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- Path: uunet!wuarchive!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!newstop!sun!math.Berkeley.EDU
- From: vojta@math.Berkeley.EDU (Paul Vojta)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v10i010: xdvi, Patch10, Part02/02
- Message-ID: <143916@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 18 Oct 90 22:36:23 GMT
- References: <csx-10i009:xdvi@uunet.UU.NET>
- Sender: news@sun.Eng.Sun.COM
- Lines: 1867
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: vojta@math.berkeley.edu (Paul A Vojta)
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 10
- Archive-name: xdvi/patch10.2
- Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 3, Issues 37-39
- Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 4, Issue 44 (xdvi, Patch4)
- Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 4, Issue 96 (xdvi, dvi previewer, Patch5)
- Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 5, Issue 35 (xdvi, dvi previewer, patch 6, part 1/2)
- Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 5, Issue 36 (xdvi, dvi previewer, patch 6, part 2/2)
- Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 6, Issue 5 (xdvi, Patch7)
- Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 6, Issue 49 (xdvi, dvi previewer, patch 8)
- Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 7, Issue 52 (xdvi, dvi previewer, patch 9, part 1/2)
- Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 7, Issue 53 (xdvi, dvi previewer, patch 9, part 2/2)
- diff -cr xdvi_old/pxl_open.c xdvi_new/pxl_open.c
- *** xdvi_old/pxl_open.c Mon Sep 17 17:35:58 1990
- --- xdvi_new/pxl_open.c Wed Oct 10 12:00:50 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,5 ****
- /*
- ! * pxl_open.c(font, font_ret, mag, mag_ret, factor, name, read_font_index)
- * Find and open gf, pk, or pxl files in the given path, having the given
- * name and magnification. It tries gf files first, followed by pk and pxl
- * files. The path variable should be of the form path1:path2:...:pathn,
- --- 1,5 ----
- /*
- ! * pxl_open.c(font, font_ret, mag, mag_ret, factor, name)
- * Find and open gf, pk, or pxl files in the given path, having the given
- * name and magnification. It tries gf files first, followed by pk and pxl
- * files. The path variable should be of the form path1:path2:...:pathn,
- ***************
- *** 19,26 ****
- * *factor the ratio of the point sizes of the requested font
- * and the font actually found (or 1.0 if altfont is used).
- * *name a pointer to a string containing the file name
- - * *read_font_index a pointer to the read_index procedure to be
- - * used for the given font format.
- *
- * If the file is not found, then the return value is NULL.
- *
- --- 19,24 ----
- ***************
- *** 33,53 ****
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- -
- - #ifndef X10
- - #include <X11/Xos.h> /* same as below */
- - #else /* X10 */
- - #ifdef SYSV
- - #include <string.h>
- - #define index strchr
- - #define rindex strrchr
- - #else /* SYSV */
- - #include <strings.h>
- - #endif /* SYSV */
- - #endif /* X10 */
- -
- #include <errno.h>
- ! extern int errno;
- /*
- * If you think you have to change DEFAULT_TAIL, then you haven't read the
- --- 31,39 ----
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- ! int errno;
- ! #include "xdvi.h"
- /*
- * If you think you have to change DEFAULT_TAIL, then you haven't read the
- ***************
- *** 57,91 ****
- #define PATH_SEP ':'
- #define DEFAULT_TAIL "/%f.%d%p"
- #else /* VMS */
- - #include <string.h>
- - #define index strchr
- - #define rindex strrchr
- #define PATH_SEP '/'
- #define DEFAULT_TAIL ":%f.%d%p"
- #endif /* VMS */
- - #ifndef OPEN_MODE
- - #ifndef VMS
- - #define OPEN_MODE "r"
- - #else
- - #define OPEN_MODE "r", "ctx=stm"
- - #endif
- - #endif /* OPEN_MODE */
- -
- - extern int n_fonts_left;
- - extern char *alt_font;
- -
- static char *font_path;
- ! static char default_font_path[] = DEFAULT_FONT_PATH;
- static int *sizes, *sizend;
- static char default_size_list[] = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZES;
- - /* the corresponding read_char procedures are handled in xdvi.h */
- - typedef void (*read_font_index_proc)();
- - /* struct font *fontp; */
- -
- - read_font_index_proc read_GF_index, read_PK_index, read_PXL_index;
- -
- #ifdef sun
- char *sprintf();
- #endif
- --- 43,57 ----
- #define PATH_SEP ':'
- #define DEFAULT_TAIL "/%f.%d%p"
- #else /* VMS */
- #define PATH_SEP '/'
- #define DEFAULT_TAIL ":%f.%d%p"
- #endif /* VMS */
- static char *font_path;
- ! static char *default_font_path = DEFAULT_FONT_PATH;
- static int *sizes, *sizend;
- static char default_size_list[] = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZES;
- #ifdef sun
- char *sprintf();
- #endif
- ***************
- *** 93,101 ****
- char *malloc(), *getenv();
- double atof();
- - #define Strcpy (void) strcpy
- - #define Sprintf (void) sprintf
- -
- static void
- get_sizes(size_list, spp)
- char *size_list;
- --- 59,64 ----
- ***************
- *** 117,129 ****
- unsigned int n;
- char *p;
- ! if ((font_path = getenv("XDVIFONTS")) == NULL)
- font_path = default_font_path;
- ! else if (*font_path == PATH_SEP)
- ! /*concatenate default_font_path before font_path */
- ! font_path = strcat(strcpy(malloc((unsigned)
- ! strlen(default_font_path) + strlen(font_path) + 1),
- ! default_font_path), font_path);
- size_list = getenv("XDVISIZES");
- n = 1; /* count number of sizes */
- --- 80,89 ----
- unsigned int n;
- char *p;
- ! if ((font_path = getenv("XDVIFONTS")) == NULL) {
- font_path = default_font_path;
- ! default_font_path = NULL;
- ! }
- size_list = getenv("XDVISIZES");
- n = 1; /* count number of sizes */
- ***************
- *** 155,170 ****
- }
- static FILE *
- ! formatted_open(path, font, pxl, mag, name)
- char *path, *font, *pxl;
- int mag;
- char **name;
- {
- char *p = path,
- nm[128],
- *n = nm,
- c;
- ! int f_used = 0;
- FILE *f;
- for (;;) {
- --- 115,132 ----
- }
- static FILE *
- ! formatted_open(path, font, pxl, mag, name, count)
- char *path, *font, *pxl;
- int mag;
- char **name;
- + int count;
- {
- char *p = path,
- nm[128],
- *n = nm,
- c;
- ! Boolean f_used = False;
- ! Boolean p_used = False;
- FILE *f;
- for (;;) {
- ***************
- *** 178,187 ****
- c = *p++;
- switch (c) {
- case 'f':
- ! f_used=1;
- Strcpy(n, font);
- break;
- case 'p':
- Strcpy(n, pxl);
- break;
- case 'd':
- --- 140,150 ----
- c = *p++;
- switch (c) {
- case 'f':
- ! f_used = True;
- Strcpy(n, font);
- break;
- case 'p':
- + p_used = True;
- Strcpy(n, pxl);
- break;
- case 'd':
- ***************
- *** 195,201 ****
- --- 158,166 ----
- }
- else *n++ = c;
- }
- + if (!p_used && count > 0) return NULL;
- *n = '\0';
- + if (debug & DBG_OPEN) Printf("Trying font file %s\n", nm);
- f = fopen(nm, OPEN_MODE);
- if (f == NULL && errno == EMFILE) {
- n_fonts_left = 0;
- ***************
- *** 209,272 ****
- return f;
- }
- static FILE *
- ! pre_pxl_open(font, mag, mag_ret, name, read_font_index)
- char *font;
- ! int mag, *mag_ret;
- char **name;
- ! read_font_index_proc *read_font_index;
- {
- char *p;
- FILE *f;
- ! int *p1, *p2, pxlmag, pkmag;
- /*
- ! * Loop over sizes. Try closest sizes first.
- */
- for (p2 = sizes; p2 < sizend; ++p2) if (*p2 >= mag) break;
- p1 = p2;
- for (;;) {
- if (p1 <= sizes)
- if (p2 >= sizend) return NULL;
- else pxlmag = *p2++;
- ! else if (p2 >= sizend || mag * mag <= p1[-1] * *p2) pxlmag = *--p1;
- else pxlmag = *p2++;
- ! *mag_ret = pxlmag;
- ! pkmag = (pxlmag + 2) / 5;
- ! /*
- ! * loop over paths
- ! */
- ! for (p = font_path;;) {
- ! if (read_GF_index &&
- ! (f = formatted_open(p, font, "gf", pkmag, name)) != NULL) {
- ! *read_font_index = read_GF_index;
- ! return f;
- ! }
- ! if (read_PK_index &&
- ! (f = formatted_open(p, font, "pk", pkmag, name)) != NULL) {
- ! *read_font_index = read_PK_index;
- ! return f;
- ! }
- ! if (read_PXL_index &&
- ! (f = formatted_open(p, font, "pxl", pxlmag, name)) != NULL)
- ! {
- ! *read_font_index = read_PXL_index;
- ! return f;
- ! }
- ! p = index(p, PATH_SEP);
- ! if (p == NULL) break;
- ! ++p;
- ! }
- }
- }
- FILE *
- ! pxl_open(font, font_ret, mag, mag_ret, factor, name, read_font_index)
- char *font, **font_ret;
- ! int mag, *mag_ret;
- float *factor;
- char **name;
- - read_font_index_proc *read_font_index;
- {
- FILE *f;
- int actual_pt, low_pt, high_pt, trial_pt;
- --- 174,274 ----
- return f;
- }
- + /*
- + * Try a given size
- + */
- +
- static FILE *
- ! try_size(font, pxlmag, name, font_path, default_font_path)
- char *font;
- ! int pxlmag;
- char **name;
- ! char *font_path, *default_font_path;
- {
- char *p;
- FILE *f;
- ! int pkmag = (pxlmag + 2) / 5;
- /*
- ! * loop over paths
- */
- + for (p = font_path;; ++p) {
- + int count = 0;
- +
- + if (*p == ':' || *p == '\0') {
- + if (default_font_path != NULL &&
- + (f = try_size(font, pxlmag, name, default_font_path,
- + (char *) NULL)) != NULL)
- + return f;
- + if (*p == '\0') break;
- + continue;
- + }
- + if (read_GF_index &&
- + (f = formatted_open(p, font, "gf", pkmag, name, count++))
- + != NULL)
- + return f;
- + if (read_PK_index &&
- + (f = formatted_open(p, font, "pk", pkmag, name, count++))
- + != NULL)
- + return f;
- + if (read_PXL_index &&
- + (f = formatted_open(p, font, "pxl", pxlmag, name, count++))
- + != NULL)
- + return f;
- + p = index(p, PATH_SEP);
- + if (p == NULL) break;
- + }
- + return NULL;
- + }
- +
- + /*
- + * Try a given font name
- + */
- +
- + static FILE *
- + pre_pxl_open(font, mag, mag_ret, name)
- + char *font;
- + float mag;
- + int *mag_ret;
- + char **name;
- + {
- + FILE *f;
- + int *p1, *p2, pxlmag;
- +
- + /*
- + * Loop over sizes. Try actual size first, then closest sizes.
- + */
- + pxlmag = mag + 0.5;
- + if ((f = try_size(font, *mag_ret = pxlmag, name, font_path,
- + default_font_path)) != NULL)
- + return f;
- + if (pxlmag < mag) ++pxlmag; else --pxlmag;
- + if ((f = try_size(font, *mag_ret = pxlmag, name, font_path,
- + default_font_path)) != NULL)
- + return f;
- for (p2 = sizes; p2 < sizend; ++p2) if (*p2 >= mag) break;
- p1 = p2;
- for (;;) {
- + /* find another magnification */
- if (p1 <= sizes)
- if (p2 >= sizend) return NULL;
- else pxlmag = *p2++;
- ! else if (p2 >= sizend || mag * mag <= p1[-1] * *p2)
- ! pxlmag = *--p1;
- else pxlmag = *p2++;
- ! if ((f = try_size(font, *mag_ret = pxlmag, name, font_path,
- ! default_font_path)) != NULL)
- ! return f;
- }
- }
- FILE *
- ! pxl_open(font, font_ret, mag, mag_ret, factor, name)
- char *font, **font_ret;
- ! float mag;
- ! int *mag_ret;
- float *factor;
- char **name;
- {
- FILE *f;
- int actual_pt, low_pt, high_pt, trial_pt;
- ***************
- *** 273,279 ****
- char fn[50], *fnend;
- *factor = 1.0;
- ! f = pre_pxl_open(font, mag, mag_ret, name, read_font_index);
- if (f != NULL) {
- *font_ret = NULL;
- return f;
- --- 275,281 ----
- char fn[50], *fnend;
- *factor = 1.0;
- ! f = pre_pxl_open(font, mag, mag_ret, name);
- if (f != NULL) {
- *font_ret = NULL;
- return f;
- ***************
- *** 293,300 ****
- else if (high_pt > actual_pt + 5) break;
- else trial_pt = high_pt++;
- Sprintf(fnend, "%d", trial_pt);
- ! f = pre_pxl_open(fn, mag * actual_pt / trial_pt, mag_ret, name,
- ! read_font_index);
- if (f != NULL) {
- *font_ret = strcpy(malloc((unsigned) strlen(fn) + 1), fn);
- *factor = (float) actual_pt / trial_pt;
- --- 295,301 ----
- else if (high_pt > actual_pt + 5) break;
- else trial_pt = high_pt++;
- Sprintf(fnend, "%d", trial_pt);
- ! f = pre_pxl_open(fn, mag * actual_pt / trial_pt, mag_ret, name);
- if (f != NULL) {
- *font_ret = strcpy(malloc((unsigned) strlen(fn) + 1), fn);
- *factor = (float) actual_pt / trial_pt;
- ***************
- *** 304,310 ****
- }
- if (alt_font != NULL) {
- *font_ret = alt_font;
- ! f = pre_pxl_open(alt_font, mag, mag_ret, name, read_font_index);
- if (f != NULL)
- *font_ret = strcpy(malloc((unsigned) strlen(alt_font) + 1),
- alt_font);
- --- 305,311 ----
- }
- if (alt_font != NULL) {
- *font_ret = alt_font;
- ! f = pre_pxl_open(alt_font, mag, mag_ret, name);
- if (f != NULL)
- *font_ret = strcpy(malloc((unsigned) strlen(alt_font) + 1),
- alt_font);
- diff -cr xdvi_old/tpic.c xdvi_new/tpic.c
- *** xdvi_old/tpic.c Mon Sep 17 17:36:09 1990
- --- xdvi_new/tpic.c Wed Sep 26 11:17:01 1990
- ***************
- *** 410,415 ****
- else if (strcmp(command, "sh") == 0) shade_last();
- else if (strcmp(command, "wh") == 0) whiten_last();
- else if (strcmp(command, "bk") == 0) blacken_last();
- ! else if (spec_warn)
- Fprintf(stderr, "%s: special \"%s\" not implemented\n", prog, orig_cp);
- }
- --- 410,415 ----
- else if (strcmp(command, "sh") == 0) shade_last();
- else if (strcmp(command, "wh") == 0) whiten_last();
- else if (strcmp(command, "bk") == 0) blacken_last();
- ! else if (spec_warn_now)
- Fprintf(stderr, "%s: special \"%s\" not implemented\n", prog, orig_cp);
- }
- diff -cr xdvi_old/xdvi.c xdvi_new/xdvi.c
- *** xdvi_old/xdvi.c Mon Sep 17 17:36:42 1990
- --- xdvi_new/xdvi.c Wed Oct 10 13:35:20 1990
- ***************
- *** 28,38 ****
- */
- #ifndef lint
- #include "patchlevel.h"
- ! static struct {char a[36], b, c;}
- #ifndef X10
- ! dv_c = {"$Header: xdvi.c (X11), patchlevel = ", '0' + PATCHLEVEL, 0};
- #else
- ! dv_c = {"$Header: xdvi.c (X10), patchlevel = ", '0' + PATCHLEVEL, 0};
- #endif
- #endif /* lint */
- --- 28,40 ----
- */
- #ifndef lint
- #include "patchlevel.h"
- ! static struct {char a[36], b, c, d;}
- #ifndef X10
- ! dv_c = {"$Header: xdvi.c (X11), patchlevel = ", '0' + PATCHLEVEL / 10,
- ! '0' + PATCHLEVEL % 10, 0};
- #else
- ! dv_c = {"$Header: xdvi.c (X10), patchlevel = ", '0' + PATCHLEVEL / 10,
- ! '0' + PATCHLEVEL % 10, 0};
- #endif
- #endif /* lint */
- ***************
- *** 58,63 ****
- --- 60,66 ----
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
- + #include <X11/keysym.h>
- #include "xdvi.icon"
- #else /* X10 */
- #include <X/Xlib.h>
- ***************
- *** 154,163 ****
- int density = 40;
- int pixels_per_inch = 300;
- int unshrunk_paper_w, unshrunk_paper_h;
- int unshrunk_page_w, unshrunk_page_h;
- static char *paper = DEFAULT_PAPER;
- ! static char *margins, *sidemargin, *topmargin;
- static Boolean reverse;
- static Dimension bwidth = 2;
- static int bak_shrink;
- --- 157,169 ----
- int density = 40;
- int pixels_per_inch = 300;
- + int offset_x, offset_y;
- int unshrunk_paper_w, unshrunk_paper_h;
- int unshrunk_page_w, unshrunk_page_h;
- + Boolean spec_warn = True;
- static char *paper = DEFAULT_PAPER;
- ! static char *sidemargin, *topmargin;
- ! static char *xoffset, *yoffset;
- static Boolean reverse;
- static Dimension bwidth = 2;
- static int bak_shrink;
- ***************
- *** 172,177 ****
- --- 178,186 ----
- int pageno_correct = 1;
- Boolean keep_flag = False;
- static double specialConv;
- + #ifdef BUTTONS
- + Boolean expert = False;
- + #endif
- #ifndef X10
- #ifdef TOOLKIT
- ***************
- *** 230,235 ****
- --- 239,247 ----
- #ifdef TOOLKIT
- static Widget top_level, vport_widget, draw_widget, clip_widget;
- + #ifdef BUTTONS
- + static Widget form_widget, line_widget, right_widget;
- + #endif
- static Widget x_bar, y_bar; /* horizontal and vertical scroll bars */
- static Arg vport_args[] = {
- ***************
- *** 320,325 ****
- --- 332,363 ----
- {XtNheight, (XtArgVal) 30},
- {XtNcallback, (XtArgVal) command_call},
- };
- +
- + static void
- + create_buttons(h)
- + XtArgVal h;
- + {
- + int i;
- +
- + line_args[2].value = h;
- + line_args[3].value = (XtArgVal) vport_widget;
- + line_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("line", widgetClass, form_widget,
- + line_args, XtNumber(line_args));
- + right_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) line_widget;
- + right_args[2].value = h;
- + right_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("right", compositeWidgetClass,
- + form_widget, right_args, XtNumber(right_args));
- +
- + command_args[2].value = (XtArgVal) vport_widget;
- + for (i = 0; i < XtNumber(command_table); ++i) {
- + command_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) command_table[i].label;
- + command_args[2].value = (XtArgVal) command_table[i].y_pos;
- + command_call[0].closure = (caddr_t) command_table[i].closure;
- + (void) XtCreateManagedWidget(command_table[i].name,
- + commandWidgetClass, right_widget,
- + command_args, XtNumber(command_args));
- + }
- + }
- #endif /* BUTTONS */
- #else /* !TOOLKIT */
- ***************
- *** 379,384 ****
- --- 417,423 ----
- char *malloc();
- double atof();
- + void exit();
- /********************************
- * tpic routines *
- ***************
- *** 614,625 ****
- #define mane_base_x 0
- #define mane_base_y 0
- ! #define home(x) Xtk_home()
- ! static
- ! Xtk_home()
- {
- register int coord;
- get_xy();
- if (x_bar) {
- coord = 0;
- --- 653,665 ----
- #define mane_base_x 0
- #define mane_base_y 0
- ! static void
- ! home(scrl)
- ! Boolean scrl;
- {
- register int coord;
- + if (!scrl) XUnmapWindow(DISP, WINDOW(mane));
- get_xy();
- if (x_bar) {
- coord = 0;
- ***************
- *** 639,644 ****
- --- 679,689 ----
- }
- XtCallCallbacks(y_bar, XtNscrollProc, window_y + coord);
- }
- + if (!scrl) {
- + XMapWindow(DISP, WINDOW(mane));
- + /* Wait for the server to catch up---this eliminates flicker. */
- + XSync(DISP, False);
- + }
- }
- static Boolean resized = False;
- ***************
- *** 793,798 ****
- --- 838,849 ----
- {
- int x_thick = 0;
- int y_thick = 0;
- + #ifdef X10
- + int old_clip_w = clip_w;
- + int old_clip_h = clip_h;
- + int old_x_thick = x_thick;
- + int old_y_thick = y_thick;
- + #endif
- /* determine existence of scrollbars */
- if (window_w < page_w) x_thick = BAR_THICK;
- ***************
- *** 821,828 ****
- --- 872,887 ----
- XMapWindow(DPY WINDOW(mane));
- }
- else
- + #ifdef X10
- + if (clip_w != old_clip_w || clip_h != old_clip_h ||
- + x_thick != old_x_thick || y_thick != old_y_thick) {
- + #endif
- XMoveResizeWindow(DPY WINDOW(mane),
- y_thick, x_thick, clip_w, clip_h);
- + #ifdef X10
- + XSync(False);
- + }
- + #endif
- /* process scroll bars */
- if (x_thick) {
- ***************
- *** 1124,1130 ****
- XEvent *eventp;
- {
- int next_page;
- ! #ifndef X10
- Window ww;
- #endif
- --- 1183,1189 ----
- XEvent *eventp;
- {
- int next_page;
- ! #ifdef TOOLKIT
- Window ww;
- #endif
- ***************
- *** 1190,1195 ****
- --- 1249,1279 ----
- case 'c':
- center(eventp->xkey.x, eventp->xkey.y);
- return;
- + case 'M':
- + XTranslateCoordinates(DISP, eventp->xkey.window,
- + WINDOW(mane), eventp->xkey.x, eventp->xkey.y,
- + &home_x, &home_y, &ww); /* throw away last argument */
- + home_x *= mane.shrinkfactor;
- + home_y *= mane.shrinkfactor;
- + return;
- + #ifdef BUTTONS
- + case 'x':
- + if (arg0 && expert == (number0 != 0)) return;
- + if (expert) { /* create buttons */
- + XtResizeWidget(vport_widget, window_w -= XTRA_WID, window_h,
- + 0);
- + create_buttons((XtArgVal) window_h);
- + expert = False;
- + }
- + else { /* destroy buttons */
- + XtResizeWidget(vport_widget, window_w += XTRA_WID, window_h,
- + 0);
- + XtDestroyWidget(right_widget);
- + XtDestroyWidget(line_widget);
- + expert = True;
- + }
- + return;
- + #endif /* BUTTONS */
- #else /* !TOOLKIT */
- case 'l':
- if (mane.base_x <= 0) goto bad;
- ***************
- *** 1219,1246 ****
- XWarpMouse(WINDOW(mane), clip_w/2, clip_h/2, GXcopy);
- #endif
- return;
- #endif /* TOOLKIT */
- #ifndef X10
- - case 'M':
- - XTranslateCoordinates(DISP, eventp->xkey.window,
- - WINDOW(mane), eventp->xkey.x, eventp->xkey.y,
- - &home_x, &home_y, &ww); /* throw away last argument */
- - home_x *= mane.shrinkfactor;
- - home_y *= mane.shrinkfactor;
- - return;
- case '\020': /* Control P */
- Printf("Unit = %d, bitord = %d, byteord = %d\n",
- BitmapUnit(DISP), BitmapBitOrder(DISP),
- ImageByteOrder(DISP));
- return;
- - #else
- - case 'M':
- - home_x = (XKEY(*eventp).x - (y_bar ? BAR_THICK : 0)
- - + mane.base_x) * mane.shrinkfactor;
- - home_y = (XKEY(*eventp).y - (x_bar ? BAR_THICK : 0)
- - + mane.base_y) * mane.shrinkfactor;
- - return;
- #endif
- case 's':
- if (!arg0) {
- --- 1303,1322 ----
- XWarpMouse(WINDOW(mane), clip_w/2, clip_h/2, GXcopy);
- #endif
- return;
- + case 'M':
- + home_x = (XKEY(*eventp).x - (y_bar ? BAR_THICK : 0)
- + + mane.base_x) * mane.shrinkfactor;
- + home_y = (XKEY(*eventp).y - (x_bar ? BAR_THICK : 0)
- + + mane.base_y) * mane.shrinkfactor;
- + return;
- #endif /* TOOLKIT */
- #ifndef X10
- case '\020': /* Control P */
- Printf("Unit = %d, bitord = %d, byteord = %d\n",
- BitmapUnit(DISP), BitmapBitOrder(DISP),
- ImageByteOrder(DISP));
- return;
- #endif
- case 's':
- if (!arg0) {
- ***************
- *** 1258,1281 ****
- reset_fonts();
- }
- #ifdef TOOLKIT
- ! XUnmapWindow(DISP, WINDOW(mane));
- ! {
- ! Dimension replyW, replyH;
- ! if (XtMakeResizeRequest(draw_widget, (Dimension) page_w,
- ! (Dimension) page_h, &replyW, &replyH)
- ! == XtGeometryAlmost)
- ! (void) XtMakeResizeRequest(draw_widget, replyW, replyH,
- ! (Dimension *) NULL, (Dimension *) NULL);
- ! }
- get_geom();
- home(False);
- - XMapWindow(DISP, WINDOW(mane));
- - /* Wait for next event; this will likely be an expose event,
- - so we don't redraw the window twice. */
- - {
- - XEvent event;
- - XPeekEvent(DISP, &event);
- - }
- #else /* TOOLKIT */
- reconfig();
- home(False);
- --- 1334,1344 ----
- reset_fonts();
- }
- #ifdef TOOLKIT
- ! draw_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) page_w;
- ! draw_args[1].value = (XtArgVal) page_h;
- ! XtSetValues(draw_widget, draw_args, (Cardinal) 2);
- get_geom();
- home(False);
- #else /* TOOLKIT */
- reconfig();
- home(False);
- ***************
- *** 1299,1305 ****
- if (0 <= next_page && next_page < total_pages) {
- if (current_page != next_page) {
- current_page = next_page;
- ! spec_warn = True;
- if (!keep_flag) home(False);
- }
- canit = True;
- --- 1362,1368 ----
- if (0 <= next_page && next_page < total_pages) {
- if (current_page != next_page) {
- current_page = next_page;
- ! spec_warn_now = spec_warn;
- if (!keep_flag) home(False);
- }
- canit = True;
- ***************
- *** 1566,1578 ****
- }
- else {
- draw_page();
- ! spec_warn = False;
- }
- }
- redraw_page()
- {
- ! if (debug & DBG_EVENT) fputs("Redraw page: ", stdout);
- get_xy();
- ClearPage(mane);
- mane.min_x = -window_x;
- --- 1629,1641 ----
- }
- else {
- draw_page();
- ! spec_warn_now = False;
- }
- }
- redraw_page()
- {
- ! if (debug & DBG_EVENT) Fputs("Redraw page: ", stdout);
- get_xy();
- ClearPage(mane);
- mane.min_x = -window_x;
- ***************
- *** 1610,1616 ****
- windowrec->max_x = windowrec->max_y = 0;
- }
- ! static int
- handle_intr() {
- event_counter = 1;
- event_freq = -1; /* forget Plan B */
- --- 1673,1679 ----
- windowrec->max_x = windowrec->max_y = 0;
- }
- ! static void
- handle_intr() {
- event_counter = 1;
- event_freq = -1; /* forget Plan B */
- ***************
- *** 1681,1703 ****
- usage() {
- #ifndef X10
- #ifndef VMS
- ! fputs("\
- ! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l]\n\
- [-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
- ! [-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>] [-rv]\
- \n\
- [-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
- [-cr <color>]\n\
- [-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-icongeometry <geometry>]\n\
- [-iconic] [-display <host:display>] [-copy] [-thorough] dvi_file\n",
- stderr);
- #else /* VMS */
- ! fputs("\
- ! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-density <%>] [-p <pixels>] [-l]\n\
- [-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
- ! [-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>] [-rv]\
- \n", stderr);
- ! fputs("\
- [-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
- [-cr <color>]\n\
- [-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-icongeometry <geometry>]\n\
- --- 1744,1782 ----
- usage() {
- #ifndef X10
- #ifndef VMS
- ! #ifdef BUTTONS
- ! Fputs("\
- ! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-sw]\n\
- ! [-expert] [-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
- ! [-margins <dimen>] [-sidemargin <dimen>] [-topmargin <dimen>] [-rv]\
- ! \n\
- ! [-offsets <dimen>] [-xoffset <dimen>] [-yoffset <dimen>]\n\
- ! [-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
- ! [-cr <color>]\n\
- ! [-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-icongeometry <geometry>]\n\
- ! [-iconic] [-display <host:display>] [-copy] [-thorough] dvi_file\n",
- ! stderr);
- ! #else /* !BUTTONS */
- ! Fputs("\
- ! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-sw]\n\
- [-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
- ! [-margins <dimen>] [-sidemargin <dimen>] [-topmargin <dimen>] [-rv]\
- \n\
- + [-offsets <dimen>] [-xoffset <dimen>] [-yoffset <dimen>]\n\
- [-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
- [-cr <color>]\n\
- [-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-icongeometry <geometry>]\n\
- [-iconic] [-display <host:display>] [-copy] [-thorough] dvi_file\n",
- stderr);
- + #endif /* BUTTONS */
- #else /* VMS */
- ! Fputs("\
- ! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-density <%>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-sw]\n\
- [-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
- ! [-margins <dimen>] [-sidemargin <dimen>] [-topmargin <dimen>] [-rv]\
- \n", stderr);
- ! Fputs("\
- ! [-offsets <dimen>] [-xoffset <dimen>] [-yoffset <dimen>]\n\
- [-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
- [-cr <color>]\n\
- [-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-icongeometry <geometry>]\n\
- ***************
- *** 1705,1715 ****
- stderr);
- #endif /* VMS */
- #else /* X10 */
- ! fputs("\
- ! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l]\n\
- [-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
- ! [-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>] [-rv]\
- \n\
- [-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
- [-cr <color>]\n\
- [-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry> | =<geometry>]\n\
- --- 1784,1795 ----
- stderr);
- #endif /* VMS */
- #else /* X10 */
- ! Fputs("\
- ! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-sw]\n\
- [-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
- ! [-margins <dimen>] [-sidemargin <dimen>] [-topmargin <dimen>] [-rv]\
- \n\
- + [-offsets <dimen>] [-xoffset <dimen>] [-yoffset <dimen>]\n\
- [-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
- [-cr <color>]\n\
- [-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry> | =<geometry>]\n\
- ***************
- *** 1718,1723 ****
- --- 1798,1813 ----
- exit(1);
- }
- + static int
- + atopix(arg)
- + char *arg;
- + {
- + int len = strlen(arg);
- +
- + return (len > 2 && arg[len - 2] == 'c' && arg[len - 1] == 'm' ?
- + 1.0 / 2.54 : 1.0) * atof(arg) * pixels_per_inch + 0.5;
- + }
- +
- /**
- ** Main programs start here.
- **/
- ***************
- *** 1738,1750 ****
- #endif
- {"-density", ".densityPercent", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-p", ".pixelsPerInch", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- ! {"-margins", ".margins", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-sidemargin", ".sideMargin", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-topmargin", ".topMargin", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-paper", ".paper", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-altfont", ".altFont", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-l", ".listFonts", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
- {"+l", ".listFonts", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
- {"-fg", ".foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-foreground", ".foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-bg", ".background", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- --- 1828,1845 ----
- #endif
- {"-density", ".densityPercent", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-p", ".pixelsPerInch", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- ! {"-margins", ".Margin", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-sidemargin", ".sideMargin", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-topmargin", ".topMargin", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- + {"-offsets", ".Offset", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- + {"-xoffset", ".xOffset", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- + {"-yoffset", ".yOffset", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-paper", ".paper", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-altfont", ".altFont", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-l", ".listFonts", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
- {"+l", ".listFonts", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
- + {"-sw", ".specialWarn", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
- + {"+sw", ".specialWarn", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
- {"-fg", ".foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-foreground", ".foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-bg", ".background", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- ***************
- *** 1756,1761 ****
- --- 1851,1860 ----
- {"+copy", ".copy", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
- {"-thorough", ".thorough", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
- {"+thorough", ".thorough", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
- + #ifdef BUTTONS
- + {"-expert", ".expert", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
- + {"+expert", ".expert", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
- + #endif
- {"-mgs", ".magnifierSize1",XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-mgs1", ".magnifierSize1",XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-mgs2", ".magnifierSize2",XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- ***************
- *** 1773,1784 ****
- (Cardinal) &density, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &density},
- {"pixelsPerInch", "PixelsPerInch", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &pixels_per_inch, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &pixels_per_inch},
- - {"margins", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- - (Cardinal) &margins, XtRString, NULL},
- {"sideMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &sidemargin, XtRString, NULL},
- {"topMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &topmargin, XtRString, NULL},
- {"paper", "Paper", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &paper, XtRString, (caddr_t) DEFAULT_PAPER},
- {"altFont", "AltFont", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- --- 1872,1885 ----
- (Cardinal) &density, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &density},
- {"pixelsPerInch", "PixelsPerInch", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &pixels_per_inch, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &pixels_per_inch},
- {"sideMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &sidemargin, XtRString, NULL},
- {"topMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &topmargin, XtRString, NULL},
- + {"xOffset", "Offset", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- + (Cardinal) &xoffset, XtRString, NULL},
- + {"yOffset", "Offset", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- + (Cardinal) &yoffset, XtRString, NULL},
- {"paper", "Paper", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &paper, XtRString, (caddr_t) DEFAULT_PAPER},
- {"altFont", "AltFont", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- ***************
- *** 1787,1792 ****
- --- 1888,1895 ----
- (Cardinal) &list_fonts, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &list_fonts},
- {"reverseVideo", "ReverseVideo", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- (Cardinal) &reverse, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &reverse},
- + {"specialWarn", "SpecialWarn", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- + (Cardinal) &spec_warn, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &spec_warn},
- {"foreground", "Foreground", XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
- (Cardinal)&fore_Pixel, XtRPixel, (caddr_t) &fore_Pixel},
- {"foreground", "Foreground", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- ***************
- *** 1813,1818 ****
- --- 1916,1925 ----
- (Cardinal)©, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) ©},
- {"thorough", "Thorough", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- (Cardinal)&thorough, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &thorough},
- + #ifdef BUTTONS
- + {"expert", "Expert", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- + (Cardinal)&expert, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &expert},
- + #endif
- {"magnifierSize1", "MagnifierSize", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &mg_size[0], XtRInt, (caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
- {"magnifierSize2", "MagnifierSize", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- ***************
- *** 1837,1842 ****
- --- 1944,1950 ----
- {XtNheight, (XtArgVal) 0},
- {XtNiconPixmap, (XtArgVal) 0},
- {XtNinput, (XtArgVal) True},
- + {XtNtitle, (XtArgVal) 0},
- };
- #else /* !TOOLKIT */
- ***************
- *** 1843,1848 ****
- --- 1951,1958 ----
- static char *display;
- static char *geometry;
- + static char *margins;
- + static char *offsets;
- #ifndef X10
- static Boolean iconic = False;
- ***************
- *** 1879,1933 ****
- char *resource;
- enum {FalseArg, TrueArg, StickyArg, SepArg} argclass;
- enum {BooleanArg, StringArg, NumberArg} argtype;
- caddr_t address;
- } options[] = {
- /* the display option MUST be first */
- ! {"-display", NULL, SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &display},
- ! {"-d", "debugLevel", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &debug_arg},
- ! {"+", NULL, StickyArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &curr_page},
- ! {"-s", "shrinkFactor", SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &shrink_factor},
- ! {"-S", "densityPercent", SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &density},
- ! {"-density", NULL, SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &density},
- ! {"-p", "pixelsPerInch", SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &pixels_per_inch},
- ! {"-margins", "margins", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &margins},
- ! {"-sidemargin", "sideMargin", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &sidemargin},
- ! {"-topmargin", "topMargin", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &topmargin},
- ! {"-paper", "paper", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &paper},
- ! {"-altfont", "altFont", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &alt_font},
- ! {"-l", "listFonts", TrueArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &list_fonts},
- ! {"+l", NULL, FalseArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &list_fonts},
- ! {"-rv", "reverseVideo", TrueArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &reverse},
- ! {"+rv", NULL, FalseArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &reverse},
- ! {"-bw", "borderWidth", SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &bwidth},
- ! {"-borderwidth", NULL, SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &bwidth},
- ! {"-fg", "foreground", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &fore_color},
- ! {"-foreground", NULL, SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &fore_color},
- ! {"-bg", "background", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &back_color},
- ! {"-background", NULL, SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &back_color},
- ! {"-bd", "borderColor", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &brdr_color},
- ! {"-bordercolor",NULL, SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &brdr_color},
- ! {"-hl", "highlight", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &high_color},
- ! {"-cr", "cursorColor", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &curs_color},
- ! {"-geometry", "geometry", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &geometry},
- #ifdef X10
- ! {"=", NULL, StickyArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &geometry},
- #endif
- #ifndef X10
- ! {"-icongeometry","iconGeometry",StickyArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &icon_geometry},
- ! {"-iconic", "iconic", TrueArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &iconic},
- ! {"+iconic", NULL, FalseArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &iconic},
- ! {"-copy", "copy", TrueArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) ©},
- ! {"+copy", NULL, FalseArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) ©},
- ! {"-thorough", "thorough", TrueArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &thorough},
- ! {"+thorough", NULL, FalseArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &thorough},
- #endif /* X10 */
- ! {"-mgs", NULL, SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
- ! {"-mgs1", "magnifierSize1",SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
- ! {"-mgs2", "magnifierSize2",SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &mg_size[1]},
- ! {"-mgs3", "magnifierSize3",SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &mg_size[2]},
- #ifndef X10
- ! {"-mgs4", "magnifierSize3",SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &mg_size[3]},
- ! {"-mgs5", "magnifierSize3",SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &mg_size[4]},
- #endif
- };
- --- 1989,2049 ----
- char *resource;
- enum {FalseArg, TrueArg, StickyArg, SepArg} argclass;
- enum {BooleanArg, StringArg, NumberArg} argtype;
- + int classcount;
- caddr_t address;
- } options[] = {
- /* the display option MUST be first */
- ! {"-display", NULL, SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &display},
- ! {"-d", "debugLevel", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &debug_arg},
- ! {"+", NULL, StickyArg, StringArg, 1,(caddr_t) &curr_page},
- ! {"-s", "shrinkFactor", SepArg, NumberArg, 1, (caddr_t) &shrink_factor},
- ! {"-S", NULL, SepArg, NumberArg, 2, (caddr_t) &density},
- ! {"-density", "densityPercent", SepArg, NumberArg, 1, (caddr_t) &density},
- ! {"-p", "pixelsPerInch", SepArg, NumberArg, 1, (caddr_t) &pixels_per_inch},
- ! {"-margins", "Margin", SepArg, StringArg, 3, (caddr_t) &margins},
- ! {"-sidemargin", "sideMargin", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &sidemargin},
- ! {"-topmargin", "topMargin", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &topmargin},
- ! {"-offsets", "Offset", SepArg, StringArg, 3, (caddr_t) &offsets},
- ! {"-xoffset", "xOffset", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &xoffset},
- ! {"-yoffset", "yOffset", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &yoffset},
- ! {"-paper", "paper", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &paper},
- ! {"-altfont", "altFont", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &alt_font},
- ! {"-l", NULL, TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2, (caddr_t) &list_fonts},
- ! {"+l", "listFonts", FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &list_fonts},
- ! {"-rv", NULL, TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2, (caddr_t) &reverse},
- ! {"+rv", "reverseVideo", FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &reverse},
- ! {"-sw", NULL, TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2, (caddr_t) &spec_warn},
- ! {"+sw", "specialWarn", FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &spec_warn},
- ! {"-bw", NULL, SepArg, NumberArg, 2, (caddr_t) &bwidth},
- ! {"-borderwidth", "borderWidth", SepArg, NumberArg, 1, (caddr_t) &bwidth},
- ! {"-fg", NULL, SepArg, StringArg, 2, (caddr_t) &fore_color},
- ! {"-foreground", "foreground", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &fore_color},
- ! {"-bg", NULL, SepArg, StringArg, 2, (caddr_t) &back_color},
- ! {"-background", "background", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &back_color},
- ! {"-bd", NULL, SepArg, StringArg, 2, (caddr_t) &brdr_color},
- ! {"-bordercolor","borderColor", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &brdr_color},
- ! {"-hl", "highlight", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &high_color},
- ! {"-cr", "cursorColor", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &curs_color},
- #ifdef X10
- ! {"=", NULL, StickyArg, StringArg, 2,(caddr_t) &geometry},
- #endif
- + {"-geometry", "geometry", SepArg, StringArg, 1, (caddr_t) &geometry},
- #ifndef X10
- ! {"-icongeometry","iconGeometry",StickyArg, StringArg, 1,(caddr_t) &icon_geometry},
- ! {"-iconic", NULL, TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2, (caddr_t) &iconic},
- ! {"+iconic", "iconic", FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &iconic},
- ! {"-copy", NULL, TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2, (caddr_t) ©},
- ! {"+copy", "copy", FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) ©},
- ! {"-thorough", NULL, TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2, (caddr_t) &thorough},
- ! {"+thorough", "thorough", FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &thorough},
- #endif /* X10 */
- ! {"-mgs", NULL, SepArg, NumberArg, 2, (caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
- ! {"-mgs1", "magnifierSize1",SepArg, NumberArg, 1, (caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
- ! {"-mgs2", "magnifierSize2",SepArg, NumberArg, 1, (caddr_t) &mg_size[1]},
- ! {"-mgs3", "magnifierSize3",SepArg, NumberArg, 1, (caddr_t) &mg_size[2]},
- #ifndef X10
- ! {"-mgs4", "magnifierSize4",SepArg, NumberArg, 1, (caddr_t) &mg_size[3]},
- ! {"-mgs5", "magnifierSize5",SepArg, NumberArg, 1, (caddr_t) &mg_size[4]},
- #endif
- };
- ***************
- *** 1946,1952 ****
- char *optstring;
- caddr_t addr;
- struct option *opt, *candidate;
- ! int len1, len2, matchlen;
- for (arg = argv + 1; arg < argvend; ++arg) {
- len1 = strlen(*arg);
- --- 2062,2068 ----
- char *optstring;
- caddr_t addr;
- struct option *opt, *candidate;
- ! int len1, len2, matchlen, i;
- for (arg = argv + 1; arg < argvend; ++arg) {
- len1 = strlen(*arg);
- ***************
- *** 1989,1996 ****
- }
- }
- addr = candidate->address;
- - for (opt = options; opt < options + XtNumber(options); ++opt)
- - if (opt->address == addr) opt->resource = NULL;
- switch (candidate->argclass) {
- case FalseArg: *((Boolean *) addr) = False; break;
- case TrueArg: *((Boolean *) addr) = True; break;
- --- 2105,2110 ----
- ***************
- *** 2006,2011 ****
- --- 2120,2127 ----
- case StringArg: *((char **) addr) = optstring; break;
- case NumberArg: *((int *) addr) = atoi(optstring); break;
- }
- + for (i = candidate->classcount; i > 0; --i)
- + (candidate++)->resource = NULL;
- }
- #ifndef X10
- ***************
- *** 2035,2040 ****
- --- 2151,2161 ----
- *((Boolean *) opt->address) =
- (strcmp(optstring, "on") == 0);
- }
- +
- + if (!sidemargin) sidemargin = margins;
- + if (!topmargin) topmargin = margins;
- + if (!xoffset) xoffset = offsets;
- + if (!yoffset) yoffset = offsets;
- }
- #endif /* TOOLKIT */
- ***************
- *** 2102,2140 ****
- static Boolean
- set_paper_type() {
- char temp[21];
- - int i;
- - double factor = 1.0;
- - char c;
- char **p;
- char *q;
- if (strlen(paper) > sizeof(temp) - 1) return False;
- ! i = 0;
- for (;;) { /* convert to lower case */
- ! c = paper[i];
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c ^= ('a' ^ 'A');
- ! temp[i] = c;
- if (c == '\0') break;
- - ++i;
- }
- /* perform substitutions */
- for (p = paper_types; p < paper_types + XtNumber(paper_types); p += 2)
- if (strcmp(temp, *p) == 0) {
- ! (void) strcpy(temp, p[1]);
- ! i = strlen(temp);
- break;
- }
- ! if (i > 2 && strcmp(temp + i - 2, "cm") == 0) {
- ! factor = 1.0 / 2.54;
- ! temp[i - 2] = '\0';
- ! }
- ! q = index(temp, 'x');
- if (q == NULL) return False;
- ! *q = '\0';
- ! factor *= pixels_per_inch;
- ! unshrunk_paper_w = atof(temp) * factor + 0.5;
- ! unshrunk_paper_h = atof(q + 1) * factor + 0.5;
- return (unshrunk_paper_w != 0 && unshrunk_paper_h != 0);
- }
- --- 2223,2253 ----
- static Boolean
- set_paper_type() {
- + char *arg;
- char temp[21];
- char **p;
- char *q;
- if (strlen(paper) > sizeof(temp) - 1) return False;
- ! arg = paper;
- ! q = temp;
- for (;;) { /* convert to lower case */
- ! char c = *arg++;
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c ^= ('a' ^ 'A');
- ! *q++ = c;
- if (c == '\0') break;
- }
- + arg = temp;
- /* perform substitutions */
- for (p = paper_types; p < paper_types + XtNumber(paper_types); p += 2)
- if (strcmp(temp, *p) == 0) {
- ! arg = p[1];
- break;
- }
- ! q = index(arg, 'x');
- if (q == NULL) return False;
- ! unshrunk_paper_w = atopix(arg);
- ! unshrunk_paper_h = atopix(q + 1);
- return (unshrunk_paper_w != 0 && unshrunk_paper_h != 0);
- }
- ***************
- *** 2149,2156 ****
- #ifdef TOOLKIT
- #ifdef BUTTONS
- ! Widget form_widget;
- ! Widget right_widget;
- #endif
- #else /* !TOOLKIT */
- #ifndef X10
- --- 2262,2268 ----
- #ifdef TOOLKIT
- #ifdef BUTTONS
- ! int xtra_wid;
- #endif
- #else /* !TOOLKIT */
- #ifndef X10
- ***************
- *** 2190,2196 ****
- XtGetApplicationResources(top_level, (caddr_t) NULL, resources,
- XtNumber(resources), NULL, 0);
- - if (shrink_factor <= 0 || density <= 0 || pixels_per_inch <= 0) usage();
- DISP = XtDisplay(top_level);
- SCRN = XtScreen(top_level);
- --- 2302,2307 ----
- ***************
- *** 2204,2222 ****
- if (high_color) hl_Pixel = string_to_pixel(&high_color);
- if (curs_color) cr_Pixel = string_to_pixel(&curs_color);
- #endif
- - if (shrink_factor <= 0 || density <= 0 || pixels_per_inch <= 0 ||
- - dvi_name == NULL) usage();
- #endif /* TOOLKIT */
- if (shrink_factor != 1) bak_shrink = shrink_factor;
- mane.shrinkfactor = shrink_factor;
- specialConv = pixels_per_inch / 1000.0;
- if (debug_arg != NULL)
- debug = isdigit(*debug_arg) ? atoi(debug_arg) : DBG_ALL;
- ! if (margins) home_x = home_y = atof(margins) * pixels_per_inch;
- ! if (sidemargin) home_x = atof(sidemargin) * pixels_per_inch;
- ! if (topmargin) home_y = atof(topmargin) * pixels_per_inch;
- if (!set_paper_type()) oops("Don't recognize paper type %s", paper);
- init_pxl_open();
- --- 2315,2334 ----
- if (high_color) hl_Pixel = string_to_pixel(&high_color);
- if (curs_color) cr_Pixel = string_to_pixel(&curs_color);
- #endif
- #endif /* TOOLKIT */
- + if (shrink_factor <= 0 || density <= 0 || pixels_per_inch <= 0 ||
- + dvi_name == NULL) usage();
- if (shrink_factor != 1) bak_shrink = shrink_factor;
- mane.shrinkfactor = shrink_factor;
- specialConv = pixels_per_inch / 1000.0;
- if (debug_arg != NULL)
- debug = isdigit(*debug_arg) ? atoi(debug_arg) : DBG_ALL;
- ! if (sidemargin) home_x = atopix(sidemargin);
- ! if (topmargin) home_y = atopix(topmargin);
- ! offset_x = xoffset ? atopix(xoffset) : pixels_per_inch;
- ! offset_y = yoffset ? atopix(yoffset) : pixels_per_inch;
- if (!set_paper_type()) oops("Don't recognize paper type %s", paper);
- init_pxl_open();
- ***************
- *** 2309,2323 ****
- screen_w = WidthOfScreen(SCRN) - 2*bwidth;
- screen_h = HeightOfScreen(SCRN) - 2*bwidth;
- #ifdef BUTTONS
- ! temp_args3[0].value = (XtArgVal) (page_w + XTRA_WID < screen_w ?
- ! page_w + XTRA_WID : screen_w);
- #else
- ! temp_args3[0].value = (XtArgVal) (page_w<screen_w ? page_w : screen_w);
- #endif
- temp_args3[1].value = (XtArgVal) (page_h<screen_h ? page_h : screen_h);
- temp_args3[2].value = (XtArgVal) (XCreateBitmapFromData(DISP,
- RootWindowOfScreen(SCRN),
- xdvi_bits, xdvi_width, xdvi_height));
- XtSetValues(top_level, temp_args3, XtNumber(temp_args3));
- #ifdef BUTTONS
- --- 2421,2437 ----
- screen_w = WidthOfScreen(SCRN) - 2*bwidth;
- screen_h = HeightOfScreen(SCRN) - 2*bwidth;
- #ifdef BUTTONS
- ! xtra_wid = expert ? 0 : XTRA_WID;
- #else
- ! #define xtra_wid 0
- #endif
- + temp_args3[0].value = (XtArgVal) (page_w + xtra_wid < screen_w ?
- + page_w + xtra_wid : screen_w);
- temp_args3[1].value = (XtArgVal) (page_h<screen_h ? page_h : screen_h);
- temp_args3[2].value = (XtArgVal) (XCreateBitmapFromData(DISP,
- RootWindowOfScreen(SCRN),
- xdvi_bits, xdvi_width, xdvi_height));
- + temp_args3[4].value = (XtArgVal) dvi_name;
- XtSetValues(top_level, temp_args3, XtNumber(temp_args3));
- #ifdef BUTTONS
- ***************
- *** 2324,2358 ****
- form_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass,
- top_level, form_args, XtNumber(form_args));
- ! vport_args[0].value = temp_args3[0].value - XTRA_WID;
- vport_args[1].value = temp_args3[1].value;
- vport_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("vport", viewportWidgetClass,
- form_widget, vport_args, XtNumber(vport_args));
- line_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) high_color ? hl_Pixel : fore_Pixel;
- ! line_args[2].value = temp_args3[1].value;
- ! line_args[3].value = (XtArgVal) vport_widget;
- ! right_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) XtCreateManagedWidget("line",
- ! widgetClass, form_widget, line_args, XtNumber(line_args));
- ! right_args[2].value = temp_args3[1].value;
- ! right_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("right", compositeWidgetClass,
- ! form_widget, right_args, XtNumber(right_args));
- !
- ! command_args[2].value = (XtArgVal) vport_widget;
- ! {
- ! int i;
- ! for (i = 0; i < XtNumber(command_table); ++i) {
- ! command_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) command_table[i].label;
- ! command_args[2].value = (XtArgVal) command_table[i].y_pos;
- ! command_call[0].closure = (caddr_t) command_table[i].closure;
- ! (void) XtCreateManagedWidget(command_table[i].name,
- ! commandWidgetClass, right_widget,
- ! command_args, XtNumber(command_args));
- ! }
- ! }
- #else /* !BUTTONS */
- vport_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("vport", viewportWidgetClass,
- top_level, vport_args, XtNumber(vport_args));
- #endif /* BUTTONS */
- clip_widget = XtNameToWidget(vport_widget, "clip");
- draw_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) page_w;
- --- 2438,2454 ----
- form_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass,
- top_level, form_args, XtNumber(form_args));
- ! vport_args[0].value = temp_args3[0].value - xtra_wid;
- vport_args[1].value = temp_args3[1].value;
- vport_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("vport", viewportWidgetClass,
- form_widget, vport_args, XtNumber(vport_args));
- line_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) high_color ? hl_Pixel : fore_Pixel;
- ! if (!expert) create_buttons(temp_args3[1].value);
- #else /* !BUTTONS */
- vport_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("vport", viewportWidgetClass,
- top_level, vport_args, XtNumber(vport_args));
- + #define form_widget vport_widget /* for calls to XtAddEventHandler */
- #endif /* BUTTONS */
- clip_widget = XtNameToWidget(vport_widget, "clip");
- draw_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) page_w;
- ***************
- *** 2364,2370 ****
- XtSetValues(draw_widget, &back_args, 1);
- XtSetValues(clip_widget, &back_args, 1);
- }
- ! XtAddEventHandler(vport_widget, KeyPressMask, False, handle_key,
- (caddr_t) NULL);
- XtAddEventHandler(vport_widget, StructureNotifyMask, False,
- handle_resize, (caddr_t) NULL);
- --- 2460,2466 ----
- XtSetValues(draw_widget, &back_args, 1);
- XtSetValues(clip_widget, &back_args, 1);
- }
- ! XtAddEventHandler(form_widget, KeyPressMask, False, handle_key,
- (caddr_t) NULL);
- XtAddEventHandler(vport_widget, StructureNotifyMask, False,
- handle_resize, (caddr_t) NULL);
- ***************
- *** 2445,2450 ****
- --- 2541,2554 ----
- #endif /* TOOLKIT */
- + XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Home, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "^", 1);
- + XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Left, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "l", 1);
- + XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Up, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "u", 1);
- + XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Right, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "r", 1);
- + XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Down, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "d", 1);
- + XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Prior, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "b", 1);
- + XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Next, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "f", 1);
- +
- image = XCreateImage(DISP, DefaultVisualOfScreen(SCRN), 1, XYBitmap, 0,
- (char *)NULL, 0, 0, BITS_PER_BMUNIT, 0);
- image->bitmap_unit = BITS_PER_BMUNIT;
- ***************
- *** 2533,2536 ****
- --- 2637,2643 ----
- #endif /* X10 */
- do_pages();
- + #ifdef lint
- + return 0;
- + #endif
- }
- diff -cr xdvi_old/xdvi.h xdvi_new/xdvi.h
- *** xdvi_old/xdvi.h Mon Sep 17 17:36:48 1990
- --- xdvi_new/xdvi.h Wed Oct 10 11:26:37 1990
- ***************
- *** 40,46 ****
- --- 40,50 ----
- #define Sprintf (void) sprintf
- #define Fseek (void) fseek
- #define Fread (void) fread
- + #define Fputs (void) fputs
- + #define Putc (void) putc
- + #define Putchar (void) putchar
- #define Fclose (void) fclose
- + #define Strcpy (void) strcpy
- unsigned long num();
- long snum();
- ***************
- *** 143,149 ****
- /*
- * Mechanism for reducing repeated warning about specials.
- */
- ! extern Boolean spec_warn;
- /*
- --- 147,153 ----
- /*
- * Mechanism for reducing repeated warning about specials.
- */
- ! extern Boolean spec_warn, spec_warn_now;
- /*
- ***************
- *** 189,197 ****
- /* struct font *fp; */
- /* ubyte ch; */
- ! /* the corresponding read_font_index procedures occur in pxl_open.c */
- typedef void (*read_font_index_proc)();
- /* struct font *fontp; */
- struct font {
- struct font *next; /* link to next font info block */
- --- 193,202 ----
- /* struct font *fp; */
- /* ubyte ch; */
- ! /* the corresponding read_font_index procedures occur in dvi_init.c */
- typedef void (*read_font_index_proc)();
- /* struct font *fontp; */
- + extern read_font_index_proc read_GF_index, read_PK_index, read_PXL_index;
- struct font {
- struct font *next; /* link to next font info block */
- ***************
- *** 221,231 ****
- #define DBG_PK 0x4
- #define DBG_BATCH 0x8
- #define DBG_EVENT 0x10
- extern Boolean list_fonts;
- extern int pixels_per_inch;
- extern int unshrunk_paper_w, unshrunk_paper_h;
- extern int unshrunk_page_w, unshrunk_page_h;
- extern int density;
- --- 226,238 ----
- #define DBG_PK 0x4
- #define DBG_BATCH 0x8
- #define DBG_EVENT 0x10
- ! #define DBG_OPEN 0x20
- extern Boolean list_fonts;
- extern int pixels_per_inch;
- + extern int offset_x, offset_y;
- extern int unshrunk_paper_w, unshrunk_paper_h;
- extern int unshrunk_page_w, unshrunk_page_h;
- extern int density;
- ***************
- *** 232,237 ****
- --- 239,245 ----
- extern char *dvi_name;
- extern FILE *dvi_file; /* user's file */
- + extern char *alt_font;
- extern char *prog;
- extern struct WindowRec {
- diff -cr xdvi_old/xdvi_man.sed xdvi_new/xdvi_man.sed
- *** xdvi_old/xdvi_man.sed Mon Sep 17 17:36:59 1990
- --- xdvi_new/xdvi_man.sed Wed Sep 26 16:42:39 1990
- ***************
- *** 9,21 ****
- .B xdvi
- .nh
- [+[\fIpage\fP]] [\-s \fIshrink\fP] [\-S \fIdensity\fP] [\-p \fIpixels\fP] [\-l]
- ! [\-paper \fIpapertype\fP] [\-mgs[\fIn\fP] \fIsize\fP] [\-altfont \fIfont\fP]
- ! [\-margins \fIinches\fP] [\-sidemargin \fIinches\fP] [\-topmargin \fIinches\fP]
- [\-rv] [\-fg \fIcolor\fP] [\-bg \fIcolor\fP]
- [\-hl \fIcolor\fP] [\-bd \fIcolor\fP] [\-cr \fIcolor\fP] [\-bw \fIwidth\fP]
- #ifx11
- ! [\-geometry \fIgeometry\fP] [-icongeometry \fIgeometry\fP] [-iconic]
- ! [\-display \fIdisplay\fP] [-copy] [-thorough]
- #ifx10
- [\-geometry \fIgeometry\fP | =\fIgeometry\fP]
- [\-display \fIhost\fP:\fIdisplay\fP | \fIhost\fP:\fIdisplay\fP]
- --- 9,25 ----
- .B xdvi
- .nh
- [+[\fIpage\fP]] [\-s \fIshrink\fP] [\-S \fIdensity\fP] [\-p \fIpixels\fP] [\-l]
- ! [\-sw] [\-paper \fIpapertype\fP] [\-mgs[\fIn\fP] \fIsize\fP]
- ! [\-altfont \fIfont\fP]
- ! [\-margins \fIdimen\fP] [\-sidemargin \fIdimen\fP] [\-topmargin \fIdimen\fP]
- ! [\-offsets \fIdimen\fP] [\-xoffset \fIdimen\fP] [\-yoffset \fIdimen\fP]
- [\-rv] [\-fg \fIcolor\fP] [\-bg \fIcolor\fP]
- [\-hl \fIcolor\fP] [\-bd \fIcolor\fP] [\-cr \fIcolor\fP] [\-bw \fIwidth\fP]
- #ifx11
- ! [\-geometry \fIgeometry\fP] [\-icongeometry \fIgeometry\fP] [\-iconic]
- ! [\-display \fIdisplay\fP] [\-copy] [\-thorough]
- ! #ifbuttons
- ! [\-expert]
- #ifx10
- [\-geometry \fIgeometry\fP | =\fIgeometry\fP]
- [\-display \fIhost\fP:\fIdisplay\fP | \fIhost\fP:\fIdisplay\fP]
- ***************
- *** 90,95 ****
- --- 94,105 ----
- (%%dot%%listFonts)
- Causes the names of the fonts used to be listed.
- .TP
- + .B \-sw
- + (%%dot%%specialWarn)
- + Causes \fIxdvi\fR to warn the user when it encounters a \\special string
- + which it cannot process. This option is on by default; to turn it off,
- + use \fB+sw\fR.
- + .TP
- .B \-rv
- (%%dot%%reverseVideo)
- Causes the page to be displayed with white characters on a
- ***************
- *** 149,160 ****
- Always use the \fIcopy\fR operation when writing characters to the display.
- This option may be necessary for correct operation on a color display, but
- overstrike characters will be incorrect.
- #endif
- .TP
- ! .BI \-margins " inches"
- ! (%%dot%%margins)
- ! Specifies the size of both the top margin and side margin. This
- ! can be a decimal number, \fIe.g.\fR, 1.5. It determines
- the ``home'' position of the page within the window as follows. If the entire
- page fits in the window, then the margin settings are ignored. If, even
- after removing the margins from the left, right, top, and bottom, the page
- --- 159,176 ----
- Always use the \fIcopy\fR operation when writing characters to the display.
- This option may be necessary for correct operation on a color display, but
- overstrike characters will be incorrect.
- + #ifbuttons
- + .TP
- + .B \-expert
- + (.expert)
- + Prevent the buttons from appearing.
- #endif
- .TP
- ! .BI \-margins " dimen"
- ! (%%dot%%Margin)
- ! Specifies the size of both the top margin and side margin.
- ! This should be a decimal number optionally followed by "cm", e.g., 1.5 or 3cm,
- ! giving a measurement in inches or centimeters. It determines
- the ``home'' position of the page within the window as follows. If the entire
- page fits in the window, then the margin settings are ignored. If, even
- after removing the margins from the left, right, top, and bottom, the page
- ***************
- *** 164,177 ****
- Otherwise, the text is centered in the window. See also `\fBM\fR' under
- the KEY\%STROKES section.
- .TP
- ! .BI \-sidemargin " inches"
- (%%dot%%sideMargin)
- Specifies the side margin (see above).
- .TP
- ! .BI \-topmargin " inches"
- (%%dot%%topMargin)
- Specifies the top and bottom margins (see above).
- .TP
- .BI \-paper " papertype"
- (%%dot%%paper)
- Specifies the size of the printed page. This may be of the form
- --- 180,213 ----
- Otherwise, the text is centered in the window. See also `\fBM\fR' under
- the KEY\%STROKES section.
- .TP
- ! .BI \-sidemargin " dimen"
- (%%dot%%sideMargin)
- Specifies the side margin (see above).
- .TP
- ! .BI \-topmargin " dimen"
- (%%dot%%topMargin)
- Specifies the top and bottom margins (see above).
- .TP
- + .BI \-offsets " dimen"
- + (%%dot%%Offset)
- + Specifies the size of both the horizontal and vertical offsets of the
- + output on the page. This should be a decimal number optionally followed by
- + "cm", e.g., 1.5 or 3cm, giving a measurement in inches or centimeters.
- + By decree
- + of the Stanford TeX Project, the default TeX page origin is always 1 inch
- + over and down from the top-left page corner, even when non-American paper
- + sizes are used. Therefore, the default offsets are 1.0 inch.
- + .TP
- + .BI \-xoffset " dimen"
- + (%%dot%%xOffset)
- + Specifies the size of the horizontal offset of the output on the page
- + (see above).
- + .TP
- + .BI \-yoffset " dimen"
- + (%%dot%%yOffset)
- + Specifies the size of the vertical offset of the output on the page
- + (see above).
- + .TP
- .BI \-paper " papertype"
- (%%dot%%paper)
- Specifies the size of the printed page. This may be of the form
- ***************
- *** 240,245 ****
- --- 276,285 ----
- \fBXdvi\fR recognizes the following keystrokes when typed in its window.
- Each may optionally be preceded by a (positive or negative) number, whose
- interpretation will depend on the particular keystroke.
- + #ifx11
- + Also, the "Home", "Prior", "Next", and arrow cursor keys are synonyms for
- + `^', `b', `f', `l', `r', `u', and `d' keys, respectively.
- + #endif
- .TP
- .B q
- Quits the program. Control-C and control-D will do this, too.
- ***************
- *** 309,314 ****
- --- 349,360 ----
- The `k' keystroke toggles a `keep-position' flag which, when set, will keep
- the same position when moving between pages. Also `0k' and `1k' clear and
- set this flag, respectively.
- + #ifbuttons
- + .TP
- + .B x
- + Toggles expert mode (in which the buttons do not appear). Also `0x' and `1x'
- + clear and reset this mode, respectively.
- + #endif
- If the shrink factor is set to any number other than one, then clicking
- any mouse button will pop up a ``magnifying glass'' which shows the unshrunk
- ***************
- *** 336,343 ****
- the end. For example, if the string is ``/usr/local/tex/fonts'' and the font is
- cmr10 at 300dpi, then it searches for /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.300gf,
- /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.300pk, and /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.1500pxl,
- ! in that order. If the first character of the ``XDVIFONTS'' variable
- ! is a colon, then the system default paths are tried first. If the font is not
- found in the desired size, then \fIxdvi\fR will try to find the nearest size.
- If the font cannot be found at all, then \fIxdvi\fR will try to vary the point
- size of the font (within a certain range), and if this fails, then it will
- --- 382,389 ----
- the end. For example, if the string is ``/usr/local/tex/fonts'' and the font is
- cmr10 at 300dpi, then it searches for /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.300gf,
- /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.300pk, and /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.1500pxl,
- ! in that order. An extra colon anywhere in the ``XDVIFONTS'' variable
- ! causes the system default paths to be tried at that point. If the font is not
- found in the desired size, then \fIxdvi\fR will try to find the nearest size.
- If the font cannot be found at all, then \fIxdvi\fR will try to vary the point
- size of the font (within a certain range), and if this fails, then it will
- ***************
- *** 349,355 ****
- Sizes are expressed in dots per inch; decimals may be used for ``pxl'' files:
- for example, a 300 dots per inch file magnified by half a step comes out to
- 1643 dots per five inches, which should be encoded as 328.6. The current
- ! default set of sizes is %%DEFAULT_FONT_SIZES%%.
- .br
- %%DEFAULT_FONT_PATH%% Font pixel files.
- --- 395,402 ----
- Sizes are expressed in dots per inch; decimals may be used for ``pxl'' files:
- for example, a 300 dots per inch file magnified by half a step comes out to
- 1643 dots per five inches, which should be encoded as 328.6. The current
- ! default set of sizes is %%DEFAULT_FONT_SIZES%%. \fIxdvi\fR will also try the
- ! actual size of the font before trying any of the given sizes.
- .br
- %%DEFAULT_FONT_PATH%% Font pixel files.
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.