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- Subject: v08i091: A pre-processor for FORTRAN source, Part02/02
- Newsgroups: mod.sources
- Approved: mirror!rs
- Submitted by: cmcl2!bullwinkle!batcomputer!prove (Roger Ove)
- Mod.sources: Volume 8, Issue 91
- Archive-name: prep/Part02
- -----CUT-----HERE-----
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line,
- # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
- # Contents: flow.c misc.c fix.h macro.h prep.h prepdf.h prepmac.h string.h
- # vecdem.h demo.p sieve.p vecdem.p
- echo x - flow.c
- sed 's/^@//' > "flow.c" <<'@//E*O*F flow.c//'
- /* Flow control extensions and related routines */
- #include "prep.h"
- /* Function AGAIN_PROC
- *
- * Process again statements.
- * 3/2/86
- */
- again_proc()
- {
- /* on missing begin statement, abort */
- if ( begin_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "Again: no matching begin: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* construct the goto statement back to begin */
- sprintf( out_buff, " goto %s", blabel[begin_count] ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- /* construct label statement */
- sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", alabel[begin_count] ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- begin_count-- ;
- }
- /* Function BEGIN_PROC.C
- *
- * Process begin statements. Construct a label for the
- * while, until, and again statements to branch to. The
- * label for again is created here as well.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 3/2/86
- */
- begin_proc()
- {
- int count ;
- /* keep track of the nesting */
- begin_count++ ;
- if ( begin_count >= NESTING ) {
- sprintf( errline, "Begin: nesting too deep: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* make up a label (for begin) and store it in blabel[begin_count] */
- count = 17500 + blabel_count ;
- blabel_count++ ;
- if ( count > 19999 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "Begin: too many labels: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- sprintf( blabel[begin_count], "%d", count ) ;
- /* make up a label (for again) and store it in alabel[begin_count] */
- count = 15000 + alabel_count ;
- alabel_count++ ;
- if ( count > 17499 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "Begin: too many labels: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- sprintf( alabel[begin_count], "%d", count ) ;
- /* construct and dump the output record */
- sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", blabel[begin_count] ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- }
- /* Function CASE_PROC
- *
- * Process again statements.
- * 11/9/85
- */
- case_proc()
- {
- int n, count ;
- char *open_parens, *close_parens ;
- /* get the comparison expression */
- open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
- close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
- /* if char after case is not a blank, tab, or delimeter assume a */
- /* variable name beginning with case */
- if ((close_parens == NULL) & (open_parens == first_nonblank + name_length))
- return ;
- /* keep track of the nesting */
- case_count++ ;
- if ( case_count >= NESTING ) {
- sprintf( errline, "Case: nesting too deep: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* get logical expression, set to NULL if it is missing */
- if ( open_parens == NULL ) {
- case_exp[ case_count ][0] = NULL ;
- }
- else {
- if ( close_parens == NULL ) {
- sprintf( errline, "Case: missing delimeter: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
- GET_MEM( case_exp[case_count], n+5 ) ;
- case_exp[case_count][0] = '(' ;
- strncpy( case_exp[case_count] + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
- case_exp[case_count][n+1] = ')' ;
- case_exp[case_count][n+2] = NULL ;
- }
- /* make label for continue to return to, store it in clabel[case_count] */
- count = 20000 + clabel_count ;
- clabel_count++ ;
- if ( count > 22499 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "Case: too many labels: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- sprintf( clabel[case_count], "%d", count ) ;
- /* construct and dump the output record */
- sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", clabel[case_count] ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- /* signal that in_buff is empty */
- }
- *
- * Process continue_case statements (part of case construct).
- *
- * P. R. OVE 10/10/86
- */
- continue_case_proc()
- {
- int n, count ;
- char *pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;
- /* get the comparison expression */
- open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
- close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
- /* if there is stuff on the line (open_parens != NULL) and no open
- * parens (close_parens == NULL) assume variable name */
- if ( (open_parens != NULL) & (close_parens == NULL) ) return ;
- /* on missing case statement, abort */
- if ( case_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "CONTINUE_CASE: no matching CASE: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* get the logical expression if there is one */
- if (open_parens != NULL) {
- n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
- GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
- exp[0] = '(' ;
- strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
- exp[n+1] = ')' ;
- exp[n+2] = NULL ;
- }
- /* construct and dump the jump back to the case statement */
- if (open_parens != NULL) {
- strcpy( out_buff, " if " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, clabel[case_count] ) ;
- free( exp ) ;
- }
- else {
- strcpy( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, clabel[case_count] ) ;
- }
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- }
- /* Function CONTINUE_DO_PROC
- *
- * Process continue_do statements (part of do/end_do construct).
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/13/86
- */
- continue_do_proc()
- {
- int n, count ;
- char *pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;
- /* get the comparison expression */
- open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
- close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
- /* if there is stuff on the line (open_parens != NULL) and no open
- * parens (close_parens == NULL) assume variable name like CONTINUE_DOit */
- if ( (open_parens != NULL) & (close_parens == NULL) ) return ;
- /* on missing do statement, abort */
- if ( do_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "CONTINUE_DO: not in do/end_do loop: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* get the logical expression if there is one */
- if (open_parens != NULL) {
- n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
- GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
- exp[0] = '(' ;
- strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
- exp[n+1] = ')' ;
- exp[n+2] = NULL ;
- }
- /* construct and dump the jump to the end_do label */
- if (open_parens != NULL) {
- strcpy( out_buff, " if " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, dlabel[do_count] ) ;
- free( exp ) ;
- }
- else {
- strcpy( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, dlabel[do_count] ) ;
- }
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- }
- /* Function CONTINUE_PROC
- *
- * Process continue statements (part of begin construct).
- *
- * P. R. OVE 10/10/86
- */
- continue_proc()
- {
- int n, count ;
- char *pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;
- /* get the comparison expression */
- open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
- close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
- /* if there is stuff on the line (open_parens != NULL) and no open
- * parens (close_parens == NULL) assume variable name like CONTINUEit */
- if ( (open_parens != NULL) & (close_parens == NULL) ) return ;
- /* on missing begin statement, abort */
- if ( begin_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "CONTINUE: no matching BEGIN: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* get the logical expression if there is one */
- if (open_parens != NULL) {
- n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
- GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
- exp[0] = '(' ;
- strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
- exp[n+1] = ')' ;
- exp[n+2] = NULL ;
- }
- /* construct and dump the back to the begin statement */
- if (open_parens != NULL) {
- strcpy( out_buff, " if " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, blabel[begin_count] ) ;
- free( exp ) ;
- }
- else {
- strcpy( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, blabel[begin_count] ) ;
- }
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- }
- /* Function DEFAULT_PROC
- *
- * Process default statements.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- default_proc()
- {
- char *pntr ;
- if ( case_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "DEFAULT: no matching CASE: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- dump( " else" ) ;
- /* eliminate "default" from the input buffer */
- pntr = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
- if ( pntr != NULL ) {
- strcpy( in_buff, "\t" ) ;
- strcat( in_buff, pntr ) ;
- }
- else { IN_BUFF_DONE }
- }
- /* Function DO_PROC
- *
- * Process do statements. If there is a label (ala
- * fortran) just dump it to the output. If no label
- * exists make one up in anticipation of an eventual
- * end_do statement.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- do_proc()
- {
- char *after_do, *pntr ;
- int count ;
- /* return without processing if the first nonblank char after DO is a label
- or if there is no blank/tab after the DO */
- pntr = first_nonblank + name_length ;
- after_do = line_end( pntr ) ;
- if ( ( strchr( "0123456789", *after_do ) != NULL ) |
- ( after_do == pntr ) ) return ;
- /* keep track of the nesting */
- do_count++ ;
- if ( do_count >= NESTING ) {
- sprintf( errline, "DO: nesting too deep: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* make up a label and store it in dlabel[do_count] */
- count = 12500 + dlabel_count ;
- dlabel_count++ ;
- if ( count > 14999 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "DO: too many labels: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- sprintf( dlabel[do_count], "%d", count ) ;
- /* make label for leave_do to jump to and store it in elabel[do_count] */
- count = 22500 + elabel_count ;
- elabel_count++ ;
- if ( count > 24999 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "DO: too many labels: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- sprintf( elabel[do_count], "%d", count ) ;
- /* construct and dump the output record */
- sprintf( out_buff, " do %s %s", dlabel[do_count], after_do ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- }
- /* Function END_CASE_PROC
- *
- * Process end_case statements.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- end_case_proc()
- {
- of_count[ case_count ] = 0 ;
- free( case_exp[ case_count ] ) ;
- case_count-- ;
- if ( case_count < 0 ) {
- case_count = 0 ;
- return ; }
- dump( " end if" ) ;
- }
- /* Function END_DO_PROC
- *
- * Process end_do statements. Use the label indexed
- * by the current value of do_count (the do nesting
- * index).
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- end_do_proc()
- {
- /* signal error if no matching do has been found */
- if ( do_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "END_DO: no matching do: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* construct and dump the normal do loop continue statement */
- sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", dlabel[do_count] ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- /* construct and dump the leave_do label if needed */
- if ( leave_do_flag[do_count] == TRUE ) {
- sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", elabel[do_count] ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- leave_do_flag[do_count] = FALSE ;
- }
- do_count -= 1 ;
- }
- /* Function LEAVE_DO_PROC
- *
- * Process leave_do statements.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 3/2/86
- */
- leave_do_proc()
- {
- int n, count ;
- char *pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;
- /* get the comparison expression */
- open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
- close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
- /* if there is stuff on the line (open_parens != NULL) and no */
- /* open parens (close_parens == NULL) assume variable name like LEAVE_DOit */
- if ( (open_parens != NULL) & (close_parens == NULL) ) return ;
- /* on missing do statement, abort */
- if ( do_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "LEAVE_DO: not in do/end_do loop: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* get the logical expression if there is one */
- if (open_parens != NULL) {
- n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
- GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
- exp[0] = '(' ;
- strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
- exp[n+1] = ')' ;
- exp[n+2] = NULL ;
- }
- /* construct and dump the jump out of the loop */
- if (open_parens != NULL) {
- strcpy( out_buff, " if " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, elabel[do_count] ) ;
- free( exp ) ;
- }
- else {
- strcpy( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, elabel[do_count] ) ;
- }
- leave_do_flag[do_count] = TRUE ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- }
- /* Function LEAVE_PROC
- *
- * Process leave statements.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 3/2/86
- */
- leave_proc()
- {
- int n, count ;
- char *pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;
- /* get the comparison expression */
- open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
- close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
- /* if there is stuff on the line (open_parens != NULL) and no */
- /* open parens (close_parens == NULL) assume variable name like LEAVEit */
- if ( (open_parens != NULL) & (close_parens == NULL) ) return ;
- /* on missing begin statement, abort */
- if ( begin_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "LEAVE: no matching begin: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* get the logical expression if there is one */
- if (open_parens != NULL) {
- n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
- GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
- exp[0] = '(' ;
- strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
- exp[n+1] = ')' ;
- exp[n+2] = NULL ;
- }
- /* construct and dump the jump to again */
- if (open_parens != NULL) {
- strcpy( out_buff, " if " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, alabel[begin_count] ) ;
- free( exp ) ;
- }
- else {
- strcpy( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, alabel[begin_count] ) ;
- }
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- }
- /* Function OF_PROC
- *
- * Process of statements.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- of_proc()
- {
- int n ;
- char *pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;
- /* get the comparison expression */
- open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length) ;
- close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
- /* if no open parens assume variable name like OFile */
- /* (no open parens <==> close_parens will be NULL) */
- if ( close_parens == NULL ) return ;
- /* abort on missing case statement */
- if ( case_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "OF: missing CASE statement: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* keep track of "of's" for each case level */
- of_count[ case_count ] += 1 ;
- /* get the logical expression */
- n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
- GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
- exp[0] = '(' ;
- strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
- exp[n+1] = ')' ;
- exp[n+2] = NULL ;
- /* construct the "if" or "if else" statement. If there is a case */
- /* logical expression us .eq. to determine the result */
- if ( case_exp[ case_count ][0] == NULL ) {
- if ( of_count[ case_count ] != 1 ) {
- strcpy( out_buff, " else if " ) ; }
- else {
- strcpy( out_buff, " if " ) ; }
- strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, " then " ) ; }
- else {
- if ( of_count[ case_count ] != 1 ) {
- strcpy( out_buff, " else if (" ) ; }
- else {
- strcpy( out_buff, " if (" ) ; }
- strcat( out_buff, case_exp[ case_count ] ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, ".eq." ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, ") then " ) ; }
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- /* eliminate "of stuff" from the input buffer */
- pntr = line_end( close_parens + 1 ) ;
- if ( pntr != NULL ) {
- strcpy( in_buff, "\t" ) ;
- strcat( in_buff, pntr ) ;
- }
- else { IN_BUFF_DONE }
- free( exp ) ;
- }
- /* Function UNTIL_PROC
- *
- * Process until statements.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 3/2/86
- */
- until_proc()
- {
- int n, count ;
- char *pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;
- /* get the comparison expression */
- open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
- close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
- /* if no open parens assume variable name like UNTILon */
- /* (no open parens <==> close_parens will be NULL) */
- if ( close_parens == NULL ) return ;
- /* on missing begin statement, abort */
- if ( begin_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "UNTIL: no matching begin: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* get the logical expression */
- n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
- GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
- exp[0] = '(' ;
- strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
- exp[n+1] = ')' ;
- exp[n+2] = NULL ;
- /* construct and dump the conditional jump to begin */
- sprintf( out_buff, " if (.not.%s) goto %s",
- exp, blabel[begin_count] ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- /* construct a label statement (for leave to jump to) */
- sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", alabel[begin_count] ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- begin_count-- ;
- free( exp ) ;
- }
- /* Function WHILE_PROC
- *
- * Process while statements.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 3/2/86
- */
- while_proc()
- {
- int n, count ;
- char *pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;
- /* get the comparison expression */
- open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
- close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
- /* if no open parens assume variable name like WHILEon */
- /* (no open parens <==> close_parens will be NULL) */
- if ( close_parens == NULL ) return ;
- /* on missing begin statement, abort */
- if ( begin_count <= 0 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "WHILE: no matching begin: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* get the logical expression */
- n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
- GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
- exp[0] = '(' ;
- strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
- exp[n+1] = ')' ;
- exp[n+2] = NULL ;
- /* construct and dump the output record */
- strcpy( out_buff, " if (.not." ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, ") goto " ) ;
- strcat( out_buff, alabel[begin_count] ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- free( exp ) ;
- }
- @//E*O*F flow.c//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r flow.c
- echo x - misc.c
- sed 's/^@//' > "misc.c" <<'@//E*O*F misc.c//'
- /* misc routines */
- #include "prep.h"
- /* Function DUMP.C
- *
- * Send a string to the output stream. The string is a
- * fortran record constructed by PREP, which may be
- * longer than 72 characters after processing. It is
- * broken up into pieces before output. The string
- * must be null terminated. The string is not affected
- * by this routine, so it is safe to do
- * dump( "explicit text" ) ;
- *
- * If inside a vector loop (vec_flag==TRUE) the record is
- * not broken up and is sent to mem_store rather than a file.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- dump( string )
- char *string ;
- {
- char record[73], *pntr ;
- int i_str, i_rec = 0, i, i_tab, quote_flag = 0 ;
- /* ignore empty lines sent here */
- if ( NULL == line_end( string ) ) return ;
- /* if in a vector loop write the string to mem_store */
- if ( vec_flag ) {
- push( string ) ;
- return ;
- }
- /* loop until end of record */
- for ( i_str = 0;; i_str++ ) {
- /* wrap up on end of line */
- if ( line_end( &string[i_str] ) == NULL ) {
- record[i_rec] = NULL ;
- put_string( record ) ;
- break ; }
- /* break string if necessary */
- if ( i_rec >= 72 ) {
- record[i_rec] = NULL ;
- put_string( record ) ;
- strcpy( record, " *" ) ;
- i_str-- ;
- i_rec = 6 ;
- continue ;
- }
- /* toggle quote flag on quotes */
- if ( string[i_str] == '\'' ) quote_flag = ! quote_flag ;
- /* underline filtering */
- if ( (string[i_str]=='_') & (!underline_keep) & (!quote_flag) )
- continue ;
- /* tab handling */
- if ( string[i_str] == TAB ) {
- if ( i_rec >= 70 - tab_size ) {
- record[i_rec] = NULL ;
- put_string( record ) ;
- strcpy( record, " *" ) ;
- i_rec = 6 ; }
- else { /* replace tab by blanks */
- i_tab = ( ( i_rec + 1 )/tab_size )
- * tab_size - i_rec + tab_size - 1 ;
- for ( i = 0; i < i_tab; i++ ) {
- record[i_rec] = BLANK ;
- i_rec++ ; }
- }
- continue ;
- }
- /* default action */
- record[i_rec] = string[i_str] ;
- i_rec++ ;
- }
- }
- *
- * Get a record from the input stream, making sure that the buffer
- * does not overflow by increasing its size as necessary. The
- * string in_buff will contain the record on return. In_buff will
- * always contain about ten percent of its default length in trailing
- * blanks to play with. Out_buff will have space allocated for it
- * as well, 4 times that of in_buff. Returns a pointer to the
- * terminating NULL character. On EOF the previous input file
- * (assuming the present one was an include file) will be restored as
- * the input file. If the filestack is empty return NULL.
- */
- char *get_rec()
- {
- int i, j ;
- char *pntr, *area ;
- /* fill the in_put buffer, enlarging it when nearly full in
- * increments of DEF_BUFFSIZE. On end of file the previous file
- * handle is popped from the include stack (if present).
- */
- pntr = in_buff ;
- i = 0 ;
- while(1) {
- for (; i < allocation - DEF_BUFFSIZE/10 ; i++, pntr++ ) {
- *pntr = getc(in) ;
- if ( *pntr == EOF ) {
- fclose(in) ;
- if ( NULL == popfile(&in) ) return( NULL ) ;
- pntr = in_buff-1 ;
- i = -1 ;
- continue ;
- }
- if ( *pntr == '\n' ) {
- *pntr = NULL ;
- return( pntr ) ;
- }
- }
- /* if control falls through to here, increase buffer sizes. */
- allocation += DEF_BUFFSIZE ;
- if ( NULL == realloc( in_buff, allocation ) )
- abort( "Reallocation failed" ) ;
- if ( NULL == realloc( out_buff, 4*allocation ) )
- abort( "Reallocation failed" ) ;
- }
- }
- /* Include_proc
- *
- * Handle file inclusion
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- include_proc()
- {
- char *pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens, *name ;
- /* get the file name */
- open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
- if ( NULL == ( close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ) ) {
- sprintf( errline, "INCLUDE: syntax: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- name = open_parens+1 ;
- *close_parens = NULL ;
- /* push the old input file handle onto the filestack */
- if ( NULL == pushfile(&in) ) {
- sprintf( errline, "INCLUDE: nesting too deep: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- /* open the new file */
- if ( NULL == ( in = fopen( name, "r" ) ) ) {
- sprintf( errline, "INCLUDE: can't open file: %s", name ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- }
- /* push a file handle onto the filestack. return NULL on error. */
- int pushfile(handleaddress)
- FILE *(*handleaddress) ;
- {
- if ( include_count >= NESTING ) return(NULL) ;
- filestack[include_count] = *handleaddress ;
- include_count++ ;
- return(1) ;
- }
- /* pop a file handle from the filestack. return NULL on error */
- int popfile(handleaddress)
- FILE *(*handleaddress) ;
- {
- if ( include_count <= 0 ) return(NULL) ;
- include_count-- ;
- *handleaddress = filestack[include_count] ;
- return(1) ;
- }
- /* Function LINE_END
- *
- * Return a NULL pointer if the string contains only
- * blanks and tabs or if it is a NULL string. Else
- * return a pointer to the first offending character.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- char *line_end( string )
- char *string ;
- {
- for (; *string != NULL; string++ )
- if ( (*string != BLANK) && (*string != TAB) ) return(string) ;
- return( NULL ) ;
- }
- /* Function MAT_DEL
- *
- * Given pointer to a delimeter this routine finds its
- * partner and returns a pointer to it. On failure a
- * NULL pointer is returned. The supported delimeters
- * are:
- *
- * ' " ( ) [ ] { } < >
- *
- * ' and " are supported only in the forward direction
- * and no nesting is detected.
- * In all cases the search is limited to the current
- * line (bounded by NULLs).
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- char *mat_del( pntr )
- char *pntr ;
- {
- int nest_count = 0, i, direction ;
- char target ;
- if ( pntr == NULL ) return( NULL ) ;
- /* get the target character and direction of search */
- switch( *pntr ) {
- case '(' : { target = ')' ;
- direction = 1 ;
- break ; }
- case ')' : { target = '(' ;
- direction = -1 ;
- break ; }
- case '[' : { target = ']' ;
- direction = 1 ;
- break ; }
- case ']' : { target = '[' ;
- direction = -1 ;
- break ; }
- case '{' : { target = '}' ;
- direction = 1 ;
- break ; }
- case '}' : { target = '{' ;
- direction = -1 ;
- break ; }
- case '<' : { target = '>' ;
- direction = 1 ;
- break ; }
- case '>' : { target = '<' ;
- direction = -1 ;
- break ; }
- case '\'': { target = '\'' ;
- direction = 1 ;
- break ; }
- case '\"': { target = '\"' ;
- direction = 1 ;
- break ; }
- default: return( NULL ) ;
- }
- /* find the match */
- for ( i = direction; pntr[i] != NULL; i += direction ) {
- if ( pntr[i] == target ) {
- if ( nest_count == 0 ) {
- break ; }
- else {
- nest_count-- ;
- continue ; }
- }
- if ( pntr[i] == pntr[0] ) nest_count++ ;
- }
- if ( &pntr[i] == NULL ) return( NULL ) ;
- return( &pntr[i] ) ;
- }
- *
- * Processes the command line parameters.
- */
- int parmer ( argc, argv )
- int argc ;
- char *argv[] ;
- {
- int i ;
- /* default io streams */
- in = stdin ;
- out = stdout ;
- /* use in_buff to hold file inclusion command if found */
- IN_BUFF_DONE ; /* clear the buffer */
- for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) {
- /* assume data file name if not a switch */
- if ( argv[i][0] != '-' ) {
- sprintf( dataf, "%s.p", argv[i] ) ;
- if ( NULL != ( in = fopen( dataf, "r" ) ) ) {
- sprintf( dataf, "%s.f", argv[i] ) ;
- out = fopen( dataf, "w" ) ;
- }
- else in = stdin ;
- }
- else {
- /* switches */
- switch ( argv[i][1] ) {
- case 'c' : com_keep = TRUE ; break ;
- case 'u' : underline_keep = TRUE ; break ;
- case 'U' : i++ ;
- if ( i < argc ) {
- if ( argv[i][0] == '-' ||
- NULL==sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&unroll_depth) ){
- unroll_depth = DEF_UNROLL_DEPTH ;
- i-- ;
- break ;
- }}
- else unroll_depth = DEF_UNROLL_DEPTH ;
- break ;
- case 'L' : i++ ;
- if ( i < argc ) {
- if ( argv[i][0] == '-' ||
- NULL==sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&line_limit) ){
- line_limit = DEF_LINE_LIMIT ;
- i-- ;
- break;
- }}
- else line_limit = DEF_LINE_LIMIT ;
- break ;
- case 'm' : macro_only = TRUE ;
- underline_keep = TRUE ;
- com_keep = TRUE ;
- break ;
- case 'i' : i++ ;
- if ( i < argc ) {
- sprintf(in_buff,"#include \"%s\"", argv[i] ) ;
- break ;
- }
- default : fprintf( stderr, "\nUnrecognized switch: %s\n", argv[i]);
- fprintf( stderr, "\nAllowed switches:\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",
- " -c keep comments",
- " -u keep underline characters",
- " -m expand macros only",
- " -i <file> include <file> before processing",
- " -U n unroll vector loops to depth n",
- " -L n unroll loops with n or fewer lines only"
- ) ;
- abort( "\n" ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- /* process the file include statement if present */
- if ( IN_BUFF_FULL ) preproc( rec_type(0) ) ;
- return(1) ;
- }
- /* Function PREPROCESS.C
- *
- * The guts of the preprocessor PREP. Variable tipe
- * contains the type of record code:
- *
- * BEGIN statement
- * AGAIN statement
- * WHILE statement
- * UNTIL statement
- * CONTINUE statement
- * LEAVE statement
- *
- * CASE statement
- * OF statement
- * DEFAULT statement
- * CONTINUE_CASE statement
- * END_CASE statement
- * DO_LIMITS statement
- * UNROLL statement
- *
- * DO statement
- * LEAVE_DO statement
- * CONTINUE_DO statement
- * END_DO statement
- *
- * [ (start of clustered vector arithmetic)
- * ] ( end " " " " )
- * # vectored arithmetic statement
- * normal (normal fortran statement)
- *
- * INCLUDE files
- * MACRO expansion
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- preproc(tipe)
- int tipe ;
- {
- switch ( tipe ) {
- case unknown : break ;
- case normal : strcpy( out_buff, in_buff ) ;
- dump( out_buff ) ;
- in_buff[0] = NULL ;
- break ;
- case type_begin : begin_proc() ; break ;
- case type_again : again_proc() ; break ;
- case type_while : while_proc() ; break ;
- case type_until : until_proc() ; break ;
- case type_continue : continue_proc() ; break ;
- case type_leave : leave_proc() ; break ;
- case type_case : case_proc() ; break ;
- case type_of : of_proc() ; break ;
- case type_default : default_proc() ; break ;
- case type_continue_case:continue_case_proc() ; break ;
- case type_end_case : end_case_proc() ; break ;
- case type_do_limits : do_limits_proc() ; break ;
- case type_unroll : unroll_proc() ; break ;
- case type_do : do_proc() ; break ;
- case type_end_do : end_do_proc() ; break ;
- case type_leave_do : leave_do_proc() ; break ;
- case type_continue_do : continue_do_proc() ; break ;
- case type_osqb : osqb_proc() ; break ;
- case type_vec : vec_proc() ; break ;
- case type_csqb : csqb_proc() ; break ;
- case type_include : include_proc() ; break ;
- }
- }
- /* PUSH
- *
- * Push a string onto the MEM_STORE. Space is allocated for it and
- * a pointer kept in the array mem_store (array of pointers). The
- * index to mem_store at which the current string is stored is returned.
- * If the input string is a NULL pointer the last entry is removed.
- * Global variable mem_count keeps track of the total number of pointers
- * in use.
- */
- int push( string )
- char *string ;
- {
- int i ;
- if ( string != NULL ) {
- if ( mem_count >= STORE_SIZE - 1 ) {
- sprintf( errline, "PUSH out of memory pointers: %s", in_buff ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- }
- GET_MEM( mem_store[ mem_count ], strlen( string ) ) ;
- strcpy( mem_store[ mem_count ], string ) ;
- mem_count++ ;
- return( mem_count - 1 ) ;
- }
- if ( mem_count > 0 ) {
- mem_count-- ;
- free( mem_store[ mem_count ] ) ;
- return( mem_count - 1 ) ;
- }
- /* already empty if it gets here */
- return( -1 ) ;
- }
- /* Function REC_TYPE.C
- *
- * Determine the type of a record.
- *
- * P. R. OVE 11/9/85
- */
- char *strchrq() ;
- int rec_type( group )
- int group ;
- {
- char combuff[16], *string ;
- int i ;
- if (in_buff[0] == NULL) return(unknown) ;
- string = in_buff ;
- /* go to first nonblank character, save a pointer to it */
- while ( *string != NULL ) {
- if ( *string != TAB & *string != BLANK ) {
- first_nonblank = string ;
- break ;
- }
- string++ ;
- }
- /* copy the initial characters into combuff */
- for ( i = 0; (i < 15) & (*string != NULL); i++ ) {
- combuff[i] = string[i] ;
- }
- combuff[15] = NULL ;
- strupr( combuff ) ; /* convert to upper case */
- /* check for commands by group */
- switch ( group ) {
- /* group 0 commands: file includes */
- case 0 : {
- if ( MATCH( "#INCLUDE" ) ) return(type_include) ;
- return(unknown) ;
- }
- /* group 1 commands: case's OF and DEFAULT commands are done first so
- that it is legal to have: of ( 'a' ) leave_do, for instance.
- */
- case 1 : {
- if ( MATCH( "OF" ) ) return(type_of) ;
- if ( MATCH( "DEFAULT" ) ) return(type_default) ;
- return(unknown) ;
- }
- /* group 2 commands: flow control extensions and parameter changes */
- case 2 : {
- if ( MATCH( "DO_LIMITS" ) ) return(type_do_limits) ;
- if ( MATCH( "DO LIMITS" ) ) return(type_do_limits) ;
- if ( MATCH( "DO" ) ) return(type_do) ;
- if ( MATCH( "END_DO" ) ) return(type_end_do) ;
- if ( MATCH( "END DO" ) ) return(type_end_do) ;
- if ( MATCH( "LEAVE_DO" ) ) return(type_leave_do) ;
- if ( MATCH( "LEAVE DO" ) ) return(type_leave_do) ;
- if ( MATCH( "CONTINUE_DO")) return(type_continue_do) ;
- if ( MATCH( "CONTINUE DO")) return(type_continue_do) ;
- if ( MATCH( "CASE" ) ) return(type_case) ;
- if ( MATCH( "END_CASE" ) ) return(type_end_case) ;
- if ( MATCH( "END CASE" ) ) return(type_end_case) ;
- if (MATCH("CONTINUE_CASE")) return(type_continue_case) ;
- if (MATCH("CONTINUE CASE")) return(type_continue_case) ;
- if ( MATCH( "BEGIN" ) ) return(type_begin) ;
- if ( MATCH( "AGAIN" ) ) return(type_again) ;
- if ( MATCH( "WHILE" ) ) return(type_while) ;
- if ( MATCH( "UNTIL" ) ) return(type_until) ;
- if ( MATCH( "LEAVE" ) ) return(type_leave) ;
- if ( MATCH( "CONTINUE" ) ) return(type_continue) ;
- if ( MATCH( "UNROLL" ) ) return(type_unroll) ;
- return(unknown) ;
- }
- /* group 3 commands: vector processing */
- case 3: {
- if ( MATCH( "[" ) ) return(type_osqb) ;
- if ( strchrq( string, ']' ) != NULL ) return(type_csqb) ;
- if ( strchrq( string, '#' ) != NULL ) return(type_vec) ;
- return(normal) ;
- }
- } /* end switch case */
- /* control should never get here */
- sprintf( errline, "REC_TYPE: invalid group %d", group ) ;
- abort( errline ) ;
- return(unknown) ; /* here to avoid compiler warning (Gould) */
- }
- /* Look for unquoted character in string, where ' is the fortran quote char.
- * Returns a pointer to the character, or a NULL pointer if not present.
- */
- char *strchrq( string, c )
- char *string, c ;
- {
- int i, quote=1 ;
- for ( i = 0; string[i] != NULL; i++ ) {
- if ( string[i] == '\'' ) {
- quote = -quote ;
- continue ;
- }
- if ( string[i] == c && quote == 1 ) return( &string[i] ) ;
- }
- return( NULL ) ; /* not found */
- }
- /* strmatch: find the first occurrence of string2 in string1, return pointer
- * to the first character of the match. Returns NULL pointer if no match.
- */
- #define NULL 0
- char *strmatch( string1, string2 )
- char *string1, *string2 ;
- {
- char *pntr1, *pntr2 ;
- for ( pntr1 = string1, pntr2 = string2 ; *pntr1 != NULL; pntr1++ ) {
- if ( *pntr1 == *pntr2 ) {
- pntr2++ ;
- if ( *pntr2 == NULL ) return( pntr1 - strlen(string2) + 1 ) ;
- }
- else pntr2 = string2 ;
- }
- /* failure if control reaches this point */
- return( NULL ) ;
- }
- /* function STRTOKP
- Like Strtok, except that the original string is preserved (strtok
- puts null in there to terminate the substrings). This routine
- uses mallocs to allow storage for the token. The memory is
- reallocated for each new string. Use just like strtok:
- Successively returns the tokens in string1, using the delimeters
- defined by string2. If string1 is NULL (a NULL pointer) the
- routine returns the next token in the string from the previous call.
- Otherwise the first token is returned. A NULL pointer is returned
- on failure (no more tokens in the current string).
- */
- char *strtokp( string1, string2 )
- char *string1, *string2 ;
- {
- static char *spntr, *tpntr, *token ;
- static int called = NULL ; /* called=NULL ==> initialize */
- int i ;
- /* initialize on first call */
- if ( called == NULL ) {
- called = 1 ;
- GET_MEM( token, strlen(string1) ) ;
- }
- /* if string1 is not NULL reset the routine */
- if ( string1 != NULL ) {
- spntr = string1 ;
- if ( NULL == ( token = realloc( token, strlen(string1)+1 )))
- abort("STRTOKP: reallocation error") ;
- }
- if ( *spntr == NULL ) return( NULL ) ; /* end of original string */
- /* skip initial delimeter characters */
- for (; NULL != strchr( string2, *spntr ); spntr++ ) ;
- /* copy characters to token until the next delimeter */
- tpntr = &token[0] ;
- for (; *spntr != NULL; spntr++ ) {
- if ( NULL != strchr( string2, *spntr ) ) break ;
- *tpntr = *spntr ;
- tpntr++ ;
- }
- *tpntr = NULL ;
- /* return result to caller */
- if ( token[0] == NULL ) return( NULL ) ;
- return( &token[0] ) ;
- }
- /* strupr: convert a string to upper case.
- */
- char *strupr( string )
- char *string ;
- {
- int i ;
- for ( i=0; i<strlen( string ); i++ )
- if ( string[i] > 96 & string[i] < 123 ) string[i] -= 32 ;
- return( string ) ;
- }
- /* Tokenize
- *
- * Break out arguments from a string. Pntr is the argument string
- * and tokens is an array of pointers which will be assigned memory and have
- * the arguments returned. The function returns the number of arguments
- * found. Pairwise characters are monitored to ensure that expressions
- * are sexually balanced. Unused parm pointers are returned NULL.
- * MAX_TOKENS determines the dimension of the array of pointers.
- * Commas are the only delimiters allowed to distinquish tokens.
- */
- int tokenize( pntr, tokens )
- char *pntr, *tokens[] ;
- {
- int square = 0, curl = 0, parens = 0, apost = 1, quote = 1 ;
- int i, j, quit ;
- char *text, *txt ;
- /* clear the pointers and make a copy of the string */
- for ( i=0; i<MAX_TOKENS; i++ ) tokens[i] = NULL ;
- GET_MEM( text, strlen(pntr) ) ;
- strcpy( text, pntr ) ;
- for ( i=0, j=0, quit=FALSE, txt=text; quit==FALSE; j++ ) {
- switch( text[j] ) {
- case '[' : square += 1 ; break ;
- case ']' : square -= 1 ; break ;
- case '{' : curl += 1 ; break ;
- case '}' : curl -= 1 ; break ;
- case '(' : parens += 1 ; break ;
- case ')' : parens -= 1 ; break ;
- case '\'' : apost = -apost; break ;
- case '\"' : quote = -quote; break ;
- case NULL :
- GET_MEM( tokens[i], strlen(txt) ) ;
- strcpy( tokens[i], txt ) ;
- quit = TRUE ;
- break ;
- case ',' : if (!square && !curl && !parens &&(apost==1)&&(quote==1)){
- text[j] = NULL ;
- GET_MEM( tokens[i], strlen(txt) ) ;
- strcpy( tokens[i], txt ) ;
- i += 1 ;
- txt = &text[j+1] ;
- }
- }
- }
- free( text ) ;
- return( i+1 ) ;
- }
- @//E*O*F misc.c//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r misc.c
- echo x - fix.h
- sed 's/^@//' > "fix.h" <<'@//E*O*F fix.h//'
- : .eq. ==; file for imbedding a few macros in a fortran program
- : .ge. >=;
- : .gt. >; to use do: prep -m -i fix.h <file >output
- : .lt. <;
- : .le. <=;
- : .ne. !=;
- : ** ^;
- : .and. &;
- : .or. |;
- : .not. !;
- : .true. TRUE;
- : .false. FALSE;
- @//E*O*F fix.h//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r fix.h
- echo x - macro.h
- sed 's/^@//' > "macro.h" <<'@//E*O*F macro.h//'
- /* macro related stuff */
- #include "prep.h"
- #define MAX_MACROS 1000
- #define MAX_CALLS 100 /* if exceeded, assume recursive */
- /* macro structure */
- struct mac {
- char *name ;
- char *text ;
- int parmcount ;
- int callcount ;
- } macro[MAX_MACROS], *macrop ;
- int defined_macros = 0 ; /* number of defined macros */
- /* function types */
- char *expand_macros(), *mac_expand(), *strmatch() ;
- int define_macro() ;
- @//E*O*F macro.h//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r macro.h
- echo x - prep.h
- sed 's/^@//' > "prep.h" <<'@//E*O*F prep.h//'
- #ifdef MAIN
- /*
- Included stuff for main routine of program PREP
- */
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "prepdf.h"
- /* global pointers & storage */
- char *in_buff, *out_buff ; /* text buffer pointers */
- char *phys_ibuff ; /* physical input buffer */
- char *phys_obuff ; /* physical output buffer */
- char *mem_store[STORE_SIZE] ; /* pointers to malloc areas */
- char *initial_name[NESTING] ; /* do loop initial values */
- char *limit_name[NESTING] ; /* do loop limits */
- char *increment_name[NESTING] ; /* do loop increments */
- char *case_exp[NESTING] ; /* case expression storage */
- char *exp ; /* general expression storage pointer */
- char *first_nonblank ; /* first nb char in in_buff */
- char label[NESTING][6] ; /* label storage (vector loops) */
- char alabel[NESTING][6] ; /* again label storage */
- char blabel[NESTING][6] ; /* begin label storage */
- char clabel[NESTING][6] ; /* case label storage */
- char dlabel[NESTING][6] ; /* do/end_do label storage */
- char elabel[NESTING][6] ; /* leave_do label storage */
- char var_name[NESTING][6] ; /* do counter names */
- char dataf[DEF_BUFFSIZE] ; /* data file name */
- char errline[2*DEF_BUFFSIZE] ; /* error message line */
- long allocation ; /* current size of in_buff */
- int of_count[NESTING] ; /* counters for of statements */
- int leave_do_flag[NESTING] ; /* marks if leave_do in current loop */
- int var_count = 0 ; /* number of variables used in do loops */
- int label_count = 0 ; /* label = label_count + 10000 */
- int alabel_count = 0 ; /* alabel = alabel_count + 15000 */
- int blabel_count = 0 ; /* blabel = blabel_count + 17500 */
- int clabel_count = 0 ; /* clabel = clabel_count + 20000 */
- int dlabel_count = 0 ; /* dlabel = dlabel_count + 12500 */
- int elabel_count = 0 ; /* elabel = elabel_count + 22500 */
- int do_count = 0 ; /* nesting counter for do/end_do */
- int begin_count = 0 ; /* nesting counter for begin ... loops */
- int case_count = 0 ; /* case nesting level */
- int tab_size = 7 ; /* size of the tab in blanks */
- int unroll_depth = 0 ; /* do loop unroll depth, 0 for no unrolling */
- int line_limit = 1000 ; /* unroll loops if # lines <= line_limit */
- int mem_count = 0 ; /* mem_store external counter */
- int include_count = 0 ; /* index of filestack (for includes) */
- int name_length = 0 ; /* current command name length */
- int vec_flag = FALSE ; /* TRUE if in vector loop */
- int com_keep = FALSE ; /* TRUE to keep comments */
- int underline_keep=FALSE; /* TRUE to keep underline characters */
- int macro_only = FALSE ; /* TRUE to do only macro expansion */
- FILE *in, *out, *filestack[NESTING] ;
- /* function declarations */
- char *get_rec(), *mac_proc(), *malloc(), *realloc() ;
- #else
- /* Header file for the functions of program PREP */
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "prepdf.h"
- /* global pointers & storage */
- extern char *in_buff, *out_buff, *phys_ibuff, *phys_obuff,
- *mem_store[],
- *initial_name[], *limit_name[], *increment_name[],
- *case_exp[], *exp, *first_nonblank,
- label[][6],
- alabel[][6], blabel[][6], clabel[][6], dlabel[][6], elabel[][6],
- var_name[][6],
- dataf[], errline[] ;
- extern int var_count, tab_size, unroll_depth, line_limit,
- com_keep, vec_flag, label_count,
- alabel_count, blabel_count, clabel_count,
- dlabel_count, elabel_count,
- case_count, of_count[], do_count, begin_count,
- mem_count, underline_keep, include_count, macro_only,
- name_length, leave_do_flag[] ;
- extern long allocation ;
- extern FILE *in, *out, *filestack[] ;
- /* function type declarations */
- char *mat_del(), *line_end(), *get_rec(), get_a_char(),
- *malloc(), *calloc(), *realloc(), *strtokp(),
- *mac_proc(), *strupr() ;
- #endif
- @//E*O*F prep.h//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r prep.h
- echo x - prepdf.h
- sed 's/^@//' > "prepdf.h" <<'@//E*O*F prepdf.h//'
- /* #define CRAY 1 */
- #define BLANK ' '
- #define TAB '\t'
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define NOT !
- #define DEF_UNROLL_DEPTH 8
- #define DEF_LINE_LIMIT 1
- #define DEF_BUFFSIZE 200
- #define PHYS_IBUFF_SIZE 10000
- #define PHYS_OBUFF_SIZE 0 /* not used, uses sys output buffer */
- #define STORE_SIZE 1000
- #define NESTING 10
- #define MAX_TOKENS 2*NESTING /* tokens and macro args */
- #define exp expression /* used exp as a variable */
- #define IN_BUFF_DONE in_buff[0] = NULL ;
- #define IN_BUFF_FULL line_end( in_buff ) != NULL
- #define UNROLLING ( ( unroll_depth > 1 ) && \
- ( mem_count <= line_limit ) && \
- ( var_count > 1 ) )
- #define GET_MEM(S,A)\
- if ( NULL == (S = malloc(A+1)) ) {\
- abort( "Memory allocation failed") ; }
- #define MATCH(S) ( strncmp( combuff, S, (name_length=strlen(S)) ) == 0 )
- #define put_string(s) fputs( s, out ) ; putc( '\n', out ) ;
- /* enumeration of command types, by hand because of svs c enum bug */
- #define type_begin 0
- #define type_again 1
- #define type_while 2
- #define type_until 3
- #define type_leave 4
- #define type_case 5
- #define type_of 6
- #define type_default 7
- #define type_end_case 8
- #define type_do_limits 9
- #define type_do 10
- #define type_end_do 11
- #define type_osqb 12
- #define type_csqb 13
- #define type_vec 14
- #define type_unroll 15
- #define type_continue 16
- #define type_leave_do 17
- #define type_continue_do 18
- #define type_continue_case 19
- #define normal 20
- #define type_include 21
- #define unknown 22
- #ifdef CRAY
- /* the cray considers characters to be unsigned */
- #undef EOF
- #define EOF 255
- /* a few macros to adapt to cray namelength limitations */
- #define continue_proc cont_proc
- #define continue_do_proc cont_do_proc
- #define leave_do_proc le_do_proc
- #define include_proc inc_proc
- #endif
- @//E*O*F prepdf.h//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r prepdf.h
- echo x - prepmac.h
- sed 's/^@//' > "prepmac.h" <<'@//E*O*F prepmac.h//'
- c Some standard macros for prep.
- c logical stuff
- : == .eq. ;
- : >= .ge. ;
- : > .gt. ;
- : < .lt. ;
- : <= .le. ;
- : != .ne. ;
- : <> .ne. ;
- : ! .not. ;
- : | .or. ;
- : & .and. ;
- : TRUE .true. ;
- : FALSE .false. ;
- : ^ ** ;
- c flow control redefinitions
- : enddo end_do ;
- : ->begin continue ;
- : ->case continue_case ;
- : ->do continue_do ;
- @//E*O*F prepmac.h//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r prepmac.h
- echo x - string.h
- sed 's/^@//' > "string.h" <<'@//E*O*F string.h//'
- /* @(#)strings.h 1.1 85/12/18 SMI; from UCB 4.1 83/05/26 */
- /*
- * External function definitions
- * for routines described in string(3).
- */
- char *strcat();
- char *strncat();
- int strcmp();
- int strncmp();
- char *strcpy();
- char *strncpy();
- int strlen();
- char *index();
- char *rindex();
- char *strchr();
- int strspn();
- int strcspn();
- @//E*O*F string.h//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r string.h
- echo x - vecdem.h
- sed 's/^@//' > "vecdem.h" <<'@//E*O*F vecdem.h//'
- c macros defs for vec demo
- #include "prepmac.h"
- : XLIM 81 ; hard dimensions of arrays are from 0 --> ?lim
- : YLIM 81 ;
- : SCRNX 320 ; geodesic drawing screen dimensions
- : SCRNY 200 ;
- : PHOTONS 64 ; number of photons
- : SMALL 1.e-20 ;
- : BIG 1.e+20 ;
- : include(x) use x ; cray specific file include
- : PERIODIC(x) call periodic( mx, my, x ) ;
- c default do limits
- do_limits = [ (XLIM-1), (YLIM-1) ]
- @//E*O*F vecdem.h//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r vecdem.h
- echo x - demo.p
- sed 's/^@//' > "demo.p" <<'@//E*O*F demo.p//'
- c Demo code segment to illustrate some PREP facilities. This is
- c just a preprocessor demo and will not compile without adding
- c a lot of variable declarations.
- #include "prepmac.h"
- c flag to call alternate window filler if window size = array size
- : PIXIE_FLAG (((xpix1-xpix0+1) == nrows) & ((ypix1-ypix0+1) == ncols))) ;
- include 'tencomn'
- c open the input data file and initialize the device
- call init
- c skip over skip0 data sets
- call skipdat( skip0 )
- if (eoflag) call exodus
- c enter the menu
- call menu
- c read data tables from the input file and plot until empty
- begin
- c clear the record numbers
- do j = 1, 10
- record( j ) = 0
- end_do
- do j = 1, 10
- icount = j
- call getdat
- record( icount ) = first_record
- leave_do (eoflag)
- c on first dataset of a group reset background
- if ( icount .eq. 1 ) then
- call vsbcol(dev, backcol)
- call vclrwk(dev)
- end if
- c weed the data to make it fit in the window
- call compact
- c clear a window and label it
- call windower
- c Plot the data table , 1st arg is absolute first dim of buffer
- if ( PIXIE_FLAG ) then
- call pixie( HARD_X_DIM, nrows, ncols,
- * xpix0, PHYS_HEIGHT - 1 - ypix1,
- * buffer )
- else
- call winfill( HARD_X_DIM, nrows, ncols,
- * xpix0, xpix1,
- * PHYS_HEIGHT - 1 - ypix1,
- * PHYS_HEIGHT - 1 - ypix0,
- * buffer )
- end if
- c see if the user is tired and wants to quit
- status = vsmstr( dev, ten, zero, echoxy, dummy)
- if ( status .gt. 0 ) then
- case [ upper( dummy(1:1) ) ]
- of ( 'Q' ) call exodus
- of ( 'R' ) leave_do
- of ( 'B' ) leave_do
- end_case
- end if
- end_do
- c skip over skip data sets
- call skipdat( skip )
- c Delay and wait for keystroke. Quit on Q,q; continue on cr; enlarge
- c on keys 1,2,3,...9,0 (0 --> 10); make a dump file on D, d.
- c If in movie mode, skip this input section, make a dump, and continue
- if ( movie_mode ) then
- if (eoflag) call exodus
- call dump
- else
- c stay in this loop if end of file has been reached.
- begin
- case ( last_key )
- last_key = key(dev)
- of ( 'D' ) call dump
- continue_case
- of ( 'Q' ) call exodus
- of ( 'R' ) call restart
- of ( 'B' ) call pop( recn )
- recn = max0( recn, 1 )
- eoflag = .false.
- default call push( max0( record(1), 1 ) )
- call enlarger
- end_case
- while ( eoflag )
- again
- end if
- again
- c Restore the video mode and turn off the device
- call exodus
- end
- @//E*O*F demo.p//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r demo.p
- echo x - sieve.p
- sed 's/^@//' > "sieve.p" <<'@//E*O*F sieve.p//'
- c sieve benchmark in fortran
- #include "prepmac.h"
- : S 8190 ;
- : WHILE(l) begin
- while (l) ;
- do limits [ (0, S) ]
- integer f(S+1), i, p, k, c, n
- do n = 1, 10
- c = 0
- f(#) = 1
- [ if ( f(#) != 0 ) then
- p = # + # + 3
- k = # + p
- WHILE ( k <= S )
- f(k) = 0
- k = k + p
- again
- c = c + 1
- end if
- ]
- enddo
- write(*,*) c, ' primes'
- stop
- end
- @//E*O*F sieve.p//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r sieve.p
- echo x - vecdem.p
- sed 's/^@//' > "vecdem.p" <<'@//E*O*F vecdem.p//'
- c Demo to demonstrate some PREP facilities. This program is a demo
- c only and will not compile without a lot of variable definitions.
- #include "vecdem.h"
- subroutine w_accel_l(psi, lin_fac, source, omega)
- include "ellipdim"
- if (w_bypass) return
- w_error = FALSE
- c Set up the basis consisting of past iterates
- [ basis(#,#,1) = psi(#,#)
- basis(#,#,2) = psi(#,#) - psi_alt(#,#,1)
- basis(#,#,3) = psi(#,#) - 2*psi_alt(#,#,1) + psi_alt(#,#,2)
- basis(#,#,4) = 1 ]
- PERIODIC( basis1 )
- PERIODIC( basis2 )
- PERIODIC( basis3 )
- PERIODIC( basis4 )
- c Calculate the matrix and the source vector
- do i = 1, w_dim
- ii = i
- do j = i, w_dim
- jj = j
- call make_mat_l(psi, lin_fac, source, omega, i, j)
- end_do
- end_do
- do i = 1, w_dim
- w_source(i) = 0
- w_source(i) = source(#,#)*basis(#,#,i) + w_source(i)
- end_do
- c invert the symmetric matrix
- call linsys(w_matrix, w_dim, w_dim, w_source, w_coeff, ising, lfirst,
- * lprint, work)
- if (ising == 1) then
- write(*,*) ' WARNING: W_matrix is singular '
- w_error = TRUE
- return
- endif
- c calculate the improved solution
- psi(#,#) = 0
- do i = 1, w_dim
- psi(#,#) = psi(#,#) + w_coeff(i)*basis(#,#,i)
- end_do
- c output section for error checking
- do i = 1, w_dim
- write(*,100) i, .5*w_matrix(i,i) - w_source(i),
- * i, w_coeff(i)
- end_do
- do_limits = { w_dim }
- action = 0
- do i = 1, w_dim
- action = action + w_matrix(i,#)*w_coeff(i)*w_coeff(#)
- end_do
- action = action/2
- action = action - w_source(#)*w_coeff(#)
- write(*,*) ' new action = ',action
- return
- 100 format(' action(',i1')= ',g16.9,' w_coeff(',i1,')= ', g16.9)
- end
- @//E*O*F vecdem.p//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r vecdem.p
- echo Inspecting for damage in transit...
- temp=/tmp/shar$$; dtemp=/tmp/.shar$$
- trap "rm -f $temp $dtemp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
- cat > $temp <<\!!!
- 750 2967 17527 flow.c
- 814 3395 18726 misc.c
- 13 55 243 fix.h
- 23 65 414 macro.h
- 97 566 3740 prep.h
- 74 268 1826 prepdf.h
- 22 81 326 prepmac.h
- 18 46 326 string.h
- 19 80 408 vecdem.h
- 113 441 3190 demo.p
- 30 91 402 sieve.p
- 71 241 1870 vecdem.p
- 2044 8296 48998 total
- !!!
- wc flow.c misc.c fix.h macro.h prep.h prepdf.h prepmac.h string.h vecdem.h demo.p sieve.p vecdem.p | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - >$dtemp
- if [ -s $dtemp ]
- then echo "Ouch [diff of wc output]:" ; cat $dtemp
- else echo "No problems found."
- fi
- exit 0