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- /*
- * Extended (M-X) commands.
- */
- #include "def.h"
- /*
- * This function modifies the keyboard
- * binding table, by adjusting the entries in the
- * big "bindings" array. Most of the grief deals with the
- * prompting for additional arguments.
- */
- bindtokey(f, n, k) {
- register int s;
- register SYMBOL *sp;
- int c;
- char xname[NXNAME];
- if (kbdmop == NULL)
- ewprintf("Set key globally: ") ;
- c = (int) getkey(0);
- if ((s=eread("Set key %c to command: ", xname, NXNAME, EFNEW|EFFUNC,
- #ifdef VARARGS
- c
- #else
- (char *) &c, (char *) NULL
- #endif
- )) != TRUE)
- return (s);
- if ((sp=symlookup(xname)) == NULL) {
- ewprintf("[No match]");
- return (FALSE);
- }
- binding[(KEY) c] = sp; /* rebind new. */
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * User function to unbind keys. Just call the unbind we already have.
- */
- unsetkey(f, n, k) {
- register KEY key;
- if (kbdmop == NULL) ewprintf("Unset key globally: ") ;
- key = getkey(0);
- if (key == (KCTRL|'G') || key == (KCTLX|KCTRL|'G')
- || key == (KMETA|KCTRL|'G')) {
- (VOID) ctrlg(FALSE, 1, KRANDOM);
- return ABORT;
- }
- binding[key] = NULL;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Extended command. Call the message line
- * routine to read in the command name and apply autocompletion
- * to it. When it comes back, look the name up in the symbol table
- * and run the command if it is found and has the right type.
- * Print an error if there is anything wrong.
- */
- extend(f, n, k) {
- register SYMBOL *sp;
- register int s;
- char xname[NXNAME];
- if (f == FALSE)
- s = eread("M-x ", xname, NXNAME, EFNEW|EFFUNC
- #ifndef VARARGS
- , (char *) NULL
- #endif
- ) ;
- else
- s = eread("%d M-x ", xname, NXNAME, EFNEW|EFFUNC,
- #ifdef VARARGS
- n
- #else
- (char *) &n, (char *) NULL
- #endif
- ) ;
- if (s != TRUE) return (s);
- if ((sp=symlookup(xname)) != NULL)
- return ((*sp->s_funcp)(f, n, KRANDOM));
- ewprintf("[No match]");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Read a key from the keyboard, and look it
- * up in the binding table. Display the name of the function
- * currently bound to the key. Say that the key is not bound
- * if it is indeed not bound, or if the type is not a
- * "builtin". This is a bit of overkill, because this is the
- * only kind of function there is.
- */
- desckey(f, n, k) {
- register SYMBOL *sp;
- register KEY c;
- if (kbdmop == NULL) ewprintf("Describe key briefly: ");
- c = getkey(0);
- if (kbdmop != NULL) return TRUE;
- if ((sp=binding[c]) == NULL)
- ewprintf("%c is undefined", (int) c);
- else
- ewprintf("%c runs the command %s", (int) c, sp->s_name);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * This function creates a table, listing all
- * of the command keys and their current bindings, and stores
- * the table in the standard pop-op buffer (the one used by the
- * directory list command, the buffer list command, etc.). This
- * lets MicroEMACS produce it's own wall chart. The bindings to
- * "ins-self" are only displayed if there is an argument.
- */
- wallchart(f, n, k) {
- register int key;
- register SYMBOL *sp;
- register char *cp1;
- register char *cp2;
- BUFFER *bp;
- char buf[64];
- bp = bfind("*Help*", TRUE);
- if (bclear(bp) != TRUE) /* Clear it out. */
- return TRUE;
- for (key=0; key<NKEYS; ++key) { /* For all keys. */
- sp = binding[key];
- if (sp != NULL
- && (f!=FALSE
- || strcmp(sp->s_name, "self-insert-command")!=0)) {
- keyname(buf, key);
- cp1 = &buf[0]; /* Find end. */
- while (*cp1 != 0)
- ++cp1;
- while (cp1 < &buf[32]) /* Goto column 32. */
- *cp1++ = ' ';
- cp2 = sp->s_name; /* Add function name. */
- while (*cp1++ = *cp2++)
- ;
- if (addline(bp, buf) == FALSE)
- return (FALSE);
- }
- }
- return popbuf(bp) == NULL ? FALSE : TRUE;
- }
- #ifdef STARTUP
- /*
- * Define the commands needed to do startup-file processing.
- * This code is mostly a kludge just so we can get startup-file processing.
- *
- * If you're serious about having this code, you should rewrite it.
- * To wit:
- * It has lots of funny things in it to make the startup-file look
- * like a GNU startup file; mostly dealing with parens and semicolons.
- * This should all vanish.
- *
- * It uses the same buffer as keyboard macros. The fix is easy (make
- * a new function "execmacro" that takes a pointer to char and
- * does what ctlxe does on it. Make ctlxe and excline both call it.)
- * but would slow down the non-micro version.
- *
- * We define eval-expression because it's easy. It's pretty useless,
- * since it duplicates the functionality of execute-extended-command.
- * All of this is just to support startup files, and should be turned
- * off for micros.
- */
- /*
- * evalexpr - get one line from the user, and run it. Identical in function
- * to extend, but easy.
- */
- evalexpr(f, n, k) {
- register int s;
- char exbuf[NKBDM];
- if ((s = ereply("Eval: ", exbuf, NKBDM)) != TRUE)
- return s;
- return excline(exbuf);
- }
- /*
- * evalbuffer - evaluate the current buffer as line commands. Useful
- * for testing startup files.
- */
- evalbuffer(f, n, k) {
- register LINE *lp;
- register BUFFER *bp = curbp;
- register int s;
- static char excbuf[NKBDM];
- char *strncpy();
- for (lp = lforw(bp->b_linep); lp != bp->b_linep; lp = lforw(lp)) {
- if (llength(lp) >= NKBDM + 1) return FALSE ;
- (VOID) strncpy(excbuf, ltext(lp), NKBDM);
- if ((s = excline(excbuf)) != TRUE) return s;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * evalfile - go get a file and evaluate it as line commands. You can
- * go get your own startup file if need be.
- */
- evalfile(f, n, k) {
- register int s;
- char fname[NFILEN];
- if ((s = ereply("Load file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
- return s;
- return load(fname);
- }
- /*
- * load - go load the file name we got passed.
- */
- load(fname) char *fname; {
- register int s;
- char excbuf[NKBDM];
- if (ffropen(fname) == FIOERR)
- return FALSE;
- while ((s = ffgetline(excbuf, NKBDM)) == FIOSUC)
- if (excline(excbuf) != TRUE) break;
- (VOID) ffclose();
- return s == FIOEOF;
- }
- /*
- * excline - run a line from a load file or eval-expression.
- */
- excline(line) register char *line; {
- register char *funcp, *argp = NULL;
- char *skipwhite(), *parsetoken(), *backquote();
- int status;
- /* Don't know if it works; don't care - mwm */
- if (kbdmip != NULL || kbdmop != NULL) {
- ewprintf("Not now!") ;
- return FALSE;
- }
- funcp = skipwhite(line);
- if (*funcp == '\0') return TRUE; /* No error on blank lines */
- line = parsetoken(funcp);
- if (*line != '\0') {
- *line++ = '\0';
- line = skipwhite(line);
- if ((*line >= '0' && *line <= '9') || *line == '-') {
- argp = line;
- line = parsetoken(line);
- }
- }
- kbdmip = &kbdm[0];
- if (argp != NULL) {
- *kbdmip++ = (KEY) (KCTRL|'U');
- *kbdmip++ = (KEY) atoi(argp);
- }
- *kbdmip++ = (KEY) (KMETA|'X');
- /* Pack in function */
- while (*funcp != '\0')
- if (kbdmip+1 <= &kbdm[NKBDM-3]) *kbdmip++ = (KEY) *funcp++;
- else {
- ewprintf("eval-expression macro overflow");
- ttflush();
- return FALSE;
- }
- *kbdmip++ = '\0'; /* done with function */
- /* Pack away all the args now... */
- while (*line != '\0') {
- argp = skipwhite(line);
- if (*argp == '\0') break ;
- line = parsetoken(argp) ;
- /* Slightly bogus for strings. But they should be SHORT! */
- if (kbdmip+(line-argp)+1 > &kbdm[NKBDM-3]) {
- ewprintf("eval-expression macro overflow");
- ttflush();
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (*line != '\0') *line++ = '\0';
- if (*argp != '"') {
- if (*argp == '\'') ++argp;
- while (*argp != '\0')
- *kbdmip++ = (KEY) *argp++;
- *kbdmip++ = '\0';
- }
- else { /* Quoted strings special again */
- ++argp;
- while (*argp != '"' && *argp != '\0')
- if (*argp != '\\') *kbdmip++ = (KEY) *argp++;
- else argp = backquote(++argp, TRUE);
- /* Quotes strings are gotkey'ed, so no trailing null */
- }
- }
- *kbdmip++ = (KEY) (KCTLX|')');
- *kbdmip++ = '\0';
- kbdmip = NULL;
- status = ctlxe(FALSE, 1, KRANDOM);
- kbdm[0] = (KCTLX|')');
- return status;
- }
- /*
- * a pair of utility functions for the above
- */
- char *
- skipwhite(s) register char *s; {
- while ((*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == ')' || *s == '(')
- && *s != '\0')
- if (*s == ';') *s = '\0' ;
- else s++;
- return s;
- }
- char *
- parsetoken(s) register char *s; {
- if (*s != '"')
- while (*s != ' ' && *s != '\t' && *s != '(' && *s != ')'
- && *s != '\0') {
- if (*s == ';') *s = '\0';
- else s++;
- }
- else /* Strings get special treatment */
- do {
- /* Beware: You can \ out the end of the string! */
- if (*s == '\\') ++s;
- if (ISLOWER(*s)) *s = TOUPPER(*s);
- } while (*++s != '"' && *s != '\0');
- return s;
- }
- /*
- * Put a backquoted string element into the keyboard macro. Return pointer
- * to char following backquoted stuff.
- */
- char *
- backquote(in, flag) char *in; {
- switch (*in++) {
- case 'T': *kbdmip++ = (KEY) (KCTRL|'I');
- break;
- case 'N': *kbdmip++ = (KEY) (KCTRL|'J');
- break;
- case 'R': *kbdmip++ = (KEY) (KCTRL|'M');
- break;
- case '^': *kbdmip = (KEY) (KCTRL|*in++);
- if (flag != FALSE && *kbdmip == (KEY) (KCTRL|'X')) {
- if (*in == '\\') in = backquote(++in, FALSE);
- else *kbdmip++ = (KEY) *in++;
- kbdmip[-1] |= (KEY) KCTLX;
- } else ++kbdmip;
- break;
- case 'E':
- if (flag != TRUE) *kbdmip++ = (KEY) (KCTRL|'[');
- else if (*in != '\\') *kbdmip++ = (KEY) (KMETA|*in++);
- else {
- in = backquote(++in, FALSE);
- kbdmip[-1] |= (KEY) KMETA;
- }
- break;
- }
- return in;
- }
- #endif STARTUP