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- /*
- * Rename a file so's it will be unique under systems without
- * extended filename size.
- * The new name is written on the stardard output.
- *
- * Example:
- * To copy lots of files from a 4.?BSD system to a
- * SystemV, SystemIII, 2.?BSD or V7 system, without
- * having to worry about overlapping filenames
- * (eg, so "what_a_long_filename.c" and "what_a_long_filename.h"
- * don't get squished), just do
- * for i in *
- * do
- * j=`shrink -m $i`
- * uucp $j othersys!/stuff/$j (or rcp, hhcp, ...)
- * done
- *
- * Bug: It gets overenthusiastic and deletes characters
- * unnecessarily if the filename begins with a "."
- *
- * Author:
- * Simon Brown
- * Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- /*
- * maximum no. of "segments" allowed in a file
- */
- #define MAXSEGS 10
- /*
- * silly names for strchr/strrchr under non-usg unices
- */
- #ifndef sysV
- #define strchr index
- #define strrchr rindex
- #endif sysV
- char *getsegment();
- char *strchr(), *strrchr();
- struct segment {
- char seg_string[63];
- char seg_sep;
- } seg[MAXSEGS];
- char defaults[] = "._+-,@~=";
- char usagemsg[] = "Usage: %s [-<maxlength>] [-mnSv] [-s<separators>] filename ...\n";
- int max = 14; /* target length */
- int nocheck = 0; /* don't check for existance (-n flag) */
- int chatty = 0; /* talk a lot (-v flag) */
- int silent = 0; /* don't say anything (-s flag) */
- int move = 0; /* rename file (-m flag) */
- char *file, *prefix;
- int modified = 0;
- char realname[512];
- char *separators = defaults;
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- register int i, j;
- int nsegs, suflen, remainder, delete;
- int total;
- int zap = 0;
- register char *op;
- char *progname = argv[0];
- if (argv[1] == (char *)0){
- fprintf(stderr, usagemsg, progname);
- exit(1);
- }
- while (*++argv) /* process command-line options... */
- if (**argv=='-')
- while (*++*argv)
- switch(**argv){
- case '0': case '1': case '2':
- case '3': case '4': case '5':
- case '6': case '7': case '8':
- case '9': /* change target length */
- max = atoi(*argv);
- if (max<=0){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: illegal length %s\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- while (*++*argv);
- --*argv;
- break;
- case 's': /* change separator definition */
- separators = ++*argv;
- while (*++*argv);
- --*argv;
- break;
- case 'n': /* don't create a uniquely named file */
- nocheck=1;
- break;
- case 'v': /* talk a lot */
- chatty=1;
- break;
- case 'm': /* move files */
- move=1;
- break;
- case'S': /* silent */
- silent=1;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,usagemsg,progname);
- exit(1);
- }
- else break;
- while (*argv){
- strcpy(realname, *argv);
- if (prefix=strrchr(*argv,'/')){ /* dir/.../file */
- file=prefix+1;
- *prefix = '\0';
- prefix = *argv;
- } else file = *argv;
- argv++;
- op=file;
- modified=0;
- /* split into logical parts */
- for (i=0; i<MAXSEGS && (op=getsegment(op,i)); i++);
- if (i==MAXSEGS){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: too many segments\n", file);
- continue;
- }
- nsegs = i-1;
- if ((nsegs*2) >= max){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: too many segments\n", file);
- continue;
- }
- suflen = strlen(seg[nsegs].seg_string);
- if (suflen>max-nsegs-1){
- if (chatty)
- fprintf(stderr,"warning: %s: suffix truncated\n", file);
- suflen = max-(2*nsegs)-1;
- seg[nsegs].seg_string[suflen-1] = '\0';
- modified=1;
- } else if (suflen+nsegs > max-nsegs-1){
- zap = nsegs - (max-suflen)/2;
- if (chatty && zap)
- fprintf(stderr,"warning: %s: %d segments removed\n", file, zap);
- }
- if (nsegs>=1){ /* complicated filename */
- for (i=zap+1; i<=nsegs; i++)
- if (seg[i].seg_sep) suflen++;
- if (seg[0].seg_sep) suflen++;
- remainder = max - suflen;
- delete = remainder/nsegs;
- total = suflen;
- for (i=zap+1; i<nsegs; i++){
- if (strlen(seg[i].seg_string) > delete)
- modified=1;
- seg[i].seg_string[delete] = '\0';
- total += delete;
- }
- if (strlen(seg[0].seg_string) > max-total)
- modified=1;
- seg[0].seg_string[max-total] = '\0';
- }
- unique(zap,nsegs,modified);
- }
- }
- /*
- * get a segment from a filename.
- * returns pointer to remainder of filename, or 0 at end of filename
- */
- char *
- getsegment(cp,i)
- char *cp;
- {
- register char *xp = seg[i].seg_string;
- while (*cp && strchr(separators,*cp)==0)
- *xp++ = *cp++;
- *xp = '\0';
- seg[i].seg_sep = *cp;
- if (*cp) cp++;
- if (seg[i].seg_string[0] || seg[i].seg_sep) return(cp);
- else return((char *)0);
- }
- /*
- * print out the current filename in a unique form
- */
- unique(zap,n,mod)
- {
- register int i, j;
- int jmax[MAXSEGS];
- int xstart, xstop;
- if (ok(zap,zap||mod)) return;
- xstart = (n==0)? 0 : 1;
- xstop = (n==0)? 1 : n;
- more:
- if (xstop <= xstart){
- xstart=0;
- xstop = n+1;
- }
- for (i=xstart; i<xstop; i++)
- jmax[i] = strlen(seg[i].seg_string);
- for (j=0; j<5; j++){
- for (i=xstart; i<xstop; i++){
- if (j >= jmax[i]) continue;
- increment(seg[i].seg_string,j);
- if (ok(zap,1)) return;
- }
- }
- if (xstart>0 || xstop<n+1){ /* Desparation time: try _any_ segment! */
- xstop = -1;
- goto more;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't generate unique name for %s\n", file);
- }
- /*
- * modify a character in a string (stupid algorithm)
- */
- increment(str,ind)
- char *str;
- {
- char ch = str[ind];
- if (ch>='a' && ch<='z') ch += ('A'-'a');
- else if (ch>='A' && ch<='Z') ch += ('a'-'A');
- str[ind] = ch;
- }
- /*
- * see if a filename is reasonable, and if so print it out
- * and return 1.
- * otherwise return 0.
- */
- ok(zap,changed)
- {
- char buffer[512];
- register char *cp = buffer;
- register char *xp;
- register int i;
- if (prefix){
- for (xp=prefix; *xp; )
- *cp++ = *xp++;
- *cp++ = '/';
- }
- for (xp=seg[0].seg_string; *xp; ) /* copy initial segment */
- *cp++ = *xp++;
- if (seg[0].seg_sep){
- *cp++ = seg[0].seg_sep;
- for (i=zap+1; ; i++){ /* copy rest of segments */
- for (xp=seg[i].seg_string; *xp; )
- *cp++ = *xp++;
- if (seg[i].seg_sep) *cp++ = seg[i].seg_sep;
- else if (seg[i].seg_string[0] == '\0') break;
- }
- }
- *cp = '\0';
- if (changed && nocheck==0 && access(buffer,0)==0){
- if (chatty)
- fprintf(stderr,"warning: %s already exists - trying again\n",buffer);
- return(0);
- } else {
- if (silent==0) printf("%s\n", buffer);
- if (move && strcmp(realname,buffer)){
- if (link(realname,buffer)==-1 || unlink(realname)==-1)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: link/unlink failure\n", realname);
- }
- return(1);
- }
- }