it). For example:
- X
- X p,\210 places an image of the pen at octal 210 in the vfont.
- X s15,\212 places a 15 pixel wide space at octal 212.
- X
- X Oversight: there is no way to generate a point size specific space.
- X
- XRasterizing options:
- X
- XVertical displacement:
- X When I first wrote this, I found this option very useful. It allows
- X one to shift a character's rasterized image vertically. So, for
- X example, the same horizontal line can be used for a hyphen and an
- X underline. This also helped me get the fonts produced closer to what
- X troff expected them to be. The vertical displacement can be negative
- X if desired.
- X
- XAspect ratio:
- X
- X By default, all characters are rasterized with an aspect ratio of 1.
- X The aspect ratio is a fraction: the horizontal amplification divided by
- X the vertical amplification. Since this program is rasterizing a vector
- X fonts, one can play such games with the co-ordinates during
- X rasterization. An aspect ratio of 1 is normal (and, thus, the
- X default). An aspect ratio of .8 will stretch characters vertically,
- X and a ratio of 1.2 will stretch them horizontally. Again, this option
- X was deemed desirable for our applications at Rice. I noticed that one
- X of the primary differences between the Hershey duplex Roman font and a
- X standard Times Roman font was that all the lower case Hershey
- X characters looked like someone had stepped on them. So, I played a
- X little with varying aspect ratios and decided that a ratio of 0.8 for
- X just the lower case characters came very close to the Times Roman font
- X (I used the original AT&T troff documentation as a sample of a Times
- X Roman font). A standard aspect ratio can be defined for the whole font
- X by using the "aspect" keyword at the front of the description, and
- X individual ratios can be specified for each character as described above.
- X
- XAgain, examples of descriptor files are included in this distribution.
- XThey have a suffix of ".spec". There is one for three of the four standard
- Xtroff fonts: R, I, and B. They should give you some good examples. The
- Xspecial font (S) had a specially hand-crafted repertory file that
- Xcontained different character specifications for things like the bracket
- Xbuilding characters. If you are interested in this special repertory send
- Xme mail and I can arrange to have it sent to you, provided you have
- Xalready obtained the original Hershey repertory on tape (this requires
- Xsigning a license agreement with NTIS, and some of the characters in this
- Xspecial repertory are straight from the original Hershey).
- X
- XA word about resolution:
- X
- XAs distributed, this program is set up to build 300 dpi fonts. It should
- Xbe very easy to change this for other resolutions, but I haven't given much
- Xthought to how this would be done. I suspect that it is as easy as
- Xchanging the preprocessor constant "PT_Scale" to a different value.
- X
- XI am also sending a file called extra.occ, which contains some extra
- Xcharacters defined in hershey format. The descriptor files reference
- Xthese characters. They are all the characters I needed for the three
- Xtroff fonts but couldn't find reasonable equivalents for in the original
- XHershey font. If you want to run hfont with the descriptor files I am
- Xincluding, then you will either have to add these characters to your
- XHershey repertory (maintaining the ascending order), or remove the extra
- Xdefinitions from the descriptor files.
- X
- XFinally, there is a program called "vsc" (for Vfont Snarf Character),
- Xwhich helps you peruse a vfont file. Give it the name of a vfont file as
- Xan argument, then it will print out the information in the font header
- Xarea. Type a character followed by a return and it will print out, first,
- Xthe contents of the character dispatch, and then the raster image (in a
- Xvisible manner).
- X
- XA warning about Sun fonts: the fonts used by the Sun workstation for
- XSuntools are not quite standard vfont format. The bitmaps are padded out
- Xto a short word boundary rather than a byte boundary. The fonts that this
- Xprogram produces will not work as Suntools fonts. However, changing vfont
- Xso that it does produce the right format should be easy.
- X
- XI hope you find this useful. I'm not really using this program much
- Xanymore, since the project I wrote it for fell through. You are welcome
- Xto use it as you want, but please credit me as the original author (unless
- Xyou almost completely rewrite it). I hate to say it, but I'm not really
- Xall that interested in bug fixes and small enhancements. If you are
- Xhaving problems trying to track down a bug, I will lend what assistance I
- Xcan. If you add something that you think is just really spectacular, drop
- Xme a line. I'll be more interested in brief sketches than actual diffs.
- XEssentially, this is an "as is" free piece of software.
- X
- X William LeFebvre
- X Department of Computer Science
- X Rice University
- X <phil@Rice.edu>
- /
- echo 'Extracting Makefile...'
- sed 's/^X//' > Makefile << '/'
- X# Makefile for "hfont"; a program to rasterize Hershey font characters
- X#
- X# Written by William LeFebvre, Computer Science Department, Rice University
- X
- XFILES = README Makefile hfont.c painter.c vsc.c painter.h extra.occ \
- X pen.round R.spec I.spec B.spec
- X
- Xall: hfont vsc
- X
- Xhfont: hfont.o painter.o
- X cc $(CFLAGS) -o hfont hfont.o painter.o
- X
- Xvsc: vsc.o
- X cc $(CFLAGS) -o vsc vsc.o
- X
- Xpainter.o: painter.c painter.h
- Xhfont.o: hfont.c painter.h
- X
- Xclean:
- X rm -f hfont.o painter.o vsc.o hfont vsc core
- X
- Xshar:
- X rm -f hfont.shar
- X packmail 1000000 hfont.shar $(FILES)
- /
- echo 'Extracting hfont.c...'
- sed 's/^X//' > hfont.c << '/'
- X/*
- X * hfont - build a vfont raster file from a hershey format vector file
- X *
- X * Written by William LeFebvre, LCSE, Rice University
- X */
- X
- X# include <sys/types.h>
- X# include <vfont.h>
- X# include "painter.h"
- X
- X# define No 0
- X# define Yes 1
- X
- X# define MAX_CHARS 256 /* number of chars in a vfont file */
- X# define Headersize (sizeof(struct header) + sizeof(struct dispatch) * MAX_CHARS)
- X
- X# define PT_Scale .14 /* scaling factor for point sizes */
- X# define Base_scale 10.0 /* scaling factor for baseline */
- X
- Xchar bitmap[Max_x][Max_y];
- Xchar input[256];
- Xunsigned char filebuff[Max_x*(Max_y/8)];
- Xunsigned char *fbufp;
- Xdouble left_extent, right_extent;
- Xint left_max, right_max;
- Xint up_max, down_max;
- Xint vtrans;
- Xdouble x_factor = 1.4;
- Xdouble y_factor = 1.4;
- Xdouble real_x_factor;
- Xdouble x_trans;
- Xdouble translate_x();
- XFILE *vecfont;
- X
- Xint left_ex;
- Xint map_to_char;
- Xint vfont;
- Xint baseline;
- Xint hi_char = 168;
- X
- Xchar verbose = No;
- X
- Xchar *gets();
- Xchar *vgets();
- Xchar *index();
- Xchar *process_option();
- X
- Xstruct header v_header;
- Xstruct dispatch v_character[256];
- X
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- X
- Xint argc;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X
- X{
- X int i;
- X int j;
- X int arg;
- X int bytecnt;
- X int pt_size = 0;
- X int char_num;
- X int space_char;
- X int filesize;
- X unsigned char bytemask;
- X unsigned char byte;
- X char *inp;
- X char *p;
- X static char repertory[256] = "occidental";
- X static char pen_file[256] = "pen.round";
- X static char buff[256];
- X struct dispatch *character;
- X
- X /* get optional arguments */
- X
- X for (arg = 1; ((arg < argc) && (argv[arg][0] == '-')); arg++)
- X {
- X switch (argv[arg][1])
- X {
- X case 'p': /* point size */
- X pt_size = atoi(&argv[arg][2]);
- X strcpy(buff, &argv[arg][2]);
- X set_factor((double)pt_size * PT_Scale);
- X break;
- X
- X case 's': /* scale factor */
- X sscanf(&argv[arg][2], "%F", &x_factor);
- X set_factor(x_factor);
- X break;
- X
- X case 'v': /* verbose */
- X verbose = Yes;
- X break;
- X
- X default:
- X fprintf(stderr, "Illegal option `%s'\n", argv[arg]);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X }
- X if (arg+1 > argc )
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "usage: hfont [-pn] [-sn] fontfile\n");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X
- X /* read options from stdin */
- X
- X while (vgets(input) != NULL && strcmp(input, "charset") != 0)
- X {
- X /* get the option name */
- X if ((p = index(input, ' ')) != 0)
- X {
- X *p = '\0';
- X }
- X while (*(++p) == ' ');
- X
- X /* string switch on option names */
- X if (strcmp(input, "repertory") == 0)
- X {
- X strcpy(repertory, p);
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(input, "maxchar") == 0)
- X {
- X hi_char = atoi(p);
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(input, "pen") == 0)
- X {
- X strcpy(pen_file, p);
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(input, "aspect") == 0)
- X {
- X x_factor *= atof(p);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: `%s'\n", input);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* open the font files */
- X if ((vecfont = fopen(repertory, "r")) == NULL)
- X {
- X perror(repertory);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X if ((vfont = creat(argv[arg], 0666)) == -1)
- X {
- X perror(argv[arg]);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X
- X /* read in the pens */
- X if ((i = read_pens(pen_file, pt_size)) < 0)
- X {
- X if (i == -1)
- X {
- X perror("Pen file");
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Pen file: couldn't find pen for %d point\n",
- X pt_size);
- X }
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X
- X /* leave space for the header, character descriptors, and space bitmap */
- X lseek(vfont, Headersize + 2, 0);
- X filesize = 2;
- X
- X /* remember what the real x factor is */
- X
- X real_x_factor = x_factor;
- X
- X /* translate the characters */
- X
- X while(vgets(input) != NULL)
- X {
- X /* get the character desired */
- X
- X space_char = char_num = 0;
- X if (input[0] == 's')
- X {
- X /* space character of specified width */
- X space_char = atoi(&(input[1]));
- X }
- X else if (input[0] == 'p')
- X {
- X /* image of the drawing pen */
- X char_num = -1;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /* normal vector character */
- X char_num = atoi(input);
- X }
- X
- X /* find the font character to use */
- X
- X if ((inp = index(input, ',')) == 0)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "bad character designation in `%s'\n",
- X input);
- X break;
- X }
- X if ((inp[1] == '\\') && (inp[2] != '\0'))
- X {
- X /* octal format */
- X sscanf(&(inp[2]), "%o", &map_to_char);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /* character format */
- X map_to_char = inp[1];
- X }
- X
- X /* check for extra options */
- X
- X vtrans = 0;
- X inp += 2;
- X if ((inp = process_option(inp)) != 0)
- X {
- X process_option(inp);
- X }
- X
- X /* get a pointer to the character descriptor */
- X
- X character = &(v_character[map_to_char]);
- X
- X /* find the character in the Hershey font */
- X
- X if (space_char != 0)
- X {
- X /* this is a special width space character */
- X character->nbytes = 2;
- X character->addr = 0;
- X character->up = character->down =
- X character->left = character->right = 0;
- X character->width = space_char;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /* normal hershey character */
- X /* clear the bitmap */
- X bzero(bitmap, sizeof(bitmap));
- X
- X if (char_num == -1)
- X {
- X /* paint just one blotch of the pen at the center */
- X reset_painter();
- X paint(0, baseline - Y_center, 0, 0, 2);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /* find and paint a vector character */
- X if (find_num(char_num) != 0)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "character %d not found\n", char_num);
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X /* paint the character */
- X paint_char(vtrans);
- X }
- X
- X /* get integer left extent */
- X left_ex = (int)(left_extent - 0.5) + X_center;
- X
- X /* fill in the character descriptor */
- X character->width =
- X (int)(right_extent - left_extent + 0.5);
- X
- X character->down = down_max - baseline;
- X character->up = baseline - up_max;
- X character->left = left_ex - left_max;
- X character->right = right_max - left_ex + 1;
- X character->addr = filesize;
- X character->nbytes = bytecnt = ((right_max - left_max + 8) >> 3) *
- X (down_max - up_max);
- X
- X /* write the bitmap --- this is a problem */
- X fbufp = filebuff;
- X for (i = up_max; i <= down_max; i++)
- X {
- X for (j = left_max; j <= right_max; )
- X {
- X byte = 0;
- X for (bytemask=0x80; bytemask != 0; (bytemask >>= 1, j++))
- X {
- X byte |= (bitmap[j][i] ? bytemask : 0);
- X }
- X *fbufp++ = byte;
- X }
- X }
- X write(vfont, filebuff, bytecnt);
- X filesize += bytecnt;
- X
- X }
- X
- X /* restore x factor */
- X x_factor = real_x_factor;
- X }
- X
- X /* write the font header with the real file size */
- X v_header.size = filesize;
- X v_header.magic = 0436;
- X v_header.maxx = v_header.maxy = v_header.xtend = 0;
- X lseek(vfont, 0, 0);
- X write(vfont, &v_header, sizeof(v_header));
- X
- X /* write the character dispatch area */
- X write(vfont, v_character, sizeof(v_character));
- X
- X close(vfont);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * set_factor - set a new scaling factor (and all things associated with it)
- X */
- X
- Xset_factor(factor)
- X
- Xdouble factor;
- X
- X{
- X y_factor = x_factor = factor;
- X baseline = (int)(Base_scale * factor + 0.5) + Y_center;
- X if (verbose)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "scaling factor = %f, baseline = %d\n",
- X y_factor, baseline);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * process_option(ptr) - process possible line option pointed to by ptr.
- X */
- X
- Xchar *process_option(ptr)
- X
- Xchar *ptr;
- X
- X{
- X if ((ptr = index(ptr, ',')) != 0)
- X {
- X ptr++;
- X if (ptr[0] == 'r')
- X {
- X /* aspect ratio */
- X x_factor *= atof(&ptr[1]);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /* assume it's vertical translation */
- X vtrans = atoi(&(ptr[0]));
- X }
- X }
- X return(ptr);
- X}
- X
- Xchar *vgets(buff)
- X
- Xregister char *buff;
- X
- X{
- X register char *retval;
- X
- X if ((retval = gets(buff)) != NULL && verbose)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buff);
- X }
- X return(retval);
- X}
- /
- echo 'Extracting painter.c...'
- sed 's/^X//' > painter.c << '/'
- X# include "painter.h"
- X
- X# define No 0
- X# define Yes 1
- X
- Xextern char bitmap[Max_x][Max_y];
- Xextern char input[256];
- Xextern double left_extent, right_extent;
- Xextern int left_max, right_max;
- Xextern int up_max, down_max;
- Xextern double x_factor;
- Xextern double y_factor;
- Xextern double x_trans;
- Xextern double translate_x();
- Xextern FILE *vecfont;
- Xint vtrans;
- Xchar shape_area[1024]; /* holds pen shapes */
- Xchar *shape_hi = shape_area;
- X
- Xextern int errno;
- X
- X/* functions that adjust int/frac pairs (referenced in paint_line) */
- Xint adjust_down();
- Xint adjust_up();
- Xint adjust_no();
- Xint (*set_adjust())();
- X
- X/* setup the painting pen */
- X
- Xstruct pen
- X{
- X int x_off;
- X int y_off;
- X char *shape;
- X}
- X pen;
- X
- X/* each byte in shape_area is one of: */
- X
- X#define Pen_blank 0
- X#define Pen_full 3
- X#define Pen_pos 2
- X#define Pen_neg 1
- X#define Pen_eol 4
- X#define Pen_eop 12
- X
- X/*
- X * read_pens(filename, point) - read in the pen shapes from "filename" and
- X * select the pen for size "point". If point
- X * is 0, just use the first pen in the file.
- X */
- X
- Xread_pens(filename, point)
- X
- Xchar *filename;
- Xint point;
- X
- X{
- X FILE *f;
- X int x, y, xmax;
- X int found;
- X char ch;
- X char line[256];
- X char *pshape;
- X
- X /* open the pen file */
- X if ((f = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
- X {
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* find the right sized pen */
- X found = No;
- X while (!found)
- X {
- X if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) == NULL)
- X {
- X fclose(f);
- X return(-2);
- X }
- X if (sscanf(line, "pen %d", &x) == 1 && (x == point || point == 0))
- X {
- X /* found it */
- X found = Yes;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* get this pen */
- X /* preset extremes and such */
- X xmax = x = y = 0;
- X pen.shape = pshape = shape_hi;
- X
- X /* one character at a time ... */
- X while ((ch = getc(f)) != 'p')
- X {
- X switch(ch)
- X {
- X case EOF:
- X /* that wasn't supposed to happen */
- X fclose(f);
- X return(-2);
- X
- X case '*':
- X /* completely filled in */
- X *pshape++ = Pen_full;
- X x++;
- X break;
- X
- X case '/':
- X /* filled in only on positive slope */
- X *pshape++ = Pen_pos;
- X x++;
- X break;
- X
- X case '\\':
- X /* filled in only on negative slope */
- X *pshape++ = Pen_neg;
- X x++;
- X break;
- X
- X case '\n':
- X /* end of line */
- X *pshape++ = Pen_eol;
- X y++;
- X if (xmax < x)
- X xmax = x;
- X x = 0;
- X break;
- X
- X default:
- X /* anything else is not filled in */
- X *pshape++ = Pen_blank;
- X x++;
- X /* break; */
- X }
- X
- X /* calculate offsets */
- X pen.x_off = (xmax - 1) / 2;
- X pen.y_off = (y - 1) / 2;
- X }
- X
- X /* set end of pen marker */
- X *pshape++ = Pen_eop;
- X
- X /* throw away rest of delimiting line and reset high water mark */
- X fgets(line, 132, f);
- X shape_hi = pshape;
- X
- X /* close and leave */
- X fclose(f);
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * find_num(num) - scan thru the font file to find character "num"
- X */
- X
- Xfind_num(num)
- X
- Xint num;
- X
- X{
- X static int last_char_num = 0;
- X int this_num;
- X
- X /* check for special case num = 0 */
- X
- X if (num == 0)
- X {
- X /* use the next one in the file */
- X if (fgets(input, 256, vecfont) == NULL)
- X return(-1);
- X last_char_num = atoi(input);
- X fseek(vecfont, -strlen(input), 1);
- X printf("%d\n", last_char_num);
- X return(0);
- X }
- X
- X /* rewind the file if the character is behind us */
- X
- X if (last_char_num >= num)
- X {
- X rewind(vecfont);
- X }
- X
- X /* check the first number on each line */
- X
- X while(fgets(input, 256, vecfont) != NULL)
- X {
- X if ((this_num = atoi(input)) == num)
- X {
- X /* found it -- back up over the line */
- X fseek(vecfont, -strlen(input), 1);
- X
- X /* remember where we are and return success */
- X last_char_num = num;
- X return(0);
- X }
- X if (this_num > num)
- X {
- X /* we have gone past it -- it doesn't exist */
- X /* remember where we are and return failure */
- X last_char_num = this_num;
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X }
- X /* off the end of the file */
- X /* remember this and return failure */
- X last_char_num = 32000;
- X return(-1);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * paint_char() - paint the character where vecfont is positioned
- X */
- X
- Xpaint_char(vtr)
- X
- Xint vtr; /* vertical translation */
- X
- X{
- X double x, y;
- X double new_x, new_y;
- X int ret;
- X int i, j;
- X
- X /* set vertical translation */
- X
- X vtrans = vtr;
- X
- X /* get the extents of the character */
- X move_to_colon();
- X get_pair(&i, &j);
- X
- X /* calculate translation factors and translate extents */
- X
- X x_trans = -((double)i + (double)j) / 2.;
- X left_extent = translate_x(i);
- X right_extent = translate_x(j);
- X
- X /* reset the painting process */
- X reset_painter();
- X
- X /* grab succesive pairs and paint lines between them */
- X get_adj_pair(&x, &y);
- X while ((ret = get_adj_pair(&new_x, &new_y)) != -1)
- X {
- X if (ret == 1)
- X {
- X /* pen up */
- X get_adj_pair(&x, &y);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X paint_line(x, y, new_x, new_y);
- X x = new_x;
- X y = new_y;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xreset_painter()
- X
- X{
- X left_max = right_max = X_center;
- X up_max = down_max = Y_center;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * get_pair(px, py) - get a pair of numbers from vecfont
- X */
- X
- Xget_pair(px, py)
- X
- Xint *px;
- Xint *py;
- X
- X{
- X char ch;
- X
- X if ((ch = getc(vecfont)) == '\n')
- X {
- X move_to_colon();
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X ungetc(ch, vecfont);
- X }
- X fscanf(vecfont, "%d %d", px, py);
- X move_to_colon();
- X if (*px != -64)
- X return(0);
- X
- X if (*py == 0)
- X return(1);
- X
- X while(getc(vecfont) != '\n')
- X /* read */;
- X
- X return(-1);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * get_adj_pair(px, py) - get an adjusted pair of numbers
- X */
- X
- Xget_adj_pair(px, py)
- X
- Xdouble *px;
- Xdouble *py;
- X
- X{
- X int ret;
- X int x, y;
- X
- X if ((ret = get_pair(&x, &y)) == 0)
- X {
- X *px = translate_x(x);
- X *py = ((double)(y + vtrans) * y_factor);
- X }
- X return(ret);
- X}
- X
- Xdouble translate_x(x)
- X
- Xint x;
- X
- X{
- X return(((double)x + x_trans) * x_factor);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * move_to_colon() - move to the next colon in vecfont
- X */
- X
- Xmove_to_colon()
- X
- X{
- X while(getc(vecfont) != ':')
- X /* keep going */;
- X
- X return;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * paint_line - paints a line from one point to another, based on
- X * a symmetric DDA algorithm
- X */
- X
- Xpaint_line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- X
- Xdouble x1;
- Xdouble y1;
- Xdouble x2;
- Xdouble y2;
- X
- X{
- X double diff_x2_x1;
- X double diff_y2_y1;
- X double x;
- X double y;
- X double x_frac;
- X double y_frac;
- X double x_inc;
- X double y_inc;
- X double epsilon = 0.0078125; /* 2 ^ -7 */
- X int i;
- X int x_int;
- X int y_int;
- X int slope;
- X int (*x_adjust)();
- X int (*y_adjust)();
- X register int xchange;
- X register int ychange;
- X
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X fprintf(stderr, "painting a line from %f,%f to %f,%f\n", x1, y1, x2, y2);
- X#endif
- X
- X#ifdef notdef
- X /* for now, make sure we travel in a negative y direction */
- X if (y1 < y2)
- X {
- X x = x1;
- X x1 = x2;
- X x2 = x;
- X y = y1;
- X y1 = y2;
- X y2 = y;
- X }
- X# endif
- X
- X x = x1;
- X y = y1;
- X
- X /* separaate x and y into integer and fraction */
- X x_frac = x - (double)(x_int = (int)x);
- X y_frac = y - (double)(y_int = (int)y);
- X
- X /* determine differences and increments */
- X x_inc = (diff_x2_x1 = x2 - x1) * epsilon;
- X y_inc = (diff_y2_y1 = y2 - y1) * epsilon;
- X
- X /*
- X * set the "adjust" routine pointers to appropriate values, and insure
- X * that the frac values are in the correct range: (-1, 0] going
- X * downward and [0, 1) going upward.
- X */
- X x_adjust = set_adjust(&x_int, &x_frac, diff_x2_x1);
- X y_adjust = set_adjust(&y_int, &y_frac, diff_y2_y1);
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X fprintf(stderr, "after adjust: x = %d + %e, y = %d + %e\n",
- X x_int, x_frac, y_int, y_frac);
- X#endif
- X
- X /* calculate the line slope */
- X slope = sign(diff_x2_x1) == sign(diff_y2_y1) ? Pen_pos : Pen_neg;
- X
- X /* paint the first pixel */
- X paint(x_int, y_int, 1, 1, slope);
- X
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X fprintf(stderr, "x_inc = %e, y_inc = %e\n", x_inc, y_inc);
- X#endif
- X for (i=0; i < 128; i++)
- X {
- X x_frac += x_inc;
- X y_frac += y_inc;
- X xchange = (*x_adjust)(&x_int, &x_frac);
- X ychange = (*y_adjust)(&y_int, &y_frac);
- X if (xchange || ychange)
- X {
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X fprintf(stderr, "change (%c%c): x = %d + %f, y = %d + %f\n",
- X xchange ? 'x' : ' ', ychange ? 'y' : ' ',
- X x_int, x_frac, y_int, y_frac);
- X#endif
- X paint(x_int, y_int, (x_frac < 0.5), (y_frac < 0.5), slope);
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * int/frac pair adjusting routines. These routines all have the form:
- X *
- X * adjust_xx(int_part, frac_part) - adjust integer / fraction pair, return
- X * Yes if adjustment was necessary, o/w No
- X *
- X * The names are as follows:
- X * adjust_down() - adjust for a pair that is being decremented
- X * adjust_up() - adjust for a pair that is being incremented
- X * adjust_no() - never adjust (for a pair that never changes)
- X */
- X
- Xadjust_down(int_part, frac_part)
- X
- Xint *int_part;
- Xdouble *frac_part;
- X
- X{
- X if (*frac_part <= -0.5)
- X {
- X if (*frac_part < -1.5)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "symmetric DDA jump %d (< -1)\n",
- X (int)*frac_part);
- X }
- X (*int_part)--;
- X *frac_part += 1.;
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X fprintf(stderr, "adjust got downward change: ");
- X#endif
- X return(Yes);
- X }
- X return(No);
- X}
- X
- Xadjust_up(int_part, frac_part)
- X
- Xint *int_part;
- Xdouble *frac_part;
- X
- X{
- X if (*frac_part >= 0.5)
- X {
- X if (*frac_part > 1.5)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "symmetric DDA jump %d (> 1)\n",
- X (int)*frac_part);
- X }
- X (*int_part)++;
- X *frac_part -= 1.;
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X fprintf(stderr, "adjust got upward change: ");
- X#endif
- X return(Yes);
- X }
- X return(No);
- X}
- X
- Xadjust_no(int_part, frac_part)
- X
- Xint *int_part;
- Xdouble *frac_part;
- X
- X{
- X return(No);
- X}
- X
- Xint (*set_adjust(intp, fracp, direct))()
- X
- Xint *intp;
- Xdouble *fracp;
- Xdouble direct;
- X
- X{
- X /* frac needs to be in the range [-0.5, 0.5] */
- X if (*fracp > 0.5)
- X {
- X *fracp -= 1.0;
- X (*intp)++;
- X }
- X if (*fracp < -0.5)
- X {
- X *fracp += 1.0;
- X (*intp)--;
- X }
- X return(direct < 0.0 ? adjust_down : direct > 0.0 ? adjust_up : adjust_no);
- X}
- X
- Xpaint(x, y, xhalf, yhalf, slope)
- X
- Xint x;
- Xint y;
- Xint xhalf;
- Xint yhalf;
- Xint slope;
- X
- X{
- X int x_low, x_hi;
- X int y_low, y_hi;
- X register int ix, iy, ixstart;
- X register char *pshape;
- X
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X fprintf(stderr, "painting %d, %d\n", x, y);
- X#endif
- X
- X /* center the points in our bitmap */
- X
- X ix = x + X_center;
- X iy = y + Y_center;
- X
- X /* move bitmap pointers to upper left corner of pen */
- X ix -= pen.x_off;
- X iy -= pen.y_off;
- X ixstart = ix;
- X
- X /* check maximums */
- X if (ix < left_max)
- X left_max = ix;
- X if (iy < up_max)
- X up_max = iy;
- X
- X /* color in the shape of the pen */
- X
- X for (pshape = pen.shape; *pshape != Pen_eop; pshape++)
- X {
- X if (*pshape == Pen_eol)
- X {
- X if (ix > right_max)
- X right_max = ix;
- X ix = ixstart;
- X iy++;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if (*pshape & slope)
- X {
- X bitmap[ix][iy] = Yes;
- X }
- X ix++;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* check y_down maximum */
- X
- X if (iy > down_max)
- X down_max = iy;
- X
- X}
- X
- Xsign(a)
- X
- Xdouble a;
- X
- X{
- X if (a < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X return(1);
- X}
- X
- Xint pairound(pair_int, pair_frac)
- X
- Xint pair_int;
- Xdouble pair_frac;
- X
- X{
- X if (pair_int < 0)
- X {
- X if (pair_frac <= -0.5)
- X {
- X pair_int--;
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if (pair_frac >= 0.5)
- X {
- X pair_int++;
- X }
- X }
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X fprintf(stderr, "pairound: returning %d\n", pair_int);
- X#endif
- X return (pair_int);
- X}
- X
- /
- echo 'Extracting vsc.c...'
- sed 's/^X//' > vsc.c << '/'
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- X/*
- X * snarf a character out of a font file
- X */
- X
- X#include <vfont.h>
- X#define Header_area_size \
- X (sizeof(struct header) + (sizeof(struct dispatch) * 256))
- X
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- X
- Xint argc;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X
- X{
- X int ch;
- X int fd;
- X unsigned char byte;
- X int i,j;
- X int raster_size;
- X int curr;
- X int rotated = 0;
- X struct dispatch dispatch;
- X struct header header;
- X
- X if (argc < 2)
- X {
- X printf("Give me a file, bozo!\n");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X if ((fd = open(argv[1], 0)) == -1)
- X {
- X printf("Can't open it\n");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X
- X /* check for rotation */
- X if (argv[1][strlen(argv[1]) - 1] == 'r')
- X {
- X rotated = 1;
- X }
- X
- X read(fd, &header, sizeof(header));
- X printf("header.magic = %d (0x%x)\n", header.magic, header.magic);
- X printf("header.size = %d (0x%x)\n", header.size, header.size);
- X printf("header.maxx = %d (0x%x)\n", header.maxx, header.maxx);
- X printf("header.maxy = %d (0x%x)\n", header.maxy, header.maxy);
- X printf("header.xtend = %d (0x%x)\n\n", header.xtend, header.xtend);
- X
- X while((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
- X {
- X lseek(fd, (ch * sizeof(struct dispatch)) + sizeof(struct header), 0);
- X read(fd, &dispatch, sizeof(dispatch));
- X
- X if (dispatch.nbytes == 0)
- X {
- X printf("Character undefined\n");
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X printf("dispatch.addr = %d (0x%x)\n",
- X dispatch.addr, dispatch.addr);
- X printf("dispatch.nbytes = %d (0x%x)\n",
- X dispatch.nbytes, dispatch.nbytes);
- X printf("dispatch.up = %d (0x%x)\n",
- X dispatch.up, dispatch.up);
- X printf("dispatch.down = %d (0x%x)\n",
- X dispatch.down, dispatch.down);
- X printf("dispatch.left = %d (0x%x)\n",
- X dispatch.left, dispatch.left);
- X printf("dispatch.right = %d (0x%x)\n",
- X dispatch.right, dispatch.right);
- X printf("dispatch.width = %d (0x%x)\n",
- X dispatch.width, dispatch.width);
- X if (rotated)
- X {
- X raster_size = (dispatch.up + dispatch.down + 7) / 8;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X raster_size = (dispatch.left + dispatch.right + 7) / 8;
- X }
- X printf("raster size = %d\n", raster_size);
- X
- X lseek(fd, dispatch.addr + Header_area_size, 0);
- X curr = 0;
- X for(j=0; j<dispatch.nbytes; j++)
- X {
- X read(fd, &byte, 1);
- X if (curr++ == raster_size)
- X {
- X curr = 1;
- X putchar('\n');
- X }
- X for(i=0; i<8; i++)
- X {
- X if (byte & 0x80)
- X putchar('@');
- X else
- X putchar(' ');
- X byte <<= 1;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X getchar(); /* ignore newline */
- X putchar('\n');
- X }
- X}
- /
- echo 'Extracting painter.h...'
- sed 's/^X//' > painter.h << '/'
- X# include <math.h>
- X# include <stdio.h>
- X
- X# define Max_x 400
- X# define Max_y 400
- X# define X_center 200
- X# define Y_center 200
- X
- X# define Off 0
- X# define On 1
- X
- /
- echo 'Extracting extra.occ...'
- sed 's/^X//' > extra.occ << '/'
- X 848 :-11 11:-11 14: 11 14:-64 -64:
- X 910 :-10 10:-10 -10: 10 -10: 10 10:-10 10:-10 -10:-64 -64:
- X 911 :-10 10:-10 -10: 10 -10: 10 10:-10 10:-10 -10:-64 0: -9 -9: -9 9: -8 9: -8 -9: -7 -9: -7 9: -6 9: -6 -9:
- X : -5 -9: -5 9: -4 9: -4 -9: -3 -9: -3 9: -2 9: -2 -9: -1 -9: -1 9: 0 9: 0 -9: 1 -9: 1 9: 2 9:
- X : 2 -9: 3 -9: 3 9: 4 9: 4 -9: 5 -9: 5 9: 6 9: 6 -9: 7 -9: 7 9: 8 9: 8 -9: 9 -9: 9 9:
- X :-64 -64:
- X 913 : -7 7: -1 -7: -4 -6: -6 -4: -7 -1: -7 1: -6 4: -4 6: -1 7: 1 7: 4 6: 6 4: 7 1: 7 -1: 6 -4:
- X : 4 -6: 1 -7: -1 -7:-64 0: -4 -6: 4 -6:-64 0: -5 -5: 5 -5:-64 0: -6 -4: 6 -4:-64 0: -6 -2: 6 -2:
- X :-64 0: -7 -1: 7 -1:-64 0: -7 1: 7 1:-64 0: -6 2: 6 2:-64 0: -6 4: 6 4:-64 0: -5 5: 5 5:
- X :-64 0: -4 6: 4 6:-64 -64:
- X 914 :-11 11: -2 -11: -5 -10: -8 -8:-10 -5:-11 -2:-11 2:-10 5: -8 8: -5 10: -2 11: 2 11: 5 10: 8 8: 10 5:
- X : 11 2: 11 -2: 10 -5: 8 -8: 5 -10: 2 -11: -2 -11:-64 0: 11 -11:-11 11:-64 -64:
- X 990 :-10 10: -6 7: 0 -7: 6 7:-64 -64:
- X 991 :-10 10: -6 -7: 0 7: 6 -7:-64 -64:
- X 992 :-23 23:-14 -3: 14 -3:-64 0:-14 3: 14 3:-64 0: -4 -9:-20 0: -4 9:-64 0: 4 -9: 20 0: 4 9:-64 -64:
- X 993 :-23 23:-14 -3: 14 -3:-64 0:-14 3: 14 3:-64 0: 4 -9: 20 0: 4 9:-64 -64:
- X 2296 :-11 11: -2 -11: -5 -10: -8 -8:-10 -5:-11 -2:-11 2:-10 5: -8 8: -5 10: -2 11: 2 11: 5 10: 8 8: 10 5:
- X : 11 2: 11 -2: 10 -5: 8 -8: 5 -10: 2 -11: -2 -11:-64 0: 4 -4: 2 -5: 0 -5: -2 -4: -3 -2: -3 1: -2 3:
- X : 0 4: 2 4: 4 3:-64 -64:
- X 2297 :-11 11: -2 -11: -5 -10: -8 -8:-10 -5:-11 -2:-11 2:-10 5: -8 8: -5 10: -2 11: 2 11: 5 10: 8 8: 10 5:
- X : 11 2: 11 -2: 10 -5: 8 -8: 5 -10: 2 -11: -2 -11:-64 0: -3 -5: -3 4:-64 0: -3 -5: 1 -5: 3 -4: 3 -1:
- X : 1 0: -3 0:-64 0: 0 0: 3 4:-64 -64:
- X 2298 :-12 12: 8 -8: 1 -8: -3 -7: -5 -6: -7 -4: -8 -1: -8 1: -7 4: -5 6: -3 7: 1 8: 8 8:-64 0: 8 13:
- X :-8 13:-64 -64:
- X 2299 :-12 12: -8 -8: -1 -8: 3 -7: 5 -6: 7 -4: 8 -1: 8 1: 7 4: 5 6: 3 7: -1 8: -8 8:-64 0: 8 13:
- X :-8 13:-64 -64:
- /
- echo 'Extracting pen.round...'
- sed 's/^X//' > pen.round << '/'
- Xpen 6
- X *
- X***
- X *
- Xpen 7
- X *
- X***
- X *
- Xpen 8
- X *
- X***
- X *
- Xpen 9
- X *
- X***
- X *
- Xpen 10
- X *
- X***
- X *
- Xpen 11
- X *
- X***
- X *
- Xpen 12
- X *
- X***
- X *
- Xpen 14
- X **
- X****
- X****
- X **
- Xpen 16
- X *
- X ***
- X*****
- X ***
- X *
- Xpen 18
- X *
- X ***
- X*****
- X ***
- X *
- Xpen 20
- X **
- X ****
- X******
- X******
- X ****
- X **
- Xpen 22
- X *
- X *****
- X *****
- X*******
- X *****
- X *****
- X *
- Xpen 24
- X **
- X ****
- X******
- X******
- X ****
- X **
- Xpen 28
- X **
- X ******
- X ******
- X********
- X********
- X ******
- X ******
- X **
- Xpen 36
- X *
- X *****
- X *****
- X *********
- X *********
- X***********
- X *********
- X *********
- X *****
- X *****
- X *
- Xpenend
- /
- echo 'Extracting R.spec...'
- sed 's/^X//' > R.spec << '/'
- Xcharset
- Xp,\240
- Xs30,
- X224,-
- X804,\
- X848,_
- X848,\205,-3
- X848,\206,-14
- X910,\210
- X913,\207
- X2001,A
- X2002,B
- X2003,C
- X2004,D
- X2005,E
- X2006,F
- X2007,G
- X2008,H
- X2009,I
- X2010,J
- X2011,K
- X2012,L
- X2013,M
- X2014,N
- X2015,O
- X2016,P
- X2017,Q
- X2018,R
- X2019,S
- X2020,T
- X2021,U
- X2022,V
- X2023,W
- X2024,X
- X2025,Y
- X2026,Z
- X2101,a,r.8
- X2102,b,r.8
- X2103,c,r.8
- X2104,d,r.8
- X2105,e,r.8
- X2106,f,r.8
- X2107,g,r.8
- X2108,h,r.8
- X2109,i,r.8
- X2110,j,r.8
- X2111,k,r.8
- X2112,l,r.8
- X2113,m,r.8
- X2114,n,r.8
- X2115,o,r.8
- X2116,p,r.8
- X2117,q,r.8
- X2118,r,r.8
- X2119,s,r.8
- X2120,t,r.8
- X2121,u,r.8
- X2122,v,r.8
- X2123,w,r.8
- X2124,x,r.8
- X2125,y,r.8
- X2126,z,r.8
- X2177,\203,r.8
- X2178,\201,r.8
- X2179,\202,r.8
- X2180,\211,r.8
- X2181,\212,r.8
- X2200,0,r.8
- X2201,1,r.8
- X2202,2,r.8
- X2203,3,r.8
- X2204,4,r.8
- X2205,5,r.8
- X2206,6,r.8
- X2207,7,r.8
- X2208,8,r.8
- X2209,9,r.8
- X2210,.
- X2211,,
- X2212,:
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- X2216,\215
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- X2225,{
- X2226,}
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- X2271,%
- X2272,&
- X2273,@
- X2274,$
- X2275,#
- X2277,\214
- X2296,\216
- X2297,\217
- /
- echo 'Extracting I.spec...'
- sed 's/^X//' > I.spec << '/'
- Xaspect 0.8
- Xcharset
- Xp,\240
- Xs30,
- X224,-
- X800,\206
- X804,\
- X848,_
- X848,\205,-3
- X910,\210
- X913,\207
- X2051,A
- X2052,B
- X2053,C
- X2054,D
- X2055,E
- X2056,F
- X2057,G
- X2058,H
- X2059,I
- X2060,J
- X2061,K
- X2062,L
- X2063,M
- X2064,N
- X2065,O
- X2066,P
- X2067,Q
- X2068,R
- X2069,S
- X2070,T
- X2071,U
- X2072,V
- X2073,W
- X2074,X
- X2075,Y
- X2076,Z
- X2151,a
- X2152,b
- X2153,c
- X2154,d
- X2155,e
- X2156,f
- X2157,g
- X2158,h
- X2159,i
- X2160,j
- X2161,k
- X2162,l
- X2163,m
- X2164,n
- X2165,o
- X2166,p
- X2167,q
- X2168,r
- X2169,s
- X2170,t
- X2171,u
- X2172,v
- X2173,w
- X2174,x
- X2175,y
- X2176,z
- X2191,\203
- X2192,\201
- X2193,\202
- X2194,\211
- X2195,\212
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- X2223,[
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- X2225,{
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- X2231,\204
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- X2247,^
- X2271,%
- X2273,@
- X2275,#
- X2750,0
- X2751,1
- X2752,2
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- X2768,&
- X2769,$
- X2770,/
- X2771,(
- X2772,)
- /
- echo 'Extracting B.spec...'
- sed 's/^X//' > B.spec << '/'
- Xcharset
- Xp,\240
- Xs30,
- X224,-
- X800,\206
- X804,\
- X848,_
- X848,\205,-3
- X911,\210
- X913,\207
- X2177,\203,r.8
- X2178,\201,r.8
- X2179,\202,r.8
- X2180,\211,r.8
- X2181,\212,r.8
- X2225,{
- X2226,}
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- X2271,%
- X2273,@
- X2275,#
- X3001,A
- X3002,B
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- X3006,F
- X3007,G
- X3008,H
- X3009,I
- X3010,J
- X3011,K
- X3012,L
- X3013,M
- X3014,N
- X3015,O
- X3016,P
- X3017,Q
- X3018,R
- X3019,S
- X3020,T
- X3021,U
- X3022,V
- X3023,W
- X3024,X
- X3025,Y
- X3026,Z
- X3101,a,r.8
- X3102,b,r.8
- X3103,c,r.8
- X3104,d,r.8
- X3105,e,r.8
- X3106,f,r.8
- X3107,g,r.8
- X3108,h,r.8
- X3109,i,r.8
- X3110,j,r.8
- X3111,k,r.8
- X3112,l,r.8
- X3113,m,r.8
- X3114,n,r.8
- X3115,o,r.8
- X3116,p,r.8
- X3117,q,r.8
- X3118,r,r.8
- X3119,s,r.8
- X3120,t,r.8
- X3121,u,r.8
- X3122,v,r.8
- X3123,w,r.8
- X3124,x,r.8
- X3125,y,r.8
- X3126,z,r.8
- X3200,0,r.8
- X3201,1,r.8
- X3202,2,r.8
- X3203,3,r.8
- X3204,4,r.8
- X3205,5,r.8
- X3206,6,r.8
- X3207,7,r.8
- X3208,8,r.8
- X3209,9,r.8
- X3210,.
- X3211,,
- X3212,:
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- X3219,$
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- X3222,)
- X3223,*
- X3224,\204
- X3225,+
- X3226,=
- X3227,\215
- X3228,"
- X3229,\213
- /
- echo 'Distribution file hfont.shar complete.'