home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Mainline, macro commands.
- */
- #include "def.h"
- int thisflag; /* Flags, this command */
- int lastflag; /* Flags, last command */
- int curgoal; /* Goal column */
- BUFFER *curbp; /* Current buffer */
- WINDOW *curwp; /* Current window */
- BUFFER *bheadp; /* BUFFER listhead */
- WINDOW *wheadp = (WINDOW *)NULL; /* WINDOW listhead */
- KEY kbdm[NKBDM] = {(KCTLX|')')}; /* Macro */
- KEY *kbdmip; /* Input for above */
- KEY *kbdmop; /* Output for above */
- char pat[NPAT]; /* Pattern */
- #ifdef HASH
- SYMBOL *symbol[NSHASH]; /* Symbol table listhead. */
- #else
- /* should really be a *symbol, but don't want to break the hash code yet */
- SYMBOL *symbol[1];
- #endif
- SYMBOL *binding[NKEYS]; /* Key bindings. */
- #ifdef DPROMPT
- extern char prompt[], *promptp; /* delayed prompting */
- #endif
- main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; {
- register KEY c;
- register int f;
- register int n;
- register int mflag;
- #ifdef STARTUP
- char *sfile, *startupfile();
- #endif
- char bname[NBUFN];
- #ifdef SYSINIT
- SYSINIT; /* system dependent. */
- #endif
- vtinit(); /* Virtual terminal. */
- edinit(); /* Buffers, windows. */
- keymapinit(); /* Symbols, bindings. */
- /* doing update() before reading files causes the error messages from
- * the file I/O show up on the screen. (and also an extra display
- * of the mode line if there are files specified on the command line.)
- */
- update();
- #ifdef STARTUP /* User startup file. */
- if ((sfile = startupfile()) != NULL)
- (VOID) load(sfile);
- #endif
- while (--argc > 0) {
- makename(bname, *++argv);
- curbp = bfind(bname, TRUE);
- (VOID) showbuffer(curbp, curwp, 0);
- (VOID) readin(*argv);
- }
- lastflag = 0; /* Fake last flags. */
- loop:
- #ifdef DPROMPT
- *(promptp = prompt) = '\0';
- if(epresf == KPROMPT) eerase();
- #endif
- update(); /* Fix up the screen. */
- c = getkey(KPROMPT);
- if (epresf == TRUE) {
- eerase();
- update();
- }
- f = FALSE;
- n = 1;
- if (((KMETA|'0') <= c && c <= (KMETA|'9')) || c == (KMETA|'-')) {
- f = TRUE;
- c = c & ~KMETA;
- } else if (c == (KCTRL|'U')) {
- f = TRUE;
- n = 4;
- while ((c=getkey(KNOMAC | KPROMPT)) == (KCTRL|'U'))
- n *= 4;
- }
- if (f == TRUE) {
- if ((c>='0' && c<='9') || c=='-') {
- if (c == '-') {
- n = 0;
- mflag = TRUE;
- } else {
- n = ((int) c) - '0';
- mflag = FALSE;
- }
- while ((c=getkey(KNOMAC | KPROMPT))>='0' && c<='9')
- n = 10*n + ((int) c) - '0';
- if (mflag != FALSE)
- n = -n;
- }
- }
- if (kbdmip != NULL) { /* Terminate macros. */
- if (c!=(KCTLX|')') && kbdmip>&kbdm[NKBDM-6]) {
- (VOID) ctrlg(FALSE, 0, KRANDOM);
- goto loop;
- }
- if (f != FALSE) {
- kbdmip[-1] = (KEY) (KCTRL|'U');/* overwrite ESC */
- *kbdmip++ = (KEY) n;
- *kbdmip++ = (KEY) c;
- }
- }
- switch (execute(c, f, n)) { /* Do it. */
- case TRUE: break;
- case ABORT:
- ewprintf("Quit"); /* and fall through */
- case FALSE: default:
- ttbeep();
- if (kbdmip != NULL) {
- kbdm[0] = (KEY) (KCTLX|')');
- kbdmip = NULL;
- }
- }
- goto loop;
- }
- /*
- * Command execution. Look up the binding in the the
- * binding array, and do what it says. Return a very bad status
- * if there is no binding, or if the symbol has a type that
- * is not usable (there is no way to get this into a symbol table
- * entry now). Also fiddle with the flags.
- */
- execute(c, f, n) KEY c; {
- register SYMBOL *sp;
- register int status;
- if ((sp=binding[c]) != NULL) {
- thisflag = 0;
- status = (*sp->s_funcp)(f, n, c);
- lastflag = thisflag;
- return (status);
- }
- lastflag = 0;
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /*
- * Initialize all of the buffers
- * and windows. The buffer name is passed down as
- * an argument, because the main routine may have been
- * told to read in a file by default, and we want the
- * buffer name to be right.
- */
- edinit() {
- register BUFFER *bp;
- register WINDOW *wp;
- bheadp = NULL;
- bp = bfind("*scratch*", TRUE); /* Text buffer. */
- wp = (WINDOW *)malloc(sizeof(WINDOW)); /* Initial window. */
- if (bp==NULL || wp==NULL) panic("edinit");
- curbp = bp; /* Current ones. */
- wheadp = wp;
- curwp = wp;
- wp->w_wndp = NULL; /* Initialize window. */
- wp->w_bufp = bp;
- bp->b_nwnd = 1; /* Displayed. */
- wp->w_linep = bp->b_linep;
- wp->w_dotp = bp->b_linep;
- wp->w_doto = 0;
- wp->w_markp = NULL;
- wp->w_marko = 0;
- wp->w_toprow = 0;
- wp->w_ntrows = nrow-2; /* 2 = mode, echo. */
- wp->w_force = 0;
- wp->w_flag = WFMODE|WFHARD; /* Full. */
- }
- /*
- * Quit command. If an argument, always
- * quit. Otherwise confirm if a buffer has been
- * changed and not written out. Normally bound
- * to "C-X C-C".
- */
- quit(f, n, k) {
- register int s;
- if ((s = anycb(FALSE)) == ABORT) return ABORT;
- if (s == FALSE
- || eyesno("Some modified buffers exist, really exit") == TRUE) {
- vttidy();
- exit(GOOD);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Begin a keyboard macro.
- * Error if not at the top level
- * in keyboard processing. Set up
- * variables and return.
- */
- ctlxlp(f, n, k) {
- if (kbdmip!=NULL || kbdmop!=NULL) {
- ewprintf("Already defining kbd macro!");
- return (FALSE);
- }
- ewprintf("Defining kbd macro...");
- kbdmip = &kbdm[0];
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * End keyboard macro. Check for
- * the same limit conditions as the
- * above routine. Set up the variables
- * and return to the caller.
- */
- ctlxrp(f, n, k) {
- if (kbdmip == NULL) {
- ewprintf("Not defining kbd macro.");
- return (FALSE);
- }
- ewprintf("Keyboard macro defined");
- kbdmip = NULL;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * Execute a macro.
- * The command argument is the
- * number of times to loop. Quit as
- * soon as a command gets an error.
- * Return TRUE if all ok, else
- * FALSE.
- */
- ctlxe(f, n, k) {
- register KEY c;
- register int af;
- register int an;
- register int s;
- if (kbdmip!=NULL || kbdmop!=NULL) {
- ewprintf("Not now");
- return (FALSE);
- }
- if (n < 0)
- return (TRUE);
- do {
- kbdmop = &kbdm[0];
- do {
- af = FALSE;
- an = 1;
- if ((c = *kbdmop++) == (KCTRL|'U')) {
- af = TRUE;
- an = (int) *kbdmop++;
- c = *kbdmop++;
- }
- s = TRUE;
- } while (c!=(KCTLX|')') && (s=execute(c, af, an))==TRUE);
- kbdmop = NULL;
- } while (s==TRUE && --n);
- return (s);
- }
- /*
- * User abort. Should be called by any input routine that sees a C-g
- * to abort whatever C-g is aborting these days. Currently does
- * nothing.
- */
- ctrlg(f, n, k) {
- return (ABORT);
- }
- /*
- * Display the version. All this does
- * is copy the version string onto the echo line.
- */
- showversion(f, n, k) {
- ewprintf(version);
- return TRUE ;
- }