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- /*
- * Termcap/terminfo display driver
- *
- * Termcap is a terminal information database and routines to describe
- * terminals on most UNIX systems. Many other systems have adopted
- * this as a reasonable way to allow for widly varying and ever changing
- * varieties of terminal types. This should be used where practical.
- */
- /* Known problems:
- * tputs is always called with the number of lines affected set to
- * one. Therefore, padding may be insufficient on some sequences
- * dispite termcap being set up correctly.
- *
- * If you have a terminal with no clear to end of screen and
- * memory of lines below the ones visible on the screen, display
- * will be wrong in some cases. I doubt that any such terminal
- * was ever made, but I thought everyone with delete line would
- * have clear to end of screen too...
- *
- * Code for terminals without clear to end of screen and/or clear
- * to end of line has not been extensivly tested.
- *
- * Cost calculations are very rough. Costs of insert/delete line
- * may be far from the truth. This is accentuated by display.c
- * not knowing about multi-line insert/delete.
- *
- * Using scrolling region vs insert/delete line should probably
- * be based on cost rather than the assuption that scrolling
- * region operations look better.
- */
- #include "def.h"
- #define BEL 0x07 /* BEL character. */
- #define LF 0x0A /* Line feed. */
- extern int ttrow;
- extern int ttcol;
- extern int tttop;
- extern int ttbot;
- extern int tthue;
- int tceeol; /* Costs are set later */
- int tcinsl;
- int tcdell;
- static int insdel; /* Do we have both insert & delete line? */
- char *tgetstr();
- char *tgoto();
- int ttputc();
- #define TCAPSLEN 1024
- char tcapbuf[TCAPSLEN];
- /* PC, UP, and BC are used by termlib, so must be extern and have these
- * names unless you have a non-standard termlib.
- */
- int LI; /* standard # lines */
- char PC,
- *CM,
- *CE,
- *UP,
- *BC,
- *IM, /* insert mode */
- *IC, /* insert a single space */
- *EI, /* end insert mode */
- *DC,
- *AL, /* add line */
- *DL, /* del line */
- *pAL, /* parameterized add line */
- *pDL, /* parameterized delete line */
- *TI, /* term init -- start using cursor motion */
- *TE, /* term end --- end using cursor motion */
- *SO,
- *SE,
- *CD,
- *CS, /* set scroll region */
- *SR; /* back index (used with scroll region */
- #ifdef XKEYS
- char *K[NFKEYS], /* other function key codes */
- *L[NFKEYS], /* labels for other functions keys */
- *KS, *KE, /* enter keypad mode, exit keypad mode */
- *KH, *KU, *KD, *KL, *KR; /* home, arrow keys */
- #endif
- int SG; /* number of glitches, 0 for invisable, -1 for none */
- /* (yes virginia, there are terminals with invisible glitches) */
- /*
- * Initialize the terminal when the editor
- * gets started up.
- */
- static char tcbuf[1024];
- ttinit() {
- char *getenv();
- char *t, *p, *tgetstr();
- char *tv_stype;
- #ifdef XKEYS
- char kname[3], lname[3];
- int i;
- #endif
- #ifdef VAXC
- if ((tv_stype = trnlnm("TERM")) == NULL)
- #else
- if ((tv_stype = getenv("TERM")) == NULL)/* Don't want VAX C getenv() */
- #endif
- panic("Environment variable TERM not defined!");
- if((tgetent(tcbuf, tv_stype)) != 1)
- {
- (VOID) strcpy(tcbuf, "Unknown terminal type ");
- (VOID) strcat(tcbuf, tv_stype);
- panic(tcbuf);
- }
- p = tcapbuf;
- t = tgetstr("pc", &p);
- if(t) PC = *t;
- LI = tgetnum("li");
- CD = tgetstr("cd", &p);
- CM = tgetstr("cm", &p);
- CE = tgetstr("ce", &p);
- UP = tgetstr("up", &p);
- BC = tgetstr("bc", &p);
- IM = tgetstr("im", &p);
- IC = tgetstr("ic", &p);
- EI = tgetstr("ei", &p);
- DC = tgetstr("dc", &p);
- AL = tgetstr("al", &p);
- DL = tgetstr("dl", &p);
- pAL= tgetstr("AL", &p); /* parameterized insert and del. line */
- pDL= tgetstr("DL", &p);
- TI = tgetstr("ti", &p);
- TE = tgetstr("te", &p);
- SO = tgetstr("so", &p);
- SE = tgetstr("se", &p);
- CS = tgetstr("cs", &p); /* set scrolling region */
- SR = tgetstr("sr", &p);
- SG = tgetnum("sg"); /* standout glitch */
- #ifdef XKEYS
- /* get the 10 standard termcap keys */
- strcpy(kname,"kx");
- strcpy(lname,"lx");
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- kname[1] = i + '0';
- K[i] = tgetstr(kname, &p);
- lname[1] = i + '0';
- L[i] = tgetstr(lname, &p);
- }
- /* Hack to get another bunch */
- strcpy(kname,"Kx");
- strcpy(lname,"Lx");
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- kname[1] = i + '0';
- K[10 + i] = tgetstr(kname, &p);
- lname[1] = i + '0';
- L[10 + i] = tgetstr(lname, &p);
- }
- /* Get the rest of the sequences */
- KS = tgetstr("ks", &p);
- KE = tgetstr("ke", &p);
- KH = tgetstr("kh", &p);
- KU = tgetstr("ku", &p);
- KD = tgetstr("kd", &p);
- KL = tgetstr("kl", &p);
- KR = tgetstr("kr", &p);
- #endif
- if(CM == NULL || UP == NULL)
- panic("This terminal is to stupid to run MicroGnuEmacs\n");
- ttresize(); /* set nrow & ncol */
- /* watch out for empty capabilities (sure to be wrong) */
- if (CE && !*CE) CE = NULL;
- if (CS && !*CS) CS = NULL;
- if (SR && !*SR) SR = NULL;
- if (AL && !*AL) AL = NULL;
- if (DL && !*DL) DL = NULL;
- if (pAL && !*pAL) pAL = NULL;
- if (pDL && !*pDL) pDL = NULL;
- if (CD && !*CD) CD = NULL;
- if(!CE) tceeol = ncol;
- else tceeol = charcost(CE);
- /* Estimate cost of inserting a line */
- if (CS && SR) tcinsl = charcost(CS)*2 + charcost(SR);
- else if (pAL) tcinsl = charcost(pAL);
- else if (AL) tcinsl = charcost(AL);
- else tcinsl = NROW * NCOL; /* make this cost high enough */
- /* Estimate cost of deleting a line */
- if (CS) tcdell = charcost(CS)*2 + 1;
- else if (pDL) tcdell = charcost(pDL);
- else if (DL) tcdell = charcost(DL);
- else tcdell = NROW * NCOL; /* make this cost high enough */
- /* Flag to indicate that we can both insert and delete lines */
- insdel = (AL || pAL) && (DL || pDL);
- if (p >= &tcapbuf[TCAPSLEN])
- panic("Terminal description too big!\n");
- if (TI && *TI) putpad (TI); /* init the term */
- }
- /*
- * Clean up the terminal, in anticipation of
- * a return to the command interpreter. This is a no-op
- * on the ANSI display. On the SCALD display, it sets the
- * window back to half screen scrolling. Perhaps it should
- * query the display for the increment, and put it
- * back to what it was.
- */
- tttidy() {
- if (TE && *TE) putpad (TE); /* set the term back to normal mode */
- #ifdef XKEYS
- ttykeymaptidy();
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Move the cursor to the specified
- * origin 0 row and column position. Try to
- * optimize out extra moves; redisplay may
- * have left the cursor in the right
- * location last time!
- */
- ttmove(row, col) {
- char *tgoto();
- if (ttrow!=row || ttcol!=col) {
- putpad(tgoto(CM, col, row));
- ttrow = row;
- ttcol = col;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Erase to end of line.
- */
- tteeol() {
- if(CE) putpad(CE);
- else {
- register int i=ncol-ttcol;
- while(i--) ttputc(" ");
- ttrow = ttcol = HUGE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Erase to end of page.
- */
- tteeop() {
- if(CD) putpad(CD);
- else {
- putpad(CE);
- if (insdel) ttdell(ttrow + 1, LI, LI - ttrow - 1);
- else { /* do it by hand */
- register int line;
- for (line = ttrow + 1; line <= LI; ++line) {
- ttmove(line, 0);
- tteeol();
- }
- }
- ttrow = ttcol = HUGE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make a noise.
- */
- ttbeep() {
- ttputc(BEL);
- ttflush();
- }
- /*
- * Insert nchunk blank line(s) onto the
- * screen, scrolling the last line on the
- * screen off the bottom. Use the scrolling
- * region if possible for a smoother display.
- * If no scrolling region, use a set
- * of insert and delete line sequences
- */
- ttinsl(row, bot, nchunk) {
- register int i;
- if (row == bot) { /* Case of one line insert is */
- ttmove(row, 0); /* special */
- tteeol();
- return;
- }
- if (CS && SR) { /* Use scroll region and back index */
- ttwindow(row,bot);
- ttmove(row, 0);
- while (nchunk--) putpad(SR);
- ttnowindow();
- return;
- } else if (insdel) {
- ttmove(1+bot-nchunk, 0);
- if (pDL) putpad (tgoto(pDL, 0, nchunk));
- else for (i=0; i<nchunk; i++) /* For all lines in the chunk */
- putpad(DL);
- ttmove(row, 0);
- if (pAL) putpad (tgoto(pAL, 0, nchunk));
- else for (i=0; i<nchunk; i++) /* For all lines in the chunk */
- putpad(AL);
- ttrow = HUGE;
- ttcol = HUGE;
- } else panic("ttinsl: Can't insert/delete line");
- }
- /*
- * Delete nchunk line(s) from "row", replacing the
- * bottom line on the screen with a blank line.
- * Unless we're using the scrolling region, this is
- * done with a crafty sequences of insert and delete
- * lines. The presence of the echo area makes a
- * boundry condition go away.
- */
- ttdell(row, bot, nchunk)
- {
- register int i;
- if (row == bot) { /* One line special case */
- ttmove(row, 0);
- tteeol();
- return;
- }
- if (CS) { /* scrolling region */
- ttwindow(row, bot);
- ttmove(bot, 0);
- while (nchunk--) ttputc(LF);
- ttnowindow();
- }
- else if(insdel) {
- ttmove(row, 0); /* Else use insert/delete line */
- if (pDL) putpad (tgoto(pDL, 0, nchunk));
- else for (i=0; i<nchunk; i++) /* For all lines in the chunk */
- putpad(DL);
- ttmove(1+bot-nchunk,0);
- if (pAL) putpad (tgoto(pAL, 0, nchunk));
- else for (i=0; i<nchunk; i++) /* For all lines in the chunk */
- putpad(AL);
- ttrow = HUGE;
- ttcol = HUGE;
- } else panic("ttdell: Can't insert/delete line");
- }
- /*
- * This routine sets the scrolling window
- * on the display to go from line "top" to line
- * "bot" (origin 0, inclusive). The caller checks
- * for the pathalogical 1 line scroll window that
- * doesn't work right, and avoids it. The "ttrow"
- * and "ttcol" variables are set to a crazy value
- * to ensure that the next call to "ttmove" does
- * not turn into a no-op (the window adjustment
- * moves the cursor).
- *
- */
- ttwindow(top, bot)
- {
- if (CS && (tttop!=top || ttbot!=bot)) {
- putpad(tgoto(CS, bot, top));
- ttrow = HUGE; /* Unknown. */
- ttcol = HUGE;
- tttop = top; /* Remember region. */
- ttbot = bot;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Switch to full screen scroll. This is
- * used by "spawn.c" just before is suspends the
- * editor, and by "display.c" when it is getting ready
- * to exit. This function gets to full screen scroll
- * by telling the terminal to set a scrolling regin
- * that is LI or nrow rows high, whichever is larger.
- * This behavior seems to work right on systems
- * where you can set your terminal size.
- */
- ttnowindow()
- {
- if (CS) {
- putpad(tgoto(CS, (nrow > LI ? nrow : LI) - 1, 0));
- ttrow = HUGE; /* Unknown. */
- ttcol = HUGE;
- tttop = HUGE; /* No scroll region. */
- ttbot = HUGE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set the current writing color to the
- * specified color. Watch for color changes that are
- * not going to do anything (the color is already right)
- * and don't send anything to the display.
- * The rainbow version does this in putline.s on a
- * line by line basis, so don't bother sending
- * out the color shift.
- */
- ttcolor(color) register int color; {
- if (color != tthue) {
- if (color == CTEXT) { /* Normal video. */
- putpad(SE);
- } else if (color == CMODE) { /* Reverse video. */
- putpad(SO);
- }
- tthue = color; /* Save the color. */
- }
- }
- /*
- * This routine is called by the
- * "refresh the screen" command to try and resize
- * the display. The new size, which must be deadstopped
- * to not exceed the NROW and NCOL limits, it stored
- * back into "nrow" and "ncol". Display can always deal
- * with a screen NROW by NCOL. Look in "window.c" to
- * see how the caller deals with a change.
- */
- ttresize() {
- setttysize(); /* found in "ttyio.c", */
- /* ask OS for tty size */
- if (nrow < 1) /* Check limits. */
- nrow = 1;
- else if (nrow > NROW)
- nrow = NROW;
- if (ncol < 1)
- ncol = 1;
- else if (ncol > NCOL)
- ncol = NCOL;
- }
- #ifdef NO_RESIZE
- static setttysize() {
- nrow = tgetnum("li");
- ncol = tgetnum("co");
- }
- #endif
- static int cci;
- static /* fake char output for charcost() */
- fakec(c) char c; {
- #ifdef lint
- c++;
- #endif
- cci++;
- }
- /* calculate the cost of doing string s */
- charcost (s) char *s; {
- cci = 0;
- tputs(s, nrow, fakec);
- return cci;
- }
- putpad(str) char *str; {
- tputs(str, 1, ttputc);
- }