home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * $Header: se.h,v 1.3 86/07/11 15:09:54 osadr Exp $
- */
- /*
- * $Log: se.h,v $
- * Revision 1.3 86/07/11 15:09:54 osadr
- * Removed Many Georgia Tech specific things.
- *
- * Revision 1.2 86/05/27 17:44:15 osadr
- * Removed flexnames dependancy on PREVLINE and PREVLINE2, changed to
- *
- * Revision 1.1 86/05/06 13:36:23 osadr
- * Initial revision
- *
- *
- */
- /* se.h --- definitions for the screen editor */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- /* some standard definitions used throughout the screen editor */
- #include "constdefs.h"
- #include "ascii.h" /* definitions of ascii characters */
- /* new data types */
- typedef int filedes; /* Unix file descriptor */
- typedef struct ldesc { /* line descriptor */
- #ifdef OLD_SCRATCH
- struct ldesc *Prevline; /* link to previous line */
- struct ldesc *Nextline; /* link to next line */
- #endif
- unsigned Seekaddr; /* scratch file seek address / 8 */
- unsigned Lineleng : 16; /* line length including NL EOS */
- unsigned Globmark : 1; /* mark for global commands */
- unsigned Markname : 7; /* mark name associated with line */
- /* Language extensions */
- #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
- #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
- #define SKIPBL(l,i) while (l[i] == ' ') (i)++
- /* save a little procedure call overhead... */
- #define remark(text) mesg(text, REMARK_MSG)
- /* Arbitrary definitions */
- #define BACKWARD -1
- #define FORWARD 0
- #define NOSTATUS 1
- #define NOMORE 0
- #define NEWLINE '\n'
- #define TAB '\t'
- #define RETERR 1
- #define RETOK 0
- /* Array dimensions and other limit values */
- #define MAXBUF 8192
- #define MAXTOBUF 512
- #define MAXCHARS 10
- #define MAXROWS 200
- #define MINROWS 16
- #define MAXCOLS 200
- #define MAXLINE 512
- #define MAXPAT 512
- #define GARB_FACTOR 2
- #define GARB_THRESHOLD 1000
- #define BUFENT 1
- #define KEYSIZE 11
- /* Message classes for status line at bottom of screen */
- #define NOMSG 0
- #define REMARK_MSG 1
- #define CHAR_MSG 2
- #define CASE_MSG 3
- #define INS_MSG 4
- #define TIME_MSG 5
- #define FILE_MSG 6
- #define COL_MSG 7
- #define LINE_MSG 8
- #define COMPRESS_MSG 9
- #define HELP_MSG 10
- #define MODE_MSG 11
- #define CRYPT_MSG 12
- /* Characters typed by the user */
- #define ANYWAY '!'
- #define APPENDCOM 'a'
- #define UCAPPENDCOM 'A'
- #define BACKSCAN '?'
- #define BACKSEARCH '<'
- #define CHANGE 'c'
- #define UCCHANGE 'C'
- #define COPYCOM 't'
- #define UCCOPYCOM 'T'
- #define CURLINE '.'
- #define DEFAULTNAME ' '
- #define DELCOM 'd'
- #define UCDELCOM 'D'
- #define ENTER 'e'
- #define UCENTER 'E'
- #define ESCAPE '\\'
- #define EXCLUDE 'x'
- #define UCEXCLUDE 'X'
- #define GLOBAL 'g'
- #define UCGLOBAL 'G'
- #define GMARK '\''
- #define HELP 'h'
- #define UCHELP 'H'
- #define INSERT 'i'
- #define UCINSERT 'I'
- #define JOINCOM 'j'
- #define UCJOINCOM 'J'
- #define LASTLINE '$'
- #define LOCATECMD 'l'
- #define UCLOCATECMD 'L'
- #define MARKCOM 'k'
- #define UCMARKCOM 'K'
- #define MOVECOM 'm'
- #define UCMOVECOM 'M'
- #define NAMECOM 'n'
- #define UCNAMECOM 'N'
- #define NOTINCCL '^'
- #define OPTCOM 'o'
- #define UCOPTCOM 'O'
- #define PAGECOM ':'
- #define OVERLAYCOM 'v'
- #define UCOVERLAYCOM 'V'
- #define PREVLN '^'
- #define PREVLN2 '-'
- #define PRINT 'p'
- #define UCPRINT 'P'
- #define PRINTCUR '='
- #define PRINTFIL 'f'
- #define UCPRINTFIL 'F'
- #define QUIT 'q'
- #define UCQUIT 'Q'
- #define READCOM 'r'
- #define UCREADCOM 'R'
- #define SCAN '/'
- #define SEARCH '>'
- #define SUBSTITUTE 's'
- #define UCSUBSTITUTE 'S'
- #define TLITCOM 'y'
- #define UCTLITCOM 'Y'
- #define TOPLINE '#'
- #define UNDOCOM 'u'
- #define UCUNDOCOM 'U'
- #define WRITECOM 'w'
- #define UCWRITECOM 'W'
- #define XMARK '~'
- #define MISCCOM 'z'
- #define UCMISCCOM 'Z'
- #define SHELLCOM '!'
- /* Error message numbers. Arbitrary so long as they are different. */
- #define EBACKWARD 1
- #define ENOPAT 2
- #define EBADPAT 3
- #define EBADSTR 4
- #define EBADSUB 5
- #define ECANTREAD 6
- #define EEGARB 7
- #define EFILEN 8
- #define EBADTABS 9
- #define EINSIDEOUT 10
- #define EKNOTFND 11
- #define ELINE1 12
- #define E2LONG 13
- #define ENOERR 14
- #define ENOLIMBO 15
- #define EODLSSGTR 16
- #define EORANGE 17
- #define EOWHAT 18
- #define EPNOTFND 19
- #define ESTUPID 20
- #define EWHATZAT 21
- #define EBREAK 22
- #define ELINE2 23
- #define ECANTWRITE 24
- #define ECANTINJECT 25
- #define ENOMATCH 26
- #define ENOFN 27
- #define EBADLIST 28
- #define ENOLIST 29
- #define ENONSENSE 30
- #define ENOHELP 31
- #define EBADLNR 32
- #define EFEXISTS 33
- #define EBADCOL 34
- #define ENOLANG 35
- #define ETRUNC 36
- #define ENOSHELL 37
- #define ECANTFORK 38
- #define EHANGUP 39
- #define ENOSUB 40
- #define ENOCMD 41
- #ifdef HARD_TERMS
- /* Terminal types */
- #define NOTERM 0 /* type not known yet */
- #define ADDS980 1 /* ADDS Consul 980 */
- #define ADDS100 2 /* ADDS Regent 100, 20, 40, etc */
- #define FOX 3 /* Perkin-Elmer 1100 */
- #define TVT 4 /* Allen's SWTPC T. V. Typewriter II */
- #define GT40 5 /* DEC GT40 with Waugh terminal program */
- #define BEE150 6 /* Beehive 150 */
- #define BEE200 7 /* Beehive 200 */
- #define SBEE 8 /* Beehive Super-Bee */
- #define SOL 9 /* Sol emulating Beehive 200 */
- #define HAZ1510 10 /* Hazeltine 1500 series */
- #define CG 11 /* Chromatics CG */
- #define ISC8001 12 /* ISC 8001 color terminal */
- #define ADM3A 13 /* Lear-Siegler ADM 3A */
- #define IBM 14 /* IBM 3101 */
- #define ANP 15 /* Allen & Paul model 1 */
- #define NETRON 16 /* Netronics */
- #define H19 17 /* Heath H19/Zenith Z19 */
- #define TRS80 18 /* Radio Shaft TRS80 */
- #define HP21 19 /* Hewlett-Packard 2621A/P */
- #define ADM31 20 /* Lear-Siegler ADM 31 */
- #define VI200 21 /* VIsual 200 terminal */
- #define VC4404 22 /* Volker-Craig 4404 */
- #define ESPRIT 23 /* Hazeltine Esprit (Hazeltine mode) */
- #define TS1 24 /* Falco TS-1 */
- #define TVI950 25 /* Televideo 950 */
- #define VI50 26 /* Visual 50 */
- #define VI300 27 /* Visual 300 */
- #endif
- /* Screen design positions */
- #define NAMECOL 5 /* column to put mark name in */
- #define BARCOL 6 /* column for "|" divider */
- #define POOPCOL 7 /* column for text to start in */
- /* Control characters */
- /* Leftward cursor motion */
- #define CURSOR_LEFT CTRL_H /* left one column */
- #define TAB_LEFT CTRL_E /* left one tab stop */
- #define SKIP_LEFT CTRL_W /* go to column 1 */
- #define SCAN_LEFT CTRL_L /* scan left for a char */
- #define G_LEFT CTRL_U /* erase char to left */
- #define G_TAB_LEFT FS /* erase to prev tab stop */
- #define KILL_LEFT CTRL_Y /* erase to column 1 */
- #define G_SCAN_LEFT CTRL_N /* scan left and erase */
- /* Rightward cursor motion */
- #define CURSOR_RIGHT CTRL_G /* right one column */
- #define TAB_RIGHT CTRL_I /* right one tab stop */
- #define SKIP_RIGHT CTRL_O /* go to end of line */
- #define SCAN_RIGHT CTRL_J /* scan right for char */
- #define G_RIGHT CTRL_R /* erase over cursor */
- #define G_TAB_RIGHT RS /* erase to next tab */
- #define KILL_RIGHT CTRL_T /* erase to end of line */
- #define G_SCAN_RIGHT CTRL_B /* scan right and erase */
- /* Line termination */
- #define T_SKIP_RIGHT CTRL_V /* skip to end and terminate */
- #define FUNNY CTRL_F /* take funny return */
- #define CURSOR_UP CTRL_D /* move up one line */
- #define CURSOR_DOWN CTRL_K /* move down one line */
- #define CURSOR_SAME CTRL_J /* leave cursor on same line */
- /* Insertion */
- #define INSERT_BLANK CTRL_C /* insert one blank */
- #define INSERT_TAB CTRL_X /* insert blanks to next tab */
- #define INSERT_NEWLINE US /* insert a newline */
- /* Miscellany */
- #define TOGGLE_INSERT_MODE CTRL_A /* toggle insert mode flag */
- #define SHIFT_CASE CTRL_Z /* toggle case mapping flag */
- #define KILL_ALL DEL /* erase entire line */
- #define FIX_SCREEN GS /* clear and restore screen */
- /* Function for moving around the buffer, either style line handling: */
- #ifdef OLD_SCRATCH
- #define NEXTLINE(k) ((k) -> Nextline)
- #else
- #define NEXTLINE(k) (((k) < &Buf[Lastln]) ? (k) + 1 : Line0)
- #endif