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- Path: mirror!adelie!necntc!husc6!seismo!munnari!sources-request
- From: sources-request@munnari.oz
- Newsgroups: mod.sources
- Subject: v08i085: Public Domain (Table Driven) ``localtime'', Part01/03
- Message-ID: <1435@munnari.oz>
- Date: 28 Feb 87 11:49:08 GMT
- Sender: kre@munnari.oz
- Lines: 1058
- Approved: kre@munnari.oz.au
- Submitted by: Arthur David Olson <ado@elsie.UUCP>
- Mod.sources: Volume 8, Issue 85
- Archive-name: pd-localtime/Part01
- [ This is the latest release of the table (file) driven
- ctime(3), originally released as "settz" in Vol 4 issue 14.
- Normally, I don't post mod.sources articles that originate
- outside Australia, but this is something of a special case,
- in that I've been (slightly) involved in the development.
- This posting is important in North America (or just the USA?)
- now, because of forthcoming changes to the Daylight Saving
- Rules. I suggest that source licensees install these library
- functions in libc as soon as possible, then recompile everything
- that uses localtime() or ctime(). You should never need to go
- through that again! (Later versions of this code will likely be
- available, but they should merely add functionality for new
- programs, old ones compiled with this release should continue
- to work).
- If you have only a binary licence, you should insist that your
- vendor install this code into its standard release ASAP, and
- send you an update distribution. In the meantime, you could
- install this in your libc.a, and have any sources that you
- do compile show the time correctly. This is probably not
- a real good idea though.
- It is possible to install this code in a separate library (in
- fact, that's how it is distributed - as the details of exactly
- how to update libc.a are too variable to include here), and
- then explicitly reference it on all compilations that need
- any of the time functions.
- There are a number of compilation options, described in the
- Makefile (be sure to read that before compiling). I suggest
- that you define KRE_COMPAT (yes, that's me..) and STD_INSPIRED.
- If you want compatibility with some of the less broken parts of
- the time implementations in Sys V, or BSD releases, you can also
- define USG_COMPAT or BSD_COMPAT respectively. Finally, TZA_COMPAT
- will give Vol 4 "settz" release timezone name scheme compatability.
- You get tzname[] regardless of the setting of USG_COMPAT. Having
- it included this way is an arguable benefit, it might remove itself
- into the USG_COMPAT version in later releases.
- One program that will cause some problems in compiling, is
- date(1). The date patches posted in Vol 6 Issue 12 should help
- here (you will need TZA_COMPAT, and BSD_COMPAT on BSD systems).
- A new (public domain) version of date(1) is expected soon.
- It will use the STD_INSPIRED functions included here, so if
- you plan on using that when it appears, define STD_INSPIRED now.
- Problems: With BSD_COMPAT ctime.c will become an empty file.
- Without STD_INSPIRED timemk.c will become an empty file.
- In general this is OK (the compiler doesn't mind), however
- some versions of ranlib(1) simply can't deal with this.
- Defining STD_INSPIRED will will fix timemk.c. ctime.c on
- BSD systems is harder. If you are going to install this in
- libc.a, then best if to remove the #ifndef/#endif that surround
- ctime.c, and the duplicate version of ctime (in #ifdef BSD_COMPAT)
- in localtime.c. The problem that is supposed to circumvent
- will not occur in that case. If you want to keep these functions
- in libz.a then easiest is probably to add some nonsense declaration
- to ctime.c (outside the ifdefs) so that the file is not empty.
- Finally, you should be aware that this code is designed to work
- correctly (without changes) regardless of whether time_t is a
- signed or unsigned type, and however many bits it contains
- (withing reason), provided only that it is a standard arithmetic
- type (not an array or struct). The compiled timezone files
- produced are host independant (except unfortunately assume that
- time_t's are 4 bytes long) - the same compiled files can be used
- from a SUN or a Vax (assuming some remote file system to access
- them).
- Vendors: you are expected to provide at least binaries of zic
- and zdump, as well as the library functions of course, and the
- sources of the time data files in any release of this code.
- Providing sources of all this would be an entirely reasonable
- thing to do.
- So ends what is probably the longest moderator's note in the
- history of mod.sources. ... kre ]
- echo x - "Theory" 2>&1
- sed "s/^X//" >"Theory" <<'!The!End!'
- X@(#)Theory 3.1
- X
- XThese time and date functions are much like the System V Release 2.0 (SVR2)
- Xtime and date functions; there are a few additions and changes to extend
- Xthe usefulness of the SVR2 functions:
- X
- X* In SVR2, time display in a process is controlled by the environment
- X variable TZ, which "must be a three-letter time zone name, followed
- X by a number representing the difference between local time and
- X Greenwich Mean Time in hours, followed by an optional three-letter
- X name for a daylight time zone;" when the optional daylight time zone is
- X present, "standard U.S.A. Daylight Savings Time conversion is applied."
- X This means that SVR2 can't deal with other (for example, Australian)
- X daylight savings time rules, or situations where more than two
- X time zone abbreviations are used in an area.
- X
- X* In SVR2, time conversion information is compiled into each program
- X that does time conversion. This means that when time conversion
- X rules change (as in the United States in 1987), all programs that
- X do time conversion must be recompiled to ensure proper results.
- X
- X* In SVR2, time conversion fails for near-minimum or near-maximum
- X time_t values when doing conversions for places that don't use GMT.
- X
- X* In SVR2, there's no tamper-proof way for a process to learn the
- X system's best idea of local wall clock. (This is important for
- X applications that an administrator wants used only at certain times--
- X without regard to whether the user has fiddled the "TZ" environment
- X variable. While an administrator can "do everything in GMT" to get
- X around the problem, doing so is inconvenient and precludes handling
- X daylight savings time shifts--as might be required to limit phone
- X calls to off-peak hours.)
- X
- XThese are the changes that have been made to the SVR2 functions:
- X
- X* The "TZ" environment variable is used in generating the name of a file
- X from which time zone information is read; "TZ" is no longer constrained
- X to be a three-letter time zone name followed by a number of hours and
- X an optional three-letter daylight time zone name. The daylight saving
- X time rules to be used for a particular time zone are encoded in the
- X time zone file; the format of the file allows U.S., Australian, and
- X other rules to be encoded, and allows for situations where more than
- X two time zone abbreviations are used.
- X
- X It was recognized that allowing the "TZ" environment variable to
- X take on values such as "US/Eastern" might cause "old" programs
- X (that expect "TZ" to have a certain form) to operate incorrectly;
- X consideration was given to using some other environment variable
- X (for example, "TIMEZONE") to hold the string used to generate the
- X time zone information file name. In the end, however, it was decided
- X to continue using "TZ": it is widely used for time zone purposes;
- X separately maintaining both "TZ" and "TIMEZONE" seemed a nuisance;
- X and systems where "new" forms of "TZ" might cause problems can simply
- X give time zone files names such as "EST5EDT" which can be used both by
- X "new" programs (as file names) and "old" programs (as zone names and
- X offsets).
- X
- X* To handle places where more than two time zone abbreviations are used,
- X the functions "localtime" and "gmtime" set tzname[tmp->tm_isdst]
- X (where "tmp" is the value the function returns) to the time zone
- X abbreviation to be used. This differs from SVR2, where the elements
- X of tzname are only changed as a result of calls to tzset.
- X
- X* Since the "TZ" environment variable can now be used to control time
- X conversion, the "daylight" and "timezone" variables are no longer
- X needed or supported. (You can use a compile-time option to cause
- X these variables to be defined and to be set by "tzset"; however, their
- X values will not be used by "localtime.")
- X
- X* The "localtime" function has been set up to deliver correct results
- X for near-minimum or near-maximum time_t values. (A comment in the
- X source code tells how to get compatibly wrong results).
- X
- X* A function "tzsetwall" has been added to arrange for the system's
- X best approximation to local wall clock time to be delivered by
- X subsequent calls to "localtime." Source code for portable
- X applications that "must" run on local wall clock time should call
- X "tzsetwall();" if such code is moved to "old" systems that don't provide
- X tzsetwall, you won't be able to generate an executable program.
- X (These time zone functions also arrange for local wall clock time to be
- X used if tzset is called--directly or indirectly--and there's no "TZ"
- X environment variable; portable applications should not, however, rely
- X on this behavior since it's not the way SVR2 systems behave.)
- X
- XPoints of interest to folks with Version 7 or BSD systems:
- X
- X* The BSD "timezone" function is not present in this package;
- X it's impossible to reliably map timezone's arguments (a "minutes west
- X of GMT" value and a "daylight saving time in effect" flag) to a
- X time zone abbreviation, and we refuse to guess.
- X Programs that in the past used the timezone function may now examine
- X tzname[localtime(&clock)->tm_isdst] to learn the correct time
- X zone abbreviation to use. Alternatively, use localtime(&clock)->tm_zone
- X if this has been enabled.
- X
- X* The BSD gettimeofday function is not used in this package;
- X this lets users control the time zone used in doing time conversions.
- X Users who don't try to control things (that is, users who do not set
- X the environment variable TZ) get the time conversion specified in the
- X file "/etc/zoneinfo/localtime"; see the time zone compiler writeup for
- X information on how to initialize this file.
- X
- X* The BSD "dysize" function is only included if the preprocessor symbol
- X BSD_COMPAT is defined. For a year y, the BSD code returns the value
- X ((y % 4) == 0) : 366 : 365
- X while this code returns the value
- X (((y) % 4) == 0 && ((y) % 100) != 0 || ((y) % 400) == 0) ? 366 : 365
- X There's a comment in the code telling how to get the BSD value.
- X
- XThe functions that are conditionally compiled if STD_INSPIRED is defined should,
- Xat this point, be looked on primarily as food for thought. They are not in
- Xany sense "standard compatible"--some are not, in fact, specified in *any*
- Xstandard. They do, however, represent responses of various authors to
- Xstandardization proposals.
- X
- XOther time conversion proposals, in particular the one developed by folks at
- XHewlett Packard, offer a wider selection of functions that provide capabilities
- Xbeyond those provided here. The absence of such functions from this package
- Xis not meant to discourage the development, standardization, or use of such
- Xfunctions. Rather, their absence reflects the decision to make this package
- Xclose to SVR2 (with the exceptions outlined above) to ensure its broad
- Xacceptability. If more powerful time conversion functions can be standardized,
- Xso much the better.
- X
- XIt's probably not wise to standardize everything in this package.
- XWhile the command
- X nroff -man newctime.3
- Xproduces a document that describes this package, the command
- X nroff -man -rX3J11 newctime.3
- Xproduces a document that describes the "standardizable" parts.
- !The!End!
- echo x - "README" 2>&1
- sed "s/^X//" >"README" <<'!The!End!'
- X@(#)README 3.1
- X
- XPlease send comments or information to
- X seismo!elsie!tz
- Xfor forwarding to folks interested in time zone matters.
- X
- XBe sure to read the comments in "Makefile" and make any changes
- Xneeded to make things right for your system.
- X
- XThis version of the time zone software uses a new format
- X(based on the work of Guy Harris, a.k.a guy@sun.UUCP)
- Xfor the time zone information files. They are now stored by default in a
- Xdirectory named "/etc/zoneinfo" rather than "/etc/tzdir" or "/etc/timezones"
- Xas before. If you've already compiled programs with older time zone software,
- Xjust leave the "/etc/tzdir" and/or "/etc/timezones" files around until you
- Xhave a chance to recompile.
- X
- XFor better compatability with other versions of time conversion functions,
- Xthe time zone abbreviation to be used with localtime's return value is now
- Xpointed to by one of the two elements of the (char *) array tzname, rather
- Xthan by the (char *) tz_abbr. If you have code that uses tz_abbr, add a
- Xto the end of the
- Xline in "Makefile".
- X
- XTo use the new functions, use a "-lz" option when compiling or linking.
- X
- XHistorical local time information has been included here not because it
- Xis particularly useful, but rather to:
- X
- X* give an idea of the variety of local time rules that have
- X existed in the past and thus an idea of the variety that may be
- X expected in the future;
- X
- X* provide a test of the generality of the local time rule description
- X system.
- X
- XThe information in the time zone data files is by no means authoritative;
- Xif you know that the rules are different from those in a file, by all means
- Xfeel free to change file (and please send the changed version to seismo!elsie!tz
- Xfor use in the future). Europeans take note!
- !The!End!
- echo x - "Makefile" 2>&1
- sed "s/^X//" >"Makefile" <<'!The!End!'
- X# @(#)Makefile 3.1
- X
- X# If you want something other than Eastern United States time used on your
- X# system, change the line below (after finding the zone you want in the
- X# time zone files, or adding it to a time zone file).
- X# Alternately, if you discover you've got the wrong time zone, you can just
- X# zic -l rightzone
- X
- X
- X# Use an absolute path name for TZDIR unless you're just testing the software.
- X
- XTZDIR= /etc/zoneinfo
- X
- X# You may want to change this define if you're just testing the software.
- X# Alternatively, you can put these functions in /lib/libc.a, removing
- X# the old "ctime.o" (and "timezone.o" on a BSD system). This is the
- X# ideal solution if you are able. Build libz.a, extract the files, and
- X# then add them to libc.a.
- X
- XTZLIB= /usr/lib/libz.a
- X
- X#
- X# If you're running on a System V-style system and don't want lint grief,
- X# add
- X# -DUSG
- X# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
- X#
- X# If you're running on a system where "strchr" is known as "index",
- X# (for example, a 4.[012]BSD system), add
- X# -Dstrchr=index
- X# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
- X#
- X# If you want to use System V compatibility code, add
- X# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
- X#
- X# If you want BSD compatibility code, add
- X# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
- X#
- X# If you've used older versions of this software and want "tz_abbr"
- X# compatibility code, add
- X# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
- X#
- X# If you'd like to use Robert Elz's additions to the "struct tm" structure,
- X# add a
- X# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line, and add the structure elements
- X# long tm_gmtoff;
- X# char * tm_zone;
- X# to the END of the "struct tm" structure defined in "/usr/include/time.h".
- X#
- X# If you want code inspired by certain emerging standards, add
- X# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
- X#
- X# If you want Source Code Control System ID's left out of object modules, add
- X# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
- X#
- X# If you'll never want to handle solar-time-based time zones, add
- X# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line
- X# (and remove solar87 from the DATA= line below).
- X#
- X
- X
- X# LINTFLAGS is set for 4.[123]BSD systems.
- X# If you're using System V, you'll want to comment out the "LINTFLAGS=" line.
- X
- XLINTFLAGS= -phbaaxc
- X
- X# BUNDLE was set to "bundle" in the original, "shar" is more universal
- X
- XBUNDLE= shar
- X
- X################################################################################
- X
- XCC= cc -DTZDIR=\"$(TZDIR)\"
- X
- XTZCSRCS= zic.c localtime.c asctime.c scheck.c ialloc.c mkdir.c
- XTZCOBJS= zic.o localtime.o asctime.o scheck.o ialloc.o mkdir.o
- XTZDSRCS= zdump.c localtime.c asctime.c ialloc.c
- XTZDOBJS= zdump.o localtime.o asctime.o ialloc.o
- XLIBSRCS= localtime.c asctime.c ctime.c dysize.c timemk.c
- XLIBOBJS= localtime.o asctime.o ctime.o dysize.o timemk.o
- XDOCS= Theory README Makefile newctime.3 tzfile.5 zic.8 zdump.8
- XSOURCES= tzfile.h zic.c zdump.c \
- X localtime.c asctime.c ctime.c dysize.c timemk.c \
- X scheck.c ialloc.c mkdir.c
- XDATA= asia australasia europe etcetera northamerica \
- X pacificnew systemv solar87
- X
- X
- X PATH=.:$$PATH zic -l $(LOCALTIME) -d $(TZDIR) $(DATA) && > $@
- X
- Xzdump: $(TZDOBJS)
- X $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) $(TZDOBJS) -o $@
- X
- X ar ru $@ $(LIBOBJS)
- X test -f /usr/bin/ranlib && ranlib $@
- X
- Xzic: $(TZCOBJS)
- X $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) $(TZCOBJS) -o $@
- X
- X
- X $(BUNDLE) $(DOCS) > $@
- X
- X $(BUNDLE) $(SOURCES) > $@
- X
- X $(BUNDLE) $(DATA) > $@
- X
- X sccs get $(REL) $(REV) $@
- X
- Xsure: $(TZCSRCS) $(TZDSRCS) tzfile.h
- X
- Xclean:
- X rm -f core *.o *.out REDID_BINARIES zdump zic BUNDLE* \#*
- X
- XCLEAN: clean
- X sccs clean
- X
- Xlisting: $(ENCHILADA)
- X pr $(ENCHILADA) | lpr
- X
- Xzdump.o zic.o newctime.o: tzfile.h
- !The!End!
- echo x - "newctime.3" 2>&1
- sed "s/^X//" >"newctime.3" <<'!The!End!'
- Xctime, localtime, gmtime, asctime, tzset, tzsetwall \- convert date and time to ASCII
- X.nf
- X.B extern char *tzname[2];
- X.PP
- X.B void tzset()
- X.PP
- X.B void tzsetwall()
- X.PP
- X.B char *ctime(clock)
- X.B long *clock;
- X.PP
- X.B #include <time.h>
- X.PP
- X.B char *asctime(tm)
- X.B struct tm *tm;
- X.PP
- X.B struct tm *localtime(clock)
- X.B long *clock;
- X.PP
- X.B struct tm *gmtime(clock)
- X.B long *clock;
- X.PP
- Xcc ... -lz
- X.fi
- X.I Tzset
- Xuses the value of the environment variable
- X.B TZ
- Xto set time conversion information used by
- X.IR localtime .
- X.if \nX \{\
- X.B TZ
- Xis absent from the environment,
- Xthe behavior is implementation defined.
- XIf
- X.B TZ
- Xdoes appear in the environment,
- X.I localtime
- Xwill only work correctly if
- Xits value is one of an
- Ximplementation-defined set of values.
- X\}
- X.if !\nX \{\
- XIf
- X.B TZ
- Xdoes not appear in the environment,
- Xthe best available approximation to local wall clock time is used by
- X.IR localtime .
- XIf
- X.B TZ
- Xappears in the environment but its value is a null string,
- XGreenwich Mean Time is used;
- Xif
- X.B TZ
- Xappears and
- Xbegins with a slash,
- Xit is used as the absolute pathname of the
- X.IR tzfile (5)-format
- Xfile from which to read the time conversion information;
- Xif
- X.B TZ
- Xappears and
- Xbegins with a character other than a slash,
- Xit's used as a pathname relative to a system time conversion information
- Xdirectory.
- X\}
- X.PP
- X.I Tzsetwall
- Xsets things up so that
- X.I localtime
- Xreturns the best available approximation of local wall clock time.
- X.PP
- X.I Ctime\^
- Xconverts a long integer, pointed to by
- X.IR clock ,
- Xrepresenting the time in seconds since
- X00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970,
- Xand returns a pointer to a
- X26-character string
- Xof the form
- X.br
- X.ce
- XThu Nov 24 18:22:48 1986\\n\\0
- X.br
- XAll the fields have constant width.
- X.PP
- X.IR Localtime\^
- Xand
- X.I gmtime\^
- Xreturn pointers to ``tm'' structures, described below.
- X.I Localtime\^
- Xcorrects for the time zone and any time zone adjustments
- X(such as Daylight Savings time in the U.S.A.).
- X.if \nX Whether, before doing so,
- X.if !\nX Before doing so,
- X.I localtime\^
- Xcalls
- X.I tzset\^
- X(if
- X.I tzset\^
- Xhas not been called in
- X.if \nX the current process) is implementation defined.
- X.if !\nX the current process).
- X.if !\nX \{\
- XAfter filling in the ``tm'' structure,
- X.I localtime
- Xsets the
- X.BR tm_isdst 'th
- Xelement of
- X.B tzname
- Xto a pointer to an
- XASCII string that's the time zone abbreviation to be used with
- X.IR localtime 's
- Xreturn value.
- X\}
- X.PP
- X.I Gmtime\^
- Xconverts to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
- X.PP
- X.I Asctime\^
- Xconverts a time value contained in a
- X``tm'' structure to a 26-character string,
- Xas shown in the above example,
- Xand returns a pointer
- Xto the string.
- X.PP
- XDeclarations of all the functions and externals, and the ``tm'' structure,
- Xare in the
- X.B <time.h>\^
- Xheader file.
- XThe structure (of type)
- X.B struct tm
- Xincludes the following fields:
- X.RS
- X.PP
- X.nf
- X.ta .5i +\w'long tm_gmtoff;\0\0'u
- X int tm_sec; /\(** seconds (0 - 59) \(**/
- X int tm_min; /\(** minutes (0 - 59) \(**/
- X int tm_hour; /\(** hours (0 - 23) \(**/
- X int tm_mday; /\(** day of month (1 - 31) \(**/
- X int tm_mon; /\(** month of year (0 - 11) \(**/
- X int tm_year; /\(** year \- 1900 \(**/
- X int tm_wday; /\(** day of week (Sunday = 0) \(**/
- X int tm_yday; /\(** day of year (0 - 365) \(**/
- X int tm_isdst; /\(** is DST in effect? \(**/
- X char \(**tm_zone; /\(** abbreviation of timezone name \(**/
- X long tm_gmtoff; /\(** offset from GMT in seconds \(**/
- X.fi
- X.RE
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.I tm_zone
- Xand
- X.I tm_gmtoff
- Xfields exist, and are filled in, only if arrangements to do
- Xso were made when the library containing these functions was
- Xcreated.
- XThere is no guarantee that these fields will continue to exist
- Xin this form in future releases of this code.
- X.PP
- X.I Tm_isdst\^
- Xis non-zero if a
- Xtime zone adjustment such as Daylight Savings time
- Xis in effect.
- X.PP
- X.I Tm_gmtoff
- Xis the offset (in seconds) of the time represented
- Xfrom GMT, with positive values indicating East
- Xof Greenwich.
- X.if !\nX \{\
- X.ta \w'/etc/zoneinfo/localtime\0\0'u
- X/etc/zoneinfo time zone information directory
- X.br
- X/etc/zoneinfo/localtime local time zone file
- X\}
- X.if !\nX tzfile(5),
- Xgetenv(3),
- Xtime(2)
- XThe return values point to static data
- Xwhose content is overwritten by each call.
- XThe
- X.B tm_zone
- Xfield of a returned
- X.B "struct tm"
- Xpoints to a static array of characters, which
- Xwill also be overwritten at the next call
- X(and by calls to
- X.I tzset
- Xor
- X.IR tzsetwall ).
- X.. @(#)newctime.3 3.1
- !The!End!
- echo x - "tzfile.5" 2>&1
- sed "s/^X//" >"tzfile.5" <<'!The!End!'
- Xtzfile \- time zone information
- X.B
- X#include <tzfile.h>
- XThe time zone information files used by
- X.IR tzset (3)
- Xbegin with bytes reserved for future use,
- Xfollowed by three four-byte values of type
- X.BR long ,
- Xwritten in a ``standard'' byte order
- X(the high-order byte of the value is written first).
- XThese values are,
- Xin order:
- X.TP
- X.I tzh_timecnt
- XThe number of "transition times" for which data is stored
- Xin the file.
- X.TP
- X.I tzh_typecnt
- XThe number of "local time types" for which data is stored
- Xin the file (must not be zero).
- X.TP
- X.I tzh_charcnt
- XThe number of characters of "time zone abbreviation strings"
- Xstored in the file.
- X.PP
- XThe above header is followed by
- X.I tzh_timecnt
- Xfour-byte values of type
- X.BR long ,
- Xsorted in ascending order.
- XThese values are written in ``standard'' byte order.
- XEach is used as a transition time (as returned by
- X.IR time (2))
- Xat which the rules for computing local time change.
- XNext come
- X.I tzh_timecnt
- Xone-byte values of type
- X.BR "unsigned char" ;
- Xeach one tells which of the different types of ``local time'' types
- Xdescribed in the file is associated with the same-indexed transition time.
- XThese values serve as indices into an array of
- X.I ttinfo
- Xstructures that appears next in the file;
- Xthese structures are defined as follows:
- X.in +.5i
- X.sp
- X.nf
- X.ta .5i +\w'unsigned int\0\0'u
- Xstruct ttinfo {
- X long tt_gmtoff;
- X int tt_isdst;
- X unsigned int tt_abbrind;
- X};
- X.in -.5i
- X.fi
- X.sp
- XEach structure is written as a four-byte value for
- X.I tt_gmtoff
- Xof type
- X.BR long ,
- Xin a standard byte order, followed by a one-byte value for
- X.I tt_isdst
- Xand a one-byte value for
- X.IR tt_abbrind .
- XIn each structure,
- X.I tt_gmtoff
- Xgives the number of seconds to be added to GMT,
- X.I tt_isdst
- Xtells whether
- X.I tm_isdst
- Xshould be set by
- X.I localtime (3)
- Xand
- X.I tt_abbrind
- Xserves as an index into the array of time zone abbreviation characters
- Xthat follow the
- X.I ttinfo
- Xstructure(s) in the file.
- X.PP
- X.I Localtime
- Xuses the first standard-time
- X.I ttinfo
- Xstructure in the file
- X(or simply the first
- X.I ttinfo
- Xstructure in the absence of a standard-time structure)
- Xif either
- X.I tzh_timecnt
- Xis zero or the time argument is less than the first transition time recorded
- Xin the file.
- Xnewctime(3)
- X.. @(#)tzfile.5 3.1
- !The!End!
- echo x - "zic.8" 2>&1
- sed "s/^X//" >"zic.8" <<'!The!End!'
- X.TH ZIC 8
- Xzic \- time zone compiler
- X.B zic
- X[
- X.B \-v
- X] [
- X.B \-d
- X.I directory
- X] [
- X.B \-l
- X.I localtime
- X] [
- X.I filename
- X\&... ]
- X.I Zic
- Xreads text from the file(s) named on the command line
- Xand creates the time conversion information files specified in this input.
- XIf a
- X.I filename
- Xis
- X.BR \- ,
- Xthe standard input is read.
- X.PP
- XThese options are available:
- X.TP
- X.BI "\-d " directory
- XCreate time conversion information files in the named directory rather than
- Xin the standard directory named below.
- X.TP
- X.BI "\-l " timezone
- XUse the given time zone as local time.
- X.I Zic
- Xwill act as if the file contained a link line of the form
- X.sp
- X.ti +.5i
- XLink \fItimezone\fP localtime
- X.TP
- X.B \-v
- XComplain if a year that appears in a data file is outside the range
- Xof years representable by
- X.IR time (2)
- Xvalues.
- X.sp
- XInput lines are made up of fields.
- XFields are separated from one another by any number of white space characters.
- XLeading and trailing white space on input lines is ignored.
- XAn unquoted sharp character (#) in the input introduces a comment which extends
- Xto the end of the line the sharp character appears on.
- XWhite space characters and sharp characters may be enclosed in double quotes
- X(") if they're to be used as part of a field.
- XAny line that is blank (after comment stripping) is ignored.
- XNon-blank lines are expected to be of one of three types:
- Xrule lines, zone lines, and link lines.
- X.PP
- XA rule line has the form
- X.nf
- X.B
- X.ti +.5i
- X.ta \w'Rule\0\0'u +\w'NAME\0\0'u +\w'FROM\0\0'u +\w'1973\0\0'u +\w'TYPE\0\0'u +\w'Apr\0\0'u +\w'lastSun\0\0'u +\w'2:00\0\0'u +\w'SAVE\0\0'u
- X.sp
- X.sp
- XFor example:
- X.ti +.5i
- X.sp
- XRule USA 1969 1973 \- Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
- X.sp
- X.fi
- XThe fields that make up a rule line are:
- X.TP "\w'LETTER/S'u"
- XGives the (arbitrary) name of the set of rules this rule is part of.
- X.TP
- XGives the first year in which the rule applies.
- XThe word
- X.B minimum
- X(or an abbreviation) means the minimum year with a representable time value.
- XThe word
- X.B maximum
- X(or an abbreviation) means the maximum year with a representable time value.
- X.TP
- X.B TO
- XGives the final year in which the rule applies.
- XIn addition to
- X.B minimum
- Xand
- X.B maximum
- X(as above),
- Xthe word
- X.B only
- X(or an abbreviation)
- Xmay be used to repeat the value of the
- Xfield.
- X.TP
- XGives the type of year in which the year applies.
- XIf
- Xis
- X.B \-
- Xthen the rule applies in all years between
- Xand
- X.B TO
- Xinclusive;
- Xif
- Xis
- X.BR uspres ,
- Xthe rule applies in U.S. Presidential election years;
- Xif
- Xis
- X.BR nonpres ,
- Xthe rule applies in years other than U.S. Presidential election years.
- XIf
- Xis something else, then
- X.I zic
- Xexecutes the command
- X.ti +.5i
- X\fByearistype\fP \fIyear\fP \fItype\fP
- X.br
- Xto check the type of a year:
- Xan exit status of zero is taken to mean that the year is of the given type;
- Xan exit status of one is taken to mean that the year is not of the given type.
- X.TP
- X.B IN
- XNames the month in which the rule takes effect.
- XMonth names may be abbreviated.
- X.TP
- X.B ON
- XGives the day on which the rule takes effect.
- XRecognized forms include:
- X.nf
- X.in +.5i
- X.sp
- X.ta \w'Sun<=25\0\0'u
- X5 the fifth of the month
- XlastSun the last Sunday in the month
- XlastMon the last Monday in the month
- XSun>=8 first Sunday on or after the eighth
- XSun<=25 last Sunday on or before the 25th
- X.fi
- X.in -.5i
- X.sp
- XNames of days of the week may be abbreviated or spelled out in full.
- XNote that there must be no spaces within the
- X.B ON
- Xfield.
- X.TP
- X.B AT
- XGives the time of day at which the rule takes affect.
- XRecognized forms include:
- X.nf
- X.in +.5i
- X.sp
- X.ta \w'1:28:13\0\0'u
- X2 time in hours
- X2:00 time in hours and minutes
- X15:00 24-hour format time (for times after noon)
- X1:28:14 time in hours, minutes, and seconds
- X.fi
- X.in -.5i
- X.sp
- XAny of these forms may be followed by the letter
- X.B w
- Xif the given time is local ``wall clock'' time or
- X.B s
- Xif the given time is local ``standard'' time; in the absence of
- X.B w
- Xor
- X.BR s ,
- Xwall clock time is assumed.
- X.TP
- XGives the amount of time to be added to local standard time when the rule is in
- Xeffect.
- XThis field has the same format as the
- X.B AT
- Xfield
- X(although, of course, the
- X.B w
- Xand
- X.B s
- Xsuffixes are not used).
- X.TP
- XGives the ``variable part'' (for example, the ``S'' or ``D'' in ``EST''
- Xor ``EDT'') of time zone abbreviations to be used when this rule is in effect.
- XIf this field is
- X.BR \- ,
- Xthe variable part is null.
- X.PP
- XA zone line has the form
- X.sp
- X.nf
- X.ti +.5i
- X.ta \w'Zone\0\0'u +\w'Australia/South\-west\0\0'u +\w'GMTOFF\0\0'u +\w'RULES/SAVE\0\0'u +\w'FORMAT\0\0'u
- X.sp
- XFor example:
- X.sp
- X.ti +.5i
- XZone Australia/South\-west 9:30 Aus CST 1987 Mar 15 2:00
- X.sp
- X.fi
- XThe fields that make up a zone line are:
- X.TP "\w'GMTOFF'u"
- XThe name of the time zone.
- XThis is the name used in creating the time conversion information file for the
- Xzone.
- X.TP
- XThe amount of time to add to GMT to get standard time in this zone.
- XThis field has the same format as the
- X.B AT
- Xand
- Xfields of rule lines;
- Xbegin the field with a minus sign if time must be subtracted from GMT.
- X.TP
- XThe name of the rule(s) that apply in the time zone or,
- Xalternately, an amount of time to add to local standard time.
- XIf this field is
- X.B \-
- Xthen standard time always applies in the time zone.
- X.TP
- XThe format for time zone abbreviations in this time zone.
- XThe pair of characters
- X.B %s
- Xis used to show where the ``variable part'' of the time zone abbreviation goes.
- XThe time at which the GMT offset or the rule(s) change for a location.
- XIt is specified as a year, a month, a day, and a time of day.
- XIf this is specified,
- Xthe time zone information is generated from the given GMT offset
- Xand rule change until the time specified.
- X.IP
- XThe next line must be a
- X``continuation'' line; this has the same form as a zone line except that the
- Xstring ``Zone'' and the name are omitted, as the continuation line will
- Xplace information starting at the time specified as the
- Xfield in the previous line in the file used by the previous line.
- XContinuation lines may contain an
- Xfield, just as zone lines do, indicating that the next line is a further
- Xcontinuation.
- X.PP
- XA link line has the form
- X.sp
- X.nf
- X.ti +.5i
- X.if t .ta \w'Link\0\0'u +\w'LINK-FROM\0\0'u
- X.if n .ta \w'Link\0\0'u +\w'US/Eastern\0\0'u
- X.sp
- XFor example:
- X.sp
- X.ti +.5i
- XLink US/Eastern EST5EDT
- X.sp
- X.fi
- XThe
- Xfield should appear as the
- Xfield in some zone line;
- Xthe
- Xfield is used as an alternate name for that zone.
- X.PP
- XExcept for continuation lines,
- Xlines may appear in any order in the input.
- XFor areas with more than two types of local time,
- Xyou may need to use local standard time in the
- X.B AT
- Xfield of the earliest transition time's rule to ensure that
- Xthe earliest transition time recorded in the compiled file is correct.
- X/etc/zoneinfo standard directory used for created files
- Xnewctime(3), tzfile(5), zdump(8)
- X.. @(#)zic.8 3.1
- !The!End!
- echo x - "zdump.8" 2>&1
- sed "s/^X//" >"zdump.8" <<'!The!End!'
- Xzdump \- time zone dumper
- X.B zdump
- X[
- X.B \-v
- X] [
- X.B \-c
- Xcutoffyear ] [ zonename ... ]
- X.I Zdump
- Xprints the current time in each
- X.I zonename
- Xnamed on the command line.
- X.PP
- XThese options are available:
- X.TP
- X.B \-v
- XFor each
- X.I zonename
- Xon the command line,
- Xprint the current time,
- Xthe time at the lowest possible time value,
- Xthe time one day after the lowest possible time value,
- Xthe times both one second before and exactly at
- Xeach time at which the rules for computing local time change,
- Xthe time at the highest possible time value,
- Xand the time at one day less than the highest possible time value.
- XEach line ends with
- X.B isdst=1
- Xif the given time is Daylight Saving Time or
- X.B isdst=0
- Xotherwise.
- X.TP
- X.BI "\-c " cutoffyear
- XCut off the verbose output near the start of the given year.
- X/etc/zoneinfo standard zone information directory
- Xnewctime(3), tzfile(5), zic(8)
- X.. @(#)zdump.8 3.1
- !The!End!
- exit