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- RCS file: RCS/term.c,v
- retrieving revision 1.7
- diff -c -r1.7 term.c
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1004590 Tue Feb 3 14:34:36 1987
- --- term.c Tue Feb 3 14:33:55 1987
- ***************
- *** 1,9 ****
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char RCSid[] = "$Header: term.c,v 1.7 86/11/12 11:37:30 arnold Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- * $Log: term.c,v $
- * Revision 1.7 86/11/12 11:37:30 arnold
- * Fixed winsize() to verify that cols and rows not 0 before assigning
- * them to Nrows and Ncols.
- --- 1,13 ----
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char RCSid[] = "$Header: term.c,v 1.8 87/02/03 14:32:32 arnold Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- * $Log: term.c,v $
- + * Revision 1.8 87/02/03 14:32:32 arnold
- + * Changes for non-windowing and USG systems; reorganization had
- + * caused these to break during the compile.
- + *
- * Revision 1.7 86/11/12 11:37:30 arnold
- * Fixed winsize() to verify that cols and rows not 0 before assigning
- * them to Nrows and Ncols.
- ***************
- *** 57,63 ****
- ** Routines that are only if HARD_TERMS is NOT defined. These contain:
- ** BSD/termlib routines
- ** System V/terminfo routines
- ! ** Routines idenpendant of BSD/System V
- ** Routines that are only if HARD_TERMS is defined.
- ** Routines that have regular and conditonal code mixed.
- */
- --- 61,67 ----
- ** Routines that are only if HARD_TERMS is NOT defined. These contain:
- ** BSD/termlib routines
- ** System V/terminfo routines
- ! ** Routines independant of BSD/System V
- ** Routines that are only if HARD_TERMS is defined.
- ** Routines that have regular and conditonal code mixed.
- */
- ***************
- *** 151,156 ****
- --- 155,161 ----
- getdescrip (); /* get terminal description */
- Nrows = tgetnum ("li");
- Ncols = tgetnum ("co");
- + PC = pcstr ? pcstr[0] : EOS;
- break;
- default:
- ***************
- *** 175,180 ****
- --- 180,187 ----
- #include <term.h> /* should be all we really need */
- + extern char *tgoto();
- +
- #define AM auto_right_margin
- #define TI enter_ca_mode
- #define TE exit_ca_mode
- ***************
- *** 184,189 ****
- --- 191,197 ----
- #define CE clr_eol
- #define DL delete_line
- #define AL insert_line
- + #define CM cursor_address
- /* setcaps -- get the capabilities from the terminfo database */
- ***************
- *** 229,234 ****
- --- 237,244 ----
- #include <signal.h>
- + #if defined(SIGWIND) || defined(SIGWINCH)
- +
- #ifdef SIGWIND /* UNIX PC */
- #include <sys/font.h>
- #include <sys/window.h>
- ***************
- *** 268,274 ****
- winsize ()
- {
- - #if defined(SIGWIND) || defined(SIGWINCH)
- static int first = 1;
- static char savestatus[MAXCOLS];
- int row, oldstatus = Nrows - 1;
- --- 278,283 ----
- ***************
- *** 328,338 ****
- loadstr (savestatus, Nrows - 1, 0, Ncols);
- remark ("window size change");
- tflush ();
- - #endif
- }
- #else
- /* begin terminal dependant routines */
- /* addspos --- position cursor to (row, col) on ADDS Consul 980 */
- --- 337,355 ----
- loadstr (savestatus, Nrows - 1, 0, Ncols);
- remark ("window size change");
- tflush ();
- }
- #else
- + winsize () /* no windowing system, don't do anything */
- + {
- + return;
- + }
- +
- + #endif
- +
- + #else
- +
- /* begin terminal dependant routines */
- /* addspos --- position cursor to (row, col) on ADDS Consul 980 */
- ***************
- *** 2044,2052 ****
- #else
- if (setcaps (type) == ERR)
- error (NO, "se: could not find terminal in system database");
- -
- -
- - PC = pcstr ? pcstr[0] : EOS;
- if (*tgoto (CM, 0, 0) == 'O') /* OOPS returned.. */
- error (NO, "se: terminal does not have cursor motion.");
- --- 2061,2066 ----