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- Path: uunet!jarthur!usc!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!newstop!sun!news
- From: news@sun.Eng.Sun.COM (news)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v10i047: xbd -- Boulder-dash (a game), Part02/03
- Message-ID: <144426@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 1 Nov 90 05:56:35 GMT
- References: <csx-10i046:xbd@uunet.UU.NET>
- Sender: news@sun.Eng.Sun.COM
- Organization: Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Mtn View, CA
- Lines: 2336
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: ethz!houttuin (Jeroen Houttuin)
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 47
- Archive-name: xbd/part02
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then feed it
- # into a shell via "sh file" or similar. To overwrite existing files,
- # type "sh file -c".
- # The tool that generated this appeared in the comp.sources.unix newsgroup;
- # send mail to comp-sources-unix@uunet.uu.net if you want that tool.
- # Contents: xbd/Imakefile xbd/Makefile.orig xbd/README xbd/README.1.2
- # xbd/bitmap xbd/default xbd/field.c xbd/patchlevel.h xbd/scores
- # xbd/scores.c xbd/shared.c xbd/xbd.c xbd/xbd.h xbd/xbd.man
- # xbd/xbde.c
- # Wrapped by houttuin@ural on Fri Oct 26 10:16:13 1990
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- echo If this archive is complete, you will see the following message:
- echo ' "shar: End of archive."'
- if test -f 'xbd/Imakefile' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/Imakefile'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/Imakefile'\" \(2153 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/Imakefile' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#/*********************************************/
- X#/* you just keep on pushing my luck over the */
- X#/* */
- X#/*Imakefile:christos@guillemin.EE.CORNELL.edu*/
- X#/*********************************************/
- X
- XGAME = xbd
- XEDITOR = xbde
- XSCOREFONT = -adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18-180-75-75-p-99-iso8859-1
- XMANDIR = /usr/local/man/man6
- XBINDIR = /usr/local/games
- XLIBDIR = /usr/local/games/lib/xbd
- XLEVELS = xbdlev001 xbdlev002 xbdlev003 xbdlev004 xbdlev005 \
- X xbdlev006 xbdlev007 xbdlev008 xbdlev009 xbdlev010 \
- X xbdlev011 xbdlev012 xbdlev013 xbdlev014 xbdlev015 \
- X xbdlev016 xbdlev017 xbdlev018 xbdlev019 xbdlev020 \
- X xbdlev021 xbdlev022 xbdlev023 xbdlev024 xbdlev025 \
- X xbdlev026 xbdlev027 xbdlev028 xbdlev029 xbdlev030 \
- X xbdlev031 xbdlev032 xbdlev033 xbdlev034 xbdlev035 \
- X xbdlev036 xbdlev037 xbdlev038
- X
- XOBJS1 = xbd.o shared.o field.o scores.o
- XOBJS2 = xbde.o shared.o
- X
- XSRCS1 = xbd.o shared.o field.o scores.o
- XSRCS2 = xbde.o shared.o
- X
- XAllTarget(${PROGRAMS})
- XNormalProgramTarget(${GAME},${OBJS1},,$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),)
- XNormalProgramTarget(${EDITOR},${OBJS2},,$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),)
- XInstallProgramWithFlags(${GAME},${BINDIR}/${GAME},-s -m 4755 -o games)
- XInstallProgramWithFlags(${EDITOR},${BINDIR}/${EDITOR},-s -o games)
- X
- Xinstall.man:: xbd.man
- X ${INSTALL} -c -m 0444 xbd.man ${MANDIR}/xbd.6
- X
- Xinstall:: ${PROGRAMS}
- X -mkdir ${LIBDIR}
- X chown games ${LIBDIR}
- X touch ${LIBDIR}/scores
- X chown games ${LIBDIR}/scores
- X (cp ${LEVELS} ${LIBDIR})
- X cp default ${LIBDIR}
- X (cd ${LIBDIR}; \
- X chown games ${LEVELS} default scores; \
- X chmod 644 ${LEVELS} default scores;)
- if test 2153 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/Imakefile'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/Imakefile'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/Imakefile'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/Makefile.orig' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/Makefile.orig'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/Makefile.orig'\" \(1033 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/Makefile.orig' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#/* you just keep on pushing my luck over the */
- X
- XGAME = xbd
- XEDITOR = xbde
- X
- X#BIN = /usr/local/bin
- XBIN = ${HOME}/xbd
- XLIB = ${HOME}/xbd
- X
- X# manual pages
- XMAN = /usr/man
- X
- XSCOREFONT = -adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18-180-75-75-p-99-iso8859-1
- X
- XCC = cc
- X
- XCFLAGS = -g
- X
- Xall: ${GAME} ${EDITOR}
- X
- Xinstall: all
- X -mkdir ${LIB}
- X cp ${GAME} ${EDITOR} ${BIN}
- X chmod 4755 ${BIN}/${GAME}
- X touch ${LIB}/scores
- X chmod 644 ${LIB}/xbdlev*
- X chmod 644 ${LIB}/default
- X chmod 644 ${LIB}/scores
- X cp xbd.man ${MAN}
- X
- Xupdate: all
- X cp ${GAME} ${EDITOR} ${BIN}
- X chmod 4755 ${BIN}/${GAME}
- X
- Xclean:
- X rm -f *.o core ${GAME} ${EDITOR}
- X
- XSRCS = xbd.c shared.c field.c scores.c
- XOBJS = xbd.o shared.o field.o scores.o
- X
- Xlint:
- X lint -DLIB=\"${LIB}\" -DSCOREFONT=\"${SCOREFONT}\" \
- X
- X${GAME}: ${OBJS}
- X ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${GAME} ${OBJS} -lX11
- X
- X${EDITOR}: xbde.o shared.o
- X ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${EDITOR} xbde.o shared.o -lX11
- X
- X.c.o:
- X ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c -DLIB=\"${LIB}\" $<
- if test 1033 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/Makefile.orig'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/Makefile.orig'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- chmod +x 'xbd/Makefile.orig'
- # end of 'xbd/Makefile.orig'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/README' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/README'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/README'\" \(414 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/README' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- XBoulder-dash is still in an experimental phase. Mail your
- Xbug reports, interesting new levels, ideas to the author
- Xor to xbd@ks.id.ethz.ch.
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XJeroen Houttuin
- XInformatikdienste-Kommunikationssysteme
- XETH Zentrum RZ-H7
- XCH-8092 Zurich
- Xtel +41-1-2565837
- Xfax +41-1-2615389
- Xe-mail: houttuin@ks.id.ethz.ch
- XX.400 : C=CH;ADMD=ARCOM;PRMD=SWITCH;O=ETHZ;OU=id;OU=ks;S=houttuin
- if test 414 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/README'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/README'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/README'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/README.1.2' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/README.1.2'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/README.1.2'\" \(842 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/README.1.2' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X-Time limits per level are implemented.
- X-Every level has a name now.
- X-You can now also DRAW blocks in the editor.
- X-People can now create levels by setting the environment variable XBDLIB
- X to point to a directory that they can write to.
- X-Tinkle walls were implemented (character 't'). Every level has a tinkle
- X duration parameter.
- X
- X-For new ideas, levels etc. a distribution list has been created:
- X xbd@ks.id.ethz.ch
- X
- X-Thanks for improvements:
- X Tad.Davis@Central.Sun.com
- X Fernando Mira da Silva <fcr@joyce.inesc.pt>
- X Josh Siegel <siegel@Sun.com>
- X ccsteve@cc.uq.oz.au
- X George Ferguson <ferguson@cs.rochester.edu>
- X Charles D. Farnum <farnum@cypress.Berkeley.edu>
- X Lloyd Taylor <lloyd@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu>
- X Michael Glad <glad@daimi.aau.dk>
- X
- X-Special thanks for Imakefile and most bug fixes :
- X Christos S. Zoulas <christos@hyperion.EE.CORNELL.edu>
- if test 842 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/README.1.2'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/README.1.2'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/README.1.2'
- fi
- if test ! -d 'xbd/bitmap' ; then
- echo shar: Creating directory \"'xbd/bitmap'\"
- mkdir 'xbd/bitmap'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/default' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/default'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/default'\" \(979 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/default' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X26 35 15 12 0 0 200 200 1000 Default_level
- XS b e bp S
- XS www www w w w ww www www S
- XS wrw wrw w w w w w w wrw S
- XS www w w w w w w w ww www nS
- XS wrw wpw wBwrw wrw w wwe S
- XS wwwlwww www www ww www wnw S
- XS S
- XS bd bd S
- XS gwww wwwww wwwww w w S
- XS wl w w w wdbb w w S
- XS w w w w w w w S
- XS wB wg wwEBw w w w S
- XS wBB wg ww Bw w w w S
- XS wBB wg ww Bw w w w S
- XSgbg wBB wg ww Bw w d wp w S
- XSglg wBBBwg wwwww wtttw w W nS
- XSglg wBBBwg w w w w w S
- XSggg w wg w w w w w S
- XSglg w wg w w w w w nS
- XSgeg w w w w w w w S
- XSgbg we w w w w w w S
- XSg g gwww rw w twwtw w w S
- XSg g S
- XSgeg n e ES
- if test 979 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/default'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/default'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/default'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/field.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/field.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/field.c'\" \(13876 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/field.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*********************************************/
- X/* you just keep on pushing my luck over the */
- X/* */
- X/* Jeroen Houttuin, ETH Zurich, 1990 */
- X/*********************************************/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <X11/Xlib.h>
- X#include <X11/keysym.h>
- X#include <X11/Xutil.h>
- X#include <signal.h>
- X#include <sys/time.h>
- X#include <sys/timeb.h>
- X#include "xbd.h"
- X
- Xvoid
- Xblink(i, j)
- X int i, j;
- X{
- X field[i][j].changed = True;
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xmove_cell(i, j, ii, jj)
- X int i, j, ii, jj;
- X{
- X field[ii][jj] = field[i][j];
- X field[ii][jj].speed = 1;
- X field[ii][jj].changed = True;
- X field[ii][jj].dir = ((ii - i) == 1) ? S : ((i - ii) == 1) ? N : ((jj - j) == 1) ? E : W;
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xexplode(a, b, stage)
- X int a, b, stage;
- X{
- X if (field[a][b].content != STEEL)
- X {
- X set_cell(a, b, EXPLOSION);
- X field[a][b].stage = stage; /* dirty fix, not what stage was meant for */
- X }
- X}
- X
- XBool
- Xmove_nucbal(i, j, t)
- X int i, j, t;
- X{
- X ii = (!t) ? (i + y - 1) % y : i;
- X if (!t)
- X jj = j;
- X else
- X switch (field[i][j].dir)
- X {
- X case E:
- X jj = (t == 1) ? (j + x - 1) % x : (j + 1) % x;
- X break;
- X case W:
- X default:
- X jj = (t == 2) ? (j + x - 1) % x : (j + 1) % x;
- X break;
- X }
- X switch (field[ii][jj].content)
- X {
- X case SPACE:
- X move_cell(i, j, ii, jj);
- X return (True);
- X case NUCBAL:
- X explode(i, j, DIAEXPLO);
- X explode(ii, jj, DIAEXPLO);
- X return (True);
- X default:
- X if (field[i][j].dir == N)
- X field[i][j].dir = E;
- X else
- X field[i][j].dir = ((field[i][j].dir + 2) % 4); /* turn around */
- X return (False);
- X }
- X}
- X
- XBool
- Xmove_monster(content, direction)
- X char content, direction;
- X{
- X switch (direction)
- X {
- X case N:
- X ii = (i + y - 1) % y;
- X jj = j;
- X break;
- X case E:
- X jj = (j + 1) % x;
- X ii = i;
- X break;
- X case S:
- X ii = (i + 1) % y;
- X jj = j;
- X break;
- X default:
- X jj = (j + x - 1) % x;
- X ii = i;
- X break; /* default must be SOMEthing, West */
- X }
- X switch (field[ii][jj].content)
- X {
- X case SPACE:
- X if (!field[ii][jj].changed)
- X {
- X move_cell(i, j, ii, jj);
- X field[ii][jj].dir = direction;
- X return (True);
- X } else
- X return (False);
- X break;
- X case BOULDER:
- X case DIAMOND:
- X if ((direction == N) && (field[ii][jj].speed != 0))
- X if (content == RMONSTER)
- X {
- X explode(i, j, DIAEXPLO);
- X return (True);
- X } else if (content == LMONSTER)
- X {
- X explode(i, j, SPACEEXPLO);
- X return (True);
- X } else
- X return (False);
- X else
- X return (False);
- X break;
- X default:
- X return (False);
- X break;
- X }
- X return (False);
- X}
- X
- XBool
- Xsearch_destroy(content)
- X char content;
- X{
- X ii = (i + y - 1) % y;
- X jj = (j + x - 1) % x;
- X if (field[i][jj].content == PLAYER || field[i][jj].content == BLOB)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X if (field[i][jj].content == PLAYER)
- X {
- X lives--;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X }
- X if (content == RMONSTER)
- X explode(i, jj, DIAEXPLO);
- X else
- X explode(i, jj, SPACEEXPLO);
- X return (True);
- X } else if (field[ii][j].content == PLAYER || field[ii][j].content == BLOB)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X if (field[ii][j].content == PLAYER)
- X {
- X lives--;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X }
- X if (content == RMONSTER)
- X explode(ii, j, DIAEXPLO);
- X else
- X explode(ii, j, SPACEEXPLO);
- X return (True);
- X } else
- X {
- X ii = (i + 1) % y;
- X jj = (j + 1) % x;
- X if (field[i][jj].content == PLAYER || field[i][jj].content == BLOB)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X if (field[i][jj].content == PLAYER)
- X {
- X lives--;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X }
- X if (content == RMONSTER)
- X explode(i, jj, DIAEXPLO);
- X else
- X explode(i, jj, SPACEEXPLO);
- X return (True);
- X } else if (field[ii][j].content == PLAYER || field[ii][j].content == BLOB)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X if (field[ii][j].content == PLAYER)
- X {
- X lives--;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X }
- X if (content == RMONSTER)
- X explode(ii, j, DIAEXPLO);
- X else
- X explode(ii, j, SPACEEXPLO);
- X return (True);
- X } else
- X return (False);
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xpropagate(i, j, dias)
- X int i, j;
- X Bool dias;
- X{
- X int t, it, jt;
- X if (dias)
- X set_cell(i, j, DIAMOND);
- X else
- X {
- X field[i][j].checked = PROPAGATED;
- X field[i][j].caught = True;
- X }
- X for (t = 0; (t < 4); ++t)
- X {
- X it = (t == 1) ? (i + y - 1) % y : (t == 3) ? (i + 1) % y : i; /* neigbour
- X * right,up,left,down */
- X jt = (t == 2) ? (j + x - 1) % x : (t == 0) ? (j + 1) % x : j; /* neigbour
- X * right,up,left,down */
- X switch (field[it][jt].content)
- X {
- X case BLOB:
- X if (field[it][jt].checked != PROPAGATED)
- X propagate(it, jt, dias);
- X break;
- X case SPACE:
- X case GRASS:
- X if (!(rand() % (blobbreak + 1)))
- X {
- X set_cell(it, jt, BLOB);
- X field[it][jt].checked = PROPAGATED;
- X field[it][jt].caught = True;
- X }
- X break;
- X default:
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- XBool
- Xcaught(i, j)
- X int i, j;
- X{
- X Bool Free;
- X int t, it, jt;
- X
- X field[i][j].checked = 1;
- X Free = False;
- X
- X for (t = 0; ((t < 4) && !Free); ++t)
- X {
- X it = (t == 1) ? (i + y - 1) % y : (t == 3) ? (i + 1) % y : i; /* neigbour
- X * right,up,left,down */
- X jt = (t == 2) ? (j + x - 1) % x : (t == 0) ? (j + 1) % x : j; /* neigbour
- X * right,up,left,down */
- X
- X switch (field[it][jt].content)
- X {
- X case SPACE:
- X case GRASS:
- X case RMONSTER:
- X case LMONSTER:
- X case EATER:
- X Free = True;
- X break;
- X case BLOB:
- X Free = (Free || ((field[it][jt].checked == 1) ? !field[i][j].caught
- X : !caught(it, jt)
- X )
- X );
- X break;
- X default:
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X field[i][j].caught != Free;
- X return (!Free);
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xdiaboulderproc(i, j)
- X int i, j;
- X{
- X if (field[i][j].content == DIAMOND)
- X blink(i, j);
- X ii = (ii + 1) % y;
- X field[i][j].dir = NODIR;
- X switch (field[ii][j].content)
- X {
- X case SPACE: /* directly underneath */
- X move_cell(i, j, ii, j);
- X field[ii][j].speed = 1;
- X break;
- X case PLAYER:
- X if (field[i][j].speed)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X explode(ii, j, SPACEEXPLO);
- X lives--;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X }
- X break;
- X case LMONSTER:
- X case EATER:
- X if (field[i][j].speed)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X explode(ii, j, SPACEEXPLO);
- X }
- X break;
- X case RMONSTER:
- X if (field[i][j].speed)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X explode(ii, j, DIAEXPLO);
- X }
- X break;
- X case TINKLE:
- X if (field[i][j].speed)
- X {
- X tinkact = True;
- X field[ii][j].stage = field[i][j].content;
- X field[ii][j].speed = 1;
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X break;
- X }
- X break;
- X case WALL:
- X case BOULDER:
- X case DIAMOND:
- X jj = (j + 1) % x;
- X if (field[i][jj].content == SPACE && field[ii][jj].content == SPACE)
- X {
- X move_cell(i, j, i, jj);
- X field[i][jj].speed = 0;
- X } else
- X {
- X jj = (j - 1) % x;
- X if (field[i][jj].content == SPACE
- X && field[ii][jj].content == SPACE)
- X {
- X move_cell(i, j, i, jj);
- X field[i][jj].speed = 0;
- X } else
- X field[i][j].speed = 0;
- X }
- X break;
- X default:
- X field[i][j].speed = 0;
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xcalculate_field()
- X{
- X players = 0;
- X /* Iterate through each horizontal line */
- X if (!time)
- X curorder = KILL;
- X for (i = y - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- X {
- X for (j = 0; j < x; ++j)
- X {
- X if (!(field[i][j].changed))
- X {
- X ii = i;
- X jj = j;
- X switch (field[i][j].content)
- X {
- X case PLAYER:
- X players++;
- X switch (curorder) /* find cell player wants to go to */
- X {
- X case STAND:
- X break;
- X case UP:
- X ii = (i + y - 1) % y;
- X break;
- X case DOWN:
- X ii = (i + 1) % y;
- X break;
- X case LEFT:
- X jj = (j + x - 1) % x;
- X break;
- X case RIGHT:
- X jj = (j + 1) % x;
- X break;
- X }
- X if (!(curorder == STAND) && !(field[i][j].changed))
- X {
- X if (curorder == KILL)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, EXPLOSION);
- X lives--;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X break;
- X }
- X switch (field[ii][jj].content) /* check cell player wants to
- X * go to */
- X {
- X case SPACE:
- X case GRASS:
- X case DIAMOND:
- X if (field[ii][jj].content == DIAMOND)
- X {
- X if (curorder == UP && field[ii][jj].speed)
- X break;
- X score += diapoints;
- X if (diareq)
- X diareq--;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X }
- X if (steal)
- X set_cell(ii, jj, SPACE);
- X else
- X move_cell(i, j, ii, jj);
- X break;
- X case BOULDER:
- X jjj = (2 * jj - j + x) % x; /* the cell behind the
- X * boulder */
- X if (field[i][jjj].content == SPACE && ((rand() % 2) == 0) &&
- X !(field[ii][jj].dir == E))
- X {
- X move_cell(i, jj, i, jjj);
- X field[i][jjj].speed = 0;
- X if (!steal)
- X {
- X move_cell(i, j, i, jj);
- X }
- X }
- X break;
- X case EXIT:
- X if (diareq < 1)
- X {
- X if (!steal)
- X move_cell(i, j, ii, jj);
- X else
- X set_cell(ii, jj, SPACE);
- X if (!levincreased)
- X {
- X levelnum++;
- X lives++;
- X levincreased = True;
- X for (jj = time / 10; jj > 0; --jj)
- X {
- X score += 10;
- X draw_score();
- X XFlush(disp);
- X }
- X }
- X gamestop = True;
- X stoplevel = True;
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X blink(i, j);
- X break;
- X case DIAMOND:
- X case BOULDER:
- X diaboulderproc(i, j);
- X break;
- X case EATER:
- X if (!field[i][j].speed)
- X {
- X for (jjj = 0; ((!field[i][j].changed) && (jjj < 4)); ++jjj)
- X {
- X ii = (jjj == 2) ? (i + 1) % y : (jjj == 0) ? (i + y - 1) % y : i;
- X jj = (jjj == 1) ? (j + 1) % x : (jjj == 3) ? (j + x - 1) % x : j;
- X switch (field[ii][jj].content)
- X {
- X case PLAYER:
- X lives--;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X case DIAMOND:
- X if (field[ii][jj].speed && (ii == i - 1) && (jj == j))
- X break;
- X case BLOB:
- X case LMONSTER:
- X case RMONSTER:
- X case NUCBAL:
- X move_cell(i, j, ii, jj);
- X break;
- X default:
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X } else
- X {
- X jjj = field[i][j].dir;
- X ii = (jjj == 2) ? (i + 1) % y : (jjj == 0) ? (i + y - 1) % y : i;
- X jj = (jjj == 1) ? (j + 1) % x : (jjj == 3) ? (j + x - 1) % x : j;
- X switch (field[ii][jj].content)
- X {
- X case LMONSTER:
- X case BLOB:
- X case SPACE:
- X case GRASS:
- X case DIAMOND:
- X case RMONSTER:
- X case PLAYER:
- X case NUCBAL:
- X if (field[ii][jj].content == PLAYER)
- X {
- X lives--;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X }
- X move_cell(i, j, ii, jj);
- X break;
- X case BOULDER:
- X jjj = (2 * jj - j + x) % x; /* the cell behind the
- X * boulder */
- X if (field[i][jjj].content == SPACE && ((rand() % 2) == 0) && !(field[ii][jj].dir == E))
- X {
- X move_cell(i, jj, i, jjj);
- X move_cell(i, j, i, jj);
- X } else
- X field[i][j].speed = 0;
- X break;
- X default:
- X field[i][j].speed = 0;
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X blink(i, j);
- X break;
- X case RMONSTER:
- X blink(i, j);
- X if (search_destroy(RMONSTER))
- X break;
- X jjj = 3;
- X while (jjj >= 0 && !move_monster(RMONSTER, (field[i][j].dir + jjj + 2) % 4))
- X jjj--;
- X break;
- X case LMONSTER:
- X blink(i, j);
- X if (search_destroy(LMONSTER))
- X break;
- X jjj = 0;
- X while (jjj <= 4 && !move_monster(LMONSTER, (field[i][j].dir + jjj + 3) % 4))
- X jjj++;
- X break;
- X jjj = field[i][j].stage;
- X if (!(jjj % 5)) /* this is the initiating explosion */
- X {
- X jjj++; /* use jjj for setting new stage */
- X ii = (i + 1) % y;
- X jj = (j + 1) % x;
- X explode(i, j, jjj);
- X explode(i, jj, jjj);
- X explode(ii, j, jjj);
- X explode(ii, jj, jjj);
- X ii = (i + y - 1) % y;
- X explode(ii, j, jjj);
- X explode(ii, jj, jjj);
- X jj = (j + x - 1) % x;
- X explode(ii, jj, jjj);
- X explode(i, jj, jjj);
- X ii = (i + 1) % y;
- X explode(ii, jj, jjj);
- X } else
- X {
- X if (jjj % 10 < 3)
- X field[i][j].stage++;
- X else if (jjj > DIAEXPLO)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, DIAMOND);
- X } else if (jjj > BOULDEXPLO)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, BOULDER);
- X } else if (jjj > SPACEEXPLO)
- X {
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X } else
- X field[i][j].stage++;
- X }
- X break;
- X case EXIT:
- X blink(i, j);
- X break;
- X case BLOB:
- X blobcells++;
- X if (blobcollapse)
- X set_cell(i, j, BOULDER);
- X else
- X {
- X if (blobcells > critical)
- X blobcollapse = True;
- X else
- X {
- X if (!field[i][j].checked)
- X {
- X if (caught(i, j))
- X propagate(i, j, DIAMOND);
- X else
- X propagate(i, j, False);
- X }
- X field[i][j].checked = False;
- X field[i][j].caught = True;
- X }
- X }
- X blink(i, j);
- X break;
- X case NUCBAL:
- X for (jjj = 0; ((jjj < 3) && !move_nucbal(i, j, jjj)); ++jjj);
- X blink(i, j);
- X break;
- X jj = (j + x - 1) % x;
- X if (field[i][jj].content == SPACE)
- X set_cell(i, jj, MAGICWALL);
- X jj = (j + 1) % x;
- X if (field[i][jj].content == SPACE)
- X set_cell(i, jj, MAGICWALL);
- X break;
- X case TINKLE:
- X if (tinkact)
- X {
- X blink(i, j);
- X if (tinkdur > 0)
- X {
- X switch (field[i][j].stage)
- X {
- X case BOULDER:
- X {
- X field[i][j].content = DIAMOND;
- X diaboulderproc(i, j);
- X break;
- X }
- X case DIAMOND:
- X {
- X field[i][j].content = BOULDER;
- X diaboulderproc(i, j);
- X break;
- X }
- X default:
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X set_cell(i, j, TINKLE); /* reset to empty tinkle wall */
- X break;
- X default:
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X curorder = STAND; /* reset orders */
- X blobcells = 0;
- X pgc = (pgc == pgc1) ? ((rand() % 22) == 0) ? pgc2 : pgc1 :
- X pgc1;
- X dgc = (dgc == dgc1) ? dgc2 : dgc1;
- X lgc = (lgc == lgc1) ? lgc2 : lgc1;
- X rgc = (rgc == rgc1) ? rgc2 : rgc1;
- X egc = (egc == egc1) ? egc2 : egc1;
- X Bgc = (Bgc == Bgc1) ? Bgc2 : Bgc1;
- X if (tinkact)
- X tgc = (tgc == tgc1) ? tgc2 : tgc1;
- X if (!diareq)
- X {
- X Egc = (Egc == Egc1) ? Egc2 : Egc1;
- X if (diareq == 0)
- X {
- X diapoints = extradiapoints;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- if test 13876 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/field.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/field.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/field.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/patchlevel.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/patchlevel.h'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/patchlevel.h'\" \(21 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/patchlevel.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#define PATCHLEVEL 0
- if test 21 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/patchlevel.h'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/patchlevel.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/patchlevel.h'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/scores' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/scores'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/scores'\" \(405 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/scores' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X2800 27 30 houttuin
- X1833 12 14 houttuin
- X1770 22 23 houttuin
- X1690 15 16 houttuin
- X1680 37 38 houttuin
- X1626 27 29 houttuin
- X1350 36 36 houttuin
- X1302 2 4 houttuin
- X1284 17 18 houttuin
- X1160 37 37 houttuin
- X1120 77 78 houttuin
- X1110 2 3 houttuin
- X1020 77 77 houttuin
- X960 25 25 houttuin
- X955 2 3 houttuin
- X950 36 36 houttuin
- X934 13 14 houttuin
- X930 16 16 houttuin
- X902 2 3 houttuin
- X883 33 34 houttuin
- if test 405 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/scores'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/scores'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/scores'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/scores.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/scores.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/scores.c'\" \(3472 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/scores.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*********************************************/
- X/* you just keep on pushing my luck over the */
- X/* */
- X/* Jeroen Houttuin, ETH Zurich, 1990 */
- X/*********************************************/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <X11/Xlib.h>
- X#include <X11/keysym.h>
- X#include "xbd.h"
- X
- Xchar *getenv();
- X
- X#define NUMHIGH 20 /* Number of high scores that will be
- X * remembered */
- X
- X/* Add a high score to the high score list */
- Xvoid
- Xadd_score()
- X{
- X /* Structure containing top game results */
- X struct
- X {
- X int score; /* Final score */
- X int slev, elev; /* Starting and ending level */
- X char desc[80]; /* Text description */
- X } tops[NUMHIGH], next;
- X FILE *sfile; /* High score file */
- X char buf[200];
- X register int i;
- X int numscore, cur, numgame;
- X
- X /* Generate name of high score file */
- X sprintf(buf, "%s/scores", LIB);
- X /* Open high score file */
- X sfile = fopen(buf, "r");
- X /* Set default values for number of games and high scores */
- X numscore = 0;
- X numgame = 0;
- X /* If file is readable, load in old high score list */
- X if (sfile != NULL)
- X {
- X /* Extract score information from line */
- X while (fgets(buf, 200, sfile) && numscore < NUMHIGH)
- X {
- X sscanf(buf, "%d %d %d %[^\n]", &(next.score), &(next.slev), &(next.elev),
- X next.desc);
- X tops[numscore] = next;
- X numscore++;
- X }
- X fclose(sfile);
- X }
- X /* Contruct the structure containing the score for this game */
- X next.score = score;
- X next.slev = levelstart;
- X next.elev = levelnum;
- X#ifndef hpux
- X sprintf(next.desc, "%s ", getenv("USER"));
- X#else
- X sprintf(next.desc, "%s ", getenv("LOGNAME"));
- X#endif
- X cur = -1;
- X /* Insert new score in old high score list */
- X if (numscore < NUMHIGH || tops[NUMHIGH - 1].score < next.score)
- X {
- X /* Iterate through high score list */
- X for (i = (numscore >= NUMHIGH ? NUMHIGH - 2 : numscore - 1); i >= 0; i--)
- X {
- X /* Look for place for insertion */
- X if (next.score > tops[i].score)
- X tops[i + 1] = tops[i]; /* Move old scores down one place in list */
- X else
- X break; /* Found spot for insertion */
- X }
- X tops[i + 1] = next; /* Overwrite entry in high score list */
- X cur = i + 1; /* Remember where new high score was inserted */
- X /* Increment the number of high scores */
- X if (numscore < NUMHIGH)
- X numscore++;
- X }
- X /* Increment and print the number of games played */
- X /* Print out new high score list */
- X for (i = 0; i < numscore; ++i)
- X {
- X /* Flag new high score with a leading > */
- X if (i == cur)
- X putchar('*');
- X else
- X putchar(' ');
- X printf("%-16s- Died on level %3d. Started on level %3d. Score: %8d.\n",
- X tops[i].desc, tops[i].elev, tops[i].slev, tops[i].score);
- X }
- X /* If current game did not make it to the high score list, print it */
- X /* afterwords */
- X if (cur == -1)
- X {
- X puts("You are quite disappointing:");
- X printf("*%-16s- Died on level %3d. Started on level %3d. Score: %8d.\n",
- X next.desc, next.elev, next.slev, next.score);
- X }
- X /* Save new high score list to score file */
- X sprintf(buf, "%s/scores", LIB);
- X sfile = fopen(buf, "w");
- X if (sfile == NULL)
- X {
- X perror(buf);
- X return;
- X }
- X for (i = 0; i < numscore; ++i)
- X fprintf(sfile, "%d %d %d %s\n", tops[i].score, tops[i].slev,
- X tops[i].elev, tops[i].desc);
- X fclose(sfile);
- X}
- if test 3472 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/scores.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/scores.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/scores.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/shared.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/shared.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/shared.c'\" \(9674 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/shared.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*********************************************/
- X/* you just keep on pushing my luck over the */
- X/* */
- X/* Jeroen Houttuin, ETH Zurich, 1990 */
- X/*********************************************/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <X11/Xlib.h>
- X#include <X11/keysym.h>
- X#include <X11/Xutil.h>
- X#include <errno.h>
- X#include <sys/time.h>
- X#include <sys/timeb.h>
- X#include "xbd.h"
- X
- X/* Manufaction a 32x32 graphics cursor used in a XFill... operation. */
- Xmakegc(func, bits)
- X int func; /* Drawing function such as GXcopy or GXor. */
- X char bits[]; /* Bits describing fill pattern. Produced in
- X * an X11 */
- X/* bitmap file usually. */
- X{
- X static XGCValues gcv;
- X Pixmap pmap;
- X
- X /* Build X11 bitmap from data in bits */
- X pmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(disp, wind, bits, 32, 32, BlackPixel(disp, 0),
- X WhitePixel(disp, 0), DisplayPlanes(disp, 0));
- X /* Assign the graphics cursor parameters */
- X gcv.function = func;
- X gcv.foreground = BlackPixel(disp, 0);
- X gcv.background = WhitePixel(disp, 0);
- X gcv.tile = pmap;
- X gcv.fill_style = FillTiled;
- X /* Return the created graphics cursor */
- X return (XCreateGC(disp, wind, GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground |
- X GCTile | GCFillStyle, &gcv));
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xmake_gcs()
- X{
- X pgc = makegc(GXcopy, player_bits);
- X pgc1 = makegc(GXcopy, player_bits);
- X pgc2 = makegc(GXcopy, player2_bits);
- X wgc = makegc(GXcopy, wall_bits);
- X Wgc = makegc(GXcopy, wall_bits);
- X Wgc2 = makegc(GXcopy, wall2_bits);
- X sgc = makegc(GXcopy, space_bits);
- X ggc = makegc(GXcopy, grass_bits);
- X dgc = makegc(GXcopy, diamond_bits);
- X dgc1 = makegc(GXcopy, diamond_bits);
- X dgc2 = makegc(GXcopy, diamond2_bits);
- X Sgc = makegc(GXcopy, steel_bits);
- X bgc = makegc(GXcopy, boulder_bits);
- X xgc = makegc(GXand, explosion_bits);
- X lgc = makegc(GXcopy, lmonster_bits);
- X lgc1 = makegc(GXcopy, lmonster_bits);
- X lgc2 = makegc(GXcopy, lmonster2_bits);
- X rgc = makegc(GXcopy, rmonster_bits);
- X rgc1 = makegc(GXcopy, rmonster_bits);
- X rgc2 = makegc(GXcopy, rmonster2_bits);
- X egc = makegc(GXcopy, eater_bits);
- X egc1 = makegc(GXcopy, eater_bits);
- X egc2 = makegc(GXcopy, eater2_bits);
- X Egc = makegc(GXcopy, steel_bits);
- X Egc1 = makegc(GXcopy, steel_bits);
- X Egc2 = makegc(GXcopy, exit2_bits);
- X ngc = makegc(GXcopy, nucbal_bits);
- X Bgc = makegc(GXcopy, blob_bits);
- X Bgc1 = makegc(GXcopy, blob_bits);
- X Bgc2 = makegc(GXcopy, blob2_bits);
- X tgc = makegc(GXcopy, wall_bits);
- X tgc1 = makegc(GXcopy, wall_bits);
- X tgc2 = makegc(GXcopy, tinkle1_bits);
- X tgc3 = makegc(GXcopy, tinkle2_bits);
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xinit_level(levelnum)
- X int levelnum;
- X{
- X
- X FILE *levelfile;
- X char buf[300], *ptr;
- X extern char *getenv();
- X
- X Egc = Egc1; /* don't blink EXIT */
- X blobcollapse = False;
- X blobcells = 0;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X tinkact = False;
- X levincreased = False;
- X strcpy(levname, "No_name_for_this_level_yet");
- X
- X /* Manufaction the file name by starting with the world name and */
- X /* appending the level number to it. */
- X if (ptr = getenv("XBDLIB"))
- X strcpy(filename, ptr);
- X else
- X strcpy(filename, LIB);
- X strcat(filename, "/");
- X strcat(filename, LEVELPREFIX);
- X sprintf(filename + strlen(filename), "%03d", levelnum);
- X /* Open level file for reading */
- X levelfile = fopen(filename, "r");
- X /* If level file does not exist, use the default level file. */
- X if (levelfile == NULL)
- X {
- X /* Build the default level name */
- X if (ptr = getenv("XBDLIB"))
- X strcpy(buf, ptr);
- X else
- X strcpy(buf, LIB);
- X strcat(buf, "/");
- X strcat(buf, "/default");
- X /* Open default level file for reading */
- X levelfile = fopen(buf, "r");
- X if (levelfile == NULL)
- X {
- X perror(LEVELPREFIX);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X }
- X /* Load the first line of the level file */
- X if (fgets(buf, 300, levelfile) == NULL)
- X {
- X x = w;
- X y = h;
- X speed = 15;
- X diareq = 12;
- X diapoints = 0;
- X extradiapoints = 0;
- X blobbreak = 200;
- X time = 1000;
- X } else
- X {
- X /* Extract the level parameters */
- X sscanf(buf, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s", &y, &x, &speed, &diareq,
- X &diapoints, &extradiapoints, &blobbreak, &tinkdur, &time, levname);
- X }
- X
- X if (xin && yin)
- X {
- X x = xin;
- X y = yin;
- X } /* read in from editor command line */
- X /*
- X * if (x > w) x = w; if (y > h) y = h; if (x < 2) x = 2; if (y < 1) y = 1;
- X *
- X /*
- X * Iterate through each horizontal line
- X */
- X for (i = 0; i < y; ++i)
- X {
- X /* Load the next line from the file */
- X if (fgets(buf, 300, levelfile) != NULL)
- X {
- X /* Go through each horizontal position and copy the data into */
- X /* the level array. */
- X for (j = 0; j < x; ++j)
- X {
- X /* Break out if line ends prematurely */
- X if (buf[j] == '\n' || buf[j] == '\0')
- X field[i][j].content = STEEL; /* break; */
- X field[i][j].content = buf[j];
- X field[i][j].changed = True;
- X field[i][j].dir = N;
- X field[i][j].speed = 0;
- X field[i][j].stage = 0;
- X field[i][j].caught = True;
- X field[i][j].checked = False;
- X }
- X } else
- X j = 0;
- X for (; j < x; ++j)
- X field[i][j].content = STEEL;
- X }
- X /* Close the level file */
- X fclose(levelfile);
- X}
- X
- X/* Draw the score and level number */
- Xvoid
- Xdraw_score()
- X{
- X char buf[200];
- X
- X /* Build the output string */
- X sprintf(buf, "sc:%d lv:%d ls:%d ds:%d dp:%d ti:%d %s", score, levelnum,
- X lives, diareq, diapoints, time / 10, levname);
- X /* Clear the current score line */
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, whitegc, 0, y << 5, x << 5, SCORESIZE);
- X /* Actually draw the text */
- X XDrawString(disp, wind, scoregc, 0, (y << 5) + SCORESIZE - 1, buf,
- X strlen(buf));
- X scoreobs = False;
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xxstart(evmask)
- X long evmask; /* Event mask which will be used in
- X * XSelectInput */
- X{
- X XGCValues xgcv;
- X XWMHints wmhints;
- X
- X /* create X window */
- X disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
- X /* Check to see if the open display succeeded */
- X if (disp == NULL)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Display open failed. Check DISPLAY environment variable.\n"
- X );
- X exit(-1);
- X }
- X wind = XCreateSimpleWindow(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), 0, 1,
- X x << 5, (y << 5) + SCORESIZE, 1,
- X WhitePixel(disp, 0), BlackPixel(disp, 0));
- X /* Check to see if the open window succeeded */
- X if (wind == 0)
- X {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Window open failed.\n");
- X XCloseDisplay(disp);
- X exit(-1);
- X }
- X /* Load in the font used to display the score */
- X scorefont = XLoadFont(disp, SCOREFONT);
- X /* Create GC which will be used from drawing score */
- X xgcv.function = GXcopy;
- X xgcv.font = scorefont;
- X xgcv.foreground = BlackPixel(disp, 0);
- X xgcv.background = WhitePixel(disp, 0);
- X scoregc = XCreateGC(disp, wind,
- X GCFunction | GCFont | GCForeground | GCBackground,
- X &xgcv);
- X /* Create GC which will be used for clearing score line */
- X xgcv.function = GXcopy;
- X scorefont = XLoadFont(disp, SCOREFONT);
- X xgcv.foreground = WhitePixel(disp, 0);
- X xgcv.background = BlackPixel(disp, 0);
- X whitegc = XCreateGC(disp, wind,
- X GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground,
- X &xgcv);
- X wmhints.flags = InputHint;
- X wmhints.input = True;
- X XSetWMHints(disp, wind, &wmhints);
- X
- X XSelectInput(disp, wind, evmask);
- X XMapRaised(disp, wind);
- X XWarpPointer(disp, None, wind, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 1);
- X}
- X
- X/* Gracefully shut X windows down. It is not strictly necessary to */
- X/* call this function. */
- Xvoid
- Xxend()
- X{
- X gamestop = True; /* tricky; prevent ticker function from using
- X * Xlib fcts */
- X XUnloadFont(disp, scorefont);
- X XUnmapWindow(disp, wind);
- X XDestroyWindow(disp, wind);
- X XCloseDisplay(disp);
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xdraw_field(redrawall)
- X short redrawall;
- X{
- X char c;
- X
- X /* Iterate through each horizontal line */
- X for (i = y - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- X {
- X for (j = 0; j < x; ++j)
- X {
- X if (field[i][j].changed || redrawall) /* only redraw changed cells */
- X {
- X c = field[i][j].content;
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X case GRASS:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, ggc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case SPACE:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, sgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case PLAYER:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, pgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case WALL:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, wgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, Wgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case DIAMOND:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, dgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case BOULDER:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, bgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, xgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case LMONSTER:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, lgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case RMONSTER:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, rgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case NUCBAL:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, ngc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case BLOB:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, Bgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case TINKLE:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, tgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case EATER:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, egc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case EXIT:
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, Egc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X case STEEL:
- X default:
- X field[i][j].content = STEEL;
- X XFillRectangle(disp, wind, Sgc, j << 5, i << 5, 32, 32);
- X break;
- X }
- X field[i][j].changed = False;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X if (scoreobs)
- X draw_score();
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xset_cell(i, j, content)
- X int i, j;
- X char content;
- X{
- X field[i][j].content = content;
- X field[i][j].speed = 0;
- X field[i][j].changed = True;
- X field[i][j].stage = 0;
- X field[i][j].caught = True;
- X field[i][j].checked = False;
- X}
- if test 9674 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/shared.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/shared.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/shared.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/xbd.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/xbd.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/xbd.c'\" \(6013 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/xbd.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*********************************************/
- X/* you just keep on pushing my luck over the */
- X/* */
- X/* Jeroen Houttuin, ETH Zurich, 1990 */
- X/*********************************************/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <X11/Xlib.h>
- X#include <X11/keysym.h>
- X#include <X11/Xutil.h>
- X#include <signal.h>
- X#include <sys/time.h>
- X#include <sys/timeb.h>
- X#include "xbd.h"
- X
- Xvoid
- Xdie(display, event)
- X Display *display;
- X XErrorEvent *event;
- X{
- X char buffer[BUFSIZ];
- X XGetErrorText(display, event->error_code, buffer, BUFSIZ);
- X (void) fprintf(stderr, "Display %s: Error %s\n",
- X XDisplayName(display), buffer);
- X seteuid(getuid());
- X do
- X {
- X (void) fprintf(stderr, "(R)eturn (D)ump Core (E)xit:");
- X switch (fgetc(stdin))
- X {
- X case 'R':
- X case 'r':
- X return;
- X case 'E':
- X case 'e':
- X exit(1);
- X break;
- X case 'D':
- X case 'd':
- X kill(0, 3);
- X break;
- X default:
- X break;
- X }
- X } while (1);
- X}
- X
- Xvoid
- Xinit_vars()
- X{
- X blobbreak = 100;
- X critical = 100;
- X blobcells = 0;
- X curorder = STAND;
- X gamestop = True;
- X scoreobs = True;
- X stoplevel = False;
- X levelnum = 1;
- X speed = 1;
- X lives = 4;
- X xin = 0;
- X yin = 0;
- X players = 1;
- X}
- X
- Xstruct itimerval cycletime; /* Structure used when setting up timer */
- Xvoid
- Xadapt_timer()
- X{
- X long period;
- X
- X if (speed <= 0)
- X speed = 1;
- X period = (long) 3 *(long) 625000 / speed;
- X cycletime.it_interval.tv_sec = period / 1000000;
- X cycletime.it_interval.tv_usec = period % 1000000;
- X cycletime.it_value = cycletime.it_interval;
- X setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &cycletime, (struct itimerval *) NULL);
- X}
- X
- X/* Handle a key stroke by the user. */
- Xvoid
- Xhandle_key(keyhit)
- X KeySym keyhit; /* Key symbol for key stroke provided by X
- X * windows */
- X{
- X if (players <= 0)
- X {
- X init_level(levelnum);
- X adapt_timer();
- X XResizeWindow(disp, wind, x << 5, (y << 5) + SCORESIZE);
- X stoplevel = False;
- X draw_field(True);
- X gamestop = True;
- X players = 1;
- X return;
- X }
- X switch (keyhit)
- X {
- X case XK_question:
- X case XK_slash:
- X puts("Control the player using keyboard keys.");
- X puts("CTRL key - steal instead of go");
- X puts("h,left arrow - left");
- X puts("l,right arrow - right");
- X puts("k,up arrow - up");
- X puts("j,down arrow - down");
- X puts("\nSPACE - pause/continue game");
- X puts("^C - kill the game");
- X puts("^D - give Dutch act");
- X puts("^R - redraw the screen");
- X break;
- X case XK_space:
- X case XK_R11:
- X gamestop = !gamestop;
- X break;
- X case XK_Left:
- X case XK_H:
- X case XK_h:
- X curorder = LEFT;
- X gamestop = False;
- X break;
- X case XK_Up:
- X case XK_K:
- X case XK_k:
- X curorder = UP;
- X gamestop = False;
- X break;
- X case XK_Down:
- X case XK_J:
- X case XK_j:
- X curorder = DOWN;
- X gamestop = False;
- X break;
- X case XK_Right:
- X case XK_L:
- X case XK_l:
- X curorder = RIGHT;
- X gamestop = False;
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/**** Timer procedures ****/
- X
- X/* Function which is called whenever the timer signal goes off */
- Xvoid
- Xticker(sig)
- X int sig;
- X{
- X signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
- X /* Ignore any signal which is not an alarm. Ignore alarm signals */
- X /* after a new level has been drawn until a key is hit. */
- X if (sig != SIGALRM)
- X return;
- X if (time)
- X time--;
- X if (tinkact)
- X tinkdur--;
- X if (time % 10 == 1)
- X scoreobs = True;
- X
- X if (!gamestop)
- X {
- X calculate_field();
- X draw_field(0);
- X XFlush(disp);
- X }
- X if (stoplevel)
- X {
- X init_level(levelnum);
- X adapt_timer();
- X XResizeWindow(disp, wind, x << 5, (y << 5) + SCORESIZE);
- X XFlush(disp);
- X gamestop = True;
- X stoplevel = False;
- X }
- X signal(SIGALRM, ticker);
- X}
- X/**** End timer procedures ****/
- X
- Xvoid
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- X int argc;
- X char **argv;
- X{
- X long period;
- X KeySym keyhit;
- X char buf[50];
- X static XEvent xev;
- X int keycount, i;
- X
- X printf("type ? for help.\n");
- X
- X init_vars();
- X
- X /* scan the command line for executing parameters and flags */
- X for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
- X {
- X if (argv[i][0] == '-')
- X {
- X if (argv[i][1] == 'l')
- X {
- X if (argv[i][2] == '\0' && i + 1 < argc)
- X {
- X sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%d", &levelnum);
- X i++;
- X } else
- X sscanf(argv[i] + 2, "%d", &levelnum);
- X } else
- X {
- X printf("usage: xbd [-l <level>] \n");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X levelstart = levelnum;
- X init_level(levelnum);
- X xstart(EVMASK);
- X XSetErrorHandler(die);
- X XStoreName(disp, wind, "BOULDER DASH ?");
- X make_gcs();
- X draw_field(True);
- X draw_score();
- X
- X /* initialize timer structure according to speed */
- X if (speed <= 0)
- X speed = 1;
- X period = (long) 3 *(long) 625000 / speed;
- X cycletime.it_interval.tv_sec = period / 1000000;
- X cycletime.it_interval.tv_usec = period % 1000000;
- X cycletime.it_value = cycletime.it_interval;
- X /* start the system timer. the timer signal catcher will be set */
- X /* after the first x event is received. */
- X signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
- X setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &cycletime, (struct itimerval *) NULL);
- X
- X while (lives > 0) /* MAIN LOOP */
- X {
- X XWindowEvent(disp, wind, EVMASK, &xev);
- X signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
- X if ((xev.type == Expose && xev.xexpose.count == 0))
- X {
- X draw_field(True);
- X draw_score();
- X } else if (xev.type == KeyPress)
- X {
- X keycount = XLookupString(&xev, buf, 50, &keyhit, (XComposeStatus *) NULL);
- X if (steal = (xev.xkey.state & ControlMask))
- X switch (keyhit)
- X {
- X /* ^C, ^U kill the game */
- X case XK_C:
- X case XK_U:
- X case XK_c:
- X case XK_u:
- X case XK_backslash:
- X goto game_over;
- X /* ^D Kill; commit suicide */
- X case XK_D:
- X case XK_d:
- X curorder = KILL;
- X /* ^R redraws the level */
- X case XK_R:
- X case XK_r:
- X draw_field(True);
- X break;
- X default:
- X handle_key(keyhit);
- X break;
- X }
- X else
- X handle_key(keyhit);
- X }
- X if (!gamestop)
- X {
- X XSync(disp, False);
- X signal(SIGALRM, ticker);
- X }
- X }
- Xgame_over:
- X XSync(disp, False);
- X xend();
- X add_score();
- X}
- if test 6013 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/xbd.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/xbd.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/xbd.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/xbd.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/xbd.h'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/xbd.h'\" \(4426 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/xbd.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*********************************************/
- X/* you just keep on pushing my luck over the */
- X/* */
- X/* Jeroen Houttuin, ETH Zurich, 1990 */
- X/*********************************************/
- X
- X/* define bit maps */
- X#include "bitmap/player.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/player2.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/wall.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/wall2.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/tinkle1.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/tinkle2.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/space.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/grass.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/diamond.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/diamond2.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/steel.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/boulder.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/explosion.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/rmonster.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/rmonster2.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/lmonster.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/lmonster2.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/nucbal.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/blob.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/blob2.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/eater.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/eater2.bits"
- X#include "bitmap/exit2.bits"
- X
- X#define w 35
- X#define h 26
- X#define LEVELPREFIX "xbdlev"
- X
- X#define SCOREFONT "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18-180-75-75-p-99-iso8859-1"
- X#define SCORESIZE 18
- X
- X#define EVMASK KeyPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | PointerMotionMask | FocusChangeMask
- X
- X/* direction masks */
- X#define N 0
- X#define E 1
- X#define S 2
- X#define W 3
- X#define NODIR 4
- X
- X#define SPACEEXPLO 0
- X#define BOULDEXPLO 10
- X#define DIAEXPLO 20
- X#define PROPAGATED 10
- X
- X#define PLAYER 'p'
- X#define SPACE ' '
- X#define LMONSTER 'l' /* Right turning monster */
- X#define RMONSTER 'r'
- X#define GRASS 'g'
- X#define WALL 'w'
- X#define MAGICWALL 'W' /* Expanding wall */
- X#define DIAMOND 'd'
- X#define STEEL 'S'
- X#define BOULDER 'b'
- X#define EXPLOSION 'x'
- X#define EXIT 'E'
- X#define EATER 'e'
- X#define NUCBAL 'n' /* Nuclear ballon */
- X#define BLOB 'B' /* lava */
- X#define TINKLE 't' /* Tinkle wall */
- X
- XFont scorefont; /* Font used to display score */
- XGC whitegc, scoregc, gc, Bgc, Bgc1, Bgc2, ngc, egc, egc1,
- X egc2, Egc1, Wgc, Wgc2, Egc2, Egc, lgc, lgc1, lgc2, rgc,
- X rgc1, rgc2, xgc, Sgc, bgc
- X ,dgc, dgc1, dgc2, wgc, pgc, pgc1, pgc2, sgc, ggc, tgc, tgc1,
- X tgc2, tgc3;
- Xchar filename[300]; /* Current file name of this level */
- Xchar levname[64]; /* Levelname */
- Xint i, j, ii, jj, jjj;
- Xint blobbreak;
- Xint critical;
- Xint time; /* Current clock tick number */
- Xint blobcells;
- Xint tinkdur; /* Tinkle duration */
- XBool tinkact; /* Tinkle active */
- XBool levincreased;
- Xint x, y, xin, yin, players, lives, levelnum, levelstart, speed,
- X diareq, diapoints, extradiapoints;
- XBool steal; /* steal instead of go */
- XBool stoplevel, blobcollapse;
- Xenum directs
- X{
- X};
- X
- Xenum directs curorder; /* Current order which player has */
- X/* typed at the keyboard. */
- Xstruct cell
- X{
- X char content;
- X Bool changed; /* has cell changed since last drawing */
- X Bool caught; /* for BLOB */
- X Bool checked; /* for BLOB algorithm */
- X char dir;
- X short speed;
- X short stage; /* painting stage for blinking etc. */
- X} field[h][w];
- X
- XBool gamestop;
- XBool scoreobs; /* is score line obsolete ? */
- Xint levelnum; /* Current level number */
- Xint lives; /* Current number of lives */
- Xint score; /* Total score */
- Xint speed; /* Speed of game. 1 is slowest, 15 is
- X * default */
- Xchar filename[300]; /* Current file name of this level */
- X
- XDisplay *disp; /* X11 display of client */
- XWindow wind; /* X11 window where game is displayed */
- X
- XGC makegc();
- Xvoid make_gcs();
- Xvoid init_level();
- Xvoid draw_score();
- Xvoid xstart();
- Xvoid xend();
- Xvoid draw_field();
- Xvoid set_cell();
- Xvoid move_cell();
- Xvoid explode();
- XBool move_monster();
- XBool search_destroy();
- Xvoid calculate_field();
- Xvoid add_score();
- if test 4426 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/xbd.h'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/xbd.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/xbd.h'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/xbd.man' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/xbd.man'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/xbd.man'\" \(3347 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/xbd.man' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.TH Boulder-dash l "April 1 1990"
- X.UC 4
- XBoulder-dash (v1.2) - Collect diamonds, kill monsters, close in blob etc. etc.
- X.B xbd
- X[
- X.B \-l
- X.I level
- X]
- X.br
- X.B xbde
- X.B \-l
- X.I level
- X[
- X.B \-w
- X.I width
- X]
- X[
- X.B \-h
- X.I height
- X]
- X.PP
- X.I xbd
- Xis a game designed for X windows (originally a similar game with the same name
- Xran on CBM64).
- X.I xbde
- Xis used to create and edit new levels which can be used by
- X.I Boulder-dash.
- X.PP
- XThe goal in
- X.I Boulder-dash
- Xis to collect a certain number
- X.I (ds)
- Xof diamonds per level
- X.I (lv)
- Xand then enter the next level by moving to the blinking exit-field, thus incrementing your number of lives
- X.I (ls).
- XA diamond is worth
- X.I (dp)
- Xpoints. Normally extra diamonds are worth more.
- XThe
- X.B "\-l"
- Xoption sets the level number for editing or for starting the game.
- XThis may be any integer greater than 0. By default, the game starts
- Xat level 1. The
- X.B "\-w"
- Xand
- X.B "\-h"
- Xoptions set the width and height of a newly created level.
- XWhen playing
- X.I Boulder-dash
- Xthe following keyboard commands may be used:
- X.PP
- XSPACE,R11 \- stop
- X.br
- Xh,left arrow \- move left
- X.br
- Xl,right arrow \- move right
- X.br
- Xk,up arrow \- move up
- X.br
- Xj,down arrow \- move down
- X.PP
- X.br
- X? \- help
- X.PP
- XWhen used in combination with the
- X.I control key,
- Xthe direction keys make the player
- X.I 'steal'
- Xinstead of
- X.I 'go'.
- XIn addition, some other control key combinations can be used:
- X.PP
- X^C \- kill the game
- X.br
- X^D \- give dutch act
- X.br
- X^R \- redraw the level
- X.PP
- XThe mouse must be placed in the game window to use the keyboard
- Xcommands. When the game starts or a level is finished , everything is frozen, and any key will
- Xstart/continue the game.
- X.PP
- X.I xbde
- Xcan be used to edit levels. Levels are stored in ASCII files. The
- Xfirst line in a level file contains level specific parameters that
- Xshould be edited by hand. The parameters are:
- X
- X.br
- Xheight width speed
- X.I dp
- X.I extra-dp
- Xblob-brake
- Xtinkle-dur
- X.I ti name
- X
- X.br
- XWhere blob-brake indicates how strongly blob propagation is slowed down.
- Xtink-dur is the time tinkle-walls will keep their magic power.
- X.I ti
- Xis the time permitted to complete this level.
- X.I name
- Xis the name of the level.
- X.br
- XBlocks are painted by pressing the left mouse button. Spaces are
- Xpainted by pressing the right mouse button. A new block type is
- Xselected by one of the following keys:
- X.PP
- X<space> \- draw spaces
- X.br
- Xb \- draw boulder
- X.br
- Xd \- draw diamond
- X.br
- Xe \- draw eater (initial speed: 0)
- X.br
- Xg \- draw grass
- X.br
- Xl \- draw left-monster (initial direction: NORTH)
- X.br
- Xp \- draw player
- X.br
- Xr \- draw right-monster (initial direction: NORTH)
- X.br
- Xt \- draw tinkle wall
- X.br
- Xw \- draw wall
- X.br
- Xx \- draw explosion (SPACEEXPLO)
- X.br
- XB \- draw blob
- X.br
- XE \- draw exit
- X.br
- XN \- draw nuclear balloon
- X.br
- XS \- draw steel
- X.br
- XW \- draw magic wall
- X.PP
- X.br
- XOther commands are:
- X.PP
- X.br
- X^c \- Quit
- X.br
- X^E \- Erase level
- X.br
- X^w \- Save level and quit
- XJeroen Houttuin, Informatikdienste, ETH Zurich 1990.
- XCBM64 for the idea. Alexander Siegel (Cornell University)
- Xfor example X-programming in
- X.I 'golddig'.
- XChristos S. Zoulas (Cornell University) for Imakefile and bug fixes.
- Xxbd - Boulder-dash executable
- X.br
- Xxbde - Boulder-dash editor executable
- X.br
- Xscores - high score list
- X.br
- Xdefault - default level
- X.br
- Xxbdlev### - levels
- if test 3347 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/xbd.man'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/xbd.man'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/xbd.man'
- fi
- if test -f 'xbd/xbde.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xbd/xbde.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xbd/xbde.c'\" \(5575 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xbd/xbde.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*********************************************/
- X/* you just keep on pushing my luck over the */
- X/* */
- X/* Jeroen Houttuin, ETH Zurich, 1990 */
- X/*********************************************/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <X11/Xlib.h>
- X#include <X11/keysym.h>
- X#include <X11/Xutil.h>
- X#include "xbd.h"
- X
- Xchar curchar;
- XGC drawgc;
- X
- Xvoid
- Xinit_vars()
- X{
- X levelnum = -1;
- X xin = 0;
- X yin = 0;
- X}
- X
- X/* Save the current level back into a file. The global variable */
- X/* filename is used to determine the file name. */
- Xvoid
- Xsave_level()
- X{
- X FILE *levelfile;
- X char buf[300];
- X register int i, j;
- X
- X /* Open the data file */
- X levelfile = fopen(filename, "w");
- X if (levelfile == NULL)
- X {
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X /* Write out the size of the level. Normal text is used so that */
- X /* levels can be easily copied across architectures. */
- X fprintf(levelfile, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s\n", y, x,
- X speed, diareq, diapoints, extradiapoints, blobbreak, tinkdur, time, levname);
- X /* Terminate the lines for writing out the horizontal level lines */
- X buf[x] = '\n';
- X buf[x + 1] = '\0';
- X /* Iterate through each vertical position */
- X for (i = 0; i < y; ++i)
- X {
- X /* Copy each horizontal line into the output buffer */
- X for (j = 0; j < x; ++j)
- X buf[j] = field[i][j].content;
- X /* Write the line out to the file */
- X fputs(buf, levelfile);
- X }
- X /* Close the data file */
- X fclose(levelfile);
- X}
- X
- X/* Main routine for editing levels */
- Xvoid
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- X int argc;
- X char **argv;
- X{
- X register int i, j;
- X static XEvent xev;
- X KeySym keyhit;
- X int keycount;
- X int tmp;
- X char buf[50];
- X
- X init_vars();
- X
- X /* Read in command line options */
- X for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
- X {
- X if (argv[i][0] == '-')
- X {
- X /* -w sets the level width */
- X if (argv[i][1] == 'w')
- X {
- X if (argv[i][2] == '\0' && i + 1 < argc)
- X {
- X sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%d", &xin);
- X i++;
- X } else
- X sscanf(argv[i] + 2, "%d", &xin);
- X }
- X /* -h sets the level height */
- X else if (argv[i][1] == 'h')
- X {
- X if (argv[i][2] == '\0' && i + 1 < argc)
- X {
- X sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%d", &yin);
- X i++;
- X } else
- X sscanf(argv[i] + 2, "%d", &yin);
- X }
- X /* -l sets the level number */
- X else if (argv[i][1] == 'l')
- X {
- X if (argv[i][2] == '\0' && i + 1 < argc)
- X {
- X sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%d", &levelnum);
- X i++;
- X } else
- X sscanf(argv[i] + 2, "%d", &levelnum);
- X } else
- X {
- X printf("usage: xbde [-h <height>] [-w <width>] -l <level> \n");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X /* Make sure some value was chosen for the level number. This */
- X /* discourages everybody editing the same level all the time. */
- X if (levelnum == -1)
- X {
- X printf("usage: editor [-h <height>] [-w <width>] -l <level> \n");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X /* Load in level data from file. */
- X init_level(levelnum);
- X
- X printf("Welcome. Type h for help.\n");
- X
- X /* Start up X windows and create all graphics cursors */
- X xstart(EVMASK);
- X /* Set the name of the output window */
- X XStoreName(disp, wind, "BOULDER DASH - LEVEL EDITOR");
- X XFlush(disp); /* initializing flush */
- X make_gcs();
- X Egc = Egc2;
- X Wgc = Wgc2;
- X tgc = tgc3;
- X drawgc = pgc;
- X draw_field(True);
- X
- X /* Main event loop */
- X do
- X {
- X /* Get the next X window event */
- X XWindowEvent(disp, wind, EVMASK, &xev);
- X
- X /* If it was an expose event, redraw everything */
- X if (xev.type == Expose)
- X {
- X draw_field(True);
- X draw_score();
- X } else if (xev.type == KeyPress)
- X {
- X keycount = XLookupString(&xev, buf, 50, &keyhit, (XComposeStatus *) NULL);
- X /* If the 'h', '?' or '/' key was hit, print out the text */
- X /* descriptions of each block type */
- X if (keyhit == XK_H || keyhit == XK_h || keyhit == XK_question ||
- X keyhit == XK_slash)
- X {
- X puts("^w - finish editing and save the level.");
- X puts("^c - quit editing.");
- X puts("^E - erase level.");
- X puts("Use the left mouse button to paint blocks.");
- X puts("Use the right mouse button to erase blocks.");
- X putchar('\n');
- X }
- X /* A ^E erases the entire level */
- X else if ((keyhit == XK_E) &&
- X (xev.xkey.state & ControlMask))
- X {
- X /* Replace level contents with space */
- X for (i = 0; i < y; ++i)
- X for (j = 0; j < x; ++j)
- X if ((i == 0) || (i == y - 1) || (j == 0) || (j == x - 1))
- X set_cell(i, j, STEEL);
- X else
- X set_cell(i, j, SPACE);
- X /* Redraw empty level */
- X draw_field(False);
- X } else
- X curchar = keyhit;
- X }
- X /* If the mouse moves with the button pressed, or the button is */
- X /* pressed, draw the current block at that position */
- X else if (xev.type == MotionNotify)
- X {
- X if (xev.xmotion.state & Button3Mask)
- X set_cell(xev.xmotion.y >> 5, xev.xmotion.x >> 5, SPACE);
- X else if (xev.xmotion.state & Button1Mask)
- X set_cell(xev.xmotion.y >> 5, xev.xmotion.x >> 5, curchar);
- X } else if (xev.type == ButtonPress)
- X {
- X if (xev.xbutton.button == Button3)
- X set_cell(xev.xbutton.y >> 5, xev.xbutton.x >> 5, SPACE);
- X else
- X set_cell(xev.xbutton.y >> 5, xev.xbutton.x >> 5, curchar);
- X }
- X draw_field(False);
- X XFlush(disp);
- X /* Loop until a control key is pressed */
- X } while (xev.type != KeyPress ||
- X (keyhit != XK_C && keyhit != XK_c &&
- X keyhit != XK_W && keyhit != XK_w) ||
- X !(xev.xkey.state & ControlMask));
- X
- X /* Save level to data file */
- X if (keyhit == XK_W || keyhit == XK_w)
- X save_level();
- X xend();
- X exit(0);
- X}
- if test 5575 -ne `wc -c <'xbd/xbde.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xbd/xbde.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xbd/xbde.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive.
- exit 0
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.